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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Feb 1939, p. 7

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THE (9RONO) NEWSBel or Park St. Services 1 I fMrPs. > BLB. an D. xhMr n ____Clarke ftesiaent 75 iears Ago Ms..a.wel, r.E.Trw SO IA A D ER ON LAt Park St. Church Sunday Re ais M mois fS.S NW9.' W f o ns i morning the pastor spoke on "The8'I~AL son on Mond r.adMs Brother at Fault." It deait chief- ____ _______________ Kenneth Soprc dtawt r _________________________________ly with the idea of turning the $ and Mrs.G.hopo Sndy other cheek and o! seeking to con- By Dave Morrison, Sr. ay was to the fore worked as a Mrs. IraTnponwt r L. O. L. met Monday night. 1 Miss Ethel Stark expects to go vert sinners rather than scorning ecion hand on thirooreu . Bruce riveThoo. . . rs. Clavrsieneand__________H KahlenAr i n hesik is.back to her course Monday. or laughing at one who has fallen (Continued from last week) Brywleknw i ti twn _____Micel wt Ms.H Ptes Pr Mrs. C. G. Armstrong entertain- tMrwaysnofMrsckedness. The eat- When we went to old No. 9 aitvas a grandson of this family, Mthl ihMs .PtrPr ~vIs.C.G. rmtrng ntrtin- Mr ad Ms.O.W. olh n-ter was pictured by Paul as being Bellwood's Corner the arithmetic ii)% residing in Toronto. and was Britain. . . Miss Velma Cowan, B edThrsayniht dy igt.patyTMiss Gladys Ogden, Port Hope. Cowanville, with Miss Laurna E W 1 Well, the bear didn*t see its dy igt pointed out, and was found among and pence style, and our gram- cornet and trombone. Strange is J istdhrom.Pac .M .Js.Srkwh shadow Miss Margaret Milîson wvas hos- church members even. However, mar was Lennies. One of the it flot how people scatter. Mrs. J. Clysdale vsited in God- relatives" at Castleton. . . Mr. R. People of hscmiuiywr Inerprgiatosaon r. Gro ulysae hMrtin,. LaetSon r .itMers. ogrevedtohear ftedaho Sixth Line school is closed as ptst sa deightu leg-idn he pasor statd histsi adst te ache n hat perio od ould te Itheour eorerintonsaondr M.Gro-ulysaydwt, r.G tpetnJ..Msr.Jsp Had n fteods partyeaTuesdayinnight.tihe. whsist wtotsioatthnaete hl cho ooertete etonw fenwne-Mr. Lloyd Clysdale over the: Melville Jones and Sid Lancaster residentsoftescin Mr quarantinee.Roefioostothen multiplication table aIt o g e t h e r ed what was manufactured in that ked i oot.Hadha eni orhat o the t acher~thi Geoee R to me. T r n o p n h c or s n W r h p and w hat a racket this sing-song nall shop driven by w ater power H\Vd rs Sier aknee addFrdooheweed hm. King," with Mr. R. E. Logan tak- would make. Somne of us liked it down below Nelson Bowen's home Ms Jack Reid, Mrs. Bert Reid A large number from here at- some time btwsaon ni Mr.JC.Gre iie in1Ice is being cut at the milI pond, E ing the solo part. because we would hum it to some on the hill, the pond being on the and Mrs. Bill Reid helped serveE tended the Warden's banquet in a few daysag.W exndy- Hmrsto. J .Gmy stdi delivery first made Tuesday of The subject o! the evening ser- old song we knew and the teach odsd n h ml lm at the Warden's banquet in Or-! Orono. ptyt Ch- rpathyito Mr. and Mrs.lC.lBrown Hamiton ths wek.hons aseTheInfuencno!theer"TuhdbeIonelhueise.eTht, theng toths.sop hichwasono Afnmbe eo!men romthehe Mr1anMrr. GergeMcCl- o LaeoSogeMr.andMrs Mrs. . Canreil as ben on.. comunîy als atteded.lough were in Millbrook attend-j Moses HeardadM.adMs the sick list. Thursday night two gamnes wvere Congregation." The mînîster de- to some of the scholars, was the i run bxy a man by the name of Ed- Mr. Wilfred Wood has been ing the funeral of his cnusin, Mrs.1 Clifford Brow n aiyo Mis ne oroni vsiig lae a teloalaen telivered a strong address dealing best of the school program, but 1dy as' well as we can remernber. 'utn c.iRJ cngt rws MsIre Motni iiigfirst being two midget teams from .with the fact that preaching was anyone passîng the school often Can any old timer remember this Mrtig. nd.Mr. PryFrrw OfcrKndhteahrsfr nteBrs. Go tpesni bet f riends in Brighton. Newcastle in a practîce game, the important but that the every-day wondered what the row was !place and enlighten us on this? iitd Mr. and Mrs. ack fChrchsuanday School aore:Ut e a rso i. Little Bobby Knox celebrates second being a game betwýeen deeds o! the congregation were about. We tink herewas roube Red's. -Jak L. chSvery s't. - r : J. Row e eare orytolseM. n hîs first birthday to-day. E Newcastle and Newtonville. more forceful in influencing those, eds-L.Svr W aes Lon- Etechrh.H ugd h The old school, especially in connected with the water on ac-1 Mr. Hector Milîson is improving Sec'y. - Alfred Redknapp; Ass't. - Mrs. Tom Wookfo u the eeked wth fiend incongregation to take a decided temhdSna on !ecocigo h od nicely. Minnie Randali; Treas. - Laurna midst. They aemve oNw the eeknd ithfrindsin on-bate in connection with shool scsad ginteiloariuîryand rahnsevcteiy Php omoecne- don. Ework on the important subject of stn in liquor a g a amteroon pe achin sericethe ay. erhass ome a aoe can en-___________Pearce; Missionary Treas. a n dE castle where r odc ilb bîn r in. theL aeternoon, and the or nohtmn us.uAnddocantanyioldlitimernBirthdayngBoxB-rtFlorence-BFlrreycenearer; hisrwork. Couny L O.L. eetng as heter r nt mn soul do Mr. Jim Powers favoured with Primitive Methodist brethren inî tell us who ran the saw mil be- :i.. Pianist - Mrs. W. C. Lane; Ass't. - Visitors:Mr.R BrcMs held at Blackstock Tuesday. A housework. The result xvas a ticavoa sl Bowmanville xvould send dlown a low, the bridge that was later eSir Mrs. E. L. Beech; Cradle Roll Supt. C. Turner an MrGe.tph- numbcr attended from here. 1 What do vou think? minister to preach and conduct. burned? This mill was on the ek r - Mrs. George Thompson, Temp- son in Toront....M.adMs .Mr. Vernon Saunders and fri- Miss Myrtle Smith entertained Teewudb ut ubreg ftecekblwteGo erance Supt. - R. J. Rowe: Teach-. Russell Gimbetad r n end. Toronto. visited Mr. and Mrs. a few friends to supper Friday present. One preacher we always :Carter farm on the Wilmot pro- There was a nîce turnout at ers and Assistants - Bible Class, Mrs. Thomarimlt, al A. Saunders. night in honour of Mrs. CuIp of DI M AND DISTANT liked to hear, by the name of. perty. But we reckon it is beyond 'church Surîday. Mrs. Cecil Burley, Miss I. Laing; Grove, with . adMs r Par S. Bbl Clssarehod-Toronto. The evening was spent HAPPENINGS Herridge, was of course rather the ken o! any o! those living to- An enjoyable evening -was held Young People's Class, Mrs. E.L. ence Turner. r a rw ingarkaSt ige partyon ar dyi ad.pie bigwnh _ beyond us small f ry in his dis- dav. Then there was the Fergu- at the club room Monday. Next Beech, Mr. L. Savery; Girls' Class, in Oshawa. ...Ms osn r nîght. Misses Margaret Milîson and Elsie From The Orono News of courses, but I well remember his sonI boys who lived north o! the;Club meeting is Feb. 13th. Mrs. L. Savery, Miss Mary Lane; and Mrs. Cha.AIrdBons ,Rowe - the latter the consolation. Fbur ,11 text on one occasion. It was, "The old school and a!terwards well l Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pearce, Boys' Class, Mr. R. J. Rowe: Prim- Mr. and Dr.R cNi n Official Board o! Park Street, era. ,11 summer is past, the harvest is known in Orono. What becamne of. Bavllsted herpaets ary, Mrs. Willis Jones, Mrs. Geo. hlE s s key team defeated Newcastle 4y Mr.nCecintinuinihasSsecuredoa-ended, and we are not saved." them? Robert, the eldest, we re- Farmers are busy getting home Stapleton Jr. Mrs Fred CouhM.Af morning. . t etd ecsl 4 M.Ccl li a sc daOn the older heads it produced a member quite well. Later on we thiCodwieteei let __________GaamNewcslwt r n Mer. Jseh ndAlen3aî erb. .st. The four goals were position as apprentice at brass great a!termath o! speculation, ,will consider this section and some to! snwow. Mrs. R. Gaham. . . .Mr. andLMrs moldnginbu te ex. ha ws ha imt-o! the people who livedi, movedl A number f rom here attended C unra were in Toronto Sunday seeîng scored twice, and Ronald Patter- Miss Hazel Myles is visiting tered, for if you could not remem-1 and had their being in this f ine the Warden's banquet in Orono. la with Mr. andMsro rnh ,r e.Hl.son and John Lowerv who each friends in Hamilton. bKete C. Turner and pob-j artoftamprvinerurYoBiheopeClarkgin Mrs. Sturgess o! Hambourg, scored one. EMr. H. M. Johnson o! Pictonaberthe text ht e ant ou prtob-pto!!hepovnc.outerioun peo noy goig ____ U.S.A.. is visitîng her sister. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Glanvillelvisited his daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) would o be alloor iniw tong otern nOooStra Several from here attended the S. Cuttell. wagaînad becausea 50 . . hatyourghs.comer dd laasrsetonb were ost ad hotess t a ~o R.A. Whttam something that it should not be. DI VIDE SOCIETYInîhscoeradpay rsntdb Miss Mae Glenny wvas in Mid- party Feb. lst. Winners were: Marriages:' In the old days the men oc- Sigh . P. U. Wednesdlày even- land attending the funeral o! her ! Ladies - lst Mrs. Muir, 2nd Mrs. Foster - Thompson - A t t h e cupied the west side o! the school IN FIVE GROUPS n.T St uncle. . M. Harrison, consolation Mrs. C. home o! Mr. Charles Tamblyn, and the women the east side. The T.nPl rr1's Schoo Kendal L. O. L. met Wednes- ' Cuse Orono Midgets wiîî play against Glanville; men's - lst Mr. Thos. Bowmanville, February 4th, 'by, singing in this service was gener- ý day. Newtonville L. O. L. have Gta t Port Pecry under supervision o! Lewis, 2nd Mr. W. Muir. consola- Re H. B. Kenney, Florence,E ally very good o! the early Meth- W. M. S. met in Park St. S. S.i extended an invitation for Feb- Roy Cornish, Saturday at Ocono, inM.CGlvle A oey youngest daughter o! the late odist variety and was conducted room on Tuesday. Scripture was met1 y 1thyI onsteiphay. c' o at 4 p.m. lunch brought the evening to a Charles Thompson o! Kendal. to by' Mr. Thomas Windatt, at that read by Mrs. Robert Rainey. Home and School Club met ar. P.t. Thursday evening was tire and d clcs. anduarMrs. wR. Smith Cub and i close.r.R.Smt, n Frederick Foster, son o! Mr. Bert time a farmer between the Bell- Day o! Prayer will be observed i1lbo in charge o A. Thmpo and *auout it.Aî smtig or Myrtle were in Toronto Saturdav. Newcastle Union has accepted!,Foster, Bowmanville. wood and Jerome farms. He was February 24, from 3 to 4 p.m .asbuts.00 Thlednubeth e senlt, en yadFahi ctreatak- t han tkrge apsc Yu Mrs. Culp who has been visitirng the invitation o! Orono Union to, Saunders - Barrabail - At Or- an exemplary citizen, was super- ý Mrs. R. Sutton, Mca. Smith and caaiyiuia ubr n h ie yAde tnand Hel- ntroueato u hnsma themn returned home. come up Monday night to hear ono. February 4th, by Rev. R. A. intendent o! the Sunday school, Nrs. Rowe will compose a suPPI ' program were supplied by Shaw se ecr yteFlsfvrd poief o h hncsaeta Last game on this hockey sche- ýthe debate between two o! their Whattam, Mary Jane, daughter o! andi his wife wvas a daugh ter o!fomittee te help Mrs. Kelly. 'scinan osstdo paowtha n tru etals an ntret- ery simpe fc assorc dule is to-morrowý night (Fridiay) inumber and two local members. Mc. Harry Barrabail, to John AI- Peter Colman o! Bowmanville wir stnpatsonument.; anou Jo,î't o et Oshwa . A vsBowanvileBety Rwe nd im owes. redSanders, ail o! Clarke. and sister o! our late Chie! Con- I - s. M. H. Staples. treasurer, solo by Mrs. Otto Bragg, and an ing talk was given by Mr. Beech, euh bl'Ân buk and Oshawa O. vs Orono. About fifty are expected. Orono- 1 Waddell - Wiley - At Seattie, stable T. T. Colman, al verysbitdaPebtra iaca ntueta utb rno n h oi yL al.doesrt inanhayoo.t ites are cordially invited te at- Wash., February 4th, Ida Dean. musical people. Me afterwards report, and Mrs. A. A. Drummond Rickard and Roy Ashton, which Thursday afternoon the WI. A. mneans a kido odtaate TheBo~ cous er al vctr-tend. daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. J. H. moved to the Tyrone district, but Ereported on the meeting o! the were enjoyed. As the February o! Kendal United Church met. soft "bulky"ms hc ep ious in getting their tests up te ie.t c.DvdWdel !hsifuec1o h go ftelcal financiai committee held meeting celebrates the feunding :Mrs. Jackson has invited the W. boemomn. dat eteting o tucsday ven-Los Angeles, Calif., eider son o! comniunity o! old No. 9 will ce- Mondav. o! the Home and School move- 'A. to hold their February meet- If constipaini uet ak0 in en otscesu.Next Mr ae adlOoo anln fe vr n fte Ms'.Ltlwo oktefrtmna short play, depicting the ing in her home. "bulk' in yu ie.3tKelg' meeting the patrols stact we-rkiing. StarkviMc. JameseWadde"TheOruno. imainnlongsantforeaed tuneae! th thrs.iS.tLittMrweodd toek the !irst ment, .fo vile eacer -Pateron A O- od itien hve ascdawa. hapero!r-h WrldinCa- rasn or ndtheaisa!vte isior: r. ndMr. Ptcerd a-Bana astfu radytoea Mc. and Mrs. Martin Lintoni. ono at the home o! the brîde's One daughter still lives in thîs ada". preceding it by an intro- Home and School organization, Centreville, with Mc. and Mrs. A. I and drinkplnyowte.A- and Mr. and Mcs. Howard Linton Mc. Arthur McKay is eut again sister, Mrs. Herb Bet, Februacy 4. town. Richard Windatt, late o! duction as te the author and the was presented by Mca. Wm. Arm- Reid. . c ndMs .Qunrl Bantsiiente B," o andFloenc. Mrmoa.visited 'and called on some neighbors. by Rev. J. A. McKeen, B.A., Leah this town. and William Windatt idea contained in the book and strong, Mrs. Ed. Dean. Mrs. Peter .vith M.adMs .A opr need, plusE itsinltnc Mr~H ateladMs H. Canrl n r.H or- M.W.S1r shm rm uil agtro c William o! Salem were brothers. ltte. Mrs. George Mitchell read Laing, and Mcs. Harold Dean. ,.MisMrg aMs .A pret.B iie LodnCad.Sldbe the hospital. but is still confined Patterson o! Carrievale, Sask., te One o! the great stamping. the part about the abilitv in !acm- Mr. George Davidge o! the Boys' oe tM.adMs .Elots rcr Clarke Union have some good te bcd. Wre .Dabono saa ronao hspridwsSpr ng, and Mc. McLaren 'about the Training School was întrodced. .Fed Boyd with Mr . iWt'. rc farmers. We hear that one draws iVîsitors: Miss Gwen Gilmer Badc - Edgerton - By Rcv. saw miii. with its big pond and character. byRse1 son.Hi ako his wood with a one-horse sleigh ý with Miss Hazel Reid, Newton-'M. E. Wilson, Miss Edgerton, dau- 'large number o! pine* and other A letter from a nurse in China "Learning" xvas most interesting _________________________________ and another saws his wood with ville. . . . Mrs. R. Bougen with ghtec o! Mc. Wm. Edgerton, Les- logs. But the pine As what wc was read by Mrs. Rowland Smith. and instructive. He dealt with a hand-sw. Mca, ohn McKy. . . .Mc. Samkard. te Mc. Elmer Bradley of boys were after !com which we Fiîîancial Committee Meeting mehdo!tainvroutys Horicitra ScityexcuiE Bryson. Kendal, at Mca. Wm. Sav- Enniakillen.- derived the article from which Fnnilcmmte !te o! students and the ways in which erS. . . . Miss Hazel Falls with ,Dah:w aeorseilbado .S e odya rsdn educational facilîties have been met at Mca. W. Harrison*s Monday er Fil chweae g u r eily'sasnev-f M. .mM avayBusines dcuas-extended te patients in sanitaria night. The hard-wý,orkîng secce- hec brother in Toronto. . . . Mc. - I Daringto, a. 0 .. . . . . andintittinsvocthedc! ad tary, hostesa secvedi delicious cani-Jao HaoeiinB mnvle urule agd2vas er in it wîth thîs article. The Pond ed dîviding the society into fîve dy s tratSaturday.. Mc. and Mca. Wil!red Aas wsaget trcin o hs lînd, and te both chîldren and dy as a treat.McKay, New.&tonvillc, at Mca. John! Dean - In Hope, Jan. 27th, 1914, who could sttrcio utnr os groupa. Two leaders for each1 aduits in the isolated northern- -os hwaobeA. adeshwa O. McKay's. .. Mc. and Mca. Rosas Mcget JllaDanony. eed 5 for thes 'l oungatera te tcy Mesdames F. Kelly and R. Sutton i ing was bcought te a close wit ~~von th obehae okyHallowell %with friends in Eliza- wfco!WilimDenagd 6 h mîlgouter ivnan!low:i atso hepovne.Te vn game Fridiay night over their btvle c akBvo years an'ucstts. Mesdames F. Blackburn and S. a conteat and refreshments wece . Newcastle and CocieOPnbendaill. a r a~. . . M ca. _Jack__________, On the east bank upon the Souch. Mesdames E. Dean and M.rtc served during a social hour. Con- ents. ceapectix ely. BPO ert TcimandArson Raymond . vith knoll there lived a family. a wo- H. Staples. Mesdames H. Rowe vnro ac rga omt Ocono Badminton Club wece Mca. G. Silver. . . Mcr. and Mcarsa ytenm !Topsn n .Hoesae . tee is Mca. Cecil Malley. guests of Blacksteck club Feb. lst. Lorne Todd had evening dînner Township Council landi two children. Robert and Tambly~n and R. Smith. It w as de-j Those attending the banquet in The majority of games whc ihM.adMa e alwl ____Martha, who attended old No. 9 cided te have cither envelopes ori Orono Fciday night in honour o! 1 pcecedcd lunch wece ,von bxy the Monday.. . Mc. and Mrs. Jas. scol Mata am ateads iebxsfccnrbuosad Warden T. A. Reid wece Messrs. local players. Aiap vnn trk etnila ca LRECUCLte this town and became Mca. to raise moncy by tea. etc. Idea David Gibson, Howard Gibson. happy venin Stark Newtnvill, at Ms. 1. CLARK COUNCL Bery andlived in thatHrodlittlere . own xvas spent. Saks c n c.Luec lak onhpCuclmtBryado! getting new members was en- aodGbo.Fe .Bwn Star's.. M. ad Ms. aurnce Clake ownhipCoueilmetbrick dwvelling o the wharf road couraged. Although the alloca- Austin Turner and Russell Os- Wm.SmihD.DG.. 0 Du- avey nd ami~' Netovile.Februacy 7th. with Reeve T. A.j this aide o! the railway ccossîng. tien o! $325 is high, the ladies are borne. hamDitrct Cas.M.Mc wth MS. Wm. secy Reid in the chair. Robert is now a farmer living going te do their best te achieve it. We* were sorcy te learn o! the Elcoy o! Durham District 78. paid A number o! others called te s C. w__a___________po-___of____ ad he te ai- . an official visit te Ocono I.00OF. Mc. Savery.. Mca. Richard Hall- C wea0rac ffe r eto hnteri-iîeao! Mc. H. C. Bowen and mised te do the best in the inter -________________ Febcuary lat. well at Mca. Wilfced Wood's. et aî.JJ.Mloaietak ______________ OR N WCTU wishhim a speedy recovery. ____________________________________________Mr._ Douglas Bowen, Winnipeg, ____________________________________ cucmeonisapin-i visiting his gcandiparents, Mc. met as township clerk and treas- ROUND TRIP and Mca. H. C. Bowen, and other I irer. WC. T. U. met Tes a! ter- Mc. Fisher asked permission te Wo. 'Reports ue iesd l relatives. eut wood on 200 feet o! a coad A G I F RE lows: Fruit and delicacies, Mca i rinsi o.9etn aliowancc adjoining his place with FEBRUARY 10-11-12 W. H. Rowe and Mca. Wm. Sey- rc9ngauainteM.DidM- the idea o! giving some needed mu:tescr eot c.ÀrsnSr. on attaining his 90th wok. Recred teConcllrTo - moHen sry1.wbersent, te heA-bicthdlay and being honoured by Lovkin anrd t oadSpcnedlenty.$10.-Plana esenstat ed forBowmanville Lions Club. We toekac. as ak uentece 1Chicago ---$ 13.10 quarters.a. s r tatdfrwere vecy intecested in his ce- NoonapelDetroit - - - 6.70 a medal conteat in April. Tiiese maks in The Statesman laat week Noacio- -taeno coeimmittees %were appointed:Pr- aotN.9scin o! the Salvation Army. Windsor --- 6:70gram - Mca. Walsh, Mca. Henry; aboutNo._9_section. Bond foc Treasucer \ raised Similar Iow facres frein nearby Judgea - Mca. Dickson and Mca. te $3000. points. Beat: Books for prizes - Mca. Report o! Road Superintendent Geng- irt rai fei Treto_____________ sovd$8496.41 lhad been apent __Toronto__ ov 'avil on townshp roada.5.25 p.m. Feb. 10. ____ By-law appoînting the pouind- Ilur - Last traini frein Detroit -nonetngX.A eta h oe o! Pres- signcd. 11.9 p.m.-F- 1 t 4.-nesd. A ets eh p ogt m a d c-îgec te a ttee esvreyo also paclcdi Pocket Tins ýi me!eîdjî'ýt-*' -i1 ;south Simcoe St. scheel, 3-1, lead- VS0 . getting the lone score in the sec- Cornbine Il, cupfuis of flaked cooked mmsteres cý M - rs in their crouo. Thev wecc ac- E o ýondpriod. Courtice cnt one in I 1'ewAtofvil1e o--- -di, .an-1b - -on£c .. cmpanicd by Manager Orme Gamsby and Coach R. Widdis, alan Mesdames Milten Tamblyn, and M. H. Staples. Coachi Widdis accompanied the boys te Marks Theatr'e which they theroughly enjoed. Thanks of executîve are tendered to M. H. Stapies and Percy Chaprnan fer their kindness in supplying cars. the firat, four in the seconld; arîdE -- none in the third. This game wvas somewhat marred as the Courtice Recent Visitera: Mc. and Mca. gealie was eut very badly about Arthur Redknapp and Ai!fred with the eye by the peck which lither- Mc. and Mca. Wm. Chester, Osh- cd off Sonny Wood's stick. Medi- awa. . . Mca. A. Reichcath with cal attention wvas immediately Mca. J. Adams, Tocont. .. Miss secured. The Ocene goalie, Earl Bertha Thompson with cousins in MeCutcheon, was aise the worse Toronto and attended the golden off, as he got a finger hurt. wedding reception for Mc. and cliopped pimento witisonue cupfui of medi~umn wbiicsauce. Season wiib salt, r'eppter and a dash (if xsenne. Bake Booklet. -100eTempt- ing ih Reuipes". rich bakiing-powder biscuits, split and butter whie bor, serve with creamed îN' .. ..t.....atrîy li between the ijyets and over the 4 4 PC/ ritltespany top. Hot burrered asparagus is a goo / .ddress ................. .. accompaniment. .#t ........... W 1 ki à [à L LA à --- ilàÉtt THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 9TH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMA', i>,(-)\ý'NIANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN

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