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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Feb 1939, p. 6

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P.-NG.. SX TII C N NI).NX S.XTENINXPOViM-NXVILLE, ONTARIO TuIk'RSD.\Y. FEBRNR 2D,13 H aydon n Ne.tinuu nu Cou u. Dixie. at Ni n..F. Nuilitus lu-unkliuî. sriîesld Niu- NW. Tiiiim , i n I r, at ruN. 1F. Stctpiuetu..uruu' Reaul are homite feu.iii To 'ecino. NI e. I. lralu aini ,t) -uiusa. si..iici! Niasten Carl Buntu is scniisuîsill. i in r..1). Gu-almauu'... Nius Guace Vuc eu-s-is i iti ithcuduce. Fri iîas uizlut tuco -LccIuloiti.. ccuut n un \W. A. pruecrucd tiittu 1,triasv. Cluuuuclt service mext Sinclîsv at ____ - - 'i t.ii. ROYAL; THEATRE BOWMANVI LLE FEB. 2 - 3-4 DOUBLE FEATUF Explosive thrIIfs aS h blasts a dynamite mob HIGWAI PATROL JACQUELINE - And- - STR&2NGERI REA-COmriW Matinee Saturday 2:30 p.n Mon. - Tues. - Wed. FEB. 6-7-8 t VER Y MI DAY'S bod a 'cd. RAXAIINE borl EPDUR GRANTý DORIS NOLAN- LEW AYRES E0W. EVEREIH ORTON ENAS KOLKER BINNIE BARNES JEAN DiSON oltRECTED S GEORGE CUKOPa A COLUMBtIA PICTURE Matinees Monday 4 p.m. iWednesday 2:30 p.m. COING - "Boys To,.%,n" "Too Ilot to Handie- "You ('an't Take lt WiV h You "Suc -eethcau-ts" "Kentuek.y" ".fesse James" "~The Citadel" Maple Grove lscecît N Miut.u N nduîuiNi ISruuusieui au-c homeu a fitu- a1 saltt siit ru ithu N.\.andtiMn;. Sulous lut. Ti 'nhtou . . Niiss ( NI urîci.u scuthulien coi.r t. Su', isutit. Tu unctto. . . Niiss..TIi( I-'rcuuîau. l'ucebuîo. suneittSc ut hîomeuî. M Ni. '1'Iiou. Sîto NIfe. PIoil tiNiccali f si-itedth îe f( Cr, - bluucnîen. NIe. Sain Sur. 's t 1aua. Me sers C. Il. Sios anîd l'us.. Scusuui iitî Nins. Junhit Saîticu-.. ah ulusu "lIer' -. 'Ni nS. lune Ilunîl..' nloir ir. i iiiNi suu. . . Niiss -H Nîtîcal f. Nie. LIes td Nîccal f. NNalicu I uilai.s pcnt %uveckeu-Id Tu-it. .. N n. LP C. Sîuisv NIe.' . Ti' . Ikr. S-litia.non Sal "u.eactue e fficen- unf Itue S ilas Sciteol for this star : Suint.. G. Fu-ecutiii n suit.Sipi.. NMn. T] Suîutcrn.Nss.t . Sirpt.. Frit -t Ti Sec.. inîd Netcaîf ;nA N--I .Sc Gordnuisu ancie. Sautn'Vaii Can Tu-es-.. Cli ffonu Sus-allures nLibeani WuNallace Niunday ; ANs..'t s., Hie .NfCccal1 f. Bob Stres ten; l>iaru Leslic Culhacutttn:.Nss't.. Louîisc e 1u( Atiditors. Laswrenîce NNhite.PliC ossueun: Missicitars' Stet.. Niildi Sriiesder n Tempecrance Sont.. LIs Snc.ssdenn Ceaule roll. Niers. Brocoks. Nlrn.. Fred Stevensn Hoi Detu)t . Nirs. Bruce Mjetcaifn Tes( n.. n B.NN. CisIss, Nies. C. Riiuudi nr. Girls.,Nirs. .A. Laird; .ss Bettv Strowduu ; Intermediate Be Fred Niiller .,ss't.. Fred N'rigI îîunrs. icaur Steseuis. Nss'î.. M-C. Gu-ecnhani n Primnanc A., Lys F( (:v .Nss't.. Nies. Ross Stevs;rs P îanc B.. Manioc Sneusdenn Aiss lu-... C. icffenv n Pu-iîîs-C.. Ce Miirîuîlv. Niudu-ed Stuowden. Aiss lu-s. I1anke n ['nu-trns D., RossiSS eut... .-N..'t.. Llovd Snowden n I3 illiier-. NieMr.. I. NMuidac. As-' Nies. Ni. MNiuac. Bible Clasu--Pre lu-. F. Aluennetîrc Sec,, Mn... T uuleu---------Nin... A. L.aird, Ji rt-a.. M Ir. iL. Coilactutî n Flous uuuinmnihtec. Nies. L. Cullacîth. N i . i. ielcaîf. Nie..RocMeteal ik Ocut Curmunitîce. Nies. I. uî. nuu. Nie-. ies it. Nie-. Sa miss. tlu.Nn E. \V'. Fcuîcv Ni Fu-cuinau rTenchters. Nie Pruir n.. Nie.. Br-uce NitcaIu, Nie. '5 ddtt. NN dcNssak-c ha....Teatc r.iEmut-t Tus i-t. ANs'-.- hîinrAN ru~ ~ ~ ~~ ~,ý I. -eu Nniî.lisN' lrti :e, ali r ilmues i - t. i'i Pt rcuuu un rtin usa- iliIl suitii arzu -f ls t 'cai f. N ftce t Ycenuuilu Iîc..îl. ut I 'su NIc 1ici! NI. aulIeMr. Nlfretul iii-' it'! NI-.. IdiiiSus nl.'us t."ru, tIre fi ' ii. Ilai is eild a iunrc nuucladdlre-.and Sai N'nuu. t Cunîi c-' T1uc iu]-c c uit sutlirolu 5 c i cru-c iii.nIauuru i hiîc-u..iii i -'nnu ur s n ni lu u fl ' Ilur n; and i ii ti.;ilkiic -aillfirelu -,itu. I uiîhussf>ei'. aitit i--ou fluîl mu urri lcslesurutv nIr. Laird.Ir., - sn .sua. 'utc fiIl îu-kers la-t s car. su tIi -à I. uls cal utei-allils. J5uuun udk~ i andl ior tîrr plt. Burketon (,)n ui C lu% -es ru us'l' sul 1.i te'i c-i 1 S,' iuls rilu l iiiriinii s h-(tu-smv( l hu ns idertu u --,'f tit-e cî,îrcea tu u. es. Il, L.ackes rtiidtriii.r, liku il tIi' s ,uîtcu t, cf('i thtec'. ru'a t iuiii t a v. a u nd ruî t akc ,f tut cr(ilt-uicht- aud hane in lihe sersvice oi thi .ui S ii.. ni t up u t iih i- ;i im in-i Nie. il '.. I nîck. siuîth i îu -u< ilIin tIru - e lai l ldis rt Sîmîrtînus - lun i li di uutnuiuiic imunsicual rtursu NM i- Flli I Iiu..kin i i. till s.nfiiî-u t' I,,»inju illtriuislu nthe... an Nu. b.. d li. IIl(. f, iletu t ,nuu Ii, ar 'insu!in.zurn ;i Nu ( "l uui ,rc if ttiii I-rt iL uruu M . 1 ulit ul], ul oît ua i ur- NI. I i 'iii ,i. 'ii i l u.. te r U ni l u, u nusuc n in c lu NI-t 'u L. ,, 1Sluutu -IaiT)u, l' u ne-niiuuiurt. u nM ri Nir l, c i... i, luîl'u.luil 'Ill- ', I , uî Nhr. S ii Nîu fi % n NI ' uisI i ii N l îi l e . u t 1 '1ni Nii t. 1Sîi l Ck t ki! i NIt 1 l r ît u2 r Nu i e ii a. f,' i l k î I.îl. n su . ia t lu', uîul u irfi 'e m r' Ill r,' 0 . h 'n 1 i ru -' l n Gr ets I'iac Cdl i v(ulci Il. qE_ Blackstock RESIGNS POST 1u ut tou.. Nu.;Riutu Nian- l'usToIlse, 't. su tiil hilitsthu . Niur. laisue..MNarlînnus . N.u-..s Florenîcc Nic numu mii.Tcoronto, usiti lice vair- ct- Nie. auulnd In.. J. R,. iLatl lii Nie- M. a'\uui rn. Ceci] )uue amIlaumu. Reahuono. suitî NMr. andui NI . .N.[cLauiizlliii Siîîdas-. Nie' ... . NlîtNllmr. issi e anud I i t -nc ..î mli s i.itiutc iinSt ual in nc. NIr. and MîrNi..1T. Smuitu. NMr. ainti Nii . îliiuN'Vatit Caîtu uu sre cilu- teuaiîncd ahîd Nrs. Fred WN'l- ii'.Sat ut anîl ight. Mne Neresiii Graltuuu 11lu., îak-eu ,,"(cr-theiucîr-iouîl of itue Teuvnuship) -uuîrss' niotuglu. llu uos sOeiuus havue pres-cîteti iuuanm s -cIai urs Tut Scesi I tingup Coinpetit icîn -ril]( ý tm'Bi.'Short Coursec Clas usý ,u.. illNi tuls-uiîu ituatî nit-n iuIcr e- takiîîcpart. Ii'1m I 'cal hockcu-Icai lest te S ci u tic, Titueday îu iclut. TIruue.cav - tucri. aile usastpostrtd. Catlle, 700 pounda or mou-e .- eati Culves. less than 175 pounda heati Dairu' cows .......heati Cream .. .. . .. gallons Seeti potatees . . . . bushels Luimber . . . . feet hourd measure Useti by Canada 1938 193 Total orf Peu- cent te Peu- cen11t te quota Dec. 3 Nov. 27 155,799 45.7 Quota filleti 51,933 73.4 Quota filleti 20,000 33.2 30.2 1.500,000 0.34 8.6 750.000 99.4 99.6 n Te- John A. MeFeeters elen Toonto. nd a naive ofDurham Receipts from Canada of seed 1Goodyear Tire ndRbber Corn inSecia - ics-Vck'sRub-32-4c Hampton County. has resigned as a mem - potatoes amounted to 745,497 bus- pany enlarged their plant in Bow- Pnx - 2 _____ br o te :'Bar bohes or, as thé table shows. 99.4 manville last year by several Dodd's Pis - - 27c 0W £COITTIESÀ>T* ntaer o ut the expCotolBasio ofî per cent of the quota. With re- thousand square feet in order to 40 eîe Tsu.1e dci. ùci' V.iî~r M'.(,o. ar- is~pctto unmanufactured lumber take care of increased business. 8 an c' iJnct inls: cek co iiI rto'ess. on. P. M D Msiessiter:setotal quatity shpped arnunt- ar tu- riat bsies ite-the ttlqatt sipdaon-There aeother industries in that ika'Cnp--Rc adcnîr aiid Mrt.e M.inrTront. giutrhsanucd h1e such as furniture factories FeIlow's Syrup - 87e tr- Nl.a.ndi... MuniMore. Br ap o gitmeto re, eas Kitcheen.. Of course we must have some, and foundries, all of which are ____________ S.un- anid iricnd at 'Mr. L. Cry- 4, Woodstock, to fill the vacancy. form of cooperation. The time1 doing very wmell. Port Hope is thes H I. d'rriiiauî'... .. Doreen Pcrrett, who is Secretary of the Ontario 'has corne when we cannot market1 only place in the world xvhere 5Scin LotionsDIET h0,Os Toronito. iit Illeccn at hionte Cnetae ikP e r profitably in a haphazard, slip- radium is made, and several of îst ard ia flc ioîîin f dliernç~Asocitin.shod way, but we must have some tIndutresithttndd Italian Balm - 29c-55c-89c 4-o IESeSE is. t]ur halcl the o \lnc....oat te igh ssato. systern whereby the farmers better business than ever beforel Jergen's 15e, 25c. 45c, 89c 11i1) ScIIil,l C.îicieiit Tîîir.dav ithemselves will cooperate and prior to the last haîf of 1938. They Hn' ra 54-5 an,an a riîd av cvcniic.. Cong ratuillations take advantage of the mnarkets increased the wages of their em- Hind'saz Cream 5-398cCO IEOL elt!il l)orcen! . . Mrs. H. Stainitoi witîî w as the Junior hockey tzrine their government lias opened for ployees, and many have added to CVith Hel rem- list, lier daîîghtî r. Mrs. EîîglisliîînBw ;Stida feno ewe Bow- them. If they do that, they will be their plants. These industries Csmr Cv:iiativîlc.e 1la rli ianville M idzets and Enniskillen in a much happier psto before have not been hurt in any way Buut -2e 40e MisGav hpîan. Hiilîbilîjes.Gm was sihl one-,long, oito by the trade agreements. In fact Boqe25 40c98 EdIrbuiic7er. spent Stîndav at home. an Persian Balm -- 25e lredi ' sied. s itwasthe irstgam of Wehear some criticism of the they may have been benefited. red r. . R. meiousnade a bus- the sason for the Hilbillies. Sort reduction in the preferential tar- Ths explains why unernployrnenti H ic's tu-m te Toronto 'Monday. Nnr a goidfnc. Allaniiif on apples from 4s. 6d. to 3s., ý o 0bdi rycnttecy. utcbe f ronubere attend the Preston. Cli ff Trewin. Archie Mc- but it is generaîîy agreed that the I do not say that we have no one INoxzem"a uream "'0 size-nw 59 tc- HL Sciiooi Commencement in Ncil. Ross Shiarp)e fradCu price of apples was no better afterou0fwr.W haeesna c:e Bowinunvuile. .\Ashtonî. Donîne%- Mouintios'. Ken we had the preferential tariff of1 unemployment the same as in _________________________________ '-t.,' Atiunîial Conc"rezation meetinL, of liitsoiu. Llovd Preston. Ivanl SharpDe 4s. 6d. than it was before. More many other places. There are ys the chircli Fridav eeciling 'vas well aînd \Iviii Page. Hillbillies escaped than that, 1 arn an apple grower 1rnany people who would lîke PoeW ut: attetuiIc. Satisfactoru rep)orts were ivithot anv enalties. but tere was 1ryself, and ait present have 4001 steady jobs, but conditions are not69 R COeve oî-wit. aterwhiîîa social time wasj penaltyv box. Referee Adarn Shar)e Irnan who was on the cornmittee 1930 to 1935. '- eliuived. zot plentv of exercise. Before the at the tirne the empire trade The transient problem is one of 't.. NIr. and Nfrs. Geo. .-'rmouir enter- came hadl started a larze crowd hadl agreements were signed told me the worst problems that hias to be __________________________________ eta taiîiet a îeiv îriends Sattîrdas' even- gathered and in spîite of their Ren- that the apple growers and sbup- faced by our municipalities. We t. ue rouls supPrort the Hillbillies lost to pers did not expeet to get 4s. 6d. do flot mind looking after our own The reorganization of the militia who was criticalîs' ill at his home te- And fimeîd ofatt nd the fn ral ofe nnte isicn Qu rî' arrdrnet 2ould avebeent atisimed they to a certain extent, but we do was recom rended in 1932, but no;in Harmony. M r. Newsome pass- 't. Mn. FankL.Mason, Harmonv Fcbnuarv 1lst. and teîîdercd a reso- 80 cents a barrel. which is con- Itions filled with these people ail carry otit that recommendation. Our mnfl r etbs s. uuua Sv miathv ils extendedtl ti ution of appreciation of tire services sidierably less than they are get-r the tinre and having them live It was found that militia training these days drawing ice, cutting Fd MnI. NMason andi famiiv- in theîi hc_ of thcîr Pastor. Rev. H. H. Lackev. tîng at present. either front house to house or on was at a 10w ebb, the training.'wood and keeping the roads shov- ýr;andI aninhvitation te hirn te nernain I should like te see the duty the town. I amn glad to know that efficiency being only about 17 per elled eut te make way for the ver aîîothc-n sear. ýretained for at least another two the government is taking action in cent. Appropriations for the mili- trucks that gather milk and Irs months. until March 1 instead of this regard. I arn glad aIse te tia service in the last two or three crearn, and those that deliver January 1, in order te give us an know that our different service i years have been appreximately bread. meat and the mail. One I: Enniskillen 1,vtn ile opportunity te dlean up a little clubs and our churches and ether double those cf the previeus gev- feels very serry for the drivers C._______e moe f u fruit bfr the citrus organizations are trying te ce- ernment. The appropriations this these stermy'- days. especially _____fruits enter the market at a re- operate with the governrnent in year for the navy are treble those %w.hen they report frost bitten r- Ncui N.j r i. uit TaIylor, duced rate. I believe it is eptional solving this problem. I believe "of the late administration. Ap- faces and cars. Se let us sym- Il, Nu. and %Irî. 1-tî . LN' 'v Tnd Far" ' Recléî VAitons: Mnr. tii(l M r in the agreement that sith the that if the government. these dîf- prepriations for the air force are pathize andi aid thcm all we can. W-a.un lit NIi. RisLao v, reSarkaîd îîia ste.Nis.h.consent of the other ceuntnies this ferent organizatiens and business. 1approxirnatelv five tirnes those of Mes F. L. Squair has been con- 1- 1iluanduI NieN au. P ,. Stark. Stanku ille . . Nn enîîis. could be dlone. bc it on the farm or in the fac- ithe previu diitain p iedt h oies't a 'l Fuethermore, I do net believe tory, ,vould ail ceeperate. we prepriat ions for the three servicesr cold. c.."".ustiiNs 11. accs.. IeNin. an iru îs. liickes. 'Iinito. a package of apples shouIld beceuld go a very long svay tesvand prior te this year were almost r- (lNe.I uukI 'r.î.s i 'j-Nîr. ard Ne\.V. NIIl'- an ticRu ii.I iuuui,' l, u ii ie.î lrali\ -- kailiuîil NcKas vi..utcul In- put oni the market ssithout havîng sulvîng mdny of the' puoblems ss' treble those of the peevieus adiSoin cr;l% NtilIIrlu(I 0 i tueand NIn... \fNartin, o. a gos ernment stamp of som e kinci have to-day. Government and ministratien. 1S ln ur~~ ~~ llI-u îuilu , on it. NVe hear people sa,%, We business hav'e nesv eppertunities W'hen ve compareoeue nationalI <I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Nr \l .1.'u iut" 1 uuuNeru u"î N . 1RohIt NaeiuLake cnnt get a good appie ho eut, te svonk hand in hand in sels'ing defenice sith that of Australia \ew i .~l Pi,îu l iauuu tii. SutustiNi.aii Ie. \îuif we bhuy a peck on a hushel of pnoblems svlich can ho sois'ed ifuncl thatve are fallnga longe i Ni I il I Tu n' 'w uit 'Mr. lur. I.-lIuciL. uiluapples, tht' top may bc gooni and onîv b.v thein wonking tegether.sxas' behinc. li bAustralia tihe' na- .-.i'usui-uult...Nr.. I i ls. .NA 1, 1l Ne-N u , rutui irsulIhlici- usurii i i t ~lthe hottom trash.- Surely sve As colleagues and net conmpetitors tenidfepeium us 58.73 L. naatuuiNIe-C. Nndri.. ias-cshould be able te relies-e that sit- thev could pet dovn ite brass prcpt:untt(ntclSae t,.,,sli.muI nNI.'îl.iss !er'.. uui ,uuîNi. liii'tiTc. ' 'Il, hNih. Nîlîcet foe a i'luI'.uation and give people uwhat thev pe o aioa rermf r s S7.58.indtle UGiedatesian.N ' IiN c-usYclauers ah îc uu'su iiNi. R. i1tîick \Ir,.tCeciil as.. -and . îiulRa%,pas' for. If .v e onet. se cannot economnie stabilitv and social ad- $71 and'7s 3I'. Tto Ii al.. ~'s-u~isi Nîri i Ne- u i .îuiIe i. and Nî (;eoiec'lnîitI'."f epetotehase good mnes. sacenn. incccing gI'eater se- cetintries cloîuîg bs fon theur ossvn l il~~~~ (îul)s i e\ ii k'.. NI tirks ic(. s uitcd Nier.. li'îii i Somnethîng lias hecîr said about euritv for the iniidýual. Politîcal dfneta aaaarc a fsscf .'ii NI.i lau c s Brooîks. aid MlA i eV. A.N I i N uuîi ud cuanduu .r' prîce fixing. and the' gos ernent contros'ersv. faîltîre on the' part the mineir Central Ameriçan ne- uuus Iuic( e is lu 1 Iiiti u î\ Ir.e;i:,N -\!r. VW il. iit sIII t'the bil -tori . is blanied by some for fîxing the'of gos'ennments te take buîsiness publics. Wc' are prociiof eue ýi\adl niý ,1%a f uu'î Bie-.t'i........ani C ecci aîîd Hures rv 'price Of wsestern s-heat at 80 cents. imb their confidence and indif- association ssith tht' great Britis.h us , luuk'.. Iil-, ah NIeS. F. s NI <,ildauuîî luloI t'î.1ld. T I in iit, ioiuckes- match i Tu 'e' i '- anci net fixing tht' prîce cf On- ference or inaction on the' part cf C'ommonwe-alth of nationis. W'NN"ru.. lu '~~'~ u'ul r au s- îci Ne tirias ilnclut, tarie svheat. The pres'îous gos.- buîsiness leaders svill ncs'er pro- are getl pnciîs-' tt ijss Fuels îuTiîîk haclcharue of I~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~)h i ritiIN:.-t,,ii î, a ' n d uuî Nies. \'.C. Lauuc si-li lernrnent fixed tht' price cf -ssest- surie a positive approach te euert pa v'ecibythe' British fluie n uu' tueruutu ZIat Sundas- Nie suad Nies. Bnice Letitu .l-t ern wheat at 871,',cents Per buîs- national pnoblems. pnest'nucir short'..fnom th'e l' ISiui:uu iirufcnuoon sciien Miss un~~~~~~~~~ i . i ii 1.I's. Iisiloue h iti Nitr... l.aiie-'.. luet.- 'hel. I hav"e e'ery sy'rpathv for Th'ns'tae etiscbclmnce funsiî WerailcciuiîN.-rtîîtîikrsag su u' .Tuii..s iiNe. se rs. Iiiii. 3th Nin. anduulNIr-. I ,iiic tht' westernfarmer. tsso prîurcupîes that su-e ail shoc Ici wth gratitude and appreciaticur ail Iiet VvVPilca..iniclu . ccoîîtuarliec ssi' iiiiiuuii-i. ii Ni. % 'iii 51 uit hi. (îillc. Ielt,'ceilunatu iii- 1Last summier I had an oppor- be readv to endense. In tht' fursttht' su-orcs of Pî'esident Rooseselt lc ...Mci laIsou. C ~ ~ ~ ~ Nr liihiuclnus- cf tlîi- iilc, ultLm uits' cf trav'elling thncugh tt c t hepi tp s'vfnom utrc tQcn ui-ersits-. Nruuulcnfotnu leu-e attended thce 'l uu.i.s' ii l cuil. u l utuuîI lîtîlui-,,...Lenira Laite. svest to tht' toast. I sisited mari,, trade banniera and restrîctîse thile suheirlit' came hast summer te jouriicliNie 4 - 'nîk L. isn c I.~ u Ç uii~ Nlitîu un Nr N WNallace i .it w il(-½rcilles andcitowsns in swestern iffs that bas-e alrnost nippieci sihorosu-hiPrime Miister i-Mr. iiuuui. ru in Suudau' afîcnrloon. i tih 5, uuiNIi-S N cluîru it lî . s u> sscu-ioiutsîsilI at Gren-Canada. andî aIse comnicnities iiseîitaedudrie htKhakn iKng) un cedic'uting Ns .r \ -u cil' uvîcI. îHoward l'u P nc . ieru i Ni- ' il luui Nn- IlaunyWaîui..t.kii. tt'ledruc ed-OuIt aroas of southern financîal struîcture cf nany'pou'.- thet'ines- interhnational bridge ah Nin.5~.N .î ' us iîSîîales Sak th w n crufarsu e iiirn isu tiii.y ia.ilussaai luir NI u i'î flîacc aithe ssvitcluboanuî. Ssachs'1 sfrassct er ufuI nations. It is fitting ta h'IvLa t' ud iri ~i :îuîl I uves X'ellcwlees at- ut islc..NIeandî Nie- . i n N1.t.iihJuie huciîiîîSaaces-n i ocre.utAgoSxndmorce hcli Tht'Dominîionîcf Canaaî i li i l îl£igc ccnte..t at - u.Nu-lauid ulandîîlNin .A. kuurlu trs Tî aems te me that it suoulcl net bo tht' fîrt te abandon narnoss' part cf tht' sistenhooci cfIl,ýlreWs Ni.. eti r.aiiuuuuuIlc i. 1ru... u Ri-eî N'-ccNlcvlcî ruke s'eu-Y'much difference if tht'î natienalism and Iead the s'orld ini British enmpire. I gise to 5'ou i iiî<l-iiuwoýand Nillsol %vih iit-lt- ad iiieinlii %%as crvd.lhelas the'y had icouireat to elld. nah interchange cf goods ancd United States uu'îll ntstand - i ui' uuica- sAclia.. rîuîlicfrucntîi' le-c mmdnciit ssiI] be a longtîrne services. The Canaclian t r a d t' idî' by if dominaition cf Cana- c. .. .Nniuniu-roiuIltSîc the ic mny'they' hase any. There are treatv svith tht' United States ciaisoil us threateneci bu' an,,HOT-OU S a Nii..(urîci NVens I. u tusIl-uaice i.a;I )lto ,1(,Il a(ý areas of the t' i aemerits cemmendation hecause cf ethOrTempire. cil] .iîul, (luicî insns bieanIS111001l luI. slenidid sections cf country. To the ads'antages secured for tht'Wer:dclafotîit e-îenîuôfo ae1 -~~~~i .iui ' n cilouil îci»liîicus rau-c liasnieclut. Rn ar ..Stbeyv liai! my mind Alberta is a wsoîrderful primary induîstries of thîs colpn- e1tehasve such frîends.lieQarpcuutso lavn ce àttufi'hriil u th.- .uI S ii%;cl uar- svul ime. 000- I vstc alay a dth u k r p-((Les o prvnc.I 'ste aîav nltnv. Agriccîlture. fishing and u !elavn )ftie r T Ih oTrner vleî ol field. and bening should aIl benefit. If ! WhiIe su-e have a Departmet tof thetbilding. trcuuuin iiîîoIcaulu ontltutthfeDe T. tht'RTdvilIfythese Natnal Deence. 1uam jui.t suon- 'ccxi fl te\'w\VonteoSîluerwoods Nie. randîlNie.S. Tu-eus iiiai u i Iserove eut te ts fht' tosu n o e ndustries improve. the gains 55'll dening.MMn Speaker. heu.ý- it s-oLCI Damr s' e ete lb- iiztono ~~~Nestieton merunich holaIs of avise nne seen be refîected in all phases cf tue ho lieea'Departmeto eamlthe ia. t of terîzatnd u-l fNu. PFlare. , iaýck-mncpa *t Isîedmn or economie life.'pmno tc'îik.t'maîgcfbtead ..'c 'sections cf British Columbia. I Il mav be test as necessurv Iti id d'Ieam. Heu-e they uvere made i ~ " -u cr sucîluc- N'utuc Mis Jen Aîowavu'isted want to state tiow that tht' osn î should hîke tb say a su'ordl have a Departmenl of Peace 'as ma huîppy bu',irnEkm"i.We lu n, - uucsuuu su.. aîîulîul a.. an Mr. Dn Back %rr. pitality cf the people cf tire ' bout the implernenta cf prodLCc- Departrnent of National Defence. the- huci Sutisfîed their curiosity I ~cziik \i istnet excel:andbM'sthatncflanv ticîr. The lau-uT on farm impIe- and I thirk thhetio. menîbor for tiret.tie aiusteîred tetht' Peter- lu'î !TtIi iMiissi u.N.îu- .uieiVerna McNally, Black- peopie in tht' sorld. '.nmentshis heen reduced alI uloîrg Edmonrton \West (MIr. Mac-Kinnîoîî i.borcuagîrh unir Here threy :stock. 'îsiteci Miss Jean MalcolmniPî1ulso represent a ridîng su'lich tht' lune. Nhen this gcu'ernmnt:v r las juistbeen appcinted Ici suftceI h' ircliiusll ihtye liiilr liuuuuiuiu'ui, "îiuuiîi' Mî' C. H. Pteos sbusyet- -is haîf rePrtfliotIlsu-ho iype I Niliirc. iiFruiklicu .0I.tîn bs ie cîplvfro te iîk- crbn. îrre n'scs-oralui - ,offc..e. cutits cri farm tire cabinet. u-iioî îut\î.te rss5Vhicl iiirolay'ed from m lsdikile Luirîu-e nl-r e -suicimpotant ndcîsrieslninrvcir iniplements -ee 25 peu- cent, 15 couuid fuIltht' positionu cf Mînister al] hic u tie t setting of type, Ili< th, lu Nu.. iii t Caesarea. siuny uc r lt esypeu- cent anci 10 per cent. These cf Pemîce sn'crt'clutalaly'.0f mancI t'ery1(1) tOutil tht' paper ils I17 aetit, .il, Chu-ch League Tucsclavisultthtu nce tht'd 1 sentgla osnrnevt ere recicceti te 71-,pou-cent mincicourse, hoeuseulci hase te sserk iiinirut0t' î.tîî bilîes nîci sent eut. ru ru u li uîî-tuuitut.. sî. sas a prograni andi Social evenuus ,,came imb poweor tiiey haie i 5îi peu- cent. ss'itirsori items bourg c'cuîj urrtiet is-tirtlire Depantnient MuIiv jiuuncrss ucre courîeousîv 'o:i r-r.Vtlî 'ît lurt Sy'mpuîhy'eof thte CmmîtUt. din ncrobui esstrar eu-rîen llcoci oti tirefroo lîst. Importa- , cf Externul Affains, andcisbis l- ui:s'r-ay eprespoo "'i ut , saI o. ii .uuIuc hus pescuiOLt teMr. anirciMs. Li "fore. W su-Il adit tiît ut inn, titunr of tre'se' unplements frîmi sistance us'e-1cîdaicurti preat relief gnuipierset'c Afteu- lunch tbev c l, ui rl Ii de a ck'tutu iW'atsonîiun the' ,utden de'ath if tht' latter part cf 1938 cetrtioîr- -l Pr~..ime... . i ar"1 o'ec h eLaa arv qi tis' îr edSIlesbauekirleaecitetieePur Nhuîistr ii umrs-irituuîec lii'Donuî'uî Dit'Eqip iiiuiljt. uîîil htkrî~icu '-u5 trer ith taughtr n atu-ilt veu- reot rus gooci as tîey'su'u' îefecromua ttîe more sian OS4,000,0Ou ct urusi', Ie .ias Socruutary-îi urml ofoy s îciocedpies six- 'r 'l: 'ii, 'ti ii ii u luî.îî Mn. Sidney' Eglington. cî ci,1937, but ou'on ut thuit they-u-eu-e iii 1935 te ab)Oe e S16.00t.Otleini State for Exteî'ti l aiTrs. teen uacres. lcetry a hrs lu au, t..riinu s u u%... Ilcuu iril o%, r us c v isiting Mu-. antiMu-s. Doirii1a great deal better thuin tlic'u'r 07.Tr iîy o in ma' - W't' oumaagreat lcal fuem ftice Spuraters. amu idmlI clairy aids in ;'i 'sl, nf>,uuîi rîhujululusli u. i.Lewuis. frern 1930) te 1935 usuroyrhoxereer iras aIse .ireon roiucoti. The pîsîoruoittn îiî ii I h'sIsc termîcfcue usti n iic sujeutm.cuscl' tiu Mu-. antiMu-s. Dan Blauck enlie -motst nvbtse-r n btîo. tiuiby on gusoline ssa reticceti rmm ppntir onaoutîrmnîenî huit Io-aîl tre rssuent'themnutaente. uic '.',îliiisaiî.'taîmîccitheir friends anti neîgiî Thris is tt' fiust etimereiniiftirei 22per' cenît te ne-haîf peu-cent.,le ay' n oesng ir ut îguI-ran-th(, gmiils\vre toln Miîs e. t hors to a pTorisaîîdthe îirm Is cf thishcommcdmt tvi lsn la ogvr-teDmno ole i o Ni ir unes unucmeSuulus ii I 'eus e aruty- Friday' e'ening. to c f Canada that this countrînds'orsof - cmmd ti'i ent' inihistery'lisas gene 50 far They' ssabcied the guading of wool il-i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~\ su.c luu.i' 1b- l~i Mu-s. Hcgb Taylor, svho ~did net suffer the' full ffocîs ofirhaueinrueascd by' ou'er SI1.000.000) umIl)% unR t.î i îî Ic ý ,been in Linrdsay', bas relurnedto eîa Unitedi States tiepressioti. Theo n manufacuu-eti fertîlîzers haveiu' e c ttas elctiso pg un- anti usoue ar estti 10 nowtrat h,.Mr V. \Mu- lerand .Mus. C.eH.sPou-becu.5fact is that Canaia's prou-ctction hîr enfret'silice 1906, but redue- Thev' hau'e grappleti s'th mtry' gross In iitire orld. Tht'guide uuuu.u , md 11)(I .- n 1938 as compano i ss'th tIraI tîsfei n 0pu'cn e71 e-preblema sirich hatlne direct expluuiîed ail tire steps in the %%.aý bv Su n-'isited frienda in Pontypool inn 1935 shesseti min uncreaseoef 13 peu-'cont anti furn 20 peu- cent 10 15 bemriirg on theme phatferm and te pinig vng rig t. n'unIr s cei s usa..nctterUnitedui- Sumndas-cent tt LitiSau p-cct e u- cn au' en mte i h's'ic i -fe-îc uu iae ii s'îh l 'Place hefore us't'get "i '"'I .î i 'les îoliîu lu Nnis Serice in tht Untet Ch implu ' nt d ts'on nrnLfactuued fertilizers the plafoun. The-y ceutainly ci Ih r o itv 'arns. Su nSLndywr UteWI ,-whilt' that cf Great Britai show- - hepuesenit Pu'errnenb. We net paslegîslation onîy' te have Tt'ie ' cftrecure i'h 1 u-ilu-usLu iuuu~5 5iii~tendeti. Miss Jean Malcolm iii' iht'efin theii col-fandt cie- rîreunu ofituecosre' in lb Mis VenaMcNII sag O N. d un improvement cf etrly three ruel h'tuunc otHpail recered 1),e ru ou-ts mve exploringth Miss suili eNalhisangi0uMa-fRrts.zH. pInt chkesisclomng a rclareti ultra vires; mnd 1 amrn s-Paufkers Ce. shetex cal] ilili.tiîiand liii-tu-tCtîc brLe e ak vtbTi peu- cent. fartili/cu- plaint which i 'eus Fhuc ('inter Lef Meu-cutîith u " CC In tht' sillage in 1siriir I s-'real business. This plant lias ifieci that lire people cf Canada. 1 s'. utîswgemsiîngmdpg il lii ui il] oftue eu-cit sciiuueh uvas rtuch apprectiteti iiwati>toei uealbxpreseci cf real seru'ice te that partsverteknu'he liest-.' mrgklîdIîd being made, etc. il uir-ii. iVii!Gic- i'iaîk-luîk upp rereplanei fr 'r î fveLe cunîN nem ani îxî' f htlceausit. s-ml ppcloneu'latira hen ihraAptpyti nut rapy'gr honhe I ul lc 'cu.'Nu.Il. .Nuuuîi tui daynnighîgirls. Our national defence prob]eM us hv this geverement airci suill re- loft foir hoeer o-as'eu-v inter- iii r ut lluî îîecnuîu MrTTheu hase dont' a us'oidrtful huis-perîrapsasauimportant as anytbiiig 'tuirîr il le powes'r uvhenever anmiiiubig uîand ciuu nlea NIi luuk.Su~ iiiuîlu-uscht -antsisiledti g s pEmren. Vul-îriu mss during tht' paI bhrne'y'eurs. lrI'.t haî iscu udbsooms 'e'iîrtkspueo suilr bi Parnts.In that sillage sue ras-e ouîîY'tus-e tirimrg t session. When sue I srall vote, Mu-. Speaker. for a l Nu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ms i auuu ia i ii u100 George J uu'n ho 1 orthu-e fanrulies on) relief, uatdtictmi mboffice in 1935 bbc Mi- tht' naini metion anti uguîiîrsb LIONS A EI istir Miss Mary' ululu hlol euou fbcI elî se fNtoa eeîo(n neriet.DS L O E un srl \uu ts u asrbreit Snf n 'inabiluîy' te es'en-k cf tht' uekmze)penpî clei e Ni. ' r u-. am s am lî mir Ne h ad c tt' ho se elis Th- -eîuuî n enitcust h-t ui.r DURHAM MEMBER SPEAKS IN HOUSE (Contuniued from Page 1) ansd one-haîf cents peu- pouni. Ion. but tbhe quota cf 1.500.000n Duury- couss are allossed te enter gallons remains tht' same. Cbed- tînt' Uniteti States in any quanîiîy dar cheese and poultu-y, potatees ut a dcîty' of ont' anti one-baîf and many' other c7ommodi lies arer centîs peu- peund. mentioneti. Suu-ely ne ont' uu'll say' Tht' newt agreemnent reduices the. that thet' ueaty is net toe bci- duîy' on bogs te ont' cent peu- uantage ofi tht' Canadian farmer. pecuni., and on pou-k te ont' anti I shouîd like te place on Hansard one-baif cents per pounti Th e figures wbich 1 de net belieu'ei drus' on milk bas been reticceti to have been placeti there before, thu-ce anti ene-quarter cents peu-r showing the numnber ouf cattle anti galion, andtihbb duty' on cueam other commodities wse usere alîow- fu-or thirly-five cents Ici a littIe cd te ship anti tht' percenlage use ever twentu'-eigbt cents peu- gaI- titi ship. fil ) K COWLING SELLS THE BEST And Serves You WeIl lhen IVe Test 1our Eyes You Are Assured Entire Satisfaction Ini Fit. Quality. Style and Price. PRUNCESS SOAP FLAKES Special 3 Boxes - - - - 30c Espotabs - - 25c Chases' Nerve Food --49c 100 Blaud 's Pis - - - 25c Iron & Yeast tabs. - 69c 69C Wampoe 's Extract --$1.00

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