PAGE SIX THE CANADI.\N STATESMAN IIOWNI.XNX'ILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9TH, 1939 0 Peterboro Colts Win In Overti DefeatLocal Red Raiders 4 t The inturs stieken Beianville tu cther train as far aý Red Raiders teek a threc geLeal ' wa concernîrd. the bo-ss -irt lainner anid tencfs anîd1 ever Peterbere Colts ini the j bt anded )int a total of thiri periol Friîav- niezht in \Vbitbyý, but tics itcîtîinz twe nîsie when the battle clouds had clearel îîmatch sentence. Peterboro had emerzed îith a 4 to Famiv- in the third periol 3 evertime win. Wisemni taîîrird witli Aithourh the came mneanît îothing Berwsick and both acre miniutte ests. ,Xfte r tliev i.. ii zut ail taîngied tnp 1coalie as he trird to poke ]Business Directory 'nikadwe aPtr lustilv heloed Wiseman o taîîîrlc. a fmree for al L EGAL i. Arguments ensn.îed aîd hef acre settled. Xiscmnn M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. tion To the names he was b, Barnister, Solicitor, Notary ibv- a Peterboro athiete and Phone 351 aîîotlîer mix-uro. Finailv. Royal Bank Bldg., Bowmanville - as banished ior the meý gaIne and for the last fil W. R. STRIKEr utc.. of the rame Bowann Barrister, Solicitor, Notaryr cd a mnanu short. Incide Solicitor ion Bank of Montreal dot î hiumk Wisemnans Money te Loan. Phone 791. blamed fer the fracas. i Bawmanville, Ontario. lot. L. C.MASON B.A Jack Btirklîart. 17%-a L. C MASN, BA. uard ef the Arcadians. w; Banister - Solicitor tbreat for Bowmanviile.1 Notary Public - Etc. bauîd in ail threece vaI Law in all lits branches. Orîîbuuuî., and misseci a Office immediately east of Royal chatnce îu svîî the came Theatre. etîd of rezulation tume. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. The first goal came oi sliot frunu tîcar the blIle lin M EDICAL wtck reclined on the peu Tlîe second score aiso carr DR. HAROLD FERGUSON. Colt seas iii unod, .\Murgai of Enniskillen has taken over the ýthe mielck cown the ce an, practice oi the late Dr. J. C. Bell. Bîî3trklart a beatîtifuul pass Office Heurs: Week days, 2 tili 4 (,f the net. Tte aggmessi'î o'clock; Evenings, 6 tibl 8 p.m. Bîurislart malle the tlav (c Sundays by appointment. goal. taking a shot at fiillosinz a seambie inti DENTAL homo med sud Feather Bir, îaîîd To rap) in the rebounc DR. J. C. DEVITT The secondîi peiod saw Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson . res'. harci and tic il tnp). Graduate of Royal Dental Col- ' muitte occasions did the lege, Torante. Office: Jury Jubile look <angerns in Ibis stan Bldg., Bowmanville. Office heurs1 teains maide a complete a 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily except Sun- f roîîî tbe tistlav in tie fil day. CraieL, anîecihumne the fir: Phone 790. Hense phone 883. aft(cr ýixtcvîî seconds on X-Ray Equipment un Office. tîmmer uuitiite.. later the ( rtecl a cazlintur Iber s FUNERAL DIRECTOR attack. Watele.gttiniz the e FUNEAL DRECTRS- ts ine tnarker came sitb le FUNERAL DIRECTORutenîîîî o gatîd Cam( Service, any heur, any dlay. Bîîsstnatîsille tiîck. Siti R IF. F. MORRIS CO. '-l"I ukwo a t in ii Iifirsi ît iitîr 'rame, Modern Mater Equipment, Am- bancz the rutck To tîte cr bulance and Invalidi Car. Calli c)i huicecd tuvamd the local n, Phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. cînirîlber eLzanced of f TO INSURE a home, store, or factory against loss from f ire requires the services of an insurance expert. Our advice might save you some money but will flot cost a cent. Ask us to study ail your policies and plan complete protection for you in the Hartford Fire Insurance Co. J. Je MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 681 Bownianv Sheppard & GiII Lumber Co. Mt. Phone 715Kirng St. East, BowmanviIIe i inîothte goal. It was a touRh break. im e "'The oniv score made in the third to 3 sessionu acre fistic rizht, and Iefts 3 alihbeunced off severai anatomies. O i3tl teanîs had frequent opportun- ities lîtt the respective net minders liad then adn-nittance sign huiur out. is standing Tlhe otîstaîidinii stop of the zrme weiît at t ssas made bv Cournîvea when lie -larrv Lott snatclîed Burkhart's hullet like drive ,teen penai- from teni feet ont. rs anîd a OnîIv tliirtv-two seconds remained Le isni the uvertinnie wlîeîî the Colts broke i Je L u plt the gaine and it was the eîîlv thie buiki' tinne of the seventeen minutes tuai giveîî fise the local.sswere shorthanded the Colts vrettîmned. acre ahle te pierce the Bowmanvilie 1 witlî the arînouir. hIs as a deserved geai, as in a louse thev pinlel a bit of azze-dazzie boro man frein a face-off iii the Bownianvillc oniut oftue corier. Berwick. the villain, fromn follOwed. ail.\rcadiaîu standpoinît uade the tie- ,fore tiîîc-s breakinr slîtt. Linie-nps: nkecepl- Petemboro: ereal. Cournvea: de- ring called ine Berwick and Curtain : centre. 1there ivas \Waîc: sinzs. \Nilliamns and -Mac- .Wiseman Doîîaltl : suhs. Craie. S. Ricklinld. cSt 0'tilie Clark sud Painnneti. fteen min- Bowmansille: goal. Houpner: de» vitll plv- f 'ard anti Nicluols : centre. 1%til 5e' Detîew iines. Btîrkhart and Muor honld be i cat: i* sns. Bird. Wisemnan, Meful- Hie took a i, n and Rîtile - (4); fonwards, Amys (7Î), Gilles- pie (5); guards, Rogow, Scott (4); subs, Kay, Moenhead, McPherson (4), Mone (2), Hall (2), Dun- das (2). B. H. S. (21) - Centre, Slemonz (5); iorwards, Mchiveen (7), Me- Feetens (5); guards, Jackman, Merden (2); subs, Crawford (2). Allen, Tamblyn. Referee - Gond Mclntyre. SCOUT NEWS Home Girls Win The Garnet and Grey Senior A Scouters meeting was held at Girls took a commanding 13-4 th oeo isHlnGavle lead at the balf and cantinued teoi Cubmistress af the second pack, pile it up in the last te win 29-6 j Snnday afternoon, eighî leaders for their third triumph te take ai being present. Aiter a lunch, sev- iirm hold on iirst place in t hein eral important mattens wene dis- greup. They outplayed the visi-,i cussed. i was decided ta invite tors from stant te finish, but Bow- I some outside Scouters group fon manville fiougbt bard sîl the way a secial evening in orden te fiind and but for poor shooting would loeut how diff erent organizatians have cut down the hamestens' i are being run. Plans fon a Hobby Iead. I wa 8-2 ai the quarter, 13- Show were discussed and each 4 ai the end of the bahf, and 23-4 ! leader is expected te iniorm the going ino the last quarter. E. iscouts and Cubs ai regulations ai Saundens, M. Juby and J. Otiewell ' is hoped ion a lange were the Gannet and Grey out- and vanied display. Plans were standing stars, and G. Mitchell discussed ion the papen campaign and H. Glanville were besi ionr Satnrday. Leaders were inionmed the visitors. The teams: 'of thef r financial standing in the B. H. S. (6) - G. Mitchell (2), different gnoups and it is up te B. Emmeit (2), H. Glanville (2)' 1 eaeh individual Scout and Cub te IK. Storey, M. Spencer, P. Emmett' do bis part Satunday te brîng up G. Wsgan, D. Tapson, D. Smale' this balance. Next meeting will D. Wheeler. 'bc heid ai the home of Instructon Donald Venton ai the Second P. C. 1. (29) - J. Oitewell (2), Tnoop, March th. E. Craig, M. Juby (8), R. Dalli- day (2), E. Saunders (17), D.. Glover, J. Coleman, H. Beatty, L' Satnrday, February 11, is Paper Reid.Day. The Boy Scouts and Wolf Ree . got. Cubs plan ta make a comp lete Umpire - H. Smith. canvass of the town te collect aId newspapers and magazines. Any Seniors Win icitizens that would like te get nid P. C. I's Senior Boys s q n adeof sncb rubbisb and by doing se, battled neck and neck with Baw- beip a geod cause, have yeur pap- manville threugh tbree quarters ens gathened up by Saturday and of the game with the lead see- tIh bov, uill <'al Thîank vo,,îs 1 ter watcbing the injury stricken Breslinites eutpiay their faveur- ites in the second game. Witb the Red Raiders familiar wvith the corners in the modemn Lindsay rink, and back at full strengtb, the meeting of these two teams wili undoubtedly pack the rinks. First however, Bewmanville must get pasi the troublesome Cobourg Kinsmen. The Cbunch League schedule finishes next Saturday morning and at the present time anly ene teamn is eut of the running for the playeff s. If the Becs win and the Flying Wings lese on Satun- day, those twe teams will be lied ion the last piayeff siot and the disputed game between the Eagles and Becs wiîl have te be piayed off. The Rangers, Cardinals and Bruins are deiinitely in the play- effs whicb wili stant the iollewing Saturday. Bewmanvilie fans will have their finst oppentunity te watch basketball this year an Fniday nigbt. Peterboro Cellegiate wiil bring three teams in te meet the locals, with the iirst game set for 7 o'clock. On Friday lasi, the Petes toek every decisien inam the locaîs but the B.H.S.ers have promised te change the tune tbis time. For those nat intenested in bas- keibaîl and who do nat feel i0 the mood ta travel ta Part Hope ta watch the Orphuns, we snggesi yen turn Lizzie towands the Osh- awa Arena where anoiher ai those Junior classics bas been an- nanged. Guelph psy a visit te the Faith." basinîc lis rcunarks on the life sud ssomks of Lord Tennuyson. Conîuregatiunai meetifir of tlhe elunrelu ssi, eici Tiursdav with a zotit atteuidauice. Res'. H. J. Belli tok ,tlîechair antI cave ain rumeur-I airinu e rcîort tof the' vear'.s womk. WX. D. ecrgusen. Sec.-Treas.. cave a f iîîancimîl report. Eciger t ,;obn. Sont. of S.S.. spoke of the iutemest taken in the S.S. anul Chas. Gibsoni eortel favorahiv un its financrs. Mr. Anderson spoke of the prorress of the Yotuiîo'Peepie's Unilonu sud Mfiss Annie Failis cave a report of its finances. Nîrs. H. Galbraithii ave ail itterestinue rep)ort of \V.A. tanît XX.N.S. siuowiîig thai the in uins liaI iîeen wieli aitenucirdand <imite wsiîtlisvlile. ever $200 1usd heei, raisel. the WX. NI. S., alocation met andc cicîseti witiu a hieatv initation o10 ail a îmen of the coui2eratieuu To' attend. The election of efficers took tlace. XW. D. Ferzusouu sshîulias vemv efficieîtîs' filleci the office on Stc.-Treas. rez5îrned sndl'Mm. J. E. Elliutt was appoiuted Sec. - Treas. Otlier officers iseme re-electeti witlu the exceptionu tf the usiiers. These Wsere aîîîîoiiuîed tsiters :- EIdoî Tllinrpsoti. Lewsis Stinson. Geralc i Stiîîso,îtanîciFreci Davms. A\heartv vîîte tif tiianiks isas tenîtered Rev. Bell for bis faithfiii. efficient senr- vices anucitu XW. D. Fergunson fer lui. satisfactorv svork in cennection itili the clîtrch books. Refreshments Nvere1 served aud unembers mies'ed a social laf lueur toLether. NMr. amd.IrMs. George Fuwler aud l Helen at Nirs. Rd. Stiuîson's. Burketon au,. nia y . a, IV dii..J P enalties: lst period. M\cNulleni. sawing back and forth and then ----jar on o aeav rv iecctt isitors XMr. Clarence company aegigt aeavr an.Trno ih'r n fs old rear- Berwsick. Ciurtain 2nd period, Cur- rallied strongly in the third quar. Through the courtesy of Mr. C. hard time convincing the Guelph Nîm ,oo ihM.adMs ;as the biic tain. Clark. Btrkîîart. 2; 3rd pieriod, ter to win 39-27 in what may j H. Carter, the boys will have the crowd that the 4 to 3 w'in scored Hatrv Rahmii... MIr. M. Thioi- He badl a WViseman and Berwick (majors ý,I prove to have been a crucial, assistance of a horse and sleigh. by the Generals last week wasn 't si' Sient Sattirdav in Toronto... IstO the \\iseman (match). PBerwick. pamt- game.Od Dobbin" will be ready at 8 a fluke. For those with short NIr. and( Mrs. A. \Vilson with their gl~IoiS ett: overtimle. Berwick. Each team was guilty of fouling'arn. and so wvil1 the Scouts. The memories, shawa countcd r.E. iln.Oh near the ___________________ 13 times, P.C.I. making 5 tries to'wnr is to be divided nto four times in a third period onslaught awa..MssHlnBtri.Bw and the losers but 1. Gillespie, equal parts for the four groups. to take the verdict in Guelph and mnville. witli Mrs. T. Trick.. )n a lonciSut rD Moorhead and Johnston led thelIn each part there svill be a cen- the homesters were none too Nir. T. Trick anîd Mr. Grant Cr ne as Ber- Souh ar Rngrs wrnner's attack, and Faganan tral spot svhere ail the paper will happy about it. Altogether it' rl n ilt..Mr ndM. iaa f L Brown were best for Bowman- 'be taken. and at thatit the shapes up like a swell battle. Next Floward llos>k an(i famny Kd nalv vile Th tams lors ad seih wllcaîl. By this week the playoffs begin. Watch mon. %vith Mm. and Mrs. W okn e sshie a.: U P. C. 1. (39) - Centre, Foster means we hope to make the cani- for dates. Nt. . cLaiiçhiii is not verv icarmrmcHokn 120II (4); forwards, Cutting (6), Tay- 'vass thorough and complete. xcl ioa rc.M .Se id handinzc ke egelor (2): guards, Gillespie (9),, j Mr. hon m.and T ric.IG. Catev- sin frrnt Johnston (4); subs, Moorhead Cubmistress Helen Glanville of B dmnonN s isn and d the fnral Gf CarrieT eCtan(12), W. Ferguson (2), W. Harle, the Second Pack took her boys Ba mno Ne s n tnd heferlfMs.T )Oriuhe lat nt vam Ra c r on tid R. Fergusen. on a tobogganing party on Satur- Trick's aunt. Mfrs. Glennv of '%id- C -rca n thleir mierrv road of vi tr m B. H. S. (27) - Centre, Fagan day and everyone enjoyed a jolly Port Hope Badminton Club took dIlonl. Mondav.1 dh Petas on e mournincktev Lekge ot 5a), forwards, Mason (4), Brown time. quite a drubbing on Friday night Nfm. R. Davev is ont aizain after rd<l o av nonn as .hvee n (12); guards, Colville (4), Rack- _______________ when Bown'anville's "A" Team a bad attack of quinsev. ýd. teo0 shutout over the battling Bruins. hain (2); subs, Graham, Ashton, one35pitt herIa Era enavbe mlyr]o thnîvone The Cardinals mvdiiouds) abun ae.isywsappi.I otie the local club. :hovel snuw from the C.P.R. track. Oloncd nossession ot s ~ndi place *bv Referee - Dr. Worton. i everything needed to make a good Top teams of both clubs bat- _________ Aiza s hand iiLthu3e F s a 3 W r m intolk hockey game, and while a few ofi tled for honors in ladies', men's nz a head h FvnzWi(s nve nt -- the Lindsay fans grumbled at the and mixed doubles. The ladies' _______________ bout face fonth place with a 4 to 2 win oJ ' înability of the Midgets to ma k' ouls ended with Bowmanville prticriod. the lnckless Laties. Bricks andu oqut moosemeat of the shorthan d cd wni Bouquetsg thrce matches i w letconrir a d i5 tca ui tm ca o ndcd (1NlonObrc Arcadians, they failed to appre- straight games and two in three' - Et coin- ird eain for ithe r% asi ad ol ____ Nelson_____Osborne)_________ ate the perfect job of backcheck- games. The men wvon two matches Col paoin- irand .,c or the o rthe mrcr nu th ing being turned in by the Messrs. with two straight each and three aI. The ini ccind cid"H-v Bird drcw I Sad, sad is the news that we Dilling, Morgan, Wiseman and went te three games before a de-s es.s than altceoilv tcnialts ilf the came. 'have been forced te purvey te McMullen. cso ol egvnet ie le froma Rangers: (,-a]. B'rooks: deivnce. you for the past two weeks con- ýdoubles ended with Bowmanville ýýundlc. 15 (lîîîîîîîv and Edmonston cnte cernîng eue Junior hockeyists. In the opinion of this corner, winning seven matches with two OSHAWA- takllgpat Brd ývnL, I, Lrkn ad cenre Bu wih potin o M Brs-Tom Depcw was the individual gamtes each, one local tcam split akngprtBrdxvn.. ).l.rinad .Lar- Btwt oto fM rstarof both the Lindsay ae' trid km sb~ Stttam Spncr. lin's optimism. we are certain starnte the counit aith one game eac,us.-F .-St rnr ,, tkBnîs: go a egnd : eence ta popeiyis;unig htand the tussie with Peterbr.and two teams lost two straih re buttu i al.ker antl. 1e!ilvi e fen epovrbial corner. The effortless skating 16-year-old te the visîtors. Following the FEB. 9 - 11 etbtteCwean E.Ncl- cen ,t,Prove 'Tommy altcrnated between cen- gamces lunch was served in the re- jhis stick Edzer: winLgs, Luxton and Stevens:; As far as more injuries are tre and defence and neyer saw, creation lounge. ro Fln Sus tieand Cowan. teI echinErrol wetymn-i 5nh. trie * *concernied, we are breathiing cas-te benchinsy the fiasttwen ty n Tire ýecoîîd iramne saw the WinZIS ier for surcly old man ix m ist utes indsaiy rthefia thit take lan carlv two goal lead and ai e unig ey esi ta cmemnue i Wiby t'asbsHrEoer W8IàILt U th'nehth Faes wie nrroeimodity. Since last wc eae afistunabne nedyadIl UW1 RIlh the aatae tie ne te\incsrefw teru bik. htoI dl1he playcd it likc a veteran. tielvuaz ooetead. Ms erismoothie, "Dutch" Diliing has -s I Win n yWA.BS L THBOE able to recain thoi eiî ori been added te the hospital îist1 Best ncws of the week came on Puot Luck spe u nh .. -BSLRTBN ,curtîl îhree of the croals foýr the îkdakebre He Thursday whcn Breslin and his and N.S E ridav eveninc was Weil DAVIID NIVEN. Vne\Vincrs and \Vard tallîed the with a crackcdanie onL1 assistant Jack Cameron attendcd . .nniral Conçrrecationail ereceivcd this in the second L N ol ther. Aider and Nioffatt werce saenoteadisn the sheiremovcd Eddie March from the meetinircf the United Church lvas Added - Cartoon mnarksmnn of the losincz Fazles. for twourweek n s. o h hl h o s p i t a I. T hn e effervescent I1 h1(1 after the suppler. Rep)orts were Frrio March has made a remarkable I- cien s fullows. Sundav Schoo. Yo'e n dcaio' Wiiî'stgol.lrîusnLeeneaa Ward nd Southev: centre, Rosse: The store whcre Dilling dees recovcry. and it is quite likeiy hie 1Mr. ilenr-v Sheffield : Chuirclh Lea a iîîs. \Morris and Hamoden. ýhis cîcrking shoa'ed real sports- willibe in uniform whcn the club, Ni rs..'M. Emersoîii: \V.A. and Ligi0es: goal. Nianitle: defutnce. mnhi ydrvn ohmt and travels te Port Hope te-morrow N îs L. loblin: Churchi Trea-R VV L fliatt anti Ahernetlhv; centre. Vir- from work while the Dutchman night for the last game of thc reg ,-urr Mr. K. Sanielîs: Board of tocssigs Ali am Bîîw: iîls. ceed t nd hestoe et imular schcdnlc. Little Chicago took Stissards. Chairman Mm r.C.' : nia iGrahamn andi Knox. ýwork on the books and answcr in the match on Friday night in Pîrte,)is Secre-tam.v FL.Itîblîn a :0pu. * ** *the telephone. Thus he was ahle the role of a spectator and made Tre.asurer. K. Samnelis: Envelopencr 2 P In tite final !rame of the triple- te kccp off his foot and net have more noise than the other sixtv' Stewards. Mf. Enmerson. S. Mfalcolm. ItsLv iMie hae.the Cardinals ralunatrec- te take time off from his job. seven patrons. H efed ) lc.ohrmm 1t oe1m At r i.oal wez bf re te lice eeaeOcist i im ers of boardl. E. ..rmstronc. F. Starring te condec hefore theirBoe ake rchdisfr.Sid Rundie had a hectic iro- îîvland.NW. Campbell. Avote "ut LESLIE HOWARD Kilpatrick. Muses anîd D I ti The Wednesday tussle in Lind- dciont uio oky.A ;h thanks 'was given te Rev . H . J. anîd BETTE DAVIS- couiiotetl for the Cartlinal hl stant of the second pcniod hie was Nr.Bell for cî-upîematien. Larce scmed forthe Becclipped on the nose by a high MstanNaulm ettained had une îîcnahv anti Large drî D stick and had te take time out for fmîcnds at liem hirthdav p)arti' Satir- M «y- usa tlîee îl sonl ~ . ~ ne ~~ ~ ~flrepairs and laier in thc peried hc(, îlav cleaner hockes..a a s.scored hîsrfirt goal inlO. H. A. -las (adiîals: cî,al. Hrier; d c t i-- î copany but at the wrong end. Mm. rd Roes. isitdle EB 3-1 Bîîris ani 1)d5oncente. nI Il ~ I > I~ However, his displav was better Sîîî lativ (roc ls.aels Buns and îî ds.nKi ceatri e, a ). L* £ £ than that turned in by many oth - in "tYoiuson oMr e. u ng Or. Kildare" l'ces:. usaI. Wiseiuîaliî efli TO ALL STATIONS IN ers making their first start and aiXler.Gît g. iîî t dcariuf;iitil\-wt N1a~~tîî aîîd AIder: centre. K with a little more experience hc aie.CumcWlnu nnlywt main handicapMde: cetrreK.sent M ir..PmvFcmoîi evsc E VE s' *ani ou..w~estern canada i a sure fixture on the team. His iuiuriilflc lîerts andi lDustai. . Gomaiate hsanedicp tepesrtt miLiîitsav. LIONEL BARRYMORE * * *DAILY FEB. 18 TO MAR. 4 ___INr. anîl Nrs. M.I Emerson vst LYNNE CARVER. Goaliw l I Ps Return Limit: 45 days. 'Toot« Nîchols aise had te send linl i otPry oac fa"a nWe Stilte WI rCI. TICKETS GOOD TO TRAVEL eut a cail for first aid when he 'iiiînhier frot Nestîcto aîîeîde< ad"hlir nSbe (anrdna0 il31 Il 8 IN COACHES suffered a gash at the cerner ofitii, (arival in Prîrt Perrs Fridas n Te ilI Sbe" Cardîinal, i1Il2 .3.3ilEcusontikesgod 6uishis eye. The cut was tee close te nielit.»1 Bliing \ 12 3 1Ecusontiktsgori Tussthat vital embu te obecemforiable. Nrai i..RrNaeln c-Feb. 15 - 18 ýville Ilin 2 i 9 1.3 .3 Parior and Standard sleeping cars also _____ îrlul. s isitrîl lier inotlier. Nlrs.IlP lices 0 2 i 2 'l i available on paymtent of slightly hi gh. i FaLlus 0 3 IlO 3 9 er passage fares, plus prîce of parlIor Bil'ard was able to take bis Wrielît.Th vnofteSao r * * ~or sleeping car accommrodation. turn on defence again after a few \Iis5 Jan .'î.llowav iut0Osli LDh veto heSao idays battîe wîth kid fln and a'hîle ,istI ieiir tarclits. JAET aDN Gamnes Ibis Satîîrda%,:-. Flvine [ jpk, . îs goinis'sa tort net at his peak againsi Peterboro. 'Filie snowiW liiw lia,, rettirned agin JEANELSTE aDDYA XX îles aîîd Pees Blrui.. andtlCar- %riliir.t, iti. Ill<î,II. r S I ut the week of resi before the nexit ii, (Irîîî work on tire mîainî rîadIs-NE ON DD dnaIs: R anrers aîîd F ales. sI i-- rilirnie gvia s5,105roil t n amiI linf niy. <îiîîroiis<Oot game wîli bring himn back te ner- (.f Ne..tlct<îii. mintNis B. H.S. Baketbll ov,-rWth ply-offhbegnningnexto f Wiitesiv(ali tes -1h"Sweethearts" l 3 .S akebi !1 otît and rctiurning -at Po"rt ahplyof bgnig eti'iîifdiL. adies tlrcidcd lu sentid Tea s oseToArthur. ont.,,anud %et;a "a C week, mosi nf the' injurt'd wili be l'île tif llaiikcts and tusefnîl atricic- In Giorlous Technicolor. 1rnals LoseTn ,ietor .ar if ,1h rr back in hamness. Hal Crawford. t îîîîîîr fatiuilies iîî tir(-west A: Pi _____________________ Peterboro of T' nitet Statis lInes. the agile wearer of the pads, will eresi ccre partv' sas ioveti -~ Fil iartcu ors ropn on agnI try eut bis knce in Port Hope. s' îtb Nrs. R. McCiîll hini! ttre win -__________________ March will aise reiun for ibis îîmîîc lady aînd Mr. N. L.ansing tir( <From Peterboro Examiner)- game and is siated te play on the wiiîninz gent. Peterboro C'ollegiate G a rn et defence. That is the weakest spot lreshvterian Ladies' Aid mîet aI and Grey basketbail teams Fri on the team, while the two fer- NfIr,. Rcht. l)ickev's. Tiirsdav. C day night fonght their way te a D EUI TP D IJ ward uines are weii baianced. It Nifr.aîi . iVn ecc is it dlean sweep of their triple header * m PAINSu is doubtfui if Dilling wiil bc able cil fricîîdls iii iindsas. 'Lakeshore League games with BcahLmaoadRem tic t retumo for twe weeks.Fo ugsadcl- Bowmanville High School before Bac8nie, Lumaige e~sn~ ehLnsyand Petrboe C di-n s .'f osîriyts vr o rnn legiate gym. The Senior and Jun - Pi à timulate kidney action, eliminate iound il a tough job te score goals a usntrl vymoig ier boys' teams won in close exceus acids and tone-up the blood- againat Bowmanviile which was rvnscl. 1 I games and the P.C.I. Senior Girls rem. If toxic waste maer in your a tribute te Ron Hooper. Ronnie lsNrýNcQaeCoti. copped a 29-6 for their third Xftemiu-madng yu timed, achey, has improvedi his play immeasur- MisNra fc:a.Cori. i straight victory. fepressed, take Gin Pilla.' ably in the iast three weeks and at onte. P.C.I s Junior Bovs squad, held Crawford wili have te 1ook te biS NMr. andt Mrs. Rav McGiii enter on eve'u terms by a bard fighting luest retain his position. taitied Mir. anti Mrs. Georze Fowle Bo%,mavil(.tem trogh heanti licin u a t nirkev ditnnrr on fnst baîf, seeomed te find tbem i Piayoffs wyill hegin next .%,eeksaîînrîav tii,rlI. __ seIves laie in the third quarter Tol and at this wriiing il wvouid ap-! Mis.,iiirflic Fallis, Oshîawa, ai pull Ivell abcad and -wemc acIdin g pear that Bowmanviile svili meut ' Mm Franîk X'alters. Courtier. u to thuir l through the finial Cobourg in the first rouind wviih \11rt'. Il. Fli' iminuAtes Bowmanvt lie, w Ili 1 i the winner going againsi Lindsay. i Nfîs Iirîlie Gilson isi.takinz .a noýver, acre always in the!' As soon as the regular schuledi îii n irsurse at Sliaw's flîsimît ss l it amin donl', pu<r sbooting kcpt FOR THE! cencitîdes. evemy team in the i (ile.Toronto. 395 min andun Iy ,pior sbooiing kept group, with the exception of th(, 'unel'iople'. lU'ion<iîmeit Flinir's-I Scott, ('larke' and iAmlys svur' Peterboro Colts.,a'ili drop hack îl:v c wun sith President Oswal t1e bonot C staros, the' foi-- àte"C" ating. The Colis wîill play 'intîlrsoi n the ichair. 'Tlre inîcitiîA A A'eA GETS mer df'îsvl and the lasit tv, z off witb Oshawa Becs. înîicieîi witlui iraver lus Rev. IL. i on tht, attack. Mlve a ni d Buli. )cv'tioniai service was let In IlisT T B Jackrnrmn stood out for the îosngý' wo Sizes - - - Reg. 50C Word emanaîing from Lindsay Mn s. J. E. Eiliott on the subliîct Red andi Black scîuad. The teamsie Econonxy Size -- 75o is te the effeet they are not so iîOiir Marcinn Orders." Mm. Mc- ___________________ !P. C .(0 Centre, Clarke (Double the Quantlty) sure they have a group winner ai- Millani cave tire topic on îîDoubting Huisbands shou]d admit they are in the wrong. Wives like themn better for the untruth. - Brandon Sun. ROYAL THEATRE BOWMANVI LLE Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. FEB. 9 - 10 - 11 elected Shorts News Matinee Saturday 2.30 p.m. Mon. - Tues. - WàJ. FEB. 13 - 14 - 15 'I7 a vnumq b, MICHAEL CUiRTIZ .ad WM. KGEJOIY Oigo. co,. Play by N.... Roiy R.-o.-dnus-. inul 3-od UP.. Ao., Hood Lepade Moiiý by Etkh Woifgg o.g o A pitq-i ... 1Pic... Outstanding Program Selected Short Subjects Matinee Monday 4 p.m. Wednesday 2.30 p.m. No Increase in Prices "iBoys Tow.%n" "Tee flot te Handie" "You Can't Take It With Yon "Sweethearts" "Kentucky" 'Messe James" "The ('itadel" i t ~15su i t' I i PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESNIA'N, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9TH, 1939 Mââ.