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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Feb 1939, p. 7

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TIIVRSi).\Y. FEBId..\RY 16T11, 1939 Tîli'. i \NAi)l \N >T \TESM \N, Bt . I \NVILLF, ÇNT:\I<lO PA(~i Si' VIN SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Phone 1663 Miss JeanîuMacCoriiiack.ChilI. Iîuîi- iectiappoitîccAssistatlTum spent the veekenîd nvitht Mr. oand Colleclor 0f lte Mlot' City. Mrs. F. C. Vaîtoue. \tr toi P.Bell inft las ,,.t' ik Mr. RobI. Clarke, Torontot. vu-t- ed witb bis parents, Dr. andc Mrs. R. W. Clarke. Masters Donîald antd Jimmie Soucb, Oshawua, speît lte nek end wit h teir grandparenîs. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Manning, Mr. S. W. GUernsey. Vatncouiver, B. C., coasnlting miîîitg enguocer, and Mms. Guemîse>' visilecil its sis- ter. Mms. J. A. MuCiellati. Mrs. JohntiHy'de atîdi'Mm. antd Mms. Herbert Jaggeî'. Toronto, bad diiiuer viltMmi- J. A. Mc- Clellan oit Salnîrdav. Mr. and MINrs. A. J. Burker. To- ronto. andclMmii. A. H. Shîeîarcl. Coosamea. nuere iveekenci gnuts ot Miss M. Watson, Horsen' St. Mm. Eci. Niekersoti. Qîteetîs University'. Kinîgstonî.i-peut thto nueekend îîitiîhb-, parentîs, .m anîd Mrs. J. F. Nin'kersoîu. Mm. Roy Ashtton, son oft Mm andc Mrs. W. C. Ashttoti. Slianý'is. lias been added lu lIte Banîk of Cumu- nierce staff as a junior. Mr. Claretîce L. Cox. Oshiawa. son ut Mi'. atîc1iMrs. Albert F. Cox. tke ua course ini aumouttical uit ginieering at te Uîîin'rsutî'ci Michigan, .AittiArbor, 1\iih. Cottutilicîr B. B. Fnrhcr reltîutn ed boite Wetttesdui' front TorontoI ,nvbcrie lie lia. beeti receîviuîg hbu lîttal leatiietei. Mm1 . atîc Mrs. Elî'mer Wood atîd MmI. and Mms. Fred Wood uvere in Suttoît Sunîcumaltenditîg the tria. emat tif l\rs Honî'urciWout's mu' Ilium. Mm>. A. W. Atiiatic. Mrs. RouI. Connteli. 40 Bernîard Ave.. Torontoîî. ivriles: Ani encloîs- iîîg $2.10 for roneival lu Tht Statesîîîau. 1 sl'onuici tedlutiel>nîilîîout t. 1\isic Ethel Sînltatorci. M'rtle Station.i. o'n'ustuîg litem sister. Mis. Dontald Purdyv. Atitliter reccît n'silur n%'as Mm. Purcl>"s sislem. MViss Beatrice Purci>. Toronto. uvlî \vas huere Fruda. Mm. Mauice Bresliti. îîruîrietoî of Arcade Store, lia: purchîtset. te stock aînd fixînîres onnît-ieci 1)> Mm. MN. Cownu aifutOmoît. Mm. Clar- etîce tEd I Wilburitige viîll be in chtarge oftutte Omouto store. begîi- iîîg tu-Clu>'. An Evening of Familiar Melodies Bowmanville Philharmonic Society Orchestral and Choir Concert Orchestra of Picked Players and Chorus 100 Voices in selections you eau hum and enjoy. Trinity Church, Bowmanville To-morrow - Friday, Feb.*I 7th at 8 p.m. Chas. Richards - - - - Piano Accordionist Osborne Bros. and Wight- - - Humorous and Sentimental Quartets lo-ward R. Foley------------Reader Male Choruses- Organ and Piano Duets Hlelen Morris. A.T.C.M., Organist Pianists - Phyllis Challis, A.T.C.MN.- Dorothy Edger. A.T.C.M. Mrs. E. Smith Ferguson. A.T.C.M. - Mrs. A. J. Cole, A.T.C.M. Dr. T. A. Partridge, Director. Children - 15c Tickets for sale with members of Chorus antd Orchestra andi at the following drug stores Cowlinig's - McGregor's - Jury & Lovels. lIhroughout CANADA AND THE U.S.A. F. F. MORRIS CO. assume ail details for Funeral Arrangements lVherever death occurs ...tlegraph, or lelo- phone 480 and you are assured of immediate help from a friendiy and trustwvorthy or- ga-nization.-- 1 2% of our Service in 1938 rcndered to fainilies outside this area. Fe Fe MORRIS CO* BOWNIANVILLE ORONO OFSTN LP SALE 98C These very popular silk satin- strîped Slips are a wvorthy buy at their regular price. They are snug, excellent fîtting gar- ments. Sizes smaill mediumn. and large. Feit and Velvet Mats $ 1.00 --- EVERY HAT REDUCED J7fmiw - é&4L Shop- Agents For Gossard Corsets Phone 594 Mrs. Clifford Caverly Tun i.te.YD .GA DE N Plani's for the Lions Club "AIt' r'sidence ut Mî's. E. J. Bale, 143 1I Gin H-inei-me" nu'icb nuill bu beld t inte iking Street East, Osbawa, on fiico adance inilte Bacintmon ' T odav atternoon. 1in t e r nt c n t PIS Clb n ach24h.1took place ini Unioît Cenîcter>. PI LLS Tw Sie Pî'estdenl J. J .Brown 'îaînotuîc- h sric ,vas coruducled by FOR TiN Orhsrcd lte Booster tîîcclhîtg ot Kinîgs- e William Tonton, Oshawa', 39e - 69c toit Cluîb on Mamc'm2nd, and lime RvMm. Julunston ut Egliagloru 8 t 8.0 pm.Leaside Charter Niglîl aI lite King Avenue Unîited Cbumcb, Tomonl Edward on Marcb 101h. assisted by Rev. J. S. I. Wilson u UNITED OIGAR STORE CK Allait Kaight led t1it singing, Oshawa, wbo bas heen a famiy AGENCY assîsted by Don Cameron at the tfriead of the late deceased forý piano. many years. ci a îcn' ivai',i-iii machitie in- 'et tiext Tniesdui evn îîîg. Mm. .A. Snuîîîîers Ou't uniaun'i île -il he gnîeSIspesîaker ucanu'ilhi oui laîtem i -ut. Special at Carter's this weck- MUSIC CONDUCTOR R T R L Blia endi - Delîcious Doughnut-. 15cI 3eio sa dozen. ____________________ 'slr J l-ii tîn Led from Page 1) 1 of oore igtv. iAgut a ut a.o mult h iiik iig. yct Hanmpton Women': In s t i t Li t e Chitt .v s ab'-ence. spent the we-ek we -*ilIt aise millictorn ' . v. (Il alteoded 1 'vuhiidren me( en u hshoe n alp M.war. > *. t ici take care uf thic anid ado lts Februarv 2nd. Mrs. J.E. undhitfi hi. pc i Gelph. MNr. îneln i ro'jt . ituationl. iA.Cole anîd Miss Mýarion Dudley . wiI xdeatvLiter ani nvei,îorv tour of TI 'i t* owas nearlv orrived Bowmianville. pliyed a piano duel. sho tlie Walker Stores throughoîit the at fo, .. ic~th last wvar . b> thu E. Aý Sunmetrs. Agi icultural Re- 0 rvne om ' (ii the League of Na- i presentatîve. Boý,n anviiIe. P re- ) i~ tofs ..1 heIntrnaioal Cot.t senteci a ver,% intere. ting and cd- Lion. District Gui c mur and W rIons :1. dtetinlced. And what ucational îliustrated i ravel talk fer Mr adJ. es'ronih cere i Pr et have no-w îs the cquival- dcàpicting manly beautittil scenes Perv adesNihlonFriday. I nt o hr League wt the addi- on the Ferg'uson gha in Nor- -aceompaniedbv Mviss Edyth and tion .:ai international piolice thern Ontario and Severn River.ta Mr. Chrws arter. on Tue sav forcc , ntorce the decisîons. Wýe Miss Dudley' further entcrtained Mal trict GoBrowî oid isfi taTorDis- 1musi r up the colossal arma- wthvocal nmbr.indaso %ith ca - tret ovemorsvîst aITorntoment.ihc must alwavs lcad lu Mis. Cule iii a piano duet. the East Lions Club. wr inmrst bring abouît ain-~ latter piainig a concluding nom- "Vas Dr. F. . Crydrman. .2.16 terni ut ri' l nderslanding of prob- ber on the piano. A vote of ap- Mis Dr. F.oWe. CîDeroa. 2216 . t.îonîing nations. prcit ,nvas terîdereci the gtiest of Entoit 'foerser.oDetroît .iighn. writes: Jurst a litIle \'aientine ci M: K' e: was i ntrodriced by A.enranr.Comntvsgngo' $5~..1)o Iu pay toi, Statesmnati to endi~ M. I 1dý; anti J. Earl Cunning- n ~eggdi iciiu osuri lai( ut I 940. 1 am stîll CI eJox ing 'l'he ham " ic hevote of thanks. ing t efi eshments. gelf :1 Stateslnan V-'hichII hav eriseci ' Pt' h'nî R. R. Stevens led thet '00 .silice i874. Keep upip tîe good club a pec.ifl Babv Dos' pre- 1 idi ieoik. .~sn:.a tgîst cxuc~Newcastle M Mr. Harry Non., 136 Glenholme Dal('i 'erntle annorinced father! Ave.. Toronto. 1' ie..Iwiil sendc for ' :econc intîe. %vitii L. W. g vc e the bruidco pietsout'l'he Observer D)r. T. A. Partridge Dipp '.1 c xplaining the frinctions Four- ladies uf No. 9 Homne and L. forth s ar18 a I flti hiîkProotr aviDîrclt' t heof Ub. ýarticles such as fthe uap- School Clrub presenited aLishort Mr. t fht'l old West DL"rhanî ew Bowmianviîle Philhiarmon c' Soc- kin, t'b httle and the rattle. pIa>'a h ntdChie .A e 1and Observer siail' ut those day>. ictv which miakeus itl- initial bow .S1i)((ii mention \vas olso made tiieti îîg iilte Buoard Rouin on 01 i Fathet'. James andc liai m'xvGale(. lu - the puîblic Frîrlas tueninQ ni of Fi.,(! Cm>'cerman nu ho returned Trrdi'afternoon. February 9. sele Tomi Jellrey. Frank Piper. jai'rv Trînitv Chur-ch. The chorus cm- to tl(- cluîb Fridav after a lenigthv The play' depicted flie organiza- "'a r eiy.GoreShr VaWil'brzicesI 100 voices of wel1kno n ,,ln-: F. C. Vanstone. \vhose son lion ot a Homne and Sehool Clrir Bennett. \Vîll Allun. > our humble musicians from rralîandtîrbon Jabu.' îtýc entlvv, o n honors iAc- and the characteîs iweme taken bs' fa, servant and sometîînes John FOl- Durham C ' oun' CO nn' exanis.: Geo. E. Chose. .Mrs. Win. Armstrong, Mrs. Ed. '\isi ev.01. nevl1. «lectedi Presicden ofthie!Deani. Mrs. Harl Dean and Mrs. Gol Ass(:ýiin o Mnicpa Elcti-'etr Lin. Ms.F. W. Buwven-. Mrs. M. Foster. formerly ut W. W. Humn. .-hc-re enlertainiment cal 't»îîices; and uf W. L. Mitchell in an introductory address. ex- Cor -Bowmianville, was again chosen ivoS provided. W. M. 'S.* are very ,vhos - brother v;os recently ýmode Plainied the purposes. ideals and Ree lis organist and choir leader uftfilhe gratefuil ut tose 10ho10ossisted pari.niî the J. P. Morgan Com- workings uof1Horne and Schooi Lar GadnHill Unitecd Chrirch choir. ,vith musical nrimbers and to ail pan: f4 New York Citv. Clubs. W. Both thie Garden Hill thoir and whý-lo attended trom Bovwmanville jTepormwsi hreu thte Conton choir Lre plannintt 0anti our ow.n comirit.The. p i Mis W J. S. inko cha rg ead-fi prescrnt anilaster Cantata.' and X'oîup MensClub îîili mueet at VESTKT WMEETING er. and other orimbers vwere L A boîh are looking forvLîri to a Vu2r> t îjtî> Lblc tifiti gtîll er -St. Andrewes C('h i. Bouvmon- I îsdfomPge1 iano solo b' Lauirence MorIon. Potrt Hope Guridre, ville. TuiesdIav nighi Lt 8 o'clock. (etneifo ae1 andi L piano duet by Misses Reita Good l)ograim has been arrLîngcd. f0 . .uolret s ut the varions,,Cooke aii Margaret Pearce. As Arivert istng is tu mastlistribîi- AIl yorîng men are tivituci to at- cut.oi'ganlzotions aild tu uîl flhe piano Lin 0 0ati.l oining lion niliLit the machine .îs lu pro- tend. \vho hart given volunnîry sern'ice rom these \vere huardi but the dciton. Iiht now il clusemi es a onI..l ttecîic.Atrteperfurmers wýere rinseen. sume- gocri share ut credît for the tom- Adnirerz. ut concert mrusicr' nbat*ef ' ciuc. ferte partivlv xcelen voumeof u- n fL t ilitL the Philhiaî'monic; heu' ejt ion refreshments. proitiIhng atter the mtiner ut an n' tilli el>e celleantscn ltm t e- Concert being pi esuîtedibhi the ed 1 ,%thtiladies.. iere served b'y'visible choir. goods noIe>: eristrîmers know Coa Society' 10 Trinîltv Chrtrch the >l i.Clrub. The rout va-Ls nîct'lY cecor-iteti h1oUi le t11(11 Cie et tiSinlg is tht' Firiayevuning. A gocîci pror.ram fort1iii olowing are tht officersi in trihule tutheficimomry of St. last item lo u cr11invour sales brtd- hlas huen LirLnge'ci.eaturing suv- foCtiu raiain o 99 aetn n vr ei l getuniss ou\vat t clseLipera orhetra nuber. roi Cl.ti-Leader - F. W' Av ling. tendance vos presenled w'vith a gel -rîls ori nu on ecls rpuai ocereposrts. time hrus. aretom aninsI- Mrs. J. A. Gnon. valentine tard Lis a memrento of hup. Rger Bbsoîparvaxcellreot. wie cose are dii- , Cluîb - Hon. Pres., Rol- the occasion, aIl through the Mr. t.~i.sitti.'sîrrimental nrmbers b>' local ar anti l3Lte: Prusicient. J. A. Living:lthorîghtfiilnc-ss and exertions ut MLaO., niriles: Please fi ci enclosetismelubeutoiîgilliViVce' Prc's.. G. Thompson:- Sec.-' Mms. J. A. Briller. Presicient Mi s ni>'srtbst'rîption tom 1939. 1 look iss reAlia],vum basur Trea iir.r R. Harding. J. H. Jose haci charge of the husi- lomward vith picasure lu ils or-ebru. ailrann al 'urî niLi>' beLîrtim- Wiin Grîiti - Hon. Pre.. ness session. and \1ris. Wi. J. 5 S.i rival ever -ecinut aangandnigh-s.ut entertaîn- riva evey Moda> andenjo ilment. Mm . CR. Spencer: Pt'esidet. Rickard's gronip serve efeh su mrich. allhonigh ofletim>' heart Mm.r .A Emmett: Ist Vice. Mrs. meitîs.t is saddoried by the passiig of anl The Lions Hockey Leagrie l'as N. MIitchell: 2nd Vice. M rs. W. E. ____________ i old acqriaintatice, neighiboum or acttiaill>ycumplelc'd their final Henithorne: Secrelar>. 1\rs. E. C. firict. l keeps me i lunch nu'th pLumes andc the champions emerge Souithc'y: Treasrer.. Mms. G. C. "'TA~' su matîy thal I vould nutl hear fmom lite fr0>' beîng tnone other Burinercastie. H y o fmonu îenuie thon Dotigati MIcln',eeii's Tail- Womnen's Arixiliiîry - President, MNess. A. M\. Hardy , M. A. utr. undietealedti hroughouti Mrs. C. R. Spencer: Vice Pre's Neal. C. Cattran. 1-1. M. Natn thli season. Iin the lasI period ut Mm: J. Spetncer: Secretory. Mmc '!W.A. met it the home ut Mrs. andc C. D. Searleofthe li local. fie playoti' game oit W'edîîesday ,J.* 'iv ing: Treastîrer. Miss M.1 W. Thonipsoti Tlîcrsda>' aftemmuooni Goodiyear planît are iii Akron. nipitt. tuie Wiîirluu'nds. piluted b' Raynes. i vttPeietMs .Gma' Ohio, .tIis veek aîîencîîmîg al i Gib MNl\eeii. scoreci:3 goals. I Ajtar Griild - Srîpt., .\Mrs. j. 1 inCharge. Bible reacliiîg ,'as gin- ter-plaîtî cotîteretîce ut ail th'e making il 1010 Onuuit liaIt ut min- 'CoIr'. Mrs. Il. Casbout'te. , en b>' i\rs. T. Conling. and the Goodveour lactori"s ini the vo'rldi rte to go. The thlie itienitable S' nat> Scitool - Sui1ti E S 1 devototial b>'Ms W. Bîidgett. Next *îu'uek al tthe paretît plantl,* liiL:Ipetied. some lucky pnî>'ranm- Nos iiim:. Srtîia'Sciiool Orcie stra Brisiiess nvas coîîcircted. after Akroîî Lucelebrattoît uîill bhofield nieci the prick poslthie Whiîrlviiid Leurler. R. ..Cale. ivîtîcl Mms. W'nî. Tmenv.ii bhath observnîg the 10 tOIt îîneraryn'te. atîtive nu eme utiLble lu fîîîd AYp.A. - l'oii. pres.. Caon îcharge outhfeicprograi. Readîngs ufth l ourtder Gouds ear. -outthie gcual getter iii flic îîidslt C., R. Spenc'er: Presudetît. S. Cuis-ivere gîn'en 1w Mrs. C. Garmord FebmuLî>' 31hSt.Pous CG Ithle excilemnt. Lorirels go 10 tue hoi: lie: V'ir'e Presîclutît. Miss Vaîd 1Mmi-. C. Crosstiati: urgon solo Fer""1'S. au'sC.. rî.Tilînviters iNvilitue rt he"heuFeer:Semeîom A. CuIlv:lis'Miss Blanche Degeeî': readîîîg spelît an etiJovtble eenîng cii- t .1 .. ga er cos scod. Teau' .R. Wrih."dis ' Tein eelo -terloinig Hamrptoni C.G.I.T. The tin ruittghee>co eot. ladre. . ui. > is sMang'Tienvtenea liut pmogrLini vas ii chtarge ut Hanîp- Triniîy Young Peuple's Unioti teais sll bg,'« îcter asnlSte loti grorîp. Trio ivas sung by te Febrîaty 13. Wosiiip servicevesmoly.AcutstnS. Madlyîî Wîlcux. Domtiîy Adantsoîî nî'as uit charge ot Jack Dutîtîs IVES OBITUARY Valentitie nu'as eiiio>ed. atter and Marjorie Allati: solo, Edîth 'gruup. beitîg assisted by Edîi'______vicbuîc 'asevd Rackiîan: a slom> \vas read by Trutîl aîîd John Ashton. The rest1 (Contiflueti from Page 1) A ttissiotiary progmamni'was Heleîî Pingle. The remairider ot ut the eenîitîg 'as in lte formof utu outsîcle ut lus honte and lie de- hele i Sutida>' Sebool. uitb Miss the eveîîîng nias spet in a social 'a Valentiîîe pamty. Har>' Taylor' votcd muci uf lus finie to il. He, Freda Bradley iii charge. Piano tinte. beiîîg in charge ut tlie games. itelped lu brîild ant intanîce Slîar- solo m'as givnî by Miss Blanche Eîîlrîes from St. John's. Bow- Atter ail had partaken ut a luvelhy on Churci aîîd m-as bible c Iass Degeer; readings by Miss Eileen mativille. aîîd St. Johîn's and St. lunch, tnîo well knou' membor s leachor for maîîy yeams. Whiîc Conî'ing and Mms. A. Road; v'ocal Marks. Port Hope, wiih compote u fthie Uttont, Mm. and Mms. Clame 1lining neai' Brighttti orn e'sl > r. .Rcad:aî iti the Durhami and Nortiîumber- Allin, iveme called lu lire platfoni \cars hiîlelpod organize and nu'asipe vsra b'M.Dnl lantt Deanery A. Y. P. A. Drama whien an addrcss ivas u'ead b>' Supt. uf the S. S. at Utnioti scîtool. Thumpsoa. Festin'al nu'iiih will ho peseatcd 1Morion W'agam. after nvlicii Anîber'Last surninier lie ivas the gnîcst Mrs. H. Wermy nisited at Dm. C. in St. Mark's Parisb Hall. portI Mortoîn pesetted the couîple wiîb speoaker aI ils S2tid aîîuive-sarn' W'. Slemoîî's. Bonvman'ilie. and Hope. to-niglîl. Mrs. J. A.. Pew«-. , a loveîy siln'er casserole. Ail juin- Hus entime lite \'as lived nvitb and at Mr. G. Wcr's. Orono. tress ut Cobourg nvill act ais ad- ' ed ini singing. For tiîcy are Joli.y formbis Master. Mr. J. Gilbaîîks is visiting aI jîudîcatom. Good Fellonys. Mceetn 'oc bryoî em g i eîeiMm. E. Ta>'lom's. Solina. We ishlu xteîd otîraîîla uuiti lte Friendslîip Circle. fioni the farnian îd mun'ed lu Boni'- Mm. aîîd Mms. R. Aungor bave. tiotîs to Mrs. Sarali Jouie Gilders Tiiose ivio aîleîîdcd the Ba-iianvulletee lie became a n'erv wlo ion'll celobrate lier 88îiî birth- ninttuitDance Friciay nighî nwi actvaUdnitevoled itiebern t clay Februamv l8th. Mrs. Gîlders certauttly rentember the sweli amu -Trat'UîeCtrm', n'îgo lias beeti cotîfiîîed to0lier iotîte for sic prou ideci by Jack Ev'ans atd flite Oirtcial Board. He was alnu'an's lte past îwo years anti is ini very lus snving band front Torontto. He in bis place altflitehionîr ut ,vor- pout' healtît. Sitelis nuitli em dau- euileied mustly to tue yonîtîger setl. ilt. glîter. l\rs. S. G. Prestoîn, Cîturcit snvtngiîg out otte i-orneouttîose A service ,vas helcl at lits hotme St. We aire sure bier mait>' riencis old înîîtîbers nvclîcIivn up the:1' rida>' eveîîtîg. Fcbmnîary l0tit B Lit Ha> doti atîciEîîîîsktlleîîivl tat>'l a great oxtent. His Rev. S. Danîsoti conducted the jouît ii nvshtiiig litemrahappy' birtît- ivalizes uuere wuell-pla>'ed and sern'ice. assisîeci li Rex' W'. P. day. tlonved aootg. ut couîrse appea îtng Rogers anîd Rc'v. H. W. FoIe>'. Oit I1 We Lrimtdebted luo Mr. Herber tmome lu lite older folk. Tîte vocal- atran' service \'as held at Sal- Babcock for aîloning us tu per- ilsIs also acded a pleLstîg effctoe trlicmClnreit. coîdnîcled b>' Ren'. S tise the aaaual Mîdiinter Nnîm- lte varioos nuîabcî's. The itîter. Dan'iso a, asisted by'vRcv. R. Hi ber ot The Lus Atngeles Tintesbuîgs ivere m'eIIpron'ided for aid wRc'av e ci uotit e tuntl>ACyG surit to it b>'lits sister Carrne, OLttint wr teobject uf vani- 'lceo'trtî msaes. Mrs. B. F. Davis, 2128 La Salle Ous glaitues ut coîttempt, hie on-'l'le rematasiee laid tnt esî it Lowest PATENT1 Iladjoîîîîmg cemctemy ta tue Pie Ave.. Los Angeles. Californians lookei's p-obumbly sayiig lu tliit- f.îîîîîîv plut. rc P BU bave lte reputattoii for doiag selves. "-Whtut is flite >'unutger gen- Pa beai'ers ivere six tieplienî's PA LU thîîîgs ini a big and intpressin'e eruitit comittg lu'.'"Hounvevei'.thie laPri.H ryMDndWl \va>, and tItis spectal edition ivas cruuu'ch Lppeuireci ieil satistieti.d o'y or'MDîad Vl iviit itebad. îîdat lokîîgfer' Chapitaît. Ross Wirighit.Lorîte i nîell up tu stantduard nitb four;t' h3adadae okn lcDoiialcl.Dontald Chapaat. bcautifully illuslraîed pictoial fomîvarci to theit iie\l aPpt' i iine 'Tefoulotrtg rn n sections iiooi'n'uc.afîfîtth'tiitzitg tricîtts uand relaltives sectiontut colîur besicles lite osuai -n.ere u'em>'beautîtul. anvws aîd sport sectionts. Bonu'nîunville Plîhituît'tîîcaîc Su- LIONS CLUB 'The Tfriantgle ut Lovne" nias ken as a subject hy Rev. A. W. mmcli for huis fine cliscourse Sun- cy atternoon. Y'. P. U. nmeetinîg Februami' Btl as opeîîed hy the Pmestdenî. issuuîîaî'yv progrant ias ta charge Mm. E. Doidge anti ias as fol- ws: Bibîle readiîg. Miss R. Pol- ci: tulîme. "Learmîiog lu Live Tu- bher"nias takeîî front the mis- iar>' studs' book aîîd ias cdi- led iii Ilrc parts pmeseîîled by rs S. Brulîeryv. 3Ms L. Squair ici Mrs. E. Doicige: î'eadîngs wr 'uit by Mrs. H. Gamd and Mrs. Richatrdis: nîusical tnîmbers. rB. Darch nîiti muîthorgan letiouts: Miss '0. Cullactit lp- 'i solo: Mm. W. Tayvlor. n'ioliîî ecluomîs. 7Misstoitat'y collection s laken up. Altetîdance 23. NIr. and Mrs. H. Muody and nil v. Toroto, vr Saturday silors nxith Mm. and Mrs. H. aud. Visiloî's nvith Mn. and Mrs. G. grnîsb u'reMm. and Mrs. J. ced. Tonî',n. Mm. and Mms. P:ý angmaid. Oshanwa. Mm. and Mrs.- Fitze. Janotv'ille. 'CTS ABOUT BELL COMPANY AND EMPLOYEES iiii.i,l"of t.aitid a c oudit $19.- li W Cr'to it, 9,762 )cn- fic- ii ( I it i'iit, a ii (Dut an lt Il iui'in )iîir 'ctl 'S572,86S for k" i e Lit' ilituil tîe mon j lat 'I iii 11111 xias c aci lin t ;71 aiiiillua ~~ , asfciîl0ýî' i i -itmiai tuiiu.0 nS2 .I deat15î jlit i 'iii:ii. S0 . 58: 1,S s At Ifiu (.11( i'f 1ti35K..54 cmi i t icIci 34,934 '.huii-(t. 1- 4.4 r ciit it o lthe cunli Nm\'- iutci'c '3î,iliIllî 10 d s X uu sub loi ~39,717 additiorxîl sitares Eveo if -we cor:ld on)t admit il a doay or tw,,o ago. wc have to agrce toda'y that Canad,. or at least where the blizzard struck il., is in a state of drift. - Kingston Whig-Standard. Do Your Rooms need "New Life?" Givc your home a heautv treatment thîs vvceek - rejuvenate and brighten up every room with beautiful ne%-.- 'all paper! Sec our SPECIAL SHOWING of Sunworthy and Suntested 1939 Papers Roll lOc up Hundreds of Patterns to choose from STICK-FAST CoId Water Paste 15c lb. JOHNSTON'S BOOK STORE Bowmanville Phone 651 r Marmalade, Grapefruit, Orange and Lemon ............ 32-oz. jar DKED CEREAL MEADS-II 22e FOR PANCAKE TUESDAY Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour ... pkg. 15e Aunt Jemima Buckwheat Flour pkg. 18c Maple Syrup (OId Colony)...... jug 25c Wonderful Soap ........... 10 bars 25c Quaker Oats ............. Ige '. pkg. 19c Sweet Mixed Pickles ....... Ige. jar 23c ERNEST LUNN, Grocer Successor to F. W. Nelles Phone 596 Bow=nnvillej THIS WEEK WE FEATURE i ADlgY NIEEDSI At Economical Prices ïl EN BARLEY CO( Castoria - - 29c-59C Steedman 's Powd. 25c Dextri-Maltose --65C Heinz Baby Soups - - 3 for 25c Milk of Magnesia 16 oz. size --29c Johnson's Baby Powder ~ .~.25C - 50C SBaby Oil SSoap ' 20C 2 for 35c Johnson' Baby Crearn Tube 25c - Jar 50c BABY SCALES FOR RENT 15c per week 69c - $1.59 3 2c Lb. 45c Stop Colds Qulcklv Take C. B. Q. Tablets Price - - 25c PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex MCreffor 1 Phone 792 DRUGS Bowmanville Salem * Admission: Adults - 25c SPECIALS AT LUNN'S THIS WEEK-END 1 LB. & 21, LB. ROBINSON'S TJIUSSI)AY, 16TII, 19339 Tlll-'. Sl-ATElSMANý, B( ý-MAN\'ILLE, CýNTARIO c

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