THURSDAY, MARCH 9TH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BO\\\IANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE NINE Svnopsi, \Vben the waltlbv f<,ter isirenits of NI ariorie \Wetbcjrijllbo îb làie11 finds a letter tellinLr ibat shte %va, a tîvin si'ter. that ibe \Vas dpe when lier ow-n parents cnuldn't af- ford to supp)ort botb of tlîei anci necded nmic'vte save lier sisters life and tbat lier real naine is Dor- othv Gjav. A lone ini the orld. buit with a fortune of her oivn. she con- siders lookjnz iii) ber oewn ifamîlv whorn she bias nex er seeni A neivlz- bouir. Evan Bowver. trie., t arvce hier otit o f it and tells bier bie loves hier and asks lber tn niarrv isn. Sbu lnornises to tbjnk it over buit at the time is iiore coneerned îvtl findine hier familv. ShSe lookel iii)at Ibii t nietlv-. and Business Directory LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Royal Bank Bldg., Bowmanvile W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan. Phone 731. Bowmanviile, Ontario. L. C. MASON, BA. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail its branches. Office immediately east of Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. M EDICAL DR. HAROLD FERGUSON of Enniskilien has taken over the practice of the late Dr. J. C. Bell. Office Hours: Week days. 2 tii! 41 o'clock: Evenings, 6 tili 8 p.m. Sundays by appointment. DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Col- lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubiiee Bidg.. Bowmanvllle. Office hours 9 arn. to 6 p.m. daily except Sun- day. Phone 790. House pho'ne 88I3. X-Ray Equipment in Office. FUNERAL DIRECTOR F TNERAL DIRECTORS Se ice, any houe, any da\. F. F. MORRIS CO- Modern Motor Equipment, Am- bulance and Invalid Car. Cali 4 Phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. "Lest We Forget" A. H. BOUNSALL fe-<îgn< r andi i1 n Monuments, Tablets, Markera etc. n Granite and Marbie. ENTERTAINER Seqire RALPH GORDON, the Moîderfully versatile e n t e r- tainer, for your next entertain- ment. Illustrated cireular free. Address 628b Crawford Street, Toronto. Even the finest of ruined by fire. The against a financial lof pendable insurance. This agency represen Insurance Company - been serving cour faithfully in Canai Je MAS( INSURANCI has1 s0 fa Phone 681 moi mEcZEMthoracd w thu Courtic aI odrcbrn bnqremedies. D. hab sO mu t h Proven for 50years OR*. CNISE'S OIITMENT Ski Championships at Fort William ient. but I was so eazer to find N'OU. 0M nsD m no And voit non't at ail realize anvthinzg P IFLT E about il. 've not cne lhontee 1lbe A a burden on s ni. I tb nzibt iniavbe A OINT klnIox b ou iiinmst fmul. )VYou areHospital Case of Rheuinatism * * * i vi"-.atul iriLlit fîillv b1îîsv. but à c'îq ieeu lier sistur. Ns r ii i, wedbe niovintz riglit aNwav todav cas, huntsn sDoe ) li velad aiiv flace to move o! this s i peric.I :v Anîd aniv monev to iliove wjtb !And " 1 ialîroad froe ee snied a old il %itfuI mle. iesi istn1.a h vdteanvthinz tb moi e! CIîmisias! 1 veCd \\liui I eundIbgl T!e the dded :Iose th ilnt know Ibere was smcli a îbinL, to ,:fi rein rb urnai in "Iiiserrv 10 sceniiS ietîi Se. on eed that w ere straiicelv aîiv miore !" And siddenlv she drop- p)an r! s tivin tbe feet anid amnis. aîîldm îapuîtv Ii vhr - isîadv. ste "-01 out anid sm-nt ý)ed dcovsii in the vacant chair. jerk- and l' \va, eventualîs' takeîî into love. Bult 1i ist eil tSecein o hti lnkslowls' uit the two Nwoodeii steDs 10 cillier lbaitîs <out fronîîtbe ragnred bos-'I:,i. îîable te, inove witboiit toiîii,ît !" ithe donr- liat sadvniv ieeded lpaiîit. imekts of lier <Id ceat. put tlîem g' a itb pain. \\lieu1 Icl i lie vaý a 55isu \inniîi ait and llie fibere w as no bli!tmnsite kneekeul iti t i er face and lîursit jinotears. the 1 Isijial after îwo iinîlîhs. 1 saw iliat lit- couîdn't crt avfrbrItinnl.a'tîîîaaî lrai\Ssnsbbinz until lier sîrniler bodv sbookwa-'eslt better. I ivas recoin tonihti. 1 ste beard un o .ond of h fe ,ithiiîj. \meuhthie force of tbe sobs. Vet il mc int take Krusclîeîî SaIlîS. FIe tudied lier for a mnomnt and SIe ils j uit ablit to tenru ava .as al (louie verv qctle as if lucre has i mls eii lu contiiîîioîislv. andi îlîeî lus lips set iii ia firiîî hue noafiiostboiniz the\- were zonîe. andl \vas sontie reasoli mliv steninuit tintuntil tîîe I arn euîirelv frce frontî netriîniatioil. site îvould bhave unochie b search inake -al noise. tPait, - I would fot be withouî itn- "Vers içell.' lie said quite ebeuer- futrîer. w%]euit se lhuard biîrried NMariorie ivunt close anuutit lier Kruchuin Saits for ativtliiii,.' fulle. "I arn iîîst Iouir frjeiid for stens on a bare floor. and the dontr arias abolitlber, bier face down Mh Diow. but a verv special frieîîî. sneta ouîed sharple. aliot initial-aainst tlhe others wet cbeek. -l n. of the salis in Kruscben knesv. Oîîu viioivoit cati cal t;-Ipoi etl.Then shte fouidl lierself face O.m (ur! sesidboelvaeffetti ovus fueaciui for aietinei. Mill vosi fuel tibat ?" 10 face wiîb a repflica of bursulf da! n tinbron tears cess of which is decidedle Site stniled witli relief. I Dous fr S, George Gai- livu w <ru falliug. antI she heuu!thie weep- e us. Thev siviftlv cdiii the Vuý's.' ste sajd. "Tbank vonii G, eure ' me z1il close. B1ut voit are cold! shili-1, dzes of the painfîxl crvstal, iîi!et!*I andlSte Tit ont lier band and l Site said the words becaîîse mIte 5, cold vont are tremblitie Cal 't _ b-cauiSe of pain and sti Ifnes cave his a brief impursotial clampi. lad nreplarcd thern0on lier ips 10 WCc go into alnother ron ichere i - .mid couvert lhem irao a harni- lti es'. solutionî. mhich is thietiex- .Nariorie foutnd sie %vas toneux- a),lbt ste smas so startled ait the wami anid lut me tell!\von bo oitî u'itruhtentrlcines cited te sleep ilien site laid lier bei adiaparitin i f erself iii the flesh have mistnnderstood tie ? Corn! el', ictL tentialcanl. on bier tillov. But straîîuzulv cinouirli standing- befrure ber that sie did tiot 'Corne? .bsie said. 'Whiere silalI AAINGRE EVC it wvas liot on tie cagur rotests ni realize site had askcd the qiustion.Ivecie? nt \voit know there A DINGRE SRVC liastut bucti a teaspootiful of coal iiinem ti'. bouse for two <acs. and ltlîat Dem scu ve birticd ni) aIl the chairs Ilial ben we buy a 10e packet of aren't sold to trv anîd keep front seeds we are literaily buying a h - ba ledrea m which wiii corne true. Un- ireezti-except ibis one liat hs-t like almost any other purchase - bu sold 10 Cet sontienediciîe tor tiu nytebgnigo u Mother? Donttvon kiiow Fte hsisol h egnigo liastit lîad aitv- ork for nn ioth.pîcasure but the end of the ex- , and Niotlier is sick upstairs iii bcd ti something that wiii grow Ivitli al tbe blankets 55e owtî piled in beauty or usefulness, a hun- aroid ber aîîd a hot-watur haz at dred. perbaps a thousand times lie best sasers oi Canada will fo un lier feet? Shes tetti îiL Dineunriotia. more valuabie than the few cents mccl stiff International coin- th 1 afraid. anîd Ilîad bo lose iv We baud over the counter of the petition when the Men's Dominion ou îoh le stav lhomîe and take care of corne'r store. We are not buying Ski Championships are contested lui lier. Don*t vont knomv that Dad is a bundred tiny, shiuy seeds, in a at Fort William, Ont., from Feb- mý sick iîinself. but bu lîad tel go nlt brigbî iithogmapbcd packet, but ruary 24 to 26. b: aiîd lieîthe landlord t" Iei uts staV baskets of crisp tender vegetabies, The Lakehead city has every- aiuev (las s more tilI 'Mother is bel- or tail stately plants thal in the thing in ils favor in ils efforts to fro t- er-? And I zuie'.s Ted hias lost liii. sommer will transform aur back- spono h otsccsu o tiewsv'Taer route, andi Ive liad 10 yard mbt a riot of coipr and minion championships in the his- ln tîkutuecbidruî btuemirgbbur-beaîv.tory of the sport in Canada. Not th lndied _-Ifsre\tou tliee itwariiies oniy is the terrain suitable for a wý aiil ui? f oi savlîreictbUS The seeds, while costing iitie. meet of such bigh calibre, but ski- 50 vol'I l bct a w ils tIait tlir coat are nevertbelesa very important. ing Ibis year bas reaclued a new a 1T Cnoli lui cal ! d we We must be sure Ihat they will peak of popularity and entbusias-n b! Suddcly se bust mb tear. Siddu hie sîirslai vu grow into flowers or vegetables la Fort William la intense. Pe 'ivi mm,îiiatd iiresiett ob suitable ta our rigorous Canadian The conlests will bo beld on b,\i huat lier i inildis uIT i's't mliiiio-e i i'.t 'tr,ed tîiere and iStarut l i l(,,i,),k lier. It Ivas terrible te hlook clîmate. Tbey must be from pure Msounit Meîay, îowering more cm TîmaT~~~~~~~~~~~ Whoussizl u n ulî.'s-- Iil~.ehrgr si is a oN ariorie fuît t \vsnsthe iiiost straîns, seiected and packed by than 1,000 feet above the City. ni li tlenetfi e : mî nT T> u-n i sn e aden it astusiZî seiîîluerSet. reuabe eies Sm faer any trails have been cul on the ad <iiiut- i îat iTesli lii 'T i u ii! e se I îk burse i. S uîdnivshe mli ou! iack ait! 1Tii- w-h cb iili do haudsomely lu the ou ime îmfl,-. A\n!thu- ii',re heiT heFIt,icur Sm i r!lihai! the ail e 1< ui lmi 1< iud llie r c' at - liii()litto i i it n rmer climate of Sauthern Eug- thlili f lte cý li iit(eit 'iiilulair. nu\-il vsias flvîi sra'Tud il ivarîtulu armîtî lier Sis- land or the United States may thus adding furîher ta root 'f siotllv mIii cilt1r. prove a sore disappaintment lu growth. Sue ais' ke iut hie inoirTiiuiC itlî tîte iniritue\\nl\ it ouil2t 10 lie;lte ie II 1-Tliere ! Tliere ! \<'îî reci"iTs Sis- Canada. The seeda rat in the When the upper plant starîs ta, ili-fiTîte iitrvî"e iii lier huart T- ct 'reseui ivu'.. oîmIlîthe-ivurufull o'T tet-I sIte sait! smftls las iniz lier lis grouild bere iu April, or the plants deveiop it wilI ho necessars' tai tlie tlatier mvir ivitît ilieu Sl-itmierluess. atîti trouble. aTnd a kinil ou tlîe ther Iirl'smas- ual reaeb bloomiîîg stage Lnu- Isuppiy same climbiug support in s'î'tai-T riulît nîvas iefori- ails- 'Iffriglhitihie ileiffli'.of llîeîî: Itle Butîlier sister '.truîggzeli t' fierue- tlithe first frost Ibreabens next the form of brush, strings or cihi- * thn huTte I uc <i li sih~iv lIcI Il,0i ii mui eTe hp . eut l- ttie- iiv h. lier tîrinie Iim5iie ,iiTlie-r c\sî- le- iSeptember. uken suire - These are listed lu or- hif aui t' 'ru pi 'iiicaîie il u Itri-1ulst mu liard inui'.a'. il tlîe riiii cul'- artis fliui'imzig Illte -c' 't. -Neo! Es-euthase seeds wbiclh we dem of prefereuce. Flossers rrhoumîd I. îîurîîli er f h'i Imr î 4wîi ue- ic lI'f lift,- adl luemi ool'oSl-t 'l 1e ýe -, s Ini 1 îoimmut \iiar n mu cm aisavecd earefuhhy from aur own iapptam by JitI aud must be cul xi timibu-uTiiiiwilluî i îi!ii. h»sie ajîl itifimîlal lit -s muiil t'ea iimi e -- ..gardeu last faîl are oflen a fail- daily. This cuting aud freqient ca eîhmIum 1)i' le- Tati 'm1 i amuIic sulisce. oipenîilim le lni "'ra tri ei lu BtI NI.rj 'rie camînlut i'tognetier ure. Tbey are likely tabas-e be- heavy ssateruug lu bot suether liiadul IluiTt srini' il ut raiiil: m ide îl-rh-I'.lu)op \-osul iiii>tli't-leîni ahI iitIliraii andm li ulil tbî-ie. corne mi xed sith other flasxers suili encourage full bloaming aud 1.ii it tî lifftilu Tti --i\ iiitIi-n smisi-ber 'sViih s'itîculme mun', h br h k re! su l ii i ill uai- and poorhy clared or shunukeu those long stems so desirable for muishut. s ici-\\ais a'.imimt iimuajbu'.iut lu I,Illrit . "Stol) acti mlit hii'. sav 'un,1,bloomîs will be the result. If sege- cuttiug purpases. Sli îmc lciclîckbok mîi seol siim ii ticlie shal i '1-i s i m'er sand ic coreintî'Iteltu tables. strains mas'hav-e becomel___ <leut cfuunice.caeluhh -oîcîla'.bie îhui irlt".. ii VI l-.Vo'iu caiuîi't lu, ite ofi isi'.mxed or we may hav-e uusi tbiug- NEXT WEEK - Laiwus. hobbeds. '.luî laî beeti iaulît ho -do sclieiiu "'O1, Ire s 1'ut- 1tlî i'. 1ý\I . n\mi! celiavCll iitite I fiulit ! P. eîc toefrm ba aeinteusive segetbhe gardeus and iras-i-I inuc.She idtli u"isest ais omie djdmiîkito\%- - s- aidNia rin iîr u îsem't te gel blusm-\Vla I'muigpat.mare plans. eTîîmu a terlie i'triiîîihhiutle coîltsi"uî Ten he utrien sîuime i i l into do-,0ni" aîke a ire v Seed saving la a job for bbe ex- liu iii ivaiter 'le su' mumndhih ti cjî tali-1a.j nui e uîd!!ruts - (lll\Vrc miI jusnuît t1eîdfr'perts. Best commercial s e e di lieriri vliaevershe l1o1I(I ecie tothv axi nd nddedli 1e - re ati iicamesri framed srpeciaifomfarmsa f opomat-at i-' u-i. It". llî n clu.' -site Il <h. "Touî-s " t. v ,aju lier s5h r stîl- ed by prafessianals. Wbeu we get, .\11j s atlat lit \\s onliv stll lve ier!*'lemuhs -'*the\, ivei't trîust.u t l, tl1L aur seed from a reluable Canaduan \\il\ au -'uuil mu <m-mu <<umi <h tuthetuiluhi Ilit lies iirobablv mi'mfto'i- ilili':îimh. amduisse u otiiivc ' secd bouse, we do nat hav7e to (of m<lier 1 i 'immu amd i'hem ri mraic <. --uthe omller ir- rii lv-- s- ie1r evsi-ru ti, (- wammry. beiug assured thal the pic- iîî-'.i-ui<-cui îîmîii ii -'n îoî-. ()î.are s\out <oimue u îîîm ' i- -uruulike '. lis rus. and l ier lac, final msult. if sue follosu the sim- Iii~~~~ ~~ r1<tuiuiiiu'Hienilet l'el' ~huuIii lati 1cai-ebu fore s< mi ma'. filîc i i iislîauue a'. siee<r pie directions and gis-e a littleu4 r-i -l te k t t,< \i m uI m i<s<- i . f r 1 it i lît ha e ia î r u bIei fissii! titis. imut N i ar i <rje' s s- s ' i c m e lu - .m m m îr - s >h uîc li m î vl - m i mt h e u i ri fu î u h îu gusn't.(-)I butiu fl5- 4 i ri d a v rlP l a n sI 1wIi< ( .îmî.îI vlugîj*.on .i 1e1ai-1ii) n uTulrhav ' I hie average garden thel iîirmui lsrbi ar ftt l sue n titi uîd to<aru! a siichemcmohci hunulIl lrc, ftoier ishamî amuteof bud eena oes dssqaie anud lîc t ito a smrmiiti trect -,of lit- chuair iuii te ii!tli of te root. lînuittttjîumhesîirîîiî imte bteenafu-qae îleîhi;mi hutîss Il lik. bickI 'ioit <u si ihmwut Ve tih un e ' Thure." siue sait!. mmm, mîuick amuui ;yards wili give amazing resulîs. h"m-msithi icormilTiîmmrcie'. iniialote cbajr uft. thli 1 i I ieueeTeui Pae tue bil! nit!et the cîai br saei sa l savs t-iillu»row.bloc aitr blck. vilhý IS to tlke l tothe awilhor, Th othr zilabieed tawnft l,.oabaestricllya sti informaima i îî~- ilis aterumiei ThereCatît lies aut!. ai e le arge detîoniîaimmîo ' layant sitb the centra! portion of iii mIs \vacantulots'.aur'".'. '.îtrcet.*1 i atroil h suis- Iv lildnr adlok he gardoen cleared of beds and cîmîmeimu uîin îîîîî-s'aîuî a'.hî hucaît..Ilhieri-. X\ihi soit take cll'Tiieri- lte bilhs ite isas î1 !ue aîl12u-shrubbcry and devoted entirely ta \vi us o r t'. leI<r-iclast iruise inuttue rmmmii-'ms-il 'utethituecoîîteîtlit ts jin te -elu t sne. Tet e cngrass. Aound the edges wili be îîîrîîiii,- axi 'îeîuîmu!oiiTe <mfîhis hostile sister. NMami rie cîîaîîctaîdsuit amiaert loek caie. grue bdso prnna ad [iT-e driver hîatîu!-uilier lier check. gai i lier a mîuick troubieti ghsuce. umite stehe siomehe uu). sn! the laimît annuai fiowers, ieading up ta oemiit-t the- tîmor. asuiste gt!I <<-uit "A're voiii resue mtir sister."' color that had core ne mb er chîees shrubs and vines along the wails lierimurie.'I uippmiei uuu'. li.' umi!tuefaded. easiuug lier neiastis mWhite or fence boundaries. This open "Itlimk ertai au bilbete oiir '-r!hiîlssv s f l ituu centre adds ta the effecl of spa- us thn eh ortih etti! tueheamî uîî lstilue ". saif oumr ltinmu \\'ecimtidittake it I sie sail ciousness and if the igid boun- ait lmr Tuea ututtutteummu-iiî'ehs Necîtttee Pli"il daries are softened and partiaily unki-suretr his is the ierul ii -ce. [titre utir)îcre ou the uiatte! Nisebe hac.Thîcre i ii seo 'atuilsie he]ul hidden 50 much the btter and vommIii! recociuize tuat. If moui hîsti ut t N fariorie. initriguin. Nvautem ll i!aiteruiont lIti sotin! ilNonsetnse !" said Mariorie. "Ycii Whcreethe gardon is larger, cx- iurohlahlv have huei couic 10<." arceumuî fapuii. areul î'onm? Its mmiiports sdvoase sçreening off a -'Nou kuiome. I did'ut e -ci îoî h iul'r ms-vhue is coîti. isit it ? portion by bringing forsvard thc .... luat!asi'ter uttîil dthneioefrr custer " All i!liese m-ars? Yiîun st-as surraunding shrubbory at anc Thd bteav' kc b irscti!ardl mute siav anit ever seuinitisu'.art point, or usiug a hcdge. wail of Themmru loo-ed immi-erni!h mîtteuNo!atndi bu Irees 50 that bbc whoic affale will uuîîlm'h me iii es-e.. 'uc 1<'t tat 'tht-r %v<<miait. andtl ',t'.ul oeutireiy visible from any odluaî ummîtie "!1 ut ?" iler uuinev. unitmur'.. \Vicanît taku e cpoint of observatiou. This th"N couteau- t" uu' u u's ru! i<kiir u! -will add fuether ta that air Of "Ioo, l(I*!! NsId arjorie lumi spaciausuess and also provd sliuilv. mmwuu Vve. ilasinietmî tii! ihîce ru seçluded corner or tsi-afor a Cusu-Thuen io\ iuec iv oit îiîîî -mîîhleîhlitem si'.îers ccci rchildeens swing or saudbox or out.,stoisI thunat i lirsi. -I uummîut lias e possibly a seat or trellis cavered mountainu bush trails. Caaada's anly electrical!y operated ski 10w wili be ia operation froa the clubhouse ta a 500-foot level. Rupe Edwards, Banff skier who bas heîd many championships, la tbe club's coachi. Edwards la seen execuling a perfect gelande- sprnng ln the aboce uayont. The picluro also shuowss the greatly lmproved jnmp schere champions of aiany camîîotilions wil!! try la betîem bbc present Canadian record. The young lady lu tuhe hoser rigbt corner of the pictumes above is -Miss Elizabeth Pateson, of Fort William, wha suil! heoancetof the bostesses dur- ing tbe compelitions. Other fair skiera are accu tesling the new ski tow. Orange Pekoe Blend SALadK 0F VALUE! Sedan trtjnk. ~~*~* Plus Featurea 0f The ~s rice Fie.l. eg / ONTIAC'"ARROW' 'an' N reC Ride . .. 6.00 x rtness to attract 16 Tires. .. Dual Tail Lampo rs-solid comfort No-Draft Ventilation . .. mess of a cat in Engine Heat Indicator.. iIndependent. Fully Rubber. Kperienced--silent 1 Coveed Running Boards natchless thrifti1 Sedan-Type Front Seat (in es are down wîth met Vd-erSito )mpared with last \ ecandigear Sh(Opifont value into every -e t see and drive )mpanion car, the - ed car in the low-M ied through the P-69B 1OY NICHOLS Bowmanville onesteul northemn siapes wheno hero are gaod conditions tbrougli- )ul the winler and Improvements n trahis and compolilive facilities nake thom tof champiansbip cali- mre. The 4,700-foot dowuhili mun -rn the top of Mounl MIclay la descent of mare Iban 1,000 foot n bass Iban a mile aud procides urilîs apleuty for contestants as veuu as spectators. Thore isaa h-moIre F.I.S. standard jnmp and L500-foot slalom course whuore me continont's ski stars sihiccin- -te' The mountalu, wbicli lais-within îsy reach off tbe cily, bas many ursemy and pracîlce alapes lu tdition ta more than 25 miles of featuring 7Tune in the H Every THURSD, FRB - CFPI C C PAGE NINE THE CANADIAN STATESNIAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MARCH 9TH, 1939 W ne Vumà%U% V Vu"@ @ver." a