PAGE FiOtUR Bu Ha.s. List of Members of Board - Te Prize Winners - Program H~ HIGH SCHOOL BOARD Dr. G. C. Sonniycastle. Chairma Mr. F. C. Vanstofle Mr. Hai Dr. J. C. Devitt M r. M. Mr. F. Knox M r. J. F Mr. C. H. Masofi. Secretary. COMM aching staff - Ield Jan. 26-27 krry Rice G. V. Gould4 H. H. Jury TEACHING STAFF Mr. L. W. Dippeil. BA. - Principal and Teacher. of Science. Mr. R. M. Ainsie. B.S.A. - Teacher of Commercial1 Subjects. Miss 0. K. Bonnycastie. BA. . Teacher of English. Mr. G. M. Colmer, B.A. . Teacher 0f Physicai Training, Physics and Lower School Subjects. Mr. H. F. Longworth. BA. . Teacher of French and German. Mr. L. Lucas. BA. - Teacher of Mathematics. Miss M. E. McGuire. BA.- Teacher of Physical Training and Lower School Subjets. Mr. K. S. P. SoaneS. BA. - Tea cher of Latin and Greek. Miss E. M. Soper, BA.. Teacher of French and Lower School 1 Sub e cts. M Iss M. A. Wagar. B.A.. Teacher of History and Lower School Subjecîs. Mr. Francis Sutton. Mus.Bac. F.C.C.O. - Director of Music. PROGRAM Music by orchestra - 0 Canada Address - - - Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie, Chairman Selection by Orchestra - - Selections fromn Carmnen. Faust , Il Trovatore, Tannhauser. Thursday Presentation of Athletic Prizes and Commercial Awards - Dr. G. C.* Bonnycastle, Mr. W. L . Paterson, Dr. J. C. Devitt, Mr. L. W. Dippeil. Friday Presentation of Academnic Prizes and Graduation Diplo- mas - Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie. Mr. A. R. Virgin. Mr. J. J. Brown, Mr. G. B. Bickle, Mr. L. W. Dippell. Chorus - Drink te Me Only - - - Old English Listen te the Lambhs - - - Spiritual Ezekiel Saw the Wheel - Spiritual Tap Dance - - - - - D. Harnden, M. Wilkins Play - - - - - - -The Trysting Place' Saxaphone Duet - - - - L. Darch, A. Darch Doll Dance - K. Roberts - - - Ronald Barton Noreen Olver - Deug. Harnden Norma Wilcox - - - Don Rewe Patsy Dinniwell --Bill Edger Chorus - "Echo Song"------------ Di Lassus Valedictory Address - - - - Doreen Perrett Girls' Chorus - Barcarolle - - Tales of Hoffmnan Care flies from the lad that is rnerry - - Moff at Play - - - Ici On Parle Francais' Dance ------ Injun" and "The Lambeth Walk" G. Mitchell, D. Jones, D. Haroden, E. Harodeil Boys' Chorus - Music in the Air Jubilee Song Comnbined Chorus - Standing in the Need of Praver - Spiritual Hunting Song-- Bucalessi Banjo Song ---------- Dichmont I Know the Lord--------- Spiritual GOD SAVE THE KING THE TRYSTING PLACE BOOTH TARKINGTON A Farc-e ini One Act Produced by special arrangement -with Samuel French (Canada) Limîted, Toronto. Several couples have chosen the same cerner o! the leunge for a trysting place. They spend their lime trying te avoid each other. Time: The Present. Scene: The lounge o! a sumnmer hotel. The Characters in the order o! their appearance: Mrs. Curtis - - - - - - - - - - - - - et Ed r The young woman, twenty-five yeaes o! age Lancelot Briggs - - - - - - Charles McIlveen The boy, ohvieusly under twenty and very much in love Mrs. Briggs, his mother---- - ----- Betty Emmett A handsemne woman o!f frty-fîve Jessie, bis sister - - A pretty girl o! twenty- - - Helen Williams Rupert Smith, the 5oung man - About twenty-!ive - Bill Brown Mr . 1ngoldshy - - A man o! fifty-!ive -.- Reg. Rackhamn The Mysterieus Voice------------- Dnald Mellveen ICI ON PARLE FRANCAIS (French is spoken here) A Faret,' in One Aî't Produced by permission of Samuel French (Canada) Limited, Toronto. Time: 1854 - Margate, a fashionable Watering Place near London, England. Scene: The Spriggins' Parler in total dîsorder. Mr. Spriggins has decided te lot odgîngs much te the dis- gust o! his wife, daughter and maid. hn order te catch lodgers amnong foreigotirs e! distinction, ho has determifled te learn French. Accrdingiy his book entitled ~French Before Break- fast" s censuted often. The resuit is that he cannet master the language despite his frantic attempt-. ho addition, ho has placeci a large sigo in his %vindew ndicating - -Ici On Parle Francais. Naturallv ho has somoe peculiar iudgers - a Frenchmafl, and a retired Èngiish Major and biS %wî!e. The Charactors in the order o! thoîr appearailce: Anna Maria, maîd o! ail .vork - - - - Dorothy Tapson Angelinia Sprîggîns. daughter of the famiy - Dorothy Haroden stili dreaming e! a love opisode in Paris Mrs. Sprîggins, the bustlîng %vi!o - - Gertrude Wagar Me. Spriggins, the speculativý.e man o! the heuse - Donald Mason ruled te a certain extent by his wife, and confused by the quick resulîs o! bis sigo in the windew. Victor Dubois, the Fronchmnan - - - - Owen Fagan Julia, wîfe o! Major Rattan - - Pat Emnmett Major Rugulus Rattan - - Bort Jobnston a hlustering, quick-tempered mani, retired major, ale o! the Cape Coast Siashers in Afrîca. Property Manager - - William James. THE TAMBLYN PRIZE The Tamblyn Prize for Public Speaking in Forms IV, V and Commercial. ý15.00 in books. Denor: The late W. W. Tam- blyn. Esq., MA. Winners - ist, Vlma Gilbert; 2nd, Paul Symons. THE LIONS CLUB PRIZE For hig.e~t .;tiiii(i;ig in Upper School Matheomatics. $5.00 in cash. Donne: The Lions Club, Bowmaflile. Winner - Mairie BANK 0F MONTREAL CUP For speed and n ee. in Typewý%ritilg. Winner -Ielccùi iIIalliiîan,. BANK 0Fi '(O.MERCE PRIZE To the student obt: '-i. the highcst standing in the Senior Conmmercial Foem. $5-00 !! e Winner - Madge Mcj-ý ATHLITI( PRIZES Boys' Senior ChamPionshil,---------- ck Cobville Boys' Intermnediate Chanmpioni.hil - - Thomas Depcwv Boys' Junior CbamipioYIShip - - - - Donald Rowe Girls' Senior ChamnpioIlship - - Marion McDoflald Girls' Junior Chamionship - - - Dorothy Downey Girls' Juvenile Championship - - - Mary Emmrett THE C.\N.DIAN STATESMN. I OWMAN\ILLE, ENCE-MENT EXI BOWMANVILLE HIJGH SCHOOL The abeve is a photograph o! Bowmanville High Schoel as it looks to-day wi its modemn streamlined architecture. The lower photograph shows the old Alr Mater when it was "a thing of beauty and a joy forever-, or in other words, befo its face was lifted te satisfy Twentieth Century utility and efficiency. INTER-SCHOOL TRACK MEET Whitby, Port Perry. Uxbridge and Bowmanville Runner up in Intermediate Beys - Thomas Depew. DAVIS CUP Donated by Mr. James W. Davis te the student who has contributed mest te the Senior Rugby Team. Winner - Charles Mellveen. RUGBY 3MEDAL Donated by Mr. W. L. Paterson te the student who has contributed most te the Senior Rugby Teamn: 40<7ý rugby, 60' academic. Winner - Grigg Morden. MENS CA'NADIAN CLUB HISTORY PRIZES Awarded te the students in Form I111 obtaining the highest standing in Canadian Hîstery. Donor: The Men's Canadian Club, Bewmanville. $1.50 each. Winners - Girls, Thelma Freeman; Boys. Ernest Ward. THE GILFILLAN PRIZE The Gilfillan Prize in memery o! the late Principal James Gilfillan, for the highest standing in the Middle School examina- tiens. $10.00 in Books. Winner- Russell Blake Short. THE BARTON PRIZE For highest standing in Ernglish Literature on the Upper Schooh examînations. $5.00 in books. Dener: Mr. Douglas D. Barton. Winner - Lucy Hearl. DR. BONNYCASTLE PRIZE For highest standing in Upper School Bielogy. S5.00 in cash. Winner - Charles Mchtveen. UPPER SCHOOL CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS PRIZE Fer highest standing in these subjects at the midsumnmer exams. $5.00 in cash. Donor: L. W. Dippell. Winner - Gertrude Wagar. THE FAIRBAIRN PRIZES The Fairbairn General Proficiency Prizes are a\varded te student., ebtaînîng the highest standing in Forms 1 and 11l $10.00 in Books. Donors: Mr. T. M. Fairbairil and Mr. Shirley Deniso0, K.C.. in memory o! the late J. B. Faîrbairn. Esq. Winners - Form 1. Catharifle Spencer; Form IL. Ha7el Alder. THE TOWN COUNCIL PRIZE Awarded te the students wrîting the best essay on any topie ef civic înterest. Donated by the Town Council. Winners - Chas. McIlveefl, Eric Swvindelis, Don Mason. THE 31cGREGOR PRIZE in cash. Donors: Miss Helen McGregee and Me. Alex NieGregor. Ne award this year. THE LIEUTENANT REGINALD HEBER JOLLIFFE PRIZE In mcmory o! the late Lieutenant Reginald Jebliffe, kilied at Vimy Ridge; avaeded te the students writing the heat essays on a topic o! imperial interest. Inceme feem $30000. Donor: The late Mrs. Elvira A. Joîbiffe. Winnees - lst, Olive Ward: 2nd. Lucy Hearl. THE GALBRAITH PRIZE The Galbraith Prize for Public Speaking in Formis I. Il and 111. $15.00 in books. Donor: D. G. M. Galbraith, Esq.. Toronto. Winniees - lst, Brian Flaherty; 2nd. LITERARY SOCIETY Honoeaey Presîdent - Miss D. Bonnycastie; Presidenit - Kitty Sturey; Vice Presîdent - Blyron Crawford; Secretaey - Donald Venten; Treasurer - Grace Mitchell: Foi-m Representatives: lA- Patsy Clark. Donald Rowe; lB -Elba Caveriy. Alden Wbeelee: 2A -Mary Wilkins, Ray Richards: 2B -Ada Duisenbit,, Le,, Wiseman; 3A -Doeothy T apson, Teevor Davison: 3B- Patricia Dnslan. Gilbert MchIveeii 4th -Betty Emrnett, Bill Jaunes: Sth - Deeothy Beadt. Roy Ashton; Commercial - Marion Ceagi. George McFeeerS. GIRLS' ATHLETIC SOCIETY President - Helen Glanvilie: V. Peesîdent - Margai ,'t Storey: Se.-Teals. Dorotby Nîckersofl Repeesenta tives: Forni V - Pat- ricia Pear-ce: Form IV - Dorotby Smaie; Foem IIIA- Frances Row.,e; Foin IIIB - Pkiteicia Emmett; Foi-nilIA - Joyce Richards: Form IIB - Dorotby Duwný,iey; Form LA - Mary Emmett: F'orm IB Lurana Sîea: Commercial- Betty Bettles. President -C Treas. - Reg. Rac Ilveen; IV - Charl Brown; lIA - Ken erson: lB - Deug. Thelma E.F thy Eleanor Jen( Mitchell. Madge Osborne. MurielJ Short. Kathleen William Symons. VanDusen. Evely Allir ter, John Grady, Carol Martyn,D ONTARIO THURSD.\\. FEBRUA RY 2'ND, 1939 selvc; the great truths. We have iiot. h are keetn. with an I learned how to learn. ilintie uV.pCCi If what can or M ~We can look back no\v with beifl 1 rodîIiccd. with a ioi M ~~~ feelings of pride and pleasure te i iiiiucc 'f ec'inilnt of this * .the day when.i ne doubt wîvth some tî.Ilnd2iflC fron the work that litt trepidatien in our hearis, wC'1ve %%-e I ilie~hn thie Nritcr reanville High School. W'e have t1wlw ad( aiu er in ,terested in travelled a long xav since then. ilit. >hi and it s screts' and with, MUSICAL DIRECTOR We realize todayve,-ry fullv the inlirîc Clarkces zenidance it silould rcsponsibility that is. ours.' that onl\ 11 a ieNW \cars liciore sonne jwe shall be either the leaders or i ea11' wull - traifled %workien arc the followers of ternorrow. The ttnrncd lout 'i thie local sent of hizlhcr youth of Canada have a %vonder- culucatiln. fui heritage te uphold. Our Brit-- ish love of freedom and liberty of AND STILL COMES HOPE speech are ideals te be ever feught for and maintained. It is possible My name is Fear. that only by living in sonme of the Ivjsit souls who dauntless trod countries ýdomineered and ruled their measure by force, ceuld ve fully appre- Before they feit my grip; and at ciate the blessings of our OWO mry leisure land. i grind them, crush them. Te the staff of the High ScheOl. beat themn down, ~~*5 $S not forgetting our efficient and And then, of courage fleeced. genial caretaker -e tender Or I leave thrni whining, crying fer sîncere thaniks. Their painstakiflP the crewn and kindly efforts te train uis \vill 0f calm 1 have released. live ever in our mrnmry W e should like the teachers ,VhO lcft My name is Doubt. during our term te knew that thcy 1 take the seuls %vhich Fear has thir hbelp nI e fereilan Fad fothe faidt irwhch he thil belkinlv rmembeed n d eFr rte adtortured th should alse like te express our have been nutured, appreciation te these, beth past Dewn paths lit dimly and ob- and presenit, who have se gener- Scure ously donated prizes te the stu- 1 mecking watch them grope dents. stimulating the incentive I nto a web of hideous woe secure ith racsSto uBa. te exceli in our studies. 1,We feel With which they cannot colle. [ma FacsStoMsBc that Bowmanville is te be con- Myrinme is Pain. who is receivlng vell merited gratulated en the efflciencv o! .its 'Upen the seul which stili doth !re praise for the wo nderful musical High School and splendid beard stand pacific program given by the B.H.S. stu-. of management. and we wish te My' heavy touch of torture sudor- dents at the Commencement Ex- 'pay a generous tribute te the man ifi ercises under his training and who puts his hand in his pocketI Descends demoniac in might baten. Iand makes these facilities pes- Or subtle steady throb. s ible.i The stoutest seul beneath such BOYS' ATHLETIC SOCIETY And new we must say farewell. quelling blight We pass on the torch te the class Must ultimately sob. Owen Fagan; Vice Pres. - Grigg Morden: Sec- ! 1939. and go eut te ful! 111 our ckham; Form Representatives: V - Charlie Mc- destinies in a larger sphere. in And 1 am Hope. les Hoar: IIIA _ Donald Mason: IIIB -%&William 'watve directions otîr paths o! i 1 fan te flamne the spark of trust in Nichols; IIB -Jc aey A-Kn Nick- life aî lad us. facing our future -akHtl;i Kn that lingers Larkin; Commercial - Ry Swindells. ihhoeadcug.aneer And tu crushed hearts touch balm wiOn seulsandacoFeareandnDoubt GRA U AT O N IPL M ASendeav uring t e be w orthy of our w ith tender f ingers. GRADUATON DIPO31AS Alma Mater at Bow,,manville. O ol tFa and Paint Freeman, Velma Joy Gilbert, Luc" Hearl, Dore- Hav ea hanple of ee t on es. Dorethy Elizabeth Knox, Grace Elizabt Moe1E rd W or w Nckre bVet S op W1k n ch OIa a ine g fpe c oc m .Je Patrdgewarence dRehdier Rus VellBaet ho W r i Sh lAd bing hmbceGd Men ar ise. hasncRHillirdSutsell.BPauel Is I-rUAndIbri -Pes bcott Sortt. -. Olive Frances Ward. Aileen Wight. John F. __________ Gives Boys Insight Into Secrets Mte~fpalsol ee COMMERCIAL DIPLOMNASfIdutiraiCS be washed \vith hot water and iDonald Cameron. Helen Cotton. Edythe Car- hîîîalsoap, as this speils the brilliance leiiiCthle b liwt' of the shell. The best way te dlean ýMilton Green. Eileen Halîman, Ruth Logan. adtI,ît" te lliuh Si"1t" iwr- it is te wash it with powdered Madge Moses, Ernest Taylor. Marion Werry. nltthle îcachinii (f Slioiî Worl, and whitening and coId water. 1I i.,t, 1 1 h conollii' > (Itdefeated ____________________________ The Hoskin Prize for the highest sadngo heUpr isinformat~iron beln,(1, hi Schoel Examinatiens. $500 in books. Dener: The late John gî Wcnorîari earî0i ontlii Hoskin, Esq., LL.D. 1natter. Wr ar le cîi aIncado ifee Winner - Dereen Porrett. 1re1 ai tî .îidit-ae ' la THE OUAR PIZEthe f îîll huelicit 'f the îeach mc "f TII SQAIRPRIE naclical ..nhiects thlat sioiîet 'r The Squair Prize for the best student in French. $500 in later the alh"î%e duleartiiiuiits will Books. Donor: The late John Squair. Esq.. MA.. Professer of have t10Il( addul41tlite clîi'l. French, University o! Toronto. Thle fol h w nz article lîcariluc 'on Winner - Doreen Perrett. tli, ii -îiect aopearc iniiithe St. THE COUCH PRIZES N.iar%' * - tiriial-Argti.. xhicli tewn la-t faîl e0iti)i)cil i clîol to teacli The Couch Writing Prizes for competition in Form 1. $5.00 lie.,e .uhici-.: in books. In memory of the late W. B. Couch. donated by his .'. .)ui racîjcal kniowledge of daughter, Mes. C.W.E.Meth lcaic -. (ira ntirnitiaii shit>. andinii- Winners- Girls. Joyce Richards: Boys. Donald Cox. i dnu.trial sho't' îractice will lont co a 111->1 wthli ai leal ,exet -iv tîrecelit ofithe hîvs wlîn atte îîd ilie St. \Iar%-> Cîllegiate 1Instilvîle. b1 VALEDICTORY ADDRESS iii uualkcboý. onje t îî eUou Bý, Miss Doreen Perret lx~ uhxt" Il,)%% ,î hi à%. . > nî e kii"uuledtce O Ie "nie tation. l)efo)re ilev wnill Ihe alî)le t" inwc> au e iiitd xx c i ' lhtli ci er Miss Doreen Perrett. daughter îng lu maîntain iaace vh th in- i >th ldîr.tda a-ua- o! Mr. and Mers. WV. T. Perrett. tense competition. deîîaiiui- exî)erieniccd personniel. andi Hampton. had the honer e! de- Io ne small mneasure must we i,, maux ut li have atîpliedl will teul. liverîng the valedictery address ho thankful that we are living i0 il i, c'nI'.thie exîierieiîced îîîaîî uthoc at the B.H.S. Commencement Ex- a peaceful and peace-loving coun- c.îîî aimi a l')bi 0thi!e'.c ie- o f ercises. M iss Perrett, w ho is n00 tr : that it lias be cno u e privilege tif f cqinetitioIl aîd Scarciîx cf a student at Toronto Normal te enjoy a modern system o! ed- '~î ,iia-\'i-rî~ru School. presented a very pleasing ucatin: and that c w ere taug ht - c li î uh 'ft u 'rkt hat .'l plat!ormn appearance, being calm by a staff o! very, competent and hîiîîg carrie' l "n iii te Si \Vork- and composed, and delivered her sympathetic teachers. WKe a r e l)'î.îrtiieiîlai the coîlluccîa, thîe address impressively and with equipped with a training which t'a-t uuceek. anId ewe .ru > truck w ii charm and dignity. The contents will enable us te face eue future the rangze and dix cr>itx o id to '"s o! the address were o! a high with a reasonable surety e! suc- andiulniînuîeiit tai is tliere for tiie calibre and eeflected great credit cess. To ail, who in any w'ay made instruictioniiof 11w iie i Aîiv lî" on Miss Perrett and her teachers. it possible for us te enjey this v ith a nineliaitical hetthoîilîl bu iii The address foilows: privilege. %we should like toe x- i iara(lix iii tuiai shci'. Tlierc are The Address press eue gratitude. Io our effort luindlrcud. of liand l, 'îkand linitricatc te become good and useful citi- ineclîaiîical aw%-, t. drill, and~ Valedictery' The very word zens we have enjoyed whilst at llie-iu. (iii tulîjli t, cari oiiiali spelîs regret and awakefls a feel- Bowmanville High School a var- inaîliiier "i cii>trition. Tiierc i- ing akin te sadness. Another ied scheme o! activities in which te hii dilluui)re- aia>îi ctxlîicli acoo ear, the hast, has fled, our Musical, Literary. andAhe- bon- a ,'îir l . aî' lexic. uat even more rapidly than its pre- ic Associations have enlivened cilI tîrîi ilie tdk!c "f ao r' îi aî decessors. and nowv we look back and wvidened our intellect. ilit" 'i ice îî 1. 1aluIîii ,iii' l~iIc ini a and refiect on the happenings and Constant intercourse with nat- îjjîý Tiiere ircl.iî-:îi'l'd impressions e! our !ev years* se- ures eften very differeot !rom our liix c-.d-l- ,iîl rlid -n uIlt 1111.1i jenen among the fameus halls o! ewn bi as perceptibly eniarged or o'"x ikii ut'.1îl.-îaîl Bowmý-anviile High Sehool. whole outieok. We have corne in- u~tiw ,< lci-. î.îcîîî The backward glance. however. te close centact \vith many per nxlii' iut îl i.c iI ' ery forcibiy reminda uss that. sons, grave and gav, !rank and \uilI l cxi\uti'. ""1ilii'. hi.cî ~ whiic saying goed-bye te the High reserved. visionary and practical. kn ic 'i i"i'ii 'hat- Seheol and the many pleasant Whie te many o! our sehool i'-. "c-, îl id l'-c l'. memnories «t.-orecal during our mates %veienust say good-bye. fil! lit1lIit îiîii-tic ixlx i studios there. il brings ns a stop w\ith nxarIy more we îhave !orined ti aîî i lfii'.i, nearer the time when il .vil ho lies e! !ehiewship which will con-ii'h . necessary fer us te choose our tinue 10 enrich and beauti!y our course in the endeavour 10 earn li'ves ..4 ~~'~- une own iivebihood. Under pre- We %vould not negleet the iec- al lv o sent conditions eue pathway wvill turc hall ai-d classroemrs, for il N itl 1 net ho strewn %with roses. *There there toc have received or reailîîilîiN'fti-,1eic- le Ili, wiii ho manifold obstacles te sur- training and inspiration. W'e have lýiiii'i.l tiifliiiCl.lfie xx llî' ' tîiiîh meunt. the incurable maiady o! learned net te assimilate biind iy, unernploymlent. the constant strîv- but to sîudy and discover fr THE OLD ALMA1MATE OSHAWA Friday - Saturdiay TFEB. 3- 4 "Paris HoneYji on"f - BING CROSBY - FRANCISKA GAAL Added - Popeye Cartoon A Date To Skate" REVIVAL Friday at 10.45 p.m.- "The Big City" Starriflg SPENCER TRACY - LUISE RAINER - Mon. - 'rues. - Wed. FEB. 6 - 8 Photographed in Technicolor "Kentucky"f Starriflg LORETTA YOUNG -RICHARD GREENE- ERROL FLYNN- BASIL RATHBONE "1DAWN PATROL" Grocery Special. Burford Peas ............... 3 tins 25 Sweet Corn ................. 3 tins 2E Aylmer Pork & Beans .... 11I -oz. tin E Princess Soap Flakes ...... 3 pkgs. M Peppermint Patties ............ lb.2 Heinz Ketchup, Ige. botties .. .. 2 for3 Pineap pie Juice, I 4-oz ........ 2 f'r 21 Golden Bantam Corn, 8'/2-oz. n Occan Crest Fancy Red Spring Salmon......... Ige. tin 2J MacLaren's Nut Crush, 16-oz. ... jar2 Tomatoes, large tin .......... 3 for2 HKARIRY ALLIN Phone 367 GROCER Bowmani Dr. G,. '. Bonny<-astle who bas hen Cbairnîiun cf the< High Schoc.l Board since the ubath f the late W. B. Cocb. m THE OLD ALMA MATER CHAIRMAN