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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Mar 1939, p. 10

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PAET.ýTHE C \N.DIAN STATESXI\ \, BWAN, ONT ARIC, THURSDAY.MRC TH1, *-------------------------------------------------------------- Qf Interest To 0 10 WOMEN k MOTHER'S BUCKWH-EÂT CAKES I'm thinking of the days long past when we were al at home Upon the fifty-acre farm, pa bought from Deacon Crame; Ten children and our parents made an even dozen then, Now four have grown te womanhood, and six te stalwart men. And 1 arn thinking, tee, of how our ma did have te werk, There wasn'f any mother's job thaf she weuld ever shirk; And fhrough the winter rnnhs each rnorn for breakfast she would make The finest buckwheat pancakes any mother e'er could bake. She'd set the " batter" night before beside the even door, And often in the mern 'twould be run over on the floor: She used a big long griddle that weuld cever each front hole. On which she'd dip eight cakes or more from eut the batter bowl. And fer a "greaser" she would use a rind of geod fat pork. And she would stand and turn those cakes, (rny, how thaf dear did work); We made our maple syrup and our ider apple sauce, No matter how we *yelled for more she neyer would.gef cross. Now when I go te restaurants, (my time 1 seem te wvaste), And order buckwheat cakes. sornewav, thev do ,nt have thP +1,.. CELEBRATE 65TH ANNIVERSARY 0F WEDDING DAY ,Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Washington, Toronto, Are Honored Guests at Quiet Family Party A quiet farnily party was held Saturday, March 4th, te celebrafe the. 65th wodding anniversory 0f Mr. ond Mrs. T. E. Washington. 98 Lytton boulevard, Toment o. Tht. couple were married on March 4, 1874, at tht. home of tht. bride's parents in Markham Toxwn- ship, and affer sponding 13 years in the Zion neighborhood, Dam- Iingfon Township, where Mr. !Washington farmed, they came f0 Toronto in 1887. For tht. posf 52 Like those we MseW to irl.> uu ,iux nae ie tast Lik thsewe se tehae wenwe were living on the land Yativin theabuiing an dreal It may be that they lack the magic touch Of mother's anate bin tes. lig n r 628 Crawford St., <oronfo. -RALPH GORDON.! Mr. Washington, in spite of his 1 years, still gees te the Office daily, waiking the entire distance frmhis home, a total of four HaMpton W. 1. r gathering much food for thought.imiles in a day. Brisk walking, he A plasan andproftablA vote 0f appreciation was ex-[says, is one ef the greatest exer- A pesaInst and prfitg able Wo ene d tethe Bo mnviîe ladies. cises a m an can take, and te it, in mens Istiuf metin ws held Rfehet were served by the, part, he attributes the fact that onThrsayaferoo wenth icentre group in charge.i he is in such good health at his ontrc hrsdafet roo wenJ h Mrs. Knex ovnr Of east age. Disrit reidntMr. . hik-greup, asked the ladies te bringi "Good health and longevity do a soBowmanville, accompanied Isomne werk accomnplished during net depend on one factor alone,"' by other ladies, presented a fine !the winter months te the April he adds. "One must liye a bal- Theram meeting. .ne w anced life, drink plenty of water Themeein opnedwih The Announcernont of District An-'and in general take care of one 's Creed read by Mrs. J. R. Knex. nual Convention at Orono on June self. I have neyer teuched eithera President Mrs. W. T. Perrett in-!r8th, was made. liquor or tobacco."M troduced Mrs. Thickson, who an-1 Bouquets 0f hyacinths and daf-. Mrs. Washington, 88, is stillac nounced a piano number by Miss'fodils, house grown by Miss L.'rtive, but is not enjeying such goodn Joyce Luxton; Mrs. Kenneth Hull Hern, decorated the reem. As a heaith as formerly, and it is for sang "Open the Gates 0f the member of the Horticultural Soc- her sake that the reception, as s Temple" and "Loveiy Spring"; iety she had the success of grewv- held on previeus anniversaries, ci Mrs. Hall centributed f wo iterary ing daffodils some four and a haif was net held this year. Mrs.A numbers, "Skating" and "In the inches in diameter and about 27 Washington is a daughter of the9 Posf Office"; Mrs. Geo. Pritchard inches in length of stem th is year. late Nicholas H-agerman, pioneer rg sang a solo, n Ieade ih h etclua oiety lias re- farmer after whomn Hagerman'sg Jce Lu io, "There's a Lighf in organized for another year, at a Corners was named, and was born v the Valley." Mrs. Thickson's fine recent meeting. with Mrs. John on the old Hagerman homestead c paper on "Friendship" gave the Kiveil, Solina, as president. in Markham Townshi. r A BL Hagerman, formerly acounant in the Bank of Montroal at Bo%ý- a manville, is a cousin of Mrs. 1 Washington.loi Mr. Washingten is ablo te read'r 1ý iwitheut glasses and, a prelifiec reader. he is well posted on civic sa oue btand international affairs.e M.and Mrs. Washington arelH &~a~ o membors of the Eglinfon United ou c",p 1ý COChurch and cf the Durham Club. MN x ~,~Fîve of their seven children, and ib est tet four of their grandchildren, are c b e r i e o s ,S o c o o ýý , e % Ç b el i v i n g . b e s i d e s s e v e s 'a l g r e a t - j 'O i e , S ,'g r a n d c h i l d r e n . v et oe e',10' rMr. Washingten is son cf the ta] %si ~oteloto Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wash- t OU Ctl 9 ool ington and was boro in the stene imT t-Coi -_ .;, :: house on the Sth Cencession, nearl Zion. occupied bv J. Shackleton < ' and owned by Cyril Mumford CO' SThere wero seven sons (the late Th Rex'. W. C. Woshington of Bow- -. . .~.-.- manvilie being one of them)., and on, three daughters. Mrs. B. M. War- erý nica is a niece cf Mr. T. E. Wash- ingten. or cIa bio bet RELATIVES MEET h ON OCCASION 0F s SILVER WEDDING )'31r. and Mrs. Bort Wiîlkins of î Courtice Presented With so ('he.sterfjold ('Isair and st Addresspi a * CELEBRATE 65TIl WEDDING ANNIVERSARY ~Children 's ~ Cornèr FOR THE TINY TOTS Dear Kiddies, A TRUE STORY STORIES AT BEDTIME " r oga o lk orvr Oh.corne and see, corne and Fou litl chldrnchuby ndown part of the "Statesman." see!" shouted littie Elizabeth Fou litiechidrn. huby' miThat wvas a vcry nice letter you capn e ad.Js oka sweet. lpighe ad,".s oka Sat on the furry rug at my fee. rote me, Jean. Tom thinks that ail those soldiers!" The excited IMary wasj5. Jerry wvas 7', the answer to last week's Riddie-exlmto brghbohran Tomwas just9 and Pat vas i1. rna-ree was a boy sawing -wood. serslamtonthescholror wnd Mary looked up and srnilinglîy The "screech" referred to contact 'hurriedly, and there. far below, said.with a nail. and the "Bing-bang" in the Courtyard of their Father's "TeIli mnre a stesry whenI gohtobcd.' and "Gee" to the harnmer on his:Castie were rows upon rews of "A storye?" a,"ndwatsa thurnb. Marie thinks it was a boy ithems rrlsodr ith "The tales.,of the Ark and of Noah.," playing his violin when the string Kin' rvThcilewos Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Washinrton sa i e. broke. Grown-ups tell me they ngsAm.Techlrn1hs 98 Lytton Boulevard, Toronto, wvho celebrated their 65th wedding Sai too like the "Children*s Corner." usual schoolroom was in a lewer anniersay Saurda, Mach 4h. 139. r. Wshinton s a on 0 Pd Jrr, "hThen tell me of King. Young or old, baby or sage, for0fteCsehdbn anivrsr StudyMac 4h.139 M.WahCgonesson Df- hParos daughter People are children at every age. perched high up arnong the bat- the late Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Washington of Sth CnesoDr placedwlittie Moses te float Well, Bye-bye" tilI next week, tlements for the duration ofth lington Township, and brother of the late Rev. W. C. Washington, W'on the water, Kiddies! th .Bowmanville. And tell me of Joseph and Ben- -USY War, se that officers of the men, jarnin toe,MU EY now marching and driiling in the with a blanket and put in a warm With his ceat of gay colorofgunsblw udbeilte. pe te let rise until it doubles every hue."ous frudsblwcudbeilted H ints For Homebodies inabulk, about twe heurs. Forrn Tom, net te, be done, wanted aise ABATL RYA his was a Thrillingsigt o tea Wrltten for The Statesman it eI naydsrdsae h aeOc pnatn hr ie find the quickest and easiest way Of Jonah, who sernehow got in- King and Queen who had for their peep new and again between les- by is te put balis of the deugh in side a whale. crest a lovely white feather, and sons. But the best time of ail was -'-.-Jsse Ale Brwn straight sided muffin tins. Cever Pat asked about David the bey lalI their subjects wore white in the evening when the lights in ý. Jsi le rw ý and let rise agamn until deubled with such skiii ýcrests. In a nearby kingdom there the nurseries were lowered and Mrs. George Black, M.P. in bulk, about twe heurs. Bake inl That he with a siing great Goliath lived a King and Queen who wore the children were in bed, for then Th taaBac fteCnahot oven of 400 degrees. Brush did kiil. black velvet. One day when ther adian Women's Press Club gave ture of from 85 te 90 degrees, un- Se they knelt at my feet, Mary, White Queen stepped out into the tesrise I' ogln a a luncheon with Mrs. Black as der the bianket, makes the light- Tom, Jerry, Pat, palace gardens a Black KnightIte Tipperary", and "Keep the their speciai and henored guest. est relIs. And they whispered their prayers approached her and stole her home f ires burning" were sung hve beneaing nicetthwangs Piquante Jelly on the furry mat. away. Soon the White Bishop wo 1fb hundreds of men, and song and havebeenhearng nce tingsThen upstairs they scampered and rý was also in the grounds, cailed his 1 laughter issued joyfully through about Mrs. Black. And the haif A tried and true friend gave me quickiy undressed, 1 mate, the White King. They both the corridors and up the dark :asnrmng, oung eman 0rfev- ythre ui eunds haed. t yet Lay down in ther beds and followed, and captured the Knight. mystic stairs leading te, the Tow- chrnty To begnwith, fsev-t iedbtablspn plan geatin awaited the rest. A batte then waged fr some ers where the whispering children 'e-l. okin with, the seetelst ½cpcold watn er ai I f irst told how animas went 2 tie u nte end the Whitej lay and listened. What a beauti- niel. ngWh t seett 1/ cups blin water by 2 folk were triumphant. Don't be fui memory this must be te one - smile WhatInto the big house that was se like alarmed, boys and girls; this was new grown te be our ewn beloved 1-3 cup ater. Zo. net a real war, but enly a garne Queen Elizabeth. I amn sure that Sote hegeain i hecodWith careful detail I told how the r0-hs!evr iesehear themoosoi green suit. A wvater and dissolve in the boiig Ark---§- must at times, her thoughts return real honest-to- water. Add the 1-3 cup oilingt Sailed over the waters just like a i oteltl Cide' onr goit s reeno the catsup and stir into the gela- great barque.r There was a yeung lady called tucked in the b'ttlements of glor- wihpet ftine mixture. Mould in very srnalî And then as 1 told how the rains Lena, ieus Glamis Castie, home of her o i o r to it. moulds or in a lof tin and cut at last stepped, ýWho bought a new vacuum cleana: delightful childhood. Brown band ofn squares. And the Ark on a mountain was But she getintewyoit ur one the of it fud aofthat fsS~re with either meat or salad., gracefuîîy drop'd, suction one day. and fel hatMary and Jerry had wandered it 'And since then nobody has seena! vithfia wigs 'eers fFOR THE BIGGER BOYS n the crown, The Mayor of St. Thornas is a Into the beautiful land of dreams. ~§§§ N IL just the shade .. former boxing and w re s tlin g I related the story of how on the l A Doctor had an urgent phone Slowly and silently. she laid the f the suit. I Jessie Allen champion. If his ideas are right d eep.1 cali frorn a gentleman saying his littie white form in the place that ;aw her thot Browvn on every question that cornes UpIfJonah met the great fish - and lyoung son had swxallowed his hod been prepared for it. Thon. vening in the St. Thomas is apt to have a suc-1 Tom xvas osleep; fountain pen. bending down, looked upon the îouse wearing her suit but with- ccssful year.-Chatham Newýs. i I told Pot the tale of the daring "Ail right, III corne at once," rounded beauty of her offspring ut a hat. Neither she nor Miss Sir George Paish says that the' x'oung boy, said the doctor. "What are you for the last time. She could ne JcPhail wear hats. Wouldn't it uwhole world is facing ruin. It Who- did such good work with a doing meantirne?" longer retain the naturol expres- )e awfui if thev had t0 xxear a hat mnay be some satisfaction to kno\w bit of a tey.r Whereupon the unexpected ans- sien of her emotion and s0 gave or those endless hours of speech- that we are ail in it together.- How he went to the brok'ndwe.cmea en1l" vent to a prg pnta g n k n ? M s ' B a k h s a q i t T r n o G o e a d M i . -se c u re d a sm a il sto n e , sh rie k . H e r fa rn ily g a th e rin g n e a r, oice and is an interesting, witty a Z ventuired to face the great §--- joinod in her feelings and carne alker. An she speks as sn giant alone, A TRAGEDY to gaze upon the scene. I crept lks with the sadme quiet xit. Ey sg tEuU1LonU And when I was f inished I smiled softlv toe e oor. and d îtng fr 'h u b ro etr h v m nfor I knew Act I - Algy meets a bear. word stretched ouf my hand. The embers get from ail over Can - And That Pot had gone off with the eld Act Il - The bear is -ug. tl warm egwos mine fer da is surprising. Theirs are net Soodman too. c I lyi h bulg. brtikfas egg o n f ned f0 th eir constituen ts. F f i i n 'A c II - Al y s th bu e.r ak st ! 'hey get both slams and bouquets i ficieIcIUs id Mrs. Black soys she is oid ' ~B ISrVN OPL xeln acesaloe h . C.H.Tuck AR ONORED ON j ~ i 40TH WEDDING DAY L~~sqht On Xednesdax ýMorch lst, Mr. ';~ Specialist and Mrs. J. D. Stevens, Maple \\ \ Grove, celebrated their fortieth Disne Bld. ,vedding aoniversar.y Many cards (opp. P. O. wiî 00od wishes w~ere receix cd Oshawa, Phione 1516; and eleubly apprecioted because Mr. Stevens has been kept i0 bed Numbor 74 for severai weeks owing te a Even thouizh oct SUSîecîed eýf heart condition. fstroîn is often c cause cf vour In the ce'eing a happy quiet trouble. I carried the. syniptoms, hour was enjoyed. ail the children and trouble thIroLIgh frorn (hild- 1)e ing present. '11r -.and c Mrs. heod te advanced cge aod wi '-h tcî Charles White, Oshawa, Mr. andl emphcsize again that mon', cf the,. Mr.s. Lorne Stevens. Bewmaovllîe sY mPtoms of evestrain are tht. Mr. aod Mrs. Fred Stevens, Mi.zs, same in tht. child os i0 the patient I Jeýan Stevens, ot home. cf more mature vears.; Small tables were orraoged in In the estimation cf the. un- the room ood a dainty surprise trained it has been theught that lunctîeon servedi. exercising and training the' mus- cles cf the eyes meaot ne more or less thon outomotically rotatiog the eyes. This is a verx' unfair de- B3ETHESDA HOME r lusion as moov bocks and special A courses cf study have been de- AN C OOL CLUBý vised and perfected in the effort and I moy scy sxiccess in this Bethesda Home and Scheol Club course of troining and ne means met Fridoay night, witb Presideot of rotating the eyes has ever beeri Mrs. R. Wright in charge. Mrs.S. at ony time entertoioed as o part Hoar gave the devotionoal, offer of this pregrain and any pro pa- wb*licli Mr. D. Cole teok charge cf, ganda oiong this uine shoulel be this prograrn: Cernmunity singingr investigated before the untraitied led by Alma Rundie; pi-ano solo, mmd os ben oc ufairyd- Hiowvatha" by» Jean Lageer; read- luded. r ng bv Mrs. D. Fraser; Dr. C. W.. Sh'rnn gave on înteresting talk ______1o men xho had greatly centri- blileçl to the. medicai profession: a solo by Mr. R. Giaspeli, "Yar- moutth Fair", accompanied by Mrs. R. Pcciev-; onother eadin.g bx' Mîrs. D. Froser; fcllowed by pian'o selo by Jean Lageer. Lunch was servedcc d a social lime enjoved. Mr. S. Ilîar mox'ed oaxvote c thanks te Dr. Siemon aid ail wb bad centributed f0 ,ram. ijoys themo all. Have yeu reac r autobiegraphy? ActuallyI n net sure xhether it should b. ýassed as a biography or an auloc iography, as it was toid to Eliidi 'th Bailev-Price. and xritten bý- r. Aoy hew if is good rcadmgÏl den't miss it. The Luncheon Menu Weuld yeu like te knovw .x hri ehad toecat? The feod is aclxv: )Portant cf a porty. Wec i p aliish square cf thick Ibrcîl.i ak, wilh a strip cf bacon and a ce cf fricd banana. andl a lui!f baked opple, xith pars!(,%- ces cor] a ftu ncn Tb1 ,-l About 70J relatives gathered atfaood the fruit combination.. tht. home, of Mr. and iMrs. Bert vcry good and oct toco mbiticu WIITulnae.'a.~,Wilkins, Courtice, on Soturday f0 be served at home. 1 have h:îd( YOUR NUbDMNI., ILIOJfUUUfLY NO evening, March 4th. 10 celebrate both apple and fried banona vth with themn their 25th w;edding bacon but neyer xifh steak ho- aoniversarv. Rex'. W. C. Smith; fore. Tht. dessert xvas a roll cf caiîed tht. Company to crder and iice crearc, 'iced' with xvhipped THISDELIIOU RECPE OR f s liaffer cengrafulating the bride and, cream and decorated xxith chocc- groom caiied on Mrs. Lloyd Crago jloto shet, thon cut in suices. *IT S ONLY ONE of the almost endless var- te read o vorY eulogisfic address The Question Asked ieof tempting, inexpensive recipes signed on behaîf cf the. farniiy by1 When Miss Alice Johnsfbn spoke thtae s aiyprprdf'mCnda Stephen Jeffey, Ccul Jeffery,! in Orillia on British Social Se- thatarese asiy pepard fom anajanMrs. Johny Munday and Mrs. E. W. f vice she spoke of the diff erent Fish ... foods net ol> enjoyable, but packed FoIey. standards by which youth is judg- with rich, neurishing goodness. . . with a On behaîf cf those assembled 'ed in different countries.' When a Cecil Joffery and Milford Wilinsî youth applied for a post in France liberal suppi>' of precious minerais, proecins presenfed them with a beautiful the question asked wos: "a and vitamins tha give the quick fod-energy Chesterfield chair. affer which al] does he know?' In Germin ' . required te keep the menfolks feeling fît and jeioed in singing "For they are, 'What cao ho mako?' In tht. Un srrngfo thirwok.joiiv good fellou-s." îted States, "What cao he doý_ Over 60 kindsMm.CWilkins Fexprndssed f h t.But in Great Brîtain tht. queston) Over60 ind ofCandianFis an ShlI- ~ J thanks cf Mrs. Wilkins and hlm- 1 was "What sert of a chap is hbu' fîshareavaiabl te ou il yar roun, * soif for tht. ioxely gift. r Character xvas tht. firsf considera. fishareavalabl toyouall ear'rondAffer sex'eral speeches ond a, tion. Tht. Packet and News asks. ne orrcked. h, frzenpre d a edari-at WRITE mcitatîo bv Miss Doreen Jeffer. vhat is tht. question asked in Car:- ned r pckld. Tey rovde amea tht'stht. bride and grcom vere pre-laria. I %vculd sav, -Bas he hi. reali>' "scrumptieus" in any man's sooted wifh a lovely silver flower;Matricullatien?"' We are makimn language. basket filled with carnations from a fetish cf certificotes. theiî' dauighters. Besicles cards Relis Serve Canadian Fish and Shellfish and other messages cf congratula- Tepro vode o k svrltmsawe.tion, Mrs. Wilkins was the rt.cip Tt esnwo osotlk seealrme we.ient cf sorne beaufiful bouquets' homne-mode Rolis is yet t0 be-mnoi DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES, OTTAWA. among fhem beîog ont. from th The smell of them makes cî groom and another from Mm. andiguesfs sniff with delight, andl 'Mrs. W. R. Strike cf Bowxmanxille. when it cornes to eating them it Ospartment of Fshertes. Ottawa.Th remaînder cf thet. queer Please send me your free. Beokiet, 'O Tempt- F was spent in cards and social con- ver, best ceoks soem te have a versation until Il c'clock whon fear cf yeast mixtures. Actuallving Fish Recipes". the committet. in charge, ossisted fhey are net at ail difficuit. Tht. Narnea FOR by sevoral yeung ladies, serveda chief fhing te remomber is that 196 ( print letrers pîainîy)**I dainty lunch. Tht. bride's table hoat will kili yeost, se neyer bave gFREE 'was beautifuliv decerated with any cf tht. iiquid botter than luko- Address...................................... .OO candies, flowers, and o îovoîy %worm. Rernember how you tisent cw-5 B OK large %veuuîng cake whicb aste test the baby's bath by Putting, . .......................... .........lof a er eut by the. bride, a drop on the wrisf? Do the same' About midnight the. guosts de- thing with the mnilk for your relIs. 1 parted wvishing Mm. and Mrs. Wii- and if it is the same temperaturo _______________________________________________ i kins many more yoors cf happi-_ as your wrist it is just righf. Nov- 055s and looking ferward f0 colo- or use if whiie if still feels bot. bating wifb thern their golden 2 cups milk wedding. 3 tabiospoons butter «'I FIND HAWESI FLOOR GLOSS SO A pieasing featureocf tht. evon- I'4 cup xater ig was the. presence cf the bride's cusgr EASY AND CONVENIENT. 1 SPREAD A mothor, Mrs. Wm. Jeffery 0f Ma' 2 eggs LITTLE ON MY LINOLEUMS AND 'pie Grove. 4 cups bread fleur PAINTED FLOORS, AND THEY DRY AND ____2 tcakeos msat GLEAM IN 20 MINUTES. IT IS SELF. ' 3 cups bead flour POLISHING YOU KNowP' "The. Chuimnh s that institution. Ileat the. milk, sugar, sait coi! xvhi c Itornîs proof cf ilsut il itY butter and stir untîl l.clvir 1ncl tfronnl elevafing th(, rajce, f cioltintil Iti ko-% amm. r)solx roi ising thPe dormiant îî cerslandl- 'tht. vat in tht. xatt.r. Adle titi A j ~~ing from mcter i b'lnfs fo thn. ve-asf and tht. beafen eggs tri titi ~~ L 0 O ~ ~ i a p p r c l . i . çi c n f s p i r i t i a e c i k - r o î k a n d l 5 f I i n l i i 1 M andl thlecdemion. tration of divine'1 CLPS flour. Beaf unI ilxvl-mêI ~ ~ & o j science. li-r b.v ncasting o t cii v- Si fi in th t.' :iCcIPS flcr cand :a v .31.111 ils, or nrror. arnd healîng tht. sick. iýYciu ina', find if casier Ici viiik SMcmv Baker Eddyv. this in xxitb tht. bauds. Cuver CHlILDREN of ail ages ' thrlvo on "CROWN BRAND" CORN SYRUP. They neyer tire of its delici- oua flavor and It really lsaos good for them-so give the dilidren "CROWN BRAND" every day. CORN SYRUP a nicat atis- factory carbohydrate to use ne a mllk modifier in the feedlng cf tlny Infante and ne an energy producing food for gjrowing children. I !iQUARE DANCE COMPETITION AT C. N. EXHIBITION Early one Zdrk, cloudy mornîng in September 1934 a lîttie group of eleven young people - four dancing couples, a fiddler, a pian- îsf and a caller, quietîy walked ouf of Mount Forest and climbed info a ruck on the. outskirts cf the. town. They were coming f0 tht. Canadian National Exhibition te compote in the. Old Time Square Dance Competition, and did nef wish any cf the towns- people to know oif il, for fear they should fail. They won the. Champ- ionship Shield, howeyem,' and me- tuned in triumph. In 1935 nd again in 1936 lhey wn iin tht un dem 45 yecrs class. Lofer a multi- milionii'e in tht. United States plannc'd f0 bring Ibis group ex'er there nd make o "fakie film" cf their dancing. This plan lias net yet becîn corried ouf, but this mil- r iniei tl consîdemîng it and mnay hring c winning group fromF Ibis yeor. Thee arca large number f Province. This year these cem- petitios promise to be warm-ly colested on Music Day, Augu1st 3lst. There are three classes - Under 45 -,-ars, Over 45 years. Open. No eotrv fet.. Fret. admis- sio te the. grounds sent te ail ccmnpcting groups. Entries must be ilthe. hns cf the. Competi- lion Secretar 'v. J. S. Atkinson. 2 Confedieratîcu Life Building, To- ronto. by Aîîgîîsî.t3rd. !939. hî:î I II, 11 i .1I ~i. i r ii i ,l tii li, ' ' Nî îtîu, 1 NI ai i I lakît I ilîli Dodds Kidney Puis Yes, and so do thousande of other tea lovera throughout five continents. For Lipton'osamati leaf tes bas the exhilarating quality of neyer becoming insipid even tbough you brew it weak. Its rich, full-bodied flaveur gives satisfaction with every cup. Enjoy the superb quality of the tes that has won the preference of the worid. Buy Lipton's today. Three dis. tinctive grades: Red label, Orange label and Yellow label (Iàpton'a Fineat). LIPTON'S, e .woricld omg.t Itisg t if is 6Im .,>,for Coeade m tde& "WORN OUI,, AND WORRIED Dragging around each day, unable to do housework - cranit with the eidren- feeling nîserable. Blaming it on "nervesa when the kidneys may be out of order. When kidneys fail the system cloga with impurities. Headaches - backache, frequently follow. Dodd's Kidney PUil help clear the system, giving nature a chance ta restore beiltb and energy. Easy to take. Sale. 1! FREE!y ineeypud and haif~ ~ g oudakgeof Liptn',Teathee are thee careful %hyare ez hane ble fr eauti- Ru W.oer. and so . Si rit.Write le, for rm.mbook- ,e to"oa. .Lipton Làited, Iàpton Build- ing, Toronto. 392A T E A j j

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