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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Mar 1939, p. 12

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PAGE TWEI.X'E THE CAN.\DIAN STATI- SM.\N, BOWMANVILLE, ONT.\RIO Ti~4tTRST'Y5sV \f'XRCT-1 QTI-T iota The Newcastl ----- ---- Plione Clâ ITS .UST THE FLU The lack of more Newcastle news this week is due to our versatile and loyal correspondent, Harry R. Pearce, being a victim of the flu. We hope Harrys on- forced rest, if one can eall it that, will be of short duration. We noticed Hugh Templin, editor of the Fergus News-Record. lias been off duty with the sarne complaint and this is how he oxplainod his feelings: Nothing Sorjous were Mrs. Mvorton. Mrs. Dewdney. Utî.qr..i .no.orp -. uuu.,i-.Mrs. Honev. Mrs. Normain Plik-1 England. Eyes tee sore to read: ard, Mrs. Breceton, Mca. NormanC UN L Nose that runs se fast it must be Allin. O N I going somexvheî'e in a burry: __________ Throat tee sore te talk: (Conitinued fi'om Page 1) Stomach tee sore te eat: E G IH LTE aae f$0,pnigitr Cough se bard it seoms somo- E_______ vidames it olice.0, tendiscovner-i tbîng will have te give may: ve ihplct icvri Muscles tee sore te lie in bed: (Continued from Page i) they wece called te the scene. tee eak e ai Up:A letter from M. G. V. Gould, too tucnedosseepumb a war: that the tbougbt of an end stating 0e stili refused te act on Foyer that tundsepit oe e ell is se transcendingly High Scbool Board, was laid on nigbtmares;: lovely tbey long te be alive te see tetbea obn a edn Mmdteeuvery e tink it. And besides - den't you us- until Counties Council meets in Legs tee tired te stand; ' ually want te keep what semneone June. -Oh no, it's netbing serious: is trying te take from you? Even Reutfoprmsinei- jus th f u, n is atet vrsin, f ou bave te scurry and bucrow staîl four 1000 gai. gas tanks foc like a rabbit te keep it? .wbolesaie distribution of gasoline Dr. W. H. Wallon-Bail, Toronto, No indeed, Sir John, if il is was ceferred te town solicitor. A. spent Monday aI uHarris Lodge."' modemn warfare from wbicb you H. Sturrock, employed with Im- Mr. Fred Treleven, Toronto, are planning te prelect Ibis jewel pecial Oul, made the request in spent Saturday at bis summer in the silver sea, do it with spades wriîing. home, Newcastle on the Lake. Sic John; and keep your silly lit- Propecty Committee r e c o m-i Congratulations te, Lawrence't1e tin buts for tool-sheds. mended that two lots be sold te, Morton on passing bis music ex- "'Mr. Barrett for $50.00. aminatien with 2nd clasa honora. î Lady Aster made a speech in Property Committee also ce-j Mc. George Gray underwent a1 the House of Commons Ihe other ported tenders bad been received1 critical oporation Monday week day. I wonder how many mem- for painting court roem, clerk's] when 0e bad a diseased lung ce- bers were inclined te giggle glee- office and twe other offices in the1 moved at the Christie Street Hos- fully wben she said: "We must building, but that furtber prices pital, Teronto. aid the farmers. We shaîl need will have te be asked for repair Frindsin ewaste wretbemn for food in the next war." of court room ceiling. Frieds n Nwcasle ere "Peraonally," said my friend, Finance Commiltee reporled ne sorry te bear of the death in ,,'m quite willing te wback action taken on requests for Bowmanviile Hospital on Tuesday around and do my bit in war- grants from Sick Cbildren's Hos- of Mc. Wes. Neden. The sympaîhu' lime. But I do draw the lino atf pitl or Salvation Army. of the community is extended te cannibaîism." The grant te the Canadian Leg-t Mrs. Noden and ber family. ti* ion Band was increased te $350.00( Mca. W. H. Pearce. Howard and Il takes ahl kinds of news te Finance Committee ceported. S Ernest, Mrs. H. R. Pearce and make a papor, altbougb il bas Public Library grant uvas ce- famiiy. Newcastle, Mr. and Mca. seemed as if the sports page alone commended for S450. The townP W. J. S. Rîckacd and family, could givo one a moment's ce- bas onceuragod the iibrary, but ili attendod the Golden Wed- spite fcom the welter of war in appears lbey are agreeable te ce-r ling of Mc. and Mca. Ira F. Peacce Spain and China; or from the main dependont and as the in-t in Bowmanviile Saturday night. bombast of the lateal Hitler tereat of citizena is decroased asc C. G. I. T. met Fciday evening. speech; or the discussions of ce- evidencod by iowec mombership,s Scipture was taken by Grace armament in Amecica and Eng- the grant bas been reduced, the Powell, and the tudy book by land. But one day last xvoek report from Finance Commitîee Belty VanDusen. Plans we ce there was an item of news thal stated. made foc enterlaining the Live glowed witb a genîle igbt on the No increase in salary was given Wires Clasa of the S. S. Recrea- gloomy page. te caretaker of the tewn dump as tien uvas conducted by Patricia:- Il was net a sensalionai stocy, requested by bim. Pearce. nec even exciting. Maybe a great Fice Committee Chairman J. H. t A. Y. P. A. were guesta of the.- many people wouid net find il Abecnetby cepocted two alacmt Y. P. U. February 2710. Guesta even intecesting. But many other boxes instalîed on King Street, i wece welcomed by Garnet Rick- people muat have felt refreshed one at corner of Silver St. on theP ard. Pcegram was in charge of: aflter ceading the litîle pacagraph, Jamieson building and one at cor- i Alex Hendry. Speaker of the ev- sutrounded as it was witb al the ner of Division Street. A pusb n ening was Mc. J. J. Mellor of Or- 1 confusing muddle of wocld news builton bas aise been installed at ono. Recceatien was cenducted by [of man's inhumanity le man. the fire hall.e Garnet Rickacd, Kay Toms andý "Mr. Kenneth Goddard," (said Council alse appcoved the idea f Florence Spencer. A tasty lunchithe item>)usailed yestecday fcom of publishing a complote liat of t] was secved. !- Tilbury te found a leper colony in alarm boxes le familiacize cilizens y Mc. Chrns Robinson, Cleveland, i Tanganyika. His f iancoo. Miss with their location, r Ohio, allended the funecal of bis Betty' Shaw, a typial, of Caîford, Ceuncil adjourned to meet Mon-0 brother. Thes. Robinson, Miil-, said goodbye te him for five y'ears. day evening, Marcb 1310, when brook, on Monday week. Mr. Sbe will join him wben ho bas estimates foc tbe year will be pro- s Tracy Maines, Newcastle, aise aI- cieaced the bush, built a bouse sented and an attempt made le s tended the funecai. They came and a clinic le treat t0e lepers. sol the tax rate for 1939. No ac- c eut together and Mc. COnis Rob- 'Mc. Goddard was a tobacconiat lion wuas taken on rates at Mon- h inson spent a couple of daya visit- ,with a little ahep in Choapsido. d ay"s meeting as complote reports y ing bis cousins, James and the His desire te heip in the servicelhad net been received fcom the ____ ________________________________ lchool boards. ti Il DURHAM CLUB b IRIIY AT 1IIINN'Y flPflflFY [ (contnue fro Pag 1) Ti practically since ils grant fcom the ai ccow,.n. Having in mmnd t0e 0ope CI of securing Ibis addcess, the Dur- i ham Club President, Dr. L. B. Williams, last summer pcoduced CI a celer motion pictuco film Of th flowecs, buildings and landacape itE of botO the Currelly and Mca. 0C Sprea t's preperlies and these wiil o. be inclusive in a Durham reel teo.o be sbown pceceding the address le, by which it is hoed Dr. and Mca. ID( Currelly will ceally seem te be A[ "AI Home" 10 the Durham Club lai aI Ibeir beautiful summer home. Wi In view of bis being an arch- mi aeoiogiat, a man wbo among other idi thinga doives imb 10e relics and Ri industries of man even le prehis- vil teric limes, I was sucpcised net te cis soc sucb as Chinese Buddbas gaz- AI ing peintedly at the stately elma Mi which graco t0e river valloy. As B. h e led me fcem one beautiful sec- Ha lieon of iris bloom te another I ale ceuld fancy him in bis ceverie viewing a lamp wbicb lit the an- te ciont Romans le bcd a tbousand ing years ago or recreating around seme aid relic a dead empire. inc pHowever, il was I doing the chE dreaming for suddenly' ho say's, dis - "4num s t,'r.,r., w iis 1'... .il tus. VUI ni uil1u U1V11 WHERE PRICES ARE LOWEST Fresh Canned Goods Lombard Plums....................... 2 tins 17c Gold Medal Choice Peaches, large tins........... 2 for 17c Falcon Peas, No. 4................... 2 tins 17c American Beauty Shrimps.................... per tin 15c Speclal Wax Beans.................. per tin 10c Grapef ruit.................... 7 for 25e Good Size Oranges..................... 2 doz. 25c Alil Fresh Fruits and Vegetables E. LUNN Phone 596 GROCER Bowmanville ICORBETT'S SPECIALS Flot Cross Buns............... doz. 20c JelIy Roll, raspberry and lemon each 15c Layer Cakes, light and dark 20c 25c Butter and Raspberry Tarts . .. doz. Cream Rolis.................. doz. Cream Puffs ................. doz. And Many Qîher Items of Cream IGoods 30c 20c 20c soc OnIy a few weeks Ieft for our famous H-onemade Flumbugs at......... lb. 30c CORBETT'S BAKERY Phone 890 Our wagon is on your street every day ir RUNS BOAT SHOW l- ~ '~* itrri. to those tragic figures, in thoir lonoly ostracism, led him to un- e Inde endent dertake a course of training that speaks well for bis determinatiot en Ineed singeess of am.Ho td larke 1114 ---____------ _____well as bacteriology and medicine and the necessary special courses " Misses Robinson bofore returning in the troatmont of leprosy. to his home on Thursday. "During the next five years, The Womnan's Day of Pravor bofore joining her fiance, Miss wuas held Friday at 3 p.m. in St.lBetty' Shaw mil study nursing George's Parish Hall. The mem-Iand thoetrèatmont of leprosy. bers of the Auxiliaries of the "For tthe past three years she W. M. S. of the United Church and bas oncouraged Konneth Goddard of St. Georges wero present. MNrs. in his work and study to achieve W. H. Gibson, President of St. this appointmont to found a lopor George's Womon's Auxiliarv. con- colony in Tanganyika," ducted the service, the topie of which was "Lot us put our love, Isobol H. Stephenson' into deeds and make it real."J Cartwright Gardons Club. Those taking part in the servicel London, W. C. 1, - lîuîî'înaiîî Ilu lloi.iil su iii 1, ldil aillie tale. \'Jî M .. l,'îî laws of nature ought to have been îi'Xi e i~iic.IIirsil\ - ii l.stt i«(ýi-re, Sti.Hîmiî l dead 3500 years ago -- it yas -r rîî3i i'iI 'îîî <.1 brought from Central Asia ." J I Piffries îtsar od. lv iicl found on it a glabrous leaf ivith- FOR SA*\LE H V1\INt; - RO ).\l out section or veining. Jesse Hunt, Bowmanville i', iiiii aîl î,.' -r45 ' n aîl I )iîiîî-rsî.iiî Sîîîîî'. \iiiIî But the presenit andl future are U oeiale-i ii iIIaiiî i HruiiiiIl.I-&t.iiIii not intangible things to this farm- After an ilîness of about a SIIII(lav Selîrol 1Uno11ýýi î liil ti* or scho]ar for my attention is next rnonth Jesse Hunt passed ;ieaco- arhilî.ut8 i.îîîîi clirected to a spread of juveîîile fully away ait hîs home'on Scugog Na-l .t.à ýpii iflra 1C mulborry treos, the survivors of a Street, Mar'ch 3rd, in bis 74th iof Iliiiiitý>i W.V. 1.\îlîi in21;cF01\ S \ LE V\'lCTOR'isE' .large initial importation from Ja- year. Deceased was born aI Cov- and 15IC. di; is 'l d iî.r.1 sii 1 pani. Ho spoke of those discourat, .entry, Warwickshire, E in g 1 a n cd, n I.iîii;icaur! Hruusnaille lne25 I- ing, not so beautiful dlay his so and came to Canada when a alo mill rulieul u1iî- uc i n S l unsightly hero and there dotting young man. He worked for a t1L.a1îii'-s of Sti. Al\iîev's.\iN Durham County. He advisod me number of years wîth Alfred A uu IR'i ,f i',Sale M tha ls opetaion wrethat Mann on his farm at Mann's jhl'iîîî iiîe.,îi Si., - ---- - - - - this Mulborry stock would simply Point, on lake front west of Bow- <k1arch Iîhi. 3 tr O mpin. Ttieýslav. Nlarcli 14. 1939 l'lie thrive on such locations and be- manville. Forty-throe years ago Ihrjl.ouiii iii.Ruer iîlrsîelwlIeltmtî sat como an intensive source of re- Mr. Hunt was marrîed tr Mary aulaieCaei.Iaut3,'rîi's- venue due to its wine product in- Jane Mutton who survives and NIiuAî ..îril Vlthfoir t1ivi "i îîîîîîîî on 5 laliincroil Lt 30r, i u stcad of n ýunproductive ce-soro. has the sympathy of a %vide eirt-le sari Stuppe)r. Chîrcb1)tc.frt i tock, iîîîueîîiîî Hoi utur ing the parent stock of friends. Other relatives iîclude lîriî-siuul fevl. Si-i bis fýr la' on bohaîf of Durham farmors for a brother, Thomas Hunt, iin Eng- Board and Room tclr.TriCsi aea )n tho years to come and thus from land, and a nephow, Albient H.- _________ îilr 'rîst'sî aeutIi.i the 'storied past ho becomes a Hunt of Windsor, Ontario. For a W)OARD) AND) ROOMCENTRAL lîm "îhî..\îciuîe . 101 streamlined moderniat in his pub- number of years Mr. Hunt was an lu,îatîiî i.\T)llv F. Nicîllo. l'hoe r Tîîsdavu. Nlarcl 21.,t. - îîtirîîî,i Ilic spirited activities. How few employceo0f the Dominion Organ 894. Kii. St .H siiii lili *rSalt. uf Farnii. Stoîck, I iilu)leiîieliîs. have such distinctive diamotrical- & Piano Company. Sînce then ho - Grainî. Etc.. theprourrtv of \I;rk y oposd gfts aIl from vision. has been gardener and helper to Livestock For Sale lfiîrîiùai. îLot 21. Conîcessionii1I.\hîit- "A Gnral Ramblo" will be a number of citîzens in town in iTuisîî. Sale at orieî o'clock. Dr. Currolly's subjeet of address lookîng after thoîr premise'. Hoe O .lE 1' CI'RNC OLT"sp.Tri Cash. \'u'lllaîîî Maiw. and since in any ovont ho is such was a faithful, conscientiOLne and oier, 1500Iî luîîg \.1à \nictiotiîcîr Lviuiaîi iffuirîl.(Ierk a versatile speaker, whether goo- thorough workman as was sliown 1riî..lhîuîîîe4r1 3. WVi Iavi î 'Itl graphically or -hronologically, 1 by the long years of contiîîuous Omuîi R. . .0-l* intend taking my compass with service ho had given varins citi- me in case ho decides to linger zens. Ho was a quiet, unassîîming FOR SANLE - A\ QU.\NTITlY O0F, Auctioneer eitber somnewhere on oarth's far mari, and of a very retîrîng dis- naîîu<salsuu a C ('l l îIrs.7 Llcensed Auttioneer raches rtme's shoreloas ocean, position, but a staunch Brut sher vears . Aulul. .\i'V'. J 'S ickuiu.EMR LU fo I wsant to come bar'k to Dur- and a firmn upholder of its tradi- R.R. 4. EomwnaillIelhuile 2218.aptn Ot ham ýCounty. tiens. HrpoOt M. J. T . (Boy,.> George, one of Funeral service was conclîcted - -- 10-1 Speclallzlng in Farm, Livestock, Port Hope's popular citizons, -,vil] March 6tb from bis lat(' resuîhence FOR SA-LE 1IOI.STlIANS A\ND Implements and Furniture Sales be baritone soloist. by Rov. S. Davison, pastor of Jri"StriîLeers. aîîi eîeiàu TERMS MIODERATE A unique musical featLire uili Trinity United Church. B'urers couvs. Mso reil l u e î"u I Phone for Terms and Date to: ho Don S. Linden leading the To- were Wilfred Carruthers, C, H. 2269. 10-I Bowmanville 2428. - r w w r - - Real Estate For Sale FOR SA\LE - BRICK H1OUSE. 7Y ncî,îîîs. tuti-lual f acre' landi. sîii huarn fi. ruit ti-mecs, 2 mîi le., tirnil cf Bous-uiantuilie. cii îuîile nîuai. A 1utuvu-B. N lfac Dou iiuaî1Id, N 1lui i vmii Rrl.Bo',-iiauuu'ilhe. 10-2* PROI11ERTY FOR S.\LE-HOUSE , idlot Quen tSt.. residence cf th, late W'uî. Brock. Apply \Wal- ter Hatelu'. Quteen St.. or R. L. Mitchell. Canadian Bank of Com- iierce. Bous'manvilîe. 5-tf For Sale or Rent F\R'M FOR SALE OR RENT - Lot 16, Coii. J, Darlinigtoil, 140 acires. 100 uvorkaule. balance usood anud Iîa.tume. .35 acres faîl l owed, i n i LA-diatc tpossessioni. I m'aitM. Lamw. \'hihu' Ucier. 10-3* F \RN[ FOR SALE OR RENT- Lot 23. Coni. 4. lusiu. cf Hope, I )nmîîai Cotittu', porsessioi st cf Avîril. "umthicr inîstnructionîs appîy tir Rrobert Buuîitii. R.R. 1, Wood- hniîi.-u. Plirrui 2460 's\'codbridgc. ;Sw gMason, L. R. Wood, S. J. Jackman. One cent a uord cash. each George Pearce, Chas. Barrett. insertion (minimum charge le Beautiful floral tributes- surround. 25c). Charge of 25e extra is ded the casket, incîuding a wreath made uvhen advertisement is fro the Sons of England Lodge not paid same -,'eek as iser- fwhdor ayyasodws nebr tion. Extra charge of 10c w'hen for mny yars.replies are directed to a Statesman box number. Births. deaths and marriages M1rs. L. A. W. Tole, Bow'manville 50e each. In Mlemoriams, 50e for notice plus 10e per lino for For se%-oral years, citizons of vre Classifled advertise- Bowmanville have been amazed ments accepted up until 6 at a frail, oiderly woman, Mrs.' p.m. Wednesday. L. A. .Tole, who rofused to al--___________ low failig health to interrupt ber BIRTH church activities. Shie could be seen during winter storms, gin- fIIHRIES -- In ri-îaiih À gerly pîcking ber way along ico- liorlital oin Tlisdav. Nlaicli 2uil. f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~oerestroets on her way te at- 13.ù I.adNr.lln1,11 tenýdmetngs of the Women's 13 i nI\r rhî ut W. J. Challis iMissionary.Society', the W.C.T.U., i bries.'i soniti,îlher - t iWho on Wednesday opened the or nm te hrhgop MARRIAGES ifirst Boat and Outboard Motor n odayFepiru ary 27onta _____ Show over heid in this district. indomitable spiit-passed on t iCrowds have already been attend- hec heavenly homo and eternal COI DI L atra ing the show and Mr. Challis bas rest after two injuries from falls Nlarch 4tIî. 1939, at Kniox Unîited decided to hold it over and ext end had taken her last bit of physical Chrchm. aLond. h Re%. E. B. it for one week se that ever-yone energy. A few weeks before ber EarchmaGn. sisved 1wRev. R A. B. may have a chance of seeing the death in Bowmanville Hospital, Fcr.Grnsu.DrhvAai fifiest and latest boats and out- she feli and sustained a painful daiueliter of Mm. and M.\rs. W'iîfred board motors. Many interesting injury to one shoulder, and the, Addinall. London, te, Frederick! features of the show include surf day before she died a second faîll Erniest Crone. St. John. N.B., son boards,-low prices on radios and is thought to have resulted in a of 1Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Ernest used cars, and a display of 1939 fractuced bîp. Cronc iLondon. Dodge and DeSoto cars and trucks. Mrs. Tlb, nee Sarah Minerva These features are in addition t0 Clemens, was born in Tyrone 82 - DEATHS a complote array of Peterborough 1 years ago, daughtec of the late Canoe Company speed boats. 1Mc. and Mrs. Wm. Clemens. She EDGERTON A t the lionnecf launches and outboard motorlwas caised in a Christian home lier sister. M.%rs. E. NI VuWilsonîî. boats and the famous Johnson Sea l and throughout ber life lived Bond Street. Lindsai-. Mardi ;tlî, Horse Outboacd Motors in aIl Ithose principles which ber par- NMinie E. Beacock. 'eoeduiî sizes. Don't miss this show. It lents bad taught hec. ()f Pcrcm' C. Edtzertni.iii lier 57îiî ends on March l8tb. She married L. A. W. Tole, a N*eýr. lIntemmient St. Jolin's Ceîî:î' promising auctioneer and real os- tenu-. Blaickstck. conto Durham Club in the rend- tate dealer, and moved te Bow- ering of "The Old Oaken Bueket"ý manville wbere they lived for IIUNT - In B(uus'iiîaiîville o ruîFi- as Dr. Williams times suitable me-1 over 50 years. Mr. Tolo died June dla%-. Niarcli 3ruI. 1939, JosseHitc tien pîcture scenes from Durban 5, 1922. and bis widow, after a aLre 74 vears. lîîterîîîent rumiau County te the wocding of the few years moved from their home mýile Cî'îîeem-. song. (you botter look it up). on Churcb Street. now occupiedM.T'N li raiîu i As we tbink of Miss Kathleen by R. E. Osborne and family. and Vleliili- in B%i tO. 1u>3î> iî McGill and Mrs. Ewart Pollard spent* the cest of liec life rooming ensa.Nrc qh193.. ý pouring coffee for us at the Feb- wîth Miss Raines on Wellington NIai-t\ti, auuî'îl87 vears. I'rivaî - ruarv meeting we are reminded Street. Two childrcn, William fiuiii'aî at the m,'sjdenti'r. KiiL St., that the March meeting wilh bc and Bcrtram, both deceased, were uionmils- \larchîhli uih t 2_30t tutu. Our last sup together for anotbir- born o teIr. and Mrs. Tole. I iiterîîîeît at Buis iiaii-iile Ccçiiie- sao.Mrs. Tlwas always atenu. Flous. er.,catefîiim îleuclîîîî'u. înterested in the work of theNI"'TN lîHr-iiui-lilI- ïMethodist Church and aftec Un- nitai. \Iarch 3rd h. I'riias ierrirI M EN'S CLUB lion continued ber efforts with Nitrn.stiuftc.îe i'aîl .Trînity United Churcb. Shi- was Nttii o ftelt Nr n (Conttned fromPage 1) president of the W.C.T.U. at the %Žulms. TriisNittria. . tîme of ber death, and had been " itin.u usmr l ter, than past generations. Peoplei president of the Woman's Mis- Ceieterv. take changes in progress too scm- sîonary Society and the Woman's NOr)EN iBos itait%-il letii iously. They are inevitable. Those Association. She was a life mom- Tiea-.Mri7l 13.V'su pdeopo bwillthe net caene toîr ber of the W.M.S., and a Sunday Niudeuii. in huis 78th vear. Fneral, ideaswiththe imesare arros'-seool teacher for over 50 yeacs. foî u aemsdtc.Nwaîe minded and conceited. 1fonhslt eiec.Nwate The saying, "W hn a t 's g o e d The funeral, March lat, was ap- Thîirda- . \Isarcli 9îh.,uî 2.301) u.111. enough for father is good enough propriately held fromn Trinity Iiîtoriieiiî Neustoivillc Cemeteru'. for me," went on Dr. Wallace. is Cburch with ber pastor Rev. S. the wrong attitude to-day. 10eiDavison conductîng the service un \'A"N'lDYKE - Inî Darîington, onl younger people should be prepar- 1 whicbhoh paid hîgh tribute to ber Nlenedu' arci 8, 1939, Georger ed to form a new world for their church work. H. V'an Duýkc, aured 75 u-cars. Fiti- own children. Beautiful flowers from frierida eirai from the ine cf luis sonit--- In concluding bis address, ho and associations banked the cas- lais'. i. Cecil Tef fe-rs-. NiatO stated that mon and women ket and she was taken (o ber last Groive, on Satrtrîlas-. N'larchi lth- sbould make the best of life as it!cesting place in Bowmanvilie uit 2.30 1n. ni. iîterîueîît Un'ioni continually changes. Be free and Cemotery.- Centieteru'. Oshausai uappy, for that is what God %vants Pall bearers ývere Messrs. F. R. you to be. Kerslake, W. R. Strîke, Frank M's. IN MEMORIAM The speaker was introduced by Cryderman, Donald Mason. E.S. tho chairman, Rev. W. F. Banîster. Ferguson and Di'. J. C. Devitt. (NhlSj u .iiiuîî-î. In presenting the speaker ho men- 1 riîg m'ti' itosor. i. ,r 'un liiuu h!iuur.lih îioned that Dr. Wallace had been' Levi Annis. Ebenezer: Mrs. Robt. T ,iiiiit. wn. d'Iîuuuit uunîîrhfiiiiuis bomn in Scotland, educated and'Sylvester. Toronto, and Mrs. John;hife NIarcli Ilth. 19.38: - preacbed in England, then coming Perey, Bowsmaniville. She wuas nils' a littîr whîite mcsebud to Newfoundland, and later to Re-ltvsadfinsh t A Net it fot *,I 1rh Toronto. Ho bas written 21 books eltvs n funs vo t \ uto-litrtie lous-nieun uiti F and is now editor of the Unitedr tended the funoral included, Mr. Beo'sî sssolî i aîi .hucch Sunday Scbool publica- and Mrs. Geo. F. Annis, Ebenezer, -Suiorc'. îsscluews ilîer.alirh tions. Mrc ad Mca. Arthur W. Annîs, adnis b-fole Fte The gathering was wel comed by Mc. and Mrs. Arthur H. Brent, atiîd Sisters. Charles Carcuthers, convener of Tyrone, Miss M. Sylvester, Toron- FLORISTS te program committeo. Other tOshaMr. and Mcae.AlnF.nns - otms on the progcam included: h1saa n tes rchestra, under the leadership _____________wa6yYV4 )f David Morrison Sr., consisted FLOWER SHOP )f George Davidge, Walter Wool- If it were no more than a sup- A'. its1, tSrmu - a'i'iu'ulym .y, Harold Allun, H. V. Bateman, erstition, we'd stili believe in de- 11ulijs-1tiui1lvîn.,ue ],.. -\i,'ýri t,- ronaldi Hamm, F. Tuerk Sr., J. H. macracy, as you don't have to uî-î'a lu rtfor tii ocirîsions. .bernetby; Sing-Song led by AI- dress up for il. - Chicago Daily Phones: 772, 2632 or 2633 un Knight; readîng by Charlie News. Bowmanville Tarcen; vocal solo by C. S. Hall- A Mississippi yeuth bas given nan, accempanied by Geo. Day- up basebaîl for bis girl. Raroly is Turkeys For Sale dgo; accordion selections, Charlie it that a sacrifice thus devolops uchards; vocal solo by Sam Glan-.-into a home cun.-Guelpb Mer- FOR SALE - OUNG BRONZE .11le, accompanied by D. R. Mer-I1 cury. Tumkev lToin. .\îtleHiims \'an son; eupbonium solo by Harold <hi' BeIt. R. R. 2, Neuscasîle. mur il1in; quartette consisting of D. COMING EVENTS 1'h nn Clarkse 3931. 1(1 Jason, J. Graham, O. Fagan and_ l. Brown; instrumental duet by tisiistîucîuilluu!i FOR SA\LE -T\V'O HRONZI': farold Allun, trombone, and Don- 'lniitt ..uîu l.Iîiîiiu iuuuî, eel i, 54O'ronoi.1 d Hamm, cornet. ý ichi-i h otcli Serving of refreshments brougbt \rulI I7thi. \î2îîssuuî10_It" ca close a vecy enjoyable even- L atuc0ut )auîgo all. Eiiii-,killeuil For Sale g . I lrida% . \Iarchiî I thi, \u iii ,,- ii Those attending the nmeeting Oent.. .25.,uthis.l5c .\uisuicu lui- l hiS XIE-- CONStiI.I1) \'I'I) celuded mon from ail the cu-iiWii-îI.ihisaiuîh.ih"-îu \.sluiu, I' acliii-u. îuî'mîîîî eîiii- oes in town and surrounding tir ru. 2u i-irimus..2 hus-t ii s- istrict. 'The \uuîul I ini ul.u i'u - i liith' i-ns. 50t but 1' îh.i hîuî. I sturi To Rent !PARTMENT TO RENT - FIVE rooms. Apply Statosman Office.i 49-tf FOR RENT - FI'E-ROOMEDý .\iîartiiicnts. nmodern convenieneesý lieatcd with Fess Ojil urrer. car- aze. poessioin .\iril lst, incitlerate relit FEurther particiilars. Nfr. Hl. Coticl. Ir.. Newcastle, Ar.! 'rait. Bossnîaîuî lIe. 9-t f Rawleigh Products A.NYONE WISHING RAWLEIGH Products canti rtsaine front Mrs. Jame. Nokes. Libcrtv Street. at tPort Hope. ss9-u2 \WEST END GARAGE AND MA- PruntHope __________ I chine Sitop - XVe specialize in Furniture Repaired i muchiuterv repairs. ornerai caraize i reruairs. ueeîdin, towinz service. 'L'RNITURE REP.\IRED OR I J. L. Demerîiniz. Propnrietor. altered - Have tiat high hed-lîad - N o i e t r d t r cut doss'i. Haîtd inade iîall-treî's. Notce______ior usardrobes. fancv tables. emtc. four Iitu sae c sahe. Oi'çuans om'erhasîled. H. B. DOUGLA S, Decsof. Creeper. Ho'sem'St.. Bom'nanuville. D-ULAeSns hainedaisagi Phiee 62. 101 rthe Estate of the ah0m'iîtentined. Wantedlate cf tîte Tlo'îship )olFClarke, iii Wanted the Couîttv of Duîrtaîtt, who dieO WA ' N T E D - FARNIS AND oui or about the 23nd day of Dec- .,\cmeaL-e. We have uuaitintu cliets. î'îîtler. 1938. aI the City cf Oshausa. s cn e uith c a sh . C . H . F r n l . i in the C e in Is' cf O îîanot aee 19 Ontario St.. Oshawea. 9-2 ouîîed ta file i'oef cf saine wiliIf _____________the uinersiuu'iied 011 oi' before lthe 7th T \.\NTED-OLD HORSES AND dam cf ,tnl 1939. r-rîîle for fox meat. Ncnhv Fui' .\ er that date tue Public T'uste 1- .rnt. Tvrote. Phiono 2415. 6-tf usiII Proced te distribute lthe estaîr. itav iniu rerard onu'-leto te claints cf Chicks For Sale r vlichli lishah theit have liad nuotice. ------ )ated at Toronto this 3r0 day of ýOR SALE - WH I TE LEG- Niarcit. 1939. itemis and Barrcd Plymouth Rock A. N. Mîddletot. Balte Clicks fron Goverrnment, Public Trustee, cutted anîd hîood-testcd stock. XVnite for nice lisI. H. J. Brooks, R.R.3. LOWEST DRUG PRICES At Your Rexail Store TAKE VITAMINS DAILY For BETTER I-EALTH VITAMIN A Puretest Cod Liver Oil Puretest Cod Liver Oil Concentrate Tablets Puretest Halibut Liver Oil Caps Puretest Halibtît Liver Oil, Plain and Fortified VITAMIN B Puretest Brewers' Yeast Tablets Puretest Yeast and Iron Tablets Puretest A. B. D. & G. Caps Osoode Hal. Tronte. Ontario. VITA IN CPuretest Cevitam ic Tablets VITAMIN D Puretest Cod Liver Oil Puretcst A. B. D. & G. Caps Puretest Extract of Malt and Cod Liver 011 VITAMIN E Puretest Wheat Germ 011 Caps VITAMIN G Puretest A. B. D. & G. Caps. The most economical way to retain Vitamins A B D and G Is to take Puretest Cod Liver 011 or Puretest Cod Lîver 011 Concentrate Tabs. together with Puretest Yeast Tablets. When We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly JURY Y& LOVELL ~ ~ D4tQStee Phone 778 for Speedy Delivery Bowmanville Feed Special I -____ ___ ____ ___ Vi'EEKLV FEED SPECIAL - 'No.3 C\V' W'esternu Oats, uvhice---HELP W'ANTEI)- REFINED 40c Der buis.;: cruislied or izroin. rLirl for hîousewerk. capable of $1.25 tuer csst. Offer gond ututil takiii charge: sîect iii or ont. March l6thi. F. C. \,'aiistoite. Rcplv statinzîcextericuice. refcr- Phonuîe ences anîd wazes. etc. te "A. B.". c îu Statesinauu Office. 10-1 Farmers - Attention! WANTED-EXPERIENCED GIRL FARMES! - FORS.-\ISF.C- uouild like tpositionut a lizht bouse- ý F A M E R ! - F O R S A T S A - us'omk. Plîeuî 462 or %urite B ox tutu and profit use Sltuii-Gaiui Fer-I 185. 10-1 tilizer autd sous' uith a Preston ________________________ Fertilator sold Ou' R. E. Osborne. WA\ N T E D - EXPERIEN -CED Phonte 473. 10-4* siticle mtanî for farnu usork, non- F.\R ERS SPRNG ~smcker irefcrred. Frank B. Run- FANIR -SPIG SJL'ST Oi de. Toswn. Pluone 2100. 10-1* arotind the cornter. Prepar items'four a bizzer croc bu' sousiut CII.. GIRL \VANTS WORK - DAY Fertilizer Nsith a. Preston Fertil- orc motithu. Phtonte 592. 10-1* aloi',lTe Fertilator wsilI fit all drills uith reî'olviitg axle. Get inir Readings touich uith vouir local auueut. Fred; Partuier. Tu'roîîe. Phonue 2328. !NIRS. BR.\NTON. O SH AW A, READa;w USE me WANIT AOS PAGE TWEIXE TEIE CANADIAN STATESNIAN, BOWNIANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY. MARCH 9TH. 191) Oas. Niarcli lOtit. For appeintment Phieute 574. 9-2 AgentsWanted AGENTS V1ANTED! FANIILEX usilI m'UtnI ouiniiia tprofitable Ouîsi- iie.s likc huincreds cf others thiruiihiouut Catnada. No exper- ucuce r'îui cd sc taint . Lib- eýrlall comision forn ,iit 200 cuiaratuteed îîecessities. Nicet aIl ci miitt itir ru iîccîsu fuI lu Atnbitious salesiiiei. sente four free cataloziue anud flauu usithiotut ch ization. Fanti- ilex Co.. 570 St. Clemetît. 'Mont- rouI1. 10-1

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