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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Feb 1939, p. 5

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THURSD.\Y, FF BRUARY 23RD, 1939 1ilC\ ll\ T\EMN i\VIlE N ll PAGE FIVE 1' London Flouse Coffee ........... lb. 35c Maple Leaf Lard....... 20-b. pail $2.10 St. Williams Orange Marmalade Ige. 22c I-arry Horne's Pancake Syrup.............I 6-oz. 15e HARRY ALLIN Phone 367 GROCER Bowxnanville Barber Larder GOLD MINES. LniJTED The îîroperty holdings of Bar- ber Larder Goid Mines are lo. cated md.way between Ker Addiso n and Omega Mines in the Larder Lake District. The ex tent of the poperty east to west, which is aiso the re- giona i rke of the ore struc- tures,i s approximaieiy fîve ihousand feet. Subseque nito dianuond drilling and the deveiopment of ore on the first level, work has been pîogressing on the 250 and 400 foot leveis in the shaft area in the east section of the property. While i s unfortunate that the 250 and 400 foot Ievels are flot as yet responding the same as the upper level, we are of the opinion that the shares are an excellent speculation as a corn- plete change in ouilook could occur ai any time. In addition to extendîng laierai work on ihese leveis we are informed the Company is siariing im. medateiy wiih a plan of dia. mond driiling to depih from the 400 foot level. The Company's financial re. quiremenis are being subsiant. îaily provided for by Consoli. daied Mining and Smeiting Company. The properiy enioys excellent management. G. FIRTH 200 BAY ST,, TORONTO A Net ShiPment - Variety of Patterns, in a price range From 60e up NEEDLEPOINT IVOOL Suit.abie Shades 25e skein Embossed PAPER NAPKINS Packaged in 100's - WVhite and Colored jOnIy 15c pkg. See Our New~ Patterns in Wallpaper. J. W. JE WELL Phone 556 --Bowvmanville The Statesman's New Serial Story -------formneriy oi Bowma-nv-ille. lias nai . Wýe have got to unite on been elècted Rcgent of the Rose- IIS1 the lines. So I corne to bring dale Chapter. I.O.D.E.. at its twenl- YOU*' report that after five vears S C L AN PE S N Lty-fifth anniversary. C HNIL D R E NI S Of ugup and douwn my w SO IA AE RSO A Co, I amnfinding todav more Phne66 -_______Generai Hospital Monday and is Stc r Leacock was right ,,,len ----Poe63doing niceiy. Mrs. Furber visited Ih ,:i unersvtding beten The Statesman is on sale cach Tucsday attending a meeting of him on Wednesday. cGr. B nrit andithe Unîted week at the local stationery stores the Ontario NMaster Bakers' As- St. Pauls Y. P. U3. xere fortn-F ta and he included Canadai at 5c a copy. sociation. ate Tuesday evening in having as mýa:. -chieve a first area of sane1 Mrs. B. M. Warnica has been Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Richards their guest speaker Mrs. J. C sol.d ýitv. visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ing- and Joan, Toronto, and Mr. Billie Cairns of B.T.S. staff,.,vho gave a Ti . s net on]y a fine phrase. hamn, Peterboro. Parker, Toronto. spent the week- very i nteresting ilustrated travel- It ..ý a cali to action and a pro- Mr. eap aCm.Bok nd with Mr. and Mrs. Leonardl ogue on Scotiand. her native land. grain that any of us shouid be RlhVnap rk-Richards. Misses Moliv Smith and Bettx r i o on ville, was guest of Miss Joey Cav- ridtjon erly. Provincial Constable Donald H. Tamblyn and Mr. Hiigh Nind. Pr .Jessor Newell's address also Brown and Mrs. Brown, Arnprior. Towxn, and Mîr. Buck Campbell.î i L thdSttes frfurtherlco- MrueBobMvisiedhs en, .AC.,and Mr. Ernest-Brown, Hornsbv. Toronto. spont the xwekend %with iUntdSaefofuhr - Gueph Mrs F. O. McpaenM. have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Smith. St. ~i r operation with Great Brîtain and 1 adMs.Doroth.-Mcell.A 'E. H. Brown. Catharines, and Mr. and Mrs ' stalt,' that the address of Presi-i Gulp, iste hr arnt. ~ Mrs. C. W. Jacobs was in Lake- Ph1i in..hrod aueph Mrs R L.Mihellart. M.field on Monday attending the Miii B Canadian Club %will meet, Ahe -u met -Ishlas unigak and Mr. R. . Mithell.funeral of Mrs. S. J. Martyn vho n Balmoral Hotel. Thursdav Aýýs e ,iha nitk Mr ad rs Jbe C antoe.pase aayStuda, n er98hMarch 2nd. at -é p.m. MIr. P. A. è' The Statesman takes pleasure ab!(-'esponse in the States as it Mr.andMr, JbezC.Vanton. assd aaySatrda, n hr 9thKetchum. M.A.. B.Paed.. H e a d- in announcing that, commencîng die' Canada. Kitchener, and Miss Jean MoCor- year. master Trinity College School. in the next issue, thîs space \villfl E( paid tribute to the \vork of mick Gat, ereSunay vsitrs'Mr.A. . Chtùý maage ofMr Joseph Kennedy. Ambassador mick Gat. wre unda viitos Mr A.K. Citt. maage ofPort Hope. xiii speak on "Educa- be reserved for a new feature t0o lnEforiedSats with Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Vanstone. Walker Stores. has returned after1 tien for Modem iLifo»Mmsv Cidrn Crerlndhisfrs idState Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McTaggart severai xeeks touring the countr 'v 1Mme -hlrnsCre. wl-mhsfrtadest h were in Oshawa Friday attending taking inventory of stores in the1 Believe it or net - but A. S. EnÏis ainsi nefcta the35h edinganivrsrv f han.Baker. landscape gardenrer. toid Be sure you start right at the ahi h nns iin plici.a th 3thwedig niv~ay f han the edîtor Mondav that snovdrops bcginning. Kiddies' - remember - O' op is î eingxeighed. some Mr. and Mrs. W. Dearborn. Two Toronto dailY papers on> have been out for over a %veek ni next week. If you are iooking sec!rte imagine that the States Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Allin and Saturdav gave favorable ,vrite- . rV.HI Storc\ -s gardon. Guess forward to the Children's Corner. coulfi nover remain neutrai in an- family, Oakvîlle. visited hem par- cps of the Bo vmanviiie Philhar-;pngar'bcfrwy ov sedMmyantefelm Ohý1 ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Diling. monic Societyý concert on their .pîgtn efraa ov %edMme oeo ecm te var. this must not bc in- musial pges.Mr. T. A. Garton is having al in advance that you saw this an- terl leted te mean that they ,vould Queen Street. muicl(ags.ccv bus buiit in his garage by nounicement. W'e knoxv she will net : ght cinder anNv circumstanccs Mr. C. H. Carter in Toronto Miss Bertha Tambl.\ n. Toronto. Jl.mes Richmond cf Guelph, ex- bc delighited. Address " Mumsev. shoe' c f actial invasion. port bus bod ' builder. The bus i: c o Statesman. Bowmanville. V.' L. Eiiiott expressed the _____________________________________being buiit on a 1939 Studebaker ci, u ppreciation to Mr. Strike chassis. Tim being agent for this anli the International Service %%-cl ion.xvn car. Rotary Club Coom-iittee for an excellent pro-~ JUST ARRIVED! NEW SIiIPMENT Mr. Frank Crydorman. black- gritn. President R. R. Stevensj sinîth. and Mr. John Cox. instir- (Continued fromn page 1) vaý in charge of the meeting. No1 ~~ once agent. who attended Solina dow11, -s were present. S K N K ILschooi together back in thue last %ihand e y \rvhire 1 ayng t - Nu xt meeting vili bc a joint SP I G C E E D E S S century. renewed their youth xvt evrwihId ltc-ga1Lecring with the Lions Club in Thursdav evenîng by attending pect %vas exceedcd even in certain the Sons of England Hall on Mon-r the Hampton Circuit Bîrotherhood quarters 'in Great Brîtaîn. Others dav Februarvý 27th. at 6.1.5 p.m. meeting at Eidad Church. to oecuiesve..Btwji the Rotary Club proxiding, vhatever the American stand-r the program. Geo. W. James an- $2,95 to $ 3.95Mr. F. C. Vanstone and son point in the early days cf October, nouîcced that John Atkins. To- $ 2.95 to $1 3.95 ~ . Byron were in Toronto Thursday it is 1ne doubt truc that both in rorto Mngn ietro h f _I n e Te odye " aaigDietro h CorneIn ad Se The To ay eeningatiedingtho anqut ofgovernment circies and among the! Ca;,aàian Magazine.wilbth ___________the Ontario Chartemod Account- erdinary people. east or west, and -ilb h ants Association ,x.hen Mr. Jabez north to south, thore has corne a ___________ Vanistonre. Kitchener. xvas pre- recognition that Amnerican fereign senited v.ith a goid modal for policy is at the cross-roads todlay. Ohw hsca heaingtheclas i th fial x- The recognition has beon borne ____ aminations. ~~in upon us that wý,e have te dis- Cniudto ae1 A l AL Toronto Btter Business Bureau caver whether xve are really as i Ctiudropae1 COAT SALEadvises merchants and other citi- isolated as w-e thought: secondly The funeral was held Mondav and ateiai . enstha a rpreenttiv soici- hether neutrality itself is in an' afternoon from the famniiy rosi- AttactveStyes ngadvcrtising for a so called vav the realitx- we believe it: and douce. wherc Rex-. George Tel- As Lw Aspoitical magazine in this district thirdIv what our new orientation 'ford. cf St. Andrexcs United As Lw Ashas ne official recognition from is going f0 be. And that has sharp- Church, cf which the deceased __the party, he professes to reprO- ened the issue as to understand- %as a member. referred Io his sont. Just acother racket to get ing between Britain and United1 exemplarv life. Rev. Dr. D. W. Beýt. Toronto.a former pastor cf $Go9 srnas mey. twc Sa ldltionsahi eýýer our clonriesSt PusCuc.Bwavle son of 1\r. and Mrs. Lomne M. 0f xeh aywl b tDr aleod a Plummer. Port Hope. e s ca peoci stake and that wvord "democracy . niber vwhen residing hero. also xxthutbrokon bones whcc, ui is sunis p ail th~e things wepri e f ing eddO cte the life- S N O W S U I T S r r n c f a m a h n h ec . w r in g - t x t a p r'ae . T o al u n a ,e e b e s c SNOW SUITSfered paînful bruises. but x-ray traditions cf the English-speaking LA F & oiandM . cf xhih desd Reglar$3.0oxamination revealed no fracture. AF_&_AM__of___hieli______e Mr. anti Mrs. Merce Dernholm ofcfhxrgeaofember Fohloxviagdihe5cr- B lenheim, wvho xere rccenitiv, mar- cargised o the progmam n w fiboVice at the residonce the certego $2 45icd andi plan te beave in asîte btheepesciets creedeci to the Bowmanxie'ihb _____________sprîng for a trip te the British lclsoceie.Ms. W. H. Hil- Cemietory for interment. Isies. veme guests of Rev. andi lier cf teSlaion Armv xvil I Children's Coats ..r Mrs. S. Davison. Mm. Denholm aees h aheig Tu lffrneboxonth1evi xveli andi favorably knioxvn ii Rev. Harold W. Pointen. B A. England languago and the Kansas () ... aiaf Price nwpprcîrcles having been Admaston. Ont- , vrites: Please ,lalIgUago is that in the Kansas 1 -64 ýpub]isher o the Blenheim Newes- find cnclesed ronewal te the homer lariguage it takes only threc ,vords S, Ladies" Silk H-ose........... 49C to $ I.00 'Tribune for a numberor cyars. town papor. Its weekly appear- i'tû caîl a mac a liar. Atchison to _______________________________________________ ISt. James-Bond United W. A.. anco serv-es as ne other periodical 'Globe. Toronto. heid a Valentine tea to, can., te keep one in constant touch' rexpress their gratitude to Mrs. with people and events in the Old Co ch J hn to & Cr de m a rLelie Koith (nc. Marion Van lHome Town. We groatly ape rNesV. for hem leadership, guid- diate each issue and wish The Ca- aneadinspiration asprosident ndinmax Phone 34 LTD Bowrnnville last year. cm.R .Mlsadyars cf continued success and Phon 83 LTD Bomanvlle Mms. F mcci Prowse presontcd hem service. xith a basket cf flowrs.-Toron- About 35 neighbors serenaded te Star. the newlvxveds. Mm. and Mrs. ________________________________________________ DLIIimig the residience of the Hol- Stanley Goble. at the hospitable s _____ ___gate famiiy in Bewmanville thev home of Mrs. E. J. Burke and Mm. __________________________________________________ xere visitod ai varicus tirnes bv and Mrs. Garnet Symons. The Dr. Thomas F. Holgate, ccxv Dean bride and groom were presented i Emerittîs cf the College of Libemalxvth a clothes basket heaped high ~7 1 IArts at Northxvosterc University with kitchen and chinaware. Af- Evanston. 111. We notice by a Chi_: fer the parcois xvere unwrapped G roc ery Values 'cage paper that a fine menis rosi- th rd n romtakd Lws decce at tis unix-ersity has mc- everyono for the gifts. Tables Prices centiv been erectod and is namod .were put up and cards were play- THAT ARE WORTHWN îLE Hlgate Heouse- in honor cf th~e ed uctîl nearly midcight when the ----- Venerble ean.ladies sorx'ed lunch. Dr. Phillips Grape Juice . . I8-oz. tin lOc engai an. i' Cu ed o'Coi. and Mrs. L. T. McLaugh- cial evening on Tuosdav wien lin entertairred af dinner Monday '. v they enteîtained their ladies iniht in hocor cf Mm. and Mrs. T Three For 25c Specials St. John's Parish Hall. The pro- D. A. McNix-en of Regina, Sask. Theetnso Pa, orTo aoegram featured ocealetortain- Mm. McNiven, who is a prominoci fI a * * * io x.vas servcd and flhe balance of the the Federal House for Regina. Pumpkin, Aylmer Soups and Pork evcnring xvas spont in dancing,' and addressed the Womnîs Can- and Beans......................... 25c Over 60 attended the fcinctioc. dnoo Club. McNie Mnday a ter D .W ES Last Wednesdax- cight the Girl e oB\,avle en el Good Luck Salad Dressing Guides held a Bridge in the Coun- HignotadLgtr oaME.C cil Chambers. After an enjoyable and Mrs. John Higginbotham. S P E I 1A L 32-ozs. 39e - I 6-oz. 25c - 8-oz. 15C evoning at Bridge and Five Hec- both fermeriv of this toxxn, but dred, a lunch was served. When whe have for macs' years lixed at' Palmolive Soap.............. 2 for lic the prizes were given oct if was Virden, Mac. Mrs.'McNiven satis- discovered that Mrs. Wilbur J. fied a desire te sce again the fine 1001H BRUSH se Dudley and Mm. Norman Gilmore old and substantial Higginbofhani were the winners of the Bridge residecce which was the home cf IN CARTON R LBLprizes and Mrs. Henry and Mm. lhem father and grandfafher. Sho 2< ia M.r_ ý1Nomm. Allun were the winnors at as aido e cn.Ms n 1Fix'e Hundred.. thocn' Mitchell.Tot Pa e ORNELBLWomec's Missionar.v Secieties ______________Poste_____ N s ý1 1cf the toxcot and district xiii meeting0on116îdy,-Feb.-- - h. a "Daphne Deafle" "Sunshine " -'The Substitute Guest' Mystery Flowers- -April Gold"- 'The Strange Proposai "BRENTWOOD' is an enchanting new romance by the beloved Mrs. Hill. Marjorie Wetherill had always known that she was an adopted child. Her foster-parents had made no secret of it, but when they died it was only natural that Marjorie should seek out lier own people . .- Mrs. Wetherill, whom Marjorie had loved deeply, had left the girl comfortably provided for, but as the Christmas season drew near, Marjorie was consumed with the desire to go to the family she could eall her own.. Evan Brower, a handsome young neighbour whose faxnily had been friends of the Wetherills for years, and who was now urging his love upon the lovely girl, advised Marjorie against it .- But there was a need within her which drew her on -W'hat Marjorie found in the shabby littie hoirge on the outskirts of the city wrung her heart with a nusery beyond belief. - How ýshe was able to restore her own people to Brentwood - dear old BRENTWOOD, the home and life to which they belonged, and how her own life was adjusted by a love more wonderful than anything she had ever known, grows into a vivid and memorable story under the inspired pen of Mrs. Hill. THE STATESMANS NEW SERIAL STORY First Instalment of Story starts in The Canadian Statesmnan Thursday, March 2nd iVaple Grove ni more hciicfit to tlie av-Craize Trinity Young Peaple's Union ) ananiditileraio. met MondaÈy nighf. The w-orship %%c;I won 1wx the cezative xvhiclh xvas service was in charge cf Gertrude Mr. anîd Mi . Sart Mx mtii îî x ïY1'kQ b%, \altcr Blamkhirn a.îad 'Dexxels group. being assisfed by tedi-clatN-e, n Cooiiz. \osoc ake. Tieaffimnuaitive xvas rDoris Wilkins and Dora Wood. ccimcliîv~ ctoburc . a n L Freduit Mitr and CChariu Kenneth Soanes read the second Nlrç l. GFrecinan. inicce.. iss Snîitiî. catro h fd ok ýfarnn F(i ev sipcnt Satîirclav xxitilcatho h td ok lici cnn-.sin. Mr1 eriîtxroaînr. Svaîah- is extcncied ix 'Mm. .ý\icx lavely piano solo was rendered by isaxaSalicix-) Lawrie in tthe sîiildcc pasx. Hazel Rundle. Susie VanCamp licîr lu sste-j-la. r~.Toiigav-e an interosting falk on the (hir xxiinu ie otite ciiintomecî o im-,xxfrie. siTerixvn. 'r. olnfourth chapter of the Study Bock. dil l nxzl iianti npaicia xisit 1 Charlie Rcarsp]ayed txvo well otieir Nvcîizc peorie. Tlie dehate. , Mr. '<criino Trinible. Port .t Ic. ekcxvn selections on the accordion. Rcovdfliai a cultural edricaioieîi xciut ida with Ibis iarents. 'Bort Johnsfcn conducted a game. This Week We Offer You An Extra, Bargain iD TÀATIONERY $200.00 Worth of First Class Stàltionery to be sold at Haoif Price Or Less Fancy Boxes- Portfolios - Correspondence Cards PADS AND ENVELOPES Order early. - Stocks of some lines are liniited. Sale for this week only. 35c PADS 15c ENVELOPES Letter size - 100 sheet i6c $1.00 CEDAR CHESTS Fancy Boxes 10e Pads - - - - 5c 25e 1c 35c 17cPortfolios 25c- le 3e -17c $1.35 - 69c $1.00 - 49c 50c- 25e - 75e 39c 75c - 39c 60e - 27c $100 49c35c Correspondence $10 -49 (ards - - - - 17c WOet this 25c six* new Cashmere Bouquet Lotion wit h regular large 20c sixe Coigaf.'s Dental Creom or Coigate's Tooth Powder. 454 VALUE YOURS FOR ONLY uaw mow DEEP CUT PRICES 50e Dodd *s PuIs - 35c Corega - - - 25c Noxzema .-- $1.35 Fellows Syrup -27e~ -24e~ - 15e~ -87c~ $1.25 Pinkham's Conr 50e Pinex - - - 60c Robinson 's Barit Princes Soap Flakeç. 3 pkgs. - - - i *Remove CAUSESi NOT Symîptoms! 150 tabiets ....79 300 tablets ..L39 750 tabiets. 2.79 Monoy-Back Guazcsnte PEPSODENT ANTISEPTIO 50c Bottie 2 for - - - - Sie PEPSODENT TOOTH POWDER Price - - - 23c.39c FOR BABSES . AND IN VALIDS np. 87c ey 33C - 30e 2 K N S 3 o 5 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX Phone 792 MCOREOOR DRUGS Bowmanville Author of: Clýjr ON THIS SPECIAL aS A Combinationgffer F ]er THE ('ANý.\I)I.\\ STATESMAN, l' ONTARIO PAGE FIVE 17c l 49c

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