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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Feb 1939, p. 3

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teaicineL.s and v irtuies wvritimpunitv. 'Durham Old Boy A PIECE OF APPLE PIE Ilv aIll thet formner finindations on ~ He canniot break eve' lawvs and whlich thle ind(ividl lcan base life arc E0 LD M ecate 1mnishment. Ilis sin, \will bhe Relates Experiences One thing I well remember nol.. WC \-eare mtuer whe lh YOUR W ORL AND MINEAt S lt Lke Cty iited on his children. Mutch of th, i al1ak Ct (Back hom,,, when I a boy. insiiecuritý awndirest. W\ithouIt tie inte> h ons.the in. Was living r,,thle farmi.) and how rnaretinhpwhGdn 'Copyright>) i1 fte ol salgayfo h olo ie i eroa etr ,It filled n helart with joy: iinneri ceis ponsible. but wih t By John C. Kirkwood .~ thc e inersIf serato thet, editor from Dr.1h N .IH utch. Twas -, w e in oe t h io-st bariru>can he orl 1 vervone Ili ul lives in relation toinsn i ini %e ho with M'rs. Into the h sew ' landm utd nti rt et oa \ ouin-nman, azed 21, camle to mue lse and ipurchasm; ageti -man others - those of our own Hulltchinson left the miiddle of lant- And gt pi to talk over is problem, %which Nwas, seeminizlv ropri and getting @household(or faily, v.those wvho are ularv tl, penid several Imonthis in To eatoof our handP."MNliill\ lehavea Tke me what should hie let zo Ihis hol lntreciti- ahiead jus:t becauise the\ are not ire.. our friends. those whom wýe em lv California. Mfany will recall Dr. · myv ersonal faith and experience is. tilde and hivgh ideals and let hiiimseli vented h)v adherenice to thre commonleI those Who em lu, and those Illutcinsoni is a native of Durham 'The school waslown the road Christ first of alIllha, bee I nmv Leuid-i tn t,,th devil? virtues fromt doing thinzs \which putwhe lives wve touch fromt daLï to Counitv Who broughit !reetinezs on two mieszm star lin arrivinz at these con- Thi rong an s asalsma. ad kcl)them in favour %withlthoe day, wvith ipower and onoo)(rtuniitL to behalf of rthe ,"oIld1bovs adgrs ewle twtotfi, clusions about Mforal Rearmnament. rereetiga im eliea evie with %whom thev (do business. Hli S Imiluentce their inds, wills and ce)n- at the Reunion fheld in1 Bowmnvi ll W awa s ito o r in er",ni )e' I wltililitmy last breath he to advýertising .,azencies and firmis and short eprec in businesslhas ducilt. twvo vears azo. HIelhas practiced A little round tin pail; trute to- this expierience.- creaies ulsing pirinting to ell their tended to t)ersuiadleim that the uni- It is dreadful wvhen our lives and mledlicinev for well over forty years. ýMa'd make ai fried egg sandwich: i. hucts and services. Let us sav riLhteous iprosr)er. and thrait those contacts t zrici. despair, hardsip, 1mo10t f that timie in WVinipev, and boy! thratit il is anr art Service \which e whiratseteitteso!itgrt.sur 1.erinv, viciousntess. corrut )ion, 1bit- la-t yar lhe retired from active iurac- Say, didn't it taste grand? is ein Now,. a vouinz tman, iust hionetv. clean tinlknaiand livinLý terness, mnalevolence, lustiulness. hiait-i tice. This letter wouild indicate thre1 And she'd put in a piece of pie, BlCkStock ilast his \outhful years, nrot' long g, et left beind in life's race. red and noverty into others' lives. 1 .enial doctor is eniovinz life in re-' To eat out of our hand. t fromt school. iwho zgoes ourt to sell to) It is nossible and iprobable that \.e etriodsrv h o-ee ieetwihtesmedge fThose pies were big ftlvl(neddfrls ek older personishias a difficult job. 1there are mlany other 1youn14g men m11,oursLvyes and in other.. we invite etusamand fleasuire as he did fones ly Recent \Visitors: NMiss Susie\'anr Afost mecn prefer toe bu% fromn older wvho are facinz thre (ruestion. Does hecavesn' unishmnent. Trv as we mnay when ' in hres h rsswr rsybon ao omnil.a oe versons. \ ou cannot expect a vounez- it igav to hold fast to) that whIich is, we can niever.destroy heaven or its Les \ ezas. \evada. i The apple f illing - good inch thick, Aliss Lorna MIcColl mn Toronto. . . ,ter to) have a Lreat deal of force. LIood? Therefore, in this cntribu- ixower or its Justice. WVe may winJTainuary 24. 1939. Fo otmt h rw. 'M.R li.MAa i oei Hiscosciuses of his aze and in- tion to The Statesmnan I wat_ o i illions of mioney,%we imav rise toj Dear Georze: Uls:oto hdsc 'et Blenheimi. and Nirs. R. Wi- exoerience is aniarenit to thos»e iwhom anraniswer to this question,. M ul rat earthly power, wve may have I could tnot refrain writing zvou a Yucno nesadlant. Toronto. with l%rs. \\ m. "Steele. he canasses.ification for attempIIting;, to aswver mnshnushae nu: e f wlnsfo hswide open town* The joy a bový will get when he Nir. Robt Steele, wvho wvorks mn Thisvaue mn wo clle onme hisouetio is qute 0 yarsof our hIis a denance of heaven.. we downtmNevada - zamiblinz dens Eats pie out of his hand.NrtenOaroadwhise. said that a very larzve percenltage of observation and experience. aroesmte n.rgtnent h uh istres cvreto nacdn aewt those veen hv him in, (,fies,are :\thoustIwntoa vrI C K and legal. I was in one of When I go to some big hotel, ýthemi to star with his miother for a v ni en, and Ibeing y ounu, imei.n, ematically that so-called \worlly - \\Vhat cunsels did I give thre youinz n'ht watchinig mlembers ain: Where prices are sky high, wVhile..\.Ir. and Mirs. -red Bailev wvith ilwr)t bu\v. thev are ai)t to, success - making a lot of mron ey - muantWho camne to mie to talk oer\\as mnvited to) take a hand but, ot I always oraer for dessert with M\r. and Mirs. Jos. I order. he 1ltt" a vinle -oer- to bu is tnot - hould not lbe -te1anhs rbeI adl ed-ob ous ehe.I losvr a- A piece of apple pie; Nestletoni. 'uesday. has mlade many\of these mlen verv o(cIveolnoe \ rdy u-si htIbdehmt ln adcinatine and tmany f me iloole take But I must eat it with a fork- \\A:. of Unmted Church met at cIckv. and thev rathier eniov lording cess is n'lt to be regarded as somec to that wvhichi is zood. I bade him a crack at it just for tun. Heer and Then my heart does demand threIhomie ofrNMrs.-Hfarry \'anrLamlit it~~~~~~~~~ ve aemnwoseorrstignone should desire lor-see(k. 'not to blot his cuvook Ihade bhimili(iuo-r stores eveur\Nvhere voir z;o all A piece of mnother's apple pie an31tAnmuioofew of- fromt themi.:\ Lond nmany of them. \\'orily suiccess can hebcverv cre-dit-ilto keet is )ownilsel f restpect,tolbe1 ver thet!stateS.'Ihis is iust .30 mles To eat out of my hand. ficers took fflace. conducted by Rev. . I was told. are puirchasablan lee oth a wowniilt swrtyoftetrs n i f i rain Boulder Damn, thre greatest --Rlhforo . . .Bell. NMrs. -Mervin Grahami that thr are oen toteltake bri bes. 1 (lite righit tol seek worldl\ >ucce., vrns i rterad sses i nu er e t taltie \ ae 68C aw od S. oo charee of meietiniz. NMrs. Bell led Thev evetheir orders ito salesmien jand to) desire it. \ miant can be a trule frienids. I tried to 1show 11him ad a wonderful triio. \\ ill r.each im worshil) service. Roll Nwas anr- 9FO R who will lZive them, a bolttle oif millionaire and still be righýjteous and the uniiirefitab)leniess. in the lone runt \ elstm h.svre ih m m esi es is wiSker. or who %will par theml cash. h eloved ofi heaven Henviry- Ford's of a fae character. of lax mIoralý. Sen a dav at Salt Lake City, larold Swvam is groui) presented the orl who filldie and wvine theml. imillions have b1 m d'l ti ae1. i hse -rikng vas ablle te, tah. wh'Iere Briglham i oune w \ith rrz atn. ere Csivr Lie and takethremnt nietCh lubS, and in lohn \ nam krbecame a Million- 1tell 11h11Im litcases knlown to e n i ins seea ieoraie i ar- a d \is G ae fMitoý; lti other wýars buiv the businesvn aire ihtosl.Th ining illmen wholl had lost out in the hattle monIt Church. Mirs. H. and I attended s aeMuto:ltl thm b -ucaingv aents. d -tr lias tmade imainy m1illionir es, olf life becauise thiev disrezarded (lthe thetservices twvice on bunday. ThreîNlss Cara Narlownlen \a This voiuniz mant of whoII w rite w Nith nl, taint )in their milin I' orctice (Il rectitude. fis as a national broadcast by a R. R. 1, Clarke, Ont. a orctd r S ancnut said tom:")a e rde(r, if I is whlen fortunes aemd m The w \orld zivels its best rewards wonidertul choir of .30 adults. all January 30, 1939 ýed a contest. A social timne was he givea ,oehn o h ucasn cisieohr adwiutter li"- hoehose character is sound. finle sinizers. anl organ recital Iby'the Mr. Editor- ieniovud e% enteen nmembers ipresent. agenits. Thei Pout it un tIolme.Whtdisreuard for the iwelfare adhat h r edbe andc a1:itfnst1 nitIever lheard trom hl loigovrtereot nnual >ntireLation neet iz1of i- there in itl for 1me. if Iiicveilou-and haintess of others that %wealth wil l n">1 1 t for lone g, iive the wor)k the ereat orizani. erhaps the ftoest of the business of the counties Rev. H. 1. Bull p ed. Ths of an rdr?.lv caller said that if ekn and welhatimetaewihitwnsdnionhs hs the wvorld. You nmay have heard1 counicil I see that the clerk took fcr eeeet BadiS hewnl u ihwt he huvers. (i ensive t, heaven and it, aill ih inteerity is diseased - to those who hmoerrdoaste rodatparticular pains to mention me. %ward --Caril Wright, orn erasto geet driunk. hie coul get thinkinz and righlt-livinlg mencil accent bribes. wvhose honor is cr everv Sunda . Oh. was Zrand! He is reported to have said that 1ount)\v larencu \arlo\,ls huine>- fromt them \n h cmerutileThen the rek!ular service at -1 1oe aepyr nDuhmIh tom.a alrmn t elmeaot emte ]the factiitharlt e entrtis "'ilohave the affection. the esteem.[ n ever-allit hosndben eet andIdid not understand the nature of Soar. er o ardo Ctrne.Herer the Situati-ln. and to Let fatherýilý ad- erhy he m outrl. teis, rthe confidence. the frienldship. thle te a ech .his financial statements wrote him w i. ec n L m . \alc i ice. obl-,-(igiono altlc vttediie ina avouIr o(i thIe about ils is better I have learned a lot about mar- "threatening all kinds of things \ ro,'bz\\rgt .\ Ba- CANAD T C K crac ihtedvn tent\eta ue ice.T e usle o ism.te most of it quite as, and generally giving him an un- burn. -rniest Larmier. Rupert Bv- . Thlt- uaian seesolder mn- r fte oe ain- it.heco-rruiited and taken -)iflfthe path orthodox as )our own ichurch. Thre deserved shellacking." I am the r n- rr: m mia Ihee sm s1omth ouleno and rectitude hv those oifserice on Sundav wvas just as, orthl- ratepayer he referred to. because ' --aro.1. A. ---- -- - which differfftiates us trom theIeilmind, and war.s >il)toose ,ur adox as our church at homne. except I am the onl.v one that criticized hso.Ms rhr\a ap mtrs heVasts IftIthe nelds and trss That thlat thre as nl, collectior nor- his financial statement of 1936. N rs. las. lienrv. \Mrs. Hiarry \'anir lhere we re thiner ii ils amee itbe. i rthe nythnPIaked.A conductor Itl, k I wrote him a letter asking forCAo: te v.. i\)ra iIMiunt- sh twin tlcn low r nim lshae tat Itissprit. -- -l--usall over the ilace and explained his official statement. I made no i . A vt t aoeito a hr h e heve latd omthn wih aiosa and <rave exillanations Iof comments whatever in my letter \atene rtalirwhý,of beh>ed m any ai the tc, nt GE R E impe., lss to live mlore n1oblv than dII Tom Fairbairn thecir creed. A crowvd of tourist> to him. In a few weeks I received wrtetrhrn fcuc the loerTanials, smethinFwhich Writes D. Morrison IIwe im iand \were permiitted it, a reply stating that the financial trcitohou tudyer A rte Soff ai- ls \ ern i 1>1s i to asire ct,, eeodlike . ak an\ usto thev wishedi. The\ statemnent was not brought dow.\n rcaonw tdrethhndr hnone m min and malit. Theend-eed Fom Caiforna d not ractice poizeam rnow\. until the June meeting of the , chl Drelteor ewente i s flanted in lis at birth - evenbe-though ,iSomle did in the liast and fjind counicil and that I would receive ja t \1r .Rlb. Sadler, Rev, I. W oet WRITE 1"N fort- irt.atn ut. n ie onu nh rety lausible reasons therefor f rom oyindesasn 1eerr- adMs Iellfor theiir taithful low. wo is i W RI Eg intended t i ve i\c tihlis dse a r-- u11t te) ho the reaction that Ione thieir point lit viewv. losini t is iuisti- ceived any copy. And, if Mrt Mac- Srie edrd aist or'e il n h , NOW lured lopotunlity to)reproduce itself pof our re-aders ->hadl whlen hie prse icaltion larLee- on thre custom of 'the Nachtan is correctly reported, his lorts were yn v thre di tefrent Sendridge m ithre formi of a flower whseUtlk the old homec town papetir. and Ilar- inatriarchis in thre tine of Christ, statement is absolutely untrue. I puartiments oftrthe chulrchl and sn - aease r sasudcharacter. woeleaves ticuilarly thet-ancient local history wheun ,tra vwa>s uite commuon. never threatened anyone. a ho.N T I menta or ~¯ae our activities. our service forthe vennmited h)v nonazenlarian colunus>t, and not condi(emniied by Christ. TheV In my letters to The Statesman Conratulations tI Mr. and Mr 1s. NE N ed tched or re. b. andwhe bloom isýthre Bihl- Dave .\horri>e,we are taIllte accent rthe 1bib l ut _as w do, and of Feb. 3rd and 8th. 1937, which I tSh1tehtoli. OF PH pieCuncIl Stand- lica ite,. lbeteorpu linethe irollIIwma are -Cas tiar-as I can imd out a finle enclose, there is no abusive lang r and Mr \rti i ar "Tt-a"mtlraelvwe are inot left in thre lutter iromn'tom airbairn. br-other class of veople -- honeSt, thriity and uage used. I am aware that vitu- . m rad fnffiagout"m- per- drkconcerninu, thedr .te of MisFairhairn. Elgin and C-- ood citizenls. Tevalown.smk-peatonisnoarumnt bilow-ard Railev lett Absolutely weather- Gd-nooed, ie.\ aete es ts.. Beowm;nville:lin,,·(Ir drinking hv their imembiler>. In Orono about one year agor rtsert.eer h ~ ~ ~ ~~. Gratyreues --- Bihle -- a book which miore and 2260 Mlidiothian Drive, and anvene is expelled at once fromt I met the Reeve of Clarke on the ixwesho \hiete SOLD ON A 25 YEAR buNlANADhtter than any other mnan-comiled Altadena. California, thecir EduIicationial Uiversity if founid street, he informed me that the es eneda ahmtrilr additional Ser GUARANT % ~ or mnan-wvritten book, zives uis in- lanuarv 30th, 19.39. cither smnokinz or uisitnz liquor onthre counities clerk was not giving out \ ctor lian\\oensInstiitue11ma as thiat (If 193 Prices now are lo,- because of Sales Tax struction on how tol live divinely.Jit David Mlorrison, Es(i.. zroundfs. l'ut1 imust quit here 'a financial statement to the press at rs lae .\lrlw Fe it opay Il exmto.Save money by writing today. miatters notr whiat our creed miay be Bomanvlle it.. Canadia. thougit i is a mnost initerestistudv. that year, 1938. He fooled the \frs. \rthu l- Calu\'k t 1 ncrease of 1, a urer alo J am wasyPretron Steel or what brand If religion we incline Dear Daveorrs1: had a ereat inlterv.iewv withl the: press. t easnfdt R in oré ment. Address: 308 Guelph St.. Preston np towards. or whlether wve are lr- \'hnte Statesmian arrives uniless leader who took us arouind. He. The clerk perhaps did not real-1-\Mrs. Cecil Frun\rS. gain. 18S. 18ý2 fese thits heBbl emis h tee rrmocmensfrmvoriustified( the vlem of the ps ize that when he fools the press Mro a hreoae Eastern eirroductsillulureme text book for al] nationl ni i as a disappointmlen .1at the church dentouinces it nlow and he fools the ratepayers, or per- vc.Ms .ih vr os ;11111 liole -, in respect of riOhteolus Hr e e hs isu rn s y r dnt actice rit becaus>e of state d tat w s h t!eine de or this proo-ramn: M s RESTNoN.racorsnparoumcronsviiiii.isiin, c, -untenance on lthe tirst irohibition. and becauise of their And I see the clerk has fooledredn.LahAbden:M. mnianl disrezard Ithe 13iblici a cav. to2uther %with a Short sketch 1resnt'S on1,licv. lHe said thie ir- miar- the press again this year for wve Craw-ford. readliing. "O r: e vour he whie compnsate iagesnow wee ahave ri av o balanced financial state- \\ood Lav a sfflendid addres-. . -dscmewhat and imav 1 add tmy\ ver-\- a>t noIt ln Iluntil death d(o us met ovl lnch ConIcluded the meie best wshsfor many hlappv retuirns ipart. b ut to last throughouit eter- iTen ceksytei.cniet-A i t onsmta IL o vau naal dy. tv aso. heywerestil huban that there will be a surplus for M r(rd Hie' Feb. 2nd. i is T hIt is doubtfuil if there i, ant\ ureat. ld wife lin eternitv. their love be. 1938. If lhe is so confident why 1. Y Fborder peie.M.Gog er rile accorded a vouith than m eenl .o ore etoe don't hle trot it out and show the Larter hadl charue of wvorsii)Service. d0dhavinz his roots in a ]m l o -the uuestion of Christ declarinz there ratepayers. Ilr. LaVerne Devitt ,,.ave a talk onu Th t8 8 muity. :\rrivinvg in a great city y%,our was neither nmarrvime nor givmin The December meeting of the "\ \rk: is» Leona Devýitt o 8 D r iare (,ne of threfhent. but arrivine ai mria evn i el a couincil was held some days earl- 1"Wo',rk" and M\iss \'era Fordevr (on eu. ~~te homte towni. esipecially where one that. their wvas no mnarriage cere- ier last year purposely to give the "Edificationl." Lunich was Served tel wvas al schoolbox. is somnethino-r els.ýe Imomles mn heaven but marriages clerk ample timne to close his the 18 miemblers. Eere is the perfect milk aeain. Mfr. Glover(wsalw i on en erh otnudmtcn books and balance themn.MrHayBac.Ohw. el the Dlatformn to greet y-ou and if one I repeat my statement given to Tcelnone Co..' and his assistant. for baby and the whole iwent uir on the bus there wvas always !Myi reply or nlext question was the press two years ago. I have ientertainied the commnunity eto\o- family, milk that's rich- thre chance that lack Brimiacomble \what about a mnan havinz hari two neUPr CPPn an accuTHte financia ..,. ighzt ask you to ride with hlim or three wvives, wvould hie continue statement from the counties clerk. er, purer and fresher. It which was somnewhat of anl adventutre to be mnarried to each throug-hout I requested the clerk to send has a better flavor that as was the retuirn trip. etemt.1 thouhit lhe rather evaded me his official statement for 1936. One went down tol the livery stab- a demial refflv as hie seoon switched As a ratepayer I am entitled to FRNW i' children and grown-ups les where there hutnz a vrint of a to other subiects. Later on in our one. I also importuned the reeve prefer, too! \'and(erbuiilt drivinsz a Miaude S. at ýtravel a brizht ]aldy answered my% and deputy reeve of Clarke for a The Best Milki somne ainnalline sieed : ou wvrote (Ills.tion hv a direct, ves. He would copy. I have never received one. Costs No More "a"onasaefrte84Mn-Contmnue to have is several wives. As a matter of fact I know there If you haven't tried daanliCutr;ol inu adh children too. Shte was a is no such thing in existence as dihtul woman to talk to and jan accurate financial statementà Glen Rae milk already, nf ftehos n allauiniIailv we iparted.1 for 1936. try it now by phoning Soeie1hecU trubdof Iam jutst full to overilowvinu and rdtuOre 2665 and have one of our and as lthe timie got short yout hur..hvn-agetkikotoîmem ried tethre stable and put the situa- le%%, Veollle delivery men call at your tonm)toGe. howoadihtc as out .1 muiles, rmti o plt hneo door. You *11 be surprised up" eettine vo%,(lthlere on time utiwicked town tin ornn t vnew I ~~~~lays stoIpping ý,at the lee side of one of the world's LZreatest eing ineer. Mentality Neede at the difference you Il11 rythe(-freiuht Shed out (of thre sieýht If IneacnIshet.I i Ldr find in this better milke!MrGov. so that hie should nrot h fui. this zreat Boulder Dami. \\valk.- The HlILue:- As Euiroiie to-dlav Phnoe2665 Bowmanville aar o-texta ri. tleasi dIver it ada- mcht'wndrloke, orar esly to the week...- k. in ttlI ilc> - his cagd menitality is tneces. 8p arUn B 0 .cnd o '"j' pa ns, earv in the fiht a ainst tne moiilo\-Y U'R rheutn 11m10nt. 1Palnsof imy Governmilenit and King St. East, Bowmanville Phone '715 aSS ,ree boule a ee 1vvf orts of individuals imay he the N o longer need the cal ndar io. t han d1y h ee m m ne oriik ý the i actical applic at o from pains and aches and a feverod scal1e, but this problemi cani onilybe condition for girlsand women who use on t, olved.if the whole nation HUDSON 112 * HUDSON SIX •a & l u e ea 1 «'ýbecomies fi led with the spirit of he. T HE M O DE RN F U EL F OR S OL ID C OM F OR T D . CHASE OnL m ot°"" a"° l"" l "i"'"r McKEEV TUNE IN en "The Shadow" - every Set. 7 to 7.30 a.m. over station CBL Turineiv to the nersonal impflica. Phone 64 1 tionsq. Quieen W\ilhelmina said, "Near- SAAN G EN E RAL E LE C TRIEC C O., Li m it ed to ,,, À DE LUXE HUDSON PRICED DOWN WITH •OW DE LUXE MODELS Of THE "OTHER THREE" ý9 8 0 and up for 86 H. P. Hudson 1 12 De Luxe; $1109 and up fer Hudson six-94 H. P., 118. .B.; $1222 and up for Country Club anodels-101 and 122 H. P., 122 and 129-in. W. B. Prices delivered in Tilbury, Ont., equi' d todrive; including Government.taxes, not including loca taxes, if any. For delivered prices in your locality. see your Hudson dealer. Attractivel low time payment ternis, with new.Hudson Payment Plan. Prices subject to change without notice. HUDSON COUNTRY CLUB SIX AND EIGHT rER & SMIT H Bowmanville THERSDAY, FE-BRUA\RY 16THI, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMIAN, BOWMAN'ý1iLLE, ONTARIO PAGE THREE netdand 10' m thie ll 1. 1lan. 3alst. eduicationial itactures. esc. in all the counitries, leffhone is lued. Picture utction of ithe eepoe ithe work o ln fn 1McNaIllyand .\mi niterta-inled w:tith muse hat Mr. Ne Il 1. Mar- in Port Per 1 lo itai. ICREASE O0NE USERS )URING YEAR 3),7. The lleU Telephone p Ca natla rel Irt, a nlLt 8.804 tuelphone> durnrt! d(er to acmhhth s 2 tuler h I1ý N vwre conI- 9.378 disconnected dur- eerigto Ilte company's annual repor-t i r P138. there we-re 764,855 t( elenhmne- insric in the comn- !,an,* t(ritr (Ontario and Que- Icc: at the end of last vecar. This irreis 19).Q41 less, than the record e-,tablllihed in Decemiberi 1930 %wheni ¯SUstatonswere in service. \t the end (if last year, the numn- hier of bulsiness telephones in use was at an all-tinie hizh of 27177. this fiiure beini- 6,520 above the 265,255 husiness telvfflnes in service as at Decembher M1. 1937. and 33.686 above the depiressioni low of 238,089 touch- ed nin lanuary.i- 1934. On the other hiand. the mnmber (if residence tele- ilhne- in service at the end of 1938 wNa> oly 493.080, or 35.387 below thie iiak if 518.467 reported in Dec. vemherv. 1930. However, this tigure rersnsa Lam et 66,648 over the dersinlowv of 426.432 establishied m;\n ut 1Q34. cange Pekoe Blend

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