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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Mar 1939, p. 9

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THURSD XV, MARCH 2-\D. 1939 THE C\.D.NST \TESMAN ;:uWM \NVILLE, ONTAýRLOPGEN E ,Clarke Resident 75 Years NIEeetonCmitePrvsSyB RWSto PLAY IN OSHAWA * P I Agal emre f .S o UNIONMEMBER TO Reeptiotoomm1,Mr. uoves riy _ Recals M mores 0 S. S. N . 9 Union meeting Monday night At Chamber of Commerce Dance i las rtirne Tr onto;~(~~0y. NI~~r W. News of Clarke T w s i was in charge of Lillian Allen and ~-H.'Hoskin vith hlis ,son. Hoivard, ai Instalment No. 5 Sam Keane, the latter presîdîng. Redroni. . .M'%r. Harold Wilson of___________________________________ threMORE MEM BERS Miss Ella Tamblyn took the topic About 175 attended the Cham- action bý' Neil Porter and all was Oshîawa. witil bis i)art. . . Mr eeigOigtotesomte In last weeks Statesman tee A T N C U Svery acceptably on "The English ber of Cmec dne.eda eI erle ad much difficulty in returnina Wasan account of the 25th wed- A TN C U SLanguage." She dealt most hum- ngt h iCmc danc Te sd arcn-cclcay mfeoy ed ast in Lockhart\e's hk fr.Thins ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. otoswhih wantructtey, ibutt. thed hveast0% ________ li Wallace Holmes of Newcastle, andi At the mrweting of the Boy te h i5t t V a sidering the condition of the joritv danced tili the wee sma' No. 9 Hae~îwbe win i ome. ThesnowplowwasClube sot Atrsoigtevrosdfl-finds it tneces,,arv 10 break the Ihikh- N.9Hm n colCu nt oet hi sitne what a joyous occasion it w Scout Thursday night 28 werelculties into which foreigners get roads. hours.wavaadf isnîloon o- catered for over 250 at the ban- M.LwHIoelhsbe In old school section No. 9 we present. It looks as if they will du oteodes fteIn The reception com.mittee rather Lunch and drinks were pur-: dav lla o tesrîîî o fol quet of the Masonic "Ladies sfeigfo tf ek were neighbors of John Holmes have to form another patrol - the1 guage, and also dealing with what feli down on their position for the chased at one's desire from Stan M.adNrs lrd(iracc wcre Night" at Newcastle Tuesday Mr Luene WiMae and his father and mother, MNr. 5h - as the four are overloaded. ýshe called the 'sianguage", she first fifty or so - R. R. Waddell Payvne and his helpers. Sandwich- Mr. andbot 6rs. .Ahelsctio and Mrs. Enoch Holmes, whoý These boys were successful in closed with the thought that if having found it hard work to, es. hamburgs, pie, etc. were dis- -urîirised I)v a visit froîîî about 65 1nsihs oted6 from the slecotio rvwihhafmly aldo came from the same part of Scot- ýgetting their lst tenderfoot test: we were proud of England, as we make a bow, 0. W. Rolph having poýsod of at a great rate. of tibeir f riends and neiglhbours Mon1 - assst e nj s eng i eotaMsgRs alwl, n.hy c land as our people. TherewsCliDuDaChaaCr-hudbwe would speak correctharaCar a sore arm from playing badmin- WVeIl it was a fair success and dav nizi. Mr. Arthunr \an Canmp uybtejybeeeig omaidb n r.Rs alsotheCameons Joh Ca- mn Conis. Bo Coper nd nlsh at ah ime uds oretton the night before, and John if anotber is planned for at any callec(i the coiniainy to order in isi Bad roads in the section haveIlloel iie tM.adMs also the ameronsJohn Cam-man Cornmade traveoplingn verygldifficult buts. IeEd,.mahiteavslaingliry bithvillebu eron Sr. and John Cameron Jun.. Tommy Hobbs. rg A mstrfi enaîî prodd But time %We'll hope for good roads so0 usual iovial inanner and after a fethe combined eff orts of the men eM.EatRbno a eun Other items on the rga they ly were prded imb it xvil1be a big success. well cliosen reinarks an address w avekp h od pnhn dhm fe pnigsm with Murdo Cameron, a brother. The Scoutmasters are planning included tw in codo edsu r u r.Gacwr possible.wesa rtu epn and two daughters, one of which to have extra classes for instruc- 'solos by Doris Whyte, and a vocal McKay'siih ai f okii attended old No. 9 School at Bell- tion for patrol leaders xorking duet by Mr. and Mrs. Howard orsndwt aro o1iîtr y Mr. Huert Osbry n ufrd ihtehoidrngAt - chairs. Thev each zracîoîl Xvr eiousinurywhe-heaI- iles wood's Corners. towarcl the First Class badge. Walsh, with Miss Enid Cobbledick pesedil thir tlîank, to it,, gatlherinei most lost a f inger cutting wood. MrWaenCsosodafe John Cameron the cîder occu-________ at the piano. Scripture was read forL their kindniess anid for the liift. The injury is very painf ul but ishostoM.EaQunrlK - pa4of he ohnLovkinfar VIITO S C ULDi haf-our of gamBles. le hr speeches werc nîven ii which improving. dl pand af teardsmove to farm VIIO S C U D i afhu fgms he%- expressed regret at losîng a Miss Aima Reddick was a!W .wl od t arc sndout of " sMo Toawher M TLE V'T W The Executive decided to, accept zood nieizlhbour sud also zood citi- ;weekend visitor with Mr. andscil Southof MthetOshmawaeYounhgNPeopleV sOoNfer familv rcmaeinedawaforngsome time.ffrzeti, f roin the township. For tbev Mrs. Percy Patton.MrCavnD nofrooC- faiyrmie o oetmto put on the play "Here Comes Mr. Thos. McNeil has been sick. M\r. Welsb, father of Mrs. A. are iollv eood fellows. svas sumnd Mr and Mr1Frwl lc-tnainsho a oe the farm being %worked by Murdo The storm Sunday' was a "hu~m- Charlie." Catcr wsbreMeels in-Çecnuîdwt r akbr. ndr vitrsF Mrll. andBM. n r. e.Mc ln Cameron. Enoch Holmes and J. diniger" to use a slang expression. Miss M. Williams, O.C.S. staff, ahat a uidhr atacnutdwt r akýunwr iioso r nj Cameron Jr. worked the John The road between Newcastle and spent the weekend at her home. wcck. Sincere sympathy is ex- Sinitli ai the orzani. The rernainder'Mrs. Mark Blackburn.omavle vitdMr. i- Lovekin farm on shares for some Orono was blocked and this kept teflded t0 those bereaved. of the e' enitne was spent iu camies., Young people of the section had la aey years, and then Enoch Holmes some visitors in Orono, and someOB E V WORLD Miss Eileen Riddell was in To- Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Rosborough conversation sud lunch. Mr. Graces 'a most enjoyable evening Friday Wre .A edabne h took up the vacated Geo. Carter Oronoites who had been visiting DAY OF PRAYER ronto. spent the weekend in Peterboro. famnilv have livcd on the Hall farrn, night at the home of Mr. Charlie RasCneto nTrno farm which bclonged to the \Vil- elsewhere from getting home. ____ Kirby Church cancelled their Mrs. Nugent is now out of the north of Burketon. for the piast ten] Glenney. Some were prevented Mr.AtuDnnireord mot people and made good on that Three people in a car coming church service Sunday. hospital and progressing favour- vears. atid ini othier parts of thefrmatnigbbocerad frmhrrcntinss property. That was where we from Peterboro took three hoursý The WKorld's Day of Frayer was Miss Myrtie Smith has been on abiy. townshipi for ni- %-cars before. ibut those who were able to, go Carne . oh o Kaeandssse raled an teysrtedcasbef t ore t ws a unervauspies frith fern. .of te sick ist. Mr. I. Hilts has rented the Thev have recentlv îurchased the :report a pleasant time. About 18 karne , oh olmaes w ldand bis sister g ettig romNecatle 10 Oron bervedspheeofriayfern . .onfW th lrai anina Efedtowihwere present. Plans were madeE her, now Mrs. Henry Bowen. 'its worst. Anybody coming after-:Park t. Church. Seated at the Mr. 0. W. Scott spent the week- dovvnstair apartment0fW CcîriefrmîarY S htEd at n wee is . avMr. .end in Peterboro. Watr'huebiteTneyte r o oio We wish tbln for a St. Patrick's Party on Mrs. Enoch Hoîmes alwavs kept all. Churches were slimly attend-1 Walsh, Mrs. G. Mitchell, Mrs. R. Orono Union debaters are sche- brdg vcae by the Bruton eSiYrX tCIS u spies i hcrýac up the old intimacy with our peo- cd but a few braved the elements. iLogan and Mrs. S. Littlewood. dulcd bo debate with Tyrone. aml.tew home. pie and was of ten at our place Kirby' church cancclled their ser- Mrs. R. H. Brown was pianist. Ken Neale has been on the sick ganaB.Tucsday n the second where the gaelic of the oid coun- vice. Terorm rane y h hs. nbb ut of sigroup- the skockNewtonville ' fcec try was always spoken. At bbcomite of tbc Presbytery Mr. George Cain is considering meansifteywi riday (Th-iissElse allcewhoha New Year there was often a ga- i or as as follows: The period moving into thc village. morrow) night they wiil be tbe been waiting on her mother, Mrs. C T c thcring of the clans where aniid PARK ST. CHURCH of "Fraise and Thanksgiving" wvas Congratulations 10 Betty Linton champions. Rmcenî \ isiiors:\Miss B3ebli MIc- ,Thos. Wallace, Greenbank, is a vocabulary of sounds the gaclic , led b3' Mrs. H. Walsh; "Rccoilec- on passing ber music exams.TyoeUinhv asdte Quade, <adînîis s iîl Mr.,. Harryagiabtesicord- language would be bbc predomin-1 At tbe mornîng service ai Fark , tion of Jesus" by Mrs. G. Mitchell; M.O A asy tede h ron Union bb haeir uetsae ap MisMae a raind Mrhes.Wmtho. n iie y. ant one. St. Church Sunday Rev. S. Little- li "Penitence" by Mrs. R. E. Logan: M.0 .Gms. Cne teOooUio ob hirget *nanTorot w i hael an M.adsr.Wn an iie Mr. Enoch Holmes was a s'ery avod preachcd the final sermon and "Intercession" by Mrs. S. Lit- Durham Club meeting. nexi Tbursday, March 9th, on bbeCamp, Toroto ithr paent. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lane, Col-Secai, successful farmer and then buhofa series on Faul's letter 10 bbc tlewood. In bbc latter period Miss Helena Waddeli, Toronto, occasion of bbc Inter-Fresbytery Mr. and Mrs. X ni. 'an Cam. .. borne. bbc present farmstead from ani Galabians. He deait cbiefiy with prayers were offered by Mrs. C. spent the weekcnd at home. debate. Wc hope a goodly num- Mliss Ruth Marlow. Torott. w ti Last wcck a party of wrestlers ~Dse lg empîoyee of bbc oid lime Organ & Paul's martyrdom an bb fatWoRvS.iteodMsL. r.Ry CvieTono ber will attend, lier mother. Mrs. Jamnes Marow. on their way to Ottawa had bheir ' s(p.P . Piano Co., and afterwards retir- that just as Paul was branded for Fralick, Mrs. J. J. Mellor and spent bbc weekend at home. Bowmanvilie midgets defeabed Miss Florence McLauzhlin. Toro .ca rakdwihr.SoRnl ing bo bbc village of Newcastle God so we (altbougb not marked Miss M. Davy. Responsive read- Cuci tsTedaM rcbbenoon in bbc localar a fi h rMaentsi. . . s aelg ack 10. uryTo whcrc he passed away witb Mrs. physically by torture as Paul ings and bymns were parbicipated 7th. ceid o f msmntfrhsh with \Mrs. Osniiond Wn*iht. .. Mr. and Mrs. Fowler and niece,Nu er7 Holmes.Ca roJrwamrie was) could show our continued in by ail present. An offering was Miss Alma Cubîl bas been 00 bbc onloos a usepent for Tlhe Baiîevs who bave been down lnu!Miss Joan Foster, Whitby, were Joh CmeonJr.wa mrredallegiance to God by our beingtaken to belp in the distribution tbbck it no h nokr n eatisfrFoiahv tre nteriorIy1Sna usswt r.Jh too siterofsrs.Homesoan metaly cncrnemabut hurh oidtertur.tsck ist prtiipats.Floid hbeosarid o thinoune'ofSudaygueîswit Mr. Jhnpapesotacustmedtosoo passed away while on bbc old Geo.j affairs and christian work. An interesbing fact beard over Ms laTmlnsetbc Rcv. S. Littlewood is making homesJac s. Hr. lie lD vi ionial iede o il passed away at bbc old Morrison jwas -What About Lent." In this morning to Friday night similar Miss Lillian Allen bas resigned ing 10 unite witb bbc churcb dur- das. h wrstonni of the season. Moore, Coe Hill, called on Mrs. ing wmn rdal oevs bouse at Squair's Mill. His son sermon the pastor poinbed oui bbc :services were beld in over 50 ber position in Armsbrong's store. ing bbc Lenten season. Commun- and that is savinz a lot. swept oven Jackson and Mr. E. Bullicd on ionadnyrse(ont h became a noted temperance re- ýdifferences betwcen modemn and countries, starting witb bbc Fiji Jr. West bas been out of school ion and reception will likely be this district Sundav and left us 'nwtheir way b bbce Good Roads Con- lsit en ogada n x former, and a staunch supporter1 past days in bbc observing of Lent Islands and ending witb Alaska. due to an injury bo bis knee. bbc first Sunday in April. bonvntlte -wplwigu eniissRn Torosnto. in teneove-ologapei iF isHzl itr oma- I rda' trw ntcdteronto for bbc weckcnd. be vrc e citizen and good neigbbor. and Roman Cabholic ideas. He ivle petSna1er.nm f isM .G.Wdel ad amnextra dav's 515v. M.Atu orCsltn i ilsetSna ee aMeo isM .G adl, Naster Arnold Taylor celebnated MrArurMoeCsbcoaseantcbesrinha 0f bbc present generation we also sbrcssed tbc necessity of quiet;ý PERCY ROWE MP. The bgDep.o Hgwysso formerly of Orono, in bbc list of hi - nh itia Stra vîsitcd his sister, Mrs. Jas. Stark. hihrfuthtcantbov- do not know so mucb about bhcm, communion wibh God. '~ ~ ~ ~those who wcre bo attend bbc din- bs lveîi itfavSîud1 v There are utafe cssof, unfortunately only whab we read __________ WILL BE SPEAKER plough smashed a bydro pole by ner in honor of bhc Chief Justice b as lue eleven oif bis boy friemîds lu in bbe uie ade cse ofcoe y tran.May o bc om andherbu gad o bsrv beyHarry Lewis' home. a i rv adhabtga oosreteof Ontario, Robert S. Roberbson,! couinonatIirlmyo if r are igàLy respccted in bbc com- OSHAWA B.A. TEAM A E T N IL Sympabby is cxbendcd 10 oi. and bis wifc, wbich was given by,-lstnTthe onelneunen plow is extrcmely ofnladtsoehnciovr munityp whicb tbey resîde as 1 ~ deli on bbc dcatb of bis brother thc Women's Law Association of hom,,e atunrdav f nom Bowmanv-ille'busy these days. The U. C. League 1okdo(iibcpcc.Mn wibness tbc fine wedding anniver- j WINS FIviST TILT1 Newtonvilc Mens Club arc A Ibert. Ontario. Hosital w-here he underwent an:.adWrdsDy0 ryrme-o ayadf sary ui adfail remusOnaroba celcbrabcd.o. an ord' sr utclbae.1planning big tbings for next weck Mrs. Muirand r.W. Mitchell en CjIing wcre both cancclhed owing 1 iteacuto tertobe John Holmes while ayug Oshawa B. A. hockey beam ad- wben bhey expect to boid îwo ing into bbc bouse vacabcd by Mm. trtined their friends in bbc 5bMn. -James Bv- 'the hcavy snowfalls. MayoIVswhlnt man was very intimate wibh MY! ministered a trimming bo the meetings. March 8tb bhcy are and Mrs. M. Cowan. O0. E. hall Thursday nigbb. Prizes en1m i 8bbrha audv h yposee Iti d brohe, bclae Rbeb ori-Orioles Friday nighb at Orono going to debate bbc new Leader- Mm. and Mrs. DeLine spent bbc wverc given for cuchre as folhows, n u Ms eîhBesamdMri son,an Ihaeotnhad-, rnb141.I okda is ship League Movement. as wchl as weckend wibh ber parents, Mr. Ladies, Mrs. P. Morgan, consoana.M.ndMsHebt SwainKcprinc n al if.Eos cousin MssLogan, speak of Mssas i twas going bo be a pretty dalwibb a matter of which ntieand Ms .Clougb. iinMrs. F al:men,.Gsiveeadovcrflowr. on! tears may bel s Ebta Holmes. a successful teacher close game as at tbc end of bbc was given hast month - that is tbc Charles B. Tyreli had hi a oper, consolation Frank Hall. A Bver.,. Mn. sud Mns. Osmond Wrilzbt nicd Thr ma asobin in bbc motor city of Oshawa second pcriod there was only one-changing of tbc name of Clarke smashed Wednesday nigbt return- lovehy lunch was served. sud Edith. helped Mn. sud Mrs., Mrs. Milton Robinson attendcd alit ocnetaebcmdo chose l.ctib fmhe goal difference, but bbc B. A.'s got 'F.0 O1 Newtonville. This sbouhd ing home from Toronto. There was a busy evening on Bvers to celebrate with au ovsien bbc funcral of ber aunt, Mrs. Fred rediget.'cpsomab- Thoe od Sottsh amiiesgoîng in bbc ast period. promiise a good ime for sl uie.'llnTont.c sbould not bc forgotten. c. Th iseoevrys nybb is Friday nigbi, Marcb 101h, Percy. Glen Tamblyn passcd recent'Tbursday at Orono rink. From 7 Ysuier . IlsUnio presented B iell ohn Toronto. bas return- convey oreo bs a were bbc sali of bbc eartb and did of five games (or bbree if any one!Rowe, M.P., representing Atha - intmeabe pano exms i 10 8.2ewcate9.2junis cepracbsd. omr v Ppa Wo Litbtlc Jom fom hn vary idre' in terdge !dsofr not lose their savor. and notbîng leam 55ins bhree in a row), 50 bbc 1basca, is goin~g to speak at an open fistcmsstonrsnFom8.2 t 920Proidncstue aaXh Pssa Homtle rm bbc sic bilns in bc idvda u eifi n da o to t heol JhnLoe-B. As aren't cnowing yet. .meeting on matters of general in- WlMrbcm nlk in ectdb orie-62 rM SHatn HosoMr. . Dcibtandwberc he bas benice cs rgrdes !agpl e p ki frm epeill a trehng Exitmet o te an wsplayed a practice gamne. Newton- Beacock lu the deatb of hem mnothen, 1 His many fricnds are glad to se pec( ,cetanisot' as ime. caused by a figbb right on bbc ice, Mm. Rowc is a native of our town- lamb. ville werc bo play them but fail- Mns. David Hooev. bim back again. o!f ortobe Icrîdti AferJon amrn asedi n o te laes owbeng1sbip and is a son of Mr. R. J. Miss Lillian Allen spent a day cd 10 appear. Mr. sud MNis. Frnamk Bailev hase1 Mr. Cecil Tebblc lost a valuable artil hog rmcidod1 A ft e John Ca mheron a sscd ond e k o tbbc pl ae r n be wn R ow e of N ew onville. T he m cc- or tw o w it b M r. and M rs. N orm an , M a d M s. W . H ar e t r n os)\ed iio the village. the uJace Young horse. a v n c g n i h b e p a awaywe elive bc augterdeced ut ibha bandu-wi ing will be bhd in bbc Orange Wiubcr, Oshawa. Minra, ewfiedsanudd heeîbv ae ee.liig.b.n M.Bon.ctt Nwonilc szeaaienatmneorbcs-p Jessie and mother weni 10 bbc black eye. Botb received a pen- Hal, Nebonvlhcand pbaicis JniorandrDanJWsn bScongtta cars. Wnucr wer Stale of Michigan, but of Ibis we alty. HlNwovle n ulci uiradDa etbt sold. bas been wibb Mr. and Mrs. Alec tomso ysri r b aei are not sure. But of Ibis wc cao lu bbctheast two minutes of play1 cordially invitcd. celebrabcd their birtbdays Feb. Ladies, Mrs. M. Harrison, 2nd Mrs. Ss mnathv is exiended to Mn. . 5Reid. tb h d si b ain !mr vouch for. old No. 9 will neyer a player was rcmoved fromnbbc 28th. I H. CanîrelI, consolation Mrs. R. Jcf fenv lu the deatb of bis wife. . Ncigbbors gabbcred at bbc home mtueieas ancoc, d wv e. 6t ftr ay MroWepay th at rees-1 be surpassed by any who have game having been bit with bbchIBowmanvilc Badminton Club: Glanville; men, Victor Hanokj h uase aw1'Feba2 b fin p0fMr.Weheir CatresWpdns -S, _______________ baken their places than bbc old , puck. This, bowcver, was bbc only UDltuary 1 comes bere on a visit bo-nigbt 2nd Bill Muir, consolation Matt 1011 illmiess. bIký en ott Robert Wclsb wbo passed quiebly r timers who bave passed on and'knock-out înjury - others who had (Tbhursday). Hrio;Qcno lb rz, Telclhce en oi1 ofw e r a pto n.f r go d in bb pan lahl n . b vn e n a l M rs. Alex Buchanan Congratulations 10 M r. and M rs. 1Charlie Glanville. A lov ly lunch 1G eenbank ai Port Penny Feb.* 2stin way on F e. 2 1h. d ecmased ws o hu eir aptri pho te lyon. I i asarelgaeM. Harrison wbo reccnbly celc- was served. score 4-2. Thursday' nigbt ttihoe ibbcCacrsfrbc 'mu w hvelrcd10shw bc Ahiinai, l asa ea gme The deatb occurred February brated their wedding annivcrsary.. Mr.and tsle. Weomsu Mr.anemtheee îbv lid wih Sfoor tfie preen gneatonwht ldNo. of hockey, sud bbc fans were de- 23rd at London, Ontario, aftcr a MT.eaboys ancAseWeot dnplac. lu.past six ycars, formery living p9esent g enction w a ntheong e it t egh ileso r. lxB -1M r. A. J. Knox is spending this sd Mrs. R. Thompson ird the "-.Teby rescn lc lwitb bbhe ae James Henry Fre- - 9 SeoolSecionwas n bc lng igbbd wtb l. engly ilnes o Mrs Alx Bcb-wcck in Kingston visiting Prof. bown hall lastWdsayngb the Bush Leac'ue sud tbe plav-offs born of Blacksbock. Interment long ago. May it stili flourisb 1We imagine bbc players had a, anan of Mount Forest. The funer- sdMr.Frn no.noto bcusa enanin ig torecii ekiiPn en. okpaei rn eecy sud thauks Ici bbc Editor of The swAell time gctling bo Orono be- !al was behd aI Mount Forest Fcb. 1 IHiz ShoantebvsrlltokpcenOooCmtry l isMrinDick ,BA. a card party for tbeir fricnds, of ihSboludteoyIon Mrs. Ira Thompson visited Mrs. Stabesman for bbc courlesy of cause of the drifts. Wc didn't envy 25tb. Surviving are the sorrowing MissMabind 6 ' I B ýPumple Hill bad anoîber izame Thuns- Arnott o! Newtonville. publisbing ibese rambling recol- tbem bbc ride. busband, Mm* Alex Buchanan A. Carnipbellford, is home owing t0 ssîch ebwecn 50 and 6 were, a ih n id44 lections.__________________ Mouni Foesl; one on, Mm. c school being closcd. present. Cards werc playcd until dymlh mdle -.__________ Bucbanan of Mount Forest; sud Miss Glen Gamey, R.N.. il 'hck ferwih acn Studets i Albeta vted M. for dauhter, Mr. A. . Drm- spndin a wsudathlunchriwerndlunnhjoyed. Winncrsner StdetsinAlera otd m.DIM AND DISTANT fourd augdeMis.A.Du-speudingucsananekfat home, prior in cards were: Ladies, Mrs. Dora S a k il Chamberlain bbc most powsenfuI mPE IN S 'Oood uMss Dr)yElv B uelphan ofHooey, Mrs. J. Morris, consola-N sltnOeo h evets fiuinte xorld. Premier Ab- u-rm i rnoMr.Dr)ycofGep, We neglcctcd bo mention ta tion Mrs. K. Neale, iMen, Law-neobcbavstsofas enhart msl be shpping.-Bock- -asd Miss Jean Buchanan of Lon-: Oshawa B. A.'s won bbc exhibition rmceHoeLsh owr, o- Recent Vustors Miss Alice Jolin- of bbc scason fehl Sunday,oblock-s ville Recorder sud Tmes. FmomnThe Orono News of don. igame wvith (Courlice Feb .fr ...2s, 5 sbinThms ei. 'c- ucy. bo .siedMisK:__ iE nsî aloas _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ b t s i 1 e b efo e s k n ,b s b s t o s e s . M r . a î d M r s . O r mn F a l l s v i s i e d M l ms i a lF o s te, lTo r mîbo G e n ir lu cit cuiii tan ip l emi uib n r. le M iss R u th L og an , n u rse- mn - O r y o u r b est, d earest frie d ,b r m î r, M s M a in i O - Tunein te H DRO rs. ame Huner.Quick. Sure and safe in ibein action. Frec training in Bowmauvillc HospitalinFor bbab's bbc Yorksbirc Pudding wlier10 bari ncsîlsMsudincinlOr- oralHospbal.visiedrbr shît,'suthe Yorkshirelaim su sililil gitrhOono, wbofisoseriyousîlygii.l. - - Mr Jameltlte.Grraham, nt iîptDn5drg Ai nalvsted ber parents, Mr. sud Mrs. sud bhe services ini bhc Preshyvteniam iid Sm f u on pol a Mm Cmpbll rabai, entl isi,' cirtiiiî Iiin rsiry box G a bonxlti'R. E.Logan. Ils fame does kuow no end. UîîdCîmce eesilînsi. a cold experience returning home :.î' College Toronto, visited witb bis Sicimes o , n auikesin iibe ni5hi 25 c'NIars. Sid Staples feIl sud l Irokeýfo egeonWdedyOh grnrfaheMc Js.Capell. Mlomiy back niutrinm .iiie A number o! Oronoites wereRap Gordon.brake'o LagenWdesy.O- ________l___________EU__1e._____!ers were glad to remain wi .th fmi- MR obIahr. Rains. alnerpbc _________________i invited to a musical cvcniug at 698 Crawford St.-Trono M.Edad ilirî. endis until morning. BosvmaCrrlnucs M. ot Rie atnedteville Tuesday nighl by .,Trnt.M. clWliaseitetait< an hrlOceta firm stock sale of bis nepbew. -Dr. Partririge. -I Mrc. Gordon suggests that friemîdIs to saiisrtv Finîîhv eveciiiiîe. Miss Gwen Gilmer visiteri Miss î: V. Mn. Gardhamn Raines' at Mark- J .Gmyasse i th lose %s'ho mays not have made Nir. Rohi. tsriuiîll h 115.ioie ti Meda Hallowell ecentî'. o Evary*HUIRSA* Mrsn.ibis pudding, t Ibtis rcp nd wîk f io'sîr. Kcnrî'tl Sai u'l for nibos~ try rJcîpe a ssiracm..tei imîth Some of bbc kîndnigh o! Mns.X. H. Brownscombe, ux- P. 0. wshile lier busband was iniwiebmsdltbmko b en.M.Wn acvhdascesu bride ad Ms. has.Masie.- d atbndig bc Aricutur reulb îîis not caben as a dessert, Xl r. Fre 1Nil ilylrîiIs bisv tlise wood bec. k Fort Hope, %serc guests of Mns. S. With a r'ecordiof 50 3earfi ne a nmt tsal cîcties convention.bu vtme adegals. asasssn Sio W.Alasenivtd Cucl lsrtvry treaimnent for piles or buarlu,în oyMlve fbcBn fbtw etavgbbes. Sv 5ssîlisimiftc. Shlob . A.bas een nvitex-A - Svn-ipaihiy cfr Uthe, eoyîmmîiîmuioftthisankxofto boîri their March meeting atL B (E.1. Mr. Frank Hall svilput up an- yucr uuîeydpo ~ ICmec tf evst-ayteie bM.TbPnutiiiieMsRosHlwî's other new hose in the sping on 1 forMden b b hewilh supply -dc is ssise fiat is wîse to ain--deatti cf rus sisten. airs. .Saîîî Tcf- O.ur-young pol rsne C'R c" *C'R ote bueinbcspig ou Dr. tiel dpe f or ien saf eavst- e e o'.I.Tli 'oi iiteMsRosHlwl' bis lot, Cburcb sîreet. -M'o few wecks. sclf."-Euripides. - fers. paaîPpsncr ihyKugInLdoCnd.A nfgor.

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