P.XGE TOUR Tiii CXX '0)1 XX STATI-SNI XX, BOXVNT.XNXiLLE, OXTARJO THURSD.\\, FEBRUARY 9TH, 1939 XXe are reatiiîugatndi luarine a 1 aborîut age 40 - the -death hue" a-, Quite tee oftcn. for titîse seekil empIflo'.inent. Employeçr'. in too mar instances ivant VOUng Mien. lust manv transp)ort ation conîpaîties whic use herses ivant voun nlimais. TF Pace of business has becoune se a that onu- unen cf overfiossinz enerw both phvsicai anti metntalare cai eti. These viuorous nien are butrnc uo anti eut at ace 40; anti men2 age 40 or over are ooeked i upona beinz tînfit for vacant jobs. 1C K l'et there are these sili say tiio it is the mat ureti man - of 40 a: over - whO isq thie mo-.t 'alutal mnan for high-up) executive position Here is someîiiiniz wlici atieare recentIs- in the Ne'.'-Y'orkTinies. onote it because it macputilîcnt int, some men of 40 or cver: To take ativantaze of the tiresent upss'.inz in business. management must abantdon its short-si<-yhtcd Polies- cf re fusing arbitrariis' te emplov executives who lias-e tassedti heirmidiidle 00 THIS: Massage lis threat, cheat. and baek with Vicks VapoRub and tuck him ie bed. Next, put a spoonful ef VapeRub in a bowl of boiling çvater; place a newspaper or sheet over the childs head like a tent. ceîerîîîg the bowl too, so the meducated vapors can be inhahed for several minutes. This treatment hosens phlegm-clears air-passages- checks tendency te cough - e- Hieves local cengestien. Long aft- er lue relaxes ie peaceful sleep, VapoRub's poultice - and - saper action ta attul bringlng relief -and 3,ou ean get a good niglt'a CK V VA PoRu. lot fnrrie' se 'aid Ladis L. lineek. zc, îreicihnrt cf tue Exectitive Ser- tii vice Corperatien. Nians' traituet inv execttives have beeti tischargeti as itu rectt yars. chiefi becatuse ich busness uattedti tesIro'.'an m heb prevetiient it carnities. bhepeint- at eti cut. Buits'.ith tue ielilîoti LIV-. titat profits s. îîittîiprese tuuus it- cear. the cutting-tiowvuu Process cd for hueiu-paitl personnel isilI be at vitleti. as NMr. Bucek reiterateti bis state- m ien cf a fe'..-ssecks ago thiat a sincrraieoecf traixinied!-'ectti\ccs ai huatitic elepeti. chiefic becauuse titi bîusinuess lhatiatternuptedti risuil- Ai itititte nexp)erucuce(i. vouiiier us. m uen for eider. traicicc.ivs id Matuv cf thue latter uhave caileci 1 ou i hum sinuce pubication of the it staternuett oui thie assuunîupien that ut sutch a shortaze 1'. apparenut. jthcv shoutîtibc recciving unore -oppontuunitics. Nr. Bmce, stress- cd the poitut tuai business is stili ins'iiine to enuiles uhese cuder mntantdithat a tietenicc cf- r t feinust benuatde toe naktiosvn thîs cîîPOsutucn. Business -ccinstt- otihave for- gotten. -fic atideti. that it tales fiftecîu yeans on more te produuce a tt-aiii'exctutive. anttitue irecess is iu-t the sanie as it jlias als'.avs luen. nainnlv. adc- i r(muate hi ainîinugandnî ialanceti ex- Deiucnce. ahi cf scîichu takes titie. lie ciiii lia-.i zen the mur-nu tiraithe reai ileadership of the nati-muis -tiil iii tîe bantis cf meii wecl Jisiii the- 50's.as it lias aisvays lîcen. It i-s'w.1cl uissthta i thtfieldi 'ri -tatt'-tuiant hi m. rniants. iuanu s ment ch- tnt get cabîinet ta-ii ii- unti i afîcr tLe 60. It s trîte. of course. thtais Cti-t umen arc geitinz i ito top tnr-iunti in iserunent.as s'. li as i lrU1 tts-.. ii their 40's andrl en t iii tte ir 30's. Andinii a certain On- tario trnsvîî a mtan ageti 23 ws- clecicul tuas or ini trie Janunans iiuiîicçal t'ersctials- t ainii-t ituuclu con- -certun-nIabout ttuis tartieulan niaiter. for I have pa-.scc intus7tlu lithîtas Xý iv t 1cannot zescpcct ans-corn- 'nani s'oc-ci nstit uti-rutto cutmtros me; s'Miihincatîs that t have to becnis rW s' i cntlocer. -Antutiin rm os'.n case I have to ctnfe-s ihat t atut eruiscti-. of inablits- to (Io thinug-. Miic ut eu .a s oth abIe ant i s. uliii Canada First Milk........... 3 tins Santa Clara Prunes, Ige. size 2 lbs. Medium ............ lb. Bulk Cocoa ................. 2 lbs. White Beans ................ 6 lbs. Corn Meal, Germ Wheat, Cracked Wheat, Cooking Bran .. lb. Rolled Oats ................ 6 lbs. Javex, for Javel Water....... bottie Aylmer Pork & Beans, 2 1-oz. tin ..- 3 f or 25c - I1 -oz. tini Aylmer Golden Bantam Corn . . Ige. small tin ............... Ifand Packed Tomatoes ...... 3 tins Fresh Fillets ................ 2 îbs. Smoked Fillets ................. lb. Salmon, whole fish ............. lb. Oysters ..................... jar HARRY ALLIN phone 367 GROCER 25c 25c loc 25c 25C Sc 25c 15C Sc 10e Sc 25c 25c 15C 12c 30c Bowmanville Y OUR WORLD AND MINE ( Copyright) Bs John C. Kirks'ood inierîts r~ crry sotu cer nan t o n r sî. , rrner-.. s itetI Nir-. - .nscr i \ r'rr,rhlvis ,,,,iiiîr attendrlei thttrcb e ni Ms irt ari J. iît iitrnt ftr attttIsa tIIt i nrrthti-lrr cars cIîrînîg s'. ic i 'htaiïiru. iizikt ad i î Idi-îrî te a ftle have moved te Boxvn'îanville. Ve Iti- fri mt cuoseîtnto teunx)tt X ini'ii vllihl lutsâcet-r fitl tiff iroc I.utr i-. isc Xict at 'tim i R- 1 aks, are sorrv to iose them from eure ttG ardenî r f FulcîtVotuliadmnîit r---un c a'e4K rr fauiiv. - (i-.n i'iitluck. _\. E. Pliait ,-iir tuIle tIîccs'iti 'of irb- ~conl.munit\.bttc siib sc-Ihnt egrt ed ht dn ý-teidd i,.(liitýii il Ic t.. n coo e a k anuvtue. - î'rt lice iere anvnînre. but l1 Ilmi t rt a a trit atd 1. Id-uiriuattrcc i tî.iaîa er rallier ltat Dont forget the Brotherhootitesenlnthouttîîsanîts Of thnen..ici. rrr Si> sotr innîrniie s'.iîîl Iai(,r' achi- un î" atie- in i Trîcrîtrr. Satîxrnias' IrItîtirtIiL ait-r1iitss'ar i Irantr r ' a.meeting Fritinv es-enng at Eben- luT e tIng frscr elss t o.i d 'i, it- wraS: thiat tiircaftec xlii uili NIe. I ittiisr Br'Iett ssill visiit bi r"ii tt il tan " .'f ('I. I lt rr-ie ezer wm n a nersig te ae tril ini or %xi - i lcîitiaui s aîitla(Ioi bise tilr lis,' rrt a snalîur ic- mut' tuîtngîmîter. \irs. Ili. X ;Ls'iteu, ' XI ttu i.tito tue ir ri-. xiii be guven. tiesc'nratsI l o îttr inn a SpeCitî herlir-. at a -I)50anîrl aftler xou % ' iti tri,. Nîir. lt'it's liar ,iitb îîa Hlier Y- truc h'irrtric-. n1t,îttno XX'r'rltie-. Re\- It .t rr t i r oît cr11 it' rti n illfu % i lliînîîrtiîi t c.riîi irtt - n - n iitielier, tf111 an . NH.aX ie F oe'. bo .m an- i anîict i i. tri he ('tît t'l t. X antii-rtit. Vt,ir ciiiîrenî ire ikehslv -rt h sîfinist" go n t" Ilus N t, r'rt-rt k . 1.i neÏlkes greeteti by a Ilx-ge antiapprecia- l itr ' a Irot rtf trtli inn tue l'4II ire ctrituî iý teir sliis1u1 : as. r 1IIILIitl. lrut lt rl tie : -ur wruîi s.as takti ien tn ieain w e i iech ~sit Xi uie a ra- kes tt -lr ti rrvu '. wl i i rlr(vr ict - s Ita-. l rlier 'Z : r'tntiînL! us cd lucre% uinia - afternoon. rlr aav a i nîltu]tu is uc arprt- f liri 'Ilccc NI u V. Rci la b i -P ,urî .iradtlc rei'tiio. XIrs. ealr the choral prograni Feb. -nne 5'. ~ ~ 1I_11ý tiit vo air r.N 'cli. NîcDi at u. \îh lir le I lr.'Ii Kr uttIt Mc,et t'- faco'Ir- i7th un Tii tv Unitedi Chxrc-h. Yii înt e 'acIer.cail îelp tIe iati it t' -.uuOr11 -.t lint svert rntIic .iiitit unr. r h . il n i ti s.rb:;it'ielftil 1 Mission Bancd met Janîxars- 9î z - tl lilrc lliîr iii s lei s tt t5. n it is'iclîaie . bv !%(lIl \- Il in cha ge of g i E ans' gî-nîîîp. Cet rd (f hs l c f anti lv. -lt;ri Nurr v, lns uir I I ca rge AuReggîe his atples fer livalth. itot oîil- tdur- tlli> hll'e ii Ille earý beore 40lit Ha pton 1Situlsn tninîg Yrrîttt, 1Larie- . S.stutix-bock sas turken by Mes. nthwekllib()ito8h n5.0 rt. T' t )1tue tiar- tsieti ndS. nias- 1- ulhutti-e rfii îer 'r c e., 'Chas. Rîîîdho. Je-an Stevens tohd tirebuthiut iii Doi'.-t ret crf 5t rtiisirrt' irticai rrianciXtîiî'rsat iceiri -RthtiSte a stoiN. Mrs. :Alfred Lairti Jr. (nece foi elei i v rgtoa useu tsr r iucrrme f i-ii sstae-t ktr( i \iitir :.I s r'tt1 :Sr(ît' Ce., NMarie 0ku : Trea-..Lavonne Trinibie - a former Asst. otiIOntarîr r ipple andcl iaits- mnter rrrrtia t ttrt rrr seti uti' e- lîl t, ltil. Trrcitrr. sîrnît Sttitr' t - Pre trrtil h 1rî\-r CtritII- SîUPt., %s spresenteti with a nîce t-i relitur ni XIl l rblr toXlaniiic Siitttrsr 'i andricake plate ant i eie. itr ,-su'i,, sers- partial to lus Nortliei P rr'nnt itihc-e.l Or i a bu, t tt his its' r îtss'rtlucr( i Xîe ît - t: ai uer. l-. u-la Visitors: Mr. andtI Mc:, R L SIies. Blii- a hasket or a biusliel ustn t tc jrtr-11v t aiirts. itsviini hu. vih fiets l ~. . . .O t.rWortien îvith Nlr. andcliMs. Bert t lis sseck ami thîcti e-rs- s'eck.r set ut-tIdc cadih star an tinotinnt s'-uicuî Xii - - ls ie Ilitea rt hi.ui s:i1t . iiW'ilkins, Courtice. . . . Mrs. Mark brv tht' tinte' ilat s rutarc 4;, scillil ni1eta i t -i nan i1 l. 1i- lrsîria ai tB a k 1, O oxo -stn o t'îaîlr's rutte Irnsa lc-ue u hitue t -înt Xli-. Bssi Sîiîr-r t. ~mother. Mes. XWater FoIes- . Municipal Board t'r s t i c iii tati retire. Inlti . Nia1i' ' s,' '. l î1î îae'î .Miss MîldeciSnowdten spent Sti t -.t tuat Nii v a trcrtc <rf N -. reul Tumuilvs n Orour'o. t-ai- day with Miss Doris Groomns. To- Approves Cobourg alsi tut,'rce-. this tlî.t svcrt uîîav lie iî'r ister'ý. N.r-. uice c( lo rîi.ut -- Xiantd lir ont. . . . Mr. Fred Nîx4iler spent Colleglate By-Law ail' It- itiaku- Nfrt'r lartht s tucir hittit , te care frrr Nîr. Feretii-.it uni rrt.rtt Nitiir s'.tiih errttr Sunday With Mr. Jordon Sharip. -______ nrr-î tir'ui sertir later sear'. 'Voit andîc ils ies . . . Nfrs. tas huotît l, n 1t'.-. Xi. iutiti trteî T rnt - c ni M s .D Ni irr Fatrliet'rctersiirtit h Ns- bc-euIlitis s'.iii tît-rdi n.. ti %veuai i ' iiXli-.- i>, lvenlxii a-VanDyke anti Hazei. Mc. lHerh C'unty Town Receives Word tirr' -r rir,Il - vss uuîthe lbicrne î-.ulw a. anditl .ritr'tirlt'rl t(.t litrO uiali ' tr . Nir-, 'ndtl ii-. hKle Stutair McArthîv, Kedrot. at Cecul Jef- From Municipal Board .Ap- î.t , irel ir l o fu r înotr \saQei."s l'týriici i IltrIs'Trintits' t itirelitien a unI i an r t.i s- i It J .fery's. proving Erection of $50.000 s euH-iarbara 'uu.infatît iarughîirt t rutlt-. antI Nr,. Cecil 1Addition to Present D i)r nrî t tin t e icrc'roif40 and ti '-r andl \Irs. Nas'mrrtiu i Btrnî- '.w.as i-liandtifaiîtihi . itilltui-. t Nf uidn ire-l (-t,- c'uurrsn et reanlc l.Tttiel...Ni ertritide irtt -\ftsi- Nr r--l .ltc XXersil*APPLE CAMPAIGN rBidn l-:retczur.un N -riXnî. 7i Nmau-I' rrt" lr.. iiNîr-.. u.. FEB. 6 HTI1T tir ~ ~ ~ ~ 'ls ri ' rs4 u Ganile Osita'.a 'îugisîrvauî Nîuîc ivati t, eai .6H O 1S'Vrd nsvas received iat Cobotxrg Nirs. E. Il. Cole i tle cuire r,-flier X 'litî. iti le c .N r t t W i tî ~ tt- X ticta ori bs a Ilayzdoii îtitlier '.'lîo bo ier arn. Nîrs. Nfitunici- itker and hlanîice Otsioiîiu rsan Rt irrrns eri -f tti- crîlegLiate extensioti XVtxtunî htstiîte X Ilrtîr iiTcrrctit frienîts .. . Nit..anditXirs. h Join su.ith Grosiers and OId King b\,a'- vueîist nthrn h lraseîîîentî ofcr timmrchi htcuuc i XVlle. rrîti vn int l- \ I r. I'. '.- Apple to Move Ov-er 700,000 ltiiti rt rr fa $50000 addtition te thie keltIitos f.adIrW.Bushels of Heaith-giving museîîtitîîg ass-ragot I.l.i it ir-nSothrs. Nr. itîIti.N;il'XX riiir, s'.as svtil aîîcnm<îccî atîti a l t :'nîî Ti ks. lfir auml I - S. I hrto .ct Fruit Nos'. in Cold lrsn )IllTL atýera z Il ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ci anrnd rmtuNciithai utN manl v. Fs rrrnu niNIr. lacS, tntairr iî 'ctvot-uifor tic extentsiot i itt X it te nd ' XI r ilant iNI r-.. fi'st-tuio nt rd ile t1 v-it(r-tl aird fa nt Xiit -atm- r Sliet'.- thageii ntînicitial boardti uurneti it dorm, Cr-muc.rattlatir rt ts - Il, N r. andti NI c n' uiutritîetutlg îin thle c tuitclr-. Nr n ni atN r. irth s',rttitrlr. '.ii rs.tittitrueran-jvo~t e s .aaan ot eireouiat tue -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~Nr and XX.hiruhs ricthnandtti- uu'i jNîtts lmcrlt-ýicerl '.ec- nt ii.if- 'ait-s. esicnnt.îtNî.i.Il St- t-rruîx i tti iîtr ht iaegrrunîi anias'ortrrtsani ito -the ut Nriilirs G ils ('l -s îm t a t 'ei Tuin nIas' cs'ntne'. O io s'.'a . s.' iîi Ni ra i N r-. N> . t.n sic-e' rîîxus' îat;('t 2 ii TitcI' ttrinug rss'îî lr-imntrLrtc vIe (l'îîî- îs tî ii - ati'nM-vt iK-lci. i Nr . Xrs ' ml i tari tlttrt ;irr eticimarkt r onuttt ca ' as ue o i tru ce îu liin r.' iss îct G i r., - nett'Initiil uti l iies, v-Irt i n al e '. 'cîsi.'szlt- en. rr ri -u e tîrtîtl.ts is tai i fr tlci it a mld h Ii- itt nu t"'jg aîl a Irtea strx ss i ltîmli,'.- th s'il a.,ut at îrriue u 't ihm tats i ut. sînm:m în îin i u ritri' I lles"î uî'.xs t'.' fxîrticr t\-l t\Iu t ru '. X li 'imu ints Tînîîtsrîî f a v il,-1 1ianti.XuNisi"illl Ntakrt'iu'uits s'.'iîî îýl lx rîsclitri-lr n'eîhhr'ri n mittitutie rrt eut- 'iss Nftri c ' d' ev'ni . til t, 'n . 3nh rd. ll tortS t sltieu r'ccrf c-rs'eul"'-ru r mini inn r' r ftrtiti ns rt ilu 1,% r it lir . N -.i tch -.ds; ir . i-. tcr'ntIi% >'\l iss E. slden : i l)tt rut - 1' Flrr s'n ierait] cliii i-rn' e 'lrIrleîiur ;îî iilittitîittrrs uiuiboa'.'eek utuni ilvui a d a-Il %va rc d b RII)vV dtut a t -iriar v iiuitr i ll iii-. in ime i n 01titrns't'ri ex lli, fi%- Tr(ývn.wev it( for l inut, shi îîîit nî\vl]îî ( nu] \%,Il an ý i]-te ldrer ("I:I înrýd ii i . r il, t, i nt ttl'.. rrfi l i .nrnilî' nt:ltum'n. lîu 1-t i lin 2t fa 'ututi a' it i lt - or, X t h~ e -.l s' tictirIt- es hit , lil 1 iit r!/rm . s'-urm1'th s.rmîr l ilceIle ( )v1-IiirSvesenivne. ileI_ýaiTizlall A LENTINE \ - itiriV ' '11tt m itili n ilîir Sskc F' nts.' itîn en' t'i-,iru xlt j-tt.I rr ii nnhmo tht' inunitluiai Xli~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ iii-diti irîtu 5i"rri uzlaes"un gsti s u'ie Vllrs.'n'..anI %0l un lîr :îi I,'titI Sm itirrît lno i l Il\rîirî .îl ut M iss 1 ti i TitiS: i'-t rt iu t im / u. itt ' 'lt t,"uî,rgl i AT' CORBETTI t-rle mttrrrli iii", St- l ur i rti iii rl c)lIltie tirîuî rin;inîî\ IN(,iita s AI E !1(,ttiLru::t il 1 ;î - il.D' V letieIce Creami mii1't uPI5 , r) u it I I ..lui n rtrîr.î n ti i "flt-tl'ntOF.X'.luu1-tli iur.r ntr LEGuS i rt r Raisin BreadI n i-t tu i,- tuitru'. tirrrtci, r..uuo tr ullir' r rr Xli r I.~i' .' muU~~1 "i- à-t r-u iiimninunît iii andeh and le1iioti or.. tilttl Ir )iti- usa nu rru min t i/rt-lu , u' ut' uîit r s et Oxygen in nIour Bioo4l and You'Ii Cet the n- i ' iii rti i-.i u ' i sviti bIrs ' .tO d r alu flIr 01r t' un titli,' ii, "nal.t rti l I'ilr mu -t-n1 '- Pep tixat Senîla You Bounding iJp the Staira mi tr nuirI irrît tti ri, i r i r t lu, unt : \1n X - lu' l i -rt usth lt hes' lîr it . . \ .l:r u' Penplehwho uîiotler to e d-uth die, luucxuse '1b i iirir s.u' li mr t-'ttitt'ru'~ t oygeuu as becxen mpieeuiy ec t rrnc. -- ii!'u itut off Fuiîbugs il Il ir i., r mr i t i-. '. I- iw r u ' Li% lil% ' t ne. Jtst as eureiy yxr n,~ntyOftt- -~ n--t- ~n~kt rtt 'sl' rt H n-tu d r u r i ne:, iiu n In S ii ii' -,liuc i.i E li' Ii i -. l uru i, rin. If Your biunod Jacks ret n'xîînmn'iu -k tr irttuniri -ru-'t lit, ciiiius Xnhî c %. àntrr, en-cuunnyirngcoriiui,'s.yournknnuiIilrn ru ii ,tImer s'. trdrtis iiclesanr '-iuir. i :st ilrl %us.n.. ss itildm d \11Xi-. V. Ctl n ir. i l -.u, i le _ r stnriach and ibowve-tstrsl,, uown. Ymrnnsir i n à tint' \inunît. "ie m c tî-u ocf uttitît..Fresh :Ever3t'Dayu gcets i-aie. flabiny. often pimpty. Yournet*va n ,tti ig-s c-trr ee r ni d fl( lt-rItt îr'ti c j uis it . ,nm cr ýi estt IIi I tis t "t;id' may becouteie îitery-you tinre cîuickiy- - i-1i tuti s ers îî rtîe ocnmuîx ni-f iiiil,-t p elte t\ tî-. feel depressed. iia'a d rth r ýv t 1,, liX ilti i l'îxnu - 'ii .ter tand i i I)sc M q F (ui These worid-tamous uiirî hîtn Ituke m h" i n Iiue'.' r l. tîmne ci rf îr. Ccel aille teI reb enout again after lier --1 and btter red corpuscies andtiltsiuc 1 s.- îei 'Xtl.,îît - r ha -..ccitt iliutes'..theooxygeîu-ca.-ryiiug îowen 'ty.ir' iol. "ast ut nent Ieast.' contitittied tue Ph n 89O r 'i arrooutlengattendricitîthe Nrs. Il. Gandul isitet i er ncile.druggziat.Se for YourseithwrOni iui olusatnts uience.'lap- W4f stionid social evunitue of Cucrrtice NIr'.. Molty.Toronto, vhto ha'. Inen tUme-Droven biood.bItder ii fzncyuulis are a îatutrai laxative, hecaxuse, StiinaStcliolFniciay Ilit.Pro-in poor health. back jour uepi. Gos.I5.M8.rstdeL tte uuctiîî iux îpies is canabie of COWLING SELLS THE BESI And Serves You Well Our experienced optometrist assures you proper fitting glasses as weIl as quality at very low prices. - - ------------------- t. l tlo~cr ita 1 sar ~JI« r. nd Mr. rale nano duet. \lisses Muriel and I elcrn mental àailît-tc Udo<Itltîtg s inh terestiing topic on the storv of the iio as e l 1el, sîr tSIli'. \nl A n1ierirybible :vocal dîtet. Masters Glen ami i ir ist~tnlu W~Iwa, at the so -li.(;aut Williamns. Conînîîtniiitc in'i ti i I't v toxtrtu. atwtttîîs[\r I irsIXXP iii moNveti Xi iss Grace Yellosvieeý aii ncit tbaek frontm tteit, (I ttheir ss i. v u<îîî.îîu rreati a chariter froîn 'k io. ittns tri îe ti eeat'>e 1Isce cli iris -arv (lit I e ).4til, Nir a. vellosylces conl(ltitttît thie re-1 àTisa s anttt utt -asioiclett. te ) .n'lc)jte thenti. or gis e ituent last-reproduction of lI riensut and itrelatives werc tPrescrtt iii,-,sN talitv. in thte Icars reinaîniiîn ;frn TrntOav-ad ni to Ilte. Ftuls. when I tîîottglittof Ille _______ t k-lii Ahroîtto iO -.a a nde noeiiirEn i Iln aeelnL ieisrneMetal Roofing las stîctît after s.hidi a ti(light ______ iii larice atrrtttts te rîclui teti-titis so widely used on >tiuuper ws serset iîîn a table Miss Helen Scott and Miss Vera lse t thev rnakc itntensive strîtije fr bidig- iîîxtecoratedti . thtinik anis'white Simpson visited at Peterboro. eft(!te sal-s in whiich luie insttraîtcc Easy to put on, treatuers, Mrs. L. C. Pascoe is visiting at eau le tt'cfiiItl te mn iaving largec permanextl fire. m'i the niiîirous gtit s as a Mrs. H. Beaton's, Oshaiva. e-.iit~ -I icottjcd hat wbt-proof, miium ,i\tI--tivo trcce <iutst of Ilsr Mr. Keith Ormiston visited at est r imac have been mci abilitv te upkeep. WIitor f intheir dlaneblters. Renia, Freda Mr. Hnskin Smith*s. sil -.e le iusnrance t,' rich mc'i a cost estimate. utîl \Vtola. Messrs. Alvin Niddery and Eric tir izenl or tverut\, vsars ago. I liave T 1'itir triatis- fricntît Iis -lî tiieni Smith, Toronto. have been visit-1 n"ýt tjiat ahilits totiav. The stttdl- hot nianiv more vecars of mnarricti ing at the Niddery Cottage.'Mr ticrls(i brir chats .lg ise, litappincss and i rosperit%-. Mrs. Frank Gilbert and Mes.i ý01I Illst ave IlAif. Prescott were champion de- 11'hiiruer have. For tue sonîethîngi baters a rde colls i e~ braîtî-taxitîg. icss etîtotion- En"'gkil nThrda Bades ehoIls ta\itig. t. is ce..arc. Wiicliî iicatisn i i nua îh tîiat thie re arc -Soin, ccuptîzîintid____ uea'-.whidi iteiong essc iiy Nccnut %,îor - ndM R Z1 t' ii.nîot %er 55 vears of agix' .Xrîiht anti famis B Troue, .\r. S. TC K __ l'ay-ne. Toronto. at M.\r. W. W\,rizht's Ireis' 'mcshec re rcentiv that i f .. Mr. and Mfrs. C. XW. Sotucli, Mr' Recenit Visitors: Mrs. Aif. Avrc a Irian lias îlot learneti to save miortel, rant conisisted of readitte by Misses atil Mrs. H. Cole, Hamîpton, Mr. wIvth lier sister. M.\rs. Wiiiis Giad- hef'rre 40. lie sill itever saVe aftcr Jean Au\itii andtt Madeline Tooiev; 1andi rA. Cole anîd Donald. Bow- sceil. Toronto... Mrs. T as. Staini- 40., This j' troc inilit vtî ncac suîusic,'11l îîmbcrs bv Jusce LoIvc. nians il. at M\rs. J. Pve's. M'\r. tont anti Grace with s!rs. Etnii Ilrupsaei to iece that it is Hliltia Scorgie and .Xlan Trevaii ; a anti M\rs. E. Beech. Nfr. nis. Corîîisli andiMs odn Sot truc zueneraiiv, if net universally. vocal tictt hl, Mrs. Cecil Adanms and tilani at Mr. H. Stevens'. Miss Maxsci's. .. 'Miss .-Xnnie Killen. But it ns net nîîotîv wiiciî is the NIr. Gco. Barber; coinitnunity sin,-,- I iazei Perkins. Oshawa, at \Ir. W'. Oshîawa. at MNr. Robt. Kiiien's... mn i atter: it is otî's qualifica- ing scas under ieadcrshjp of Mrs ()ke's. . . Mfr. J. E. Griffin. Xcston. Mlisses Pearl ani Jean Leach. So'ilîta. i'tiI. for hi-. ifie w'rrk - his Quai- W. C. Sinitit andi Mrs. Tiios. Adamis. at homte. Mr. Orvilie Ashton at rat Nfr. Norman Leaclî's. I r. and utîatî'nîat ge40.Ms cflctinî Nec XV C.Smjh ati soe i~his sister's. Mrs. T. G. Traveli. Oslî- Mrs. A. T. Stairîton at Dr. Eari has tr ni teiteiev tht a ag -trtictivc ant i ntcrcsttn remarks. asa.. . .1r. and Mrs. W. Santierson Garfat's. Cihornie. .Nr.Hn e 4t1, a Uant ugltt e hse intataeneiNtctineetsataken in a "Tre rlat Mr. Richard Santierson's. .Miss berger and Bertha at Mr. E'. Hos- litnsIm-f nrt!tt% coîîîîletelc- for thte Namuntg'L- corîtcst i charge of Mati- laTmi.Oon. r. .Bo-kisHrotv l'Uri t)rrmarce O f hi-. w agc-t'aui w%%ork-., liti Toneiv. Collection w'.as taken iianis. Luificii. 'Misses Verna Or- Mr. 1I larves- Balsoti liadtu s ton-1 ï,le stan after 40 tiîrinîr sshictlie ' or Brildin riFnti anti rcfreshments inistott ni Grace Thtane. Oshîawa. sils reiioveti in Oshawa Hospital.i tjruinmainil nicupiovriient are tîore s'.ere serse(]. Those chosen as Com- with Mrs. R. Ormistonis. .rTlîtrsdav. i ,r theCexercîse oex his PIr'ns rthaut mintce tO mIake cenqîiries recardiniz _Mr. andtIMrs. Stanley Tîurner oi \cssTaxGapl .B ls fni tbe attainnient of atiditioniai hl osbeprhs fast o i) as.etrarcia itDc rsTayGsp.F.BGa- .,lbt ~ ~ ~ ~ t1l.Posireal Puîdv clioeof a sitefogîi-rrt mihoer of Nfrs. Fail o ti.Ruissell Robbins and lXf Ayre 1,,cal unda Scool arc GeoLù limir i lioor f ',frs Frak o- tteuidet tire Ontarjo Shiecp Breeder'1 H rrîrî tli icv. isconcite .Barbler, Fred Baison. Gortdon Tre- jant lice Gertrutte Oke.) ic-tingI ini Toronto. ailew sni\i e 1:r- cotheset ars - fî'vin \Votton andi Jack Wal- \Irs.. RusseiliOriiston i s i , nf. lnFseradMst G s, IIih d i rthave befrrre your 40th ter. r b rniii:rf Mi inr v re railSru M-. laiisie ndM-.V Go i irtîtrla; arrises. rertihe tievloPmcnt .A nîcetitî of Mrs. Clarenîce Pueiasmrtiî etig seegcnb'Psirhaebeisc ihfn rt scatirnai ahilits . ImPro -,dilb oitl Suintia- Schooi class was NI ts la Sanderson. Lorna Raliîîî. ifr s. Chas. Nay ior entertaiuîcti the rrrr -e niiiu'r nilabour. ireitiat Miss M\arga-ret .\damns'. oui nil H lcleui Gordon: Nî\rs..Orrmistori C. G. LI' 'girls Satîrtiav. aui irru gf an tioîtrtîandii 1 e elueta...fermrs ugstol htthe iprouram to a close sith NMrs. Russell Robbins entertainrl itnce cour rla îoîrs anti ocx.îPatitrus frnithe 'girls. the nainie "ltstiers*' îs' uitMtts-rvrtssteW.X X usellv. rs...nsx t,' the iiuiimuniiin reciireti for votur was1 chosen for the ciass. A\ contest X.X met Feb. lst. 1rc.ident reath la nd ut r.Rusl kn rf.rnieult andi vour iîealth. Ac- . ettitîcti "Countr-v Dinner' uvas e-îlte froni Tenîperanice Fetieratiouî sceUre Irle other ladies on thte greut). oute te vor niiii uîduvii i "ed.th ssîinr ein Mss ti rrrustiîi1ig muners to attent I uictinglt herescas a fair- attendatîce. Pro- e\iUr îiccstng nîcasiîre. ShaPe Iýo i aidec Xilson. The roll callfor thiil' St. aîsCîîcî oviatil ri ucudd rair.Ms c trrganiii relationi teoît0_r objeet- lnext meeting is te bc a bible s-er-.c lt U.APpr Xh,.crs Mot.:Masel iter. Mrs J . T. Ba st. Mrs.i i ve s. Knosv exactIv sciare voti are suitable for oveninz theclcass. Re- er. scas weil gcrib rs . tcl titn r.A TSau g5to~ Cesebeuiga ritor Pt reshuaicuits scere serse -c b C\r. c ur-v: Piano sol-l-r' ic rs;. I-I. Xrî'tonl vcalsole. Miss Mareruerite im,.i'Cevnaehbinzia-toseri uier. ams. These officers scere eett .ri."Tt-Ircams ()j Yorth' readiig Martin accortpanicti licthe iguitar s' ii siidiv ufrvat.KepIPc i()tIFldatssr ie-rs, trr GuDavs- tri NIrs. Siaýrpc mxt ran solo bv Mrs. Ruîssell tis L egies.l-ueltatiwel- dtlati Xilsoîi; Treasurer. Mar iini i. t li NrEX Xerv fui l'nc.Th ru sev abuni 'riiet. l'reriare ;eiurseitf for Possihle zrcrt.XVaiis: Sec.. Ruth Peuifoui î.. 1 MGS ;Nr, .Ouisou1iilnh sertitîne' c sur mpives. n X~-c îxirattulate NMiss Illa7ei VI-tsr irel ithi a srocaIs Bl . r Mr."'T...X.and Bllsoon ibcprtnt. h tuie s cars blifore 40 certeuîîtate thcet1teuntton ir-tigfrom the Be itie Nunr s . i'revrn s wluiritts at .vl so tt probabilits-l-q)Nit-u.irrialYork Cit.r reof Ms l tsci vi ,'sibitv-perhaPs Pobbiv rNw Ctsrl n th iise taS iiizg ta rt,- andi sait titat voiti sil uc droppeti Glatisj s ,,Wcish wsa rccaîîerî r tl ireen a fpicasture to tirepare the. Maip1e G ov euirr' i-.auntiPlan arîd tîretarc tutr i trlier f ýrncr Position iun Torout. it r rran as site iad 11,4r1't d liatii er'-I ,is'ir osvuiaccolunt. SalU l 1,Thrn it ake.reilct tePat -ic usv iiildint, w.'ill previtie manuai traititit. auutitcriuun anti mutch-need- cul chas-. rootuis. There was once a girl who gave up ber fiance because lue was se extravagant anti spent aIl luis jmoney on clothes. She married luis tailor. - Person's Weekly. Being balibxatd-d. gives some people an aie of detachment and :aplomub. The woest bas happeneti. and talking barbers are ne longer a terrer.- Hamilton Sec ato. VLNINE- Aproeit Greig Sentimental and Huinorous 2 for leC to $ 1.25 each Don't miss this opportunity to remnember friends and s'.'eethearts. Party Supplies TALLIES SERVIETTES CANDY CUPS DECORATIONS, J. W. JEWELL Phone 556 - - Bow'.'anvlille Princess Soap Flakes 3 Large Pkgs. - - Hot Water Botties Reg. 49c value-- Tooth Brushes <assorted shapes) Reg. 25c '-alue-- Fellow 's. Syrup-- Pinkham 's Comp.- I AUCTION SALE High Grade New Furniture of C. T. Oke's Furniture Store - 40 King St. W.., Oshawa The publie is here offered an opportunity to purchase by publie auction thîs high grade ne'.'.- furnitur'e stock at your own price. Everything will be sold to the bare si-ails. The greatest opportunity ini years. consisting of walnut dining roomn suites, walnut bedroom suites, dinette suites, chesterfield suites, studio couches, oc- casional pieces, bed outfits, baby prams. rugs, lamps, desks, etc. Remember the dates Sale will commence Friday, February lOth, at 1.30 p.m. Saturday, February llth, at 1.30 p.m. and 8.30 p.m. -TERMS CASH - Ed. Wilson, Auctioneer. SPECIAL NEXT WEEK SUITS and LIGHT COATS Cleaned and Pressed 75C each Oshawa Lauodry & Dry Cleaning Co. Mt. Phone- Bowmanville 419 GROCERY BARGAINS I i SPECIALS r'S BAKERY B 1ricks- 25c each Y ONLY Loaf f Limited Quantity Lb. 30eC sCakes, Charlotte Russe A Real Treat BAKERY is on your street every day 30C ÇASHMERE 33c TISSUJE Complettly wrappe 'Soft P-'e White 13C 700 SHEETS u i 7c to the roll 8c3for25Pý ~~ hoIi iiutg alar ge qîliattits'- ci liqîtlit icng uitk te the inîî--tiuuai con- ue-. i uust cite tiinti more I PAGF «FOUR l'III: STATESMA,, EOW'MANVILLE, ONTARIO TIJURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9TH, 1939 ironizea m east - - Ot _________________________ 400 Dodd's 100 25c Velvetta Kidney A. S. A. Noxzema Tissues Pis Tablets Cream 17c 27c 19C Ise oID. scorrS.ys:Needs for Baby Castoria - - 29-59 S O S Johnson's Powd. 25-50 Z.B.T. Powd. - 25-50 E U SO Pablum - - - 45c IGESSHeinz Soups 3 for 25c 4To5 IMES ASTER Dextri Maltose - 65e- M ead 's THA PLIN Viosterol - - 65-1.75 COD IVEROI -Mead 's Cod Liver O- 50-75-1.00 3qt 9 Ayerst 'bD Cod Liver Oul 4oz. 67 - lOoz. 1.69 15c Pond's F R E E w'ith 49e Face Foi'.der Jar Cream 15c Fond's F R E E %vith 49c Hand Lotion Jar Cream 695e P. R. COWLING, Phm. B.Dwe 1