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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Feb 1939, p. 6

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P.\GE ~IN Fi il t 'N X.FlI.\N STATESMx\ B' )WNI.\NVII l.i~, ONTARIO TiIURSD \Y. FEBRU \RY I6TH. ~39 er. MNrs. S. Hoar antidis A. An Ty on nis: stiick book chapter ~Plantin ________the Chuech- by c Mrs. F. Dudie:ý Tvronc Wîionîens Inlstitute xil vocal solo. Mrs. Theo Down. holà a concert in the Commniit-- Mr. and 'lrs. R. Lambert. Mýis Hall on Fridav. Februar'v ,4. con- Dorothy Elliot. Miss M1 y r t I sisting of a debate. eeadings and Brooks.M Don Barke, Tor-ont( music. foitowxed by refrusimcnts. and Mý\rs. H. Etiiot xcre recciý Admission 25c. 7-1 xisitors ofr'\Ir. and N'Irs. Le-.l: Y o ung Peoples Union met Brooks. Thursday exenîng Wvith Miss 1\Mr. and MNrs. Byron Nl\oore. 'Ur Helen Trinijn and MUrs. C. Slcmon Russell Virtue. Mrs. Theo Dowr in charge. Worship period bv and Mvr. Leon Moore vwere ini To Miss H. Trimm: scripture reading.1 ronto Tuesday owîvng to the deat Mrs. Theo Dovn: Lords Prayer Of MrI-. Wm. Williams. by Mrs. C. Slemon and M.\iss Helen Trimm: reading. Mý,r. G o r d o n Brent: topie by MI'rs. C. Siemnon: H npo reading by Mr. Albert Wood: mui-Ha p o sicai selection by miss Pearl ____ Smith and Mr. Bob Carneron. The Fcbruary missionari- pro- l'h cli Nîiîr.NiîNiîiiSct grarn at Sunday Schooî ivas in, i iîtie frieniidi Bowatîviilie. charge of fthe new Supt. miss'M t..I>,E. I lillltandîl Niîs;Dcc Helen Trimm. Program w-as gi,- i nct iin iii Tnit... Nir' .. en as follows: Story '-A Penny Il. \lcKerî r :id l i. O. Cohh1e Wins' by Nina H odgson: the first îlw k. Bî.wîan ie iîiîM..Il part of a series of stories of the \Nicîx. . NIr. and Mo W. W work in Africa. bY Miss Helen li irîîiîitvd iicir sîe it. )r,\Vilae Trimm; an article on the wvork 11,rii. in P'ort I tope.u.. .Ijeai now being done in China. hi- Miss loo. ox aX 1e. iiit siitili Edna Cameron. Prograni closed witIi Nir. atîd Mn. Cha.. Icîlii. . %vith prayer bx- lr. A. W'. Annis. Nr \îîGiithrist. Toronito. Xl Febrniary meeting of the V.M.S. hu iivr --. Mn. t. R. Rv.Ti. ivas held in the S. S. room, îvý,ith ýNi.... i- CX Tink aîîîî RitfliNIc Leader Mrs. H. His opening Ke..îC'tk.S'Iiîia. witii Ni.i 1,i1i worship. seripture rcadîng and Rc i. . -d11(l'.Ir, R. 1No. prayer. Business period folioîved. îî'îîd..atîd ciidrut. ît i" ic, taken by Mrs. H. His. Devotion- i. i.îî . . Eximl. r, al reading, Mrs. C. Siemon: pray- .\.l'iîî.BwTaTXii.ti!î NI r.. Katunîcri and u Nari. Ttoi Fluu.îaî.. Xis. RIl1. Warur Il iiTuaiX 11. iuited Ni-.. N luicn- .N r. I.St ieu.. i.ii ul tîril, i t ieud ai xx . F. Suci i. .. NI r. I. tr l nuau iîIlut ii-'tfieT iî .1.iý teinTU I'r Mre - I. anti Mr-. LI I Tii .tc' iiiirlitTTtI li) Nfil- hit itc.ui Ficit rîle vuîrdr( Nu. XXýiIIN iitri-tllî tit Wtl Itlr i t ur it. i,-î i 'd r . 1 J. iili l i Tr. i i i d ' t Ni- . 1. i nul xx t Iitî-Iux v i i l.X 1t i ul ai tLil i Ti . i u C tnit f i%' ,I Si'î t r - ilkl Ai N '.Ut 1i1,. 22i11, al r ilt iî - ilt fui. M ifî - lu iiT t li i ýli Nîtu IrecidI id t îi'Ia ri t. iiutici Tli T"iT. Xli i N xiut: ttit r'I I i l id. r'iI l drt IriT i 'adI ir' rt ld iii il tît' iWni Titi i l tit t R ii N itd P vrrt. Iti i týfii, 1: îlx 1-.' ii ick i RackI - tii r n: 't li TAv xx 'rC li' '. W il ti rut P( Iî tir .rtî ialiî. itîlii ilýiti- ali p N io n ii , : i îîî i 1 i l ýiT lI W.rlT lt'T . N.f lniaTiilc- ar i tatte r xxon t M r.(,t .,(. Tucia a t uth te 'ru unî-t in i c Bar roi-Th G. i iriz tltll' i - vnî iii d Tinc - Tht uT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i irrSrti cîrli. takeulix Ne..s li h ilt u. flhc TITl i l t ce f the w û'tI îîî ,î h jýitý-"I1il'ICadmus Ra.Icl,inî lllud iiiiraier. .Nli.!,,t run rtihc ir.i i. ttî r XX litch Young People's Union spent -il ..'I îh iluit tît X IX rt ery joý able ceelillg at Black- hmit i', 'urr it t iii, Iraiustock i ast Tuieý.day .as guests et \\îi.i i.w h.uiiiiellr\i t hin the Y. P. U. there. % h.icar. M Rackhail;Mr. andi Mrs. Crclghton Dex'itt ruldlu -01r11-t: *<) e i î v.dandI Laverne. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. T \ t. 11 Ilîrnfavî'rcd îihFcrguson and fainily were enter- ticîîi'~'iv.i cîiiiîzhi irs Itaincd at 'Mrs. George Fowier's. I li u . .t. ar' - î'ecnjt,(I Mr. and MevIs. Cecil Archer, Port t .iwiiibrnc. \ lar a'I xit Wý Hope. visited at NMr. Norman Ed- i ciltLi ofî' ictut tniff hî l ic rgerton's. duI.iî t %va, I iaicci WVilard.' Miss Ruth and Mr. A. Hennings. tii ilac tî h atit i was itatin i N1i)'Bownianvillc. are visiting their! Rî ili d Mrs. 1. Clhanman. The sister. Mrs. Mlorland Anderson. ttt iiicctiiîC at Nîfrý. R.Kar'. Young People very capabiv \I,îrcîl 4tli. took charge of the service on Sun- _______ ____day morning in the absence of Rev. H. J. Bell. Kendaa Mr. and 'Mrs. J. E. Elliott spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex NMr. uundtiNs. Percy Btueley helci a famîlyN paety aIt ueur homue on Tluusclay- cxci ug. NIe.atii NIes. Kennueti Soper siiet Tîmuestias euniuîg %iluNI 'Johnson. Solina ilti. lRaker i)rc>.jiitiu. Treaiuurer's illay Presented Lon A. S. Duncan. MI.L.A. foi' ilt %vas -,iX ciiamdIltue lutrarian i! odon. hiad to be rushed out oi t1M dmth tiu w i ook-, Itoi iclli H At Bethesda the Cou n cil ch ambe hecaiise lie d uirç t '. Tr lit Horne & School Club i as on fire. Politucians on fireîn I. .shetit. Fi iiîcis \xx t thîs country are a reaino-t. Ilun ivîil,.Iî. RuîthîNciv.îkst. CatharineqsStandard. h tkr, Nir>.. \T I N ili h it ..I i i 'inc an T iT nhoi l i anid l,îl 'tXtiii-. tJfik uTt i h 211d i lii iruiTIctt Nr..1 teud ua. u. ..M\i»1.i l-nBake rr: i dit Iiili '1ai ce. Xii..t. ICTX Eu alitel. ottci ;T ruas., . C 1F t'k IlT iC iîia tridgt .Liîîrariaî. NMissi i- MNr . LStinîttu iTTlcharze of Itle I l. îi \.îLirarian. .Nli>s Ri, f'Il ' XXTilCTgatls iOiSot * i TT 'i Ti XiIiai oitSItCTlladW LVIING SELI M tr. anîd NIrs. Iack T ' Mr C .. .Nîi 'T11T atî1i i T X . \Ajzîciies n Illie piano. A I M .. W.Ic Xci' XXIc - attl iiitii' relTtiflaX '*The Nlad Brcakfa.î' iid"~ ,dIltle fieri f i li r auitt. Nirs X Ma' t iTi TII)l le vo1line prOPI e of1 W\. M1ark. at V,îiitia. tIleCTitlliiTlitv direcîrd liv Nirs. R. When We Test Vour Eyes Mr. nd Mrs Chs. lowanien-\\Vris-îît. The cast ittcîîdcd Nirs. I... lNtir.e ad ir iiii .. I Iro ains en- . X...". sztc cott, Almina Runlle. Satisfaction In Fit, Qu I "st I icir r irt%* tarîX Niu. faijrie Coiuchi. E'ffa StainteTîl Satitronla'. v. Gordon RtX.Waîtur Racklianî andTî Mr.\ ArinVrv.Grdn rent. 1Leit 1 i'a'eîîcattetdIil l te i'cil r tainiton .. Nden I toar. Cranstoiî 01.0SC0TIE.S4} tii. ii ii XX a )siTut hiiîr d,îx Se 't t. Cran stoti andî Agiese. Scott: ta', Tîreii wîîh anotîter selection. after wili ohP rdon Brent sîanz accola- Burketon I liNr.Ro.ITOeaite iiL i I Land Mes.iGeorge ibonipson. 1 ueTni \ it' r. Ni . \\.T. : A:l r. 1uT ". UrOi : 's:Nir.W . T B i . h' 'trie ironii OttaNva.a. . Nr. il. LV Me. and 'Mrs. Milton Dunbar rud...M.T, Icvhi sritse is ancd Eliioti. Perrytoxîn. Nvtsited Mr. NIl î TNcKcmnc \nhîîc ir)iiclli lI1 II aiil Kathleenl and Mrs. Wcs. Elîîott and Mr. and i at'i Ni--. ()"cl'., Bowv.'t I. io. rc.-il li Mrs. Reg. Ellioti.l. ad ak-Rî-\r. and l Ni .. Ediar Wilson aril MIr. antI \ Ls. CecilI Tebb le vis it -tiTtXlc M.,nINr. akRX iTT'ii()hXa.illNr.aîNr, n d Mr. andi Mes. JiniHove. u(ýal iiil pNt ildNit11 i iit r W isîti. Ni r. tý, leit anîd A numiier of coung people skat- I iagtoTe Pcturboro for a -1tic I loskin .\NIr. Clifford Hart- cI d oniOrono riîîk Satnrday night 'iil Ti t illi NI l o d t irutuît. \IMr. anîd irý..N. Mîr. Gregg ts iin a critîcai condi- ('f lt " ; **1 irot Ileird andi:]i-],J ITin, niskillen, XX i S. 1- \\ iIlaNI.samiortret..Nxx .sN. Itiioslie. tiot, in Christie Street Hospital.,>- -si.\ W.N lkl. Toronto. .i.ivi ..\i r,.. Chlas.. lleXsam\i.s. IlaHoskin lis visitiîîg lier hro- M'r. atnd Nrs. Harrv Farrowi-and Ni r.iîîlin NLi. aîne ftflicStates- oica otnlis r*Shirley visitcd her parents. Mr- niai .î1 . * ýQiriit t utîaker at tLIller.N!r Tue. TrCk a.îacd Mrs. Walter Tîierteil. xx'ii. ITIititItIc iiiectitiz "lilt(î, i~îi - Mrs. Wm. Jackson and habe. iTTIXSchlî ' iottiîî Tiîirsdav ai- ________________ Me.T. Langastail'andi Mrs. A. î i"nNI r. fainîes. cliiîî.as. lus uit1 Jackson motored te, MîllIiken: i't(ti I i îlîfacîîtirce i a Daili n isN Mrs. A. Jackson rcmaitîing for a ',t'ti T n Foes t t î Fit esidle' arti Eîl s ilef visît Nwiîh her daughtcr Mrs. W'. Ilit.,iîîl .XXJ ut r.TTT diea- Honi -y, antiid es T. La ngsta ff t'il\, . ITTI i1'11111-r-'1,. au"It(1 ro ci cornîng home for a visut Niith, Mrs. liii i I teaudiice. MrXs. Recent Xrstoî s. Mr. anti Me. -. Jackson. - N.' t uIr f cu 4. presidc'liS. lltdgson. .Gladys and Keith. . MisCr i Glass and it tdi ii'C11:N u lît. B ne. at Mes. Wmn. Oke's. ... CecMlto thi r. at c iiIu .tand stfoicomi s 1IitX- M.Hcrbert W'righît. Hampton. ui. iluMrs. Wni, Car.catideîî WedI- l'hat' NOt.11 1 u rîl dfaX-or - i e.N nt dy. il i ii ,îi'lîîi'.'rrr Nie. TlîtE. Wright. .. Me. andtlMes. A. Tel- Joîhn Catchait who lhas been 50ifîiî cIu tirriti IX iiîtî dXNiiýi. t. Tor nto. Mrsth Athe atrs f erieîn.Iy Ili aftcr a second opera- <.01 i li a X .ltie Creail pahoret Me an rotio..weaiî tiotu tfor rmastoiri trouble is gain- it \ILN0 lltîîii'niiwîiuîia i oetrel10Trtt ii itig - anti to bemoi-- Titi I ~ viliu i u îîlN hm. . . . Mr. Gien Hoskin. Keti- nicer epeci Niorr otuMe.Bert Hoskin. Bueketon. cdl to flhc Sick Chiîtli'ctu's Hospu- t IXà c, k i euefthe valuec c': t Me. M. W. Hcard's.. . . Me. anti ta] ai Thistîetow-n on TuesciaN , irsidutiit \Ir.S. E.Nerr - ix-ereth tictrs vat hm 0 la'il iir~eoutîi vpciiig aulMes. E. C. Ashton anti Orviiic Wre thu ea onhto eccpeanthmte. aiî,u .l't o lc I C]lgalt hMe. and Mes. S. May, To- reman fo a nonthto rcupeate.RollcallXX as atiXX-ced(,il ronto. Mes. Ashtuîn remnainî'ng for: Miss Hazel Hovec. Orono. xîsti i t iiii.e iiîlTui a ai ai- t Meanti Mes. R. B. Me. and Mes. Jimn Hov-e. iiiiiN(i>txxrr iautirîîce(l that oiur Griflin, Union., witiî Mrs. Bueg-i Ie. and NIes. Ross Patterson TiiititiCXXlT II lî i' tlue S.S. master. . . . 'Miss Jnne Ashton and Biiy. Toronto, NIe. and Mes. r'li Niarcii (T)ilT ai 1J a.mii.Daîit w\ith lher niece. Beilu Traveli, isiu- W'm. Wannan. Kieby, xstcd Me. ncfrv.lIiiiici w-e erici lv NIe. awa. ..Me. anti NIs. L. Grifin and Mes. 'mr. Pattet-sot anti cdc- I-)re andT lie rîiii. N xti ncectiiiC- and Jean. Purpleie 1h11.,-ith Me. brateti Mes. Paîteesons birthdav. 1'tN itl nIliSî.î. lilri n Is .Rh . Iat There was a good attenclance at 1 will u itel tainT) i eliii.1.iîaiuls,aIIes. L. Xearn andr Donîald at League. AMeeting ixas in charge, ,el, tîviiîi i ii Ir. NiNi. HilliiMNis. E. Parrott's. Chaik Lake. ..- of. Wiima Carson and Ai-chic (I ' lvwl nMs.E .Wry la.Cak fle Te opc"ttaenbyM . t .îakîand îvil l wslidue- anti Grant. spent Ithe weekendi Jîm Swarbeick: a mouth organ 'i liiiN fîgve 'rt -,gesffl t rX . i-th their arunt. 1iîss Ethei Cole. Wh it e. anutiAethtur Thompson T' îe'T IiitC I'îîTiTiI. lii tii- Ion heRex. W .Bnsc.S aE gave a short taîR. ý l( itLii \o' e.W .Biitr t aY ____________________ l.îitClit id IIiî,iicdtua NatîliCiunch. Boiî-mnatviiîe. pre'aciucc J i 'Xc ilit' h uTiT iit lis pnextilî-ery fine sermon iiin ue churilî N. iî'.x iitedit u'r tliii îurt iaîu Stiuriay , ei iing1, usinig as his texi. TSluit NI i- . i.iTiXSuuîNIiî.sio it- Ianti BN. askiîug fth eit'oiTu iiiu'tîîî r iîuî tlarT ,f ire At- e u viiewXing lîfe theougha Salem W. A. met au.Nis.W. .o N V si. xu iX'tIi glass iin or ao n hall tTouifei 1Cannr.. FcbeuaevN- th. NIes. L.d 1',il Iii- u..i'ai 1(c ( i îu tî tt The choir sang tiNo antht'mi.. Btitterv. president. ix-as iin charge. 1m-îr fîrici. Notî 'îtîî iiTil-' Gently- Lead Us' andi Greutaiitnd 1Alter the ieî-otîouuaî perîod when ihîliv n,îîliuî-,aild W lx wT-l.x MarvelTns.- lui spîte of ftie heair Mes. L. Coombes rcaci the scrip luT. C î rI .iIiiaC: piTi(, lue dtiblu idc roatîs a goodIiv otimber at- turc, a business meeting vas con- Ni...Iivtt\ Siaic antdlFav Glir' v:tcnded. ductcd. Mes. S. Buttera-to N Iiihla.îriai -îi tc Congrattilationis te, Freel Treixin charge of this program: Mouth i C(iîrclî Reaciiii Ic Oi T, for receiving 2nci place ai the organ solo hi- Bobbx- Lockhart; lia. Nl.Natac I:racküîîî t'I- e Short Couîrse at Hiackstock., and NIe. F. Blackburn gav'e an inter- n(li aTi c hanter frvîuîî îuîl( Ski l.also for ýi-inning a bag of regîs esting talk outiining the neix- N <.Jii e'îîîtî-.t xas coniîlictudm. tered seeci grain. Fre Ni as ap-N course of sehool studies and speak- Ouir aiiialpiuliclid iurar tit-- -_ 1 pointed to attend a seeti faie at ing of its purpose; a piano solo XX ilijNi(anutwt jý Naae nlac oj egan bv Mss rullof rovienc; red- Rev. H. Lackcy preaclîed at St. îngs by Mrs. F. Cator. Mrs. L. Paul's Chcîrc-h. Boixmaniville. oui Squair and Mes. Len Richards; Sunday eeicnug. and a vocal solo by Me. Gordon Abotut 3f) ladies attenclcd the Barrie. Lunch was scrî-ed.. W. M.S. meeting Febetiari' 8th at Mes. W. J. Staiintoti's. Devotional c .11 ' ~afteî îvhiciî Mes. J. A. W'errv led in praver If -astiet-ideci teoh- serve Daiy of PraYer ai Mare-h edRex'. R. E. Morion Sunciay af-- meeting. andi Feb. 22 ixas chosen ternon u spte o vee ic îoas. ~ i .for quilting. Chai-tee ini stiiti ternon inspit of vr.v cY Nvas taken hy,;Mes. M. Hlobb:. Four Neixý-castle yoting mcen. Gar- A palier \vit.,;gîven bY Mis. Wm, net Rickard. Alex Hlendey. NVi- Ashîtonanidi a vocal solo by Mrs' luani Rowîland and C. Fi.cher. arec'J. Btîrr. A tialiogue îî-as gu b'uh iaking charge of the serv-ice nexi -11sEA ,7rý,adMs .Te Sund ' -. ome an her terr. win. 'rewe Chinese or are 'uic Nexîýtoni-iIe tîrnetl out in full Canadiaus"' Instrutmniert ai by force to League oui Thursdava-ind Ms .Lab edn yMs preecnted an excelleuit and xaried - LU ms L La: Ms eeaiîn by e porm. Refreshments a nd I favourec ith-ul a voc-al solo. A V'ote games beought the evenîuîg t ar of thanks ixas tenclerc-d lnMîs. close. If looks as tholI lucthreRY UDE Staintoti for- oienig lier home. xiii bc plenty of ice for the skat- FO0 O RE also to the grotIp) for tlie splendid ing liarty Wednesday. a NIe . Mlîsns crieitin ~program A tiantv lunîch \va- Mr.IL illon' coditon s 1seex-eci andtlinisoîcial haitf houe, gradtîallv împroving. lie us cx- SERVES AS A BLANKET spent. pecteel home siîortlv. Miss Arie-I Februaev i iti Miss Gertrde hune Milison ixent io Toronuto oný FOR VOUR HOME Grev va lotesat a seîviîg Sonda ' -1t sec hîm. cîrcie for fihecîiug ladies' S. S. Nies. A. T. Perrin iîus geune toi Iliflere is the insulation you Iii;ht.' ass at the honue tif Ies. Btîrg-i St. Mchacî's Hospital. Torot. 1 bee-,n waiting for-Ref] Top lui-n master. Amiti Iatghter aidc social for <tiu Tperation on hi-r knee thue latîîîg %looI. feallv blankvti. i r chat ei-ery one vuxas iausiiv etîgageti resuili<if a faîl about a mott ago. home. Pays for itst'lf in fliut- i Sd Tt' in fînishiîîg a huibv It-te t Icie Me. Bevereey Hetuderson lefi I Easv to instaîl. lirst ottiý l-rOT sent 10 sont'- nt-c-dy nîutiee i the- Suinti-ix-foreTorontoto ricomplet(- firtproof. Vermiiî proof.- Pnit iMissioti fiels.AÀ tiaiit N- lunch a icotîrse litii î icss telegeapha- nrient. »%sk for samjîle an(] fTtTri wîser-e.h- ie. uiguast t dcîails. A prod net of Cas .s ' E-eou'rveIv Nrurec teiigocusel Lockhart's Sehool GjîmCmayLd.yuî '.rrMaster Carl Bruti. afte ii-clu, e- cent iiuiess. is reuiiu-iriiug apicil y. Else ii liii inti idiss(, at a- RED TOP hYoi un ee-s . S ti î wwiln., XX li ftet.Nootig hlcii ui-ili r n,ý etîtt te V.îcutineDatce U ~* ua. LUft A L sioney u oiuii-uucr NIes .JeanuFillce iii Il hi' fîouiti.Hionme'and Sciîool î I N SU LuuN G fu Cliihs geatefii Ifor titi- geuecotis :iniichare.t'Bible reeanliug ha- NMiss supporut tif a il ihose Ini the sec-- E iltin Bre ity-Nie. J. A. Wi-ru« v tlionî aniciother. iîhni ussisted iniiofferec peai-er: )iiOsioh-Ns sit.sutiias MNav xx cspicialIiv 'readiuis lia-Allaiu'-it ert: a tiutîp-x nuiuuiiu NIe: sEdI Dean,. i.ho as ANNOUNCEMENT rtee froitt li'W iSstuîty wix u i-i ouT- fe'i t h(,i'î-fresiu i 'ue -i uut- gîx-en 1)y' Nu-s .. i loblus: îcu-i si t1t((,ýr;itie i' lec-,eservi ug S I RCSsolo h.v.Nni-ss Retu icuk n: stnci-- of :-ot 30u people, ()tO u aet.ySL-P IE ltsredn iituîtinuit seemt-n Tigi lu.-largî r feîîîu xvear lîAIwas rcuîd h Nies. Nov uG l lt Na i uuuîil(.u- teuîtiniîi-nîpatroni- M UVANCIN G Tiio conhi-sîs anud sciera i gantes agi- ouf tfi- îpublIiei.i]S i-vmtuhvreejoyeci. aî p p ru-c i i 1euh "T'e se-lu c eiiil11e'n hlii ianVafl- enuuîc ity- TtcsniuaY fii'cnooi %%hiuclî %vus uilteuude'nb". u uumlui-i of autt: Auecgranu pre- i .-u-îiti iuy 1thle' JunioeueNd Ceci.-, auud Valu-ttu ui-s .xî'e dcîsiieici. A î-r 'yvita t ulit-i vas -uri-ecI a' thei- mlrui u1u Fil>6111 Misses. F. NV,'. Boeîîî' Bert Box -t-tu.Missus Demectlu'-Cil>- soliu auilnidtexl3ii-ctnittore-tto T'ototti ciuattndth îe' thnu'î- of WiliamuuIl. . Redjici. faihuir Tf Xlis I icîîuîrd Bcix'u atnd ui.-o cf De'. Joe' IIi'liitk t forei-ly- uf Btiix'- manîuvil I ' . Vîsiiîîîs. Ies. Annîis. St-nehîueuî wi-ithNie umand MesHraroil Guhscîu. . Nier. Clîris Bumee-uumee on a btisi- lu-vs trip tcî 'iorontoc. . . Me. andc Mes. HocwamrdiFoica' îxithu Me. autt ýMrs. Mark Blackburnu. . . . Mes. Olixve wilh Me. and Mes. Howard IGibson. Buy now u hile wve are stitl selling at the old price. Ping Pong Tables $1400 Complete Makes an i(lCal table m~hen flot ini use for plaviiig. Tie most practical table on thîe maîrket to-da.i Ask about them at Sheppard & Gi LUIMBER CO. LTD. Phone 715 - BowvmanviIle lb i..a a nîî r îî.îî u t' r<i i uT' uv- i ulu tîiî- uuuu.whuirlului-li. ,! ft- )il. l'lit ni' hice.., fcîr th u.. . u- î-illu Il RADIO SERVICE CAR AND HOME RADIOS IR, QUINN BOWMANVILLE King St. Phone 575 x ci t] xi il cI lu lu lu ti p N lu - I. - ii Nie GlaspellInuuuvcul a vie c îluauîk. t,' lueOic tî ier trIfer tliil plai. li.uucil xa. uervuTI and I -tiai tîlTit cîic'vecl. Township Council C'ARTWRIGHT C(OUNCIL t ii i cit Coiîuc il mlet Felu. 6tu îîithit RtcvC t. l)ccitt iTrcsidliz. LltTTitTiiilti ns xx re reaci freutu GTiTrulRunTi. .Associationu. Sick Ciuit ri u . iîiîiiltaI. Saix ation .Nrîîîî. tu- .îî'ctr .<f PuTblic Seîîoo. C.. I hjîlland 0 . NYrigli ut ete..ued Trahi îowantî-.Catwxriulut ucu JuraI Sr 'ntv. G rami d S200. (i rTiiol Pow-IsuL'avc noinrce re iruX t-ii it oftaxts in tîve iistaîiiientt t', itcrt.îeueiat Settîtcibr rIîect- i buiT lia.tcd fer tiiO celr ti -'îi.Ne actionîlul at u. plTTi urr . itttTitTd 'l tt I .i tI'lu C IT3lacceiti t. i t ii ttulît -ztîi tir 'îu iî.î.t- ï( (ni T t ýi .u' tt fr i -,l e"îîx- ii lîc cîrîlîil i:u-, lx'umri f-me tueltutu ii k-r on TIiii- i-a"ai iiiiuTuTTId if Tewixîiîir bt tut ca.t- rf 'toi iiipiuzuclî let cIlrt n'raii.,ml al .uîv ),l -t r iatîutr ilhau ivr.c trait XVTrk. NI . î Sr-c.-'it ta.. S r .......... Cur n.1 îtciutIl ilirtIi. 4 NIuili.' -21i )tîi ...... .. 77 J i 'ti u cIlluîun.u Srîcîtî JO<1 J I N\ l~ît ir c i... ... ....... 42(.2 hi . CtT . ii iti. ......ivr .... ..........1(l00< NM t V X (.S 1îî . Taitt r ......... i l i r v i lu11i 't Cdt 't i tiiu TI'.........25. 0 iiic:l ad ý i n d tt t iiet Niînti Obituary George WV. Wilson. ('artx-right Fi- a t tutr i Ilule c l .erie N lsi XX , i ilild feiii lii- fauuii lv iit ',Il tit tî IrTuhe f C ttîuiizlut anud N,îî tC. r i il I. rili. ]w Liv tu NXl-. xJL.r u, wMie x%-asiii lt STIII T IT ll i s titiîe fîruuu luit- ti n,îî-i il)l iidt flic fir..t if tuîuu- uuiii< iiar ad ITli C r mcii-. I ] i l .ti I feriid andtul îili 1\,Ia l Xh. ac îtulutT iTT Iil n it f li-1 C, îrîîrrîî tut ltiack..leck fiftî ix îu . tic. anduilic Illeî ut diatî ef NMr.N\iIlî'T t'IlI tiir i-t nilii .. îuý e ic iXITT\.11,) i (Aiii t 1ii lt fniru. ultini l uit ' I L i tC 1T )il uit .iiti :u îi Iir .. lic de- t(l, t d. tI X i il î u iiîi 'u MrN nMr>uîi b. xx. Griiiiii at Su. i iri t. iiiiil iituuu wc e it-Ilt - -iicil t- SrtTu(i cur afite-r Il i :i.i ( Ti t.i iii f1 uin 1022 lîit, îuî,a îîuuîîîîî îl ti NI . lii.I o~ f NIdii. Slun 'i ]--, arutI' lis, iî i u 'LiL, ltr iuldIlîr1,r rt Xi. I't '-,ri ut Jî.huuîutlit ld a t 1i)i1I1hu tfrd. MI t, I.-xi t r-i î i-%viiin Iuuî ici , Irîilld XNiiiiii N -Il r t hTi rt Niluhtt \Tii r t iatu l d lt i di -Il( t i i tu ti, t e f t(Jîîî iit-i r TI rI t a" d 11il lu ftt ri l. i îî --i Il iii r uxi ri-- i i. a, c- trîrî' I-ýi k t iti Jk-it lu il;t, m t. \i. ati1I âtici %\~ iii cI ' i .ui t I ýi l Orono News St. SrîîîsA. Y, P ýA iiT v -i-y tiijyahle socîil -iriîg -tuT'ilucsda.uia uigluti it ) 'Ille uîîus liiil. ITu îxm-î-ienut pii i iiii. , îu i - it-inug uof ie-t-ituiiioiî- :iciiiiTu solos, an iiu l iî tuilk bliv i . J i icior TIi. un, uîîulî-Ille ml1ii luuîu luilu uof t; «Ii-tiuiii Biutcîi. "lîi p iuiing îuîtîST xI-i'i-ue Charlesî Riuicars, Bi1)uiiio-I r l i iis Viiylc'. Nis. RoilielSmîtlî.Gor- (liii Bruutou andith e Grauuîu i bîm- hiers. A feiti ire tif the Tieu itg was ai tuik ciiithue tîrîgît of Chame- ci MeCuirlalia' vCoîinîîTuiy-oi. Il, lie tuîik giî-cîî lbyMe. Mciioe lie îsu tilii'yutIl pirublius uof t-uluiy. e-xprîssîng thi'- wisli tuti e xo'uldlci ike to ii uc25 i-Curs longer in uîîcee tii sîeetheî'acIvanî- iges thuat tî(,m odiictern yoîiiig peo- ple tîîuk of ihueur chuances iinI i fî. Mr. C. Graliain wonîîthe Iucmky loti e lurizi'. xx-lîit iitteu I e'ici cumis '.vonu lthe luiue fuir siiîg In Pie luitk '-vchai . A dîeî1Ii gl ifmi Liticlu i wase-ricu. Spcaking of tue haie-lo x-oguîe amcîîg the luadies, what lias hap- pened 10 thie sanie style adopted by many men to bide their bald spots by a few overswept long iock?-SratordBeacon-Herald. - '1ai% ,..Xcri 1(1 b i întinortai alo ax hiý eauttl i crand. LS THE BEST ,s You Wel ts You Are Assured Entire uality, Style and Price. Special Values IDr. West Paste and Bnish Both for 49c 4, I»e RZI, Il iuc isbein "xoz DIGESTS aste, 50c Prophlactic Tooth Brush 4To5TIMS FATER Both for 59c OD IVER O 15c Ponds Face Powder ivith 49e Jar Cream . 34984 Fr.. Loio ,with 49e Jar Cream Princess SOAP FLAKES 3 For 30 c Masons 49 FOR COUGHS 39c - 69c Buckleys COUGH MIXTURE 40c - 75c Whether you're going to decorate the -vhole house or one room only, %ve have the supplies you need. New and Distinctive Wallpapers SUýnWORTHY - SUNTESTED 10Oc roll and up PREPARED PASTE FLO-GLAZE AND OLD COLONY Paints and Enamels as lom- as 90e qt. Easy to Apply - Lasting Finish It's fun to do your owNn painting with Simmis Streamlined Brushes. Al sizes 1", to 5". J. W. JEWELL Phone 556-- Bowmanville -il Dodd's Pilîs . - 27c Pinex - - - - 32e Giant Kruschen- 69c 100 A.B.S.& C. --9c 25e Noxzema --15c 400 Velvetta Tissues - - - 17c VITAMINS (Liquid) Mead's Cod Liver Oul 50c - 75c - $1.00 Ayerst 10-D C. L. O. 67c - $1.69 Bread For Every Taste Our wide variety of wholesome nounishing bread is sold at oui store or from oui wagons. The choice of bread includes.- HO VIS - ROMAN MEAL - SOYA BEAN WHOLE WHEAT - WHITE AND A SPECIAL SANDWICH LOAF Sliced Ready for Sandwiches SATURDAY SPECIAL Big Raisin Loaf .............. each 22c liomemade liumbugs........... lb. 30c CORBETT'S BAKERY Phone 890 Our wagon is on your street every day 2 PEPSODENT ANTISEPTIC, 50c Size51 PHIONE DDf j~~fI. WE FIT 695 P. COu fLIINU, rîlîi. B. RUSSES SPECIAL NEXT WEEK Ladies' Dresses Dry Cleaned - Pressed - Refinished 75c each Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co. Mt. Phone- Bownianville 419 LADIES' HOSE SALE Full Fashioned Chiffon i. Service Weight or Values to $1.00 pr. MID-WINTER CLEARANCE TUESDAY IS PANCAKE DAY Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour ............... pkg. 17C Pure Maple Syrup ............... 16-oz. 25c (astile Soap ..................... 10 bars 25c lleinz Assorted Soups ...................... 2 for 25c Quiek Quaker Macaroni & Spaghetti ........ 2 for 25c ('lristie's, IWeston's, . Me('ornaek's Sodas ................... 1-1b. box 20c OId Y'ork Cercal ....................... pkg. 25c llau es' Wax........................ 2 lbs. 79c Free Bottie Furnit-ure Cream ( lristie*s Fruit Cake, Reg. 70ce........ 2 lbs. 49C T IS SU E Comp)lctcly vwrapped , Sof t Pure White ./\sH~E 700 sheets to the roll 3 FOR 25,0 FRESH VEGETABLES- HARRY ALLEN Phone 367 GROCER Bowmanville PAGE SI THV STATESNj.\-ýý,,. ()NTARIO ,jjjj-jSj)ý-ýV. FEBRUARY 16TFI, 1939

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