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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Feb 1939, p. 5

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THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9TH, 1939 TuE L\N.\DI \N STATESMAN, Bt Xl \NVILLF. ONT.\RIO P.\GE FIVE iA splendid response was given! to Paid-in-Advance Subseription annoncemnt ]st week. B ut there are inny ,et to cooperate SO'CIAL AND PERSONAL i hsdie Mrs. E. R. Bounsali. xvho lias Phone 663 been iii for sonie time with pneu- monia. xvas removed to Bowman- i Mrs. J. R. Stutt lias been il]. Mr. and Mrs. John Mliniore,.r ville Hospital this wevek. in an at-i Miss Elba Caverly is visiting in Hamilton, visited his parents. Mr.1 tempt to speed her recoverv. Toronto this week. and Mrs. M. H. Minore, Centre St. i r n r.T .MCed Mrs. John N. Lawrie is on the Mr. Will Percy. Toronto. spent:spent the weekend xith Mr. and siek ist. the weekend with his sisters. the'Mrs. B. S. Vanstone in Toronto Dr. Dorothy M. James is visit- Misses Percy. ýand ]eft Tuesdax- for their home ing in Toronto this week. Loyal Orange Lodges held their. in Lethbridge. Alta. Miss Mar- ________county meeting at Blackstock on garet McCready who is -a student, Tuesday with a large attendance. at B H .S. viii remaîn here till the! end of summer term. Mr. B. H. Mortlock and Mr1 Sarn Henland. Fort Erie, visitedâ Mr. oscar m. Smith. Wallkill. lIA ~IT LU friends in town Fridav. N. Y., recently purchased 27 headý VRL flh fl ~ MrsW.HnryPe ~ .or, of purebred Holsteins from breed- ' ite he cosin toone L.T. c-!ham counties.R.ayMLuh: Specials Laughlin. lin, Oshawa. contributecleleven, l At Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Purdy and and P. B. Seyýmour of Ida. two. At 'Mr. and Mrs. O. Plummer spent Mrs. Mary Spry. 107 6 Queen St.! Sunday in Bobcaygeon with the W. Toronto. writes: Thanks for. C A R T ER S forrner's mother. stili sending on The Statesman. -Jack Roach and Harrv Depeu- I look forward to the muDrning of B A 1<E RY have returned fromn a five xeeks« its coming so much. Please find holiday with relatives in Bristol. $2.00 enclosed for 1939. And Tennessee. For outstanding merchandise Lunch Room -q 6.. 4 Valentine Layer Cakes 25c - 35c Vfalentine Ice Cream Bricks Each - 25c Neilson 's Chocolates Valentine Pkg. Lb. - 50c '4 At Our Fountain Valentine Sundae 2 for - 25c SPECIAL Student's Ice Cream Sundaes From 3 to 5 p.m. Each - 10Oc The Carter Family Phone 855 - - Bowmnanvjlle Bakers for Two Generations Mrs. W. C. Caverly is recovc ing slowly frorn a recerit illn<ý It will probablv be some timeb fore she is able to be out again. Mr. C. H. Carter. Secretar Treasurer of the Ontario Mast Bakers Association. is attending convention in Toronto. Mr. C. A. Johnston of Couc Johnston & Cryderman is aw, from the store this v.eek. due illness. Mr.* and Mrs. Harvev Corc, were in Bobcaygeon Februar% attending the funeral of ber* ther, William Henryý Lambert. *Miss Georgie CaverlY of Evlývn Shop is in Toronto attei ing the Gossarci Corsetieri :Course. John Cornish, farmer east * Orono. was taken to hospital su fering fromn blood poisonîng ini i hand. A lady from Toronto writc Sorry I forgot my subseriptionf *1939 tili I saxv v- ou xvere after o scalps. 1 arn enclosing S2.00. At the evening service ne Sunclay at Trinitv Unite'd Chur( a special male chorus iviii conti bute three selections. Rev. S. D vison viii preach. 32 PIECE TEA SET 8.75 66 PIECE SERVICE for 8. -. --------- 24.95 96 PIECE SERVICE for 12. 34.95 Marr's Jewelry Phone 463 Bowmanville MEN'S COATS - At - REAL BARGAINS <ýi. Silvertone guards model coat, double breasted, dressy lines. Sizes 37- 42- Only $14,50 Belmore style, semi- drape, . ..... broad shouldered model, beauti J fu]ly lined. Ideal young man's coat. Sizes 37- 40 - As low as $16,50 Fine Elysian Coats, outstanding style. Sizes 37 - 44. for quality and $27,00 to $35,09 Now is the time to buy a Wintr Overcoat at a huge saving. Drastie Reductions in Ladies Coats Couch, Johnston & Cryderman LTD. Bownianville e-visit the Ev lyn Shop and ask toý scse the Corticelli and Penrnan's b-ladies' hosiery selling at 69e, 75e and SIll.00MNany satisfied custom- ry- maed h Ex-iyn Shop thoir headuarersfor fine hose. Corne 3ter in to-day,. !Mrs. Lorenzo Mountjey, Nestle- ,ch. ton. xrtes: I arn glad you con-, ,'tinuod 10 send me the paper for! to I would certainlv miss the dear FLOWERS Make The Perfect VALENTINE Remember H E R with a beautiful bouquet of fresh, lovely flovvers from Kings- wvay Flower Shop. She will appreciate them much more than written or spoken t-ords. KINGSWAY Greenhouse & Flower Shop Phone 772 - 2632. ed *!t until the need arose no finish bis year so that there would Mrs. A. W. Piekard and Mrs. S. R. ae w.xould be taken. be nu regrets. James sang 'Help Somnebodv To- oCommittee Chairman J. H. Music for the evening xvas fur- dy Ms .P oespeet Ah,' nellby detaiied equipm e n t nished by Orono Brass Quartette a. IsW.PRoespsnt nu . ,I hy the fire department %vith Neil Porter at the piano. ed the chapter of the study book. an, .,. i nstructed to have bis __________ Learning to live together.«' Pre- c :tepurchase a ny th i ng sîdent Mrs. S. Davison presided nei înmediately and report . Judging Contest ba .. on balance. Cuuncii adjourned at 11.30 (Contunued fromn Page 1) .;cilmeeting xvas heid Janiî- A vn fF ar.'27 th when M. J. Elliott xvas on the farm of Mr. W. J. S. Rick- rA vnn fF aP!i c:nted to Public Utilities Com- ard. Bowmar.ville, R. R. 4. ni: ion to fui vacancy caused bv Twenty-one bags went to. the dcath of F. W. Nelles.. Juniors and nine to the Seniors., u owman ville Phili ,vere pasdapit with the winners being: Trnt1Cuc iý Jh A.Gunnan Mayor Junior Winners JOies'- to the Board of Health. and Neil Malcolm, Nestleton 919 Friday, Feb. 17~ Dr- J. C. Devitt to High Sehool Fred Trewin, Blackstock 916 Board, Howard Malcolm, Janetville 912' Chorus 100 Voices - Orche -%( mention was made of ap- Floyd Stînson. Janetville 908 in sellections you ca puit.1îng a Public Health Nurse. Gilbert Marlow. Nestleton 906 Chas. Richards - - - Warden's Banquet <Continued fromn Page 1) ering over our world. He said lie fifly believed that we xvere not suffering frorn over production, but rather from under consump- tin There are lots of people xvho could eat more and it is our duty te sec they get it. Cecil G. Mercer, M.P.P.. w-as called on for a fexv words. He m-asnet on hand to propose the toai to our Country but gave a good reason when he said that bis driver had put him in the ditch twîce and he managed to get there 1 Orval Stinson.« Nestleton -- 895 Murray Malcolm, Janetville 8831 John Nesbitt. Nestleton 876i Victor Malcolm, Janetvilie 8691I Walter Wright, Nestleton .8551 John Taylor, Nestîcton 831 Roy Werry, Burketon 827 Lloyd Slernon, Enniskillen 822 Donald Mountjoy, Enniskillen 8201 Allan Beacock, Nestleten 805 Alex. Hendry. Newvcastle 802 Robt. Conlon. Burketon 802 Alfred Grace, Burketon 791 Keith Johnston, Nestleton 785 Stanley Taylor, Burketon 769 Tom Hodge. Burketon 767 0, Senior Winners 0, Glen Hancock. Orono 922 0 Gordon Fallis, Millbrook 9180 Howard Milîson, Enniskillen 9170 Marlow Hancock. Orono 899 0 Osborne Bros. and Wight Sentimental Howard R. Foley------------Reader Male Choruses-- Organ and Piano Duets Dr. T. A. Partridge, Director. Admission: Adults - 25e Children - 15e Tickets for sale at the following drug stores: Cowling's - McGregor's- Jury & Lovell's. 1~ 0' Announcement CHANGE 0F BUSINESS The Public is advised that the Red & White grocery store, formerly owned and operated by F. W. Nelles, now deceased, has been purchased by Ernest Lunn of Bowinanville. Mr. Lunn, emi- ployed with Mr. Nelles for'fine years will continue the store policy as it has been con- ducted in past years, endeavou.ring to provide his customers with quality merchandise, reason- able prices and good store service. A contin- uance of the custom afforded the late Mr. Nelles is solicited, A FEW 0F THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS Sunkist Oranges, sweet, juicy Falcon Peas, No. 4's....... Readieut Macaroni......... Golden Bantam Corn........ Heinz Infant Food.......... Grapefruit, extra good....... Faney Spinaeh............. . doz. 3 tins 3 Ibs. 2 tins 3 tins *4 for 2 tins 10e 25C 11le 15C 25C 19C ERNEST LUNN, Grocer Phone 596 Successor to F. W. Nelles Bowmanville ~1' 010 Statesnian as thore is al'xvay-s his activities as District Governor. hiàlf l sf rivers we "n Fred Brown Millbrook 8791 news in it I nîight miss othervise. Next Friday sevoral will visit Port in our parliaments and Cecil Wes. Yellowlees. Enniskillen 864 6.lYo reaual oay99 s en llongd. My erry Ladies' Niglîl. Next meet- pîoe iisî ob js ht Eric Fallis, Millbrook 8441 fa-rexalfr13iseîosd ing of Lions Club wîll be held M. H. Staples proposed tîîe Robt. Morton. Kendal 836 Bow,.manv-ille Badminton Cub M nda'nght in the S .p. Hall î oTeEetr n nvr From the junior winners xvill tue ill hold its annual Valentine'.and will lake the form of a Bro-!fex,.vords shoxved hoxv muchà be forrned the Junior Grain Club, thd Dance Friday night with music ther Night. Every Lion must'ipaeteeetr a- for 1939, and the ten first named provided by Jack Evans Orchestra bring a youniger brother or some running of tlîis country's atTairsjnosxîlrpeetDra ing from Toronto. A biard working other boy. 1 I responding to this 'toast Rex' County in the Inter CountyisSeied conîmittee bas been busy prepar- Puîblie Scîooî Bad r j m-W. F. BitePastor of St. Paul JSuedgingiatNatheneQuinteMDirict 6I of ng appropriate decora tions for mended stricter supervision of lUnhted Church. Bowmanville. said Teebv odutilwr ;uf- the large hall. groups using the gymnasium and thal thtere xvere three things that hrsetboysno out xvill reordk ofeTh street light at the corner ýother sections of the sehool. The a good elector should kee nmd0ypevostasfo Cetr ndLov sret hsBoard is net anxious te hax-e the minc: Il) he should have a mmnd Durham. For eight years in suc-10 es: been changed f rom the south xvest !building or equipmont darnaged. of biis own and stand on bis oxvn csinDra a o~tien for ornr tethenorh eat a t: The February meeting xvas held fect: (2) he should have a sensepeiin Tebosxilegve ur top of Loyers Lane. A large maple! Tuesdav xith Trustee Fred C ry- et 'proportion. and (3) lie should pitheioa hingopreious to te 0 tree vhich was decaying bas been1 derman the only absente.Ar-knox what hie is xverk cacing ptowardo te ext rernoved from the scexie by Hydro quest from Direclor o ui se that the couintry xvould have competition by their Agricultural0 ceh men. Francis Suttoui fur an increase in the best as the resuit of bis ef- R0rsnaîe urnr t- Miss Marjerie Pryer, Claremoîît. saiary was tabled. Principal A. fort.0 a-writes: You will please find en- M. Thornpson reported a large The final event was a presenta-1 ENGAGEMENT ciosed my subseription te The number of children absent due te 'tion te Warden T. A. Reid. W. J. ______ -Statesman for 1939. As compared1 illîîess. His report of absentees Riddell read an address and Dr. Mri n Ms .E.Tn,0ap with other xxeeklies, I think yours from îllness for the past year Neil Colx'ille presented Mr. Reid': ton. announce the engagement of0 B. is one of the best that bas corne showed an increase over the pre- willî a cane. Dr. Colviile's words teroi agtr vlnWls 10 y atenion Itsems e tli ieu yer.were very apt xxhen hie said hie te Percv Edward Dexvell, Wbitby, o the need both in local and gen- hoped the Warden xvould be able yugs o ftelt r n oral nexvs. I trust ,ou will realize' Mussolini's invitation te Italians to enjoy the cane for a long turne Mrs. M. Dewell. The marriage te a er abroad te return to Italy re- as an oruîarent and that hie would take place the latter part of Feb- o A devoted and thoughtful dau- minds of a litle peem we heard never have any real use for it as ruary.0 ghter w-ho bas been sending bieri long age. -Will you xvalk into my au aid to bis xaiking. __________ r parents The Statesmanî for several parler said the spider 10 the fly?- Nîr. Reid in reply said that ai- years sends the edîtor thîs letter: --Slratford Beacoîî-Herald. tbough hie ,vas boiîîg bonored iti TRINITY W. M3. S. Enclosed fiuîd $2.00 te cover The xvas oniy fair to say tlîat lic did I Statesman for another year to my, nom deservo all the crodil. Ho had Triîîity LUnited Church W.M.S. 0 folks. It is their birthday, next Council 1 been xvorking for nîanv -ears met Tuedy fenon veo- * week aîîd I know of nothing they wvimî a fine buiicl of mon in mu- tional peried was in charge of' s xvould enjoy more than yeur pa- (Conitinued fromn Page 1) ýnicipal anîd county affairs and Mrs. F. Purdv and ber group.'1 per comîîîg in every w'eek. niost of thie credit slîould go 10 Mrs. Hircock read the seripture.' Reîîovations te the car shoxv mnent if lie accepted the appoinît- tiieni. Be gaxvethie assuranice that Mrs. H. W. Foley gave a1 splendid1 room ah the w'est end of the toxvn ment. ho îvould do bis best te stili be a address. "Who l'S my NeighborW' 0 are nearîîîg completion and Roy Deputy-Reeve C. G. Morris de- credit te bis friends and try and Mrs. B. M. Warnica led in prayer. q IW. Nicliols, Geîîeral Motors Deal- ciared that the appointment had ____________________________________ or. plans te annouince the opeîîing 'passed threugh Counties Councîl in the îîear future. A complote without question as liad similarý service departimeiit xith qualîfied appointmonts, and that ne re- mecbaîîic in charge bas been es- placement could be made untll _________ tablished at the rear of the show the June session. Mr. Gould will room. Sholbe asked te reconsider lus decis- Hîgh Sho students transfer- ion. It xxas foît lho did not vrisîî red a part of the Commencement te act as bis termi expired the enedaaftio Onao Tai-Vanstone and J. H. H. JuryinderALX îîîg Sebool for Boys last Wed- ordinary conditions had further nesdy aternon 'ndpresentod terms te fui, but were automa- AE sexveral vocal and inîstrumenîtal' îîuber. Te bys'schol rchs -tically retired by a recent provin- numers Th bos' chol oche- icial ruling xvhich allowed Coun- tra. irIse trained by Mr. Sutton. isC 1 tis Curiilsto ppont nlyoneFeatures Valentinc made their first appearance at r uîîis te apont onl 00 the same tirne and xîed w'vitlithenmeristd ftr. higli school orchestra for ap- A specual comm-ittee, eonsisting Lowest Along with other gift suggest: plause. of Counicillors J. H. Abernethy,i Bownavile naco. fstskt-Jno. A. Gunuîi and W. J. Challis, Prices gifts and greeting cards now. Phone thirxas appointed te look into the: iuîg hockey team playing termalter of Prepeu-ly Committee's V LN E garnes at Orono have won three deavinprx'dig icurs f lu strigb gmesxvicbqulifesKing and Queen and f lags for the FOR BABY'S DIET them for a play-off berth in the curtroorn. They were also em- Hat, local league. They have a rest on powered te purchase the articles, 5 si" CHOCOLATES Heart- Friday but wiii go iuto action on, mentioned. 6 Moir's and Page & Shaw Tuesday, Feb. 14, aI Orono Arena. Large' crowds have enjoyed the1 Property Commitîce was re- Chocoh exciting games bo date, but morej quested le take care of squeaking NEILSON'S Special ipeoplo are inxited from Bow-man- 1 chairs and other equipment need -______________ ville. ing attention. Boyd Slemon is reported le be Deputy-Reeve Morris suggested Gfsfr~ going great guns with O. A. C.'s that where ceuncil made grants v f air minded baskeball team. The te local organizations, they aso ft fo Me first athietie group in Canada te recomrnend that wlierever pos- : Shaving Sets - 49c up travel by air, they piayed Wed- sibie the organizations do their . Shaving Brushes - 25c up nesday in Buffalo, boarded a plane buying in town. Eeti hvr for Rochester on Saturday and Library Board, represenled by Eeti hvr relurned te Guelph on Sunday alil 500; and Legion Band, repre- - $3.98 -$.0u ready te start the week's activities L. W. Dippell, requested grant etofhes- ie VEc afler trips which ordinariiy would sented by Wm. Shotter, requested 3ihes-Pps-Ec have taken several days each way. grauît ef $600. Both were referred ALWAYS UJNFORMfo After spending a year ut Staiffto Finanîce Commitîce. On the UON TASTE AND IN 3 fo College. Andover, E ri g I a n diformrni,thie eornmjltee bas pow'er TEXTURE25BARG Squadron Leader C. Roy Siernon to aut. On the latter llîey report25BARGJ arrived in Bownianvulie to joi back. NEW LOW PRICE his wife anîd infant daughter Pa- A grauîl of $500 w'as given Bow -_________________ tricia wIho left Euîglauid at the uîîaîîxiloe Hospital at the roquest Pics opFae time of the war crisis. They xviii 'of C. H. Mason, Secrelary Hospu oiogsPinesSa-lk be at Headquarters, Ottaxwa. un- tl Board. FrC uh odsKde ii tl the first of March, fron iber-e Liabiiity insturauice was givon' Bronchida - - - 49c D d' inyPi hhey xiii be trauîsferred to Vanî- b I'Miss Niuîa E. Noads who bond-: couver. led il last year at prernium of: Vick's Vapo-Rub - - - 43c Fitch's Sham1poo .. George Moroz. 40, Base Lino ,$286. 25. Insurauice of buildiuîgsý Buckley's Mixture - 40c-75c farmer living west of Boxvman- , vas referred ho finanîce commit-, 0 etsTohB ville, xvas added te the large list tee xilh poxwer teo ct. Tenders Pertussin - - - 59c-$1.39 50 W stsTohB of injured for the week wben oui shoxwed reductiouîs from I a s t Cougli Aids - - - loc and 25c West's Tooti Wednesday ho receix'ed a fractur- year's premiums. ed igh thgh onewhie cop- Council endersed a resolution Formolid Throat Ease lOc-25c Corega - - - - 24e- 39e ping trees. A troc is underslood fo . H areSecretary oet yrpo a 5c Fhom 3r- 7 ho have botunced after being feul- t'le Ontario Master Bakeîs Asso- RD. & R. Creams Ta - 3525ew' yup 7 ed, cotching the victim unawares. cito, dnon il te sale of D .Cem 5 5 He xvas removed te Boxvmanvil le brood as a bass leader iii stoires. Hoptlanîd reported in ood Chief Constable Sydnîey Veuton ospitaosnng xas re-appeinted Weed Inspectou. Thenditioingwrev.tos Council wiil send a wire te Ot- The todlloxvingW.xvee vister tlawa endorsing reseiutiouî te es' A 1- eo Dr ai Ms C . imosovrtoblisi a Works Conmmission andc COLDS thuex'eeud atteuîding tlie christ- other chanîges in relief admniîi. cumuug of Patricia, daughter of tration e B.UL *ATARR Squadron Leader anud Mur5. C. R. Toxwn Euîgineer Biekell \-as ii-iSHAM Siemion: Dr. HIarold Siemon, Sick structed te put up speed limit Clîildrenîs IHospital, Tor~onto, Miss signs at eorîiest opportuuîity.. Latura Virtule, Toronto, Mr. an"d Accounts were passed loîilliiiî Mrs. R. S. Virtue, Oshaxwa, Mr-.1$883.89 for general expeuise and S COTT'S and Mrs. A. E. BilleIt, Hamptonî, $431.69 for relief. Miss Marion Staples, R.N., Wlîilbv Girl Guides were givenîpun. Hospital, Mr. and Mus. Theodor e tous t e mouuî auditoriu SniEnn and Mr. aî is.Iuof the hall ouinmeeting niglits i'utcd9 Aumni, Eniskilen.tlîey exercised ueasouîabie precaîu-' Sex'eroi Lions Club inenîbers, lions. iucluding District Goveruior J. J. St. Josoph's Chuu'ch was givenî ________________ New Prices- 39c- 69e and Mrs. Brown, Miss Dorothy permission te use council chani- Carter, Mr. Chiarles Carter and ber for a ciiebre. Mr. E. W. Crawford, ottended To-- Councîllor Biekle passed a sug- UNITED CIGAR STORE rente Beaches Lions Club Ladies' gestion made te him te select two AGNY hne 72 P EO Night on Monday. Dist. Governor mon frem relief roll te patrol AEC Brown was presenled wilh a sil- streets during the night la ensure M ver casserole in appreciation of against break-ins. Council decid- vo Kr -SCR IcOREDO and Valentine ChocolIates for Feb. l4th listed in our ad below. Select your and let us set them aside for you. le to 60Ce13E 5MART,.dLfDK SMAR soc - $100 u E~44~ soce-$1.00 UNAE EREAM ifts f or Ladies i fumes --250-1 YdPRICI rpacts - $1-$5 rny Sets 25c up u Lex Sets 35-65-1.25 gUIX dley Sets - $1 up [3 ARGETUBE 3 for 30c Bayer Aspirin- 22c-39c ....... 27c 25e Noxzexna - - - 15c 49e - 98c Carter's Pius- 23c-69c NOVA - KELP aste both 49e TABLETS A.B.S.&C. Tablels 9e Natures tonlc and body Lham's Comp.- 87e b u i 1 d e r, consisting of inso's B rley n a t u r a 1 nsons Baley 33c i , minerais and vitamnins supplled by Atlantic deep sea kelp. For practicaty SPECIAL every klnd of aiiment. 2 - 5c BotiesUnconditlonalîy guaran. Pepsdent 150 79e 300 $1.39 - 750 $12.79 Antiseptie $1.00 5c CASHMERE 51c TI1S SUE Giant0 1000 Sheeti rusehen SaIts to the Roll rial Size ie~IIE.i Fre69c ~2for25t IPTIONS A SPECIALTY We Deliver I Phone 834 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9TH, 1939 THE CANADl.\'ý STATES'MAN, 13( Iý ONTARIO PAGE FIVE for the business. after xvhich a short memorial service xvas held in memory of the late Mrs. A. E. McCready anîd Miss Emnily Peters xvbo had long been memrbers of the Society. 'miliar Melodies harmonic Society àBowmanville 7th - at 8 p.m. testra - Organ and Pianos an hum and enjoy. -- Piano Accordionist t- - - Humorous and 792a .hape, es lates Wrap Gi Pen Cor Der: Cuti Yar A, 1I s. ,rush~ thE 100 Pink] Robii

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