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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Feb 1939, p. 8

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PIAGE ElGHT , T'Ill' \ \-'ý DI.N ST\f t\.VWaA \IIL.ONTARXIO THiURSDAY. FEBRUARY 2ND, 1939 n flemo.\ et Kipti ARMS USELESS ON A•••• h nmically Icý and epeItius Trainig Received tW nec o 'lih- revenues )f let th at adiam 0 Tlomin C.w m t,- ithre only goal iI Nationilal (< West Indies 'Stea it. h0 j i s t u n i n t h e su c n d I e r io d a n d h .i i t d . C o ti n u ed i ol to i m p r o ve1* , a n e l Cmu i m Ae d o e a t r S y was no11(t unl t h t hr lird fthat thc Bueee, t he il.highe:st in the Iieshi- 1 Lwure able to) tie it ni). \Welsh conmi- Rheumatic Pains Relieved By ,tor\ an l'strade with the \West1 n1 o astrm Lre h Kruschen Ide a nrae tal ic (By ,Rev. H. C. Wolfraim) o itrSho hrh e.J 0teams0t a ula veti ePeriod !,ut the iniaugurattioni of this service hv -J lc ,BA . . . m sy n1,1more sorngresuilted. 1Ilier( i, al notewor th\ n i)me f the C nda National in 192, antd I believe that such a schiool as P s rsd n e .C .F r --0ri : D. Frizuson1, MIlve1 1 the manner in \which tdamIII weathIer >rtcua l ince fthe pultting in'1,to the Lindsay Winter School where gu n.BA, etay Ca'ruE ru C wn L xo. : ff.ct thic inits (of ulo n whois Irice fthre 1;iLdyLiner in1 929). young people meet together in rsdn e.G .M x el Bes W sm n. L re, R brt uiiict Ilito rheumatic vains,. The year 19,38 also sawv the Ileen- worship, fellowýship. instruction. BAC m ry W lhK. Lemon. iAider. I hald beent suri ng from rheu- iniu of Caniadian a;ir exvress and miail recrecation, learning the Jesus way VceP sdnt - R .M.A of ockey they can play. The * * * * mal;tism vev adv, a mi ritecs, carvnsr vices ,betwe-en " Monutreal of Life, is one of the best antidotes Buy B. .Jaevl . Lindsay Doubles Local Score In Lmsyrkhsruddcr;Tefnlgm ftemrIlani]hadI such pains tirnimy joints and \'anicouve-r and intermeudiate to Communism and Fascism, etc., Sceay-Ms ui edn niers, much different to the other featured vplenty of goals. 1Edmnonston that I u 1 coulld hardly heaii l.t, IlnIa centres. cover fthe Nationallv we that we possess." So stated Rev. C m ry F e [4. iT .1 A •rinks in the league. When shot and D. Larkin coredl in thfli irt \w"t davit% calv. It pained mle Trans-Canada Air Lines. It is ex- John Roberts, Ukranian pastor. Reita -M ssF n eO wad First £.ncounter W in Arcadlans into the corner the puck clings to period jfor ther(: aniýers. The Fly-ing t-rribl >,to uiemarmls. anid 1I was vected fthat thiecarrialte tof passeni- hurcîh oflAll Nations, Toronto, Lnsy the ,wall and cm s d w h ie usoe h tnesi h adeable to wo-irk,. I tried two ers will hezin in the early mt hsoeofteintutosa teaov sisatReitar-M ssR t other side- second l stanza. Rowe Lgetting bo'thi]di fferenlt reme ibt [ was stiil of1939o. Overationm i l IIbe xtend(- school, in conversation with the Wht.Ln sy Rink Packed Frida W hen m lintites left in the i<kle staniza. ioals forfthe Wingis, One on a va', a, h-ad alter the- treatmrent. u]ed estwardl to Nl()ictton. Saint john writer. "The Communists and Sn n erain L ae Iackon anid An ier roke froman fidgets Play Clean Hockey irml A orrs uinrir scoarated thil "Then \vas to,141to trv Krusýchen and( H aifiax \whlen facilities h aveFaS c is ts have thieir own schools R v .F elL kfed Two Leading Teams in Ar-cadian e oa.Anir tallv- One of the things we admired Wineus' e(oals wvith one for thle Ran- Sls hc quickly brouight relief. heertnmade recadv\. in which, their doctrines are pro- D a e.D .Sisn .. League Battle to 6-3 iiiln . A minuite ipassed and Breinnanmost about the Midgets is the cer S. Ini thecfinal neriod. Bird. R S fcure1hv)k. n wth I sa lite mr ta erpogated. I svr m otn htBD.O k od Finish assedtoI Col kto uive thre ige clean ty,'pe of hockey they feature.1Larkin. Ouinnlev and Edmnonston it. and I am,, now much better and and ia hali >iince thc formation Ioi we have our church schools train- BuiesM ngr ad B k thil heaa agn The Orphuns handed out plenty scored forthre IRangers, D). Larkin avlevrfelt so fit for years. IteTrn-nd Air -inles. in thait ing our young people of Christian Se ad -R v .C ofam Handng te Bo manvlle r- lwmanile(. n.on he corn i hethe Midgets retaliate. They play Neal andir(K. Larkin lhad penalties. .btnw ti lasure t,, he neýl Ihas been l eced and trine :ud i isu slctd ttm n. Ad ioy C m ite hre cadians a (l to .3 delfeat, l ýth Lnsv fna at' o<a pd lruhhard and clean and show nonin- lagr>s: Bok.(unev d alfiok" ado bam mt- The third Lindsavy lm ne N wate oet c fi et tok ve ossin ff i l tedec to pNrai dti<u a asrIill lill\.E1rd.. rdo hi iuc lt trest in brawls. And believe it m1son)ir. . Larkin, R. La au jjins and stiffines>s of rhleu- ooia and other eqi mný t have School for Oshawa. 'Lindsay and D ugl.P tro ,B uc Sk ch place (onl Fridaiv iiht in I.inidsav- fe.rwn h oli u.Dlie othe efreinwsoo . ini. enerand Stutt. mtIlism II are often caused Ihv uric beun nt ale, la ndn field> Peterboro Presbyteries was hel L ds The wel-hilt fat-katng lio-es hn nd h methe rebonrd. Wither- - .Fr y \ g ::.FruoN a ai rsas in fthe mulscles and costrut-cted hvIl thef intretsco)-Iper- in Cambridge Street U nl i t e d desrvd her inas thertredide rw h suscond trip t thIFrdayfGaecI Whtbyifre. KRowu-. Ward, M rrfns.The inumrerous salts in Krus- a t in . Dei rv fth fftnhi -C ucJa ay 16 o2,19 .FO M R ES EN a biliat ehiitn 1 hckr.tok onatehech ndfo te frs tme Schedule for the coming week cak. sitin stimuflatintheicinternal pucd ltettv)c transplort lanes Rev. Clarence H. Ferguison. B.A., advntgeofevrv scrie go- nwe oavwoke wentre ws hows the Bowvmanville crew fac- * * * * e i o halthiv. reenlaractvt. which we r ore hl o uer)nof Bethany. was President for the O A L N T N I ituniiv. ais ther Lave the 1.000 i n)Id- a man adtantage. Det t -ro r n g tough opposition. On Fridlay Churchl ,eaguie StandiniL :Ill hei them t el iiniiate exce>s C. mplilete, third term nand presided over theGR ED BY K N av suovporters plentt o lcheer I-about. Iln u Later. Burkhart \was t*erviin,*- mght (to-miorrow,,) Peterboro Colts T amsGoals 1i ai. In ingahad to 1939 fthe ge ra school with his characteristic en- Thre IBre>linites did inot oI\ l ic the ih iltird >sentenIce wh len Egl pay the COrphuns a visit iWhit- \W LT For Ail t. j ___ tlook forIl the Caniadian Nationral ergy and efRciency. Those ,whIo R cpet fm sae fcn haeiitireclin1recent ,es. lic 1h dontsefrmet and verteea nblesiotde thameas-4TH E YEAR ON ° fíÛa ni np eM ad fal i(Men11 xthu lI rt Rw anvllel-oediuch beterire f the Arcadians and the Io- Vi Wii,-, 0 2 1 51 C. N. R. SYSTEM )ci ""v i Eitil in°fic 1e etreahya.T i er h r.\ila Wlad h ee izaswih fi N(thhrIr. hr . il(riod asilthre%- _,,t usedto thec cals will be out for revenge. O 1 1 81 noon and eventing mels were brt her ,s w d in an- inoal ithth f\rtherner0s. SharI r Snded cornerZ in the modern Lnd u canine.served in fithe to United Churches vesr atP tPryJnu y27 me th sotihtio hw asile a\ arenai and after Witheridze and Play Port Hope 'Monday ~ 'rrr.eraimns- of the town, Cambridge Street tesr otacberm fo ire the to intinde:rs. Hl trawir e almse lrou hne, O M nasih teBeln aturday: Rangers and lanid Treidentan Que St et - w ih av T er M jsts, he K g ad tord and Ron Hoopeur. trawt\-ord B1ird unnsheid iasco)rme pass ,ol Iver tIites visit Port Hope for the last rm . als n li< \m ailway vresults reflectthe genreral NEW S FOR THE the students longer periods of fol- Q en wore thre uvads duringth iefi r>t tw" W\\i,,emlan toIIcoletl)te fthetotl . game of the schedule. Port Hope csadtr as lvlo uiesactivity h is U Y F R E o siptgte.Blesfrro D td Snrnh m h al fuei o s tau tirweek-olie uyre lw anileana. rwtroadir ra dyoto h rnigfrch(ck on fthe graduailre vry ad b ak stw epoied y ras. T eKn adQu nae fuedtostnd upan e adt" Hope: efne.Wad nd Wih-aplayoff slot but that doesn't ("aadin Ntionial Railwýays earn - hospitable Lindsay homes. There m c in rstd ohar htyu withidraw%. \\hile dome Lhis forty rdevete Diw ig il-ma hywnt r own y LIONS HOCKEY m a\ ml Tridu Trvatv \was a registration of 75, includin r eeraigyu ,s edn mmnutes Of dutv. lhe saved fthe Bo-v. ie do- organ: sub Bt khart winni ewng ll ther remin ng y n> twifit the d ele in 3bues- h ew Taebcemet h- 1leadesn iesr n xed t o mlanilloefcrwd from a mor)e hum- lar Niehl', .- Bird. WiSemian and .\larch. games, Bowý,manville cnfns n Te Iins H ce ege hsactivity in thl(fast rmonths of 1937. a twee'-n Canad(a and(]thre United States.1 Each dav at the school began hery cn at aios nd g d 2 faing eica wit hisspe tcular I.insa - r T- Y the top position. This is the spot still heen hampin ered Iby rought wea- dcln'wic'onineItro\ou hich camne into operation (on laII.n-inthe right way - withi osi ihs t ssge y tepi filethirdR erioHoanover itook ms i o l efenlce LIftt rnd l ur.iIu il they are aiming at. fther and nor ice. and have onh-a reua t part (of 1938. Thie decline 1st, prov ie s mnyca gsil i t ar if s0e riod ca .ondu cd byR e. Jh a rsertrti rM sis asTuwasea ad mtto er a te lcat luahs Enhsh bs. Iacksoni. lBetts. Dart Port Colborne at Oshawa Friday Three team aeno1edw t two onthe United States lfine ftecutytcnte. U de h e oioy msae ee v hrtn o aur 7 16 as urer adto iv wa aterth Da nd Anclers.' Port Colborne Seniors provide nomnts each. whiile Grieg A-'.forden s oamaizr-eement Canada secures conces- thought-provoking and h e a r t'-Mr Wil dis9 an hswfe s first verioid because of illnless. . Re Nfe ax Reesor. M rhm h poiini sa at-o-Dukes are hbremeu t he fic field. Th'le overations of fthe system for which to the United States m'1 sacin ,ealig tedeeae99.H.a3br7nEnln n Angiers got thre only goal ()i the row night in the final home game P erigans 1by next week. weoather ver- 1Ileelrglnlece yteamutdt 327.505.000 or alpproix- to start the day on "a strong shs a ntv f D rigo first veriod,. when hle w a allwedI of the regular season. With Osh- mnittmn e we ay have a fuller ac- n(cessity of cuirtailing epes simiatelv- 83 liercent of the total cam- spring.To nhp be gda htr fte to carry the puck out mn front of awa already securely lodged mn eiltgu fe this lecague's plaversý. somne far als imssible in view lotflthe fallini adliant sales oftS.394.240.000 mi that The Bible Study and Back- laeM . nd rsJ m sH adi the net unichallengred. Bowmnanvi lle B ic s nd So qU the second playoff notch, the main ()f whom1 will be thec Junior stars of reu esIIc. while atl the samne timeva r. Of thie 202 itemns ion which gon ore eecodce y M .adMr.Wladhv1w ýtarted off with a flurry in thle sec- excitement will be in watching next vear. lThe standing: maintainie teloet n t concessions are made, 129 re esn the following ledr:R v Ha-ci rnbt lvng nPot e- ond voero and Miarch bantued] the1 (By Nelson Osborne) iLex Chisholm try to improve his Teamns Goals eoliimlent in conditioni to mleet fthe redutctionis in dutv. 41 thec bindme et' if old Lackey, Enniskillen: Rev. r.H ry w ooeae tr rubbier homne after fortv--fivec seconds .. point total. Port Colborne willW L For Agt. Pt>. 1,resenlt and popcietranisporta- thec existmez rate of1 dutv. and .32 a 'Gordon Maxwell. Cambray; Rev..adM s..oet aprzEhl of vlar. About four Lindsavie\ o ehi be out to win as they cani still be W ilid 1 0 3 1 2 tionr reqluiementsifthicoumntrv, also, continuation of present frcee entrv. Mervini Bury, Janetville: Rev.wh lie wth erp ens surrounided March as hie vecked at hig Good or Every Bad i eliminated, so it shapes up as Ta'Titrl'l9i 2'o ooie o h ovmn f Te conicessions to Canada on atni- John Roberts. Toronto. The in- -the uck but he wvas still left on hIis l If that old bromide about ýquite a tussle. Parons 1 1 10 7 2 Lrain ariin from11 the anlticipa-ted mýnaIs and animal inrodulcts are llot structors in the Method Courses feet. 'omething good for every bad" Duk'es0 1 4 5 0 imprn emen in theweser crop imoo)Irtanit. The chici item i i ve were Rev. W. Clifford Smith of Y ugtr hud rm m e A minuite later Cook tied it ull as has any 'truth i t hnM rs G nrl lc o in 'f, he revenues in the lastickquartern o f itle wveighin 700 pounids tir mitre. Courtie R v.G og Ke1y pa nt ar oly ou g wc.-- Machclaedbaivad it fu ln sdue for a powerful lot of Quite a sprinkling of ilthe yar indicate al cessation lf Ithe iEndier the( 1936 ai,-reemti(ithlc dut\- Lakefield, and Rev. John McLach-Q ee hoiceTlgah oo beas oo. ve snc h vll fnswee ncudd n he DENUNCIATION OF dmadtrend. and there niow n-il- on ldaclass Iof caittlewas redutCedlfant. Seagrave. t eganito sponsor a Jurior hockey 00fsanst.o aachedbthe Gen- ESOSPLC eiiei et!eo h rn "å ""f oge eaialnnaa u the score with Osh wae lickmgvonrl'PENeSINStig t Outh m l, dif f iicultthmi t thl rwe 'i-ci "a 2MM ha. h ew ju.The cetarB ruan vcS itch, LEGAL aot flt w.ha eehado ace te h vig an ofbig t M e tele m nte ic f ue nl thr hiwt15fr 00m canada Twhen te% is s an nire Osat nldead Miss __ _.seconehal of t e sc edul as is fallst F iar G e ers a e jst e ac - lad tte m n ea erfillhict f uan ra toexpot.Gerth Whiel. as f lof i sv br- ' Barriter, olici or, N tary ow m nv l or t h other tamfro ailTim m n, ail I'reia nrSt.u Mn va n l,7erie 2in ,th 00Init d . tates. A not lw t ils. wh isc tey'possue S i tche L E A u ftousa d n . e 'an w toua cthcr wd ng a vge n a o fnua y , h o wish t o \re. h I m r o h ,t w . T e at 3 c n s e o n n a q o a o e s M n g r e . D w y M W.R TRKcnone.haiBofthers he i lo s y. p a r ch esae ue hoc eyare report read.: ll.fou fw:ct The 13cent rate is in- utnson t. O k o als)O isfavr ro Barrister, Solicitor, Notary ,Th i y e r h ee oth a sia skd ofotfy NesoIObone , l iT Scobeii Ioll. wa r-t i Ier.m w th aor ram of creaingarsre nel:d te cotais raised t bemg a "gloomye a os n", nd he Solne 5i feeBoktof·tasrusoon aasthpossibhLeg H e.yptans f ;deIr , tel sth I.ttal'bl.I -ýýnl\. LIli00 e ewthfhimaimu a e as busiessmanag rt toRr ofa M ld . om ntrel e am groupd , stron tueam wea- the vteams ua r alo ased teaofeeil . isueda ,sahin deni a ti n i eihtcas)nd lco otve iftlim111 \itlhn, d fom 15 thbalace o.his b et Rev. oney to an. onea9Laing it e A caianvcolout r ,n th e o asheeare a feh w r e o h o ino oenmn' ler te epctto f i ro \1.W.10 il-IILOnunds l»er 1headj On cows ,t tf es H m tC.Wor aim, Lid say, as Bo ma vileoOtaio.Wi b ikt o crsge okyallromcmoe et.h ntd te ieution m l j,. 11,11 u lrt , Sino .Oi,ý,od -s fr fo toR be ElelOtmOlý C chen.wt rr t eernfiesl],i(ccal ipred frdariThebok sew rsod oer,00 asked t notif Ntheo our e S .SI ul in( oil Vti lir .ii(f can addre rss belore the pose il Ile ll,,t the maximum conessonnfggawoth f ooks. thcenpubaishe L. C. MAr, SiorN, B A co inhis a . Bute ,vdsit h esiGuelnasp ssPlay e. C 1th Yso ue Peofle'ic ieyo h nt2av ae.rslig rmp rc-prcetwsgvnt and vtgtigthe proits Howevler, the Barcit ristr -Soictonpeainohceyth cubtune G ephJuios la i OhwaedChrc i Sut orupne e w t ecatialon ith en di ted States itll ageemen purasber s wlb fnuishee' Law in al is banhe. amgop a tog e ,er- Athe se oteas re as ae fg rd t t esos eeans, whose m n dllars etwithltndan "nly 2M 0 ha wereto beallowtý lo a e rs in rsbgt tian wrkv. Oieyimmediately eastofe79 RoyalArad an coou ,afore e sthe repl ay f , is soul e w vsae lfmettt i h vn te low 20 )r a . T e O al imitýs - R mev. .CJ hnson la k, L np a .aso Theatre. Plar Injure nbrak-p thabtteofth sasn Ohaa' f her eahfrm nycnthbt roxftin abnwoeekds.e ad httehinerShol huc, as SEVE S BANE P h ffi 68 H ill T vlo w ll ave so e(o - cu l wl- fa iou d s e ak m lim t(I - t - ,ll i lv t t e g soul of g n it y, and m ad.t e ones: C e ; ome 553A . o Ing desperation , Bresi s fte d poitioGu enl h m g l et ti o cinhe d ew ateni t SFtei n rohntet- 1 lits. I thWn trauvthre er boyiee "aih me.,OR YORiO M hp e i h o eym e t h lu n d a t o h iuiru s w r i g s a w h o i i n o i i vnt s . w h o s e r m t i e e v . l 1 u ti e s t n l i v e h o )s a n d a n f h l r O n M n d y n i h t e v o y H MarsED icLthtateotw w erGro doelays Ji n iuel pato- nig h a t i lnsion rvetSoutheirwivs n te ratin Cato be abdtle o ecr l cilled nr haeiben36 ruc e hv Rckasrd, M..E., fiColbon te d eeisteisltinyuhv fomt teghtnto telvehunded are compa rie s rngth will eb e t- event of thc(ei dat fromanyicauil(se. tha;hjte tkntocrabexorcntadteoaek erandesed t h oen ssion onse be atn fr RdT pIs DR. ARO ul e F EGUSON anr tegu rtngcifalte he s o te nwnto-oro . Saler.Co. cbelchr1d utmai heeiene ued"fork (nt inc luinend fnei sbet!T-a)YuhadT- laigW o.Ral lnesyu As hes t o tam ar fgu r i,,infee li te and llselql2000imb m the rr-il. l 1 w( f morrow'desWorld.hTusan ig t ho e Pyvorosefmfuksams Lfanwsilln ais btanoe meth wrt rekofal.Th dcine in ra r e.Nýtvitnesrin-",u asg wte oiDE1 Oraice of te atey Dr. J.oC.RBel.fThetweather was the worstof e viv heir cunt rv infim(,detencet 3 ainw rso 1 ilnd l 3l-4 tIlle nrts ecoundlRc i rocal ,l was ramatic Jo n gtwhenk a the Fas omsa. rtcotfslw Offce our:heate.ay, ihe theof yearadjs ot o hty M D E s olW N A ' ""f ocu r uacetilfoir e cac luitictos i l, rcesecocdin - !thoucs e eou n peoph off Cambray pr- rero emivpoo. era Sunaysby ppintent trckaen rEd I M ac, one of ENi I ec uIlle mt o - a lm a t l . ants on hb rses v a d at no. e cocre3 o Pt tis rdc fCnda the better plyers on theIcub, suf-p hvec omfilv otv ve xrvaat I thtnl h ey ifcltoe-m rilertan $150 twr ha a s rednl i e- F W M offatt n a y , ndgtm r. ysmao pndLdyorwr feredeconcussion6of;thembrain.and Howmavo ill ides r silteSV eTt)e lne eraed"' h del Iatin ltconditei lni tes Ivnl\-dfrm $0 o$0 ea n 193. een iiigsmro u is s rat fqaiy DENT L w s ptil unon, sci n rfe- undisctin' Gedl p hs of teds gtr cictnorrctin sie uv r nt et Ss.5ntial t n orttion(),7reu .IemetslndIasiow feenchnwte tr 1. I elYds, sho ed le ndi ovn mi o e to Osh wa H sit alB e - a ninmkllnino caaSau..d wn m th tre b cr anl to mninrtIl he c unr a hie th at n h se vlud at pct rs f th nie C u ch RDuO teteron, o Bat es, L dsofs m n e hv wr1mc h"ertante ese.. var wresffcen o a alth edcdirml0leeen. o17ter W st Aria On M sieigtcN U ATNrW O A s i s a n : D r . . . a s s n n R o s s M o r g a w e e a l l br ie d h o m e - t o n G e p, t e o u n t a s e e o i k n,ý o w ase s t e t ri g h t m S o u t h i f r - o r r a I ýt -in e p n e . a d l a e a h l c n .( h r d y e . G r o a w l G r d u t e o f R o a l D e t a C l - a n c t . S o e d y h a l c k w i l z ecom a i e. T r he v als o w e r e t b - \c u o i e h r i o s o a - ; fn t r v e n u e f r o m r a i w a y 1 i l e m r I i l h u r u u c l l R a d o . W .R E . f le t c he , r a n i s Dege, HT ROo. UOffce J rtJbiee c an e.c nd hvn ot am e g al stck .nes ho ha e ie snce clnnc r t*,i of nr ly 7.000.000. Use Io t ili zeilii, r u, of s bicambriT de 'St. U te d h rch Bldg., Bowmanvgille. Ofniee hours, and eey tm ta hc H t. o o ebt o1c_1m ene qimntwsaqi - kThe-seno, feriliz r has .)been a were inchare. Tey wer asist- 9 pm.daiy xcpt un CawfrdBak I N ts oud et ne ti, te oakeeere arits rom f r enids that the fil, are e duiteva Totho ud uc d1used sujct fowya s d r theflingtisents:M shNN U C M N day. Gllnha aencv he1t etn g bac th o theahk ey ddodasd. oevraitistam.orm toa orfom ty u selIocr o hem stm r n u a nwlde ffrtlzrsi-"lthe.Loet M D uall, E- -Ra E quipmh e t mr OffC. e. bTe waidbth ro andthc oOntheo ' "ne at the hardestoa tregation iat we Ie n this coune d a lble incan lierh hcl \r fatsareobaind. Onein ElisD. puges.ofun Nigh Fi proe si:Wekd y, il .te erade we r th marvelous m IteeGe to hatI.N veAT fil -a e taffc. Tn ai-odiin d i o rtantuoint whi hesrves more d) r was i careeofth ie tRer UN ERs yAL iRt ET OR tousk ad Edie y rwf o ndbof E" NIt KIL sLE , ucv alrsth iitfl, 1ec ine care s\i a Ir-cond t n Tdem hasi tha n inthe u astis ;il tio_ t io o m te.w o as o -A V NG Hooer Cawors asthemoe dnnecas.ny m:l ndexre ceaed eslt fom ftiizr are ducted( akl O n pessa ive wori cape bete y badoneteclHi s pla- ta 1ah Id.s aletmtxr -f nowilws nrehfl:u it obv iat ,nlte f 1 inoftesh o a e," i e . F F M RR S O. Ite tr t o fn thsio feaon and 1ght u lack lrety hid;h. fhe ýtIfir ,I tfi Clnl ettuIýi, I . o tvs1n a d bstd oew e hece rw si hePl tr w s is sonnMy rtle Wester, bulance- andlInvalidiCarlCalltofpthe ateam. Ron Hooperuturned m Cowlim whaswas)kicked inltheeankh blowwaup aito.vnballoon.sTheen nryrsiinllrs nÀinhe diirict.fir Nvarinakth vr. siiinea idetk-trialka init1 :Cambrddes ande Queene StreetoUn- Pho e 4 0 o 7 4, ssita t 53 hs estp o rrnh a n cespt at.Be s- an it! stdl ioren ntt are- pat r ob by b ig th tn n.m 1huev fs n ertra( I l r- iiie the n in re an fth ied C hur o he Uerved re h- th l ub d i e l supledm, gonbes. 1 Iv wmanvilh2. le o- i al . hnn drnk ould be m sn to i i. ; t- v\ e tland r c\ ( i uý fli:n li oc )oster re$15ts vfrom feil ia er t i m t.. rDR: df.c . h ehJ.a k r; ch nrCe or .diDl wtc in ocrTTi , uean tU t eEu o ea.ou t Il mthan The d legates iappre iae dh er. . I l inds a ieLoBalan ed a n lu t Il h ue nitre. < 2owc ia it wme Nws pa es ae a ncsi t n te un Iii( Ittesilh e i- il uf ln: 20¡, lderto e t h r) 1 hvr ivegs s fi sitiOng thes kaigpÛ C o , ,, Then Lid.s ra n Midet are ailb wiel hIriv lolairr son; e cul d inw.uen t hoew o a ttok e næ e . he aa ian Natlionlve lbach:nd i(Trmhur n i r a vnd tev.AGole nury wplant . Lae stof eR o rg etal balýan d Screw. possessing speed n Feru. T v on a s,) n ur, n anr1 w:ti it hout the wimvs feven ar ,> 1 e lac wrine t rc niin drni n aurndT o Phdaiaeofte hvro.WE etca h we r e aks nidaltbl w e A. H ornt. BO UNSALL Jund smalnesand are, a better hý-nt, I,,l ti,%- wo l<eof h a e e in a n rd rn ±,ar1ý 7.n)(0l0.d. l ofr Feil zer.. and C m briedgt e t nte h rg nti sefrpayn.n B dg. o mnvisle. r fl .e built ateam thaninihefllocals. lThee itcene r c o rd.iefrr s ad ie un.% hih hal ee n- The e eof fe rtiiz r a n a im- inof re . C. It Feruoas m stpacialtbl n h Monm ets,6 T. abl. ae rsep t c.un-i Cw ford akI esltd mfý i( hirt-fli ren, fi\ar e einstrNuc an r Thve past tii 1 <ue tlw u c a sl c.nult i fou pe d v tet w f l i tiscultot mak t o-ayrsk ab u In Graniteba k o t eandke Marb. i - ntand ' aI i Mormi tlo ihit tuunhl arI, Ii tlct11 for the a>Offourthz r in-term . oreta Moweug l erl Pho e 90 H us ph ne 88 . gc o f fte t Fo ridas t mhe: w reo n -i, a i -nci u v a ti e lc - vl ir» s-e k aea ed (Slh nlu an nv I e be 3 d. Thun n iractiic l wra n t r h se O ewasen ceratulated on s and-t em a X-Ra Equp ..t .iOfh:e. e mne oh r n on ntei 'l f tth(twas te bet of ith te ar i.n f tl< i hm the n artf chtial f ,ert ilr _ The follownghe wereun eleted s DI ER CO LT i a<s emnniweculo R N ERS IN Lt SuErAD fnon Icilali'. ai- r 1. \n -d dnainc) o ee s of hre of thde Rw¡e . • Sec re AL II Olpro, he rcd ian emtemd In i e n inIIE, WANTED THE S111NI(S TM oeIt t1I n rsd nstå' tane, oryo r ex etetan- pa s a dpprtny C to ope n d p 1)"%, c,,'li n th n d llfiment.tiorn A lar was \she al pac- UneIlra ted cir Cla r e. -h nmho ns - h r e wn autl ne t undnall a ttrat on of thef flnc r nu h\I tIor.of the church w th which she Toronto. oREC ORS outntantheetard nteiliInot ml;chiuseIforilthe church anyl I-rfmicalloStationss inoEastern -Lanada - c thed b- h h no brn nth s ounal tanarPmorsiite l i var ettGOIG Dill tet rnL i - tD s!)t, NCI SIV Serv ce. nv i inv clâv ý.__ 1- . - ý -- 11 - __ - 1_ 1111was«taIli. hiefnl. rb -d Tite-Lap Roofing A mor1tia l iier. wIllTicetsGooin is being wideýý ly nu na nh addh'd. She (dn't a ýk fth Coachies at fares approximatelylh prml n a t. i~us prm anen, nu t r1.1 ,h a e h Arw i m uow Slw s e o lTorite sSt a dSleeping (Cars at fares ap r x m t y e p rm i . I n \ nn a u~~~~t sed for hou sl.ti e n t tan rdo a n n e e tfo iel 'pr int anurist Sleeping ( ars at fares p r xm tl e ie irepr)toof, w t heti(r. h11;t- n i 'l, d.lir. he ad fl'.1 lm ( 1n't ,.(, . L" i a,! i:u t po -rqire \ r o t· Mw.\b r w sottm l fraked t o hae ost of Accommodation im Sepig ar Ad ton . n..n l inimini u upke. tia.udc :lhen n ad a n m r -eoB aggage C eke.Stopovers at otA tu.A m tog e nn a taaionrou a tim «N e r un 2 chuIrch. th' iredthechoir tol at!ql 1Cicvago and West nee on a uhaan i ll and thatil -ol(,i-,t heprl i d orSimilar Excursions from Wesento1atrnC n d CANADA"S LARGEST SELLING n n n e occasm[(Il during samnepei. CIGA RE TTE TO BA CCO \"" iý Jt.'II"i I"I'" ",Il il] 0,"10" tl't hticke. ' ny A gCr ert ns adalifrainfo 1, il'i- ~~~a newclv ntrilal t il o n ý! f tathaid no m inisteris: tt ad noi( up i fi II)l l, r d iir t a t d1 ,1 l'-(1î!c (his andino :soloists? We o 4nfotCA N A D IA NN A T 0 N A L

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