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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Feb 1939, p. 2

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[C.\NA\LI.N ST.\TESMfA.\N BO\\MN.\NVILL-E, ONTARIO TIIhRSD\Y. EEBRUARY 2ND, î~ Established 1854 A Weekly Ne-spaper devoted to the interests of the toýn of Bowmanvile and surrounding cuty ssued at King Street. omn l.eeyThuunrsdy, by M. A. Jamnes & Sonsowmnlersan pblers. The, Canadian Statesman s a mrember of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. also the Class"A Weeklies of Canada. GEO. W. JAES EDITOR SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anlywhere in Canada $250 a year; when paid in ad. vance $200 a year; 50c extra in United States to cover potage. Sngle copies, 5c TIIVRSi).Y, FEBRV \RY 2N1), 1939 Bowmanville's Grand OId Man Celebrates 9Oth Birthday M iîîtly.*Ja î u îv Otb.1939, Nvas a great day in the' lite Oftht' Statesmana 'aclmunit anîd h ist(riali, Da vid Moî'risoî Si'., for. oE tia t ilay ()ui, vencînhîle anti genilI itizen anîd ftie(i(( el('biatt'll bis 901h birthdav. ILi eit about bis usual routine hale andi heaurt>-. and1(1 al ked tiri t own for bis noori (mv ila il. Andi what a inlail it was! Scores (ft i 't ers of (<i atnia Oi5~id gond iclîs- es. mvl ihîurîeftha n fil led two pockets. onuiJ'l01 t lis overcoat as lie calletinot the (»dtor andiIeftt wit h lhu bIis budget o'f î'eîîîn iscnt hiappenings (ot 75 yeaî's agi kit S,'liool >Section No. 9, Clharke. Road i( i.s stoi'y on the Oronro New's page and ý ((il toi). vi11 iarvel that a maiut 90 î-eais eau reniernber an(i write so eiî- tei'taininîîlv(of peuîple andti (Vents of over tbree j narters of a eet'eurv ago. It is alw'ay's a j((y andliria inspiration to have Mir. Morrison visit tire editor inii ls sanutuim. lie is so ebieerfuil. briglit anti oJtiiiiistic that bt' leavesmie refreshed anti lat Il(e calle(i. Iis vi-sits otten briiig 1( oi-i' nd ii kngfellowv's reference tlu Evang- eline wxlien lie xwrote: ' Ilei'passiîîg wa's like thle eeasiiîg ot exquisie ise. ' 31r. àlotkn il jet hobby bias been inîlsit' and bhi aud andi personalty usnCwtuvelpours fh iifl'lotI(LiS larmnony and(love <'w'hi<i' 15isi'csistible anti stimiulating. W. F. Rickard Speaks in House Vaî'îois tines vie bave .uggested tu NV. F. Rit'ka rt, Our' teteral ineinher that lie i'rit(' aiticles for Statesmair readers telling the folks haek Ironie lshiews (m w'bat is goiig ((n in pari iaîneilt. Tis is îîot ail original uflea as nmanyninflei's carry ((lt thispî'actice duriiig tie sessio(ns. Press (ieshat('ht's in (laily papei's ar'e alriglit ni) tuil a ertain point, but %'e feel tire elt'ctoî's often \îuould like tI knrow' what il is a Il about fbain tbeAronu i'epresenitative. F~oi- t lus reasoii Wc ar'e gladtiut pu(l isli iin this issue' the speech Mi'. Ril-kard die- I ivei'ed iin the HIl otie CQomns on Fridav as it appeai'td iniilianîsard, thle ((ffi('ial Humeont. Regardless of i y(r p(litieal Jeani- iii<s voun vul tiîîd it info<rmaut ive even tboîw h y'<((i av iy <<ewitli soine 0((t]bis v esandte dilt' io'('C t 1iaketit teî' Oispelei41. T hot I ayo1 ases tins, tiii lie atgu e res ( ((syto iatt ieg(t'ii it ii oird ('11aîî Ii ieîît lv a uneethlia', tle îi(' tîai.keî aiidseral t nfirmaodnts ioriDurro- foil eul solukow iekssi -1 aai'gmXid odaot i\i i ikaip s ~iand' ituaIpples slioul uiot le ît oi tlis.t'ia). 11nake be î osiuiessa Il (thni(ri rfit ahiet lias if t e dpte fa nle ni od'i et hods ofjalý anndî mgasie and micat'teopne aot tt a[sl(' 0f ap's as ore ro bat i pveu idnt of eogeMc p'utalon 11tire '(market plitt 'il (it vinga'5v ((11(1 t mrk i fi iîei'( kind oIlthi'aiOi- d \ea.l o('karl st od in(k thiuruganiuu' ot lmorei( prfitabi'le, etos. f J iîstadp "ss morï ettoern W. F.d iaut he Ml.. ofta.i t a l'Ad.u' n i n t (( e 'e i vM r. ie i a let et'as b uinst 1m ai lie aie,1. Iis <a s aiurH I 0ttei's a pl Pi fenr andii giLv'iirnit oj(L( tmo Why Smail Town Retailers Lose Trade R<'tbceus biilixuiauiîknowi'thuut t huî' hose 11)u iisues i h' <uî'uî'î'liust's an uîlage t'I'îns i i i'îuuitwIu.hit actijaîh thie I'lavii ii) i(a iof t lit i' uîîîuîî it tf uthîsjuîuss wxhiieIu shiiilii(I tiuii: ils Xi l iuitu (<('h Ioii'i's a n %Ii i l i l t u(thif' l1e ý i's i oisî 'tîî'l r tt(Io t1li' big v< i'ii(s. 'IleuIliii i' ut t1u' gii'.steuuî- eet à ofJ tiii i t lii' lu 'iiiti.i'u it of Iii('î i h ii,.iug in xxlwhî tlîî' b Ioal stîî'î's il(, lit jui iuiîatî'. Tilie 5iisa J(ipi's tii ahi son; I tixuuand< Boil<uxui ivill 1<' i luio e'î i Jniaî'uîllytlis u(ii uig uthislis- lh<'55 s uîîu'u iIiglitiu' lt îuîthu',x-t hiiuk. LhaI uieu'hauîts xx'<uld hî sajgiei l'if h ykiu'x juist h6ii mîiîli trade t hii'- areur<lsiu.i\"- chuants, iii twxo sinail Wisci'oisiuî touixus ili' eh etiti to inid]aot for ihîuîe u. "ii es e toxx'ms xxeî'e Bielland tmainj îe xitlu .X te( popîulati oui and Beax'er IM>ui îihi 9,80(1. Eaehlîis uiu active Cbauîîiu'r of Commuîî"îu 1<11(1 thiey 'o-p'ae iiiseiffling <out 1, que'st ionniair'es, askiiig the peoplle of'(t tioVis xx ler,' tliev îoliglît thlu'g<oi<îs. Th' freui'ci <il about 700 m'epl ies, iîtsidthe tli'townus. lrheyfouiiîîl. ti<i' tii'i.tliat the' pt'îoff ut the tîvo tii xî.t'i Is'wl<r't o mix- 2 ofuwoînel D 'i<ithig: 3:V,'<;<of (liililr('ii 's clotlîiîr: : of îueli's 'lorhlig 24,;iof pie-e gool l '; oil ut li'wa re. 'Plie îtoffl e xvlo anisxvered the q uest i ni(uii(s, gaive th'ir oipinionîis ti'aikly u<1 the' ietaul iiiert'liants of(t teii' towii. Alu otcs<f thet' "ailt'îs 130,(,<if t lu'îîsa the' pioets ivere tuo luigli aiffd 20'; said t] sli<(ia ssistants gavxe pool- servi'e. Sever (it le's (if the' iii(st ('Oiiii(ii cîîplu uts w( tlat tlu'îe wils lmot eiiouLrbli Ili-iiss nie cliaii<list' to< i iiuiiv of one t <ucsi l i't'tisal tîuul loxv retîî'î of go <ds: lac-ki I l(<'ial cr<'dit te'rniîs;ii(it noug pai'kir for 't' fathii(ls. .A large iîiuniher poiîtc uont finît thîe local iii'liants aiil liisuii< mienli were tleisoilves guittv n iiti b<nî-I altogethem' too iiîuîeli theniselves i'oi îtl stores of the luirge cities. 'fhey- id iîot s( a odeaml yhuyiig uit homne. Tlîat i's.the story as told by Mari' Fr'ani s iii a reetit issue otf'-'A nie iiea Bîusiiîess." ]il]3oxvniaiivil le the resuits ot sîîch q uetstionniiiare iniuglt pr(îve vey e n îî'est iî iliti uiîti'li(tive. Aii lioiit'st etfoit aloiý the' hi îes foll<nxecl 1w thle'twtiAiîiec towns is îight well lie tried liere, Ift is veîý pr'obable tlîuî the result %vîîld astiuii( ev en thle ilîîst pessuinistie of thie retaile's.1 us aiso mo1(re thaiî possible thiat inf<îiniatiol W(itild ble oltainetl which vrou 11h<l p or m'e't the' situati((u. But %vho is brave an( blil eii<ui iii l3oxvnanville ti takçe il( iiittive' to tai'kh<' suieli a '(it'('x task ? We hiave' îeuthuci'a ('liamiileî' C ommer'ce (il' a Retail 3Mpe'haiits 'Asso'- iatioii. Ma vIa' 'TIie WoodIs Senate' 'woihl be ii' x'iug t(( puit it <n tliuir ageiffla for tlis- ctissioi ami1 pass tile tiiidiiîgs on tii us Di puibl icati<n Observations and Opinions l>ete'l((î'( ouint v ('uliieil tui'i<'l (l(ixi'u thie rt'qtest ot' tbti'l<xiei' Asso'iuîtiol fDr'a graiit ut $100 xxhje tdle Il'i Wul(un-î ties Co*(unicii imade' a gi'anr of $100 to the looal llwîi sAssociation. \Ve arein'-i c.iil l t avîî'tlhe latter acltioii. It is ni(t amuIliith'le(jeoit i is WhuuIi'-l i s((fiit,'i'îst to a( gî'ent ii'a nyvtaiî". tuiîg uîii<o(iIh C;((l lîxxwiig is the blusis <t' giîul agiu cuiî1turi'<'lvîîdit is lik'ly 'tii îeniiiniitiiut xvav thei(' uiuiui l thîwxin.iiî1tcli ar'e' lut iiaiu or t oiiiitv ( 'îoi'i serv'e.,'sa uîst't'ul lî Th'eî<animîual hluxviniiu liatî'li alwayxs utti'(i(ts tali' tii'(l iot nteî'tste pl es amtii i oiht'uii' .Johnî Wiîiiiianakt'r. fhîîiiiilî'(tthe<'-Johnii W\annîaiiiker stîîi'. lPhiiuîi'hia, %vas thle t'iiî'st 11(1vuisiiggenius iinlîî' m'îtail uîdx'r- lus uohxt'rtisi(i2, 1ie k'1t huîrss'ntly at il. Il ikvret îiis xviîi'k jrs ti< iniist ('ttiti'ui il qJuitter 51i(iultlt'uix'<' iloniict us uiletrti'.- iîîg. Vilv'itisiiig îut's luit jerk'kt hpulls. Ih l(t'iuis i('i'igeithx- at fi'st7 lut thei' il ius sti'aîhv. It ui('uises d Iaydî, v<'ur I(x y.i "miitil itft'x<'its ami iri'tsst h(le (ii'ei'. '1'u hi'uuiîîcxiir auIivei'tisuig us the saiei aîs t1ikiiig <lo%%<ii <oit' 's sigli. If' yiiîi ialt tii <1<> hiluies\olimilust jet thle piîl'kniuîv tf. 1 i ff~îil as sîm tliiîk tif (loinI)ui isjii<'si witlioit îf"sas %ithtîit u(xitsig What 5il (((boy! 1'Th'ellitaiini Maugazine< 01itiio : - iiî Thoîîî pe11< xii] t k igi i 11 îuîd,,ý oniuuî Ih l y iIi xiî'v s u u tloi t bo'lî a lar i a (]llils, u t iiight E' «<Il tii \1î,11 lt hi i u îîkoit ii1".i".;Il 1- - X\hîi"'x îu'xi'L'it hîîsî' davs, or' xhuîtî'xeî' xxi' "l u' lieatduîu-,i' 51(5 i ileaxil'il ' ' lti' swhut 1I)ur. 1Ilahîu'u 'x . F'os .1ni(i-k .tIlui 11iiii1 iviii îe'uî(h)îî ' <ut' N w('xx irlk ( 'ilfx- suavs :- 1 ,l ; 1 .\ î'uh , (1(-i -i'-u 1 ' .'ui\'- s t Ilui' ei'(ilvjt i oîlî lit v iui'ujluîa' 1-Y iiih a uîuhtlfiuaî1il', wi(uhiv4uiiw 'ii( ( i tîi1(' ili's iii (hif ( i ti1111it\v su thi1iat aiii l(ivix s li(i1 L<i 1s î'iîî1h1 'Iii. oufîî 1t i'l(- ist 1tlitt i' iiill h i. xe ii' IIL'tt iluui/.iulg i'isilt 1s t'iiiî iuiiki'x-l v î"îs haiu'.xuî'îî" x,îstheiu'suî ofi; il hiuuii11tt huîîtuIîî'î' ;iîîil a woiilli xiIu oi'(uîi i<xii i' .hiiîol. i liii. Blithiiii'u ixas 1 uIltni l a i î11s l<, 11)uuf i l i'uuuu(lhui'uu tutlsieu 1'hi((lu. iui iithii'u'i'ut('st s' piti"(x- 1)- jliltl'5ti.,of 111 iliir~, uns bhiii'u (ii j stalle. lus t'uthîî'un' livuil idii hlî'smiili uand lus inuuitliii' a t'iiluuaui<liilgî. silu i (-'ts .î hi',' ual'ule dî'îîît'uaîuv. <Ihiat i-, xIii xiithi ahlitib diiseuil'uIL.-iig bliiuib's, %%-ii'luulsI VVi'iuastinuuîu.rlv i'I<'e inii i,' 700 _______________________________ _____________________________ theî Little Talks on AdverisingDURHAM COUNTY BOYS ROLL 0F HONORECNM S as- by VICTOR R. S311THBvSrbG noi JOHN C. KIRKWOOD ySrbG let (Copyright) Economics is the science ot barns ta carry cI'ops and stock in- _______________ With comments elsewhere un - _________ Political Economv. We rend and they do flot need barns. They cat' ,Vlus ibis issue abutte animal meet- uST e Talk No. 4 ing of the Confederation Life As- h er the word frelquentlv.* b t raise sheep on the basis of Oi a p a n f roia e u - , t a v h o m t l i a s f o r e x e r y a c r e a n d a h a f , o r l e itmke n poruea reai meaning, it does not cnt of grazing fand. eCntd ta aly-advertised p r o d u c t s occasion ta say something about verymic (1s: food pro ucta to acco pro ViGew o muur amuhal. Pic .it l co my ibc the vhe n i crese o t sin g il worl, foduc prcsmetc o uctc , erec- tor R.anmierplified s il 'ould mean more f0 trib îte toa afavorable econo ni\_ trî al pr du ta, m o or ca s C un y oy having spent his art of m anaging the res urces of m arkets, xhich w e ail have t a ci,, and tires, by way of example, youth in Port Hope. appean ofis oxernnient in arder ta hold aur own in coni- oh- isa kndof vok mploying Mn. Smith ha also President o (Adam Smith) . . . and it has to petition. -utIthe veryihetgad f a- the American Institute of Actuar owt h aî' 'hc oOT Take Germany: Have you beci ilt etadskl.Texrtigo e~ad meit at rsdutIthe production and distribution Of reading of the way she has brt the text or "copy" may be 0of the Canadian Life Iusurance wealth. From thîs point please Irl in the past ten years witl, done by a man being paid 'Oflicers Association.. permit us ta particularize: other countnies xvhose maney is a. id from $5.000 ta $10.000 a year, WhnM.Sihus elected A few ' veeka ago xue went imb xalueless as her own on wonde lie and in the United States some President of the Canadian Club the biggest and best gracery store changes. If gives yousoedc capxiritrsarepad $.00 , of Toronto some months ago thei in Edinburgh. Behind the p roduIce of the achievement of a nîo i'ui wee' Fiancil Pot mae Ibse vrv icaunter there xvero fix'e or six figbbîng xvith its back ta Ihe x'i iinto'es ting commenta about him:. large blocks of butter on dispiay The prablemn is taa complex foi, You, the reader of adver- Poi nhndeao o) in a refnigerabed giass case. Part tus ta discuas in this short spact-. l. tisements, may be quite un- uiisaloe Canada and iiil of if n'as Danish butterxvbichbubtb il is anc that is affecting Bni perceptive of the genius and 'sLcb ouf of the way spots as i commanded a premium of lc Per' tain and ourselves in same Mar. talent and skill used in the 'Hawaii, Singapore, China, Cen- poLnd. The rest ivas labeled 'Em-' kets. mur- preparatian and production of tral America - in fact in any%.of pire Butter' which xue ixere toid Stephen King-Hall, a notoci cl an advertisement. For ils pre- the 20 countnies of the %%'ri( means New Zealand and AuIstra-, Engîîsb journalist, made a sug. panabuon _and__production_____and_ lia. We enquired if Canadian But- weeCneeainLf sc gestion last xxeek thal Britaîil aulhnd phroductiobn nd here oedeionsL iie Ao-ter xvas an 'Empire Butter' and if appoint a Government Travelter lit employed bbc services of a wibb entbusiasm thal their chief Victor R. Smith. we couhd gel ariy. Te eksi. xwith Ministerual powers ta, go ut- lie writer. an arlist, a "layout" xx'as Ibis week eîected president "We do nat bandie Canadian but- f er orders affering in other coun- et man, a typognapher, an elec- of tbe Canadian Club of Toronto. force. He carnies a string of 12 ton. There is no domand for il."; trios. He xx-uld take witb bini 1ratyper, and a presaman. There are few more familiar initiais affer bis namne ta attest This made aur lip fail as xu'o e- representahives of the industrv 1Adverbisers hav'e learned by figures in life insurance an Ibis Ihis atainments in the actuaniai flected upon the 10.000,000 pouinda concernied, experts on figures of 1m costly expenience thal it pays continent than Victor R. Smith.,'profession. of surplus butter un Canada uvait-'anc kind or other. He would have them 1to use the services of general manager and actuarx- of The Canadian Club Presidencv ing for sameane ta buy it. poîýver ta barter, bargain or ad- jhigb-grade and highîy-train- the Conifedieralion. He bas been (which carnies much prestige in I emra o ieyko.js.I te od i o ol edmnta praduce their ad- lassaciated uith Confe de ratio and about the Queen City and 1 airying is highîy deveîoped. The, bc ta heîp gel tbe business for a 'enisements - adv e r t i s e- nouv,ý for exactly 30 years. In this uvhich givos the bolder the appar- average couv givos a greaber quan- Britain. Orders for materials on monts which may be presen'c- time bas uvaiched flot only the tunity of plaving basf once a %veek tity of miîk or butter-fat than a merchandise moan work a n d i l ed ta the attention of literally compan but bbc business 0flie a eding ciizenry of Canada and Cnda a.Tu en htx-gs ir many millions of mon and linsurance in Canada grow from the world) is about tbe final otut- a Dane bas an ecanamic adx'an- The foregoing are a few super- iai women. and which are ta be ýsuxaddling cloîbes ta matunîty and side interest ta attract "V. R." Sa tage in disposing of bis butter. ficial but nonethelesa important 'v relied on ta induce tons of ibranch out witb banor and dis- faiobsfudbsov opn This advantage is accomplîshedasetofteed thausands, or ovon millions, tinction ta almost every corner of and the life insurance business alt b y selective methods of breeding of pensons ta, buy urLse what ;the globe. He bas played a lead- large, a fulI-time job.1 . . . more pains and specializatian (a) 0f more thoughtful maln- is ad vertisedi. ung role bimself in this forward i As ibose xvho bave %vorked witil on the part of dairy farmors. We agomont of our resources, and oimrh otatweeerata be im %ilatsVco mt understand that the Danisb Gax'- (b) A greater cultivation and Ail ibis studièed preparaîhon foregaîber, bis name and roptuta- nover one ta aeoposbiiis. ernment plays a part in the pro- devoîopment of tbe art of distni- Iand prodxuction is absolutely tian have become a by-word. lgty nthe rcauns blte lafbbgrme utued ntkiowu buting tbem. ilh t y I nh e_ _ _ _ _ __o fh era m eb t_ __do n_ necessary ta assure the gel- Born in Port Hope, 55 years senior life insurance bod., (Cana- onough about ut ta go inoade- it ting of Your attention, and the i ago, be won the Prince of Wales dian Lite bInsurance 0fier s tail. I point of political eonomi' fiesA-the Danes are out in front. - Tetribetngaotwrh e t-rnslati1on of this attention pnize in matbemnalics ah Toronto saciation) ho bas been a dynamie, No o utai:Oedfe-Th tribkleth ng eople.-i i nto interea t, and inîcreat in- University, worked in an account- aggrossive figure now for mnanv, NwfrAsrla n ifr ta tklstewogpol, to helief and confidence, and ancy office for four years, Iben years. He bas been in the fane- once.betuveen a farmer there and I Kitchener Record. confidence ia desire ta pas- ýjoined Confederabion Life in 1908. front of eu'ery move ta bring aboutanin astce nistath Once she khssed him for affec- tI sesa or use, and desire into, In 1913 be became assistant aclu- groater ca-Operation among 1h1Astalanbas a t I-wayeop ioovh oe l oanvsi purcbasing action. lary and ho 1917. acîuary. He still campanies and generahly achieve be bas the other. Wbilo tbey bave gaion-Brandon Sun. _________________________rotains ibal tille altbougb since , bbc bettermeot of bcbsns drought in Australia like wc bave' We keep on foaling aurselves 199 i mainjo a engnHenv hsttsospkou 199 i jb a be gm-H nvr estto a pekou in the West, an Aus'uralîan farmor long after we have ceased ta foal o, eral manager of a companv wbicb frankly on any subject affecting told us that ho au'eraged 30 bus- athers. - Guelph Mercury. Voice of the peope J ha over $400 millions of in- the wxelfare of the business non ta bols of uvheat ta the acre aven the "Teenyrasagdwa o ilsbooa ad ank uvrktnoiniglyfo an gol e pat seven years. One man (bs' a bad peace."-Benjamin Frank- ________________ seuenîb amang ail Canadian com- belioves ta bo taward' a usefu1 bimaef a ade 0 cei panies ho point of total business in end." farm inîf) ca handi a c00acre lin. January 24, 1939 ________________________________ of season has so graduai that a fan- Another plague from which the it, Editor Statesman: mer can take his fume in sauving world is suffering is a hast of mer) 1- 1a nomdorCute aod reapiog . . . anc day of sea- and uvomen uvbo talk or write I~~~~~~oa CoucirikseningS2,00 orsII A IfiDCTsproad boîter than lbev think.-Delroit e ocouotilise odaing waa00 mpeuT ýo cunie ras ha ws pet I T E IfAN lISTANIT P T louer ireo or four. Thero arc no Froc Press. Counicil may be justified in spend- eu gvngery oaSOpetWSigs itant postmsior. srvxaes10 ysatigasuxatos anowlegal openditov urn. Iom c- Elon GTmebvandistbriemn Grs fSilon'l.YP -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1090teewsrcla iac ei oskoigIi v . W. G. ReigtUdlle, D aini one ing hi- the Counnues Counci lIons coivod a kick hy a honse on bis_______ altbougb excellent admbonituaioreMmens abthhuthtigb of the igbi leg. and adu-ice uvas giu'en tram the' uee turned ont un full fou-ce lat A spocial memorial service for audiiors. 1we and cbast'd ithnee toxes dlean t1)0 laite Rev. T. W. Joîliffe uxhl hoc Ai bb nomnatio ut rono inio thbbcgrotund. Next day tbey beld in the' Methodist eblurniext iDecember 1937 the hoaI uvas I n addg bmou.Hup xeek. made that the Reev and Dptp o fnMajSr '. C. King. Lieut. B. J. tram tbc municipaliuy af Clarke Suhinua. Wm.- Pascoo's large1 Hazlewaod, Harry C. C a o p e r, bad induced the Couiniies Couincil Neux',foundland dog diod 1 a s t Charles H. Anderson, G. C. Bou- ta take aven 7 miles of ahove uveek,' supposcd ta ho paisoried. nycas'ule, touun, Capi. L. T. Mc-1 l townsbip roada as cauntiio nua. Hampton: John Av'ery us doing Laugblin, Haydon, Major W. Fan- Ialso understand that 35 mileîs a good business in organs. . . Rev. ni elI, Tyrone, and Col. Jobh n "TFat'sane way of 'Breaking the ice'!" of township roada have been ah- S. Salton preacbod an excellent Hughes, Neuxtonville, aiiended "Bttebs i swt we a. sorhed by the counties. The inîn sermon Sunday.i the annual meeting of Ie4t u the betwa wî Seî a. icipality of Darlingion pay fanr nikle:MssDaagn Regiment in Port Hope on Mon- Imore ino the countios eacb yoear ist of Mtoitcburcb bore. is ut day and the banquet aI Qucen's than any other rural municipality. prýesoenteatteonding Demill Coliego, Haol binbe eu-coing. would like ta knouv how many Oshauwa.Misigsidîtae Imiles from Darlingtan of tauvýn- teposition iner bsekncl e RMTEMIs80S E T C P R L CG R T E ,sbip noada have heen torccd on Tyrone: Ili bbc absence of oui- FO1TEMIL19n'E AP R LCG R T E bbe counities, and if Darlington is diligcn t and faitbful mail driver, Mni. W. t 1 . Su. NMari.>. cnut "h ueifr nanc oac a eaoc ! net included in this u'ery tintair H. R. H. Kenner bad tbç banon of il> thiiix a col)%- (if uIleExcîuIIiI Teprs omiacic oac a esoe. !grah. We are paying marc tram preaiding a feux days. Nliil i'f T0«ýForiutii, diDci . c 29til, IDarlîngton ta the upkeep of noads ahsorbed by the Counties than XVo are pleased toi soc that tbhe ii xii ti ilixinu îlr~ii the cmunîcipalities ibat have pull Cuclbv pone r .B i~îîîltiiui1 i uauit enogbin heContis ounultaFairhairn, P.M., Higb Sec boa o iixui1iitt.Dec. 28.-:\ fullntt ~i___ __________ feoce his thefairunjust aoucto Trustee again. Ho makes a capi- 'îîIlîtî îmcliieshaý tutu t'rt'ctvd ______________________________________ the Coies Council. Ifuvould he laIltrustee. in ii tu t xx r îîfSt. ltiimu> chnuircl. intcrestîng ta knouv ihal action The Statesman staff thunk R. E. blieu icl(- ii nui li tt iiiluiliî aOur represeoîaîives iook wben bbc Osborne for a hag of u'eny fine tIcvl, iiinlti>~(litritt. Ilti:ri i 35 miles of touwnship roada were iapples. Mus' bis balduxins grow uItlcî tiiiurii the lxx . u un taken aven hv the Cotuotie. asilanger aind bis spies hecome more ilucat Iiilil. x cil iii iiii.. aicid tu, %i caunitv roada. 'numenaus. ci iilit-i. ilipuuflr ic iie .x- We hau'e provinciail higliuvi The man vfnuenda of Dr. S. C. î îîiiiiit, 4 iltluî t nu mli "Il. ;li that incur no expense hy t ?îe Hilluer uvill he ploascd 1<) loan ui, ;ilà ldi-t;iict- i t lxxii liii"D a Counties. The catînties rond . i haM MArbînrcceivod na Clalii(,iiîntIcilabti..) tom should hc aholislicd. If Soiltlelicu' tram bim atter arnuu'ul oui ha, tîun iiit i u ini i cnii wx uld nt'nn a great saving t bth oard the Bnitanica, and that ti liii' iifîîr uII.t chictu ic Idi tu(xpnvers and ailI ronds not t'uî(- thrh o Ms ilirýeefl i .S P tM uincial hgu'v.Ail other ,fcl n uîovbbc uonseo ti' theur ii tiitili:iOlikulîîii shouiltt hotakon aven liv the i orw'(binfiriiit- tn]iuituii iixx i îî'~ 's icipalities. if su il uvo'uld hi.- an Oticers if No. 2 Fine Co. art'e- in iW iiisi ue! additionnl suiviuîg cf many tîîvîî .Cuipt. - Wini. Edger: lst Lieuit. antI utdotlan luOietaxax 1 Thomas Ttickci-: 2nul Liutt.~ - Johnî lnIiiiiiiii.î(iîîn Batt'el Cft.dolbuearss.i i- ith(,nuuîî/îîl.î inii li i Hampton, lb. R. 1. Htler lias con gratiuîatud thle ma(n uxho cratetl The Merry %IVi- <toux. As une(, idc al- ottier, no dotîht -Inmiltol)Spi ltor. Tuxo menu (liein n closed gai ujge from t'urhouî monoxitle puu oneo man dies on a railrtîad cross- ing xvbon bis car us stniîck lix'a train. Do sncb People nover rt'nd bbc nexxs? - Ottawa Jouna)l. - - ....1ý;Ilii - S . '-, ix ~ x u x heen re-nppointcd Assessor fa uili'i:nk.' xtnxcbuiiijc Clarke. \\" uuîuî . X. V <iir.Jtijîin Mns. B. M. W1arnicn uxus calhethXi x.tiuiSuiiii ak.IiI ta Chicago TLuEýsdnly 1ta1attend lien sister who ha u'ory ilî. oated iirllrivi auc , liî(i "Pndd 'v', TIits. C ~ cnt v:Caraisfny Tio.T \Iit xîrietiij. Xi driver, wuvinnc' tf silver tnp ai t.X\ti lii.1.«Ini Cobourng and seu'eruih prizesa ather shouws, dîod of distempe r We heu a lot about tbe "isma'" lately. tiat ibreaten cîvilizalion, huit Owing te, the heavy couting of everyone keeps alarmingly quiet ice and snauv accumulating on about the worst of them ah,-- the Moîbodist cbuncb sheds, the cgotism, - Toronto S a t n r d a y couire building on tbc n'est aide Night. dnJHdUd Lue Canada's Oldest Life Assurance Company ThZe Ca-nad(a1, i fe Assurince (Company. :0 il nix'eruîy Avte., ro)roiito, ont. Without obligatiooi i) vpart pleuse t el nie li(îw 1<rfiget a guarînnîteeîl Canada LiEe Income $50 [] $1060LIW $ 300 ~ [j a mnolth at age 55 [j 60 [J 65 [3 Nane ...................... ..... .......................-.................................... Addres...................................................................................... Born .......... ....... Day of ................................. 1........ PAGE TWO TIIE 'FIIUPSD.\ý', FEBRUARY 2ND,

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