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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Feb 1939, p. 1

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With Which Are Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent And The Orono News Read By 12,000 PitpIe Iveckly ~be ORONO NEWS On Page 7 NEWVCASTLE NEWS On Page 8 VOLUME 85 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9th, 1939 NME IDTWN lu CHARD .E w ~~ wmwFIRST MARRIAGE POLICE PRAISE EC CS CLARKE CIILNS H0N0R IN NEW PARSONAGE (RITICALLY INJURED FA~LLS FRO31 HAY LOFT FOR FINE REPORT CVU1NCIL PLANS CA G REACHES 50YEARSl WITH FEW CRIMES COIJN 'I S V /A~ ~DEN IV 1' Ml adMr. RaphAnsdCle3Aserou acidntocur 1',îîn donsajs f00 a On1 2 BeainsLa20earWib F F RE C IJR S ST1L CO N I S W R E I H brate Golden lVedding Quietly Bs îe '.o o a- Il bort Hooper on Sundav Largest Theft S25.00-Most 0f RON B NQ ET RI AY With Their Family ai Their' ki. employee of Mr.. James 'nn sustaincd injurie's Loot Recov*red TvO Fires ~W L C'arlisle Ave. Home Brown, was critical] îinjiîr- t'ý his back ,vhich vwill con- (Cause Damage 882.049.00 ~D ~ LLJ O O O B N U T F I A 'ed. He was drawing rubbish i him to, bed for several____ - -- r. and Mrs. Ralph Ames. Car- with a team of h orses -when Mr. Hooper. emploved Bowýmanvie reputation as al- lisle Avenue. B ma\uc e- they apparentl b e c a ni e n noliverv man at Corbett's inost a crime free tovmn\vas main1- ___ Mardn TdA.ReT.IsGA. MEDLidNNEIbrtedther fEtiehL ddigNa-;Rrighrnt andinde ebot fifrv wa obh ringfeed taiedauri- 138,acco 10RECIVEnAPO1NM3NT Candia PaentLea OustofHoora ___________________nivorsary Monday, Februarv 6th. dw h od h rvr lp Chief Constable Sydney Venton's Cn Ban- ~~quieil,, at their home. I\rs. Ames einthecientfte onheceordtps report read at Council meeting on te Co pietr a-1tain. tried to stop theni. but an li attempted to come Tuesda,. Co pay uy omplimentary w~~~~,as born in 1869 in Percv town- h vstolt.Te ah ue -IsPeetdship. the younigest of 'WiamVal- hed ý- on ae hvcas- i%: r the lf.He was Only 21) break-jus vith theft qut-I rsne ý la' aivo e.Si tl oS e nand the tongue of the a'vh 1te walk to his home on were reore t oclpoie adDO. . BI o With Cane and GIow- leu auvo o.S e sîid sleigh struck Larkin on the litn Street. but the in norewasthe lolole aner $6,80- Coni hier own houseu-ork. being Cx- lea-d. ftis b~jeievedone of p; n in hisback gre-w n i- in nothan se500Coarinelsgethi eirAgest!LaeA Address of Tri- trermelvdolvoted to hel- home. and theors's hoofs also struck t vni tatog tur ha n earb.00. orng . Bowman- sem tat$,O boru i 1865in thotownsip 0f Brown farm where Dr. Har- si Putce. X-ravs ,vere taken ewscosdrdfotntebor teia Brighton and attonded bhe saine oîd Ferguson, after giving a afatrdsiews counicillors. 0 schooland chrch ashis At, 1 Tarfraceeuredofourine wase Orono as ha ils ig nigî Ou ~ sohol an churc as hs w'io. At mcdical treatment. hiad him f, red. but the plates show- Teewr lofu tepe Fridav ovoning the cîlizeus tend- work %vith his father in thbîd remnoved to the hospital. He (.(i nu broken bones and Mr. bekm.4 et thefts. 5 auto- It was rveldbMaoR.O ie build- ~mobile thefts (ail recovered>. 12!Jnsd eredto Reve . A.Reid Waden p ig buines.rMr annMas A'11 asrogrssio astd-el are-n bicycles epestolenre-(1cycesecovered0i. 22red. 2 of t!le United Counities of North-,verng busion r ars Am1889 bceoxpected %with a fracture t',rn 10 work after as pew localcao espor ind.8ece MoncsdringCuclletn Ller d oee aned. m, a rdein-feofMtnd y night hat(Davi-Houifoo x~remrrodo Fbrav . 89. ofte k lc"vto recuperate.othr dparîenî ltHlo.b R% cud.ocal dearets d8arssfr'aaia aetLahrCm plimentary banquet. There is no Thoir marriage wý,as unique as Filesad fee cle'îî ad1 n, a denying the fact it iwas a verlv suc- t-vwr h ist couple mar-pidt-th iT l Treasurer wereopinn th e ,, w ePttoe onl th e D . O .e&T oP . C o. f oil$- cessful affair and alliho lhad îre buildingroae.Te o)vrfo h va uet an% thîug to do with the planning! roid ntonw asnge h i te ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A bcpod h upe u n ame s is w a rvelling9"alen R N O GA I AT OI S cial ruling vhich givesbth e pro- .. op to vsse tS50 ancd preparing of il have roason Ihave been citizens hore evor sîne.vincea lCounciproaosooagreedo totloavw 1Il ngsls-fns. than formerîx'. Fins' n Companyi s bY the ladies of St. Saviours mnfrtePda epe s ao a vsS9.0 musementd6,th duin te eamad i Chrhcudntb upse a o h elrPol.Oh-fees aMOLinbcd to $218.65: statute tettlascseîa Chrh ol ntbesîpasdaw~a. a staunch Consorvative, and1'600 u and the program left nothing t0 strîcîllatemerate both$3it.00; amusement;1 stit..tmeaebt ih _tax S450.00: and dog tax $421.00. tnoti the Cnda aetLa be desirod. There were about oi uradtbco i one xveak R ...ii-J~JJ £~J.I L Total $1.484.15. I ne adfry natndneless or should vwe caîl it a hobbv iFire Chief George Lyle thor-aier omanyta fthydsr a n d rt e d an d e f o rt y i n r e ý att e n d a n c ein t h e R U I cý d f iv e r o n t h s ,, e r e f r e e o f f ir e s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ b e w illin g t o s m i a b - l w t n d o fth e cm e up a verth e p re- i bra r nh ua rd golfa rtic n t her w ords I T R Y D E P A R T M ~E N T1 an d alar is. b u t to tal d am ag e for th e ratep a y e s senati e row . I w s a gat eranr t huiasithic paortici ant in t ethe ycar w-as $82,049-00. The Da- Reeve G and iust ordinarv folks. Therp' .ahp7 C. anstone, Kitchener ato îcig ossos .vis-Hoult fr nNvebrws1M. J. Elliott xva a ar repesntaio They have two children. Mr. J.firlinNoveberuna *Vsa age ersnainfo %v hdd the lîst of prîze win- IS. Ames. onil. and Mrs. responsible for all but $10.00 of Ex-Mayor of Bowmanvillc who, CouncillorB..Fubrwoi the Counties Councîl. aIl the coun- ners in the final examinations Of Marie 'Widdis. Toronto. There are A record number of members 1.V-Ot, Mrs. Albert Cole and Mr. the amount. Alarms numbered 13 was recentlv appointed to bbc ill, were phoe eoti n cîllors and officiais of Clarke: the Institute of Chartered Ac- îogadhirn alh o f'adahret fTiiyUie K. Soanes, assistant. for the year and there xv-ere 12 Public Utilibies Commission to fili animous expeso:foiino Townshp Council, and a host ofcoun'taîîts of Ontario. Mr. Vanî- iMr. J. S.Ames, and Jack, son Of! Church attendcd the congrega- AihcelisJackso MissinBand, îe.tevcny cf ytedah0 h motion. Aiaredtth others vwho vere al friends ofstonereceives the Goîd Medal for ïMîhMs .SaroSprned Cuclospasd h oieF-d .Nle.H ashdwd oin Wardcn Reid and ,vere there to .0donseffrs ei te!ds ono ___________ tional meeting Thursdav evening ent. and Leaders Misses Ruby and fireciefs pansd theoiepart-ep . erie i Hmuniipal admwii- Ato wstknon eds hîni honor.Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Vanstone. Bow- land listened 10 thc most e ncour- Witheridge. Thelma Schlievert. ments highlv for bbe excellent re- tration and should become a valu- pute of coni l isls eso After the banquet \Vas finishcd nianville. and is a graduate of Saturday is Paper Day for bbc iaging reports of thc various Doris Dudley. and Assistant Lead - ports. - cd member of the Commission. concerning rmnrto a pieasing prograni %Vas carricd: Boumanville High School and Boy Scouts and Cubs. Sec details church sociebies heard in several crs Misses Margaret Wood ad.rwsisadPoica uhr eut. Fred Lovekin a good as Toast- Unîversîty of Toronto. in bbc Scout columu.ovdaBry rertd fu ities sn matradmd odjob of it . years. Practîcally every organîz- groups affilîated with theW.M.Suîgte oa.outom He knexv waî 10 say nd said itation reportcd increased activitv with 60 inembers. Tbcy sent $11 Tow7 nsh rs, atrgt n Hekr v-hi o wan siditFE FORI GNUL- liUKN .ITILL onCl isrkecudia brîefly. The toast tu the King vsFI J over last year with all showi'ng a 10toh C.G.I.T. presbytcrial sec- h ilg Mie*n hnN. H. Staples led SKIS AND TOBOGGANS F G RE surplus in'fonds. Wouîen's organ- retr>.ADfDflADItTL D the crowd in a sîng-song and cou-iain were outstaudîng in the Mission Circle, with leader Miss ARE L R ' O 1TA IANS~ LEARNthe ade c bre0 50w sidering the amnotimt thev- ate the V C Ib M 1 wokacmisdandthc Spar,,o and president Mrs. Jean i___________________ sîngîug ,vas rather good . Next - N C I E T c%-rehd1 ebr.Te A Y W E amount of money raised for frBowm teir ititadtidi tetoast to 0Our Cotîntr 'vwasM I ____chui-eh pFrn rermn.reor-raised 5300an dna n F ay'on r Betefr onoPladsImmirants are proud ofCanada ZTown ::rW.oR rcspondcd 10 by Frank Rickard. er witb twcnty-fivc thousand and Several Are Iniured On Snow ing for the WomensMîssîonarv ACu xc Hsitla, arsdnt .:naAnglo-Saxonf cd itself. present- rdn:h poic M.P. k-. Bowen spoke of past other borrowings and bbc counties CveedHîlsNothofTon ocity ad rgnîaton son events '?"' ttecpolitical life of bbhexere very much in the red. Now b . Sers, 80 pa29 id m ers ad 8 hi rasncdtîuImbcCortCgrkrAapesnsbi i conty ndstuc ahih ot ale cgh yar o fnemaag- and One Breaks Arin sored by it. shoxvcd that bbc Baby .w imn îh2 ie c-adIIfrns'F or t' . payîng a share ofth tOcourtt of as te the future if \ve will only nient by men of bbc Warden's Paig okyBaud had "i1 members and under associt eprhl 2r (Continued on page 2) !ary is taken rmfnsrcie be .villing 10 do our part. Mr. type al these debts hav-e been Paig okythe leadership of Miss Florence iate prers heldn 2 îet a- blnBowmanville, but is services Werry raised $1 1.00 throuhgi'CglursetdabEserp ' Iiastîringadrcs a Roar Riekard's keynote vas one of real, paîd off and thc debenture debi oes rs onl udy and cant, entertained the Baby Baud-' lus~Municipal Night i h anv ilecas asaprino service and if necessary sacrifice O as been cut almnost in haîf. For Wîth snoing conditions per- Mr1.Dxio e leBy and their miothers and the asso- BamrlHte rdy ulgarian Laiwesvrasucibst maistabesslr sbcpo if w e are t e lead ou r countr v o nt :t h1e f rst tim e i in anv ears the fe t for skiing. m an y local en- M ission B a ud in 1938 %vit b 18 pàid c îatc h el ýi . e ns t a pi nic o bc r n John Grua d f Tornt ba - w o t p ed h ir ap r a b c v nc co e ts 4 p r c nt f a l of the boxilderînglim ies il is comtnies eaui move oui of the red thusiasts nmade their fîrst sortie up members. TOc Band raised church iawn. ent bales of nw ristcr. plcded fortaebettr under-ofir( oveohe wek dinvdetl bu S9.6theaer fol139areMr. Continued on Page 3) standing of bbfpobcmscn- of thc year. thinking they 'fines collectdbbcton n o w in u ntM , 9 a rbla c k. fro n tin g 2 .0 0 0 ,0 0 u n o n -A n g î - c u d g t a o n i h u t a e C o m m u n i c a i n w s r c i e Th o~t t ho U iod C u- Ch '. M I.Carrutbrs respondeci s a on Cgda s.b c 1d odrd TO tbs an fo .u. V old avs n ties of Northumnberland nd s]Dur- în a vers' happy speech. He dîd fa o rnaivas a lutile 10 qumck Saxon Mr. Grdff wbstateOc ad nd n s ore. OnTe Slady snaid coun.Cilta eq oe h baniH E. L nd e tukhave been roported. iîot only from n inteimmigrants.s for a itofbsapnmetttc Nachtani. Countv ClerO.Hobl a is Oig note that if %,e are FOkMers but froni tobogganis d" ' . borrowcd lber neighbours o High Sehool or.H ugse of the splendid change wh ich has goïm, t suIve oui- problenis we 15 r btfomtbggnssas isuig the reasons for coming 'couple w-eeks. \Ve tld bier lots of tcatwsabgosadta taken place ini Ihese ceuinîmes dur- muîst refuse lu be panickv be- txxCanadaDanERTS ir p POLITICSnpeople do that. Right now arc you ilhmigt bw 0 neprbd s1 ing the past nmue vears. lu 1930 Cause of all the dire Ibreaits 0ev- On Saturday tOc bu vas se- E E T PC OR P L T CSti ad, ged that conipetent raugyu ae roein mg o acur as oruset there xvas a debt of over nîne vere. Reg. Rackliatil Hanmptomn,______natructors be trained te beach vou borrowvcd from a kind and hundrod thuusand dollars logeth- - Continued on Page 5) vwhile gliding down huIs %west of Emglish te immigrant adfilts. logsfcig egbr ContiudoPae5 Enniskmllen foîl and disiucated one Ie.W .Fak ht ok cl in the lead of bis nearest Witbout knowledge of bbc English shouldier. In the sanie partv Ron . .W .FanWieR c inpetiîor. In bis pre-electiomi language, the foreign born Cana- AIder sprainod ami ankle and knee B.C., Heads Poli in Campaign coinneue tM.Fai as in antbcm 0%ct JUDGING CONTEST ATTRAÀCTS! joint. and Forrest Dîlling dug a - for Municipal Office - -I have bad bbc benefit of f ive zens uniess thoy learni the English O I M1551 THEMrE 0F S E C .ski polo mute bis nose. somewaî Fred R. Foley Inforins years' experience as assessor il, language, but *they cannot learn -mnarring Oms appearance. Deug. J uor ne of the larger rural and semi- thc language froni teachers whoi LAR E G OU OF YO NG EN Harden also met with catastrophe ura Editore n naiar cutme e rinn hl TEAC EAT M ____ .fear Providence when lho broke' - ai ngta frie n ropr de asoed tin trnginghmesi C ETMN SC U S a oe. omm Gathel broe aThrough bbc greatiy appreciat- eus arca of Darlington Township, wbere English is spoken froniý Prominent Agricultu.rists Act C.G.I.T. AND GUIDES ski at Enniskillen but xvas un- cditrs htFrdR oe fwhicb bias aise been dcscribed on cbildbood. Most of these teachers 'u oke As Judges at Blackstock ATTEND sTr. PAUL'S ijued St. Catharines always takes inhs caions as "the milh cow of bbc do nt know thc rules governing .Logoth ..,Sae u tae b aownhv we Assisted by Local Repre- Saturday eveiîing a party ofhome town paper wc earmi thui paingutxes). rnitco esh ui it o es of nusimigaTse Grea Ped ssj fiorld- pes o IL e weix ibrhol e0 sentatve andThreeON SUNDAY NIGHT toboggan tiends, îaking fulad- a native of Maille Grove section, te couingtixes).wcnitco esbbculistarticnes 0fmEngra.tsc InGa Nees ftiorlpimim peoil enviromnefndatc vettv adTreantage of ideal moonliglit con- Rex '.VW C. Frank of Whîite Rock. Furîher on in bis election notice gîve Up and resort to their native President Absent a beneficial ntr n fwoc Capale YuthsRev. IV. F. Banister Preaches Ant ditiona. bounced over a niound ýB.C.. lias desertcd the pulpit for Mr. Frank shows the imtelligemnttence iîigEgis 0 ei __ _seme charactr esî eb Appropriate Sermon On Work belowt Munday's lîill amîd land-: polities. In other xvords Will bas grasp Oc bias on mumnicipal affaira plex for tbcm. Actualiy, said thc success in bb olda ig n Accomplished By Both cd oui bbe ice of the creck retired frenithe Umnited Churcli xvhcn lie saya.'"-I realize the îim- speaker. English is oeeof the-, Optimiani iii a World of Pos-1 try bard. Tocain1soe0 lie Durhani Counny sîxîli au- Organizations belowx after a cousisderable drop. minislry wbich hoe bas served so îîod POssibilitv of a municipal casîcat languages in the world te !sism" was the tepic chosen by'the charactersis0 asccsu muai Seed Jîîdging Comipetition Margaret "Bob" Sturey asuffered wel and faithfuily for nian;' vears uflicial: as taxatmonî on real ostabe learu. Mr. Harold Longwortb. B.A., of man and ahalybdytu- w'a~ bold at îack tue Jan ary The C. G. I. T. girls of both t ic a fractred arni amd spraiied and g ne in b m unicipal p uliitica. lias about reacled t bc saturation H o ase pressed for ami under- B.H.S. teacbimg staff, guest speak- bed bc an In o cl s n Mr 3010. -ith forty-fmvo boys taking United Clinrobea accompauied by back: Lindsay Mitchell broke a Iin the roceut municipal electuomi poit; and therefore thc task of standing by Amgl-Saxons se that or at thc Young Men's Club wlîich ' Longworth sae htw r i part. A ex%' fonture Ibis 'year wvas bbc Girl Guides iii a body, attend- couple of teetb. and Gilbert Mc- eut on bis Pacifie coast tewmi our meiuetimng the deniands for roada. aill foreign bern citizens xveuld met in St. Andrcw's ProabyterianJ captainseforfat n ti n 10e du ior d n go ut stau it i- c t a l s C ur h u i a v I v e as w l r i e . E r i r D u r ain C e t B o y ru n 'm g truc ..dools an d social serv ices ma d f- n t bc cal ed c m m u n ists an d for- S . S . T u sd ay n igh t. H o pointed tirely up t e s luv Juiîu auîd Semur o ps . ib eîn. Ila J c na, Peieut iit c d y M ra m O. O theio tetradition I c'dd the pol and fi Llt cg er. Aculv mal pe- e t hat bb cbil rm _î ef to-a rba k Alii 'c rei e t 0 tw îeiu ompttoî r spe- of Trinmt C.G.I.T., amîd Donalda sanie Iiill cut his chiui requîrmîg cnae ibee epe vo m- vr VScuocp centagaccf these poopa bwhoinoryeoftemî unnecessariy dîit y lu.eccpe d bcchirdu.t cial~~~~~ eu c î u g p a i i o i i r aer. P res d nt o f S t. P a uil*s 'tl r e stitches t e close the ,v ound. c ' fýrber eun e fifth f th e populatio mi of t eir paren ts w bo a t r v r s P e i en u e t H o e e n Senmor group TOore xxere thîuty-C.G.I.T.. lîad charge of bbc seur-' Hockey aisoe, laimîîed ene cas- Cana D~ da. bave becoecmustooidrwyhi hlrnaelidpwt- two Juniors aund tiîrteen Seniors. Vcgvn ovtei'cs n ilyls' ve v&e akHt-EM L Y D I T RE 9 Y A Sad a fEIs aejie ntastcssi h oI. a h ik TlhebouYs judged two Classes of amiiouicenieits iii a ploasing ]v, Jr. suffered a brokem iamui anzat nbcuedrn a enmd ahrisgiiatrert on tsho Th- oa1., harles, faîl wbeat. anialli mannierý Collection was taken y O public sobool rmuîk Feb I. - dpesin ,aste omnT BUSINEh mcier iela md itt it: e s roresig avurbl.organizatiemis xvere tîe omly otisand lOc is lhable te Oc rumi by tboi. cu sspmeinga b oa also lasses for xx'edsanaud weed 0f the eveuiig was ami appropriato rgesn aorbx.xe' bfîuddtîmî O o Btt vreme ,eevovTheatre Feb. 31-5 scccls Reason> were requmred on uddrcss by Rex'. W. F. Baniater foi'eigmier applîed 10 cîtizens xvlîo iust try 10 5secttîe briglît aide c -f__________________ fi"i ufthie classes. Tbose actinîg dcalîîg .vilithlte greal xvork be-1 Mr. G. A. Edmiondsîoueien u- Ernest Lunn, Born Near Oronui HEADS ELECTRIC BODY bave lived in Camiada for mîan\ e' 'cythimig amîd be eheerful ini a a ugsw ere: A. H. Martin, As- iug doue by bliese txwo -sistor- largimîg and reuiovatîmî ' is net By uies'rel yeas s l reetd itnsl.du ad sle vrd .FATALL NUE Rereetaîvs Trot. anM- irsfo ltr if.At hebos f'te partiti~on ewenhsore Operated bv the Late Canda.leorseepecst idOhv arainan ofpero- î Mr. W.M.Isoef Leod. AgricuIltural Representative. terg rsevc.alC.G.IT.,uad Il 'mtfoi mc p b F. W. Nelles bervad ecpe ri odi-aliy bhch ausd bN i d d enaxil' e o Brighton. and three of our cwn il one a nipresie ta-ý igmn & Edmonitnd b -ýtosihihhv peald band . died Wednesday courity boys whio bave niade an dieiltsrie ig \ h oe'rs, '.0he axo red fonui Eurpea ortisee iderTOe peakerpotd Ottat car- gonariamis, cuiious record i seed judgimîg.GrGuCidessagTapsnesa MntErecat Lnmuîoamî\varieend sppreso.ate shrdityad i SLp e might in BwavleHs Carnet Rickarcl, John Hoînios amîd Mr._ErnstLutin_____ 'e pital wOehE wa Wlunî. Rowîlamd. elsewhere in this issue bliat lie lias ae As prizes the boys w'ono aw'am-d- DMrca Fd he welDLL RFA fl o Ivswell nw o i ecd fîfteeriune id une ial I bualiel F R E IL'TO O OR D AVOR~ABLER EPORTIx D'd F0INSP CTOR HON RE burcneas o bie wl kongrotei E O T I~a~La~ gomial dispsto n i los f ornaio Srig hetlate Fred W. Nelles amîd i cn determinatint efr i cn ite w uhlli f No 5al dt tnigtibuiesas usual.NE CA T EECATIdiydis TbCaonmitiiiueReeaîd one____page______5)____was wl <Coîunud o pgSuChin amîd tOc deIivery systemmi dvn Col._EE.__________________1_oOur_ xvalkimf-îg- -Satur- EACH CAS 1~ 'I 4 1 TU TOWNSHIPS S5@00

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