VOLUJME 85 BOWMANILONTARIO, THUR'lSDAY, MARCH 9, 1939NUBR1 FAIRBAIRNS WILL ýTv.n'fy iîdlà itRM Hn dn tnf HHL BOOSTER SPEAKER In li y Barbers A àa UFUMsk Earlier %Closing I1111 BE FEATUREDAT Solutions For Problemis Of ýOPEN HOUSE ON Council Returns The Petition TNREBEF SALS Democracy At Canadian Club To ]nclude All Hairdressers Meeting in Sherbourne House, IStudents Will Display Model Tornt, il B Etetai- . . . ethu Prt andin lu metngat the Built to Resemble Portion of eHumbugs Sell Like Hanotcak Whe edonoWlBy utstandin .A C ecLM otBalman.al HoItel Thusdy eve ing K Stret - uhTown Employees Given sed to maket uvey adthkeWhenMisaeLae r ArbyOtistsni H o p e, Advocates by P. A. C. Ketchum, M.A., ing reetS-lMuchsolicitr uwibemtrutdthae Lw- ecatC Trinngfo GVenB.Paed.,Headmaster of Trinity Lue hi Wl ces aa th e tter u ihtelclmm .riin orGven College School, Port Hope. Perform Which Amounts TweroaheLgslatre. iced eopl Rea mn e n t in Specil Events before Munich gave us Oe -Thid. f US A ttervwaiceied romae The Toronto Durham Club's Schools Like RMC l ot ea r Ketchum, ne-hr'fCteAtmtcSriesLd h es winter season concludes with its and have had the effect of making1 Citizens should put forth every Made Few Years Ago at they old liel y act, st ing March meetmng in Sherbourne us re-exammne and re-evaluate efr aatn h Oe ose es ihteTw n opredfuo Pericyretti owfr House. Constructive sugeguaiona forgtveatledemocracto defewerwiah outera te1 he hbt ueFourC local barbers petitioned i eneww perations n the narutcovricedtapelerdt It is said that wealth is not ernmental and social problems lives. In the schools and in lifei Bowmanville High School on an amendment ta eai by-lfor ure. Tonheycd nyo e eent advetieensiThStem wealth unless it comes out of the peculiar to our democratic sys.. at large, this type of government Thursday evening, March 16th. which would shorten eirykin aw theon aany penng to Lst eekM.Cobtgavri ground and perhaps a Durham tem, were proposed at theMe' has been taken too, much for This public invitation extended to hours. Their efforts met with lit ra-telae.toegododfshoe o Clbmeetmng is at its best when granted and the time has come people of the communityi fre tle ucs h - olcitr trke dvse council made humbugs (made fromnion tamus the talent comes out of Durham when we should stress to high ýwill, goodwill and without charge, lorssusuggesed tavt ucl that there c a dfuompn y n soiin aos o cthrcp of sey-iv County. EX H Ni school pupils, the democratic admission or collection being tak- about 14 in town who could be liht adeftead bonpyenst o nt-iv eassanding). Thi The occasion will be uniquely EXCH NGEMGR ideals for which our forebears! en. The object of holding "Open J. J. Brown termed barbers. This list inlud- lihwat er ls,ad busmesstax ad soeriste tehmusw sponsored - "The Family, in mem- fought and suff ered, with the ob- House" is to give citizens an op- Lion Cub Dstic ed the several hairdres ich htthyas a are okepavrie a 0 on whi ory of the late J. B. Fairbairn." AjSSC.B ective o' trying to recapture portunity of meeting members ofwh last Thursday was the mai are said to cut hair. Thee etition 1the mo air we b h tw holae been 30c.thWellmfol This family consists ofCMisssomne of the burning democratic the School Board, Principal and speaker at a Booster meeting of will be returned to the barbers lg epa r. Hbe broelievedthee ayfro ot ow ndcunr Beatrice Fairbairn of Bowman- - zeal existent in the early move- teaching staff in a social way and Kingston Club. Mr. Brown is also for a complete canvass of all groundcouH embro ennsutesetaeralltfe d oCret'ht ville, the former Mrs. W. C. Cubitt1 ments. within the walls of this great edu- President of the local club and, shops in town. rte A. e wtic esrcted to fobr te umug aterisa (deceaed), Ms. Heny M. Pt- Tornto1fIný the examination, we find cational institution. A splendid ýhas done much to increase inter-1 The stand taken by counicil was frmal not ai viegvig avrain pice nhygt'm tesn of Mxio it Here wiPth oot is now firmly estab- obvious failings in the system opportunity will also be given the est in Lionismn since his selection that after the hours stipulated in A letter fromHaryRic on a gvete,to.Tedmnw much nof herico Ctwncompoitnsheda iaca aia fCn wihdmn meit te-visitors to see and hear the work 1as District Governor. Mr. Brown the bylaw, there was nothing to plaining of pom bilriie o m oe- oe atta ntadolh s she heads her own orchestra, Mr., ada, Arthur J. Trebilcock, execu-j tion, and one of the most serious being accomplished by the stu- lis Placement Officer for the On- prevent a barber from being hired ty damaedostisi l ionpoe-on ac of thseeeliiouoc Rhys D. Fairbairn, Toronto, wholtive manager of Toronto Stock'lis unemployment. True freedom dents as a very interesting, enter- tario Training School for Boys at 'by a hairdresser to do exactly the a culmeon uein Sttalationof emakethewkndPrdh is well known across Canada by Exchange, told the Toronto Op- 1s worth dying for, but not a free- taining and informative program Bowý,manville. same work he had been doing1 fyled. th es, an reaonof isvarou acivtie tmis Cub n he in OEdar dom only to starve, which seems has been arranged, as follows: during the day. They stated that Town Employees were appoint- Teewreteouh under the Government and par- hotel, in an informative addres to be the lot of masses of our The orchestra will play in the Ibresholbeaetocmtodataarswihwre.-diTeae smn ldllaie ticuarl asChaimanof he oardon uesay.people. It is encouraging to learni auditorium fromn 8 p.m. somie agreement among them-i creae one-third the n- iffjnerninpcetcoy f dcain nerwos egs The sales volume of the ex-ta hr r trig fds t815apormlsigoe H R H LA U edles thu rsrtngt cag-tei redu rco seeuthofian.e mrhatthtevrb e~~~~~~~~~~ TrnoCnrlTcnclcaghsadhamaeise-satisfaction among our citizens at 1an hour will be given, including| HOCKEY BANQUET Sieo tebreshantjted ylws oncoalsoreomme nedthare h a eehn giThSte she o ro towas nmade poss ib alan eleMrsh a m deids c- the seem ing inability to solve this s le tio s b y h c o rhes r SomYN G H i e oftathe barbe h t m an. Is there another m ercha th The ad v Schirley eson maud)Tossber.ntoononly to Wall Street on the problem.!sedecions.yte cooTrheta RD Y rT ieeut tecosns v o h plcyoancesigoe-hrdwowat tbrpleissl dhre Mrnso (Th F Toonocontinent and more than seven andchors.rherewillals be imes, snaiu-d be conmue ech eatr unilhThidt• h and M. Tomas Fairbairn, now of'times that of any other Canadian It seems absurd that this coun- slected passages read from Mac- Maoioeepcal nStr eutoswr etrd hs e e s aem Thliornia. . mart. try would put $12,000,000 into a beth, Julius Caesar and Disraeli. ilThe a 1 alChurh Lau idy mghtsendliehave't take iteolicy ouldd away wi t the B born. lived. and dieFair b10man-dAverage number of orders fill- struction 1ontrrailway terminus willbe open for inspectieso on.cy ba nqutwi ebeheolond in upwMolicbe hveecke y stee d of tenarova bouosesatDE AT FAT RE irne. HmefatheraRobert Fai re asac nn1938 aas 5,9 0singlewhich does not seem to be vitally Marching and Folk Dancing will Fridaynight hSa y School o dT e red ifxtawolde ncerytoeChefAfPoim .ent eea ollow:$Y UN00EN' CL samne boat with Sir John A. Mac_ dey second, Mr. Trebilcock re- a comparativly small sum tatakegrls poetthehCmercnasiulass, inning eteam, the Cadindal s ill b ar etrpicechnged.foreteC fofPa, 7l r1 EEIGT E D Donald and having been ineighbor •aed our youth out of a hole and they Middle and Upper School.d rsnewt dvda us Tebrespttoe o ($1166.66); Town Clerk and Treas-Bwa to William Lyon McKenzie in: He said that trading nowhere is are the most precious natural re- Clover Leaf Design made by oapted by th eceRota ar lb.e clock nd11clo k sing on reu a wee rer .J et ($43333),C metBomanles YugMe'l Scotland, they were bosom Cana..1 hedged around with greater pre- source the country has. the boys will be part of a health ht ilrciealre u asad1 'lc lsn nSt eyCrtkrJ. H. Highfield ometedy evngadw dian friends and would such cir- caution than here. Toronto pion- lFor this 12 million dollars, with exhibit- The e psw ofreone yepar-dyin ms, s wel a everldanther 14.0)axd lleOictor, . andA oee b igsogldb cumsancs hep ay t bot se- eeed n adit easres ongbe-some added by towns concrned Display boards will show some Al es e rs sere wn rgdisla mtiessuht aefor he ho s n esor nd(Relief3Offcaekerf andull. Aurtet ossig ure and retam a Post Office ap- fore similar steps were taken in we could build 75 to 100 centres of the finished work in Art, His- ls e egorshsorenkWiindow durndalightavng. he ours tinown ($103.33);gretaker(46 of33. Fagain, . Bon .Ms pointm ent. H e settled im Port W all Street on the order of the wth lib rai s e d n o m ,tor a d G eo ra h y., l we ek. T e sr nk W iha sa t r eng t e w e t for 8 igto'ld a d r i r po a he vnd .G a aien e e wii Hop, f erhatr i s-aCrek edStaes ecuitis cmms simming pools, gymr siu ms oDon'tfaileota see the Feature bov osiderede prse vauale ta Sturdathe eek antominr:ight o nto n($50) odsp33 lcvnigws ne'a r godbehaviur. I uhnde stand recet ly pfurinof ect by Wains-Here, the young people would iprtofSthe busmness section Of divulged until the moment Of lo'clock Saturday night TencdieA.. iell ($583.33).n-herlshrenfth e eues"U Miss Smith, teacher at Port Hope, ington decree were modelled af- their 1 1sure time rofitably sp re ublic will be able to see T e pl b rsentation. s aTow n eSoicigtor eW R.Sbtke civrc Ritbes aye w ain- holdingThe, fim tv eeK is the last member of the Smith ter audit provisions put into effect citizens of other ages could find work carried on in the Chemistry f re withe beorenoMpeeavsafterinvgaing the p.ossibilty Spcil ownstable ard enR. Hall McQuare, ac lln n Ab family whose early ancestor was in Toronto im 1930, he said. a club-like atmosphere. and Physics Laboratories and in prom nt h o iron etoapl e era ofhngngoheste ofaireu-F ony .Brd ec iwCly hervcoiu poe thefirt witemanto ocae tere Mr Trbilockis so ofMrs Another effort at solutio ihthe Commercial Department pres ten w wi eltes to thekey rationforcourt rnd oomfailgiisn r l 1 o hengtv iewr ao Robert Fairbairn later became P. C. Trebilcock of this town. be to divide the country intoiA speed typewriting contest bonsdtir eupinest heywthe c could ind notHinginmer andrJohn Elliottrma u-vibbs.Huhiml n lxC manager for the large firm of'- areas, based on its natural re- will be held if sufficient nume ngvn s onest h h c hc ol pl.H Canadian Legion's O>ffer to give Dvi.TJdes weeRoe Bow~~~~~~u e & o o t alntno t dones who wish to gamn their posi- suggested that a survey of all tDavies and WilliamoJollow.iTh Mowin n o Bomis anvibrnch GUSTOFHOOR sources and set up distinct ad-loentries are obtained- tion in the hockey world- ae re ntelclcutromtetw itr fteKn next meetinwilbhedTsa and I er on as mad Postmster ii ratiandfode opiares su hasCanearly as everythin a beS. Ticketurare 25c ea h andMay be made and sent to the Attorney iwNoacceted.was taken on a re- ngti h lbros for Bowmanvi le. A disastrous those in business already wouldltime. The date is Thursday.lNelso Osborfasonn o General to show that the majority quest of James Brown for sheep Thmebraevrygtf fire necessitated the young son, J. bealtoepohoe l Mrh1.a ..sap Ci-t o re rayo e of cases did not originate in Bow- ito citizenshhv o id B.~b Fairbatrnmto serveeinetheePos drn no. t sudntop...sh ou hld team managers. Older citizens manville. The Clerk was instruct- (continued on Page 12) .and generOul epne ot Office which he never forsook and (continued on Page 7) ibe accompanied by parents. ansrticcularwly me md eroflcal appelrfriueadfri mn death is remembered as Bow- src lusailmemaewe-intohe qup heclb oos Dr iles bel re stmasteruetconReligion W ill Ren ain Steadfast stl e cartbeso speaker, whose summer estate in- Itia isOfB n igB sin s rnt ..U nS eO ter o d C •3-7coverns tcPhnJaeAi cludes the windings of the Gen- à my1YP..'37,brertJhstn614o es outsta nigarChetologist. he n- a' y Trimity Young People's Union that articlesaeclldfr otai useumi ooto oes- pan dA R tr lbF iamet Monday evening. The meet- muchiofMisu in Tronl presgeing opened with worship service, Rev. Dr. Archer Wallace of' PROMOTED tuof isui tehatirhTae peakier saaBn aaeS . hnrgrstlsd teDorothy Nicholdin chrge,Ebeing Toront - Addresses St. Paul'sSP IG SHE ! fs o rf erytaliura nolemanJames, Presents Details In dabsractinormgastin oanoar-Pickard and Marion Dudley. Two Men's Club on Monday -- stock, this estate has been contin- Ent.ertaining Manner, Us- 'ticular moment to himself or the lovely vocal solos were rendered Is Optimistic of Religon's (BuktonCorepodet uously held in the samne name ing Anecdotes for lfuture. by Mrs. K. Hull. Mr. H. F. Long- Future Ldn as audyyu orso worth gave a very interesting talk dn a ihnsxfe f (Contmrued on Page 12) mphasls Canadian banks operate under about "The Radio." Business was ground-hogic lokdse abranch bankmng system model- conducted by President Hub. N atrwa hagstk n a t e rcedi tertcj WhenOshwa'sBan of on-led on the old Scotch system. Each Hooper. Several games were con-'place in the world during theatreThewsnobegou LADIES OUDAY teMn aerS .Bamesfchose branch is mn constant process of ducted, Harry Taylor bemgim progress of mankind, religion is within 40ro an th so "Bi angeasSubEJe f orse alk ding or bemng fed by Head charge. ;and will be, the only thing that aon h readotsvr at otry lu Fida non mot lie troghtheBrnc Clar ·will not change, stated Rev. Dr.rdwsfrmtretofu1e SOUTH AMERICA e-set RotrysClubeered ayseroun s n g Account. To illustrate this: AchrWallace in addressing St.de.Sy o hr i h S U HA E IAGeorge W. McLaughlin i echnical discussion of the .many tauppose a boankoin$500,000 though If any of our readers can recall MPas hrc Mns luni ng h intm rmadwe Oshawa, distinguished Durham; actors involved in this mntrigumng its deposits may be a mere a John Hunter living in or nearModyenig. Crows arfyigaotal Mrs. . Weley Cwkerand ountyboywhosillebsteneredinance. $0,0,teei ntigt r-Bowmanville around 1893 or' The theme of his address being small boys rmtevlaea aTcoplientryybnqut b th Instead, Mr. James displayed a. vent its doing so, because tucked know anything about him wilWrdoCntuaChgeeotsligfoerndeeab Mis lse . aruter lf to- iesnfhmrad naiiyt o kindly advise The Statesman reviewed several chariges that ,o\tdselTn dayfo Nw or CtywhreSouth Ontario Agricultural Soc-: relate anecdotes of his experien- (otnedo ae7 ofc.mha a esa intlogajouneyS.heeaesueytresg thy wilf aeorS New York iyweeýiet on March 16, in recognition es which left the Rotarians withl pethapwsitonecsrtanspring. one ai two escret the S.N w stk of the meritorious service which laughing pains in their jaws a nd presnt oiin n rnpra xpdectand SouthaAmeri th T ey istrict. Dr.E.Sari ald st- oo a ofaana n' p aFormer Ennmskillen Boy Appointed' ° onsie dsle:paa-eTRIITY .M.S Margaret McGregor at Cartagea, Farins. Otawa, 11 lbe te gu whic Tha ge madid n t h efore. w0 wsc ib th e hos f10asdrs ago.ClTriniya n td C u c . Coloma b isere wrter accou paker. Thebanguet wil be helddeposits eracash, helquetor sher W orks Manager W estinghouse Co. scelg dyey adrnanearesayeafot f egoon k i n d l o ff e e d t a w rit e a n a c o u n t n t h e G e n o s a H ot l , O s a w a a e s , a e s t n e n t y m a in Mh is - m g p a la c e s . A e r o p la n e s h a v e a ls o C . H a r o ld M itc h e ll M . C of er ri fo Th S ate man---- .m.1pasbook an ept arts o n his r C ar l ich l lmbiner bask in the glory of their own made a great advancement. The rs. . .he Fergusonn led in pray- rs. OUR ENGLISH LETTER ther lpasbookaful ocason secur in Laddr of Sccesll n accomplishments and outstandmng next generation will probably see So0 ftelt r n r.J C r r.H .Flyra h ther thoughtothads it, ecuth in adro S sAog successes. However, we jomn with the day when daily meals will bel Mitchell, Enniskillen, who has scripture lesnhn Ms .A OREG I N LETERthin gh rabidreormerse rail With Brother A. N. their hosts of friends back in the ii ie thi,.kfsti been promoted to Works Manager Wight gave a neetn ako I THE NEWS binders and amateur economss Mitchell Homeland of Durham by saying England, lunch in Toronto, and1 of the Canadian Westinghouse telso.A nprn drs he ha in te Candian ank • we are proud of them and con-- dinner in Honolulu. !Company's large mndustrial plant was givenbyMsCapeln By Mss IobelStepenso Sye ait aad t is busins gratulate them on their merited People nowadays, the speaker-at Hamilton. Story of Tally's car- "Peace miun Lvs' r.c.M By is - -oel -epnece Sstiesanditan ever-prsusiesn Reading The Financial Post of promotions and accompanying went on, must be broadminded :eer appears in this issue. Warnica presne h catro "Briain o spnd 800,00,00 ar t ep intie ofan t ro eisenot March 4th our attention %was lhonors. and should be able to agree withl. Sthr et:okMisr h on Dfenc!., ui eadeqate rotetionof hesl ihtesoftrconcen t hi nodrawn toa afamiliar face which Like his brother, Harold also the younger folk. P e o p1e's SomCnresPrsdnMs.S One of ntosendits0of0news0from gaittheordinaroetemnyone the sltelesteals all thahi e lad noaninerprint or in the showed good sense and judgment thoughts have to change with the Warning that an illustrated map i sorwhri e oEIh sns the pe of l ast week.Of c o rd n r e thr a e h s s et e porste d, or i th a tshe r. O m m ry g a B wm n il il times. Now we have women sit- racket is being worked in On- in a sh r Imie , £0000000! tosoud nem use n heevet f he hq u f or 00is red rin tacourse, lhe was another Durhiam Nell Hall, daughter of the late ting in parliament when at one tario cities, has been received. ien aort emralsevcei buy anawful ot of efence ct selaainthe een tofatde- taihe or lo0 s in theinmail.County Boy who had been "going Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hall. They were time it was unheard of. Agnes lAccording to information receiv- Toemr ftelaeMs .A Imai e suppose 0some o Ith 'swll thimnga othavi' w n at gany- Her in nrctive l fe inhe ils lly -aces" snce he left his home fire- married in 1910 and have one McPhail is worth six men. Theled, a canvasser goes into a town go~~~~~~~~~~ to paio hs ueltl osy-sm ft l en rtcte - nd byhe sme tok-se t nniskillen back around daughter and three sons. old and young ideas when comn-i and purposes to get out an illus- corrugated air-raid shelters that don't know one end of a edieken olabuto n i id vdeia hosand t as.IIro1tceltaAf ratedig nisilenbednaualy asefrcio adtrtetia sown pblcan M.an Ms W A unano (we har) re sortl to race at fom aothe - (ndea for l u ofni id everndras ofanyz-tothseCwHaolwentitchol tal "Public School and Bowmanville'this keeps things moving, aidmg civie buildings, churches, schools Bowmanvilleanucth e- (eer British acky ga Ece hutin'!) inthat c (dasesay fwe'l gtebn' aac-he. fhmwohdb c w High School Mr. Mitchell started the advance of progress. The old- land manufacturing plants, and at gagement ofthidagerDo- me wile hav hyseric). Tosejuststan up o itand arr on the tldta n aanpeiod o. f som W ho aage otpromoted to an apprenticeship course in Aug- er folks say that the bulk of the the samne time solicits advertising., thy Eloise, t r onBro ofeu withoutack yatrdchs c uck Iftyareduchtctadatrop2 r proximtely14,00 dsralpantgerof thelargedin- ust 1899 at Westinghouse Electric younger generation are 'gomng*to'He endeavors to secure payment, son of Mr. anMr.FakBro of usw can a ato e narnucIviliansaesthuhcwe weta reao-itnpei npaya a-sn oEgln n10 oass a entasae ro nin n hndcms lc ac 5 tish!2 bacyarssw dn'tkno; te the da "W m400ýuc raplaureototredand wite Isfinspection ofThe all purchas- buf.thw.spps tatwenme ik Tog.y..'.anotlveabu-A N Mthel-lmbngte d-atral.1ewa sn.bckt kes ce nly the îan. sed ne- the ev- Lro' ere ich Iks lit- re ,en as ias al in- ýad ýen he Lce dy cs- Lnt ýs? n. ib as b. of :n e e- p- ýrt ts ld ýt e Ry ýul ly .e h- in in )n ,e - a )f d w il 3t It ,e o0 -e le Ls p be ý à Reaw ky an NEWC ATEENEWS With Which Are Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent And The Orono News rn -iiL eaumaster rs r- ý.n.. . U IM-alphas-o Aoir ýlkguflu lm PUIPP