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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Feb 1939, p. 10

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TIIURSD.\V. FEBRU.\RY 16T1-I, 19.39 ccl more or less boanitiiallvý in the ro-uet pts. nt Boîta Cooke ot the piano and a raieo temporarilv installed by T he N ewcast le Inde pendent icplCoispio-ce ntri _________________________ _________________________ anie of musical chairs in the Pi'one Clarke 1114 mxx er hall. Edgar Mîlison anci Miý Aresta \vIartin. Toronto,i on a trip to Miamii with Toront( fricnds. Mr. Isaac Seibv is now -hem( again from the General Hospitl Toronto. Miss Acy Boxven. Reg. N., haý been vaiting on Mrs. A. W. Glen ney'x\-ho is novv convalescing. MIr. and Mrs. Walter Haigh ané Joyce. Bracebridge. visîted hoe parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Garrod ,%,emibers of Durham LodgE A. F. & A. M.. paid a fraternal visit te Oshawa Tuesday evening The Y. P. U. of the Unitec Church visited the Park St. Union Orono. on Monday evening, Feb- ruarx 13. M 1sý Ruth Honey. Victoria Col- lege. Toronto. spent the weekenc with lier parents. MINI. and Mns. Geo. Honey. Miss Marion Rickard. B.A.. of O.LC . Whitby. visited lber par. ents. Mr. and Mrs W. J. S. Rick- ard.-cr theo.veekend. Miss June Allin of -Miss Reta Poxvell*s class gave the special talk las;t Sunday, at the United Churh Sunday School. Princip)al T. A. Rodgers room of the public school hold a valen- tino party in the communityý hall on St. Valentines night. Mrs. Jno. H. Gibson and son Ralph are returning from Osha-wa to their home at Nexv.cstle-oni-the- Lake the end of this w,,eek. W. A. of St. Georges Church and W. M. S. of United Church will mieet together in the Parish Hall at 3 p.m. on Friday. Feb. 24. in observance of the World's Day of Praxvor. Afler an examination at the Christie St. hospital. Toronto. t0 xvhich hoexxvas taken last xveek b% his sister. Mrs. Marjerrîson. Bov- manville. Mr. Geo. Gray- came home again. Choir of St. Georgo*s Church are being lreated to their annual social evening on Thursday. On the next ovening the Mens Club of the ch'irch are holding a bridge and 500 party. Mr. Jack Haro xxas home from Queen' Universîtv,.. K i n gs t on. over tne xeekend. Ho and bis mother. Mrs. Percv Haro, and Mr. tlrr urley N extonvîllo. xith Haro were ail xvîînosses at a Irai- x tolin ancd guitar. fnrnished music fic court case in Boiwmnanx-ille lajst for dancing. Friday afternoon. Dr. W. H. Walton-Ball. Toronto. UNITED CHRII CiW. M. S. sPelt the weekend at his New- castle estato. Barris Lodge. and oasMiinrvsocietv of called on Mr. and Mrs. W rn. United Church mnet Feb. 6th. with Doherty xvho are spending the Pre-sîdent .N Allin in the xinter at "Broadlawýn. one oi the chair. During the devotional Mrs. cottages on the estato. Geo. Honey 'gave an impressivo Mvr. and Mrs. Lanson Milison. talk. basing hier remiarks on theï formerîx nif Neýtoniville, and the' toords. -Be n theroeperioc. i younger members cf their iamilx. even as vour Father in Ileaven isf are now settled in thoîr Nevcastle perfect.- Matthexv -V:48. Chapter rosidence on North St.. iormerly II oi Study Book xvas ably takenr the homne of Mrs. M.%ilîsons me- by Miss Tena Forguson. This chap- ther. Mrs. Jas. Stapleton. ter dealt uith oarly Protestanitism in Canada ancd cated back to 1595.t Those xxho led in praver xvere 1 NEWCATLE IGH SHOOL Mrs. N. Allun. Mrs. Màiow andt NEIVCSTLE IGH SHOOL rs. Norman Rickard. Mrs. Chas. HOLDS VALENTINE PARTY' Coxo-an iavored xvth a vocal solo. HighSchol hld ts vlenineGo and. TellI Others of Jesus. no- Hig Scoolhel it vaentnecompaniod byý Mrs. Geo. Honey. party in the comrnunitv hall on ______________ iiridav even îng. Feb. l0th, Each strident vas entutled te invite a friend and invitations vere alsc extended to last years pnîpils. 1The iirst part of the evonings en- tertairent ccnsisted of games. a varioty of thein, played in the counicil chamber. Winners xith highest points xere Harold Hoar anci Helen Couch. A contest xvas also enjoyecl in xxords boginning vith ex. Mautrice Poxelli roac the High Sehool paper. The Bntzzer. This xxas all interesttng. Somee oi the departruents xx\*ere instruictive and edifying. some inspirational. others humerons and highîy mirth provoking; and all nead iiinar ices pleasing menner. Edith Hon- dry and Pauline Delîne xxvere in charge oi all ibis part of the pro- graim. AlI sat doxvn to lunch in the kitchen and partook oi sandxwich- os. cake, ccokies. coffee. etc. Reite Cooke. President oi the H. S. Literary Scciety. presidedl andl proposed the toast te The King. Jas. P. Lovekin proposed a toast t0 "Our Vsitors' ancd Patricta Pearco replied. Principal J. D. Coombs acted as postmaster d irecting the distribut lion of the large volume oi St. Valentines mail. Everybody shar- Fine Baked Foods SATURDAY SPECIAL Cream Cocoanut Pie The Rich 'Melt In Your Mouth- Kind OnIy ...........30c Our windows are full of delicious Cream Puffs, Eclairs and Roils. Just the item for your party. Neilson's Chocolates........... lb. 50c STUDENTS SPECIAL Ice Cream SundaeslO From 3 to 5 p.m. - Each o THE CARTER FAMILY Bakers For Two Generations PHONE 855 BOW31ANVILLE Buy Baked Goods Baked in Bowmanville DURING OUR 29TH BIRTHDAY SALE Rexal Cherry Bark Cough Syrup 29C Lady Dainty Cleasing Tissues and a 50e Bottie Rexall Nose & Throat Drops Botti 50c 4 Square Minerai 011 40-oz. bottie 69c 25e Klenzo Tooth Brush and 35c Tin of Ma-31 Tooth Powder Both for 39c 3 Regular 96c Pkgs. of Puretest Halibut Liver Oil Capsules Ail for $2.00 Jonteel Cream, Cold, Com- bination or Liquifying C le ans ing 50c Size 39c Good Sized Pkg. Steel Wool and a lb.-tin of Four Square Floor Wax For 39c Jonteel Face Powder Reg. 50c Size 39c Boot's Iodized Throat Tablets Reg. 35c bot. 29c Emulsified Cocoanut 011 Shampoo 25c Size 19c Rexali Shaving' Lotion Reg. 35c Size 29c Langlois Lavender Hair Cream Sale Price 29c Lowest Drug Prices1 b. a GOLD>EN RULE 'MISSION BAND The Golden Rule Mission BandI, Nexwctastle. ninder thie suporintend- q ency of Miss MUarjorie Lycoît, met 2January 21s1. These officers xwere o2lected: Prosident - Yvonne Megit; Vice Pros. - Viola Cctter: Secxv. - Jean Gray: Trocs. - Noîl Britton: Fee Ccllector - Murray W%ýallon; Peace Secyý. - Francis Jose: Temp. Secyv. -Jane Allin: M i te Bo x Sec*x s.- Olive MeIManuts. Yvonne Alldread: Wcrld Friends Secvs. - Margaret Ash and Velma Rcger- son: Press Secy. - Marie Cotler: Lookout Coru. - Yvonne VenDu- sen, June VanDasen. Norma AlI- cread. Barbera Bonathan. Bey. R. H3. Morton înstalled the officers. Mrs. H. C. Allun 'laught the members the mem-orv verso and txvonty-sîx ansxxered the rol colt by repeating it. Miss iiez Hickliîîg. xwhco s visiting Rex-. R. E. and Mrs. Niortoti, told an in- teresting stcry about Chinese and Japanese boys and girls in British Coduimbia. Miss Hîcklîîîg xxas at one time engaged ini mission xvork ot the Victoria Home ancd Sohool. B. C. ('IVIC OFFICIALS APPOINTED BY COUNCIL Mlunicipal CoLni eFbruaro 13. appoinîeci these salarîed officiels for 1939: Municipal Clerk and Treasurer and Secretery ci Rehief Commit- tee - Hl. C. Bonathon. salarv $S225. Hall Caretaker. Constable. Sont- tory, and Weed Inspector - Jnc. Garrod. salary $720.00. Assesser - George Nleadoxos. Tex Collecter- Emerson W. Fisher, $60,00. Nedîcal H-ealth Officer - Dr. J. A. Butler, $15.0). Audîtors - Mrs. Floyd Butler and Miss Icone Rinch, S2.5 each. George Nleedcxvs suîcc'oeds Ma- jor H. W. Dudtey, Assessor for sevoral x'oars past. Ho bas not beon xveil sinco last faîl, but is mnich better. Emerson Fisher is thie ' oingesit tx coilectoi' Nex- castle has hiaci iii rrany voars. I-is predoeesors xx're George Eilbeck.' cteceasech, anîd Fred Fligo xoho lias been in ocor heaîth sinco sut mmcc. Cîerk H. C. Bonathan's salory, bas been raîsed irom $2t00 tc $22ý5 iii consîderation of bis extra utcct- îes as Secretorx' cf Relief. There xxere abouît haîf a dozen applications in for the tax coeîce- toc's job. NEWCASTLE UNITED ( 'HURCI] YOUNG PEOPLES UNION Young Peoples Union cf the United Church. Newcastle, mct Februarx th, %wîth President Gar- net Rickardi in the chair. Miss Patricia Pearce, secretary, read the inuILtes. The Union made Plans to visit Park St. Churci Union. Feb. l3th. 't -heni an inter- Union dehate wxill take place. It was also decido(d to hold a skating party on the Orono rink Feb. 1.5 JUS-t one dav"s rospite in betxveen' Discussion regarding the produc- tion of a playv holpedi to bring nearer the ccnsuni-nation of this pro j ct. Wilbur Blackbuirn took charge ni clevotions ancd the prcîgram. George Muilton rendi the' scriptucî r ""dci S ;s Bessie Blackbunt and .ils.s Jenn Bonathan conitrilhuî-ci dcx %otionnal r Miîc Nisses Reita C0okeý and Margaret Poarco fao%1 (orec(l xith txxo piano chiot. The Dance Of the Wooden Soldiers. andc Bcetho cen's Minueot in G. Bert Jarvis c<ntribnted a mouth. cran solo. Tho speaker . .. OCooobs, B A.. Ll-igh Schooi P r i nl c i p a I, quicklv caught the attention of bis acdiennce with 111S Iha morîO, opening romarks ancd thon pro- %'eldvith easy graice to celon hiSt. SLIIjeýCt. SOM(--Nîncr Ism,. Ife al)prooched the thome %withoîiî ony hios or procii lettii of nmic lnci this vwas aIl to the gondi lic ketched the historicol 1b a c k- groLInci Of Seienltific Socialism Or fCommiînismn as il is beingp trioci otit in Russia: Nazii sm or National socilism., the present s vstem of gOv'ern men-lt i German v:ancd ns- cism, the sx sttm in ita ix 'fliTh Great Wir andclitsi, aftc,,riathi tîd( miîch to doi xith tht setîng n pOfo theoxe Systom: nif gov(rilnient in thoso ciferont ConuEtrios. T h COMBAT RHEUMATISM iRheumatjsm ja often caused by uwic acid in the lood.* This hlood inlpurity should be extracted by the kidneys. If kidneys Iàil, and excess uric acid remains, it irritatea the mulces and joints causing excruciating pains. Plan to help prevent rheumatism by keeping your kidneys in good condition. Take reguisrly Dodd's Kidney Pils--for hall a Century the favorite kidney remedy. 106 rDodd's Kidney Pilis speaker pointecl out that there iý somiething good in all of them and of course some icatures flot se good. Ho askecl his hearers to zap- prcach the study oi any of thest, systerus xvith calm. unprejudiced minds. Ho didn't think our clemeo cratie forîns cf goverrument ti Canada and the provinces hoci janything te fear iroru Commun- ism or NaZiiSM UnleSS ccir rulurs iaîiled in polîtîcal honesty, integ- rity and uiprightness. Rexv. R. E. IVlorton closed the îrîeeting xxith prayer. aiter whicli the .oung people enjoyed a per- .od of necreotion Linder the dirc- tion of Ernest Gilbank and %Ijý Kathleen Tomis. Maple Grove S 'xxtti. Scît '..i - ltiiidj(. speliît te xx u tîl ,î h u . . Ni' t îtx Sii"xx' t. t ce.i NI 1tîtîtlax \x -ited l îtr and' Nr'. I Ihnit N1tttlax . Itllcx lx, NI. i,- tîîîtî xe. " ,nmTowxn,î it'ý hîc i iti ttlii t ur tîcîtolttec. NIr,. MI"ct"rî.. . Nîir. tand Nî--.J. ) Iickicî. tîx' , nîlii x-ii s i-itcl I îtîl MI i.ý. W . li'x1 . (Jertii. NI -.tîtîu Riittîle antdl Mr. IEx t t i ,i iiii' ne -îl,î pi et Tutic-la, it NI r. atnI Mrý. V. W. Folcyx Nr. iîid ît-. Il. Nitîdfax. Mi. ii! NI cý V. . X V' 1 'lxx xisitecI 1:1 ( i,ha iiîxa. MN îtîl, . Nestieton Sîiýttt iax. itutI hier 'istor. NI'- NIr ,î iNlI Iliii. . . NI is- Jean Ale- NMr. Rail ~~'u r lt Id NIrc ttî Nu .% NI. Emeirsoni. Xli-, Sîtîîx NIi xx Nr. antIN NI. c.nit NIfr-.hR. \W. Nîcciîx \X\. .îîandW.S. ci iii'et ini lt- mentt t If . ittiuh «itîicli uiu,daîcx:, iuc 'ii.Fui. 21.,t. -Nlexttit,' iincha0î I' ic.lS. ffili'- otîî. lit' lu Ixx u eu icte iii the I itti' tiiiclt S1latîii 'i îu~ t" ickiitx ii lîîtd Plan:. I îut. arce hmçitk iii,.'Ii Cii nicli I cte'tic x -iit ertiai ii,-,i t u c iitint oh'Iilý-i cx uttit it. .1 NMr. tîalnd ir',. .'. 1l"rteoxîs toti, t1ltus rii ti t" o ,1' 'i . NIr,. R. P1 lxx it' ittcuc iý ilc-cari. it atui ' i t. , t Nît r. tlareuc i. t~ ~~~~1 rîî iiui. i cdax ou ticci."il ni îkitl(d îitictx' ai NIrý. R.ii. i)txe', X eiunilai ciii itîg. NIcri.lîîn'rithu iM1c 't i i. ticto bxli rii.u I, , iv i n aii ii' 'tuer t.' tlîîîîîî . i ý ,tti i ct ili m b , Blackstock One vent a wvord cash. each insertion (minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25e extra is made when advertisement is flot paid same %veek as inser- tion. Extra charge of 10ec xvhen replies are directeci to a Statesman box number. Births, deaths and marriages 5Oc each. In 'Memoriams, 50e for notice plus lOc per line for verse. Classified advertise- ments accepted up until 6 p.m. Wednesday. DEATHS t1e laie W ilîjaîn i.xai lltIEn.,tt .î-ax f tuie N 'e.Alleîn, leurît to..I' xmanx île. I tUKSON ttlitertu ite rcitlIîcU, 58S Silîcî xx 'tî l tii. i a '. . t chrtîarx 12t 11. Marv E ra n d o ifte bite \V. I.le' t clx fNx Xci'îSt Iiiuî liet Xii.'i tuîtui.x.O>'iaix o. N1(IiHt)[,..XS - In oix îaî li' n W('î Ilit'h.le . hiL'. 1IStit.1939,)a idi arîixti Nic1ittîa-. ili fuîit ,aII .'i Mr. tîli v. )x i chita.aQ.cte li x i,- rix iticfititecal act ihe hi ii' hiietix.St.., F'idcax . Udt. 17, at .3 "xl' tek. Reniniticetiîîix it i ue " -ixici.. litriiiulit ini Il. x ii.tîx'lle l'iiten'. FLORISTS Kingsway F'i.OWER 5HOP Phones: î-~. 2 232 or 2633 Boxmativ il le IN MEMORIAM tit i tc ii i t. it Itit . lW. W. xxi' i 'i i h. lie X' XX- '. iiî-î 'I. t ctl-i Il1-th ret' i i iii' ix' t.iii i: i "c tii f, ut tXX 1h a plit I%iii'\ uti . iîxxle. xxii,'a-ti îxx Feb. 14. i liu n li I l ',ss Iluii i],-uiti'c t' il ixt- îîî' vin t i i ii 1,il, r ili hi .' X il ' lutt-, xx i l, andtu i", i1hl W ti1 t uli-tituttat -eiî' : i t.iii )mii i ttit "ca"ili u t iw lt ý , Rtuc tutit ii t l>- Xi'., NIlt iX i i ut c I. It uuu.inircit'r-. f lu utiitît COMING EVENIS le t- ic it . Il, . litit,.tt1'-. uiî __t 1e tili-l I'i Sîttîuhu id .i.riuititt ' Nîr i. ! Nî rs hi .tutîuti' xxi \\ l ic. e lit!.!I i ii.' lle îu'î'l - 1-. l'I tliu à s i,.> H l - i 'Ili 'ii i. lh, uî 231x(' . ;S I. 100" 1. ;hl'2_',I) (;litliipelik-ut. i L, a luth.i i re u u 2 'a t i 'ittl. ' ) X t lt i rIiîiîriîîu XXî,îînîî'. u il hccK I.t ik. t12 l t i illtttiil' ý t i ki'I l 'i .N I i' i l tetIl' ~ îi 'ii 't ii u I( it1 il iti ~ îtîîi urI,î . il. 1-, t .8 '(i -i l u ]- ix -,liir ,, ~ 4î ichn t. îuiî' atiu t ' . f I i I U- 3 'f xiuîi i Sir i Kt '. lt,. -il i,.u' ,. lt î-. i f I . l 11 1. i llif. r i 'lu-.i l lc L a - hi1 ue "ut, t. ili i \\tti*il,-]!u t 'tr 11,1- t , 1 1m i i :î u tu tu S' î I. h it'li t t -. ' tti . ,n t ii '. xi t ixii ie ~ uti i tli ýrt u:, tiitt.i XX NI l .h. le,'. h til lt' i l t't it-" . t t. t',l IiI 1' 'ii .î Nî1N1,. XiW . a lx'zev cii-i Il't l cltri ut" itui' i ii, t îth( e uti' i tihtt t t i i- li' of. t tti ti i ii It-. t( iii ' tl i i ult î"' 'l It aii i lîxît'c x ,'i .a f ltiht-,lu lt . 1"Xx MN' .u' a iii tth ttblâme't ii .'tuiuîtiîu fI-tic W ,r ll'tt 1.X;ic f N1 '-iNi- I i.iit.itt ct it tk'.%ýteilitl'(1. il, uc lu.i l lI, ' l. I"' .lNît'- XX iut xxt'it i l iico 1 hc % týi la -Ii tt rh,.. ' l , elut,. 1- Rad o\ F r 1ale t u'l li,, N 'ittî uu uî,'î i 1< .i al]t uilut IOR t Ii I R i,. tltartt tîhîtut Nutu(I' il1 M i ,, t, i - lîîe'ît l.îul 8'i. I lI ài' t r'K it tti1 i il w )l lie,- 1.t uitu, l i l]t ti,f uîîî c.'t, xxtilt i tutui r toý 1%%tt ui k I i ii IM îuî'i t' tri- 1 illllt 'Ilîtît. i tthui t , t iI it l i ,xtr r, h t, 7u1î tOut 1t Il, i" ttle 'îîî aIii- itînc ' Iilpi vcuit! '. lit1 Ni' i tut1'utruiî'1t Xli i t,' Fluut tuteN- lîîui ,. - i -olec-T a Nut, î l'ut ti1t, lt'iuui xà th.lii l îxbe M o(,ll t I lt ('i i - t i 1,iii' - "t irci volta ge ,I llI.l i 701.îut" acîuîîtuixîh i x ' NIi- Aiait l 1Write Box ' IV, M." C . Bih l ~enuuutiirt' t Mis, Jc,îîî Niildi liii ,7-1 UIlii l itexuc uuti er 01l".Il adhaeatyurnhebr Ir fr Tire ll-oîtii i',î us'Il.:EM i - . tllg hw kn o e Nî cu ni . Nfr. .Niidrrututfl i'uî,îW m s ea y -r te t -d y iL 't i iii t et t<îok th c( \%iIa i Nfis I[ci Fîr a ve rea ' iiiîe '.1: n 'ik'th cs Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer EL'MER NWILBUR Ilampton, Ont. Specializing in Farm. Livestock. Implements and Furniture Sales TERMS 1ODERATE Phone for Terms and Date to: BoNvmnanvillc 2428. Wanted ilfltli, iin faîîîix .\i,îtlx'P.l' lX XX XN (El) RIL.t. E IRI. X\ tN II) 1 1 1._1) lR"s NNM) tafl tit -- x ' l'lei"lîîx.î. NIt'Fir Real Estate For Sale VoU tESAL.E I1ICK IIOUSE, 7 b rl lît u i îi ntu'.. 2 miiles utoril ý IL xx utîttux lIc. -nut îiinîlc iacd. I,>. 'ii. il xx m uttuxl% ii.. 6-2* lt. iu Si' t .Si. t e'îith'li'x' if tthi.' aie\ iii. 11r, tk . Apit lcXc- mec liii. ix. )iiei St., or R. L. NI tclil]. Cautaticut Batikof Coni- nitîce. l"xaaiii.5-tf For Sale Co'ait. e l i ')f Kitowxle'u f.r t'al hîtîiic. lýInia ttim i]lt Agents Wanted! EVR I R INI R IRSII CO. ARI nlowx tlacîtîo ii tîteir Sticilc Sales itorce in iiI)îrlîmaîndaîlNt îîî hcrlaîd Collllties ; i (uire S8tarit t. JaI itaî tile iir tt- t ~ in i .m~ii xa. ile t pnil cotit cx territcrv i. iiit 1) o ver 25, car att assct, xitîi ettii arîîand S24.00 pene kci. xx train x oi. Write R. K. Mu t- cal f. Gxtiuc.l Dulixerv. O'liaxxa. 7-1 Fi 1 I1- 1) t N INDEPENDENT bililltess oif x otir dixiixwittht iit ci luit iii iof c tr 200 ct aiet itcei.s.itîî. ii le jct diStridt. Evecx taiaxs fac <lav. Retîcat order, (dii aIl tzools.Loxx'r oce.S ic c- ittitctIte al lieux st, atahîtit-l. aI ert itu Write tnocax' xxifii i tilattt., 1aiîic't( 57(1 Si. t 'tint'M nîtîccal. 7-I To Rent ti tRTNI1I"" T FOR RENT - N cxxf ti-c 'titul tutiviuit xx iii e itxi atl. uiii' Itaer e i cii tpl tîî'Il. \. I1at miail. \Victoc Fik R RFNT FOUR ROONIF 'l) h'i- wxitiii thît ct..iuci. tehu. liard- xx 'I fi "'c.. lîtîjît ilii eiiuic . tit h pt. \-îix 1. Ji Ncsnil .& S"'qil. I x naiî -ti APARTINENT TO RIENT- FIVE roomis. Apply Statesmian Office. 49-tf Board and Room 110 RD AND ROM CNTE t 81)î4 i110 St. , x 7tîîxtit Feed Special i. C. t;ii-t 'i 'li t 777. 7-I Notice liil it-iî' 'it tue laic NMr. F. XX1C- N~Ila- itîlu e' l>IC I .ail udt xx t*i ' , u i t ti-bl u'I- t'it ut iitu Fubihirvt It. lasI lite p aI',icl'l dirux i p, t il tid i ti ou at lier rce i dùite ,t,l tt Strit atid -itoil i e u t- t tlîi t t i titîttîx'. NIrs I leicit Nfaciri eI ii. 6-2 M iscellaneous Bowmanville Phone 774 Orono Phone 31rl Newcastle Phone 1204 'im 1 THEATRE BOWMANVILLE Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. FEB. 16 - 17 - 18 Double Feature And - - OAtK lINING XX'IST 1-ND) GARAGE .tND M. le. ,tiaeneds. Nirs. chute SliIot - Xl\'.cesiîecializc iii Xcix ~ 7-1 itniiuexrepairs. eenterali caraize tu'îu-.xxeIIî~.toxx'nnc service. Iv,î. 7-2* Notice to Creditors -HUDSON SEAL Ilui tueiv -lte (If ENI LYCVRI tentI !e'utuiiie. loex'tii. Miiti"tiitax iuie' c lcui' if trîuuiiutl, lit 8 ,î'.îii'i tii.'(tie f tte att eiîî c itte Il 'xx tumîmKs-lux i. iii tti' C'î,îuîxt i f 20t SE'0FIOOS t îclcuî i "r i,tuit thme 7îliî tax'i e.20liai'.'.lhit tl)cuuuîc.19,18. tire ciirt tfl" 'et the'1'ticlIl' \ Mardi Livestock For Sale Ill R -Xli hilS hI lLL 'f NI. ,îutx ixc olcliti, hîkîi, NýdI, NIî'îc.ulf. I. x îuxina ii,. 7-1 iii ul N t rilî rc i x'- ix mtut cii' ,.!I: tii-t ti fotur sx'î' lI îueu't' i' 'iî .î u i ut 11151, fî -l' ' t xli.uii)tte i 110507 i ut t SuuiI Card of Thanks liii ututîhi ifutl is XX'uuîWin. e(, xx 'i i;ii lîtt, u' Jitthe -. Sîuu'l tul- i'itid'tt ttlui t ".ndi tiii,' kinî, a iu i .n tiîuîritu!i iii. liii'-. tuland ~ - 'utc". titi! ý't' i tu . i it"'ii x ii , -. 'i-tii! tititi tutu' f ii, accdenuh'îîtutti tîli " wc ho ut IîIucu i ci x i i à. tutidu i-r eattuifiil floral trihiutc,. l' luu liitîh. lit ii,,'u icuil. tt il l ii. ihtiiii i n l"î1ut' titt' 11 ý% 1 1I )îî'i i% Ihllîîx 'tuilI'u it 4i t l4'ui,113 Mr,. - 1 it i N. Spîrlitut. Notice to Creditors Ili tti.'e.ute t i f 1 1)' it ii ' i i the lîtîxti .'f i i tttxtl' tit, t i.'t. i\%huit iliedi ,il 'i. iir it ii tti da " [ix' f i,îîurx. a.îiv iitt titi fixt Ilt"e-ndl ini iiiX .R.- S Ii, l It ' i. l' 'x M aiîux i i, 1ut t i ii' Ii I.' f Ituir c i. '3. i iîîîîî'îîtîî'i .ftî i il],- titil I-i iii'. i NMardiî. 11J3.9). titht( ,t ' ii c'.î t x I l,. hi.tu ibitî, u t l' 'le' i u'ie' tct l ttîx ut lît it' tillu Iîtî th Id)tît-'îi tii el1îtxxii r x. Il\.1e. 1 l XXROSS S'FRIK-L Sîtliciîîar f, 'c the EX(i i ii Matinee Saturday 2.30 p.m. Mon. - Tues. - Wed. FER. 20 - 21 - 22 Brimstone s Bad an and Judge Hardy's boy ... together in a grand screenful of laugliter, tejaeand heart-throbs! I SPECIAL g LADIES MEN'S 1-pc. Plain DRESSES 3-pc. SUITS Outstanding Prog-P.m Selected Short Su"'cts Matinee Monday 4 p.m. Wednesday 2.30 p.m. --No Increase in Prices - (ONIING- 'Bo.ys Tow n" "Too îlot to Hfandle- "l'ou Cant Take It WIth You "Sweethearts" "Kentucky, "«Jesse James" "The Citadel" 's' PA\GE TEN Auction Sale tIcq saIe 0f Iir rde e Fi ititître at the formter locationit' 1f C. T. OKE FURNITURE STORE, 40 King St. W.. Oshaxva i c'a i>ist iiiLc of sol id xxalnntt bd rnontI treaîkfiast iileiliîis. bcd., i iiL. .bahx cra i)riiiiz mtîî t 'ceasiiuaIpideces. cliest r fieldliit~ c' tii couces..etc. Sale Saturday. Feb. 18 - 1.30 p.m.i 'Tucms casî. Ed. W I isoi, tuet i tice r.i 7-1 l'lite E .îtiie "f i thele Itic! J. R. R. COLE xxi Il Il hx'puicteauit i Oit 1 Lot 5, Con. 5, Darlington Iii, fai t o tck. iiîiîleiliieits.. feu. tc'.lîttiter cuIi ftirîiitiire. oit Thursday. February 23rd il 12 t 'c k ici ,i - Te cms csh. i. 1). I loec!rth aIidExci-t' ' White. c tt k: 'lîux~ t'îli'ic. tictioîitcc. 6-2 A), j £ SdzW NAS Watch for Complete List of Bargains on Our' Sale Bill JURY U& LOVELL Phone 778 SPRING COATS Cleaned and Pressed 75e Called For and Delivered Aldsworth Cleaners THE THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 16T[r, 1939

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