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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Feb 1939, p. 9

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Debate Features Union Meeting Orono Speakers Are Victorious Betty Rowe and James Powers Thi> %,as shownvr in big exhibiio stigtl bu locok waitg o \A . H C caneT reas.been mvdrsIto.the Infirmry at the S Og E Sm$d arii en asÊ e/t"otermn c adSh sulted n the follo ,,ng:Adproac e tn il ek r \Irs. W. J. Martyn is now, able . O. C. S. Commencement is be-ý the inter-presbytery debate Mon- have m k. paper, wood and mnstru-teArclua oit ead to e aoud ate he ilnes. mg el Mach10t.typly DisrTwnt-theeboy atenedthedaenihttthreytwnnng hefembuidig idutris ehid>ng onervtin o fress.r.VsitrsnMr ad Ms.Artur Mr.anuMr.Morn.adaBtt Mr.andMr Arhu Bel isi rah inwhch bot 2 puil Bo Sout' eetng husda canc o deatig urterafild it Th pintbrugh u byan omitte aspppintdtt a- Rdkappan Alredwih M.aisiedherparntnM.endvrs ed friens here will take part, is to be given as nih.Teforptos'prtd. The subject of the debate was opponenit that playwrights, etc-- Proc oni ihave to and Mrs. Bradley. Toronto. . . . Crowe. wvell as other program, presenta- in charge of the 8 leaders. A Reovdta utral Educa- earndmnywstknecp having land purchased for re- 'Mr. Percy Hoskin at Mrs. Chas. Mr. andMr.RyTopn Mrs. enryCornih ha hadtions etc spledid alk-as given b Mr. J tion is of more value to the aver- tion *to on the grounds that theyv oetainproe.I a e Lewis'. Port Hope. . . Miss Jean the fl MissEdith ent. shawa, Miss J. Mellor on the "ýFouindation*of aepro hnIdsra du.wr o vrg epe cided to hold a dance. Nothing McMullen, Bowmanville, w i t h Mrs. Colin Bon Mr.Doula Boen.Winipg.Mary Sisson. Toronto. Ms uhSotn. h anpit m cation." The affirmative wvas up- The last speaker. James Love- was -donecregarding the tobacc. Miss Evelyn Bellamy. . .* Mrs. C9hucwilbhederFb is visiting Mr. H. C.Bowen. Totadfred.PrtHpadphasized %were: (1) cleanliness of theld by the Newcatlee baooi terskin.who adethedusual few m i-gownMchm.RotsGro, lzbehile nd1t Mrs O.W.Rolh etetaiedMr.aan d t.FredoLyceta.cOsh- body and speech: (2) kindness to Jthe neate tiln rue xrdcae httenw One thing noticeable about t t M revnns. Pand Mt Me. iss lie Bitw Trno Fr .M.lhetriday. Fray atn dht e teNge,.ik ndyongrahn onMr.RoesWNewcasleOr. our of stuidy was cultural, and! meetings is that everyone saysE.Saetn..Mrnd rsDvsidhrprnsr.nd r. Majr ad Ms. . C Gaey - ren reembrin thm i ote.MJ. MellorasNeatl(ecurd co- xception to several other their say in the Chamber of Com~ Kaufman with lher mother. Mrs.ClmBitw wvere in Brighton Monday. Miss Doris Lowdn .,Oi-dal od edTnd()teheeyGantRckrecate one routeupfbyte negaltiv, erce hnile toisyinTsesnra..Worodsn Cobo urg. .. MssesEilen Anme fyugpol t lia, and friend Miss Bessie Keigh- cessity of having their \word al- Arud 1 '0h0nw ors f tuywilthr hn nihnlby.Thsretttnddth S . o 9Dac Fi Miss Ethel Stark hias returned ton, w,,ere weekend visitors with ways believed. Mr. Mellor is ru 0wr natnac have to be designated by Col. sults in lengthy meetings but all Hore t ad AreyBrlyoPr day nightatOo, to Oshawa after hier illness. MIr.. and M.ýrs. Chas. Lowden and pleased indeed with the loyalty of tas tewrontUnonghadoinvitedSnider or some one more familiar know whvlere the other fellow Bett tealt heir hes. an.Mis heClb ws arel atede Mr. Jack Cobbledick. Toronto. PhylIlis. Incidentally Sunday w-as, the boys which wvas put to the test come. Te camee 'ng opened with with it than the wvriter of this stands. Mrs. J. M orris, C ono. and aano ody vnn.Unotnt spent the wveekend at home. the tw,.ins' birthday. that night owing to the O. C. S. asn-ogldb e.Mro article. but the writer feels the tended No. 9 Dance. . . Mr. and the guest spekrws]bet Mr. S. Bruton. Toronto, spent Misses 1Mary Tamiblyni and Bet- skating party. The boys went to after wvhich Miss K. Stark. Orono' nece.<ity of saying that the above Mrs. J. Morris, Mr. and MNrs. Jack the weekend at home. ty Rowve, Messrs. John Grady and. their meeting as usual and took prsdnt -ae wrso e-youing gentleman orator should i ark St. W. A. stapleton and two children and Mrs. Cowan and family expectF.MIve attended the Badmin-mtepryewrd- come. Alex Hendry took chargegonfrplics Holds Meeting miss Muriel Morton. Orono, wvith 1L to move, to Peterboro Thursday. ton dance at Bowmianville Fri- of the program which opened SixtY per cent was given for Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stapleton. . . CrOOK(T€ A~~~~ phn*a enisaldi day. We understand the ladiesH rsW T vt the wvorship period in which material and 40 per cent for de- Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Woodham and t he n clrk s fie intalcin eWre the proud possessors of HOrs WOre rumps MissLouise Hancock read the livery. The two ministers Iwere Miss MDayhdcrgofteautrTonwihelivs Ms.JCydleaseund Mi less itehsbe us offie corsages of violeits., At No. 9 Dance scripture, and Wmi. Rowland gave time'-keepers- worship period of the W. A. meet- Mrs. Woodhlam Sr. returned wvith from a vistwtÉe uti Ms A. Ch aan ge o The temporary offhee for the Orn1on Hll huhso the samie. Two piano Following the debate Ross AI- -ing Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. J. J. them for a visit. Goderich.Wiherasnew township clerk wvas completed duets by Misses Reita Cooke and en gave two humorous readings.- Mellor off ere ryr Sunlday Mr. and Mrs. Loftus learned theimotnpatlye A citizen's pet kitteni was pois- Friday by the contractor., r A. Margaret Pearce wvere much en- These were followed by a cleverly Letters and cards of apprecia- Bellamy' held a birthday dinner by our counrtr. ti h oned last wveek. Beamish. J. J. 'Mellor, the clerk. Hearts wvere trumps in more* joyed. actedi skit by Ern Gilbank and tion were read by Mrs. Neil F. for their daughter Evelyn who centre of thecmuit)prt Miss Hazel W'inter. Bowý.man- annlounIces his hours will be Mon- ways than one Friday night on the The debate wvas the next item. Charles Clemence. Ern took the Porter. Mrs. Dickson gave the was 18 on Monday,. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. W.WodsetTuda ville. visited here Sunday. dayv and Wedinesday from 10) to occasionrdfteS.SelNo. 9 Dance James Lovekin, the first debater, part of the hard-working (?) sta- financial secretary's report. and Everett Bellamy and three chil.. afternoon wihMsJ ed Mýr. Bruce Waddell is Visiting 12.30. and Thursday and Saturday and ardPrt 'he in Orono- cleverly concealed barbed points tion agent who is never sure just Miss L. Allin the treasurer's. dren, Toronto, w.ere present. Eve- Week-end iios Ms .Ri Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sommerville. from 10 to 12 and 1 to 3.30. ated forthhallcaso phre5decrand a flow of language worthy of a what time o ee dyhintandesaesoitaksweege bln fo iscoattnd ing Bwmavlle hWithd erpaensMrMadirs Mis BetyRow eteraied M. ad rs.Hary ewi e- wit steamoecaioni db ndcertain ancient orator. First show- wlcoeanha an amusing various members on behalfoHihSolandigwelitWdisMlbrk...r.Gdn fewsBet frensWenea ight ontertaed Feb. 8h. Winners wee:- hierts rs and ig cardboard ing the development of culture conversations over the phone and certain friends who had been re- hier studies. Widdis with r akRed r hier birthday. -Ladies. Ist Mrs. V. Hancock. 2n1d ·fron, ancient times to modern wt h eihhttaelrwomembered, also letters and cards Ovrtey nmrsoouGrdnCsalshw, ih Mrs.D. linoffandMr lifMrs. K. Neale, consolation Mrs. Around 275 from Orono and dis- dayslhe pictured the depression wants to go whereitsqe.- received too late for last meeting Y.P.U. visited Clarke Y.P.U. on his mother. ..M.adMs i for.D.JohnsOawa nt Sunda ~. Bob Glanville: men. Ist IM. Har- trict. Newcastle. Bowman v i lle.las*a result of industry, and thei (Charles Clemence). Teknl were read by Mrs. Eagleson. Mrs. Thursday evening and had an en- RutherfordatKry..Ms.F atr MroRhnssaa Wodspet *nd rison, 2nd Chas. Glanville, con- Port Hope. Toronto, Oshawa, and1 Germans and Italians not as cult- station agent allows him to bring Seymour ga~ve the fruit commit. joyable time. Gilmer with eaet tNw solationThos.HLeis: Quee of other places attended this annual 'ured people but as robots in the, his hats into the station and then tee's report. A number of our younig peopletnile Congratulations to Betty Rowve-Clubs prize, Mrs. Chas. Glanville. gala event, and either danced the hands of industry. He pointed out' finds them to be bottles of whis- 50 a ree tt e- went out to Orono Rink Saturday uryNgetene e' and Jim Powers on w.inning the| A lovely lunch brought a pleas- light fantastic to Barclay's Orches- that cultured explorers had open- key. ce5.5was oere senoea- night.CuNwovle oha r Presbytery debate. ant evening to a close. tranor plaved crds in the base- ýed up Canada. Garnet Rickard took charge of treasury wl50bfrput it he ere- School children held a Valen- Perrin lectueoSel n Mr, . J.Gilfllanwas ssitmg asoncnbrthre wee hoststo. James Powers pictured the cul- recreation, Jim Powvers being serve fundt tine Party Tuesday afternoon. show moviesocle-phtsn in he ru strewhie r. yrll her wve an ldy rindson Prizes were awarded, w i t h tured people as all starving if it pianist for the occasion. The stunts Early in February Mr. and Mrs. vrosfudis wash sick. rewhleMr TrelThur wsdy nh welad moten - CaresGlnnemkiguhean-wee otforinusry ad min i te ormofcotets uc a Nmeousvaenme wee as- m.Milign elbrtedthir23d M. avrnrHy i atepoar Mr. ohnThopson Mr. J joable'tie ws ha. Pize innouncement and Russell Osborne tained that fur-traders had open- composing telegrams, finding new ed adutemversesreeating swmedingannreaivesa ryOnye sient in h our omuiy lvn RihrdsJonhnd hMrs.OnmiJ. Saner- ads were wonas fo11owzs:nmakmng the presentations. In ed Canada. The new course of endearing terms, etc., resulted in muchamuse etr etn a-meit eltvswr rsn nte os aae yJh n RccawreonindTornto. Saury. Ecre, Mers.oJas fNixon:0500.:cards the wmnners %were: 500 - study was mentioned by him as the crowning of Betty Rowe and closed withprayerby Mrs. S. and they presented the honored Beatrice Thomsn ob aee n onKe Toronto Mv.IEcr. . W.aRolph:onolation Men, C. T. Gibson, consolation H. being of industrial form rather Ronald Patterson as queen and Littlewood. couple with an Aladdin lamp. WardenT.ARedhdabs spe a ont hew eken aTomeondo iMiss LillianAlen.coAsltncofMurray: ladies, Mrs. C. T. Gibson. than cultural. He also pointed out king of hearts, and great armuse- Rs.e J. Eagleso, onver S. ner of Mbr. Larene avry wain eekatedingnmru et attendethe wskatngaty ean sndwihesAcaen.A nceefol cnsolation Mrs. Charles Wood. that the average person had to ment for those present. Rle omte fPr t.U-PtrooFia rtng an ex- iings bsdspeiiga h attndd heskain ·prtl owed. Euchre - Men. W. Morley, consol- work for a living, and did so in; hni lthurc h o o 3, ihetoamination. nm onownhpCuni et Miss Ruth Logan, nurse-in- ation Leslie Gibson; ladies. Elsie industry thankalltthseWwhocontrbutedethiing Oron training. Bowýýmanv,.ille, was home,.Little Shirley Flintoff enter- Rowýe, consolation Mrs. V. Farrow,. Patricia Pearce pointed out that . to this worthy cause, especially to 7th tthere wasa dicussion about We are mré hn laedwt Sunday. tamneda fe v friends to a birthdla Other winners were: Lucky only cultured people really ap- Italy is sending $20,000,000 these ladies who donated quilt the quilt blocks. also a discussion the service rnee hswne Mr. 'and MINrs. Harold Awde and party Monday. Her birthday was number draw - Wallace Gibson:peitdtelvl hnsi h worth of art works to the San tops, linings, etc., Mrs. C. Cain, of ways and means o asn ytecut nwpog pr Mr. . . wd.brated it in advance. Among the and Mr. J. Bogie: Lucky plates - etc., and that governments were: piece of it origmnated in days be- Mrs. W. G. McCulloch, Mrs. John pointecd to find out about a play Stark. They aeacmlse Mrs. Dool AweyTrot. a be uestsrefre Jean, Betty and June Jack Stacey and Bob Hancock; beginning to realize the import- fore Fascism wvithered the. crea- Henry and Mrs. James Burgess, In the absence of Mrs. C. Morris what manycosdrdteip- vising he m ortherlMrs W. J.oost rhad enda.Theloung- this a ie during lunch. ance of culture. tive spirit of a once-artistic peo- when ten quilts wvere made and Mrs. George McCullough had sible, keepingteras refo Cowatn. irmte, r.W ýsers a a Iovely ime playmng, Since the company had to be di- Betty Rowe pointed out that ple. - Stratford Beacon-Herald. sent away. charge of the study book. Miss I. snow. Necatl ceytam h a ehchn d edjy thathedats vided mnto two groups for lunch the cultural education dealt with The only kick some people get Letters of appreciation have Laing wvas in the chair. Mr. ClintnFro isby d d , ~a prize was given to one person the past while the industrial dealt out of bridge is under the table.-- een received ro tos wo ith his sawn mahecutg dropped out of the league. The cake as well as many other delî- 'each time who had the lucky with the more important future.I Kitchener Record. were assisted locally, also a letterr wood. playoffs are now on schedule. cacies. plate. Lunch was served by a -- --- - --- from Rev. Thomas Powell, Cal-,. Brown s Mr. HectorMlsnisepce Mr. cd Mrs. Rowland Smith Mr. R. Sherwin' bible class and1 bevy of waiters who servedi sand- ary. Alita. orbeofcthnhmerm the Toronto Generaltl th celebr d their wedding anmiver- some invited guests held an en-' wiches, cake and coffee. sea n ded b.. eiggtonthe valueofp$75--hsp ilhswe sary on St. Valentine's Day. joyable skating party Saturday, Altogether it was a grand suc- Clarke Resident 75 Years Ago sngn eeme Mrnellingon.Frrowis sort hnighorytpcfrds A number of Oronoites are tak- 'night at Orono Arena. Af ter skat- cess. The orchestra was muchIngM. ae car adi cussioneathiswe Th rps ing part in Bowmanville at the ing the members repaired to the appreciated, the lunch was delic- 1 H. M. aleFar ow, iitdan Gdeniece yedreadrsIp% egeotie choalsoiet pogam riaychurch where soup and crackers, ious, and the feeling of good-will ecalls Memlorles Of S.S. No.9 Hockey Playoffs HSeveral from here atteGderihbereMClaho theGob night. :delicious cake and coffee awvaited was pressed down and runnmg-----ad and Mail. Wekhavehyet to hea Mr R C Rsbroghws n he. is Oie Brown-i thanked over. The committee in charge nesday.artMr.aRtR akeahorewed- anything bt faorbecm Petrboo win t th seios il-Mr. and Mrs. Sherwin for provid- are to be congratulated. By Dave Morrison, Sr. the peace. Among his employees; Penalties, fisticuffs, and a chap- the men's prize. mwnmns nes o Ms.Nuen. iswie asing the cake and coffee and wel- wvas Frank Stewert who was thei ter of accidents, as well as the' Miss E. Simpson, Miss W. Fa M.Wifr-Wo, ihth's been theMre fo augettwowieekis coming the guests. Mr. Sherwin Inistalment No. 3 head clerk of the establishment. large crowd, wvere the main feat- row, Miss Jean Perrin. Bill Mar- sistance ofClnoadCrlF- Mr J - -replied expressing his satisfaction Park St. Churchafewrs elkn ninB - ures of the first play off hockev or-Ry ndSi rowput in e his yer' uplyo M. Jim Powers received a card at being able to do anlything for In old No. 9 Section they ob- mianville. With his family hie re- Igames Tuesday night. Owing t e ehnoneyay ndedBrowNon.ieiiswe nj i .t bl ee te oung people. The evening Members of the newlyIý-elected srvd ht9hePoes-ha-bcidd nedoreat Oroheol robl oFnekidan aote a0eepeOrnot ne10theN. ha i or iteetig]n SnrySoth am bezsniteuas brought to a close wvith pray-1 official board of Park St. Church1 called 'Training Day.- E v e r y hiotel. Eastern House, King St. E.j the games were late starting and Mrs. Paul Hotson visitecd the cooufl hadhebakron Sunny South. er by Rev. S. Littlew..ood. were installed wvith due rites and, able-bodied mani was supposed to Mr. Stewert wvas for many years did not end until 12.20 a.m. MisBeprovidedobyethepioneer history Miss Nancy Jamiieson. Ontario ceremony into their respective call at the place designated and chief accountant in the Upper In the first game Orono lost to siles iaob a omn of a local comntAysc Ladies' CollegWiby iedofcsasedr, twrs aasr to his name. The idea Canada Furniture Co.. then under: Oshawa Orioles, 13 to 2. Watson M Me•Grh ,. • informationdelnwihteps he gadmter. Mrs. C. .vArm- D IMoNDffSANT trsees b ev.rS. Ltewootdftrusebrkaot hyMiserte aagmetofaMrvJhso. n Mddeonweereposbl ed i slwa m sie fi-o Cooe Cee oudoodob trong. I N IT N the Sunday morning service. to know howý many could be de- thep architect of St. Paul's United for the Orono onles. Score by per- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Alldred' Mr. be welcomned ytetahro h -Miss Ruth Lowdýcen. Toronto. HAPPENINGS 1 The sermon subject was "God pended on to take up arms and Church. iods - Oshawa 2, 6, 5; Orono 2. 0, 0- Archie Brown, Mr. Melvin Gra-lclscol and Mliss Margaret Wilhiamson is not mocked." In the thought- answver the call to the country*s In the J. L. Tucker shop wvas In second game Bowmanville ham and Mr. and Mrs C. Turner, spent the w.eekend with Mr. and Fo h rn eso provoking address the main points aid mn time of trouble. The afore- also a son Walter, a son of Ruther- lost to Oshawa B. A., 9 to 6. Score attended a dance in Courtice on Mrs. Charles Lowden- FmTerry 12,.14 given were that, (1) God is never said had power to impose a fmne ford Smith, a noted Scotsman of by periods - Bowmanville 3, 2, 1: February 10th. Whenhv A number attended a dance at eray1.94 deceived, (2) conscience tells us on anyone who refused to be pre- the section, whom perhaps a few Oshawa 2, 1, 6. Miss È. 1VI oeny ouse teefcto Courtice Thursday night. They M'ýiss Lillian Morton, organist of wvhat is right, and (3) we reap sent wý,heni the roll was called. will remnember. This family lived Referees were Nick Carter of R. Branch, rsonilrClark andcl mv ono om oksyurelz report a grand time there but a St. Saviour's Church, wvas pre- what we sow in the spiritual ell, ver fwrmie wy o nteNwatl-rn igwy Oshawa, and Scotty Cameron of Mr. and Mrs. C. Turner were in p o ' o ue C cTl bad time coming home owing to sented wvith a purse by memrbers realm the samie as we do in plant- esm IesntatatrteopstnCp.TmSprsfr, Bowmanville.Orn- h road conditions. and adherents in recognition of ing seed. The choir rendered the roll wvas called there was a barrel later the Peter Stalker property. Three players were badly shak- .ga Friday evening the first of the hier service. The presentation wvas anthem "As the Hart Panteth", Or twvo of ale broached and all Tim Soper wvas Capt. of the J. L. en up in falls, including Ross:- thre scil eenigswil behed mde y ev.Mr.Fenin. ith Mr. R. E. Logan taking the and sundryý were called up and a Tucker steamboat, on the north Wood of Orono, also the Oshawa ine Pca t.Chucinwic hg meb e vof MisMOga ooe i om.fomsolo. social time followed. This social shore route of Lake Ontario. goalie %was out for some time doc- miss Eileen Riddell and Mr. Neil the citv. At the evening service the pas- im a etu ntehtl Mogtepmintandorgabdgshnhsfc. Pre.Majo~r. J. W. Odell, Cobourg, an tor spoke on "Preach what you during the whole day and often miuch respected families of this Enid Middleton, Orono, a specta- Poe. C .hl nejybesa-odOoobysavc-rsdn believe.- He expounded on *the during part of the next. particular section wvere the Col- tor, got hit in the face wvith a ing party atda t enol nkaTr- of NOothumberl sad ifepClub. tfact that although the pulpit was The time for this event was ville people, and a soofAe flying puck.7 r9 day night and later feasted on Miss Eva Allen, Leskard, is in supposed to be free, miost mmnis.. generally held on the Queen*s Colville still occupies the old arueang thr e plenties ind perspring ups (ot dos to ou) Trontothis eek.ters, as a rule, avoided things that Birthday, 24th May. For this sec- homestead. "Sandy" Colville of agmnsteewr lnyi withtheaddtionof ot offe Mr J.B. Mwat Toonto Viit-would create a feeling of resent- tion .Newcastle wvas the rallying this town, well known in the Rub-bohgmsbutescndae TheOroo chol le%- las oted at Mrs. Hall's. ment and also anythmng that could point. We never knewý it being ber works, is another son. Robert washe a one o h ere goo sprts TheOroo chol nw as otMr. and Mrs. Percv Chapmnan be called political. He also in- held in this town only on one oc- Colville, who farmed in the north- mwanship? ndoe of earefeee water mnstalled for domestic sci-arvitnghspens timated that ministers were sup- casion, and the samie programi ern part of the section, wvas thewash nmoecary ence purposes. The next genera- Mir.John Seahis p recovrin posed to have convictions and yet .vas observed, namely the bring- precenter in the Auld Kirk ser-' Second game of playoffs is Fri- oÀ tion ~ ~ ~ ~ Mr Jobide betefien wo t roma sveretako inss should preach to the general con.. ing for-th of the barrel of good old vices in Orono every Sunday af- day might. be a cani opener. . Miss Lizzie Armstrong has re- gregation rather than single out ale for free distribution. Many ternoon, where the service was Port Perry -.idgets were vic- turned from visiting hier sisters at, any individual. A splendid duet who objected to orgies that foi- conducted by Mr. McKerris, Auld SOCIAL AND PERSONALM i torious over the locals ait hockey, Brainard, Minn. was given by Messrs. R. Logan lowed, absented themseve fromn Kirk minister of this town. He Saturday by 4-2. Orono goals Mr. Philip Allin of the western and R. Sutton.. those gatherings at the risk of a was afterwards appointed one of. Oroon dg hockeyta vl wer sore b Dck ateron roincs istedMr W J.Hal.fmne, but this part was, to Our Kingston's professors at that cele- orno tnaiPget Pey Stra il andr Bcrued Chapman. Mron ricvs. . oe, Calgarv. alt. .knowl,,edge, never carried out, and brated university. No finer orjore oeryaud. Missruc OpalRoboouhwh i vsitingL.fredsalhere. }ta at last the whole business faded more respected people than the Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hooey Ms lRspen th weked i Peeroo, Ms. Jamres ood and son Fred away to the great relief of many- Colville families, both here and entertained friends mn the Orange is again aitlher brother's. Tuesday and Mrs. H. Hooper and daughiterfmle ntenihbrod rn oaiy, could be foundHalTedyvnig Mrs Ngen ws omeha im MssNoneviste te former's Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hallowell We never heard that Orono socially and also intellectually. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marshall, "Do you mean to sit there and tell eo a provNed. \as mwhtinMsser, Mr s htebb Nwprk and Mr. Arthur McKay wýere in was chosen as a rallying point for Dr. Allison, an early medical citi- Toronto, were guests of Mrs. Mar- TrdaynihtatthJrnk MrnA Faebitegn, BowNmanville Saturday. this event, not but what this place zen of this town, was a relative. garet Cooper and Mrs. L. Searle. to retire at 60 on your income?...Wh yo Newcastle and Newatonile enoy-.SA . visiehisteRgn, .Tos otrsArthur Dunn is under the was anyway seiirnasocial a- Some of our early citizens will re- Mrs. Nelson Skelding, Leskard, do'eannymrthnIo! Nwted a o hocey ong thi ittenjy ak, von ehis fretur wstMr.Tom • , . •e tvtisofasmia ntre member him and his place of resi- visited Mr. and Mrs. D. Harness, o'eannymrth 1d! school c fhilre.kewasoteironitNeok on rtrealwe re he Shiloh W. A. met at Mrs. Rus.. it did just happen that Newcastle dence near the subway on Mani- Orono. . . ',elJh , tshiw 6-5l lde. Newcastle plyrslteon-NwntYorhase Mnew stock re sell Savery's Tuesday. had more of a military caste mn vers Road where the Spargos now% Mrs. Gillis of Bowmanville i '*'Wl on tstiswy...yuse ' 6-.Necsteplyrslte n-'t R Turcaden\ tc o Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Todd serv- their midst than the northern sv.bigbre n rn eeey byn Cnd ieicm joyed a period of practice. eeia igcmay ed a turkey dinner to a few fri- burg. Te bingbured n Oon Ceetey byin aCanda ifeincme. .. Im tkin n Mr. Keith McElroy hias been ends one evening last week. A noted business man was J. L. Thiler ettwee sveraodS cotish td A o-day lte rmMs .C hne ..Icnhnl tqiene confined to General Hospital, To- 1Shiloh young people are pre- Tucker of Orono, in this period. bfamlessetted finthis section ad ArovelWtyeteafrm rs. P. C. ch oances . Itan thyadl i qitonceyndinen ronto, through illness. His condi-i ORONO DEFEATS senting their play at New.tonville He kept ageneral store and wvas cameos ntdfarmes-- h ae Brow. Whitby waord at ho d oMtarheyasob. tion now permits of his being F riday night. also postmaster na n jsic f aeosadHlewoaeW .meigMna.Mrs SOCIAL AND PERSONAL 1 News of Clarke Township THURSD)AY, FER.\Y1T H. 19.39 TIII:E \ \ S IA;TESM AN, BO\ \i N\ ILLE. )T\RI) PAGE NINE THE ' RONO NEWS w met Monday night in a session

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