THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9TH, 1939 THE ('.\N.\DIAN STATESMAN, BO" NI \NVILLE, ONT.-XRIO PAGE THREE * I are arhI to be heavier and the fresh O ~ *o fruit that wt' se often choose for 1 hssr i the summiner. 15sare ii .ý ".. nietf rîiit ean cornetoIltue resCe O fInterest Tol0 iand it alan tiezný,wtr o iii ne tiîat likes to' gel salue for nîsv 0 k AL U iii 'îes' buît wbeni Iserve erapefrtiit t > last bit tof j îic tlilt of il. I aIwavs ) - Cet a tbnill becatîse cf al Ibis extra o s ..i i c e s l i c 'i î ul , i b , l e t i f t h e - - - - . . . . .. - - - - - - fruit xveru catch as it l suîaîv is. A wî1ntr irobIunîî is to vel somethinz WomenLiberls Elc OficersI S. ANDREW'S W.A. f resh ilîto the menti uacb dav aîîd a W om h ibe al ElctOffce s ,rapuefruti s on1e ssas' tf solvinsz it. The St. Andruws Women's if sou reckoîî the ccxltiof sotr dus- L U jAuxilîary mut aI the home tif Miss senus %vou wiil bu surprised te find A t nn alM e tin F br ar 1F. M. Galbraith, Ontarioi St., on ht rvfruîiî is cheaper thiani mosu ________________________a______of_____ Sliced bananas are Lotit attundance. After opening with mi\uti witb Itie Lrapufnîuit. be ssav Bowmanville Women's Liberal H. Johnston, conveTier; Social -seipture reading and prayer, Mrs. ()f a change. Have von even trieti Association heid ils annual muet- Mrs. R. E. Dinniwell. convener: S. G. Chartran read the minutes Clherry 1411v siîlî eapcfrsîit? Take ing February lst, in which there Entertainruent - Miss Jean Ram- in tise absence of the secretary 'the fruîit otnotftIle skin and' sweet- was mucis interest shown by a say, convener; Visiting Captains - Mrs. A. A. Nortiscutt through ilI- ctii. Drainî andl measuire the julice. good attendance. Business for tise Norths Ward, Mrs. W. C 1 a r k e: nuss. During tise business djiscus- Use tuîis iniice as part tif the inuid ensuing year was discussed and West Ward, Mrs. W. Roberts: sion. Miss B. Galbraiths read the lorin iliiiLC sjiththe julv powtien. election oif officers resulted as fol- Souths Ward, Mrs. P. Cowan. verysu sccessful treasurer's report. ChilI andui s'iîn il beiuns 10 set, Iows: Hon. President- Mrs. W. F. A motion svas carried that flow- i ailultuhe grapefrilit. We c iut soîlue- Riekard; President- Mrs. Clark ers be sent 10 tise members tisaI uhiii fnesli eacb uIav te, provide ls Bell; Ist Vice President - Mrs. svere sick. Tise visitons were Mrs. Ixu iî vitannin C anti enapef ruit is an Geo. W. James; 2nd Vice Presi- High School Choir R. Nichols, Courtice, and Mrs. J. taxi'. aipectiziilC ssav of cettinz il. dent - Mrs. C. H. Dudle: Record- Cripdif to Teac'her i1J. Hewitt. Wiitby, formerly a Pots and Pans ing Secretary- Miss Helen Prit- chard; Corresponding Seeretany - Miss Nina Neads; Treasurer - Miss Mabel Borland. The following committees were appointed: Educational - MnIs. J. THE RANUY POURING SPOT P4r dm & O poudlIM It's fiee-write for one NOW 0 Fît@ the pd top of the 2 lb. tinCrso wn.Bad. Lily White andi Karo syrupa. 0 la esllycleaneti and oen b. tweed Ginr andi over again. 0 Pours wthout a drip. 0 Provides aneans of accurate meaburemen ta. 0 3&&k"sth. 2 lb. tin an excelent tablecoentaine. 0 Th,, protective opprvdesaa TeU the boys that portraits cf famoue hocle, stars can etiil be obtained fur *«CROWN BRAND" label,. CORN MYRUF The Fomous Energy Food 'i.CANADA STARCI4 CO, Limiti, Toronto Here is the perfect milk for baby and the whole family, milk that 's rich- er, purer and fresher. It lias a better flavor that chidren and grown-ups prefer, too! If you haven't tried Glen Rae milk already, ta-y it now by phoning 2665 and have one of our delivery men cail at your door. Youll1 be surprised at the difference you '11 find in this better xilk! ~* ~ ~ ~ -resudent in Bowmans'iîle. Met ing ciosed wilis the benediction Wcarc leased tii sec itliuntiaiensand a deligisîful lunch was served Ibusiites The Statesmiancil cilneltil'- by tise isstess. fax uîaiIv oni the s'enk tif Frauîci, Suîtuîî. NlI s. Bac.. Director of Mîi in Buxs'manville Schoîls. Thli fol- St. Paul's Y.P.U. Itiii ituîîî is cliuîîîut fro In thut______ T'oro nttoStanr: s1 ýii s Y P V U. itI its regularý "BîxsîaiviluHigli Scliol uniislceii iii the S. S. rutiu Tuesîiav ah thîe coriimuicueie xurcuses lat jtpeiiu.liIls"îinlurioti Susie %v'elk sanîc six unnaccî,îîltaniedtlciî' 'r- r i îîîilîso'iiled iii praver : Cluarlit' uIses. Francis Suttoîî. teaclît'r j' Cît iielîue nea Illeîuscivtiuru lessoîî. iiiiînsic tuernd îîichoi r direct' 'tlzoitî ~SiniCa suie u olthile discutssiton. I aklî'UnîitediCh ircli.bias iiadi Ii n 'ra nul \%-asiî inca rie lf c îx a stîeciaitv tif tiîis exprnlssiiintai Siit n isSisie Thoinison and con- andtu i ii tiiunrils' nt ,v' l'Foi uur >( ifa serv hîlue nest iizantI iii- aîîîlinixil coruss. Fsin ec"striuutis c :îtîntss iciveni lix'Nîr. G. L. siiuitiails' sseru on thie trognaili. 1'te':îar ,onu 'ercomiti',." isxiîeî ic f tlieîîî inî fis e-part liarnîix . -O11vtre s'cdseliuuuaut tiîat if tile vouituý ciii, %uivsas iin six iparts. The 'i'cho ' u'ule 'if todais'striv to tivercoii S'nL nivlx'Di Lassuis, recuiiltîsfc.atieilte lianiers jin thuir lîis.tiaililises. lis\- Bell sitlî theu 1arkdaie flics sill later recive theinrtxani f.. ileeiatt'cihorus . s'as sit Civi t li -i len snîe rsxx ue, s',v'cal soîlos Ixli r îîats. NIn. \silifreil Carruthers. acct,înpan- 'Tlieseuare a fess' tf the t itliutus l%- l'IieeîîWiIliaiiî .ît tise piano; that sliî,îsyluow fine sî.hi,î'l îiiiic is n ecluatioli. Reta Car:; Valuntiiue , urcatliiwi. Bcxvmaîîs'iIe is iîolone tuentatiiiu. Huleîî Willianns ;: gitiuanaîd f tue f,îrxsant iiîîîîsic tî'xvîs tasu niall sIect,î bv ' NIisses Ha7t'l n, T, ronto. seconîd oîix' t", Oshîawxa 'and iGraci. Tnii ll imiontuls reathine. iit ubat area. thiitgh l Isi'ls v o- Gc',. Gnaliarn. Recneaîioii sas iii cd lis' Portî Hop' iui aîtXitiiv. clîrize tf cous ener. Long al ALICE JACKSON SaultMISSION BAND NIr ad '\Is.ArturStok.of Alîce Jackson Mission Band Nîvr. aîîti irs .\r.îrSt. F was held in Trinity Sunday Sehool Tel' ivcntuiî,vi ViaInir . Ho B'. Fan- ' ' 6th. Meeting opened anîul Nîr.uiet.mHoicv's. FebrMar- .\Ir. andîl Nrs. Freti Smith- Boss- jerrison. Prayer w'as offered by îîîuîîîviiiu. xitlî NIr. and Nrs . Gco. ' Doris Aldread. Miss Clarke toîd sinîiti. 1 tise study story'. Offering svas tak- MNis. la>s, Kincajîl andcî Nin. Bihl en by Patsy Ann Smith and Lil- Kiticaitl iiiTissn on Tlinnciav. hlan Xiles. Minutes ssere read by Mfiss Grace Sîîîitlî ha., rettîrnied Audrey Venton. Feus were taken liîînîe fmoîîî Iîîeluxsood. :sith four who paid. Miss Piekard Tlie sfavouir- 'tld a story. The Worîd Friends Tii,.sulicl i tîrunesîîîewure distributud. Ilx nttr the directioni of nr.i 'ankiiis.. .. . The Bi Costs1 Gleia Da Phione 2665 Hints For Homebodies Written for Thse Statesman by .~.Jessie Allen Brown-' There is a lot in that trite savinz, --\vc arn as old as we fuel." Older p. neplu 'nIe. hscdavs. j ust won't bc old. 'l'le orandmnother of the familv svas visitini.i us and we liad more eider xx imun iuests than usuial. One af- ternoon at tua, I w.îs iassitig as 1i nasseti thein toa-onanti weecucumnber. miLlht not çatt elthein let h c 9 secoîndt inte. she Jessie Allen viieketl on't a cu- Brown entubîer ont' re- îna.rkjîîîr suie was nul tinzl to let hierscl f eut the idea there weru tiîjîîs she coîîid not cat. Another -"j i, L-test was tiot titille as old but she stas îlot a vounz womnan. She came froînt Boston and the last time she iad hetnini Ottawa. lier train had inisseil connections at Montreal and site flew 10 Boston. Slie said she Elest Milk xvas homne in Iwo hours and enlovetl No More il iinnenselv. This tinlu she came hv train andi she savs. never aizain. It took lier al day aînd slîe was tirud on arrivai. If shu hlatl floii it woiîld have takerslier onlv a short tinle anti she woiiltihavue iî î'ch ~ and restuti. Not to rtc' ui/ctheit I i luliitat ioîn sof the stars lit' I s t, kt-ci) tne voiini'. iiii sirit. Btter t" li t fuI Iv and (tie iu en ibthei it' "în tIry 'îhail t, codd lu onesel f and I ive tînt il life tc,îtsa nmure existencte. Bowmanville Make Llsts Do tiiose extra jobs uver mel s'o ii ledti)nvo iti dto îot know w'ss'icli 10 stan f irst Tbat atits to tbe trouble, îlot knîtwini, wbere to start anti we tise n a lot of nervous energv inî winderingz anti waverinz. Everv so oftuîî I Let fairiv ssvamtped and tbe îltîibîtiof aIl I have to do tires me ont1 and nîv tiecider zels worn oott witlî the rest of me. 1 have found it the ercatest hum pt,, sit down and mîaku a lisIt'of al the extra îbingzs waitillg Io bc (donientidIlien go at theiîîii i tîîr. jîlst as I have them listud. crossitig eacb tine off as it is fjii shed. I sceili to t!et throughl iiî,se iobls In i d(tiLîhj tuick dîne. kS,'iî of îlît'nî cati bc dontin iithe leîîeîlîof tinle it woîll take-cîtrieto lutccidewiclî1 i ad licter (do fi rst. it is Ilît that ecdijob inii iself is 'o îîîîiclî luit t 1151thei«accumuiilationî andtuhfie tIoilt tof it. L.îsts curtainl- Ivlx ltil'conuservet ife lervouis cnru. A Lighit Dessert i lavce \ou et' ur eat"iî a dinnitliai Miiuni N,,îîcaime tothie desst'rt Nvon > feu as if it ss're lootiîîcb? Tlîeî tIht' dessert was îlot a propuet- lîosuiî o,eforn tlat tiarticular muai. It is one of the itric'k xfgiîîitmnul ilatiniîîe tiio fit the desset to the (limiîer. WVbuî the meai is a ilît onîî. tiîat is the tinme for the milice pie or becarîy ttUdding. Winter meais Vl îtiOme xsater t,, s'iiclî a littie alIn nii a:1 lias iîenîiatîtietiinî yîir rc s'ilails and il xviii cit the r Inlient theî scaliouîed îotato dislI in a ~ îr î' eiau, xiii:a utile suaten il, 0F HEADACHES Kruschen Got at the Cause Ti:-..5 ian*s ieadaciîes suent cf the'" le kind that reduce the Suf fern r -',somuetiiîîliku hcltîîess- iless. Slie tried tabiets. She trieti îîiiis. NIlxx ithont avail. OnIv Kruîs- chen 'fd ii heI er. "I îst ugel very bat h ead- achers. 'bu rites. 'No tabluts on plls i aîuv kind cosîîd relieve theum. One i,ri 'nîie. casuîalIv. i îricd Kruseiîîî.t Salîs in a glass of bot waten Iuî'ntiîîued takiîîg il. but 1 have :u"î bad onu cf sbcse vfuil huadsijues since. Kruschen suits me butter iaîî anythiniz cisc. I fiîîd il ver-\ o.-(rs)L.A.W. Hu.îiachius cari îîearls' alwas's lie traceri 10 slîagisbness of thîe kid- nes. lix un and intestines. and to the unsus:'ccted rutention iin the systern oi st:,iiatiîlg saste material wiicb p)oisul,,e. b bood. The utîmerous saIts !ri Kruscben stimnulate the iii- tenus;i ' reans te bealtliv. rezulan actîin'-tliat tne cloggung suaste is aIil istri to collect. Your inside is kcm lean and sunune. And that ix iii t liu,î Kruscbun Saîts brines uuick.iii lastinz relie f froni bead- ache,. members tif the Session for three years, and Rev. H. W. Foley per- manent ex-officiti member tif the session. Claire Allin was appointed a Steward t0 fill the vacancy caus- ed by the death tif F. W. Nelles. A. M. Hardy, C. A. Wight, W. L. ElliolI, W. J. Dudley, L. W. Dip- pelI, C. E. Rehder, F. C. Colmer, F. Morley Vanstone and Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson were appointed Stewards for a period of threç years. C h u r c h Treasurer Geti. W. James reported a surplus of over $200 on church operations for thse year and stated tisat the churcs debt was the lowest in ils history due 10 generous gifts from meru- bers and cisurcis organizations. He also said thal the stewards hoped to do some much needed repair work 10 tise church this year which would cost over $2000. He also made known a bequest ruade by the late Miss Emily Pet- ers tif $300 to the W.M.S., and $1200 which wilI be given the church in instalîments on tise death tif Miss Peters' sister. During the year an acoustican systeru has been installed by the cisurch as an aid 10 those isard tif hearing. Six receivers have aI- ready been attached with splendid results. Mr. James also paid tribule 10 the efficient work oif the caretaker, Walter Wooiley. îtan biýî I l,,intîiu the tein îoosuns Trinity Meeting Mrs. F. R.Kerslake's Centre the burned portions. Street group won the Women's if a satîcepnîs as been hîîrîieth. Continued fromn Page 1) Association contest for having the îlliîlisteiî the burned portions and and used clothing, ineluding lay- most men at the meeting. They cover with bakiiîtr nowder. Lut Stand ettes and hospital supplies valued had 14 and won the award of $10. tur ilie. Repueat if nccessary-. at $139.65 to St. Paul's Hospital Dr. J. C. Devitt acted as judge. Cherry Ice Cream at Hearst, Ont., and to Rev. J. E. As Reeording Steward he also i cnsuarStaley. Morley, Alberta, to be dis- read the minutes of last year's 1-4 cl waîer tiue among needy Indians. A congregational meeting. 2 'ites total oif S767.00 svas raised. Dr. C. W. Slemon paid glowing 1-nin wbiiiîg cruani A bequest to the Missionary tribute to the leadership and work 2 teaion vanilla Society by the late Mrs. Maria of.Rev. S. Davison as pastor and Stnuck tif sait HobbS of $5,000 was disposed of minister, and to his family who 1ISsmall liotîle marachino by sending $1000 to Dr. Strang- have rendered the congregation cherries way for his hospital in Chissamba, Temoetionrrce id the unani- Boil stîgar anti waîur wiîhout Afriea: $2000 to the Dominion Temto eevdteuai Board. and S2000 wvas retained to mous and enthusiastie approval oif striz int1hi it spiins a tiireaul. Pouirth ogeain MrDvsn oxe-r tlhe,tifIlv beatuii tt'ts andtlstir purchase a car for Rev. Merrili tepcong areationoMc. Daso int î wlliixetl oolanti ddFerguson in Africa. efpresselfdppreilaind on bea saîîilia aînt the cherrius ctit in viecue Mrs. E. S. Ferguson reportedofhrsfan faiyndtte i ui wlîope~ fo Woen'sAssoiaton wichthat he xvas not altogether satis- anhe ijîlice. FIîuin teIri, d oî ,. ,.Asocitio i fied as there %was much work stili creani. Pour into tbe rüfrio'eralor heIdon regular meetings wit a ntobdne tras atifrezess'tbtitsurrie. average attendance of 57. Ove r, o cI o tras ad feez wihou strriz. 3000 calîs were made, with Mrs. Program during the evening in- Jellied Beet and Cabbage Salad Ella Strike*s circle leading with cluded vocal numbers by Mrs. R. 1 tabicspooîî gelatine 859 calls. $1,183.32 was raised by Richardson, duet by Mrs. Vivian 1-4 clip vinegar froîn ickled systematie giving, talent money, Argue and Mrs. Geo. Pritchard. i)ectt sunshîne bags, sale of towels andi and an organ solo by Dr. Part- 1-4 cuti cold watur Christmas cards. tea collectionsý ridge. 1 etîn) boumeni waîcr hostess tea, catering and pîays' Rev. W. P. Rogers opened the 1-2 teaspoon Sait Mrs. A. R. Virgin's group raised meeting with prayer. and Rev. H. 1 ctin ciîopped cabbage thse most money amounting toW.Flycnud wtthbe- 1 2 tablespoons stîcar $125.65. Seven circles exceeded diction. 1 icuns diceci pickled becets the $100.00 objective. Mrs. W.. Lunch was served by the ladies 1 Soak tueetînflavored î_rulatiiîu in Webbs group received the high- in the Sunday sehool room fol- tiîe ccld water for 5 minutes, tbuîî est tua collections $34.75. Thirty- lowing the meeting. ciii the boiiîîg water. sait and two qutîts were made, Mrs. W. Siwar andt stir tîntil dissolved. Cool Souch's group completing 19. One tumtil startille to set tiien add the was sent in the W.M.S. bale, one O iu r vinezar aîîd tbe beets and cabbagu. in the western relief bale. andObtay 71Pouîr imb individual moîîIds xvich one to local relief. Flowers were Jos. Highfield, Port Hope b ave been riîîsed witb coud water. sent tb 135 sick members n 1Chill tlîtil set boxes of fruit to shul-ins. Thirty- Funeral services were held 5 two letters of sympathy were froru the home of his daughter, written by the secretary.- Queen Mrs. Harry Wakelv, Port Hope, IIl~ft4Street circle made and sold 187 Monday afternoon for Joseph EyFigIîEuIc2finn towels. The Associationprset- Highfield. well known and highly ed the Ingham family wilh face- respected Port Hope citizen, who And well gifts. Money was disposed! passed away February 4th. He tif by paying $75000 on church was in his 85th year and suffered Eflcenvdebt; $75.00 to, M. & M. fund: $7.00 a stroke early Saturday morning Jto Deaconess fund; $20.00 to the and passed away a few hours By Christmas Welfare baskets; $10.00 later. Rev. J. W. Foote of . C.I-.Tu ko choir for new music; and $200. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Port C.H.T cik o ch urch thank-offering. Mrs. T. Hope, was in charge oif the fun- r ~Opt. W. Cawker is the president. eral services. J. H. Johnston reporting for the Born in Nottinghamshire, Eng- .~, Eyesight Session and the Girls' Morning land, October 2, 1854, and educat- r Specîoluti Hour, stated that church meru- ed in Worksop, England, Mr. Dlsny Bdg.bership had increased. In 1937 Highfield came to Canada in 1873. Disne membership was 931. This year In 1879 hie married Elizabeth Tay- (opp. P. 0.) it is 944. 38 were received by Ior Northmore, who predeceased Oshawa, Phone 1516 'profession oif faith and certificate. jiim July 6. 1933. Since the death _______25 were removed by death and tif his wife Mr. Highfield has liv- Number 70 ýcertificate. Total resident mem- ed with his daugister, Mrs. Wake- _______bers is 843 and non-resident num- ly. Prior t0 tisat he and his wife When we reach middle life the ber 101. There were 24 baptisms, had lived on Cranberry road for 1M marriages, and 45 burials. more than 50 years. Mr. Highfield diminished power oif accommpda- 1 Girls' Morning Hour show%%ed a was member of the Sons tif Eng- tion causes a form oif strain even 1 balance oif $5.48 after donating land for nearly 50 years. in those eyes wisich have always $2.00 to relief, $2,00 t0 Santa Those left to mourn his loss measured normal according to ail Claus f und, and SI10.0 to M. & M. are his daughter, Mrs. Mabel A. stanard. Een n tesenoral Wakely, Port Hope, and three ctasesd adacesinvertigormad$29.58 Fund has a balance tif sons, William J. Highfield, Port case, hedaces, ertio ad $2.58afler spending $28.00 for Hope, Joseph H. Highfield, Bow- nauea ay eveop ue o srai coal; $5.00 for groceries, and $30. manville, John R. Highfield, Sar- being felt when the accommoda- for medical services, nia. lion is depleted naturally wîth C. H. Mason reported for the Palîbearers were six grandsons, the dvacin yers.Sunday Sehool and ils affiliated Arthur Highfield. Victor High- There are also what are known organizations, including C r a d 1 e field, Gordon Highfield, Lester as premature cases. Being those Roll with 54 members; Home De- Highfield. Leonard and Forrest cases where the power is brought partment sith 22 members: Lad- Wakely. Interment svas made at low due 10 depleted energy due 'ie' Bible Class wilh 50 members; Welcome Cemetery. to illness, malnutrition, under- Brotherhood with 25 members; nourishment. etc. These cases also and Young People's Union with f ind glasses a necessary relief and 46 members. Tyronie 1many a young student will find' _______l as46 mrn them necessary only ltil their !bers and 61 teachers and officers. îRtctiit \ isîttîrs: Mr. L. Mortson strength is sufficiently built up !The sehool raised $506.17 for local 1 \N.ith îî aruîîts aI Langstaff. and manv tof them may after a purposes and $94.65 for M. & M.' Nîn H. l'arkin ah lis homne near given period dispense with the fund. Dr. J. C. De'-4itt is Superin- Kiîsîala... Mni. andt Mrs. A. 17. wsearing tif the glasses entirelv or Itendent; Mrs. R. J. Dilling is, in Aîîuîis. Katlîunîiandt Arthuir. Oshu- perhaps for a prolonged penriod charge oif the Cradle Roll; Mrs.:1a. sitlî -.\I.and i Mrs. A. W. may use theru only for close xvork.i C. H. Mason, Beginners; Mrs. El- ' But should the physical condition!ruer Cox, Primary; Mn. C. H. Ma- Ns I clecteti ufficers for SunidaNs rentain below par, glasses may be!son, Junior and Intermediate; and Sc itlare utt.....îns a necessity aI al times. 10r. W. R. Strike, Senior Depart- . \ssila e:.. Sit. A. W. AHu is u. ment.. lseci lsarti : As'.\Ser.. lomnîec. (to be continued) C. G. 1. T. raised $34.86 for I-1ti Aiiîiis: Tîasrur. Rss ec.. Writ cal purposes and $10. for M. & M. OeîitMs usi 'nte is _________________________ oun Peple Unonwhose itinlars Suwn.. 'Miss Heleîî Trinîni: President is Hubert Hooper, ha ss. rsW. iir:Tmeac KEEP 50 members and raised $28.12 for . local expenses and $100.00 for M. Stiut . H. Brunît;Homie Duit., AU O & M. Sont.NIrs. R. Wtuodlev: Cradle ST VE Ldis Bible Class, with Mrs. RollI Snîî.. 'Mrs. W. 'MacDonîald; C. A. Wight and Mrs. Vivian Ar- Librarians. Aitien Hoar and I2Zrcy gue as teachers, Miss Helen Cry- WuerrN,: Teachers.' Adîmit Cîass. 'Mrs. derman as president, and Miss R. Htidzson. 'Mrs. N. Wotîdiev. Mrs. ô ~~1 Letfil Jackson, secretary, riaisedR.late.Mr.. riht"X'i $3000 for M. & M. fund and $3000 Oîiu' Cîass. Mfrs. L. Goodman,. Mrs. for other purposes. G. Rosuvear: 'KiinL's Guards" Class, Men's Brotherhood, with Mn. C.Sîcîntin. C. \VoodIhuv: -lIlI TrNv" Geti. McTaggart president, W. J.Clas. iss 1-llen Triîîîm, Miss Ed- Berry secretary-treasurer, a n d nia Cainroui: îrimiarv. M.\rs. B. BRIO W. -« Mr. W. C. Ferguson and retired Nhîiiîre. Nirs. T. Downi: Beiziniiers, à.preacisers as teachers, raised $10 M1iss Niîîa 1-otisoui, Mrs. L. Broîoks. -M16 for Missions. MNr. aniti Mrs. Ronalti Scott. M\rs. Increased attendance was re- \\nii. Nlacl)uiîîalti anid Nc. VW. Stc- * * ported in the three senior boys' Warl attendud tihe fuitîral oif NIrs. S classes, taught by J. F. Heyland, i. Nltîrrisonini ii orouito. L. W. Dippell and W. P. Corbett. \Vnnieîi's Inistittîtelu bld a ttiiltiîie Choir Leader Dr. T. A. Part- ai Nîrs. R. B. Sctîtt's. M.U D - AS I ridge reported 65 choir members Vs.I..sill b lie hed 1Tiiuirsdlas on the roll with an average aI- afturnooîi. tenîdance tif 35. N .BN'roui Nforu rt'ceisetl wonul STOV PO ISH lý' J. J. Mason stated $2619.95 was "n Sîiiitl of the deauli of his liro- ýsett b the Treasurer tif United tiîu-iîî-laN%. n. \X'ni. \Wiliianîs. ini Church oif Canada for the Mis- Tornto. siîinary and Maintenance Fund. P'iiiîiuz 'siiies ctiiL. jan. .Xti This amount does not incinde suas iii ciîamze cf h.raîistoniiScott iin ~~I doination sent by' thie W. M. S., aiistiic-t of i1residuîit Liiriie Nort- *J g sxhich wou Id bring the total mis- soin. h'rax cm i)v Rus', .\. W'. Nianchi siîinary givings to well over $3,600. reauini I)lv Nf rs. R. \'intiic reaiin !_1 Wjtb a recoird of 50 yeara as a mnost în A. motion passed apptiinting W. N,îSs l piittianot'solo, Miss .\clucs DOLLAR DAYS Thurs. Feb. 9th - To - /#AiW ~ Wed. -Feb. I 5th 45 Inch CRETON NE Regular 29c 4 yds. for - $1 I TERRY TOWELS 15'- x 30 " Extra Special $1 10 .for Phone 451 of theîu sddeîi Passink, of her brothem. laincis Elliott at Grandvicsu. Nlaîu.. Svîîîîuatliu is exteîîded tuî NI rs. L. Brooks. Anniuaî Congzregational Meieting cf Tvroiîc Uitied Churchî suas hîuld after the service Suuîdas'. Jan. 29tiu. with Rev. A<. XV. Marciî in the chair. Al îîfficials and consenors ruportud a vcrv successful sear. Alhocationîs cf the various societies sucre met anti thc Stewards reported the charge in zoed fiîîanciah standing. These com- SavethecouponsfromLipton's 1 lb. and S lb. packages. They are excbangeable for beauti. ful Wm. Rogers & Son Silver. plate. Write for premium book to Thos. J. ipton Lirnited. Lipton Bldg.. Toronto. Bowmanville mitteus were ehected : Session- A. .'nîuis. S. Hoar. F. XVerv W. Ste- wart. A. Hilîs: Stewards-F. Dud- le. G. Miller, L. Goodman. Ronald Scott. A. Hilîs. Clinton Bighow. P. Hlassard. L. Brooks, C. Woodîey. D. Colu. R. Clain. R. Wright; Sîck andt Straîieers Conumitte-Board of Session and their sives: NI. & M. Fuînd-A. Annis: N.irs. WX. Virtue, Nirs. R. Scott and NIrs. R. Virtue were aniuîtinted 10 prep)are element ion sacrament. Change to Lipton's. You'1î say ît's as fine a tea as you've ever tasted. For Lipton's amali leaf tea has a superb, full-bodied richness. That is why Lipton's, though you znay brew it weak as you please, je neyer insipid. That is 'why Lipton'a is the source of such exilarating pleasure to thousands of tea lovera tise world over. Buy Lipton's today. Three distinctive grades: Red'label, Orange label and Yellow label (IÀpton's Finest). UPTON'S, 1Me werid's forgeaist limp toe, j bl.adsd wmcily fMr Canodian tbes.2A 7aflN7û1uréTEAà Listen to thse Lipton Melody Hour' Musicale every Suîîday afternoon, 4.30 to 5.00 P.m, over Radio Station ('BL, Toronto. FULL-FASHIONED CHIFFON and SEMI-SERVICE SILK HOSE Irregulars and Firsts 55c pair 2 pr.i 36" white Flannelette Regular 19c PR iN TWe seil these Rugs Tubfast and Colorfast every day at 59c. Hit and miss design. Suitable for bed- EU Special m room, bathroom, or ,Pkitchen. Size 25" x O yds for 2 for- $1 DIADEM WOOL 13 Here's what you've been waitng for - a speciai offor this weIl known yarn. 30 7 colors to choose f rom. <T0ALKER STORESt, MITED The MILK The Doctor Ordered THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9TH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BO'lý-%lANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE THREE