THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2ND, 1939 THIE C.\NADI.\N ST.\TESMAN, 1, 'WMNAN\'ILLE, ONTA'RIO ited with office af 705Otw l 'ectrie Building. He5wiiiaisaEl-ie as Casualty Adjuster for the Com- AMf ~mercial Assurance Company Lum- SOCIAL AND PERSO~UNAL ited and Asseciated Cou;panies. aid-In-Advance Subscriptions ------- ~Phone 663 ____ Florida. paper t hat Mrs. AgnesB eapcitth prmt ,1 Beea epneo Gillespie cf Bowmanville vwho isi u \Vriersapetete theprmpn tucateOPst Mrs L. Shar1 e is stng lier -been manager of a large chain de- x\inering in the sunny south teck sbc est h noneet TeSicman-ill daughter in MIontreal. partment store in fi aIt and is part in a prcgram put on by the adopt a PAID-IN-ADVANCE subs c';,ol poliy This doe Miss rma elps R.N. at ncw n egctîating te purchase a de- Tourist Club of thal eity. Several flot mean that vour local nexvspape ..xi tst voua\mr than it hias in the pasf. providing bscriptioris are paîd in .it Mo Hiss tra ls, r cout sn partment store cf his cxvii in speakers spoke on their native avne re îealoru-'îesaraoal torsp ital, vsied hr ousn.Michigan. states and yen eau depend upon dac.Ioretagvalou ibrbrsaesnbe Mr. liTod knoxving Mrs. Gillespie as \c ' lime oa meet this paid-in-adx-ance it tc'x' ve are setting the 'tut r. Mr. Brutce Cameron. Oshaw'a. Mrs. John W. Kerr. xvho las do she certainîx' vocldnt take date atf Mardli I. 1939.,xvhen the pr '"ocf The Statesman xiilue ( visited hîs uîother, Mrs. H. Cam- been visitîng lier sisters. the Miss- second place in bcosfing the niany be S2.00 if paid in advance: $2.50 Pc' yoar if net paîd -xvithin att h eron. es Allen, Beech Ave.. and other advantages and resources cf On- 30 days cf expiry date as shown et-. ,ceyeiiow label. U. S. it BamntnClbVaeîjePa-relatives in Ontario and Eastern tarie.sbeibr d 5eetr o osactatt BditnCuVaetnPa-Canada, bias lefI for hier home in AW.Crth344 apevtii 'i ty will be held on Friday. Febrcî- Vancouver. Mrs. Ker A.oiun dWicoiaC .. tvrit04Mape En- WHVAT IS AUDITED t'IPCUtLATION?iltt arylOt. friends from Vancouver and viii closed fiîîd my retiewal ta Thei The enforcement of this regui,1itte is made necessarv t'rt Coy ngregational m eing c ri-reuu i tePaaa Statesman. Alihough il is nearîy in order te give local and national ixo%-rtisers autheutie and lili'it ityUniedChuchis eig hld Jack May'. propruefor of Jack's 283\-ears silice 1 left Orono. 1 cf- reliabie nexv,,spaper circulation figcî:' ' Scîbscriptions in ar- aui to-night (Thursday) at 8 o'clock. Meat Market. xvas invoix'ed in titi ten sc uames ef people livinîg i rears more than tbree months are n(' -htrmitted te be cocînted Two Speciais featured at Car- auto aiccident iasf veek tvhen his the villages or Orono. Nexvý,castle as circulationi. In other words, if 't have 3000 subseribers ters Bakery this xeekeud include car coliîded tvitiî a truck. east cf and Boxvmanviiie. or the totvni- on our lîst and onlv' 2000 subscrr "t;i- are paîd-in-advance rt Cherry Pie. auîd ruch deep Custard Nextonvilie. Mr. May stiffered shîps cf Clarke and Darlingtoîî the national advertiser only considi' or circulation on the Pie, at 25e eacb. slight injuries and vas able te wt vlxioem ixvas xveli acquaint- 2000 basis. That explaîns xvby xve to frced te adopt this Mrs. John Hyde. Master Peter relcîru f0 vork this xveek. Hîs car cd throctgh business and friend- new poiicv.s'ti Dennehv and Master Harry Hvde. xvas badiy damaged. ship. baving spent the fîrst fiftx'ebigmaldt i Toronto, spent Sundav xith 'Mrs. Mýrs. J. Clark Bell. Mxiss Winiyears cf mv life in Durham Ta facilitate matters account c0beu nale e I tei J. A. MeCiellan. CorsadMs e.W ae outv. subserîbers un arrears. Canvasser. 'ýro also being used in uuii Mori aîc Ms.Ge. . ams selîcîfing neuv suberibers and collec' '!-g arrears. "i Mrs. F. . Kirkendali and Mýrs. were in Toronto W\ýednesday niiglit i ____!________ il F. Kershaxv. Toronto. visited wvith attendiîîg a bridge atf the Kinîg As a member cf the Class" Weeklies cf Canada, \xttî1r Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bagneil. Mrs. Edward Hetel put on by the On- h ttsa usrpinls ii1io,,b uie ya ( ii W. A. Edger and other relatives tarie Womnen's Liberal Association ST. PAUL'S MEETING i TeSaemî usrpinls tiîcvb uie ya iut and friends over the xeekeuid. at tvhich Mrs. Mitchell F. Hep- ___ ptentoia soitinfliv dalecruaio iuesluîî Mr. William McFayden. Col- buru received tvith the xives of <Cenitinupd from Page 1) A sharp inicrease in the prici cff newý,spnint and in ail lingwood. and Miss Jean Herring. the Cabinet ministers. cf $680.03 0f thîs ametîtlthev tamaelsperîinivn e publicatoibe someineear Oshawa, spent Sunda with their At a meeting of Boxvý.man%. tue!ga%-e the Board cf Managers S490, tdhvipi-i-dvnc-ubcibr uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. S. Fire Brigade. Neil Taylor tender- and after ail other expenses and SUBSCRIBERS FAVOR THE IDEA audit Leggott. ed his resignatien te the brigade, idonations a balance remnained of Maux- Statesman readers hax e. alreadt' commended us 'igrec Members cf 'B team cf Bowî- It \vas accepted tith reluctance '$180.55. Iu additionî the Associa- for adopting this business like polît",. They favor the idea lartu', manville Badminton Club visited as Mr. Taylor bias been a member tion' entertained the choir. the. ht ffleppe s o pi oronhuee month cf expiry thxtr Cobourg Tuesday te play ladies', cf the brigade for 52 years and iY.P.U..and the congregation. ' it wili be stopped. We have ne desîre te send The Statesman ittt menl and mixed doubles. The ba. lvy etiue fine ser- Womcn' Missionary Society te anycue xvbe dees net xish il con'u!.ued. se kîndly advise us te locals were quite successfîl. de- vice aI fires and in erganizatien ' a cr feating the easterners 30-9. wcrk. Under this group the Evenîng accordingly.acr Mr. Wm. Flaherty, proprietor. Twenty-cne years xithout miss- Auxiliar.- showed results of a Tîxp ofBamra Htl.wa n orno ngada'swrkfbogl Ycnesbctsy year with bales of clothing We trust we may have the crnupiete cooperation cf eue attending annual meeting of 58th is a pretty good record, as well 'sbeing sent te Home Mission subseribers in our effort f0 continue t0 give Bowmanville and 1)ix tl Battalion Association and \vas el- -much te be tbankful for. Sc Fields i etr Canada, and West Durham an oufstanding week1v newspaper. ected a member cf the Execu tive was the record of Jack Cole. Bar- tviheteigt banquet, rum relief and Advisory Committee. ber, in the Jury Jubilee Building. mof sal.hic. $750 ent f0 te d S231iil3 Durham County Tmprnc but Tueday Mr. Cole was off dutx of v.-hih S175.004i.t ta Ïh' Federation will hold a public due f0 a severe cold which kept.PebtrTeaur.Aenonaiix hmilidfrady uilir hwd r i fM. A. JAMIES & SONSif meeting in St. Pauls sehool room hi!n e ora$a' 226.15. cf which $223.15 went f0taci on Thursday, Feb. 9th. An inter-i Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Morrison Presbyterv Treasurer. Pblsrs titx esting program is arranged. Et-- gave a dinner Monday evening in Mission Bandf t eryone welcome. honor cf his father, Mr. Da vid _________________________________________i Mr Tm rwn cn'eia adMoreison. Sr., xvho ce]ebrated bis1 Miss Ruth Abernethy presented c "TIr oiid9tb birthday January 30. Guests report of Ibis busy littie group. . troLru saxobonst, inday.bas otiîed ncldedMes.Winie Tompon.the Mission Band, with an enroîl-teidcs.skrsnodef0pt-esu-aii the Legion Band hie will be glad Me.E .Busî.Ms .H ment cf 50. which had donafed ther iligent service.scesi re apoiesf teoacep thi nvi atnd fcm Bounsaîl, Misses Exelpuona.Yn and Mar- $50.00 f0 Missions. Sewing and Mi ss F. M. Galbraith, on behaîffienfodtecu mtrel sowm anviler and puto a'Jocie Bounsall. lother handicraft bad been taught cf tbe congregation. fendered a In conclusion. Me. M a cKa t Ilct minsteel showinaftersEonsBerdhmet-in 'and two lîfe members added toa vote of thanks and appreciation te slaughter cf f isb. citing instances ahia days. W .Spaaren rii Sn Miss o B nd ae .inte roll. IRev. W. G. Blake for is splendid botb in Canada and abroad xvere lzt Mrs W. . Brdn.16900Tint Sunday Schooî oda' services and tvonderful sermons. certain species cf fisb had become Burgess Ave., Detroit. Mich., The boys were there in full force 1 udySho .RiJ ol n .O M-etnti afclrlk wn u writes: Enclosed please find sub- but a few are v'et fa ptiy th eir1 A splendid report cf the Sun- IlJ.vedere re-lecand Fas0.Mn- et ncx'isea prticeslCsratoion, ex sciption for 1939. Enjoy read ing fees. They have'decided f0 make day Sebool activîties show eve I o' t-etedaans mcne-bearnwiined athe audienceseransatrvnd The Statesman and look for if scrap bocks and peep showvs for steadv attendance maintained and gers. Owingtahevanisc- lie xciddteadene en r- each week. Net so many ldft w their 5-ars xvrk. Bobbie Ste-i splendid xvork carried on under ated by the death of Wm. Brock "wise use."li V t-ens bias been appoinfed secretar-'teladrhpcfSp.Wili and R. E. Logan mcving eut cf1 Mr. WV. J. Bragg, former M.P.P., adlvarut know but enjoy if just the samie. inplcecfAlanhtik. ac e'arr dershad isp f of u teac-lfri own, H. M. Cole and S. Stewart moved. and Dr. George McGill haif-ui Chocolate Eclairs at 6 for 25c boy received a mission band bock 'ers. Grass receipfs $151.18, witb were elected managers f0 take 'secended. a vote of thanks te those "vazii and Danish Pastry atf 25c dozen before meeting xvas dismissed. ia balance cf $7.82. their places. Iwho had sa genercusly provided eral will be txvc more of Carter's Bak- Roads & Streets Chairman John Young Pcople's Union n The meeting closed witb the jtbe splendid entertainmenf. The îîîau ery attractive specials for this Gunn ruiucd a perfectiy good Iic RprtcecugPepe Un- beniediction by Rex-. Blake. :meeting concluded xitb a social \'otiti tveekend. Drap in ans' aflernoon Rpr fYugPol' gatbering in tbe dining-room cf sîrects for tea or during the evening for slide iii front cf Bert Parker*s ion sboxvcc a vers' suecessfetl year the Club where refresbmeuuts 1tic lunch. store Ibis xcek. by applyig as vtiîugcod programs and educa- xvere served. Vcere Rotary Cluîb vil entfertaitu cit'ic an experiment a preparatictu cf tional Study. Gross receipfs tverc DURHAM CLUB The thanks cf flue Club xvere bitîtx- officiais atfa banquet at fBalmoral fieu t an stote.T h s tton riact-s20.aîc fe utu lemsexprcssed te Mr. and NMrs. Treuli able Hotel Fricla%. Fcbl 3rl. atf 6.30 te hnsn si vi uttakstonrv allocation cf $20.00 and (çontinued from Page 1) for sponsoring succ a delighluff\ti xe p.m. esearisJbGcdf. into stores and is nttise dirty othuer 'obligafitins. ved a bai- At flue close c-f bis talk Mn. Milîs evcîuing by Past President W. H. 'Fut i #eisp etue.ilson rcuîly once tlue ice has uuelted. It vas ance cf S6.92. bar S Tornt, hO ecntY rthr musngtosrauluertcs aseanaruc asungh gu toCersec ycuiigsteriste ing Cna addressed the Canuactan Clutb c r 0siexihutneîu oeReport of Session pssd rondamngtuegcess leesxvLanso le iu e iîg-tht( that city. His subecet is "The Newv fhau a foot. Owiîug te the ccntunued iîîness petrsc h ono auivigo udLn ye i Canadians." Mr. and r\rs. D. MI. Toci. Osix- cf Sessionu Clerk Rev. Geo. Mxa- and an autograpb album contain- Mrs. T. S. Hoigate, Miss 7\Iabei xalf Juc'r 5îu Cîaseot. Ge. Davîdgc preseited a ing Pauline's autcgrapb anud a Borland. ?Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. dian Pacifie Raiixvavs foi- Van- výery notrgn report. Regret , poem by er ~James, Mrs. A. MA. Williams. Miss couver. B. C.. xvhxre tiîey xvili be Nvas expî'essed cf flic loss cf eue Before the address cf tbe chutef Belle Alletu anud Mrs. W. E. Gerry -citîct by Mr. Tocîs îîrothîor, Ro- - cf the nuenuhers. J. R. Pip. Mr. speaker, Mr. Carl Tapscctt. xvell- attended thicDurham Couîuty Cluib bort Ted. andulMt's. TocI xvîose Batister iîad ofliciateci at 8 futn- kuoxvn radio tenor, gave two solos. cf Toronito lielci ut Slierbourie luomie i, tiiere. The party ,viiierals. 18 xeddings. 12 baptisms: 1-atdels "Silent Worsluip" and The next big musical evetut ilu San Diego, Caifortuatat spend the by professionx cf failli. and 8 b5' Tralee ." P R I this district .viii bef the conicert uext fxvo or three îîoutbs. Mr. cettificafe. A sunu cof $65.56 bad Iu the enforccd absence tbro' Feb. 17tb being putf on by Bcxv- D. M. Tod slipped lis automobile beeîu eaîseci and csed in commeun- iîîuuess cf Mr. D. J. Taylor. Deputy Carel manville Phuilhuarmonxie S o c i c t y, te Vanctîver'. ioex supplies. tenuperance and af- Minister cf Game and Fisheries. under the directionu cf Dir. T. A. Mr. Bradley' Hotucyman, sou of tenîdanuce prizes. etc. Mr. H. H. MacKay, biologist cf W]l Parteidge. There vill be a choir M4r. anud Mrs. A. A. Hotucyman. Choir tlue Deparfment. presented flue confident of cf 100 t'oices and orchestra. Wellingtoni SI.. \vî vas fcormerlv\ Under tlue capable leadershîip cf address of flic eveniug, "The .td.da Me. Harold Elliott. Sauduky.lccated iii Kinugston, lias been 'Alex MeGregor. flue choir re .port Value te Ontario cf Fisb Ceunser- o etiuddan Ohio, spetut the xeekeuud ,vithî lits transferred ta Ottawva as Resident sboxvcd a very successful year-. vation anud Propagation." Me. Mac- 'Lo e W'e will gla father, Mr. Jobhu Eiliotf and bro- 1Itspector cf the Occaux Accident Expetucitures $30.20), leaving a ýKay revealed a splendid know- Prices it promptly. ther, Mr. MI. J. Eliioff. Harold bias -and Guaraîutee Corporation Linu- balance cf $5.13. ledge of lis subjeet. spoke fltuent-_______ _________________________________________________Treasurer's Report l ly, and succeeded in making bis Geo.E. Casepresntedtheaudience setîse thue importance cf IescîE.rChre pr x'ic nsîthethe vork Ibat is beîng doue. Hus tresurr'sreprt \-hch onsst-lecture sluotvcýd the steps taketu cd cf balance from 1937 cf $39872; ntoî't anan u ed ¾ CONCERT EXTRAORDINARY Suuudav collectionus cf $1 728.05;xlptefseis u ffu refit fronheseboolrroom $1300f ce- f~llIr eîvedfrom cTorniîg c13o.00 e-1peovituce's chief assetsan lud B UV! VLL PHILHARMONIC SOCIT evc rmTaiigïll$0 Womcn's Association $490.00; an-1 before the depressien at $3,600.000, Trinty Curc, Bomanillenivrsar colectons$785.40; te- 'and to-day at about $2,700.000. ftal reccipts $3435,17. Expenudifures'r aKysesdthimo- Frd ebruary I 7th - at 8 p.m. \vbiclî iuclcded $14400 interest on aue le recration alearus. c mortgage on mause and insue- fre b Outri'stvtes Chorus 100 Voices - Orchestra - Organ and Pianos 'ance cf $11788.,xvere $3185.81, Oune great problenu wbich the in popular sciections you can hum~ and enjoy. leaving a balance cf $249.36. Uute Saesan teprvicec Howard R. Foicy - - Ilumorous Rea4ier At the close fthe ladies cf *the Ontario are now xorking upon uls Chas. Richaids - - - Piano Accordionlat couigregation servedi lunch wben the draxx'ing up cf a set cf regu- Du-' Organ and Piano Numbers. la social haîf-bouîr was enjoyed. lations uîiformi for cuti lake. The ad7 Osborne Bros.---------------Maie Quartets___________ licersiug of fishermen is a priun- ary iteuxu. Ontarioolbas onue cf tihe___________________ ADMISSION: best liceuse systemrs iu existeuce Aduifs 25e Chiidren 15e. ST. ANDREW'S to-day. Primary points in licous- _________ing are: first flue size an'd qualuty (Continued from Page h1)jlcf'fltcîuets used; seconud, the set- whicb were used for the first time ftiuîg cf the scasons for fisiing: on anuivesary Suuîday. Miss B!third thbe amocuut cf fisb pce'mit- )( specia l igp es ati toyr ho e w re q tite satisfied xvith ti iN v ith the intense fishing, and G in withut bligtio. tncial statemeuif. Newv acditors bence, flue necessity for "batche Pui cicetecl arc W. L. Patersotu andciles-~ or arlificial s p a m, nitut Atudrcxv -Tlîonupsoux. grouinds Thiere is ole eoff lic c P LLS Two Sizes If vasdectlc uot 0 loleveu-hiafclucuies for bass a ftic outiet Libeal llo anccon ourOId ur oat iuug services dcîriug the ieîoîtixs cf cf Dcci' Lake. Fislî are kepf f0 'an 39c - 69c Jul anud August, andti laIlIte tige wlieu fhiex' are stronger ttand___________________ 1 iistcî' bc giveux a full mnth's can fend for themselves and aie '71M b4 vLholiday. thon put into flic lakes. As fishu UNITED CIGAR STORE Phone 594 rs. Clifford Caverly A vote cf tbanks was mox'ed te 'feed on eacb other if is importanut AGENCY the caretaker, Chas. Morris, anîd 1f0 ensure the supply of suclu seern- ______________________________________________________tf Miss L. Osbore, orgaîîist, for1 inghy uuimporfant creatures zas NATIONAL tiirluril shene. coinrnandini.,that thr(tivith xvith mul-ed lstinxi __________nîathx eîcralx an(] thic c- î,it - ififîrnishing a direct route <Centinued frcm Page 1 xrîii fiudu rlanti ,e'i) it' th iC 'ser%-of ftle virile man- t->t 1. wheu itht -e proiletuxarc f,îc- f, riî o 'r inationatl lt'efcii'., cardmvtlvIlcsavinfneo il ail I t felt(t he adlvanced 1w ' ix u i vxth h es Couid Bury Differences Otaa util siich tlle a- the 1-iceint(lc oih)fi esn xadi- ver soerzrosedtr\ý iiilical oiic cil(j ie et-lltial îli'ciiiiç tof trp rlv runcamp 'at ffai tat t itt'celd ~ *tl't. ttiu t x led res 'cd i f( nd i ih ,i'i.irs llattha\icoqi, lt %e îltir.rca tcd tt1 'u tr«IiiiiiiL. lite ii'clared. '"and I, t'rt t re st ttitl C fl Tlitf-11x'iiare hi«if wav to making lit ra au tlt rities. flic Pîlib- oliur. ilt vrti cxcr liucl sodiers. Ill ýti t lix. t 'I:ictei, lie i mttliedi l. i t ltcr ft îtr arîteti, hadi t ).il n- xcIi clx h o i lI u t h s ais al i'ualc mrge cx' an <li nthliir att ituode o f 'x t t iîpid- i Itli ca it- netti iin tlie a treatlv re xxas 110 înaxitut'le fact. t if. Il'jîîe-andti miii ercncc. cise rtxcraeicag ii u apv .ai(I. fit it eut xi stcd liiiCanatda il t tii t fortct t hotsatiti.. of li lti itt ii c hîltr i onflic. t i i se the itresviittilne -b n,îlcu could i1îg fghx ît atîa vi atlIIte o ts ve the tiicir tîî'liticai i f ferciices. nr tiitut' i.iltcthe saine ocu eandti Iiiîx ax't ues tae wlic faehu erliwgrat a Jth \.Ma-uie-a',itti-.volt against the capital- ,itxtIlitt . ixe fore u' e a sk fli vounLe ici an ii c rcBr'nonce had t tics -f t 'i tliaI ildic tato rial ortier' tien f this cottt rx poliu r out anti.11(lcoitid, i f tiiexdesired te. ç'tit re"itrîcs ihallincited ,'tt'reil 'iveet wu fxcut. it iaiit alnutto sitintue Sees Thrcat fo Freedom u i)r' ix t lxthix tîxat flhc counrv tU t lis lioitlî' li tht r'> 'adi tii so lutietie -il 1i1,r4.' tht iniltlislxer de-'at '1 lxrtitis decracx' villixt'ae1xrtifisîhtinz for." lei. 'that i \i x t thxe raiîxv-ax ixe'ý î itllcicenoet te cix e I ' r. cCiiliafoh said. in letîx si -'vedin i a itiaitiier that it - eiti s"tlthlxi to belicee in. I hiaxve itiilertakcei i this series of il s ýie s\tii., tNîas ves. ini- - itttli ' x"k for. anîd soute ait t' cf feiritiioa 'tîkcx pihiic ccnscieuls_ tf illars - x'cariv ' Is itl i l tutg t i " .or i iiltiet Lgo îtess. se, the mtî ce viii assert fixe t e >lito it îlicl'Qearnxv etf ii ic atiiiiicracx'. Eitxcr frce- rigL,,t t',-gix cn. Tt is tour rizht to xxal t- llt t "' . C( 1 rc.c d' ait xxiliisttifx' itself h lx liabitxg teliltflic tiartits this hix ioti rriîe for li rat i Ili i t enxe iru il>t..cîildi cinte ariait hglýtxcftihectt..tienxarv fairx taies, anxd that c cxarti ftice taxîtax ers ex- lîxti' 'e anîd iaccil at tscftl wrk- i f1 tht i xaît tof0.or somne- %toit sant action. uliit x tr isire te ýtc leas eftiititle-s 'txfetîi for ils levers iTlex' ýtilt on cxtravaialt e tt (L(i'lx \xiil cetttlc alie antt -i Iii t' ad11,i;s nehd1Iti.i ircetlttil"(Cl.- Mrs. Geo. C. Warren. Swvift iit iît flie iitanazueixîît of SfCletikitoeut eti firsf-iai ler- Current. Sask.. writes: Please find c affairs? -t 'ulal citaci xx ith tictrançielits' stbscription for The Statesman. Can't Look Both Ways aiLi~i f fieTo'route relief probcixi. We stili enjoy our old home pa- tit îes ttesifl b x ic iniislte- riidfrrcc-filix that. per and should net care to do ulit these questit'r tue itxfiiiduteinlentce o a littie Cirist- without it. lx.- lie tîlt i ls tast ratiîeiaî C, xîxs-oî.aixdl trotter xx'rkini lice. *'I)tcallse I thlxx i x vi i clxiie the fi'iirtxes anîd uail- 1, wthIile itat tlictxoliticai itaixciers o f todax'coîtitihbcxveaued iscaîxiot hk-eti onle cxc on cadi raîtidi i axi v-. from aux t eft-utîsp)cct- rail] lthe îne and tite otixer trx'- td)icteiiîcx' te raticalisni, andi tsîze t ' i p. anti aI the saine bxci,ýtîxt. iixstcad the xxiîliixg, cageri Our Business Policy stec straig}itenotizli te deai xvîix ic -»ii.l\-hiln!ctieýta isis lthatI rectires conicentratio'ineae coulavadntrre itienç fhaf a t To iersn od xci nirpose and effort.- aîxv et fc.îrt texiard sîîch a goal xxortx st hirqaiy e raiiwax' proebiaî xas labelitd xixlic? _-Were dcxcn il lion Ilunk- To seli to those who know le ittiiîlisher as "the biz excuse- .xcadS -ittiriw i op cD f a treaýsître and to those wtho don't know p,îverlîluent failtîre Ite îackic the -ti)re' fi)L-o 01x feililtir eue ancîther values at a uniform. fair ýfsituation as it sheucibe that Canxada \vas tee peer te tire- price; to fuifili ail guarantees cd. Tiircexx'insz millicîts after x'ide it-seitouix en and %vomren wiîiî and chccrfuily correct ail ixns. x car ailer tear. inte the a fair start iii life? mistakes; to deserve your s' inkhoie. whiIe solution,.".,rt xxv t(,oiig hid axdd o confidence by always giving a catiott or îîe'î-uîification. hesi- 'lie uiown and bleat fthat this p)robleix square deal. x.x'as. te lxis îînpreiudiced teax'* i.teit hard te soixe?" hitki "ttc hte lie izlt cf follx.' Secs Menit In Camps M r' e er Flicc' lix lite rcccitîiv prlieî!ixdcd Caîx- t J Let. 'is a standing obstacle te l lcrcitý rpine ai ,ess. A \lxuîîdrcd îxîilieîxdollars tîdjaî Corps plan he was iiîclined te Phone 463 Bowmanville be ioxîîfxd as cîflen as required1 sec (20t'erinent proramns failinLi______________________ x' for politicai fears autti iîxcem- adecnuate means of vroxidinir a hope- ice. bit net le save a hiundred______ _________________________________ aîxd x oui inen f rom demor- ý 'PosHopes" Not Enough__ -- -I c f uîîeifovnxent. anxd îxeir laut disinîîeration cf the couut- îxxaîulood. couhd itt be cîîrcd. arned- certainhv nid at Ibis ccd ep)ideîîîic stage - bx' ant' tuceastîre or "Ititils hipes' tir ci piromiise- such as the Fed- iisîer of Laber had receuxtîx- te' tue House cf Coînuionts. gz ixliu ltc xx'erc tranxipixglit le is ou cutes and texx'îs. tedax'. t--anxd hi r'and tunlueliccii 'lot ail] Ceiitm iisîs. agitaî'xr-ý tor rît i-rai t. as the unîclx.rit- xx' 'uuii tnctuii e tlxcîxx. Neiîlxc'r îlîc'x- itaiv' ti'l 'i. lie -.ii(l xx re Caîxadiait- fin-t, anudci> i li tlleits nt ritedcth le 5xx ut patix e tîît.irtlîxte. Sottie xxCii Stationery Sale 1 Pad - (Linen or Kid) Reg. 15c i Pkg. Envelopes - (To Match) Reg. 10e REGULAR SELLING PRICE 25c Sale Price - 19c F R E E w ifh cvery purchase of Pad and Envelopes 1 small bottie ink JOHNSTON'S BOOK STORE Phonîe 651 Bowmanville ES$CRIPTIONS fully and Accurately Compounded ien you bring your prescriptions to us you can be )f the finest possible resuits. Eaeh one is carefully id aceuxately filled w'ith the purest ingredients. ldly cail for your prescription, fi it, 'and deliver -Phione 792. JANE 'SEYMOUR Cordially invites you to visit hier beauty con- sultant, Miss Arniorel Kenmp, who will be in attend- ance at oui' store, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week. Hours 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. WEEK-END BARGAINS PRINCESS Flaks 3 for 30c DODD'S -- Kiney -- 27c 25e Noxzema - - - - 15e Pinkham's Comp. - - - 87e Robinson's Barle3' - - - 33e 100 A.B.S.&C. - - - - gc >K AS YOUNG AS YOUR HAIR LOOKS! 'g 7d o euin or sca ppirty l1ust makes 1& y % ao Ide n =u reor el 'tai aetoe wUbringyoun bain back W in a natural wY-I's e d ut acta Dsu of ýigment ..tion rm the haïr oeils Out- fer Drug and DePariment Stores 'ELIQU E MfIR RESTORER qu ryHaun Restarer s PRICE Gqey Hain ta ils natutralColotnd iyeana oftage), in tram 30 ta eude.1 0 ALEX Phone 792 Fitch Shampoo -49c-98c D. & R. Creams- 25c-45e Feiiow"s Syrup - 87c 35c Corega - - - - 24e SPECIAL 20c Colgate 's Tooth Faste 25e Cashmere Bouquet Lotie' Valu 33c 40e Listerine Tooth Faste 50c Prophylactie Tooth Brush 90C Value 59c t' i 25e Jergen's Ail-Purpose Cream with 50c Jergen 's Lotion- 75e Value BOHFOR 43c Anacin Tablets 22C - 39C Baby 's Own Tablets 23c Bayer Aspirin 22c - 39e Castoria 29c - 59c Drene 15c - 33e - 59c Feenamint 19c - 32c FOR C1IEST COLDS Use Pasmore's Giant Kruschen Saits 90C Value 69C M COREDOR Drugs We Deliver ) K PAGF sl--l\,E.'lý We Deliver