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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Feb 1939, p. 4

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IXXGF 1:011k '111V t XN XIIi.XN ST.\TESNIX\ îlOXX'NI.\NXILLE ONT XRIO TITI'RSD \Y. FFBRU.'XRY 23RD. 19.30 Blackstock 1\(ccu N itîr- I r. R W tXXli To ro nto.i, î itîî i cartuer r 'î lit tltuc kîidtIlh honmeia r Ham aitn. I i> V'an Canin, Bowmians île. andl-NI1 Ridi Van Campi. Brackvîil. ail jriends spent tic weekeiiî at ýNI and M.W A. Van Camip'S... Miss Emmna Ruitiedcl eand MNîr.X' lace HolinesOshawa, visitedl M and MNf. loç. Forder. 'MNr. ail Nirs. Rov Tas lr andi ils v it Mr. and Nî\r,,. 1-. A. Balles. Satîurda es'cniflg. Mr. Osmond Wý%right. Sit, ni il- Townrshija roads. is iin Torntoa.a tencinz a Road Convention. At the Instittute euchrc îpart\ Tue(: day nicht 'Mrs. Alfred Henni sec tie lady's pnize andlNr Osinon \\rieht the cent's. \Ve arc Lad to licar thaiNMr. H. Nl\arlow retiurnedl homne froi Port Ferry Hosnital on Saturidav. M iss Eva Brown. ['ne ident Oshawa Youiit yPeoial'reiîîic atlended a conference ar B"elles iii Fridas' ia-it. W. ..' St. TOItI'. iiii. Ciiîrch iiiei ai NI r . X.N .\rtiir.. ['ci. ltit. Ia .l Iît rý XWaod iad charze ailnd r-.Roit Archer aciýAasa Sec\. iii place _Nîr-. Il ssard l3ail" %x i' ta i asa .\Ir,. Nlc.Xnliir cas e a chai)tt . rqi tie Stuldv Book "BioudeIr- ei 1ndi.* NîIr-. Frud Hanmilton rc; ta. il î iiizs werecîven bs îr- Fl. Craw. toril andl Nîrs. Rohi. Ilaiilta ai. N\r- Tios. Srnith read a letta- riM Il- Latîra 1-anmbîs'. ls-ioiîars' inii Chin Nirs. Wo od rcad a intter irom tii' Bishoip. askin" for a donation f., WALLPAPER in NEWEST PATTERNS 10c roll up See our large selection before you buy. FRENCH YARN Non shrinkable, 200 yards to the ounce, goes farther than ordinary woonls, 25c oz. IMONARCH CREPE DE LAINE For Suits and Dresses 29c skein JOHNSTON'S BOOK STORE Phone 651 Bowmanville Ii- it- le id- !S- l- inila. -tti. l lalarý ss a- aIticheorgan for the-se numbet uaaieal. laiiss iure liscîî--ed tfor ot o lnaas xiell as iin tic orchestra selec tittiiti' tte'i inii .i>t'ii.\a.. ions drlonsîî'ated her artisîrv ra tue sc( ila ill li hitaht iti1 iaalihlfi ' - aXi- I atcapable Imusîcian. littîn.. W ., .n lir ta iii' a iati a . . .NIaIe Quartets Tilu iic!lit titiia'lo aa.ukîi NI r- . tYe avi is îaaîia The MaIe Qîtarlet. consisting r telti lauil]iiiPort liniauata ia i. -Rai ta k a Gk. aar i Russell, Orvîlle and Eanl Osborný NIvt i nidai lai-t'5-4. Ti i -sa a 1ta. t aîtd l'ia, il'a r Vrti-v ai lr.(ia and Hovwand Wight, provided en îtooa 'at Tck..tack PI 'ulime Sclia iola . 1-t 1 .îtî .ertaining nîîmbers. Tic finst 1w( ta, ltirkeuta n Publie SclltA.'.4-0 -Tlîl- 'laîîîr ita , aa h lmaIelal aselections. "O Who Will 0cr th( lath ti a i - mthi riaiisure,'caI tCCL--milc'ar(aî rnsilt tlle -cira" iDowýns 50 Free'- and 'The Way 1-1,U b v j o n Eiiket )i str la I'l 4îlî. itala t iiim tî r. .i ,ýltsuie Cross" wene well done. Thii plasliaks.te iSlfraîîImîl-v .Pizr6 f- mIlu'iL! scortswa.-rw\'n lisecond numnbers."WaY Dowi 1111 otî ttiI-dt cia.ea las lnI li. iNcKi--çaek amtd Nîr . Yonder" and "Catastrophe" pro a fast came Titrscla' niait, .eHdiT. Baker ailal tht'e ii.aaîanîrz. vided a bit of humour to the oc Seiohe Lae sine- . Tice aretrucli Nîrs. XXilireîl Occh(Il atîc NMr. casion. Tie finst two number! anotiiier camenbtu s 'e.T te Bacite Franik X'e.Stake. titii wa.. r, unaccompanied, while Dm cictmît Gremîlamîki '.î l Bick-Partrîdge was aItich piano for 1hý 'taack, 8-;. Gootl croîsnals attetcîe(ai tli Thera. seas a zo .aîl attetidante' at latter lsxo. 'tir VX'i, aî~ Peotple'.s îîîe'îiîmc NbI It- c'aniez. lav tlit sihicit _Natle Grose Yxx lizIndividual Nunabers Peaitih.' 55re cir tIîes. Xin excel- r M. Howard R. Foley providea 4iftiruraituvs a- 'ne'eiitealiv tI\ti e real vaniety 10 lie program wtl Haydcon 'iitiar-. Thtemaini feattîre \%aas titi uis splendid readings. Tiey wver( iiter-liacîme aeliate "R'os a la a humoroats. delivered in a pleasinL Xl I XX"î m \l il t airllrl l hitcaliaatr hit re su alillet,, style and xere greatly enjoyed Nîcerlti Ta rui,. t-inI .t I t tu ai itaida ter-cati rimai att imîdîm-ri.îl Eaci appearance demnanded an ext Brailles '-.ed t 'O [ 1. Itc.tai,,I" -Flie af il itmîs e ia- cone. Congratulations are due ta takaii \FraI N ýiieur atia l Cia- Mr. Folev for hus fine contributiot- NMiss.Latira Phtilia.'T'orontou. silt- ýIjjitjial. ' a ai, anliteIv -'a10le vnngsnttan n. cil at ininoîe. ti i a liilaikhîtmrtt titI Na lMn. Charles Richards. accordioný Gautier.atilati mît'..Nir. amnd n- ý.ca ae Ilkir. Matis ce 'aIielii'.srrist. scas tie otier soloist. playinp Fred .\sîittn iiteeReitia Balee ot isa.\i liv tira.' l, î'r11(atal tt lae -three popular numbers vwiich ara Teraita. n tie arriv I ai of a. Xl, IT. iili-T1 - t. Xir, 1<' as familian 10 tiose wio listen to lia l'ais 'un. Itlal aXi l t;.. G sait-laa.'laradio. His instrument has a svon- Nir ta tRi larl- ataIl'rt T'-aia'll.n t asa1ra i'il îa..ath aderful volume and has Isco rangeý ta _aa. Nîr. I cii Rielatlh ar si tîtîi i a ia itii i, l tii cna.att. itltr1c ilu vl- et to lie. Allhils selections sýen ýisit(l a Nfr A. ichal". (1.erjoyýed. Mn. Richards is fast be- l'l e i l a t i r . R a h i r i l . - nc o m i n g o n e o f l e p r o mn i n e n t m c i .\IR:ii 'e-ai itte..îta isîcians iii tic commiinilv,. Tii ua.s aiir .iii .i -liaj a is , ti Cadmu1111 s iatrit'aa l :-, F\c,.i irk. :iPresentations lai tala. i. a l'a a j uit- iii îk. us heu liai - "îtîPa.'t utdti ttat iiir s l i euXlr-__X'îu 'll ais avu 'al raer ît i ctare ofj (,nrai il l ita'j fuît1. Ca'tt-i- sera, Stt'uaind hii- cîmtite iitt ttatte- anti' s î aINliuîîî îî-a.îl l fi-sa r.r soit : Lios d Thi s.ot cniitribuiteil a jr ) V the lr eralr\hc v S olo. andMiNIs Heînît F,îrVlar C.a\ Sa Xl.". 1ýCCalf 1ïc ailakertautu utîliat( T)ic ontta. ral 'ai Or i i L- f o t r t r a it s aif claracter : c"- 11k r att( (1ud tc fll(rl o r a 'i'rat i a,. izrceahlcncies.. eiirtei - anda ia ii l -i Saisa. oa ait îa tes a. tiue. Plaît.s iere tîade 1ta r'r l' a ' skatiniz- parts' a Blacktocl,.Aleuîa n nri ark'stu ,-. ram Titin-das niztil. i't.i-heai the hoaume "f hi NIl.- .mîmic lotnlis' elu li- lroîltar..XMr. IlG. Stec-emîs a ter ait beemi>I-ltte aI ljUxiridien amîd To '-rttaitu issttautiie HFosvtitai. r' ut' . rîtumrmed to liter sster'-. NI r- X taasalnt hune ira- -'etieîlat lie J. E. Filiott. h l aineci NMr.andl Nîr.. S. F. XXerrv a "'rrs t e rport tie seriajit ima. - lrltas iciliai ilia it iettiher.. rom af NMr-, lencv ' Eaelm.tuie ' I . IT. Lereatuta c'nîertiuijtîîl ilir Theitc irni Sind(ar andlthue inu '.reît A .lintcarpiaramti a'.c i.m aa)alie Conitiaon of tuerhal itriiiî or~îe Liait Heir etuisei titi -crs ce liae t'a l'a. cati.i - a lai ca.l. Ltîtei is,ta .. 'au îî la a.ciiraI S îînîî, smon'aine, thlia i Gien GI u i i rake a aa ,itulea aai î itlbcaiie NI' sPhilharmonic ~osmaniui Badminton Ct vîsiled Oshisa Gencral M,,oi Club ai tic auiditoriuum Saiura anitafer an eceuing's liard pi îng cutded ,sili lte score lied 28. FoIlosciug' tieRames. lur scvas scrved i ii lic ecepluen roa ILunn's Specials Oranges A Real Buy - - Doz. loc Dr. Pomelo's Grapefruit Juice, 20-oz. tins .. 2 for 19c Rose Brand Baking Powder ................ tin 15c Choice Quality Peas, No. 4's................. 2 tins 17c Molasses Snaps...................... 2 Ibs. 19c Golden Bantani Corn.......... ,.............. 2 tins 17c Picake Shortening.................. 2 Ibs. 23c Lux Toilet Soap ............... 3 cakes 16c ERNEST LUNN, Grocer Phone 596 Bowmanv'ille Attention - Fruit Growers! A Meeting Wili Be dteId in the Community Hall - Newcastle, Ont. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24th 1939- at 7:30 p.m. Under the Auspices of the NIAGARA BRAND SPRAY CO. LTD. Burlington - Ontario Interesting Moving Pictures will be shown of Spraying Operations in Ontario Oreh- ards Iast year. After the movies there will be an informai discussion on Spraying. ALL FRUIT GROWERS ARE CORDIALLY INVITED Xt lte 'Iltralav iet ict aactice th, t.a IDr. 1IýartridLre for trîimmimîg ait' caiuiîtctittelthe socictu ssMieut XXi (ýI 'L'arruttlta., eal mianaîre,- andl Nîn- \\'. X\'. [loian. H iatin, reseutitca the ir c' itlacten ssitit tbatout. auîu. reî.teî hîat lDn. ParlricIue organ- î/e tîintîer chtoir nexl vean. Fi îUis' rsvcmîimtc filois'inur tic con- cînt itîecr. of tthe ,sie udn tesi -lestsc uîjosecl a seacial iorur ini ithe schlo catn wsîlinTrniuts' ladies servdîcî re l n e~innts. Russeîll os- la' 'rite tia .iel fan amliunîturonm ti raoritauni caf 'Iltont;sDeecies bix'Res, %\'. Racklitim. Ilamtîtaat tRex'. R. E Nlaaraam. Neiveasîle Dr. C. Si.51- mon. XX'T. S. Riekarel. \V. C. Par- sautnstand otiter'. Dr. Pantnialue aI.." îluauuknîl nth etien.. samidail othen- sîlto assisteil in makimi e conlcert a sauccesi. Nfr. PIonnie Riahentt, luiai f i ta.e sicielv. ttresenitedNl- lIsIii- ti1aIli.. %is tîî i,a..îauîifliati-m 'a t.t aoaf fIaîssen.. for the lrnndeîm- ami'olI 'ti i sok - 4l a.'lîalaone a.' i(rcra(t-tans-',i titi saýciets utl iati t le i ,îao (Uefllanued rom Page i1)nbrso CohsIave persistentIy seèedd' ticir ors ttbrso hou arms. as many i' s uxco aînd thîrec ýva siti such exactitude hmd not lieh, ura! ' :Nl\-N -i)mta r'lr imes n spring. only 10 have il a.sinders been diligent and censsî- ,X- "S>mt.NI)..(I.hat' îî Nî ri ou ît or slînîcelled un lie Vhol 28- lent rît atlcîdîng the practices aîîd I'hraW.Nî. X. Ch(i'iiaîi.\Nil>- xiids. People lcîrned t1 nus' oc- nch stiidyiig flite mausue. Tics' sce (r.-'.XrXX.Greets cîpatien sehich scauld yieli thîem am. -veil-trained inaposture. ri 'sing and FI- I~IliI~ Ii.-Il lacîduiian thonest dollar. One'mni vil préentlire adlu- îrar.mttadhe S450 trappumîgsknsa( -moiltIs score comnblilciitspien- Xi--' ,Illlrît. Nîr- K.liinu. Nîr- ellingti îr poîts. 0.dîd Itarmoits. lte effeci î'as ne- ' laaîîîc NIil,..T. larvi-. NI i.... 1'Saskatcchan hs Iîotelttiaitia's niankable. 1' li,,NI . MF.. r.' t . Xi O k, t inte futurenit o unis' its six In tOc fîrsî mîîîmaben. lte Bninha i N X a~'ta Nl,,fI Paîrt-i iiîles of top sou sxiui'l ui- Chorus by Cosýen. il îook them aal . G iriîil. Xi- .. i er fas'orablecocntditions itiaoce fese minutes te gaini confidence. liccta.e NI.'.. I tiklt:uui NIr- .R. Rte fînest ,sîheat.butitlrîtsutitg- but sclien tics' dîd. lie resuit sens Nia.litral.'watNî-.T> N. ,li>-.iNi S. R nute coal. its soiumunsulîîlte. ils picasinlg 1ticthecar. Thie sopranoa 'Rilei a i~N iu n odn i~.isfie bik t look tiemj part scel. hut in someXl-I .k'.Xu- N \ait spots lic tenons could Itardlv hoNI. Xf.ilXIa, . N X icard. As tlicocnductor ,%,s at XiW-XXG.XX jlitnIl'.-I. XIIi Ey sihtEd ca o te organ for tlus numben. liceXliye I'. NIit sitail tîmo siý,as dîfficullau folloxi'.but, Xta :Nr-.V.Xtg lei. Nl-X ltes'did secli. I lictenexl selec- Xîau I-.B îeîurîNrAnd tien. Tinghe-Ingleiîtg from 'Hg l.ta"Xl.. ' ull.Nli- i. Jinka". penneîh by'vtiheitnmortai is.NL--I.Fales. Nîns. T. Iilaitt r E ff iciency Rcîdolf Fiml.tle intensive train- îtaî Ih.XIlau.Ni. . 'ni ing sitosed 10 advanîage. Tichle . I .lot.Nîr. l 'îk- . Bs stops.,xchich scere asiRsard. xîcne 'N\i,,-i. L.uxîaat.N\r'. X. lPickar'i.1 C. I.Tuck scell done. schile lie nhtim s'as Nr l ee-N s .Rinflle. î- excellent. OHara 's arrangemetît I ll-rnle alen' ,XI F. ialac.Ot of .Annie Laîtnie. iii igit and ten 'M. I S îuî.Ns. FlWu Xr.,e.. Evsigt parts. scas very, effective. Tiche -.IciaXXreîî pecialîst tonies aîîd lie harmony scere good. Tticr .Xel NG Dse lg This groîp idi i onderftilscork. Bruit. IL. Ilîaar. XW. BiaklairuP.Drn 0.BId and muci crédit is due them. rîa.nîAm. X X.ickard. 11.I lPPOa Organ and Piano Duetsa Oshawa, Phone 1516 A ssonderfcil disphav of tech--____ nique ss'as shosin in lhée Iss.o selec- Number 72 tions. Noha b,' Felix Arndt and Teemyas ccsso Tic Glosi' Xorm hy Paul Lincke, 1 hr a ls ecss0 as played by tOc pianîsts, Miss mental trouble arîsing from ccc. Pixiis ialls. ns. . Silh cr-trouble. Some of liese cases only gusoti. Miss Darcthy Edîger andvriina igossbrelig Mns. J. A. Cole, ss'ti Dr. Part- !the relief esalniliîeîl by lme cor- V nîdge aI thie organ. Tic coondina. j rection. Sui-normnl acconmmoda- t ion was amazing,th tiîming wsns ion thenu scietiern ormal or ah- almost perfect. s-iîe thc ongan OSHAWA 'nra1 eeîuelcueo K. prçsented n supeni background eyestna in. for ticeIsco pianos. Tuis %'as one The glasses %corn, hoscvever. éeilu of tic heat and most npprecîated Friday - S aturday Ihougi affondiuîg relief for thc numbens on tie prograni. Anotier FEB. 24 - 25 eycatrain scien rcnding on doing oulstanding number svas lie duel work ah a gîs'cî close rantge, are by MssPhyllis CalsTtte i o dit ae.ruefrhraa piano and Dr. Part riget the or- "TheDuke of orfo ist~ alue.ruefriraa gan, playing Paderew-ski 's Minuel i Win is found histimntet in G. Miss Ciallis display-ed 0cr, West Point' dstainisfeit ats wlimes in the musical ahîlîts' in tuis number, as dsatsen ss'l si i liter fingers traveled os'er the key- Starring iclose-r ange seeing. Isso pairs of board %vith minuîte exactness and - LOUIS IIAYWARD - glasses or lie cdouble vision lens amazing rapidîty. Agnin tic or- JAlONAN. is necessars' amd for certatit fonms gan supplied lth ackgrocundh cre- JA OTIE of wonk een Ilîrco pairs ef glass- ntîng a pIeasing effcct. Added C'artoon es arc being usedh Dr.o. Aald'sicgLuckyddiDay." Those cases, accuîstomeîi to gooîh Dr. TA. Pnlnidg addc di-distant visioti. haitng losi'hs'par- s'cnsmty le tic program bix'contri- MtanO" y Bcîltceu. tndh TicREVVALopia or astigiatism Ilîtt ve butig tw oran slos REVVALcaused eyc'stran in utl'aIs' Iifo. ruas Wh'iîsler tnd Ilis Dog" ix'Pts or. Friday at 1045p.m.a case lsletti' uîcainlituimr botta sélections receiciiig hltl v' 04 sls'rci 0oîym uia rip~~~~~~~ phatst~L~ J han th(e errer <if refrî't ion. Ladies' and Male ('horuses teDgDouat(eh otuud Inihian Lulibvx' Vogt sîug h,.~ thé ladies' chorus ssas cell donc.UIo I 1938 Tic soif:lpatrs scene erte ffectvc'rrn anmhlie sopranras and aleos blond. trign - u~ cri tueur 'oic's mut benutîfîîl inn- - W. C'. FIELDIS RP IR-RN mony'v.Thec ihole selectioit %vas 3MARTIIA RAYE. N W Tietmons,;chtoruas sanug tOrce' fuiîlarnn ppcla iumer Have sour llarness repair- In lic Evenîng ix' the Mocînhighut. Monday - Tuesday e o~a onLn a and Mandy Lcc gace lie first ness and Shoe Repair 'Shop t ltinons naeiîmîuce to prose tein FEB. 27 - 28 As this is flot a busY sea- îîos"ssiie in lie lasI oee, son, .ve can handie your "TraMp, Tramp" froru Naugiî.." A7 neeessary repairs more Maietta the bass's sang 10 ad- ZAZAI easlly than later ,-.hen canîmagr. Titese tbroec clonîses Starring everyone needs his harnes.s secrc mmii njoycd.(, Dr. Partridge CLA17DETTE COLBERT ready at the saine lime.- acmonpa nying ah tic organ. IIERBERT MARSIIALI.. Prices are lower nov and ic service better. l Ensemles Mî'ieQuiz ('ontest IVinner',u r h Tio ciole aompany score fouît- Announced Mon. Night Feb. 2é. Come in and see our new r inî n lxi>tt ues h as ne of fine harness made au xs'as Giad Stavci'Tic King, bcýitg mi right in our ow~n shop. spcial arrnamga'mentîîî Bultatd Every piece is hand made the last ituanber oui t(,pî'îgagnî ednesà - Thursday froni the finest material. bciigth(lma Gipsy Chorus froni '- ., Oî'îîîînaîa (;rî." XX'is'Goal Stia'ethea' iray - Saturday So ear Kin,, %vas a. îtîc'îlimuthOc niiîhlaf' fMARCH 1 - 4 l t ic lîrigrauin itste'adh af tit tihi' -Snecialty gitit îagai a'îîh1<0alni'tiaia'ixIn Technicolo>r t tt<iitutiaait Bv plainu itti tIis nni tibr a h c nai, tac hc'tînxiidad 'Jse Jne ha0 rl')Ll a e h n x'adei Jse am sJOHN LENZ Hraxsacx'cat.betit sélctions Vicraý' TRONE POWER - IIENRY King St. W. - Bo,.%mgnvilIe 5' wa'Il ra'uai'u'ad, te Gipsy Chorus FONDA - NANC'Y KELLY Opposite Silver Street v beîîîg n réahlnasterpiece in <'n- 13 'sembhe work. Miss Helen Morris _________________ e_________________ a r aaiesl.Celnîat C. Caatit-fîr farming. ils sporîsman's para-1 C_ IWan'oi.X' G.Xlîr. dise. its lîîmbernîg. aîd ils powe r eI lais: A. H. Bt cult. S. C'a-tIc. XX. prodctcion. Thîcre is ailso 80.000 ar,înittiier. .\X. CalIe. IL. X.Fîiîe miles of landl siti tie same fo ~ laishI. lîl'î an. 'T. I lin- mation as tint nespomîsîble .fer C WOtG SE ai1 ai - i.R. O ..laa'nuc. X'\V îram. XX' a io's m ineraI Producitio n, L INnS E l S.Rickanalr R. S i a e C e a thoug i barely touched. the pro-n d Se v X0 r Wi. X. Stata)le ... 1. Sleiiia,1. X\ . zinc and ellu r u n-i last yea n e Tsry s a d F Il l) K ans mutdt41!million dollars. W etEe n i Members of Orchestra M.MNcnpiae eltn Satisfaction in Fit, Q ir ticesWestl md been of cotîsiderable r Vialii O. Jatia. seul. 1). Ssnîouî... aid 10 lie Allies duiing lie -----an- n lVi. Beîiau. B Ilitîle;. Sltatîlcy ,%'lien ils wheal ssas commatîdeen- t Rieana. H7e XXocal. . rl llae. I). cd and sold at fixed pnîces. wiici h XX'alfai. Nlavis Gantait. K. S%îmons. were only haîf liaI obtained by i - r. I). Andersotn. . J . Ktiiix, H. Conden. farmers in otien couuîtnies. Tic R. XXjsm..X nîînîaî stia also paid ils way so fan Cciii,: Nrs. WV. C. Lynich. A. Hoît. as lie nailroads are concerned L./,.L. \VIn u.l-lituliiitsoiî. and has been responsible for muci UU4.'h Strilig Bass: I1arry- Ro\%e. industnial activity un tic eastenn d prvinces. Yet tiene anc some ssho 4$L-. Il (carnlet: WXater X'DoIlec. GeorA talk as thougi lie western pro- -e Robherts. vinces were a liability 10 tic Do- j 9 Tromnbone: Harold -\ilii minion instead of an assel. ItalY R i. Clanîtt: NM. Trîerk. XX.W oi. 1). Germany and United States; I- lamni. would like 10 include tic Provinc- 0 Flitte:: Ruthi lutlîiinsonl. es in thein ternitories. ho qîîolcd Il Orami:NMiss Helen NMerris. fnom tie Monîncal Henald. yet1 Piaos:Nîjs PislisClilli. il-5tiene are some in eastcrn Canada 1- [la 'n)iah'a EdRen. who ss'ould grudge ielp 10 tide a J hem over lie troubles caîîsed by ~ To ~ ,a depression tint Oit Iliese pro- e Eas To roSper 1 vinces harder than any otier part Dodd's Pinex '0 f lic Dominion.Pus frcgh (Contnued rom Pge ~ Saskatchcean is a yoîîîîg pro- eregard il as a large clebt because vince ssvith an anutal production 27c 32c -i 19218 alone our province Pro- wic 0fa 1edstccn îlîced oven 500 nmillionî dollars ini sumptîvýe power of ticesiiole of l tîess'ealli. Tint. aîîd lie bil-. Canada tint tIsco-thirds of oîîr Coughs and Colds lions of dollars ,vorth of scihent iu svient production muîst fînd ils olten years. seemed t0 juslîfv lie sens' m ticth markets of tlie s'.'orld White Pine Tar 25 - 50 tact tint in Saskatchewann there ss'icre il is sold at a buv~en's lmiae Cherry Cough 25 -50 i stic langcst anca of goodi agri- iii comipetilioî ithili sorld pro- D aa i 9 i cîtltural lands anysciere iii lie d' ion. To sl se must boyV el asl ey -39 ýI ord. he jutiy or oas nom Iliose seho bîuy,.oun proituct's Pertussin-- 59 - 1.39 tat Sask.liwnsnsleg'n and tiereiîî lies our opposition 10 Buckley's Mixt. 40 - 75 iary, of lie Empire - lte breatî nnffs. continued Mn. iMeNiv.eni. Mason's 49-- 39 -69 [basket of lie sconld. We in lie ss'cst must also have And tien the holocausîl After low cost production invoîs'ing Crohs- - .0 years of fine crops, good pnîces lowen inîcresi rates and Iosswechd Rem - - - - 49c and exceptional pnoduclivity, lie freigil rates. Our mid-continent Vick's Drops --43C depression came in 1929 and location neqîlires a long rail inuil Buckley's brougit wili il fnosl. lose prices '10 tic seaboard wiere it ineets ini and eveny kind of agnicu Iteial com pelition thiviser and son W'hite Rub 50 Sc disasten known 10 man. In 1932 borne production of otier coun-1 LaxacoId Tabs.- 25e tiene seas a good cnop and a fair, tries on nnytiing but even termis. _______________ crop in 1933, but il sens markeled Discrimination betseeen rates in at pnices muci belos e ccost Of' lie cast and west on nailroads 40c Listerine Tooth production and lie loseest prices 'must disappear if sse are 10 have in 400 s'ears. Drougil, higi setnds. efsuprig giutuead 50c Prophylactic Toq grassioppers andh army seorms.1 a welI balnnccd econony. BOTH FOR and nust came in succession 10 a ac h omn ea oe nomn crop afler cnop fnom 1930 ' We fcle t eomigpear.hope- clini 1937, tic year sehen lîre fl ocue tcsekr n quater o li poviceexpr-siould w'e gel atn average cnop PHONED flAIl qurer f h poineexe-marketed aI a fair pnîce. your' 9 I I ienced an absolaîle cnop failure f6tones eiu nl.h abe 1 mci due to drougit mnd lic arms' lties ilntbral ome worm. and cattie hmd 10 be sîîp . eequirements of a debilitated pedeat s'hne her s'asfodcnagriculture. Your factonies ,ill In .esit efrccîînrenî d dd r.hum with actvit, youn relief nu t ond uretisappoînl- rolîs will disappean and unempîo- niets ndcalasîrepliies. farmers,__ . mentcii will bc a rorgotten dream WT for. as evidenced by the prosper- Orono N~ews ity prior to 1930, there is a spoci- fie. direct and positive connection belween a prosperous West and To-morrow night Oshawa B. A. a prosperous East. and Oshawa Orioles s1 battie at ti The speaker also deail briefl.v the local arena in the fîrsi part of 7wîth o10cr western provinces and the last lap in lhe hocke. their nalural walhandl also ýr.AA.Dunodet- swith the people of Saskatchewan tMreds. A.A. run-i fodente- ý,vh in pit of re s ill m an v ille and O rono a bridge F n - fcngthe wind" uitii courage day afternoon. Prizes were won and pray for. t\o things. pea ce n bv Miss IM. Adamns. Mrs. T . W. earth and rain. Cawker. Mrs. -M. H. Staples and s President Mrs. L. T. M\cLaiughi- Mrs. J. C. Gamnev. slin presided at the meceting and,'* Mrs. A. R. Virgîn. vice presielent, Orono .vas climinated iin the moved the vote of apprecialion. first haîf of tic playoffs Tuesda ' The meeting was knowsn as nit it saa roe o Newcsll Da, wth adis fomj 10 10 6. Royý Winter -,vas the hiero 'Newaste Da, %ithladis fonfor the local teami, seeîinn three that rnunicipalitv provîding the of the goals for Orono. Dean gel delicious lunch prior 10 the mect- :the first goal in the first perîod. ing. West, Winter and Neale scored in Mrs.MNîe (ne Leila Hig- the second, and Winler secured ginbotlîamî accompanied lier hus-iboth of the goals in the third. band from Olttawa. Both IMr. and, Following tuis game there 'vas an Mns. McNiven score born in On- exhibition game between Oshawa tario and MNrs. McNîven was born B. A.s andl Courlice. in Oshawa. he her parents and grandiparcnls lived in Bownman- i A most enjoyable ecening %vas ville aI one lime. J. H. Devitt (Continued fromn Page i) aI e li n the laruin wtire Ile stilI i n î'aae i JitMi . 1) S87. 1îleclias. laçait amian Iranzenlitnfer 35ear,.. I., 1 , 33. l'il>t ai -trIier iia..tur. tatat caaîîî- t., îîîa,,er ofaifliani \XX'est. and i.. ,crtue iis im totîîlvear ias niar-hialI ,i Ille GrandIOranec l.aad.,,e of On- tarin East, île is a tia..t icommitiane nlid( lIis cntreasuirer of Ilte Royalr Seai let tIatlr for tie îa-r 15 vuars. flIllte RosalI laack iRitlîl latia lielias, l i aaîîalls an- t i au. atnali , ia taa..ttaprucettr o l)eî iiiRîI -398, iirîcla ta.tit aîtd ofIltle Grantd ïBack ,Cliiaîaîer if Onîtario Fast. Third Generation onaiaiLîe , ta.Ille iraIii1.ratiait afi tItiu Ilatt fainilv. Ira.,.il.aseriîa. 1'. [lii itt. a mia nîa'aî of 11W. lIta. i i l)i lt.i., aîa'iniaar o ai ik- i, -a t ille Iiii ftîjli \carir l, ca a i i aru , iL .. i, ttirerI i la, l)1'tiri, iti I laal f Cj ilit- ai ik!di . a ti1 Itiaa t1. a, t iil \a,\a ' ;CS at - a ( ladt ti ttitand a a j ti, ilt-i:iitainiodlaii ir li in i ilRhI 11 c îîî. it.. a t I - - i. lit o' 1 ,a. 1 \iaa tat iit'a i (,- )i t iti t l'ait i <litat a, i (.it . 1)(15- .1l) ta,. NI" fojr XXî .t l)irliain I lefi- %il, a iialia -ehltltruste, jaar 15 iî tii.' t-'aiS t'la a atiilb taa. dlîtatitictia ad rai sc fiar21 Sear-,. ai.) arviti, ald i, a a a-.t ptanidit us lta'. 'ai t- arielît .Xcrictiltîral Soiritv anald irenta rofaIltle sainle iar 44 s ar-. 1 fi 'oaan. (rcldtait 1). lIn iti. lia, ait, ali inatîtaur aaf Itl' toaIIisîilautin- iiia ca atiticil jaor 10 i an. .anal i, ao ais \ ii m ite i: faiairtitstîr a.. rait,. I lu i.. aisi'aia t a tt taaa it tidI s aItanraientscrtavra.î r i tîte t lsriglitl'ariî'tilt Ilrai '. ivt. itail s iii <'sirv isas ittaîatrîmltIv lIts itist lias, alisraavaradilti, atttlnt a f ta'tai: l aitlinlitDuriî itîn ('aitvi'foar NI.XX.lIýr alalîtl ai f ilToraoanto'. Mssii' i. tti litila Mr'. S. .J. Coîîtiae, Leamintigon.1 'rites: 1 glail -v fall imb flne ssili utîrII IleIW poliex'ciof paid-in -ad.' ;ance subseriptions- particular- yso since Tic Statesmanis varied tatures are s0 well mainlained. spettn lte home of Mn. ann Mns. Albert Morton. Sîxti Lino. Tues- day nigil sehen about 50 friends anîl ucughbors galicrcd 10 hoîtor Mn. anîd iXrs. Xill Cobhledick and gico ltern a fnress'cî parts' Miss Adele Mortont rend an address anîl Mn. Bob Morton anîd Mn. Grant Coopter presenîcîl lie much sur- prised couple with a lovely floor lamp. Follossing n few speeches lte rest of lic evening sens spent in gaîttes. cards, crokituole. etc. A lovely lunch sens senen. Sixh Liners regret thie moving ~f th s scorilix couple ho Oî'oîo. b ~what is Sixtui Line's loss seill be Oýrono's gain. Deibert Fisfileigi. R. R. 1, Port Hlope. writes: Am enclosing re- nessal for paper. I cannot gel aiong witiouî The Statesman. "Il ws hore tint are planted in lhe courts of lie Lord who shaîl flourisi. andl 001 Ihose that are occasionally Ihere." John Angel James. ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES from BOWMANVILLE - To - OTTAWA MONTREAL QUEBEC $5.10 $7.30 $11.30 Ste. Anne de Beaupre - $11.90 First train froni Bosvmanville 10.14 p.nt February 24 Return Lumit - February 27 Tickets not good on 3 p.m. trains from Ottawa and M1ontreal. TO THE MARITIM1ES - FEBRUARI' 23 Al('anadian Pacifie Stations in New Brunswick Ail Dominion Atlantic Ry. Stations ini Nova Scotia. - Return Liniit - Leave Nova Scotia Points not later than Mardli 1 Leave News Brunswick Points flot later than February 28 Not Good On Train Leaving Montreal 3.00 p.m. Full particulars and Ilandhill from any Agent. POOL TRAIN SERV7ICE Canadian Pacifie National Canadian CARTER'S FEATURE FINE FOOD SPECIAIS SATURDAY ONLY Pumpkin LAYER CAKE Fresh TEA BISCUITS 20c and 30c ICE CREAM SP ECIAL - Neilson 's Fruit and Nut Roll Covered with Il Chopped Pecans-- Centre Fruit Filled A Delicious Treat For OnIy - 30c THE CARTER FAMILY Bakers For Two Generations PIIONE 855 BOWMANIn.LE Buy Baked Goods Baked in Bowmanville LIS THE BEST res You Wel it Trusses to Your Entire Quality, Style and Price. Modess 12 for - - - - 21c " 50 for - - - - 69c Tampax - 25 -39 -1.17 Kotex 12 for - - - - 2le 48 for - - - - 69,c Midol Tabs. --39c Paradol Tabs. - 35e Kurb Tabs. . 25c Lysol --35 -65 -1.25 Fellows Pinkham 's Syrp Comp. 89C 87c OLD SCOTTIE M vs: 98 iPaste 3oth Brush N G, Phm. B. DELIÏVER PAGE ]:()t-k TIli', CANADIAN ONTARIO TITUKSD \V. FEBRUARY 23RD, 1939 .59c

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