PAGE TXXO TH~. C XX XDLXN STATESM \N, I3OWNIANVILLE, ONTARIO THUR~-î) \Y. MARCH 9TH, 1939 Esrablished'5- A Weekly New s paer devoted to the nterests of the tc r-CI Eowrarviie and0 surunding country. issued at King Street. Bowmanvilie. every Thursday, by M.« A' Jarres & Sonis. owrers a-nd publishers. The Caniac an Statesmnan s a mem-beýr- of the Car a dan Weekty sNewsca mer-s As o at on. also the las$ Weekie of Can'ada. GEO. W. ý14NES. EDITOR SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada S2.00 a year- wheni paid in ad- vance: 50c extr-a r Lrited States to cover- postage. Sinigie copies,.5c. THLRI-L) k" M RCH <tTH. Vi.',i Farm and Home Improvement iii, t t -mut nr fr ,th, np - e i)r.~'~.ti cniadei a (drive t' 'r hoine beaii- t ifit-at t' ti in 'neitii t- Thi' x coar thev ha; i-xtud lth.- w,,rk tv) ffor e tint te-. The iitr-r f ALrieîîlItur,-. -paiî~ at the animal ,vnto fthie Aît-rii-iltiiiral lipjtj,-. expressed the lhope that the Socý- ir- t--vuîld e-ipràratp iin thi- proie-t. The Diirhani C'entral AL-riciîltural S et-is tot bhe e tninieel lforsponisoriiiî a ]l-)(al eomn- petition. aithou ' Lh .o far very lit tie pub- iicity has been 2iveii to the ilivcîenrt. The ots Protgrani is practic-al and the improt-ements to be undertakeil are ivithin the eost and labor ranze of any fariner. Points are awarded for:- Remioval of ruhhish and clearinz of un- sightiy spots in fence corners, yards. etc.: Repairing and painting and 2eneral im- provement to buildinys: (ieaninL, and white- washinL, interior, <'f stable-s and otiier out- buildingcs; Repair-s te. «r iew Lgates and fenee- ( 'ttinz (if iattn-t. plantiîig of tre.-. flewer-, and shriihs:Installation of modern (ieneýrèi! itniprot'ement ini appearanie. Andti i, j. tiîlv t-n i protenliittc ct The jige 'e«scres -tcrh place when ithe c <uoit- petirii n t 'peils, a s sn a, p<<'iblc aftrr Apri I 1' h : and tii,-ainc jiîdgce c<eit again et thi- -lesi- (if th,-< lier.Ai't 3lst Eac-ii tîte4ait'r'tatîii iii t lieý -«n< ttio <epeid on tîir-iîpt,-iu hie fi.: natle '<on that lip hal t' .,tart wit1i. I)urhi taFarmer,-r, h«iîl'1 <'nt tiit eii(ate ivitli -J. C ~ Gimie.v. ceea 1).(*,AS.. O ut Pastor Assumes Editor's Chair El.-veei tliii' i-r-ruei-r tbê aî,î mt r rat Rr-t'. A. -J.Wl-ou.f triii-r Na i-- anee past<,r'. iar tak--n .<ov<r th- iitrl of Vii uw ite<i (htîirclu puii watt' <ut - Th(- Uît-i(it-h<i vtt. This iu ail aniahramatiou of - Thi- N'-o iul'ok andt Viih Uiteul ('htiri-h Reeorrilanîd M.î< arv Iet 11,- -laa tvay v w-foel jI iextuti ig 'sr' iiîpatl:v 1< «ttr rooti fuicîi tI ier \Xili.-r'. be-aiîe an v potrtî. ini their ri'LIht Sfsen-r'--- . v ill thiroev p ia je 'ition1 1ri for 2:ý 've-arsi as pa-t(,to> be editt<iof<ta relitiipîiblin-ati<.n ttt-dav i-v i: tîtglir( work. ienty (if <rititii-n atlnd itr liî'st the 'riiiîat-v indivitiiitti\-in ' rtti'- But if alikvini- catit put tu-tv hf-. peî<. î- tliu.:'tutî aui u'ttct-ir-t ' it" Tli (ilb- server sve -beliei-vrofr<< inI his ha-t --n--t Mr. Wk<i i-,eul t'>the t rt-îîo-tîIi<u. t-k. W areco~'inLg to t wt-ttith rt-ieal- ex ~ ~ ho p--atc htvthe utew i-ditor i-r L<iîii to wean wv h af-to o- f << itiiiiiig chu re-it goer-,a ad fcr<ri<hecl-r 'iigpc<< plie fu-un their Suttî'ax- rea4liiug «f cîe(ii- sect ie-, in daili'v and xvek-enîd publicationsm te cýa-t asirle this p<pilar piffli-and wiu: theni to the solid suhstantiai andi tipi ifi iîîgý readiîtg of The O-cvr Mvclie tvill have .-r«ne wooden-headed gujulike Char- lie Mle('arth.%- oni bis editorial staff Who will ufivtifiv hiîkreader- with biýs imagma-,tti- writitiçr-,. fHowet-er cuir het wishe.'t mieto Mr. MWilson ini bis ne%%- roje as e<dit<,r 'f The- Observer.i Claims People Drugged By Government Speakers 'Xheuî w- ree clumuiuî-.itnlas't wueek's issuîe te jnul i'diig the tHic.tghtt- pro su'îk iuîg cand tetntrtu- i s.e lite-,.' tut. XhtShall X.- Do <W'ithi t autaia?* - livc-reul et a jointt teetinî: <of Rotatryv andt Lion: C luhi'.. liv Joihn tAtkinî. liatt Direutu,' of Thie- (aaiiaitMut azirit'csu'- duete t'itn euigili. W'.-au-.- itt'iiî-<liru' h.-- l4iniidtis cge of rtushî antdt î"-<l îr'<<îîh. do ntît ,u'a tride-read lirtîg tuîtiî-ein i îî'î îlaîi.-n. Tfhîs icil-uit t'îruse-tii-he tettu for sut- iui t-hall moîrte <-'tutt- and-, t ltt .- tn'r - ili favortable <'t- li' d i tithust'-, hct ttie. W r-iail gcer t< i t<t'- îu-uîln e - tii <diclin' othitîkOwti: t- (-lysi-dattnîîtît Cxuertt 'ntîu 'utn<f i-r it-t r t<'-e it.<l fxruiattitjtuttuip oufts'î <1< -th"în " i ut ii iti<'1 il "I ionaitpbtutti in ti eîît'rîtty' 'i i, p-t ir- rt' Iaitt ui l . [t .e'--r tit.'- ll tut "'(j<Ilit'i fl.utu1lrubitg:'t thujiuîkr 'l add 's by Xt j 'i s t ut tut' l, fhîr': rt- iii .. ttu t ." i lui t' ht th i: it bs ('u ielitg i%- G . t ut'- 1.-uit-,' nd t il thnkr itiik-Cub40 Akis ti r- areitImi 'u O'u ntheipubitsmcpae iuycrpierl. Municipal Affairs is Big Business pal~ Afîir-r iii thel{p:. la-ic-r-ii tliîu. rha- A -f--: r-'air. i.rth"m:ttti. T-.~" . iîîîtritttIett f A. .1. B. ,rtîa.v -t.' Grex viilIiv- lire,-t ta a~ r iinishtrativ,'-* <ffjt-rraltei li îrt tit < (,'f d faiit .Iii lftîtiiu'e. b i.i ut. te tii- tvtî-k <f -let-it ft'fiu'a utiiui'ipliî- ii in is anca. eti-hiî- tuillii ît u-et le 'of as.-rntai-c ii i aia- t--. xtav ii ictîl ii with niiiý-ipa, pr,, lie tii'tîttt-uî-rt-kec i nîtn iripalit i,-'ý. Tii- r'ý-t rirtinizatit iit(,f the -staff ia-rs eiiiaI,-' tt nt,'t thle iii-rt-as-et dernatîd-. t.pot it fntttî a il patt-rof the ptviu.atd itiiciate-,thtîe prthiv of ren<lering a grreater tîca-rure tof service. Mniceipal affains ini ttwnship. totvi andt eity have det-elopeti intcî -'bi2 btis-ine.-s. ' - With the inexperiene c)f nmauîy <-uunr-il boards.-. a-s tell as officials. this , ietv niove of utii<aiîce and co-operation from uteeiî s Park -thoulti be welcrntu-d bv hoth eleotnrs and those electe<i. Personality a Prime Requisite W. .J. Dutuîicp. Direetor of Uite'ivEx- tetîsittu. et the- Utiversitt-cf Tt rr)t<it-) tl a dIressiig Port Ilorpt, Caiiaciati hlble-t w-eek ton -Ca <reer- fotr Bt.vs andi(4il'.- r id tîtat the greait ptobIe'-m fa-iîîg lrt<thi oi<t-tt thu ttir ytun e pet<lviýýlit -a t. uet t'eaiv %-for tleiu- ta-rk-t iii Jife. r Ietttta~it,,- tii'-primie r-tirt'fi- ea t "tter,,.tiiandî ltapv tarer-ýr btt-it-ttt t -tipiriir-itandtt hieli pe(1'-r'îltiitv. ttiItr l- i luaprîv wtu'uk-t'-, ire tt ti.i.ti-t uu hate lnitcI it" w<t'k "tuhi-h i-tu tir' Ilut <'t oir itttmttcucav tht-teatu t tc tti- us o<<f'pctple. NMr. iiiirtp tî,-- pe ii.r-. tî<t'-ut t lic-it-el t'-u aLa t l t ttd tî'-.-hotvî«haveutno plan orf lit,'. tvlit<cm-' the- tiý-titîi-Is f tire-ii-,tatIw-r-andtul s"i iail eut ttlilitLIPpv iteti-a tlîill bulîttil -tuiv ut..ttn<or ttttu-' i îhipto- aI<\' -ieuîe li-uniîtluian.v ttir-'..itti' îî'r' iitii(- Stîîiius-, le as to ut llotv at s-îul tlitla- tu' theiiit'it-ttiruti-.t"takuil <t r'ttîîn-r 'f tiîît thttu i-rî. Getting the Western Viewpoint If tttvtut,--e-vel.ttiuîg ttr <i'r na ittitotîtl ilot -n ivetbt ii t'tîîîtfitrt gelt-thit' c>her' t- <<su-t 'itujt<itsii tu as' t <-"- i tht iti,: then eatîtif ~ le u-rut îu-r tuuttmiuî gis-tanutiattr- attitutdeê. Writiîi iî'rug initin uitîvsu.-p1ituii-îtt he"fulit tsuiîî ciitiai ftuuîîtheî-aWy iv tit.< Brook-r Aliterta it ib- <-r i (atiu rtae'aitr.- " -The viewvpoiuit of e-a-rniC(nadît atia- îtc1é% it'hrushietlasr.t iei d<vepltçiitta su'lt'at polii.-v Thî.-t'havie tonrr îuîtîrv tteî iun that îport itut f the Domuiinioni. "litcli firi-ue-sirt nîst be a(Ilmitte4itifait te eat- lias ,iistainepd<liitis a h.nk itn lies îuî: tut stall ittus- c hî<.uumirî s-r.-tfo<r sshcut gu-esuers i th<- sst. The fac-t that c-astc-n inanifaittîtet-thas-ebeeti htcuîse<i for 'at's lias bec-rt cu-eprtdas <'Prîennpiac-'ani tu biasés for arVurmeuit. "(aaa as hc<ked utpen agiilumt as a btasitc inudt.-.The general opintii'nutia- berî that thie suestrt fartes sw'a-rese fertile- and ifarmers e. efic'ieîit that thi.-v 'mti <-«tajett- sit hi tuuîcroup of fermer-t intihet. schttulesu-etnii. f< dc-<îver that a bonus is ri<--th<ul uut'tr- atu- nstulI-, ist-u>cc-rtîuig<i.-- '1 To rig <tilt amianalogv. letml-. tae.'thi' <-u-.'<ftieti-'î f Brootks. 11k.' ail wst- -î'î teuil livs- n'ttiarictiltiii-e. Btut suîp t1 t' uno' ut.utat <-P"stî-rîîaiî urmlhhbc " iet i-. îrsu-su--. thie '-itutiti1 iii t'tat- adta t<h I" it -ui-ate- a puîzziiîutg ilitiii thl-t' r s a i] .-'e-ti"uî ilii tht" 'ffilig.- Fair Sample of Party Patronage 1lier,->tut- '-tnt orf -x t ras'vuaîîait îa 1t N ptitro<i'e.- t'lit. -hi <Lecagun-if.-. c Gi' till'ut 't i t . i tji z li-l , <. si-ilit il )aî tîir' 1t t l th-m iriult.1j- rt tt a tuiatuiun t Ili-,,, %%tt'etnk1t , 1 t-4 .-11 s'1 tk-S't v a i i t'> 1f,<) r t it l' t'Y' ilte h t tuutauigu- ti t-u1-te 'i t tt f rut-)tI. ti-. <'rr'111111(ti LICeetl . T "i, f1- 11'tuwl 11rl-,i elîg <i.-s t 1 îh~ iis nu-it (Ittai i "1'hîi'rij' iiti(,!»%-'. (of utl )tuuuî iu ti r'. -ui tuut i 'r <iitr' it tt nluf ti r m'-of 'stiti i ;ilu 1 iti'- u îlîittulit i-ut. Irt sî'c l ilt leis il ('<tit- t l. -<tti'2luiuto-t- or Miliujuî t'. ht-ht tulut tu tutu'<-N-t 'u. Ir otrj'>t-uut.fuir fis-- 'anf.iasu b-0 i,'il. s patrtîiiis'.\--tjttutgt ht-daî<luu a tut ut îtltttî il <-'t-rt . t ,taI ulajt kt.i t o tl tî"Iî'îî f <t' i ii (il.\" t' Iluatt thto- ;uts -uîuuî<-uî i <t tut t' . T la1 ut it-tui('f tt4.- l iîls- A \ts-uîc 1 il~ t Ma.utr-ht -193iS-. hlui, h<r'ti$3J3.9,000. Irt la-r h rudlitttîhl<'-sthitt i>l'Jjh'tttttitr <t uuîîtu iit <tii foir situmili arrîîs lttaccosit t it-e 4,' crinr'n 'f apprcxima--v $114 per 1.t}<ù I ut. ' 4 ' 'vrnmeiut rer' i-I-tshow the e; -t-a-' riepaiti for such miînîutiition i-t air-ut7i a 1.000) rounds. TL-tvi "f Lui.'a ia.,' Ataltln'-t i- t t,.îvc the arseiatr '! i.Ap- it'. i ilt $0>Othis i to --rti pir' t u t t lt , he nianttfa'ti a " f I 'ta-' - ma r ntl i a rit artit ~ vri a:iitŽt~ eX tri hlat the \ -aftirtt Ii ail t1tt t "livp'cîis m-t t.- it1lItie Our Freedom Being Undermined i iiiiita tii i l i lo ttvet et'. ' ' efutll up- c i tt lic -rpiendî, hirrtaue of adiats i-ltt iv <<e tte dere1.'vicg witlt t 'ut tI -i.t "ît<f whîat the\". t ce' t. savs rt, e liiîi.'ftii Pr'viice. Ti"frcedi'îw ctjx tt'<itv wtt' 11<4 casili ltt-Iit tand dlaite'its c.iîiiirfront the MgaChanta. Wc are a frre people ia aiada t ar tr-.r~i-, iiiiie ,and we tiiktit too miI fo<r Yratie. TFriif. '<tr ttuirts functioti tndtiniaiutain the latu of the land, we w' 'rship as we picase. omir honmes are free frotu invasion. Wc- are free te assemble. t' coriticize andi diehatp. We, vote in secret. Our press. ai- thougf-h rtcertît- attacked, i-r -till free andi miat- speak its mind. Our mitîcnities nay ttrm-raiize and have their satv atid may be- <'<'tmenajoritics if that is the tvill of the pet pie. Ail this lia-s <-nie to us bcc,,aiise of the det e riiîiîîet i.tiitf «tir fcrefat heî-s to beeonie a frrep petople. t tas not ea'iv btuzlht antd mai-h g "«I bl<j<d t- ' put bcfoî-e tIti-r irreat free<oim wa- finalIv w on. T lav titi-r frcctii is leu attaol-kd iii (,I'<I tii' 'rtuti b.v propagaiist- of foî-eiî.rt Ntîî irtttîtaîtbîisbeing -lpieail truh ('11" t tîtilila. Thiis-andts of 1)ýîmipliliîtr. tirv * i"-iiig l-îtl iniiiCanada anidI<etaii. tiitn-t-l B-rt î Ii- htlstî k- "tir pre-ptet tutt-l uiut-i tutti if wc <1o< ttc -i-t'-', r'.tiit <e'tii'it ii'Naiwili gtreta :"toî i inr iitutti-rt if tîiîr' ltie ît alretid.v dt'iic s(-. \<jIat <-iii vc '1<o tbltt it 7 1-i> 'tii- flit v t"ît'~ ' tt;Ill tttand iiiv titIýtri'fiî ttcatîît hi't'-i-ti ta'grttitiof wîl:att Britishrlifroc- Ant tffoil-t tîitst h1 niade tu t t-ad-i al for- t -rhiii ouetbi'cti riit(itîSiLii- Observations and Opinions ui it p he tat Townsu'uît tieil cuis'-sutb- mii t e i t h.' "t rii% tu- ' ' - -It s iiri -[t tti rt X,-. 'o" tutu tutt ,-fftr itt li-rs hîr.eî i t t ' ttu luit' îiî-t'j," ' 'f tht.'ulett'rilîtutef"t t Wîthî t-rory ritt'ai-t luok'il fr a "u -<'iiuîttie l' utiurithe -puust Iru'itli Irrita. uum ttrtl i -nt, r-tiiz'-il. ac-.; i 'il'c-' 1) Pfuitrtî'. thlt,- u-.ttîtîs'~'î't'tn'î-. -rsie nîu'ut- haut'atnt' l)rttî\ 11 'rt~'A. 'M. -lues-t 'f'le ih' uuulti'~"-.uug ati il foutt tu t iîir'ttt' t ,i tlîuiuugîtt'htihitiuttIlie ftirtlîru ttt'ituu ylar. u t uh tîîtîî '1ru3Su,'.'u ii-rt u-.tut', andî linu--itif tiiitie" Ilut the.'fat-e "dtii- '-<'t iîitî '<'iii' 'of <'tir -itizeis swantut hr r >î- l'ut-s iii Boisvaîtit'îlle. If vet au-e l'okittg ,fotr atnit'in irtg u,in -tilitiiatiuîg zacIcIress tr> reaci et y«%imiroi) i rt s-..t.'retv or jîîst iin the <liier (if tt'ur hitite. fer iieditation. we svotilclrect'uîutititi tIhe aclress oui paLre 3 cf titis issue 1w Williami Alletn White, iutertiati<iuaiiv kîîîus'îî<'citu.r of Etmporia, Kanisas. I3uth o<'1<1andivoii scili have- tieir etirics enriehed i bv reaîIiiiîg the obhserv'ationus atnc experieutt-e- a- r elattc liv Eduttur White. I)it i su tiiisten t" the brctacirast Skitiirlay aft <'niram i tit Presiti,'rt Rit'rt'.-,tjîrl tl'-r,-iltueas-rli'îihl.'îi iioNes (if t' uur tu-litr suppo- hr-tt f'>î'>-r h"-iii'iii -iLlta tt-r lu lui-r tiiiutiig tt"ttutt1il i' rih'tltti", su'-lit tsi ht- "iis wtutiup'ic nes- tliuk "f ftt utîtttîl' of < '~iiiî tht.- Billt- . t h- ist t iil ht t i di,<sî'îî X'f"it v. gnia '>t ilht "fil-si't oair î 1'>r't "t' tt.' l( .).E su<îa huumg'- 'tîu.". 'i'h t-tri"tthpC luitut thcttil ttnti i- iit ilut k<fii Ntt.e, A011217utut ttutll- rfi' 01-1tillSt ml ae thought the machinery. would take cane off it. Have s-ou any idea what gees BY THE ULI> BOX STOVL on dlown there? Well . . the mo- ment a mouthful off mutton passes over vour tonsils on its '.ay clown- --------- ward. the gastric juices mn your By n h lramhCocsso stomach make a dive for it. They Backan he ei-ntb oncssin . soak it te death. A lot more hap- Th 'e ti'< i <icui-td cti.-,.t elucti ti. itit r .'c iit< t t '-pens 10 it. Lastil'. rhrn a proeez -141 'e 1-. 'te a-t luLi-lit wt th' a;i le ir a tuli a ritt-kt'alttoff physiological alchemv it getS l'c thatt'. iitîere lîadirt a thtne nto the blood strean. -I t mav '."ut i t tu Lcttetiit ' .celt t eartcre ~ il al] t--'t tht.rc gumn up a fetu glands in the refin- italoi? anditiur' cunre the "à i 'lt I , ttihave' Iet ii ci a f" process or tarnish your teeth i t Ia'. etuiutiia'-ttc ah ut tlie t!'.le l" tt* niu t ,ku'w a er.'t i-' t'- or- with tartar. The corrective for a~~~~~~~~~~~ tui--tt î t"tl cuttP.r. tiutt'tt <'r. -cnt oc%<tItieither is to aikalize (2 botties for \X'e î4icctî tat Tutti Bîtick an iti it-r armet fiaîl t' ,, ,e t th a a'. 35c)t lnIrtrt'-are liammerintz % a-ac -,~ant lHtre i sa iîerr.%%retthe î.r'<uticcati For sevenai years we have flot tit'. eeemet aidi 'tuîpre t-c realiv rîtake a finle cotibtutiont,,at had a coated tongue. On this air- lie calird Rüd-. btit]et it lit -aid the -rucce,'- <f the t-%tmctît if a c ceui tu'e consider that probablv ,riLht lite we are nat erd', XXý-' are 1 Rauit t'-)t ont opinion may be worth its i u-rt the ctmmon varuetv (,u iat'inets îI. Quit that det'ilt;h habit 'f weight in experience. We have uihoiat-e lit-rd lortnuz cneuztrh t">1Xi. '%v'rakinL tu) ail the îtast -scanîdai j),.come ta believe the followingt frei cxpe-irnce titat thinLg arec it cause a imac hias bren tomiîîateti - (a) Natural foods and natural altua'. abat thev trm. clecurd t,, public office. Bettern tt drinks are best. XXe lirtetied te, the radir)adarî-".s te )airoint hlm in the finst plIace, but ()Coignb eealso and ike thm. e wre mi)eýýd t.i a bc.dv of Deepir uthink a macnji' valuabie munenal saits. thtî the carne-une., f the t'dît, ft - erresenit îhcm it's a y-ený dir_ (c) Starches and sugars sbouid uheGi<brauî Mji.andtuc asecouraîtuni thicir for a man tu, face foi the sinali part off your duel tW Gelrte tandheruiciMai. d îw n l evenv lirule thino; ubat can he nakcd fiuniess you are doing much man- turne fine. W ac y-ctcarej un azainst him. That 1 illed) Thirbodt ual labor.o Wehvet-,,mchDto z. heldicir a lot cf neai ireod men ttacic. )Teboymks1ego wc av uc uc parctigc he use off excess food . . . maybe a much lime its a'ted in m nî" z u 2r - Lets quit beinir se neady ta dit)> ' arinful use. arondcwtitht ttcn-c-.'entials. wecc'tuht :Our naws". int the Gevennimeit m'i)t't" (e> A larger quantity off onei tut lbe a acitted rountni --ratdinL! «n boxes.S-ri macs- cf us to-datrrii on two foods at an-c meal is boîter' "itut efet. Xe are suienditý.u îer'tte act a-. ut te sbeuld hat-e '-'nie than a variety. mîc noe'andtiIilico-ut> dti<t uic- srpeciai ttnîvuileie becaase wr v<ttr' (f) An occasionai food fast... nlcellsarii'.. Wre have raiIwav t.n"tb- fon a certain m'est.n. tcduviduuaI-. drinking only fruit juuce andý lemrs. tîiecm flo v'ment nnobiem'.. -'ther . Cern' raui tî't . StRtetie'. are ail <tuitl'- ater or milk . . . is saiutary. so<cialtroblinîs uhat could lue - 1,,(d cf this .'ii Ve seem t'> have the. If wo were at liberty ta choose i f tue ectiid tbiîîk le'-'.of '-t iiinddt-reýaur.- aîie the "Gmo-. ur own food at every moal in- mine rtf the cttucitrva'. a wh.'r-. butt 3. Le'; b-- a iitiLtriteti, assai stead off having to attend se many att <Id farmen s as,,or ,arr.-.tai!tesith uhe ttatnt<naee -t steun 1<'. îît dtnnorsr sue su-uld invariabl. '.en hutte tti'-barra v <f Ital t'-,i-r exkectuulo ttratt'<)naîte îrlv'. confine aur faire strictly te a sol- o' 'uc c i '. r' < i if futiltue'- f n tu. 4 Li'. Ot tht'. '<erlri ituu hit. ection frein the foloios-ng list -iTher '.'Iîutiei'tart'- tu th the itruie hcinint atu'îsîîiiutand <tii - " f Appotizens: Apple Juice. On-t- tiet' if ail thî-. net' 't he betc-t imati f. ýr ute t <hange Juice. Tomate Juice, Carrot lia'. esenttbail(tt'.are Leutie itt . t."e Xli.e ail lct' unake '-ur.-e u' Juice, Pineapple Juce. P n u n e ihet n'ai t arîdernd uî< t lu e-cttwhenu e <eare o- inzten lîrtuitt!i-cîitJuice. Apricot Juice. thun îhîre i, hit. fttr titi'. -,:,tiu'tnak t' 'artI that enîd (curanf it c,.-t Ceneais: Shredded W.heat. Dr. t'., 4 'fmeutl<cii h e att'tuei uthe t cunr'tlîuuu ntf tî" ta'. 'f -acriftce . Jackson's Meal, Red Rutven Ceneal. ___________________________________________________ Meats: Eggs, Steak, Luver and Bacon, Fish, Chieken. Vegetables: Ail green vegetab- les, Baked Potatoos. Spinach, JIET Beets, Beans, Asparagus. Cannots. Desserts:t Whole wbeat bnead and butter, Ry-e bread and butter. Bs Scribe G Apples and ether nasu- fruits. Prunes, Apricots, Raisins, Nuts. One off the most confounidîng macs il is goed noîther toeoat Maple Syrup. Honey. Cheese. Ice conundrums in Christendomr is flesh non 10 drink tu-tee. On the Creamn. calledi Diot . .. What yen put d<îwn other hacd St. Luke says toecal Drinks: Milk. Tea, Coffee, Ce- the hatch. . . hotu- mnuch . .cead su-atever us put befoee yen. cea. hotu ofton. t is a probleinofcf iv- one reason tue have neyer iluzatuon.# The savage, the heýast cleariy compnohended diet is be-En i d of the field,.h brsoff thet-icau s sprocesses aenteasilv n il keotu ilitnet . . . lucky bird-r demoestrated. Hew in the diekens __ You may woeder wshy 'ce i.ùve doos a docten knew hotu-friendly i-cuitt \'itt'. otenlughtened yen on thti '-'b- the forces in yeun stomach mai be Mr it. ai Ictitii. utit' î ject before. It is no iack (if ciiire te a mtld amouet off layer cake.î<'îît-rtiott n.I.le t"i- 'te benefut or bless. The trut.b is well mastîcated. A stomach can- NrkttuNui't 'ttt i' 'tue have net been able, tlliii utu, cal digest starches. Yen have toie,, vî'-tiizîorvI.tttcý lare te compass t te the space et 'his soak them w'.ith salit-a. A good ki ttad(rnttî t.'tu colmme. ruile us te chetu yonr food until t « . i' turîî-tu rttao' Ne living guinea-pig has i,)ne bas lest its natural fiat-or. This Mnr% -ak 1ist>t1a lu' more for the cause of diet than process nsed le be callcd Fletch- M NIr rai I' Orttn'r. sî'iî- the witer off theso luies. W t. ut-e erizing' in honor off Horace Flot-«ikrae Nr.kf.n'.tt start-ed . . stuffed . . fasted tead cher, an early diotituan. wbo ad- elMrn'.X tt...-i'ac~. 'reNlartttt tt fallen faint. Eaten ever-"t:g vertiscd bus Art. ' Evcls' alle s '-ituocau Mar-iaitand fron edahier e at tiit'.ti' 'We crosscd the occam ie 1925 Mi'..- l-.Stuti'. lia- r,titit Earhy te ont existence wsuc' eare with a Dr. Jasper frein Loeg Is- . iîrt a.ftet ad iriitlîr '.iit util.îuil exposed te much confli(tung land, New Jersey-. Ho is a brul- it. counsel. XVe tuetc a bible stttrlu'nît. liant physician. Wo postened the Nfr,.. Rus,-r.'i Cochîrate- i.itT" Lt is writte that man shah neot life ont off hum to etol ns ow ournto uti.Gieral Htu'îital takiuii.u reat- lit-e hy bread alene. Fait eue t ph. stomacb werks. Fieally ho samd ment,' for canîcer. Ezekiol adu-ocated eating ral. il liho didn't tbiek it made any dif- . ______ net only beliy but botu'ls arc' fin-1 ference wbetbcr we fooied aronnd Port Hope will adopt Daylight ed. In Ptos'erbs yon find it s not. with ont food or jnst boited il Saving Timo from April 30 10 h good toecal much boney. Ilui Ro- Idown like a dog. He old us ho Sept. 24. IN THE DIM AND DISTANT P&ST FromTh Statesman Files TIVENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From The Canadian 1Statesman. From The Canadian Statesman, 'March 6, 1889 March 5, 1914 I-luit<t 'u IY.i "l al -t.ta' T 'u 'XX'îî 'irtur bas purchas- ucitU t ti'e ' iutiia t - 'Ir'.i i.t-tuîeîr an r -,tinc icu. Tl, e-ri Î- cc i iti:l'-i:<Nia-ruer .Arthu.r Bruint i <'ii1î t'- r.rta:ir i'"' r ' I ii utititiul iuîîttrv' hilc t- 't b acc.'ri ut. "!)"lti ~ Li~ZLt 1 . Sirretut- -tervcd th, k ni thiti' cliri Ti 'i l M..\r. Ntc(lill had a iRa',Il habit t- t er% 'annt iiCt iU,~tailt iii Iii'-farun: ai'., cune au the i claK ,a t r-,ta- uniLrk. tii ' Ic, Mrti,' \\"tl f{'iîi) Mi'.' eta Kerslak,. <nu h'- uia'.t;tceNi r XX oward nI 1rice anI Merle Crvder- I. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~n1 Cbiik a'tutaatt it<tart: -tck. . FliThestronz wind liter '-ct re ilînu'-- Siida% tiltti I<ir.'w <n one of lte N0<Hatven : A. Xii;ear ha'-'-tiiclinitîr' -ron C. J. Kerslak'es nev~ ii: uarm. itart of Lot 20, Bro'ken littise. ettitarthrortçli the roofi itto Front. to [but Metcalfe.. Y. e' arrctti' <uatic cau'.iuur cetsiderabie danm- 'ito liûaC(,ne t f c<îriturriî-lui" azc and incouisenience. "teir armt- n ue er;a cfMr. Soina : The Stmndav nizht and Kitcila h u' moairte ctiuîa Mcttdav' wiuid '.orm did considerable NiautirGrive ' Arthur E' It' te- ldaiaure ta harnt aîd liouse roofs and ceit'ed a setete kick inl the face t hitrrbew dc<wti W. J. Brooks' windmill a herse.. Samuel Stîowden. Ir. h tai-rtdetained somne voung men underzointirmedicai irratment for h iii'- muaecuti homne. throat. A nesointion uvas nassed ait coun- Srtiina : Miss Ida Tt-imbie has s.uî- cil trieuinz NMouîdav nizht nefusin2 îtcucntlvrtired t.,-) et eut airain. ncrmni sseîîte C.P.R. te lay more Kendal : R. Cowvan. caruiutiet. ha'- tracks acres'. Sctu'roz St. iii couirse ef erection a aladmuli The %viuîd Stindav' iizht reached a tlilcît he thinks uili be trun<'rori'- c '.e oi'tvîof< 72 miles an heur causinir lt vtîower. dea'-idctiible darnaue. \V. L. Keys' I. L. Bu-ewn. asýe;ýre.t. r r 'ni- izrct<rtt'viiideut- tas biown in dur- -carce iii Darliniiait. iliz the S tormn. The <la ellinir cf Erwarui C. ilitu. ' rs-.XAda Ferziuson. matennitv ;th Con..East \Wliithx -wa'- turnituird i-e. anîd Nrs. Walter Hall [lave su ith conutents. rh. 28th. rt turd f rein twcu months' vist C h as. B ask er tà e li o uti ii,' tr i e t e h r a t r-. i E n o' and. i hs'.îrat ]2,et rititiz-et rt!t -i't inui: X\'iîîth '< -eiiniz at 9c tu-lat do lii' a fatth .runct- <carc for black foxes. hit t-f -atd tL- hat u l if-hi'in \i'.X'B. Sîît. QtuceuîSt. en- hai ' -uakai'1)h;ita%..dal uit 25 fticuîds Saturdas' 'b'c'!ir.NI.'t"-uicuta'-aifteu rtii t ta '-Ieizlhridceout te X\- t b! a11a1<e 1 're t Crix< n'tlit ua .henc a <'ta'. - wh . Iit kiccti r ti i i ttu o utucal \t'asr t'tevided. liefc 'teli retîîti ' trid I l, ilài Te o<i i cu 't rer at Royal Bank I . t 0 a rt t P r -c ý'i flt a. icr cotner. '< trct . kuiotu as z in Sattutte k ltt tliaua'. corner. that lia'- afforded -'-r iiii'rt.tlAi.c 'rtttle. 'lcter atndl '-aport for <fati' XX. X"rr'.% "iîa ). 1',r- j t ii -triait'- tntthe ratr zone bv fias uîîaît.îî-andilaar.'-l.,-k T 1-'c. it'r.tclit N' iMtch Iiterv mitrht attendlced ttîe auuuitai uttir ..u 'jfIlitibc' aldceid trer'- taik' a; Ž lu ti-.'>rit B reveer k - 'ut i 'r.ut;i ti- tlucci uierd uafatourite sIpot T' 'r i.'.la-tt a ek, f, ntii t" rc'-t bcnte.îubits branches. quîtes manuai Skillr and sa increases bis earning power: Little Talks on and those having manual skill Advertising acid braie or marketing power te their manuul skili, and sa by add to their eareieg power. Talk No. 9 The tragedy of China us the iilitetacv off ils common peo- ple. An illitenate peoei ua people tvithont uplifting de- sires - an neimagînatuve pe- pie - a peeple content te lit-e 0t1 try llelvels off rei- fort - a rather bopeless pe- pie. For centuries the people off Englacd tuetc. in the mass, illiterate; and se the common people suere expioited by those baving langer know- ledge and great darinîg. It tuas not until newuspapets and magazines becameetumnons that the people off Great Bri- tain became migbts- in demes- tic and world affamns. All off ns should keotu this. namelyt il is etîr great na- tional advertisers tu-b are the supreme educatons off the public. Adventisens are fer- et-en nnging ns ta suant tbings - te suant greater ease, boîter health. more conforts. more pleasure. more leisune. gncat- or variety in foods, fieer homes, mono travel, more gracions living. In inciting ns to tu-ad more. adu-ertisers plant in ns the will te possoss note. That is te say tu-o are led te taise ont earnieg poecr in a purposo te be able ta bat-e moto off suant- ed lhings. The labeurer tuho selis physical stregth air- Take the case off a young man who operated an eleva- tor. He was 1ed te be p-e a commercial artist or ii~ta ter as a consequencelai his having seen an advertise- ment. Ho raised bis earning power frein S12 a xveek ta S100 a tî-eek. When the Chinese become literate. thev tvilltvant mare than thev tuant today. And these new tuants will be de- veleped. as well as supplied, by advertisers. DAN DOUGLAS NAMED LABOR INSPECTOR (Peterboro Examiner) Dan Douglas, former superin- tendent of the Emplovment Ser- vice Of Canada branch here, bas netureed te Peterboro as provin- cial inspecter for the departinent off labor. oî'er a large Eastern On- tatrio district. Ho will continue ta lit-e in Peterboro, which is in his inspectorate, and wili operate aut off tbis ci. In bis new work, which is re- garded as a considerable advance- ment for Mn. Douglas and a re- cognitioni on the part off the de- partinent of bis abiiity, he wili have complote charge aver a wide varietn of investigations. He will investigate compiaints as ta mini- mum wage law in restaurants, stores and factories: wiii examine factories and stores for industriai hazards; will enforce necessary industrial and business standards; icdeed anv brcach off law that eenccrcs the departinent off labor tvill be in bis field off work. His territor. extends over a large -area. W. J. CHALLIS Boat and Moto r Show HeId Over for an Entire Week to March 18 inclusive At Hîs Large Show Rooms, King St., Bowmanviiie PETERBORo SPEED BOATS JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTORS DODGE AND DeSOTO CARS RADIOS FINEST 0F USED CARS CHALLIS MOTOR SALES Dodge and DeSoto Dealer AGENTS FOR PETERBORO BOATS & JOHNSON MOTORS Phone 2653 Bowmanville d aM FIFTY YEARS AGO THURSDAY, MARCH 9TH, 1939 PAGE TWO THEE (:A'ýAD!A'ý STATES BOWNIAN'VILLE, ONTARIO