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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Mar 1939, p. 4

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THURSDAY, MARCHT 9TH, 1939 THE C.\N.D'.\N STATESNL\N, BOWMIANVIILLE. ONTARIO PAGE FOUR Durham County Musical Festival To Be Hld in Port Hope - May 9-10-11i ENTRIES CLOSE APRIL 15th. For information and registering entries write Secretary-Treasurer Miss Helen PS. Morris, Bowmanville. SYLLABUS Classes and Test Pieces - Part 1 Open to Province of Ontario 1 lic horuis Nýot less than 20 or more tlîani 50 voices'> "'Nîx i.ovelv Celia" - - Miunro (a capirtîcla) No. 917 - (C. C, Birchard) VOCAL QUARTETTES 2. 'Maie Quartette - "La-,sic *OMiine" l'dward \X'alt 3. Ladie-' Quartette - "The Night Ha-, a Thouisand Ex es" Boltivood No. 5250) 4. 'Mixed Quartette - 'L.eailUs. Heav-eix' Father' Ralîîh Hurner No. 20413 ORCHESTRA 5. Orchuestra -- (a)i-\";, Ise*' - - -Opu-, 64, No. 2 b>)'"I Would That NIN- ve" - Fox Old NMasters X'Vol. 2 LI-ivaa-, No. 24 Key G Sam Fox> - (Sehirier) -Presser ) - - C iio;i -Mendei.-.oin BAND AND BAND INSTRUMENTS 6. Band - ",Nlartha" - - - oxerture arr. hv Hartman. Haxvk'. and Sons - Cornet Solo - "Ladder cf Faîne' --Schacier - Trombone Solo - ".Sxxetest Storv Exer Toid - Stults Clariiet Solo " Pa'.toraie"- - Baecriînanoi - Bra'.- Quartette "Sa ct anid ov arr. N. L. Lak-e Harmnic nialBanid ox iv ns't rumoen tation - - - an cîd B mnrber'. ( li Band nîiibîr'. max he obtaincul Niusiec W. Xaîcriîo. Oiîîa PIANO 12. Pialiî cl "Berceu'.c O)pt'. 57, Chopiiti - - - Flotow B. & R. Band Edition (W".aterloo Music C.. W Xaterloo 'Music CO. W Xaterloo NMusieCo. \\'aterloo 'MuciCo. - Waterloo Nînsic C-'. - - Oxvii ehoice 1froni XXaterloci a rio'.) ( B. F. \Xo.d) VIOLIN 13. \'io)liiSolo "Noidantu Cantahile - - cliaikoxvskx- -K reisler Fr in the Striiîc Qtîartettuî,Opu'. 1Il. B 1996 i Fiscluer i READING 14. Rearling - -He Fell .Amoite Thiieve." - - - - Henirv Nexholrlt Shorter ['Ica, .cAlexanîder - - - (High Sehiool Editii i Classes and Test Pieces - Part 2 Open to Residents of Durham County OnIy PIANO SECTION 15. Piano cSI,.. --.9 t i-r, and îidr I 'lie )1<1'Far-.'tc'it" -, Flwxard I Nîîîller ijh .lîi'îtîrcli i 16. Plat.' ,SA. I il utr'. aid îîider c "tititt rSk,-.' -~~aiî'rî in- -îP r'.' r i 17. P;aît îSolo 1i.)ve-ar' and tider ) "-'etite N.I.ztrka" - - Oit. 2WXX. Sarnellnikoff --(Sclirmner) 18. Piaon Solo- 116 x cr'. aitd îiidi'i') '1'lte Ttc.. .ark'." - Oit. 2. No.I Le.ýcheîizkv - 1XXo. i VOCAL SOLOS 19. Soi ran'> Solo u 'e i t' Peuarl Currait iScîiriner j 20. NIi'z-S..p)rtîi. '- ti*i-..0<lit' - - De(itra iCraîiit!rc 21. Contîralto -'Tihe 'ra l'tIîtii'teii tISell rttîr i 22. Tuîtîî- "XX'lte-re'uýr N'ectî Xalk" S 4(48 (C. Fiscer)e 23. Baril. uc - "Eveii lravest Heart" iuotd i f Clappel 24. Ba'., - "TIi,' Road,.ide Fire" - Xiliaian'. Kev C I Beoux ý) 1' - Re Eh -Kuv XAh ux E NI iii. r - IlaitAcI -Kev C - V\aughani .GRAND CHALLENGE CLASS Open to Gold Medal Winners of Previous Durham County Festivals 25. Soîrauîo Soit - "Xilianeile"- Kev 1) witli Catieiza'. - Ea Dell' .Xcquîa. Ne7zo - -\'il atîie"' Contralto - "lit A termît' --Ke C Kex' AX Nîloor - 26. Tetor "Bloxw. Blow 'Thcu \XNittvr Xiitcl Rcger Quilter (Buco'.ex Baritcîne or Ba'...- ".Xrm. .rnîX'e Braxet" - - Recitatixe and .Aria -- O. Dits.ecit wxitlu Cedleîî7as - - Fraît? iScîtirmter i - Kelv G I lattcIeî 27. liato Solo J l "lIlark 1 Harl!the Lark," -.-Scliîîhert --- iN'iewV ultor tAssur, VOCAL DUETS (Schirnîer) The United Churc 'Fr 'oîî.\ioîe - - - ex 2) Nialu l)îît 30d. MI ed Dlîet t .09le tio %voa nchoice CHORAL CLASSES .31I. kucrali i îîîîcli Choir - lcIaic WîVtlî the Lighit BroNvio Hair" N .21,3013 Stcplîeîî F.ýt er C;. \ illac Choir lcst, W \ord i o Gd Inearuiate" -- --Henrv Gcc!i (,Anglo- Canadiaii, ReV. A. J. Wilson, B.A., B.D., - - «~ili 1 Former Napanee Pastor Has \îîglo Canadian 1 Had Interesting Career As Preacher and Jou.rnalist Toronto, March 8 - First num- ber of the' new publication of The - - (Preset- United Church et Canada, which is te be called "The United Church - Observer", will be published early Gounod No. in1 March, it was announced to- (Nvi',day by the Committee appointed :kv . hL (C , ntCrnICI i ..U Iil f. -faV U ,rr. i Chao jir- NI eoîhc rshi p . f 25 rîîcmbe rs o' less) "HIcar tUs.. 0 Sav-iocîr" - lamiblen No. 7447 - (S'-chirmc,- i 34ý Urban Choir- (Openi to Du rham and Northm i herlaod I ia c"î,txi-.tire ILainb"- Handel No. 266 York Serà,. (liarrî-ý (b') "he Cherohbie lix n"- - Gretchanni r Unaccîîiapaîiied No. 253 (B. F. \Vood) 35x'. Ladies, Choir - Home and Sclîool - \'lhMld a ) " XIIThroîorh the WNiehi" -(l XXith (leseant Ihv Sir Ernest Nlaciiiian- Cariadian Song'B' 1 ( b> "lcatiioli Dreanier" - - - - Steiphen Fost. r Three-îcart - No. 83090 - ( Harold Flaiiimcr) Ali test fics max- he , ,tained from Hcbntzmnan and Co. Ltd. 195 X'oige Street, Toronto. VIOLIN SOLOS ,,o. \'ioiiinS,10o Il1 xar-, and tînder 1 "Little Dance"-- William -\ckro 37' ioiin Soioý - (13 \cars and mioder I "Plavîul Roodo"- --W' Green S. 38. \'i,'in Solo -(16 tears andmi nder') "Serenlade" - Schubecrt JUNIOR VOCAL P,,Bo\'> Solo -<9 ear'. anîd on<er') "MtenA lMy Soe - - - 40. Bo"solo - I Uicliatigcd \V<>ces) "Killarn.v- - - - X'og and Willan 41. Gir1". Soîlo 11 x car-,andl tînder') Niaçin s Xlh'- - - - chopin - cd.G - Lw 42. (1;ti'i Solo (15 xear- alun ier i N. rtlticiol Sonîg,; No. 1 4.3. Duc -ct Pbl'hic Schoonl Plipil'. 'I;r', Ilali tivd - - . (Augencîtý 3367 - - - (Fischer) (Harri'. Sinizint- PUBLIC SCHOOL CHOIRS Rural (On)iu Roin)Par Siiic Uiin .Xeeo nipanicr "Tule uBlil'.of Sc. tlirîl - - - Rural Ta o No'on Part Som-, - Nec. .iiîaniiedl "Ir,.tliur Iaiiîeý'. .ir' xitlî le'.raîîî - - . Rutrai -No ore x vilti shieil A xi tuler "At the Chear F'iîai t.'rhait 1Pubîice Sehlîî- [art Sonz 1 S iii 'r .t1iaît 45 x "j s 'riT, .'Nie O111x - - I Rev. A. J. Wilson ffPeriod. Bk 1 a new church paper, created eut eto the amalgamnation et "The New X'erses 1 and 3 Outlook" and "The-United Church Record and Missionary Review." Vogt North V'ogt - G O Tlire l'art - - Caîtauiait 49. IPulic S. i' oi ())itl tCIa's N. ,t î tî i iaii .36 '.Aece-. ( lîtce( 'OSut x et ' i Sîintr Tiiite. - BOYS' CIIORUS 52. S. 'i1- Fk I )Daîte - , 11%itxiîtl att - \tx in-.îi tlit îi.tî'it I 54 \te'.iilitcl'ifileitt lix --e ulutiiît xiii f liiîtiiitl.ic iîî ru te'.. READINGS 55. (,crIs (7 tucr.aîîîl itiolur - - "-The \\'l 'tvud Ct'ti'.t" - iKiîî iig i h l 'iilc>iî ' . 1 L . troxe'. :1, lx '(7 xear'. sud îîîcî(lur) "lite Ct'.c'-.Tuaa i.rîx - 'FT'e huSiair. 'e -Clii"lt' 'îtt "lIePrinice-'. aiî,i tit'OxOc" ý8. îx (10 %xCars. aur! 'îîîdî'r 59 (,r] 114 x car'. aidiîîcdii(ur 600. Bo,> 14 xuc-ai tulileàr f I {iîiîth ie Rud le(er' froîti 1-1iawata 01 . Cii rtc I Spcalii "-Tie i.' Naiteiiiiîtî's Ride \V' . L Clii îtuiffiîdit. 1.3.3. 1.1 e ati it ( DEDICATED TO TIIE CHORAI It was ln November, nineteen hundred anc That an invitation came, te join a choir se fi Directed by Dr. Partridge, a man et musica A pleasanter littît' feliow we have yet te se, And se we journeyed te Bewmanvilie, mes! IWhether tht' weather be cloudy, or whetbe (Scbirmutr)c Schubcîit ilandiS- tandiX'l ordn.i lac-! \ilrui Pi 'criîcd. 131,. song, 13,>I .itlipaiid Tlhree iPart- ixrB c o' anpdn ti ibur ivr B~ tormerly minister et St. Andrew*s United Church. Napanee. h a s moved te Toronto and is complet- ing organizatien et the new. jour- nal. The publication. xvhich will be the officiai ergan et Tht' United Church et Canada. will bave 32 pages in bts initial stages. Accord- ing te the' new editer the' publi- cation will stress news ot tht' churches wbth speciai features for ex'ery age greup ini the home. and articles et generai and special ini- terest. World events and the ln- terpretation et current bistory xvill aise occupy an important place in tht' journal. Emphasis will be given te xx'rld missions. Biographies et preminent world Obituary MUrs. MI. B. Annis. Lindsay Tht' death occurred March lst at Lindsay et Emma E. Arnott. beloved wife et M. B. Annis. wveil- .know,,n optoetrist. While Mrs. Annis had net been iin perfect health for some time. ber death kcame xOr)' suddeniy and was a distinct shock te tht' members et bher family and friends. mes Duties With ch Publication figures will be feaiured, Mr. Wil- son stated. The new publication will be designed to be of general interest to the membership of The United Church et Canada.! Men and women wvho arc ther- eughly familiar with special sub- jects will be asked to write for the new publication. Illustrations will be generously used. Rev. A. J. Wilson comes te bis task well qualitied by long train- ing and experience 10 the miniistrv and in newspaper work. Borr> in 1England of Scottisb parents, he came with his family to Canada when three years old. and lived in New Brunswick. He received bis, pubtic and high school training at St. John, N.B., and at Pictou Academy. Proceeding to Univer- sity,. he graduated from Queen's in Arts in 1912, and from Queen's Theological College in 1915. Prior to entering University he served an apprenticeship in Marine En- gineering, and during coîlege years had varied experiences, ivith the Frontier College in Northern Ontario, teaching school in Sas- katchewan. and serving Home Mission fields in British Columbia. During the World War he worked as a tool maker on munitions in the Napanee Iron Works. Upon graduation ho was or- u dained and inducted into the min- istry at St. Andrew's% Preshyterian Cburch, Napanee, wbere ho bas served continuously as the minis- etc ter for twenty-three years. In that community, and over a large section of Eastern Ontario, he bas been a significant and somewhat unique figure. In addition to bis preacbing and pastoral duties he served as Edîtor of The Napane Beaver, a weekly newspaper. and for the past two years bas edited and publisbed an independent re- ligious journal. The Christian Ad- ROU vance. O Mr. Wilson visited Euirope in 1927 in company witb Sherwood f Eddy, to make a special stiîdy of Marcît 16t social and economic condition-. of Quebe Two years later he visited Japan. - Formosa, Chinia and 'Manichuria. He made a second x-sit te Europe March 17,. with Mr. Eddy with special refer- ence to Russia. By travel and wide reading he bas become fa- miliar with world preblemns and people. Mr. Wilson ,vil assýume C ANi both the editorship and business management of "The United N A T Cburch Observer." His vea: txx'eo Calg Decý brotl Hi thetf Odel tool af ter hour In Rev. be î.îîi'i . e .ît ltr- Mrs. Auînis x,'as borninii LinA- weri sa., the daugliter et George H. son, an;d Mrry Arnott Sitelitxed there dece al ber lite and attended tht' pub- O1 lic scheol oandcollegiate ot tht' ame l'ditil .L e'vu.tewiî. Upen conipleting ber edui- meu cationi she entered tht' empioy eftoted Dundas eandFiax'eiie .xhere she mar - F. E. XX'. cîiîrîcx woked fer severai years. In 1910) f aridM. B. Aitois xho lie h 0 ont' daughter. Mildrt'A. are tht'e - -Frai1e.'. C. rît forci enly surx'îx'ng relatix'es. A bre- neti ( 01(l Tlird R-adci rther, Frederick E. Arnott. prede- tien i ceased his sister t%-vo xxet'ks age. - Eiti I. i;roc!The late Mrs. Annis w-vas a mem- (Kiliedîm rof CîilIîii.,edi beýr et Cambridge St. United Chu rch anA was actix'eiy cenîîect- - - Rîd'tîr Ridiit'ed with tht' varieus erganizattens et that institution. diîa - - - 1.oiiCfelloxv The funeral xvas helA from her (O1ui Tîird kuadlerý late home, 271 Kent St. W..,lVarch L213rd. Tht' service was conducted terattîre. Bol, I by Rev. J. J. Black, et Cambridge St. United Cburch. Interment at Riverside Cemetery. L SOCIETY Mrs. Annis was weli know'ýn in- i thirty-nine. Bowmanville, having otten visitt'd fineber cousin, the late Mrs. A. E. lOt',McCready. 'e' tevery Tuesday night, r it be bright. New if s'eu dent think patience is a virtue tht' Dr. possessed. Yeu should hax-e been wth us at practîce, under bis hehest. Semetimes tht' sopranos weret te higb, semetimnes tht' boss tee 10w, Sometimes it wos the' teners that xere a bit tee slow; AnA then there were tht' altos, who tried te do their best. But they at times wt'ert'aise eut et tune xith tht' rest. Hewex'or, on tht' sexenteenth et February, the date on whirli pianned, Tht' choir excelted tbemnselves. at a concert tint' and grand. Which showed tht' resuits et training, bn efficiency and skil, That Dr. Partridge bad gix-en with a rîgbt good wiil. 'twas As a token et appreciation, and the help they did acquire, A fine and tancy baton was presentecd hlm by the choir 0f a bundred voices, who came trom tow.,n and couintrysidçe. Whose fame in singing bas been spread both far and wide. As Dr. Partridge expressed it, this year was just a scratch, But just you wait tili next year, and hear what we despatch. For we are looking torward, with eagerness you know. To get some more good training, and put on a better show. -A MEMIBER. Albert H. Odel The death took place x'ery sud- denly February 26th, at the home of his daughter in Woodstock, of Albert H. Odell, formerly Public School Inspecter for Northumber- land County. Mr. Odeli ývas born in Barns- ley. England. 82 years ago and came to Canada when a boy. He' received his early education in jOrono public sehool, and obtainei his third class certificate at Bow- manville High School and his sec- ond class at Ottawa Normal School. After teaching in public schools for a fe', ',ears lie attend- ed St. Catharines Collegiate In- stitute. obtaining a first class grade A certificate. specializingin1 mathematies. He taught in Watford Illgh School for a short time and was appointed to the staff ef St. Cath- arines Collegiate as Junior Math- ematical Master, which he left to become principal of a sehool ini Toronto. Mr. Odel .as later ap- pointed Mathematical Master of Cobourg Cllegiate Institute. fromn iwhich he retired uipon appoint- ment as Public School Inspector of Northumberland County in 1895, which position he heid for twenty-four years before super- annuating. Mr. Odelî's death was x'ery sud- den. After being about the home ail day Saturday as usual, he was strickien early Suinday morning and passed away in a 'eW 1hours. Mr. Odeli was prominent in the' wvork of the former Methodist' Church and in the' SUnday School1 during his residence in Cobourg and in tact in every good work. ; wife predeceaseelhlm some irs age anA he is survivedi by daugbters. Mrs. Eanl Scarlett. Ial'v and Mrs. R gali,. Xoodstock, and by bis )ther, Col. J. W. Odeil. Cobourg- is remains were brougbIlt te home et bis brother. Cel. J. W. e11. Cobourg, and tht' funeral ýplace from.there on Tuesciay ernoon with interment ib Ce- rg Union Cemetery. ntht' unavoidabie absence ot v.W. P. Woodger, tht' services re taken by Rex'. J. S. I. Wîl- iOshawa, a personal friend et tased. Id trbends in Cobourg xverc îng those 10 attendance anA irned xx'itli tlo'-' icear andlc- ieceased tht' po.sîof a goond ,n. tf course. those wbo tbink pat- ism vulgar can't ottract otten- 1ary other %vay.-Brandon Sun JND TRIP BARGAIN FARES erom BOWMANVJLLE 3th to C.N.R. Stations ln the 'Maritime Provinces, Province 3ec. Ne,.w Brunswick. Prince Ed%,.ard Island, Nova Scotia. March l7th and l8th to Ottawa - $5.10 18, 19 to Montreal - $7.30 - To Quebec Citv - $11.30 To Ste. Anne de B.-aupre - $11.90 'l, Fars, T-a r Lrut, ,,,i f,,,,ai . n Agents. A DIA N Ask for C AN ADI1A N 1IONA L Handbill P ACI1F I T78B TIIE PRIN( IPAL'S ADDRESS 'Tw -as the' annual con-ocatîo. wt a suniptuious banquet spread), 0f the' couîîci and tht' .cliool Ioé*. anA tht' mayor w'as at ts head. AnA tht' speaker et tht' cx cing x'. Professer Daniel Wve. Who %vas principal and te-.ubIer of the tx'îcnew ,-sebool, "The Hi." W'heîîtht' supper lbotr xxa: oe t hcîi tht' mtYor arose and said: "Felew %,citizens aorn ixd s Ion am tntproîcito e hothe' hear 0f our gath'rinig bere this t'xentng wht'rt you'Ilibear a tearned address From Professer Wy' e. our- principal. ,vlbe possibly xiii stress Ouîr urgent need for moncy for the sehool that w-t'have buiît, For it sure bas run us into debi. yes. clear up te tht' but. He xii tell yeu that xx"Illbox-t'te raîse tht' taxes niuch thiý year, If we dee't we nexer wvill get out et debI. that's very clear?- He wil tel you that wtIll boxe te tax niest everv thing yeu at, AnA he'il adJd. w'ltax yotîr clothing (rom yotcr head down te your feet. Ht' xiii tel you if you oxx uto hrse or car or ccxx, or sheep, W\'o :hal1 tax tbem. aind itost every ethor tlîiîg you may keep. Ai-! tht' oced of erîtettion holieilaise strongiy stress, t s:-.tll now eall on Professer Wyc te gîxe us bis address. Tht' principal jumped te lits foot. bis face -,vas ashen xwhite, SaîA: "My address ts 85 West Huronî street - Good Night!" 628 Crawford St.. Toronîto. RALPII GORDON. Today, sec Oldsmobiie's big, bnilliant and amazingiy low priced "Select Six". It's the new Style Leader that thousands who previously drove smalier, lighter cars are turning to-because it brings them Olds beauty, Olds per- formance and Oids high quaiity a t a price they can easily afford. Like its larger cornpanion cars-the Oldsmobile "Seventy Series" Six and the "Eighty Seies" Straight Eight-it gives you the advanced new Rhythmic Ride and the Handi-Shift steering coiumrî gear control. Sec it today ... compare the price ... convince yourself "You ough t ta own an OJds !" Low monthly payments on the Generai Motors Instalment Plan. ÀOIDMSI "SELECT SIX*' "sEvENTrY" ENV Cou rtice BASED ON 1. Ouadri-Coil Springlng--blg synchranized, Irictionless coul springs ut ail fou?! cori'er S. positive cantroi of the pringng. 3. Knee-Action Front WheeIs which absorb road shoclcS. ïîïïmB ROY NICHOLS Bowmanville YOUR LDS IE DALR .. ERICEPLS R * BL "How about-'Let's have another cigarette'?" "0 Kay-mFif ts ca Sweet Cap." VEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES Th .." form in whjch tobacco can be smoked." MOTHER KNOWS BEST When She Gives Mer Children Gien Rae MiIk A sufficient quantity of milk daily is necessary for the maintenance of health and energy -- particularly in children. Glen Rae Milk is milk in its most beneficial form. It's tested for pur- ity, quality and flavor, It's fresh from the farm --stili fresh when you get it. These facts make Glen Rae what it is. . . the finest milk ini Bowmanville. - Phone 2665. Glen ]Rae Dalory Phone 2665 Bowmanv'ille TO LOW-PRICED CAR S BUVER 1 ý oy ine uenerai Louneil to set up 0

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