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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Feb 1939, p. 10

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î' îoî i N TIIE CNN NDI.NN ST.\TESN[ \N, l~OWMANVIILE ONT.\RIO FIIURSO NY. FEBRI..'\RX' 2ND, î<î The Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 --- \iiss M\arion Allun was home from Bolton for the ,,weekeiid. Mr. George Gray r et ur ne d home Saturday from Toronto General Hospital. Mr. Isaac Selby went to To- ronto again last week for further examination. Ho is much improv- ed in health and has gained ini weight and is quite active. Miss Holen Rickard returned to her position with the Roofers Supply Co., Toronto, a weeks holiday %vith her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard. Newcastle Hockey Toam. under management of George Crowther and John Riekard. put up a good game against Bo,.wmanvillo at Or- ono Frida 'v night. losing 5 to 6. Mesdames Perey Brownris and R. T. Rutherford's groups of the W. A. have started rehearsals et the play. -Lena Rivers- adapted from the famnous book by that name. r.J. D. Coombs. Principal of High Sehool. is driving a nie% 1939 car since last wveek. Mr. Coomibs gave a talk t0 the Trail Rang-.ers two weeks ago and on M.ýonda,% addresscd thc Young Pooples Un- ion. Miss Evelyn Allun of Mrs. A. E. Mellow s class gave the spocial talk at the United ChLirch Sunday School. and next Sunday Miss Jean Bonathan of Miss E. 'M. Blackburn's class will speak to the school. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Glenney celebrated their wooden wýeddin, the fih anniversarv of their marriage. January '27th. Iii con-1 sideration of the event the C.G.I.T. of which Mrs. Glenney is the lea- der. cancelled their vweekly meet- ing for thîs night. Rev. R. E. M'Vorton delîverod his third of a series of sermons on the Book of Revelations Sunday morning. and in the eveninit preacheci on "Proventive Relig- ion". stressing the fact that youth is the formative perioci and that all church people have a heavy responsibility in trying to buîld Up Christian character in the6 young of the communitv, charac- ter that will %vithstand all the sore temptations of life. The junior r choir gave good service morning i and evening. leading in the sing- ing and rendering tvo anthems ti at each service.S Newcastle High School toachers r and students held a sleighing and toboggarîing party on the hîlîs0 that border Colwills flats, south- si east of the school. on Thursdav fi evening. Bounding the flats onb the east on the crest of the hisr is a part of Joses voods fromp which. through the kind permis- sion of Mr. J. H. Jose, wood .vask secured for a cheerv bonfire.S Donald Jose. one of the school a students. through his familiaritv wîth the area and his kniowledge. E gained as a trail ranger, knewý just ce where to lead his fellow students in their search for fuel . After an exciting time coasting down the S his. w,%here a few minor casual- rc ties occurred. affecting both the ti teachîng staff and student body, 9( evoryone repaired te the sohool ui where refreshments of sanidw..ich- :ci es, cake and coffe wu-re partak- ar on of. Miss _Mary Toms. eldest daugh- SI ter of Mr. and Mrs. Hoxard J. ci Toms. was 9 cears of age Saturday e: and celebrated the event hv in- viting a few of her litIle ilends Ai to a birthday partv. Among the S3 guests v-ere NMary and Catherine tu De-xvýdney-. Barbara and M ary SI1 Margaret Bonathan. and Hazel Rowe. and of course Marys young- 19 or sistors. Marjerie and Jean. were ex there tee te enjoy aIl the fun and refreshments. Early, in the after- H. noon Albert Pearce took the litIle Di girls for a bobsleigh ride down S2 around the lake. accempanied by 1 Mrs. Toms, Miss Evelyn Allin and e l dei alh %V sui cle al ) Mliss Kaîhlcouî Tonîs. NI auuîts. and Miss E. L. Tien ialso -auntie" to the famîlyý reîureing from tlie sligh the ittie folk bnadaappy tinie andi aIe heartiN'of 1hi lunch serveci hv Mrs. Teoms the aunties. Newceastle Thespians In Torg The cast of -Look Me 1r Eye" presentoci tiair c omna farce un the S. S. hall ofC Unitedi Cburch, Toronto. Jac 26th. The audience accordent an enthusiastic reception xvcîîb nt captures of clliglît the many -lîcmorocîs situae that dcvelep in the play.1, former Nexcastleites resici the citN, xvero prescuat t10 1 the applacîso andl greet the ý castlc play actons. Rcv. C Cragg. pastor ef the chirch, fcrmecly of Orono anad Kiti> Churcb, Oslîaxvýa, cccoguauzeî the. xteraui acter, T. W'. JacI an olci acquaintanco atac con, clatec i hm on lais taleunt anrld uts . Mesdames Poey Brcxvuai R. T. Ruîtherford, joint cicec have important colos iii the ST. GEORGES CHURCIT VESTRY MEET, Encouraging Reports Given of 1'ear's Work - Ail Departmeui In Sound Financial Condition Anuual Vesry Meetingp of Georges Chuich, Nexvcastle. helci iii the parîsh hall Jonu 23rd, hxlen detailoci reports of departinents for 1938 xvore r anci rcceuved. Rcv. D. R. De, uacy, Rector. presicleciandcl ducteci devotional exorcises. Folîowieg fînancial reports xw presenteci but details cf rcco andi expendîtures do not app un their abstract statements. Warcien's Account. hy the P phe's Warden. H. V. D. Gîbs 1937 balance $1.12: receipts 6042î; oxpendituros $1.591 balance $14.08. Mission Funci. by C. S. H 'ocks. Treas.: receipts $31377: iitted 10 SN'ned $313.77. Altar Guilci. by Miss B. Mcl tosb: 1937d balance $8.82: fe S-5.85: expenditures 56.10: halai in hanci$8.57. Olive Wilmot Sanciford Me :)rial Trust. hy Howard V. D. G 3on: 1937 balance S243.51; [rom Hyciro bonds $300.00: eti uend anci bank int. $1572: ?endtures S261.59: bah. S297.6- Sunday Schooi. byv Jas. P. Le, in: 1937dý balance S23.86: recci 42.85: expencitures S38.13: 13 nce .328.56. Rectors Prix-aIe Fcnd. by PR D. R. Dexcdeey: 1937 bal. $9. ,olhecliouas 11.81: expotidittu 11.56: bal. $1002. W'omens Auxilirv, bv Mcs. cott Hoxwardi: 1937 balance S9. ýeccipîs. includieg $30.010 doî oua from Parochial Conam.. S5 16: romilteci te Diocesia Treý irer $131.30: donuationas te et! ,auses atac expeuises $32.97: bi ruce 24c. Girls' Auxiliar 'v. bv Mrs. TIi ;pencer: bai. frona 1937. 81c:i eipts $3961: gifts. donation.sai xpcuises $38.00: bal. $2.42. Pai-ochial Cemmittee. hy Ni uudrey Horrocks: 1937 halan .51: roceilals $348 54: expenu ires anci donations $337.62: bý 4.43. Mens< Club. hy C. S. Horroc M7 balanace 43e: roceipîs S27.3î peedituros S21.44: bai. $6.35. Young Peepie's Associationa. I V. D. Gubson, in lieu of Vuviu .ck: roceipîs $8,93: expenciluri 20: bai. $6.73. Hoxcard V. D. Gubsen vas r( ecteci People's Warden andi C.! rrocks appointeci Redtor's Wai en hy Rev. D, R. Dewnlnev. Dem d Guhuion aad LxceaeGaitai nre clouter! Loy Delepatest nod. wvith W. H. Andlersonu as butitute. Haroîl and Denal ibonu v.ece aîpuintod auniîec -modiGubsoua. Veslcy Choc] ani themnautes. and ac'ssn dcted. Sinjesmen a i ne-ci. Iof b v th aan'mtnu d marIlf i tlaheacRe( Xxini cwt ucGaumes. Din i E. Gibseuî. W. I nlcî ldGilîscut lirceCua.ou. C vnul Rijlut i.Ste-plie-n . Tlacs. Spece- Litin Cu-ossîla <. AlfrediCnnu dc'. At liai close-o et lIi nanîtiii- h, ru - senxe-d ce-tne. larmts mI lu t ti-. sme-t ash:m ma xVIE xi hahauui fcrîac c bmîleîa. but tlia ucide hsial a frienid lefl xslîcuatIi Ca, laly : sut. --Detroit NuxIS. MENS 3 - Piece DRESSES SUITS Beautifully Cleaned and Pressed 75,c ALDSWORTH CLEANERS, ('hapman's store Ness castle 1204 -WE PICK UP AND DELI VER- q Kumirite Inni oronio 31rl LADIES' 1-Piece Plain McGregor's Hffardware ]Bowmnaflville 774 BOND HIEAD & ST. GEORGE'S ltotal $1091 spent on kitchen, CEM.%ETERIES improvement plan $212.72. Music Cemmn - . J. S. Rick-O u Abstract statement of receiptslard, Choir Leader. Two Chclr and expenditures for 1938 as pi-e- Junior Choir sings on last Sunday* sentid by the Treasurer.. M r.C.' of eacb month: Mrs. E. C. Fisher. S. Horrocks. ai St. Geor geS Vis organîst: sopranos. 5 altos, ton- tiv Meeig Januaî\-y 3rd. ers, bases in senior choir. a r v>- Bond Hlead CemeteryYocing W'rshippers' League i w it h.Receipts Miss Evelyn Alfin, Sec'y.Tv.o__________________ ride Balance from 1937 S 42.71 members attended 100%of Suni- One cent a word cash. each piay- Anncial Dures. S2 per year 38.00 days, twelve 75-, or over, and ROTARY CLUB insertion (minimum charge pa-Endowments 90).00 three 50lo Sundays, or over.__i_25_). Charge of 25e extra lis l e In from Endexxmoents 67.73 Sunday School - Thos. A.* Rod adCc).dvrismnti sand Burial Fees etc. 41.00 ger, Supt. Average attendanco 65; îÇontnuedi from Page 1) md hnavrieet1 - average collection $1,79; balance ntpi aewe sisr subjcts d uing he astsix tion. Extra charge of lOc %w.hen onoS 279.44 from 1937 $44.11, receipts $184.80. ujcsdrng teps i othe Expenditures total $228.91: expenditures $176.11: 'months, and stated that the com- replies are dîrected to a halnce$520. itt mret r- Statesman box number. c d y- Eindoxx iiînts forwxarded edaorn Births, deaths and marriages Grace te Sv nod , S 90.00 Home Department - Mrs, J. M-ý. sent programs which ivould bc un- 50c each. In M.%emoriams. 50c nuary Expenditures 166.23 Cobbledick. Sec'y. 14 members teetnin ntrcie e fO f or notice plus 10c per lune for them Bal. on hand 23.21 on roIl. $15.94 contributed. j week has been missed in havingi verse. Classified advertise- and- Cradie Roll - Mrs. j. .Ha_ a speaker, ho stated. ments accepted Up until 6 ov$ 279.44 cock, Supt. 24 on roll; promoted ý J. F. Hexland. Boys Work Coin.- p.m. lVedinesday. îiisTotal Endow.ment Fund S ,585.00 during year 5: removed 2; agesimittee, teld of the Young Mens atomeOîîndn cont 40 from birth te 4 years. Club which had been startod b,-BIT itm in stanin George's eme4er 0 S. School Lantern Fund - A. O. the young mon with the assistance IT in ini Receipts ýParker. Treasurer. 1937 balance of several Rotarians. It is hopedr \ow Baane fomf93 S142.12, S17.75: receipîs $1.06: expende'd to soon have a permanent place, n\ 0 xi for repairs S6.85: balance $11.96. for them te meet. The set uIp îl aiîi.Trîî (nia i E. Annual DuIes 32.00 Young Peole' Union - Wm. similar te a Rotary Club with it. nTaîrxIliti. 193. Il. and fint. oni Endowments and 1 Rowland, Sicy Gave full report;wel meetings and a program i î iiMx l GI1cwlînc îIe 9 St- Trust Funds 102..39 of activities. also financial stand-, of service. Already. though re- i W\\iîîfru(il\iTiO T. a Il4ie inm Burial Focs 4-472' ig 1937 balance $1042, lu as sup-l (Ijxi~n ksn Other Recoîpîs 80S8733 total $9775 expendituIres plied Girl Guides with banners vitrai-S146.16: balance S51.59. and insignia. I. V-bloxuasOu1liid S 409.23, Trail Rangers - Donald Jose., rn Wlimswscfteepn in NI 'mli. Luni 3~î 0 tors. Lbu Expencitures Secly Mentors, John Riokard andi ion that the Rotary Club, through il. Mr. -nid NIrý.\. M S. alo. a play,..Lbu S 168.43 Rov. R. E. Morton; meetings hield ils Athletic Committee. of which daîczhlît Trees for planting 25* 30 lin commcunity hall: 23 membcrshe is head. shoulci sponsor some- Addcd 10 Endouwment 50.00 in camp: recoipts. including bal- thing te improeo the sport facîi- lYx.\ \ttel i Xttt Sundry Expenses 66.07 ance of $2.06, $11.23: expenditures tlsin the tIln either by pro- ' T T'r. 'u-ut.eiiIL'it IGBal, on hand 99.43S5.7 1: balance $5.52. mîn ewrnarohe cii l. laiars 28tli, 1Q31). t-, - Canadian Girls in Training - ties. M N ITTTiicaii Gt ;llon NI iirax inue fthe S 409.23, Kathlee Toms. Pros. 24 m Others ,vho presentel reports \I. F,\larclr,îa nts Total Enidowý.menits S2,520.00r bers: average attendance 18: ri includeci W. R. Strike. Interna- ýpoît of year's activities presontei.tea Srvc Cmite.shoEA H W o ma n's Association - Mrs, suggested that pregram might be EA H TO'M SPENCER JR. AGAIN ýHarolci Toms. 1939 Sec .Meim- p________b-,__________,vhos Stý HEADS MEN'S CLUBObersbip divided imb five group5: wprsentdas n o mmîtteeucls. xvhosewjn.27h Wa largest attendance in MVarch, 50T: John James. Attondance Cern- 1î>3'i Pi iici lu \-taNle TlX iarv Club Holds Ladies' Night full stalistical report prosenteci: mittee. stated the average %v-as a l'I %%ilie f Vraîk I ..M- i.n fal more than 200 calîs made by visil- lithoe belowl last -,.ar and Ila ex- I irî2id suar. I Tin ilit i oeac Tuesday ovening. January 17.î ing committee: balance from 1937 Ira effort must be put forth te - ( ii ii..lîi ýwd- St.George's Mens Club helc Iltheir110.06. receipts S576.30,.I t ati 1miti hehg tndr hc con- annual meei and electien Of S686.36: donations te C h u r c bl lai been set in previols yars. W\SN MCcra iiY officers andi complcted arrange- Board $275-00: other donations J'.Sutreotdfrthe Ro- 1 11aQla ura Mn Watîîi. bc- mons fr hldig Ldie' Nghtand expenditures S393.55; balance Iaryý Information Commîttee: R. xiiuauiiliter ni Mr. aîlnd . ýro the following Tuesday. $1781.llotlu 'Ipts Officers are: Prosident - Ten "Wo-man's Missionrl oit L. Mitchell for Vocational Sor- 'ie\ î.î.aei1 i'îîi. ica Spencer vice: W. L. Elliott for Transporta- perSecrJr.: Vice President - 'lI Mrs. Norman Affin. Pres. 16 Lîife tion: F. M. Vanstene for Member- f\ T.1! inlO.ha aJa. ?lter Crowther: Sec'y.-Troas. - H. mombers, 54 annual, total 70: av- ship Comitîe andl Dr. J. C l li) s,-illii l V.tik.< ;c-Brereton: Hon. Pros. - Rev. J. eorage attendance 36: Mrs. W. E. Devitt for the Rural anci UrbanrIrieS. iIi.7tbsi.Pr son; Scott Howard; Hon. Vice Pros.- Bemian. Mrs. Gee. Honey and M1ýrs. Committce. tloriu- \\x N. J. Fîrze. I-n SI.-' Rev D. R. Dowdney. J.' M. Cobbledick attonded evcrl hug eorsiianot vr rfioni iitht Tc. î Ii .3: anai 2th te lu ete- meeting: fîve groups: Corr. Sil' case show-ed activity .sev'oral lIiialCoI ., 67 Kjîîc St.., -aS.îonxi taineci thoe ladies at a 500 party, .wrote 38 letters: Cemm. Frienci- chairmen urgeci memb ers te sug9- IFûrhTa. u. 2n<I. serv"ice aI for- the entertaînmcnt commîtteceho- ship Sicy made 1,52 calls: 69 suIb-'etwv nimaso mrv ii i Iliti i iieiit CIl ceiiui ro- îng Koîth Aiken and Michael Go- scrîbers 'te Missionary Montbly. gat.Six tables we- n lafy. rpot eu-ing services anci enlargîng the __________ gartl rerponrat.of v. w \ork sub- scope of cemmunitx- vork donc bv FLORISTS Ii- Winning ladies were Mrs. Thos. mitteci: rocipîS$49874; sent 10 the club. Il was aIse urged thatl ýýe Br-,%iiand Mrs. Thos. Spencer, Preshyterial Treas. $485.74; Pro:- soveral nov, merobers ho inviteci ineci and gents, Harry Cutler andi Jared byterial tax $5.40: express box t, i teclb Kingsway Kîmbaîl. All enjoyeci a pleasant! $7ý60. ji h lb time ovor refreshmonts and the Gle ueMiso ac President R. R. Stevens was in FLOWER SHOP erm- ladiesnxprused thsrsgratfua-drcharge of thl meeting. assisteci by F 1., :Ai.iii ci<s hk. ýib-: ldie exressd teirMrs.fu Geo. A. Walton. Supt. 3 I ness for being inviteci te share in membors: aeag ttnane23 Ir. Hardy,. 'M. S. Dale cendutei\v.ih. TidS .x rsi'ei in.he singing period.iiix ii.iyhTiO ii"i r mlthe masculine compan% Ibis one îf membership certifîcate and, VisitosicueiBh CarcTio, ',x i ii'ii :her ovenîng. ipin prosented te Viola Cotter %vho tr nlddBl lre P'hns 7.23 r23 ex- ________ _ a nd A E. Lex elI both Oshawa Phns77.62or63 4.hac i bgbest marks in Band for Rotarians. Bowmanville vo- NEWCASTLE U'NITED CHURCII ynar: t otal rcceipts $86.64; sent 10 __________ pts CONGREGATIONAL M1EETING Preshyterial Treas. $85.72: ex-rdo T ak bal- penses 92c.CO M N E E Tar of hnk Reports Indicate Another Year of Baby Banci - Mrs. A. E. M ilo O ME C M N le owr 1vmn o Supt..5.5 names on relu: 10 gcad- and ,uil Mi. T. Il. Ml ed ~~ orar Miemnt- oContinuel trom Page 1) and id anil\s wisli toteîaiik Ilueir inanv 7: Financial Debs or uited inte Missien Band!: 4 life r l.7Del b mmlers: contributcd $10 te the girls' ehonuises aeprvdd ee -fi enIId. anid iiojieiLoin.for kini- res : . . ions, TI(i., .Iiw%-n liinu tie iIIes...anid J- Cengregational meeting of the On motion cf Thos. A. RocigeroDr.hG. C onnyoatd.,ci rmth ..i. f NrNccaîv îtic Untdmirhi Newcastle .v-as ' andi H. E. Hancock, c b eelbarl pnc h bld în fticS. S. hall on Mondav !cf the abeve reperts uwere recei -program hotb evcnings b,,l N- et Mind ul Mc. Garnit Golîi wishi na e n dpe.lin np the n:;îeltrsr ep o r t, xir.thir appiton for the -venung, Januars- 23. xvtb a large-, ed and -;hoc 54- ttendance o omesanc ad- The reports xvere presentec in~hc ac rbuet h eoliiivat.' iiiu.. 'irxin 'a-îofiebes d i-opsadth rgrmws a-andl administration of seholastie iilx,îi ,ai îlioa aei heronts. 0f the greupsh ant rpram waof var- teivities.*iu. îesî iuturm ' Ci fteseveral organîz- ic b! h itrsesngc usi- )l- alions ani deparîments from the cal nunabers xvbich xvere mucb Principal L. W. Dippellis 10 o f riî-nIîiland iîlui chl-,ia"ir uiii Gracile Rolanci Baby Banci 10 the 1aphreciated. Miss Hattie ilae ciîlietcio hepore. nc uthe;andl ierith i "ii Tos- sîce Board and E Iders ,vho are favoureci.vith Ixco solos. accem- uceSU- of the sibcl C r le d i tI h~cil d n fant soir, Fric. il fice for lîfe. grantoci their panieci b% Mrs. E. C. Fisher . The shli bc given. rne smallParnd' Bck1 îad reodcioo n i orchestra contribuleci a pecial rnenlsire. 1cm a staff cf compara- Nr. 'uraulfuil î lak Taccit ecod s ooc aac tev-nmeyad s .S l'ntivcl yolng teachers xvho are Ill oWi..l ii, uxtuticîoTr Itear-tueit conaain ia mobers of theur local foudcixxith a vocal solo. giv-iinp tllacr bost iin thaex c~of Ce- tiitaTks andl <lxeniî trxtîi for the ic cairca. r entof deaîlei reprs d Thes. CouchW'. E. Be-man. opcralioîaanci service from day 10 itans- a di-0 ;faohrya f rgesac Wallace Holmes and Thos . .. Roci ly-.tlae report statcl. The in-' xtîtahcandul heaiiifnl fl ora f- aI. a bîe 1w eolewoe xsmb ger were re-electoci mombcrs of spector cisc ceomplimeiated the fui i.. rînceil frui ouir k-ilîdI Whie li pope er as be Comm-itec of Stewvards foi' sehîol cia the deportment cf xlstu i ""i-fi iciirul.aiidj .. 'c iuiu..dur- litig the, S. S. Orchestra. Lindcer 1939-40-41. Howard M. AI liii\vas denîts in c'uasrooms., halls. assem- i,- ili'w oci liii.-.,and Ta'.uiof k the lcadershaip cf Mr-. St-îiev -electocia member for 1939-40-4, bly room andc gym. reflectîng cre- Tu1'iihîtte :3Ruekarci. ettertainecl.vith musical selectiensE .te succeeci Mr. E. M. H. Word, ne- dîtahîx pen the parents ceci an Rv te oIn Carau moveci from the village. haomes un Itle vicînîty '. The repor t Feed Special R i R.enec Motn. wîtb devo: 0On motion of W. J. S. Rickard, expressecl pleascure' that singitag - ancondeci hyeW Glcnng vvitvote and an interest in muîsic were hi-NNIlI.'1-> î.[I lien crthue %rei ancimprage-1 if thanks scas tonclore otr mll -ho 'mg sponsorecl. ia concluision, Dr. iciî.S hiu S.jier ai nine hle asslae contributeci te the pregrana ef the BoianyoeIstie uweîeemecdthe auchi ~~~~~~I leied ii iningt re e-nias10i Noittheii I tîîtu777 5 îr- orchestra uccorpaniment. r- Su c~ry w ,as instrucled 1l con- 1oncedto he schos7 . was piveta ni. fur ' sIttuti77u.i 5_li F b- R otni is depsensl e-c vey the regrets of the mneetiimg to by Miss Dorcen Porrett. ciauglîtei- B a' utr espert, expressoc is ee sNI o r. J. W. Bradley, Mr. Fred Fligg of Mr. andi Mrs. W'. T. Perrett. B LuyCutr to pieasure aîîd bis gratitude fei the Fanci Mr. Fred Graham for their'Hanîpton. Principal Dippe-llin-î akinci reception accorde to Mrs. illnesswhiçh lbcd kept them i r:m froducedciMiss Plr'ct.briefly lT 11 FI I11118.1LY \1,0 kJune- ad the finle spirit of ci lerancdsecondetl by NorniuuiAI- class 1101101-mairk;througheui. rý i p'i l'eunîît 'u ir uh- e-operatîcun lae- ladcifouîacl 0pri inîî, Ibal the naeetinag exprî, its witl fus e-xcepti<ns. 11cr iclclre-u i*,1i s.;II,îi>-" ,ii-c tîi Nîe hetwxee-n thîe cengrc-gaoiî adthe- apprecialicun of the- work of Mm-s. is IlîII)lxl;b in iiImil ut In èlil<~'..iltn xis I'u î. 1(. ..ermic aan tccl ctJ. A. Butler for' so tastefulîs ýdec- mril eIlxru Iik1.Iihi15 i. c-leprtmients. Ile vos pruteful for Ir n tem1rrc o c .pca1 AtltcCl, Inr-I.i >;j x x 1 cl liiie. ialcadssistcace lini t <,u(ixi.,:uti uiad for keiepiîap ilii x ors Axývoui.. Arcîau Pi eusunît xiii'- ir nd etirefl icciand fro ic ln i-o 1 îui x u-Ciici ru )îumî xer- n Agents Vanted! Junor uid~îiinu- ceir anl fuin chs stharOLIgîaOI. ilewveir Ci-rien! <enIecltii. stlui stru tiflemts 1) tieum tîhîs ut1w n'fuua .lao iiiiiimiiIs* .Dir. in> rti . YPiitiruia : i \\ IDI Ill-\1i co-elici'il *v Imko chairge . o te t c h x mu: n e l b 1 J. il. 'Jose. Dr. .1, C. Dui t. Priliciiiirl ippulI rr' ' s i 'ut x Ii ti (.ulu-î pn t'v-i - Iie-"te(Il .ciinlcl Lx E .3 N'Phll that A. R.\iJ.i.I ront. and IrTTrt r sr 0 ur e-ri uai-un ii uair-cil leig(,îmB ii iiLu' i peuwîm200 îîig iici t x ii The Si..icui bv J . W P il(tî- tîim. t on l r. . . ea [' ifreod t1,i,,G .B Irlo'. Lisct î)ii . . .r 1ii il 'se i c. Lemu tuilihitoirs560.ix:fcuuî t the- close- of tîx e- nicu thIe iDîulî nduîîremî Ge-rccudeWa-Nn.I-is"i. iraulMcr. 1Ilal Clarckc Clîurccl$41).00; r cmitted ( ho W. A. surviel re-fmîshe-mî.aiiicail îmîridPat Emnaettl. Il:'. i>.hiix . rît NIl, Pav('ailier- Ge-uail Tccmisure-i, Dr. Roiîr1 i Pm lndivîcîmal numbers oimatlîi,[re- i.. Lait-ci,.S720i.80;iblanmuce' 80c. gxeciu leimutsculliu. rrm incIîîcecl a cifficumît tap Nirut - ;wi ,uîu..Killiui luadi luton-ii Puîcsrîage- Cruimni. -Mcs. W. Il.chanîce by Dorctlîy luirnien ceci -ils rv-iiveul i B' inaiîvilli- I hs Cooki, Tci'us. Re-ceipîs firent<le- With ta incmae of $25.00i0 a Mary Wilkins; a saxophone duel uiLul ii Tîesîînu. ,nations, mt, rima boncds, team, remît mîacutlî, Douglas Cîîccruîa i uems hy Leslie cecd Albert Darcb: a NI i.... eamu Baîsomuentertaiueulthec mncIsales, $143.96; -xpeliiriluies inta miiiv-prci -l lote],cls amue-o-cl dance by K. Roberts, NoreomiC - G I'T. girls at lier homte oui Sat- $92 81; balance $5 1.12. kel lunch, and rides to cacl from Olver. Norma Wlcox, Patsy Din- îîrdav. Ktchen Coumm. of W. A. - Mrs. lis work ia a bcms. Wly cmîuat the niwell, Ronald Barben, Deug. Mir. auciNfrs. A. T. Staiiton arc HM.Aluin, Treas. Bal. from 1937. sp'edbhrift waîk? - St. Loui s Harnden, Don Rowe amîd Bill Eci-1 'etertainine the choir at their homoe $38.69, proceecis of bazaar $7 1.22, Post-Dispatch. ger; andi introduction of the danc- l oti Fidav cveinilur. ¶ COMING EVENTS AuuIlufi i i1ldentine. Dance, No n. I finand a cl rioi Cl ubm ii Onco 'lasitIlnl. FriuiasFeuh. I Glu. Ban- nuavs. 11 t ltuuer.. Orchîestra. Ad- i u i...u ii -40e. iutcltuîliuiuc- Ituilu i andI uitk il.3-4 To Rent Io'II St..f If!a\ T FIIRI L ROONI (ur"huit i ,t mNe -i u ucst. h ii <<1< Fi eNT loUR bath.lad. hi"-i 5 th lut 55 uuin St. huc x. ii f a., hîui tt ctuiuurl. APARTrMENT TO RENT rooms. AppIv Statesmaii -FIVE Office. 49-tf For Sale lîumu 23.5-1* 2P4NIl PSi (malFvi lu '<hdi.. - us-S1 R( sT artle 1 hammîui l Iix Aliii i me a5 nd'tisN '..' 1,1 tu1,11C (Ms7.mîîsrhc Il'pT i.. I, i W N F ah-Ir i 'l . li.mi a,u, ;-j Livestock For Sale Position Wanted NN'.\Ný\TiED - MIDDLE - AGED so %uuusouuld like position as lu ut.rueir.[hiene 405. 51 Lost I l<ST ON JANUARI' 26T11 A Miit IttsciluI xrist watrii. Picase 'lu' utc;42. Ressard. 5-I Radio Trouble? I IlIATE r INTEEXEERENCE ,ii sutcrradio.iacatisecclIms' electrue vrie ut.. .c55uT mamuchinetis, fans, liailn il cxetr. cai lurugi sters. etc., witi I hui3 -Sal Radioa Noise Sn 1T 'Tc l'c 'iic.. uitle razor andi 'tit. S," 25-. .Ntutvi ll III Allie. I IC tlI Div .aisn . Phone îxî7 5-1 M iscellaneous NWEST E.NI) GARSAGE ANND MA- i uuiu- dsnIuiui. tossinîtservice. 1_I D)etirrliin. Proranietor. Notice to Creditors IN, THEl STNTE OF: Emily Armanel Peters. Deceased Ml uicl..utt. aviiwclainas azainst ti(,ti'a -,.aî f the almove uientione!. xx i <eu ut tue Toswnof Boxvmau- sillinm tliî n Ctits of Dusrhiam. eun "c u i'ithei'411î day îof January-, h ar')mte recîîineml 10 file proof of ..lnl %t. sit htue iumelers izciri on or lhciore the 2Oth day of Fehruar-. 1939.) liter tîtat date thue Estate ivili l'e uli.triuutecl. havuiig regarni onlv 10 the claiuuî.ofci wiicl the undersignei xx\iii titot lasve luar! notice. Dalcil aI t Psinamvillc this i9tli daloy f Jatiarv, 1939. \liauu zel Peters. Bownmanville, Ont.. auuInd uautazue Bic-LIe, R.R. 1. '1 'c-tIloIc. Cuit.,. us'tîmeir Solicitor. SALE MARE- (xh,1111 (OL T I.sxruueC.Nasomu. Bcss-manxille. S utîiî.. 'ii aui cx c xx 't-r l Omnt.3-3 xhumîcu lu iic- NuITilsNikLu liui . kî. 2, l xutauslii I* - ,Id.I [ct il f Ivis rexilcl. NAlbert NIR icm. fIf 2. \tx-lct,,i 5-I Real Estate For Sale Iil< iERIN ) FI Nl.XOUI iii lîtu \ nNT r. uk iuuIx 11. toc I htcis ' i s t'. 'cr IfR . . iutunid Bcsxian%-llx 5-t i Resolve To Save On Your Drug Purchases For 1939 - By Shopping At - Your Rexail Drug Store 25c Noxzema For .... ...15c Face-Elle 400........20c Kolynos Dental Cream 23e..... ....39cF Dr. Chase's Nerve Food with Vitamin BI Price .. .. 49c HANDY SIZE 47 CENTS SOIS ...Mos......69C '53,c984 NOVA - KELP TABLETS INature's tomic and body ba u i t d e r. ccnssing of supplied by Atlantic deep !.50 71)c - .100 S1.39 - 750 S2.79 Hind's Cream Special Large Size and Trial Size Both For 45c Epsom Saîts In the grade used for the bath 6 Ibs.... 25c Colgate 's Tooth Paste and Cashmere Bouquet Lotion Bath For a.~3c 3 Regular Size Princess Soap Flakes 30c JURY & LOVELL Phone 77 ~e , X 1 Ô4foie 78 Lowest Drug Prices Collect That Mortgage Write Box ".. c o The Statesman, Bo-tmanv ii11 e, and have ai! your neighbors telling hou- kind you were. It is easy. Write to-day. The Brav Chîck does the trick Let me- xhow you the proof. Plac, '0cur order here. No writing .Noî bother. Cai or phone. F. L. BYAM Ty rone. Ont. J. E. NICHOLSON Ponits ,pool, Ont. Specia NEXT WEEK1 «MMmý m P-\(-'ýE TVIN THE CAN'ADIAN STATI--,Sýf.ý'ý;, POWNIANVILLE, ONTARIO -ýV. FEBRUARY 2.lýD,

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