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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Feb 1939, p. 5

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TIIUIiSDXY. EBRU.XRV 2NI. 1939 Till:CANA\II XXST.XTESM-XX I XX1I.XXLLE OT.\RIO --------------------------------------SURPRISE PARTYr red skin to almost the bas t ___FOR MIS NIHOL Hi~e or nmanIne form five petls. Cut the central V ery Finest '0 ORMIS-IC OLS HitsFo Hmeo dies u~~ portion into four parts t ferro O F Iiterest TI by Cottage (heese Salad On Thuz sci ix x cning, January omkave fecieSlt 10 ' ON 22, 1Mis Drt BiRTNhDl as oeh asadî ie a 26 '\î-x oî ehx Nchelewasarrange aiternate me Ids * V ÀM:ho nouredcib'. a numbei of her fri- A Kind Word of tomate jeIliy and moulded eot- Ilends on the occasion cof her 2st X.lied for- a few months in tage chese. hei 0 16MhmeEf is a Platce hetel and I had difficulty 2 caps cottIa,,e cheeose oGeorgie Ca'.erIv. Hilaiitv was the wl u Irish terrier. When we teaspoon paprikaL order of the evening and laughter cn nfo akh ee INS AI FFIERC he-,,nt n t th sitin-rom 11 teaspeens gelatin M rs. M cCready Buried Thursday IST L OFIC R eheiii The grhosertiieary wî' 11oupt4urres f2cp cmiiwater. T AT D.O.E. LODGE bcîng proscrit, joined in cards and thcre was always someone who og ge .eci sratcih searshIf o Putnt the cottage cheese throg amsutlsc lime as Mrs WOIý cac i as fh et!a sieve. add saIt, paprika and mîlk. Cvrvifre hmtalu chi: - othe co kithunia oglatin in the r, X.X1\\Iiiibv and 0()1ii the1 c)ok bcbg rthd. Dring theincrea sîng their exposure te the deat) Was Resident Here For Many Years ,\îîî "Il 'îî.nCvrl nemd hmta lnhb ~ttei-coid water. then dissolve overho i vî~itull, s16v randteoas.%vaei.te il mlh water. Add te the cheese mixture, hazards of the home. auto As1erescîlîcel a paralytice o 0vas h ttsan lX\minui ,r Ille inlàiiiiiiandi ,Mr. , i . thegbrl Uceand peur imb individual motifds Bain teibcnluios n ae stroke suffereci during Christ*a fAiut1.18,sad " ~~~~~~Ibi .ihsb:h dChli unt i firm. stcîd\ of the 1935-1937 mertality ied. w.eek Mrs. Addie Eliza McCreadv, "The figure of death is te Most 0 .iîc~~ ~îo .îiiîîî~ rsntn isNcoswt jus' plant his Cherry Grapefruit Salad i from home accidents among the Sn Bowaniil. assd eacfcll ofusa gasly hig nde a» t~Vltert. h, d SeXlbeatîcîibickand ged cmpt. e fri nuscngrpfctNe millions of the cempany's Indus- this Bomnia n f Airnv n ea.She m'as born at Haydon kons from among us a man yeung 3'ti tlivr, 'non' ilitaksteMsCaeiyfe$4rti cmk gcup cold ,vater lans enumerate some of the fac- o Juy st 155 bin dcihel-of, in cars. oTrheatitelc nd ib 'fic~arc: P.î'î l'rc-id n îdhsiabvadIerrgrshir- bey. I re ' 1 -2cup hot water ,tors causing the fatal injcuries, as prir the laIe Mr. andi Mrs. John Flemn- higli attainimonts. we are stcinned Suii1 i 'uihil X ' t ooh nhr itdy h uercý read s,1 cup lemon juicefelwte îng. 111 18749 sho was cînitod in and bewildered. It îs aimost îm- i iliti>t-tri. Nlichii gXX\Xii at teciipredadm 1to _aiarticie 1.1cîp sciar Burns and suffocation scffered pra marriage te Samcuel N. X¶clCread-s possible. as yet. te realize that i'tuiîî S-. ijt . the girlis go safeî'.ý home, îhanks îgtann 8 chepped marachino in home conflagrations. - About sicor in the Mthodist Episcepal Cbcîrcb Mr. McCreacly is dcad. lie came i .iiiu ~c 1~x(Il - i Sec-1 lit arfi diig fýJo anc. it said te cherries, one thîrd of the deaths frem these adul aEnniskillen, the ceremeny be- .10 Darlington about eipht years îic, i-t Ii'nL(* , i v a.erIv. tr[t . ia dog by Jessie Allen Sofýen glatîne in the cold '.va- causes occur in December and ingPromdb e.E .H as. ,c a ti n g Brown ter then acîd the bot water and Januar. The ver-, yourig and the adTei ap - rred life xvas won auniversai respect and admir- ii, -Siiý r Xi i i 1),,\%icý n oýuhn la of short dcratiin as Mi. MeCrea- atien. After a stav of three vearsiîî, Sisl T J. i'IiuIr'i 1(i FRIENDS HONOR 1vo , wanted il te do. I trîed pal- cap of grapefrcuit juice drained tionate oîmber of the vidtima. dv died in 1883. 'loelft ila besI of \varm friencis andc1î i idt iS-t r Ni1. \Iicllil 4tii tii,. oîm on the heaci and talking frem the No. 2 can and chili untii Bcîrns, exclusive of those saf- Commeninp onIXIn. eCrea-carnes '.vel wishes. andwent 1 C, 'u Sito r;I iXt :geotlv whieLOCAhCOUPLo10eci gentltibenvo set.cdApariahe> et. Ad the peces e ferec 10 buning rsrcturcee.. dy's untimeiv deatb ai tbe earîv Toronto for the purpose of pur- i ,naîîi it Vpriimn ii-niWED 30 YEARSI at Ilc foot of ilestairs. Then I draînedpgrapefrcuit and the cher- Neariy orie hait et the fatailies -scîîng a course of stadv. Thcrel t I t-l it i 1ii". .X iii up a fevw steps and Put eut ries and pour ribo incividuall from Ibese causes take place dur- bi eildsoito niko!v -N.C'h. .ix i.MIh mci te pat him again. Ho mocîids whiclh have beco brcîshed ýiog December. January. Febrcary heart '.von 1he affections otfbs :-ic lîr-IIiîtî.aî t ,i lii Jîi\rw ciom cp those few stops wilb salacl oi or rînsed in coldý and Manch. More w omen Ibaný feiiow sîcîdents. whble bis super- iui.aiu. i'iN: ia 'n r o loor- au. t huin Stop. We ropoaled Ibtis matcr. ChiliciiSet. mon die from the effocîs of icn- bei a)iiites ad brllian intllect uic 1, - 11kl)i-i icii ruiuui\"i s. i tii ri-c tnircutofruscit- tryps.f ths tye. albeug chu Xi blte n rliatitlet I ) aprvadpeci-p( i :,î manco e-i ilmeini cooinanded the adiriation of îîîitk;illit .t---i:Iati.,îand iîi t' i 'ut ,îî itir 1h tiu 1ouIlttile easir,uu h< finaliy pot tip te our roons dren arc the principal victims. os- ( ~sîcidents and prefessers alîke. Af- p. r1.,ri îudc, aiu~ui:~ l îiiu~.îuîxra i hon I piayed xith bim for a *pecialiy of scaldîng. ter praduating vwili the highest adii int,îîd IlleIcx u . -:r('.1tituîr xx n -Ccii oia table m te. Eacb lime %we came in Çol rtice Iihaling illuminaling and elhen. -' boner bis ser.-ices a an educ -. X'ti \î. vr b" atiini ill\ uicraîeîI ith 16 ellow 'le ,.-uid go a slep or t\we ofurîber ,pioosps . Xoota tionalist weî e ecaerl%, souglit ua i miiffic-r' lu 1wctîi'.ui i.iiandtîloiw 'tri anu- bu 't %ennstops. B% the end of the haif ef these dealbs occur during ter. ancd ho tinaliy .ieceplecl. the tit Sut i 'n oiivth '.XX ruut . x itc liii ii -laan îrîi trits se 'tElday ho w-as bounding up, lit in i i'il 1 titi iV le tith1e four months of Decomber -1 resonîbenostin fthaeer1stiiaX utrs .X hewacii ofr met andilt-.nctîcîirc .ftr t'.stir ahadefmoan wit i i icîî r-trIths h ti tanla\caacrinlusve Oe f 6epa- and\\" rtl,. 1. I jý i)*u(:itý-l ai)ctirt2 Afering aith1e door. ready for bis play. iiuittiihvaitu NIt--u itiutBindt S S. lîcclar hazards is inadequale yen- l 16e ttaxa Moel ehoo. flre. t> f - ý ~ .avc >-lurt :îdure' li-r11iati k ritservut-i.hicA1e edad evkinid X 8 tiudilii,re uiir lCii.tilation. caused by persons sloop- - 6 his rare and universally ne- , e. A pt "iuî xrt r-nîî ih a ît on tice hgot a wa nl ed'li21.ilt lîuiii tue icadr'btivtbwinovscosdzEcp knowiedged aidl fr marti \tXi ulciiclsof 1'dcc Nrs 1. lvc ear :uî rat'e jhta.fre-i a dog. I monder if xve used . CIr.tlarenice i'co'unîl. Thc( of- of ilcîminating pas. w-hich con- instruction. lie rap id Xl r Xiex Carniuin btt uhaI ie lo h e sm dawt epe se-icr albc lce an abnmnxd.eue tbe confidence of ail. He .-as vis- I.' 'iii t' u di telsorte culitet' aul 1- ii .rtad tttthe ru- . bb .ae da 'ihpepe.ese- îcr. iaiiici'îii lectc'ece.lin cronmooid. aseS iling aI bis father-in-laxvs, IXr. Niry. lce 1 lardsand iantid î-.S tîi. - ie5îî~ ah'. with our chiidren. %wouidnli for Ilte ncw t-car. anid tItisincetiît majority- ef the deaths. ~ 1A AI Fleming. in Ibis 10w-n. when 6 Iilv xru w hurs icNIrs. Ni. Gotld the id xx -lîrs c'f thut. chriut we*pet better rescilîs than 1 u S t r'.eltninniotuixIi Apyilini oegrgs 5,~~I»A I1VIV became alarmingiy ilI. and inanaI rs. A. Downev Ladl arrancec I andtisihculthenu tuait' or i-cr.usuial melhod of tryinp le make l"c-t oi -n osrtnîtîlu wbIth t16cdulies. Moeta50prcnofsc .çEN,' rfcc'uuc*e4cihr adMr. mariaibiîs. 'llite liapet- renti- tThcei iit\tviwrc niained as the LuIV~~~Fg, spite of all that Skiff and loxinp i fora ficnd ftîtvaines orfixGoo Mnagmet iwtrkand itittc Doee Plai. XiI C4 cane could sugpest ho graduallyVI. IBrioN ...1.Rend. NrS. X. ' rsaî?ceîrn., neseanaemet d thent xvitb a i -.liar Vil n L5ID M ank until the morning of the 9til Clini LandtI Ir-. .. ewevrx w '-c 1.auuifilbiuiceetd th daffo ithia Wc s we hear it said of a Iina Scoet.c. Rîî.selî Nackav atid inst. e pased awygoedzc mana-s.l-avmiiind Xiiai-. Thîîse inicharge * Yo canot ake uchet asuc Mns.McCready has the w'armest Anii ,îi)tiiihi chw as sert-et! Starn. Nf r. and Nirns. lred Siioitb 'ger. lb is rather bard te define tftri'îxwork irc: Lorrainte lol- Ilesa in litetifayoumare dragg s oir- sympathv et ber many friends in ILv a ctuinitîce oftih1e ladies o't î.a iNn.l.ns .ideadbat perbaps te make the meat of ues anud Rutth Snuiiddcn. Greta Wil-i 0 neett h ber sad berex-ement, an fer l)ttnianu Lcidec lýiieltcc. lean. al of Oshawa; Mu. thibngs, miphl cever il. Usually i itush-aiecott1edro 6 by constipation. Yeur trouble may many long years te cemd the ne- '_c 1 lirx Nr n Nr o is applied te money but we need zirls antI Boit B:rraball Itîr te ho.. be due 10 nothing more than a diet collections ef the deceased will 6ectrd (.îtic ni Nf.d itr. Bell'. lemake the mest ef oun lime and .X 'alcritiitt- cartv xiii 6 e leFr. i deficiency of bulk . . . eating foods kept green in the memorv of Xý li - îrd andr-. i Camerî >t iocî energy as well. Three of the 166h. Gaine- titre riiîed and re- 1 wihdo not previde the "bulk" those w'bo knew him." \IWddig and .Nr.\ aitien adt r>ltl. eve.jn 7fis eLADIES 0F BOY We dn 1'.uu .Nr dNr. Everett yeung-mannied wovmen were rtre- needed by the boweis for regular Fievg bdehoferhaXXuîîtî aitîir tmpg and as I iislened, I tboupht iar niuili of Patil omas licI xîvitîu usovement. If you sufer from this band Mrs. McCready purehased MýNontgomey-Allin i hc'v hadi unxittîngly iliuatrated 1't-c>ieliî l)îrreî l'flair iluleechair. commen type et constipation, gel at the Dr. Fielding propcnîy. cerner tti aîindx sXli avtîlh r erg management - good, bad and in- Scertîrv 111 X etniis L cth1e iuui the cause et your trouble by eating of Siiver and Wellington Streets. The marriage leok place quiotivl'trxaîi'o.Iet dîicrent. One of them said she iec Treasirtr Itîsuitîuiiie Ciuînticel crisp, crunchy Keiiog's AL vbhic-b hocse she bas occupicd fer Saturday afternoon. Janu-arv -28. The rti indîoîîr'f lite cet-mute wýa- usuaiiy made porridge these celd Lad liur rulutînt on lte îackhtirtl. xvel e-enhai a eolrs- Ilmavin St. Michael and Ail AngeIs -Ittit la\titi'ui,clrd- antI caine'. mIornings - if she pet up ini lime. r Letcrs xxxrt eti-d x'<c-lr BRAN every day for breakfast and - dnikin pintyof aîe. AL- tnîthfcillv be said oet Mrs. X-Church. Toronto. xith Rov. Char- t r il ut t~a -tc imir ue. Anothor aaid and xvith a suspicion -idet XWilkins andtI li-cor. BRNkin olntîbufes 1eneeded Croadv that she pre'v old prake ilesE. Clarke oflicîating. of Resa- ofci poridge tershe awayent N i i ;. xIa r iu irX. 4 nsat fîîlv by alvavs keopinp avollthi-libnd 'Mary Auton. daughter ef Ille TT TE*Madcier on rdebfr h vn ýli vUeN n "ui' adisa ih orc ftu'spirit. akinp au active intrlaie Dr. anti Mrs. Edgar W. Aluin. IS UT RNS te led. The thîrd one saîi she Sîiitîl;t' Ni tutit . iXiuuier ifi-lin al. nature .itetial itoîtie Vitamin esi unI' tttiOg peeole a ni osers- et Edmonton, Alîci.. te uJo F PR G E S U i uhr -il h vscei\uc1miC- uu itl-xcirttlt tl Bi. Try ALL-BRAN and sec hoxv ing a ciai-ming persenalitv i X'th G. -Montgomery, soni et Mr.anci T ANSORTA ION upe is hot anyxva'. n theva li--iitf' 'tt u nii tuii t difrentiy yeu teed. thbe s e celiphlfcil characterustiesXIs.JeitoMontgomery. etfh irok ý(helfonavvi ndt-'s\I, 11iýil:bbeIv lirhsible honme tyns otten 16e qcîoîs. Oitt. otrtioiuble te stir it. Aller bhe XtiIu t x t ,î,îi andttt 'iciei'. ie ca orhappy pathernotf T16 ie ici sw--x"'.-n in otan- Mrs. E. P. Bradt Prc',ents Infor- poîrridge slarloci te boil sho tcîînecl Xîîlu c ir ltriît ltu,,.tiXuîl. yugpolae as vvell as eider cett- rnage b6, Dr. C. L. Cran_ She muxeAirssAteei o- 16e clement and therew\vas Nit--i iXtiî. "cml tpdli'cîcr. FO.UE AHEAD nient tecoek bbcperrttiMeetingRuNi it u ite -îi't.i ltu1tt' yzens.LL Rtdlcied r quiet friendly nature '.veî-ilabitue aflernoon dress. In St. John's Parish liat iffictent Lotît iin the electrie oie- 11- 1iliiýII li Il tIu mae erma:îy friends. breon accessenies. ancd a corsage met ock the seetradube viLoThareueri\- F#,All Mrs. Mc~~C rend y v as a lOy al and et orchids. There '.vere ne allen- otteueo obebie. iI2 nIihcstlc ci a) w/dv tio mben et Boe-man'.-lle dants. Xti tixîîuîîirx- ir--i uThat lasI '.x-man w-as a good man- urîatin-uiiatl~îiiiu-tu lvoisd Chcirch and iter Trio- A Icîruiceon toiîo'.vd aI the lî t1ixiutî' ii Xi'uui-îîîîuager. 56e conserx-ed lime and en - nilitan'. uifit Nitilt c-i. wxhitetti wt ntc huci h -as a Park Plaza. and Iter the couple iiiti-ua aturnittini ~S. îi ryb en Iexokwetse triiiiutiie.. -lue datîcutîlierxtav- negular attenudant at ite Sudav leftifor Ne'.-Yn.O hi e-imii ,l i - .Bkrtn uihad te bein te kiteien and ahe 'i tthui tmriiitant- tai. Nîns. \R. .~ ~services, being there at the Christ- 1dm, n. Mofmr n isrî-sxe onyb sn 6 ba itatii0-Itaxia xxi' te s- - - mas merning service te cav bc- bride wil iein Toronto. conserved b inte bcîner. Thene1 "uttuii i-îtt itii'-triel- .X fne ii crat iu carg ti Nî ' uch a tim dtxiditg line between lltalthtîtlittie ladl' -talent \ i)- ~ fore ber fatal ilîneas. She xtaa Relativ-es trom this district aI- -cud tI v'. iî un' irc.tedl. Nîrs., Ed- goed management and poon. trcticl particulariy intercale' aîd acli'.-c endbug the weddinp xere Mn. x\\tutXX îîîîtandtîNl--ici'. vce Liixtiulaetn ate i~ tîatii ' u aîlNn. in 16 Wemns MssietarvSUC-and Mrs. S. Chas. Allît. Misa An- î,îxî'îred xit1h .-att ruuxiioaleritutut bol)'. beinp a Lite Momber, ac i ln r.Jh Aiîan ulntdNr.T X Cwcr îe Wjnteî- m a time for ententain- XX'ni. tiltili lite Hannieut laIIitcii for manv yenrs ils efficient Il-cas- M lfe Alît 'Int if aond Valetio le cente ou aur N ins G. 1'. enl'.lidne tirer. 56e xvas aise a member eofttfNfî mocînîniî tifgarod \ValentineD entrxe u rttî\tIrir n.u'.it ne. vsiel e tbc Wemen's Asseciation efth1e __________tetipiob'. NI rs. D. R. Nnrîstin ~-S ~ churh. A onetimosho 'a iit-liclu was -municli aîîp)reciated. . _to n1ardcoaun. ensItxe-1 miIiMr. Phîllips, Art Flar Company, MB ~~i..t - . n i h vsac- Mraefcra e iî t Àxoittîle ne6utu tcourse, are the hîgh lîphl and 'Nirs. ixalfttitToorîc isiteid lier LL'D ridge.Alla.. w'ho attefuded 1criiliatupiatnto scît. îsk1"tdiieclu. utiedsc- c.Nr'iihrtIclsTrotountil Saturday to d'emo pas.var and a Itaîf abo had had Bomn-leHihSho.Nr'. E. 1'. Iradît rcad a uu'Ist il' deconate. For saaxory toods we cao gade III Kelogg n Londn, Canada. At tour raui 16te companienahip et ber grand - IMrs. McCready la survix'ed by i tcrt-stiicantd uîlîîatiîînal îtaîwr oitgn ortuhe c rmpmn ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __hen son. T. Herbent M , seer UFA AL NJUTHESH M o c ,J h s druppial. w'he bas beon a nos ident t il.tilutiuu-an(] neunankinir. * To ee itearta cdt front pumentoca,1IN HE OM o c j h s n years, and for ox'en tbirty years tiitt'.xlîiri lhite Lecomne a art 1t1î1have), but beants may be eut'Ftlijre nIehoeocr Poe84LD r as propnielor et MeCreadys Drap ' itr lite. Itc,(ilti is saitî citii n tram slîced pickied beets more more frequentlyin thebcwinter The M1LK " Store Limited at Lethbridge, Alla. tuitueiibc-cu il ntlinkiîcn minit. oc easily te tuse as a gannisit. A xxordthnian ehesaontte Ho bs ben bre dnin bisme-litih'orribîle satlisactioni ixaîli tre- of warning - add bhcm at the at vear, accerding te stalisties. They thes bînsa nd asing At od-ent i--e--siouis wîhiclîignores te moment as the juice may run explain that a lange preportion of Th otrOdrder brelber. Harold, died it 1895 Ili uti-aciieo1alguccCeism"L etwî en-tho injuries nesulît rom .accidents T e oto Odre ~iuîtder tragic cincurrstances as the stioins- In Iue malter if tralsior- shaped cutter or lîtle cakes or1 associated with homo eatn '/ - of a lis te surnv. TFo u at,uuîîluu tîill fnî tha ilas(cd wîth My c c addecenat- plants and x'arious heating appli- Hereis he prfet.. .. - loranchanrdnsacrifice Lexoitul wthtin- red gum-drops er 1anges. althoupb the hîphor mor- are HaroldheMargaret, Rema altd in o ii r t i îriîîcilut bil- red cinnamoit candies ont ai Ieart tality is also attnibulable in somne for baby and the whole ~~~Tommy McCready et Lethbidge. urct--us taleutif itefecîltut. design. If yeci bave a cookie out-'dcreltetatttdungod prey iktatsrc-\r. 1rd nk ferptheaeh bloth enrlt ravU s-' iisIuP'rthnd ih Cu l aersne t e wahe eol edand E A ater. Iarpely attended. was conducledîîuuîitirtiaudomuuîii .ckteLdcrtdanpt your part of thein time indoors, thereby children and grow-ups Clturch. Whie the service xa in ulîc. î frso ad otie îîtxcrcask e adcdeoa red ano tta esgtEctin DMNBL er, purer and fresher. It fro the famiiy residenco, Thurs- in ut-eîîcciuuîuîîti unan movteîî tut lut, candies or cherries around lte1 FOR EX bas a beter flavort~at j 1 day aflernonoetby bon paston. Rex'. xwuucxer sîtîl secîl bis Itorntaiu ,'ur edge. If net. cul n pattern the _ S. Dx'isîi e Triity nite t'ce-ut.\exlus 1îueoîtxlngs frî'uuîtplace desircdaie from stîff paper. Ilfa to ! he Bsts o Mre the M cCready residence. sounded -uiîItîu.r -lu. iter n steam etr. TIîr centre et yo cr sandw ich au d l te If you haven 't tried ton neceas. To some xvho \tore iikluimi 'iofroad-. tlte î'îîiîîîlîuti .. pîmoîtto xiii stick on that. EHero ncyIn Dominion Stores, DOMINO TEA outscetta prescrit ab 16e faneraI and h ad at-tt . -* - are somo rocîpes whichIr n'fi heres why. The thrifty thousands who h clneml-kaýlr eadytnddliteoAd pulie col u i', tiu - C' u- If>tv ' tac. 1. ;.- ,Ab ,t Tý,the watctu for vatues.And they've foui 4 nu~ils ttu IXt- Mire', dtdsa> acsi 'i"l""" '"' - î rc i ir tir t ,and t . tti c uuu i aiiuiid ru uîutm-vie relief. R N G ES ., ... .. IT I R I G H T fIlîtir'. chi~ners. Kintgston: M ' i- i- i-iluui x-1txii îiIdciul dr îuiti tîirf ,r itu, it1 t Tittse xxuîuhalecte libs s'tmi fi'Xrî. tttsote.Toîuil; i sstit D uin i. tIir oiii i i i c.îi, mua t. t Ittt lbtt poue t-ttGRAPEFRUIT . . . . Toronto: utt1-)i 1et ii ituitt\i tIZtuet iittii autnvuattr uti, 1. itIii s ltutv' andMiss sBrocwn-li tke i tukliiii Quitl tu l iii v tii, tt. .t' ' ut liti t i i t b Ie ti- i i FIIL STR I~JG II 'V~uMiss Doluf liUutc Condise ltstii. ttc tti tî 'tu.- i ti ai tî t'l lto nthe liaitlus Efectvcil utat auuî -xi.îi clu. '.iCm ud,. d K EENS i-PU REBr oîn; ieliiît t l Duu aand . ciilîsel*oji jpIsl tcîlite teît'l -. 1, 1v.uuîi.2 ntt- tiuuy t i itun F U L L - S T R E N G T H W iirdCh ne, f tt e Uot teds. W's f l t 'ss o XVItiI. l' fo k- i 5 l mf% ii ýtdg . ii-ttu ai. 1 0 ed o tic i d t ic l .Quality ths are caused by running omobi1e engines in closed gar- ýin the December-March per- ;mothering. - D e a ths from scause among children are st frequent during the months December through March. The nipal contributory causes are imuch bcd clothing and the iMice of allowing infants to ep in the same bed xvith an 33/4% On Guaranteed Trusi certificalles A legal investment for Trust Fundis Uncondlitionally Guarantced TUEi STERLINC TRUSTS CORPORATION STERUNG TOWER TO ROfTO NMAN VILLE Mr. Kates the Representative of the noted FRANCES KAYE DRESSES will be at Couch Johoston& Cryderman Limited - on - Saturday Afternoon Feb. 4th N~ew styles for Spring in Misses' and hal.f sizes will be shown. Fwill 4emain at our store onstrate fine furs. & Cryderman Bownianville IinIO4 0N (TRA VALUES mg Pige..4 any oti., brand 4 to 1 1 And shep DOMINION arealaways on id the top valueIn delicicus with 32-oz. Pectin jar .2 IE 2 Ibi. 0.25 lp Bo. .25 - t- -r i' \CE î:îvî.

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