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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Mar 1939, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANDIAN SATESM.,,N BOXMANVILE ONTAPIO ',TT<TflCtxAV <A riroL prga.Six cf their Young peo- werking at Brooklin, is witb bis B urketon ple took charge cf a very instruc- brother, Me. Chas. Venning. tive weeship peeiod. Frayer by Sympathy cf the ccmmunity is S ln Mrs. A. Alldred isill Rev. W. Rackham; piano solo by extendod te Me. Perecy Edgeeton Me.T. eic ba th f u. .Miss Derothy Adamson; Me. E. and Oriel in the death cf Mes. Rucemut Visitons: Mr.T.Trik as heflu 1Ceekle favceed witb guitar and Edgeeten on Sunday. Ie. George We.Too Mr. M. Tbompson bas been, vocal solos; "The Marks cf an Ed- Me. and Mes. Wesley Bradburn iveesiîv. snnt Iiteh e îd ah i quito ill for several days. ucated Man" was a veey fino pa- and Viola, Miss Grace Yellewlees, NeadNe.Fsc nt'e Mes. C. Sanderson visited fri- per prosented by Mrs. C. Warren; MeNalrrib and Me Ry an- ern. aiNe.R Soc I ends n Toronto m.centl3'. Mes. H. Foters rendeed a vocal 'Trewin spent Sunday witb Me. ~îs We are ploasod te see Me. Ro- sole, ber son accempanying ber atan r.Om dWigt bert Pbelp able te be eut agaîn. the piano, wbich certainîy was a an\e.Omn rgt Ie. A. L. Pascc made a busi Me. and Mrs. Harry Wright and fine oxamplo te all Young mon in Victorian Wcmen's Ins t i t u t o rDt otHo) iodv Joyce, Mes. H. MeLaugblin, Osh- attendance; "The Scarocrew" was met at the home cf Mes. James hei 10an Hou eilmîcîav awa, visited at Me. and Mes. J. read by Rev. Rackbam; piano Marlew, Maech lst. The attend- is.CclBh McLaughlin's. sole by Miss N. Hern; Garth For- anco was low, owing te the bad famîilv. Columbhus. '.itlî Nies. Mes. M. Heard and Elgin, En- rett gave a bumereus roading on reada. Mes. Ernest Larmer bad Bush. niskillen, Me. and Mes. Frank "A Meuse." Some snappy gamnes charge cf this program: Faper by N'Ie. and Nies. WiIl Spet, Col Hoskin and Jean, Oshawa, wee were played, conducted by MisslMs. RuseMutyDuambsNi.ndie.L.Coact recent visitera with Me. and Mes.;G. Grieve. A tasty lunch was Finrcs": ress ading by Miss Jean familv. Niapfle Grove. at Me. W. W. Hoskin.1 served. About 90 attended. Wright; roading by Mes. Ernest Wesilake's. There was a fair attendanco at , Larmer, "Cemmunity Activities'; Me. and N.ies. H. E. Tink on cbuecb Sunday moening wben Recent Visitera: Mes. Albert Wright cenducted an lained aI a dinner part'< last T Rev. H. Lackey gave a splendid Miss Grace Yellowlees, Selina. interestîng contost 'Car Romanco.' dav evemiîî in henor cf Nie. talk on Josus the Goed Shophord Me. Frank Wright, Blackstock, Lunch and a social lime endod the Nies. Peney DesceIl on thein ne and the fuller life. Me. Frank Carter, Ebenezor, at meeting. fnom their weddiiig hein. W. A. met Februaey 28tb at the, Me. S. Trewin's. ITbursday evening St. John's Nie\f. and Nies. Chas. Hotysain home of Mes. H. Rabmn. Mes. D. 'Me. and Mes. A. E. Billett and A. Y. F. A. mot at the home of'famil hav moed 1. Port P, McTaggart prosided. Flans were Keith, Hampton, at Me. H. Me- Mes. Florence Cra'<fcrd. Fresi- and Ni e n is ap ai made for a pot luck suppor at Gilî's. dent Miss Vora Forder was in moved oito the faem whicht Mes. W. Avis'. Lunch was served Mes. C. Branton, Oshawa, witb Charge. Laverne De'<itt gave the 1 boueLht (nom Nie. Hotvsam. by Mes. W. Hoskin's grcuP. :Mes. R. Gordon. scripture reading. A debate wasl omens Institute membens1 Mes.J. . Mcberen, aneon the topic for the ovening. The a cený- t sccessfl uuiltinz in tlîe * Place, with ber daughtee, Mes. C. scibjeet "Character Means More S. eoom on1 NIoîdat tehen i uem Enniskillen J. Austin. than Money' '<as ably debated by fiyeeutilis. Me. and Mes. Russell Wright Misses Leona Devitt and Isobel l i\rs. We~sle ex ovphc,,'1,.1ý,.. Mis Ev Soch as eenmovd 'and family, Tyrone. and Me.-S. 'Chilvees for the affirmative -and- Mis Ea ouc hs eenmoedPayne, Toronto, at Me. Wm. Feed Hamilton and George Carter to Bowmanville Hospital, but iS Weight's. 'for the negative. The judgpîî, Miss reported improving. Me. and 'Mes. M. Heard and El- Evýa Beown. Me. Roy Hilgaetneî Me. and Mes. H. McGill enter- gin ivith Me. and Mes. Howýard and Me. Fred Willan, decided in tained a few neighbors and fri- Hoskin. Oshawa. favor cf the negative. A contes' ends on Satueday evening. . Mn. J. E. Viricie. Toronto, with!and lunch weee enjoyed. 30 wee Miss Elsie Moore is assisting in Miss Margaret Vietue. pesent. nursing Mes. J. Pye w<<ho is ili and Me and Mes. E. C. Ashton '<euth Hockey - Feb. 28th Enniskiller has gone to Toronto with her theie'dacighter. Mes. S. May, To- and a team composed cf Pueple daugbtee, Mes. A. Stainton. rente. 'Hill and Blackstock played an ex- Me. and Mes. R. Gilbert enter- Miss Olga Sandeeson with MeI. dîting game which tuened eut 3-2 tained the Young Men's S. S . class and Mes. D. Kay, Toronto. for Enniskillen.. . ...Thusday and their lady friends te a social Mr. and Mes. J. Hondeeshot and night the "Enarcos" of Bowman- evening on Feiday. Everyone re- Joan. Gambridge. at Me. Walter ville and Blackstock team pîayed ported a ceai good time. . Oke's. the most inteeesting game cf the Cburch service Sunday ovenîng Me. and Mes. Stanley Tuener. soason on the local arena. Philpý was well attended. Re<. H. Lac- Oshawa. with ber parents, Me.: and Maelow socured two goals key gave a fine sermon. Among and Mes. W. Oke. eahadTo1o n o h the musical numbees Mr. and Mes. Me.r J. E. Griffan, Xesten, ai locals. Crawford played an eut- H. Stevens, Me. B. Preston and homosaniggaeintene.Liou Miss anchearteton" faureed 'for Blackstock: Goal, Crawford; wiha urttelISrrne defence, Brook, Pbilp; centre, Areil." o . . r. .Pe Nestieton ýMarlow; wings, Lansing, Thomp-l President fo W.e M. E.P1. son; subs, 0. Baiîey, R. Bailey, N. at the cburch. Mes. J. A. Weeey's Me. Peey Williamson, our new C. Mcl. aisnRere greup was in charge of peogeam. mail-carrier. is giving us geod C. _____________ Mes. Wm. Stainten told a fine service these days. devotional stoey, "Prisons cf Me. and Mes. Ambeose Lywood Hope": Mes. L. Ashton led in a entertained their feiends and Salem sing-song: '"Spring Day' was eead niegbbors te a party Friday nigbt. ____ by Mes. H. McGill: an Irish eead- Mr. Lowell Fallis, Cadmus, wbo ing by Mes. R. McGill: Mes. L. bougbt some swamp from Me. Mes. W. Cann is visiting feiends Ashton favoured witb a vocal solo John Armstrong, is busy cutting in Toronto. which was mucb enjoyed. "Just timber. Seeey te report Me. R. Frances Like Mether" '<as eead by Mes. E. Don't forget the Sunday Scbooh ut î a i oe Page. Convention in the United Cburcb ut l a i oe Hampton Y.P.U. wero guests at on Tbuesday, Maecb l6th, at 2 Me. F. L. Squaie is suffeeing the eue Union March lst. After wel- o'clock. ! effects cf a nasty faîl. ceming the visiters, Hampton_. The sympatby of lhe commun- Miss 1. Stepbens bas eetuened with Miss Doris Cryderman in the ity is extended te Me. Percy Ed- to Bowmanville aftee spending a chair, toek charge of a splendid gorten and Orial in their recent woek witb ber sister, Mes. F. L. _____________________sad bereavement. Squaie. Nestleten W. I. met at the home "The way back te God" was of Mes. Grant Thempson Maecb the subject chosen by Rev. A. W. lst. Aftor the meeting they ail March for bis belpful disceurse ~IDteck part in a gamo cof progres- bore Sunday evening. NEW WALPA ER sive ouchro. Miss Ruth Prputt w as Sympathy is extendod te the the winning lady, and Me. Joseph relatives cf Harey Davis wbo Ferder the winning gentleman. A passod away se suddoniy in To- hoarty voe of tbanks was givon rente bospital last week. Latest Me. and Mes. Tbempson for open- , ing their homo and the pleasant YP. U. meeting was held Wed- Styles evening spent. nesday evening. Maecb lst. Bad Recen Visiors:eoads provented many from at- and RoetVstr:.tending, but the pecgram was a Me. A. H. Veale with feiends in veey inteesting one. President PatteÈns Toronto. W. Taylor oened the meeting Messes. Ralph and Edgar Emer- and Miss M. Collacutt teck charge son witb their parents, Me. and cf tlhe peegeam. Bible roadings by Mes. M. Emersen. the leader; tepic was vory inter- Me. John Henderson, Janetville, estinglv kxandled. by Rev. A. W. Late-styled, distimc- with bis daughter, Mes. Kennetb March;_ readings by Miss R. Fol- tive wallpaper will Samolîs. lard, Me. W. Taylor and Me. L. I oc make your homne Mes. Wesley Campbell with Me. Squaie; piano solo, Mes. S. But- look hike neti! For and Me,. Win. Samolîs. tr.Atnac 3 a olwidest selection see 'Mr. and Mes. Ernest Staceytory. ttendane 13. mnol t r o ur ne tc f witb Me. and Mes. Albert Boaceck. tended a social ovening givon by Upquality papiers . . . Miss Ellon Emerson witb fri- the St. Paul's beetheen Mcnday and upwe have a type and ends at Valentia. ovening when they bad the pleas- style for e ve r 1 Miss Joan Alloway witb ber uoc itnn easlni d room parnts n Osawa.dreas by Rev. Dr. Arqber Wallace. ____________________ Me. and Mes. Lewis Heney, Tbey were served a splendid Blackstock, with Me. and Mes. T. lunebeon cf sandwiches and cof- FOR Henry. fee, making in alI a veey enjey- St.Patic's ay Miss Evelyn Devitt, Blackstock, abIe evening cf social inteeccuese. St. atrck'sDay witb ber aunt, Mes. Regie Nosbitt. Several cf the ladies cf the cern- Don't forget to send a card. munity accempanied their mon-ý See ur slecten o * Ifelk part way and vîsited other Se u eeto fgreeting jBiackstoçi ladies and they toc report a gced cards, serviettes, tailles, and timo. pary dcortios.Me. Ansen Taylor spont the weekend in Toronte. T rn J.W.JE DL M. R. Allin spnt the weekend T r n * ~~at bis home in Blenheim. ____ Phone 556 --Bowmanvlle 1Mes. Harrison, Oshawa, visited ber daugbtee, Mes. 0. V. Shaw. Mission Band mot Friday after- -Mr. Ore Venning, wbo bas been ' neon witb Feesident Douglas Barr _____________________________________________ h i r c lago Thome was "The Light cf Feiendsbip"; wcesbip stcey "Jesus and the Cbildren" by Don- ald Dudley; sceipturo by Douglas LiUMBER EvERYT NG Barr; story "In the Bazaar" byl EVERY HING Glonn Brooks, acccmpanied by~ Douglas Barr; story by Miss Nina! ~T1 Hodgson, 'Life in India." Games You NeeaFor followed. You Ne For' W. M. S. met in the S. S. roomn on Maech 2nd, with Leador Mes. m ie ,U' in L. Goodman in charge. Devetien- "FIXINGu Ur al was taken by Mes. A. W. Annis; topic was based on verse "For we are laberers togother witb God"'s Yes, Spring is geing to be by Mes. L. Goodman; prayer by. her bfor yu nowIl S several ladies; reading, "The Fail- a you had better get busy now ue' by Mes. F. Dudley; part cf.a and plan those repairs and filx- ithe Chapter of Study Bock by z ing up jobs. We have the de- Mes. C. Shernon. The Young Peeple's Union met s pendable materials you will Tbuesday evoning. Prograrn was need and at right prices, such in charge cf Mes. R. Virtuo and, as- Miss Marion Weery. Wcrship per- -fi îod was c'onducted by Mes. R. Vie- CanadaPainttue; sceipture eeading by Mes. Canaa PlintEarl Luko; prayer by Rov. A. W. Maechi solo by Mes. Thea Dcwn;! Rubberset Brushes ireading, Miss Marion Worey; top-iS lie '<as in the form cf a centeat by H-ard wood Flooring Me. L. Mortson; sole by Mr. Gor- S don Beent; piano solo, Mes. R. m B.C. Red Cedar ePooîey. Meeting cîosed with a'f game. N.B. White Cedar XVcmen 's Institute wilî meet ai Mes. Flov,,d Dudîcy's, Maecb l5th, Lumber of ail kinds at 2 pinm., with Mes. R. Wright's grexup in charge. Toroto sphat iVisîtors: Torono AshaîtMr. Bill Brooks, Toronto, spent Roof ing the weekend at hom~e.Gwnat and f corseAllan, Ic'it lasIt Xednesdav for, and f corseEdghey, Sask., aftci- spending sec- Blue oal ral inonths with bis parents, Me. Meu mnci Mes. MsL. Iluncîce Bu I haceoft'he iprognain ai Yc -e nNEW SPRING COATE ix *'.. ' e4 Our new Sprlng Coats are the smartest models we have seen ln many years - just the item for your sprlng wardrobe. They Inelude fitted. flatterlng, dressy styles to "ensemble" wlth al your frocks. See thele squared shoulders, snug waists, full-swlnging sklrts, and be amazed at the Iow prices they are selling for. 9.95 to 22.50 New Mats Are H-ere Satisfy that longing for a neix Spring Hat, after a long wlnter with the others. They are dif- rerent in design and materlal. Drop ln to-day. COUCH JOHNSTON AND CRYDERMAN LIMITED Phone 836 Bowmanville i and iiiess anîd . S. 'Ium- flIOr- .'ues- and turn 1and haveTheNeî Yorer agaiîîe~ii~ Dr. Cnases Syrup abc-75e iuv Th Ne Yrke 'Mgainein ts Bayer's Aspirin 22-39-98e 5 thevWh Roy W. Niehols issue of Feb. 25th containied an in-lA...Tbs A Wo after completing eleven terestinz writcup) of the polo activit- 25c-35c-49cabs field years of business has decided to, ies and career of Walter Phillips. 53549 le S. show his appreciation for the sup- New York Cite. tlîird soni of tire ---- niade port his many customers have giv- laite lames A. Philîlips and Mrs on him. To do this he has slashed Philliis. (nec E. Sophlia James of Nova - KeIp Special Value in the prices on used cars so that Bowmanvillc). It has been the <le- Trablets 40c Listerine Tooth Paste ltng cveryone will have an opportunity lizlht of tire editor of Tire States- to benefit. 'See the bargains list- mari 10 sec his nefflcw plav this 150's - - - .79 50 rpyatcTBrs n- ed in his full page advertisement ll,-sllilg and turilling g ainle on Ilis 300s - - - .3 5cPrpyateTBrh Son page five of this issue. Mr. occasional visits to New York. \Ve 750's - - - 2.79 Both for - 59c Nihos has also opened show- feel it xiii be anr eqlai fleasuire for1 rooms in the Williams building at ---tr---eru (aada rl the west end of Bowmanville. tives and friends to ruad the folote -____________________ Onie of his several salesmen will icL article about imi as contained ____l rie be there throughout the dav and; . "The Newe Yorkeîr: A.t1J LL1 Dodd's Pilîs - - - 27c grovîng list of custoniers. IDevereulx Iihr once said tlî.xt .îîlî ~ fit aee 'icasto ip eact ii iliihd i;.Itl 'P8e ~x -e-a-- - 32e 1' ~ ~ ~, ttae;vas inake a fiSSUE îlot Ilater Boittlles -33e andNie. Vate B aclirnilt er,. joi. liprs - catid i '.iii 700 SHy uapEET83e \ozerma -- 5e FakWcstlake davc.te i. ; eîitî car %a].. andceciliiiii s1x v Soft Pure White Wstorv: Mrs. R Gse ilbert hi cethýa f polo at Sîiîri to the roll É Princess Soap Flakes zoan trinterestinz topic. Cosn~A \rnmors . j;s sddciilv inzi;'- th, Be ;t in 1Li (e* piano ;o1'I lie ered astflie oiut standizt cri 'rier in 3 large boxes -30e Ma-itee Clifford Milice: Nu;; JPearl thle Metrop)olitaîîi Learzic. l'lîilliîxs 3 o2 j Fellowss Syrup - - - 87e L( aeb cave a readiinz Nir larve; ridles at No. 2. betwvecn R lvi,ii J'lesread a chapter irom it-ieShillab)er anid Phil Brade. (,uitlie '>;Pilot:' Recreatilq'îîw,.. (ii- Sqnîadron . A tcain tlîat ..îîriîriscîl Ilah;' pexile lxv îlefeatifii tlic le-, Pond's Cream and Lotion ...... 49c Tule týelîl ne lraice pirocýra iiiat S ie- fasi..an1(1 R îdcwo<l t lîîbs,.a ii xîg aA c,;Schovsas i,, chargze fo i - i orel oard flic 0flu8 ream andu wWer ..... 49 J.MNc Ke Meo.hni Baker ocaîl leaziie chamvionshîip. Uîitil rcentîx D .W s'sP se&T ot rs 9 thee bible lesson Nfi..S Pearl 1,each He ceowd lias raid little attcentionîi ~ D.W s' at ot rs 9 p> uîîel 1 Nfiss. Ilccii al.., n: Nfrie. isnu.îaile uîosdbv sîîch bI1ox)_- fic1ýe \\alter Blackhxîrîî ',avc a tellilper- favorites as Maior Stîîlx IDavis.. ,f -1PONE-I n0--,n"- WE FIT ai t,îlk. Governors Islanîd. ClareniceCoUiiîhx.. 695 P.R * IN ,P m.B RS aNr.and Mes.. I _'. Stevensi . \r !of Pegasîî... Merrill Fiîîk of thie Ne\\- l iYYIiU iig.u RS a']nd r .R '. c,tatteîîîe<î Mr.York A.t.. Dean Hoppe)r of RZidie-il aoc] Nirs. Ira l'earc, .. olileii xvcd- wîxod. or Cen]ilHarris.on of E; e- d ii -,celchratioîi at innî<iîîl ISat- ,creîîFarnis. Theîeciralfclii urdav evliîlic.afttcr cadi caine tlavedI lv tire in- ur\avü'îie n zIîîtîî icîi . lîte lcralded NMr. I'lillitîs lias beieiîtn I HEN 1 MET YOU Iisttiiuiieiicr ete- ), t1,a t Maple Grove _ _ taiiîii lîcliir hîîslxaîîxl and l eîtleinct i i s siî ttiosecl lv s iltrio r 't1') oici t frieîd s iii tlîe 5.. roomn Thuîrsdav tta 511t Irrlite lilPt) tiar. The suni shone brighter then to me e;eîîî. se. S. E. Xerrv presicleci He learned to ride as. a lxOV iii Than it had done before, fr a short bisiie.. ses.sion. Owiîîg We\'stchester. wlîeîî ls fatlier. the late1 Mr. Vernon Trimble. Port Hope. The birds sang sweeter in the tree, toîhlliiess N.\ NI . H. Lititoîi f the iJails . J. Ihilliips. ;x'lo (oiiîiîedlicî Men una a om.Beside your cottage door; F" Orono. tvas iîiialile toi cornie laînîle s asturiî,g îîîîsiîîcss. cave M iss Ne]lie Snowden, Scugog The flowers' fragrance multiplied, anîd Nfr. Carmen o~f the; iîîîi a îîouv. lie tdaved varsite (il,,- Island, spent the weekend at Their color took new hue. Biichi of the Dept.. Toronîto. oave lx Iack at Evaîider Childs IliMîi liere1 home. The dark clouds turned their sil- ati ailcress and showed slides off ilîir iii tlhe citv ani. after crailîatiîic1 This commcînity extends heart- ver out. xv .wlich tvas air insîîiratiiiî to learned the p)lasýterer's trade se Iliat iest congratulations to Mr. and When I met you. eceoteowninz a xvood lot toi, take liecocuîld i,,iîî ls foir- oIder b)rotlier.. Mes. Bert Wilkins, Courtice. for- bette r care of it. Mfiss Pearl Leachiniii is iathîer's eotracting firiîi. uî mer residents of this community. Then music had new harmonies, Icdin i cominîîilitv siniliril tii \ui sillau expert lianîl xitlî miortar who celebrated their 25th wed- While common song-notes IlunBasn itth llan.Nfs,ýý,__ladlath. flit nt lie spends ilîî,t o ding anniversary Satcîrday. seemed lev Ycllowlees was iii charge o0f tbi,,hs time SIiperv-isinfc and( at the mri- Me. and Mrs. Leslie Collacutt. To have swoet melodies ne er)ike î'r ~ r a a d e n di ct d a ni î.. c al ni nt s i i h ar e f s xte in n o a M is s e s P e a r l a n d L e n o r e C o lla c u tt W h a t I h a d h e a r d o r d e ekri peoiite t. R efrn slînd îited axer serv l e n]tbî id in n iCha ppapfîsi ta. m e 1 n -a visite d her parents, M . and M s. For a l things bitte et m yeiV l 1 vtîe ladlies. cd Spuadron A in 1928, 1hecainec W. H. Westlake. Solina, on Sun- And sunshine came a new, CongLratîilatiotis to Mý 1issq Heleii adent tvitli the pistol. andu startcd day, who on Monday celebrated The shadows seemed to fIee away. Lanzemaicl an(] Bette Siliale an(]l plavîiç, polo on Spuadron I)Iis their 57th wedding anniveesaey. When I met you. Mfaster Clifforul Miller on1 passiniz .Xfter al vear. lic decîdecl polo wa s A tinkîîng streamlet's eunning tbeir mu sic exaîiiiatiuii. itoo eximnsive for hiim and gave it "Lveisth .prfctin f. song unD. He ketît iin îouch with the ZI nie. '~~ . letln ctoiO u Was softer, sweeter ýtill, liowcver. 1)v hlcpinz Tom Br-acvl hart frx,în self: it strencîthens andu And there was music in the wheel rferee. Later. Charles V. 13. Ciish- 'nîlle h ei.ctr ivsh Ore f yonder watee mili: Z.AoL mari. a Izoci fricnd of Ilis. toýok finlimotives and a uuhcie aiîn Io eveev The vellows tuened to hrighter tirciiafxe csno ohit action of lifu. ancd niakes bcth ilId. anVnii o sao ffxitti d gold Rocciît Vi.,itoes: me aind Phillips fotind he likeci ta. a nd 1'l'xiiIl nobe Iid 1coue Rich reds much deepor geew; Mir. ancd Mes. J. W. Bal-Soli. Ger- too. 1Iri 1932. at the inlsisteiicc ifaeoi. M; lx.xîs. The world seemed a]] aflame witl't alI anI Jean at Nie. Leslie Fliiskitiis . ltcin Guest. 'liillip)s startcd Iplav- love. Thorton's Corners. lcpolo azain; lie gvs îe rcudit ;diloeanletitWh Imtyu M.JmsNi Ja'fîor teach in ..lxe aiî ietxa <silx i WenIme yu Mr.laiie Ne laser .i jf.iîazîmebii tNo.ibt2.i.. in ~1love dwellcti ll od.andI()(1i]n.-Ralph Gordon. NieNaster. Toxroxnto. at Mir. 1. W, rliîg l11 .21hii.1 ibe628 Crawford St., Toronto. NieNiasîes. 1.\ Ilionli I'liillitîs is îfcot a qrpec-______________________________________________ Mrs. W. Glaspel. Oshawa. ait'.\r. tactîlar polo-placer, le lias liadi x. 1-. B. Glasuels. dashiliL, momenlts. texvn Miss B. Clapîiaaî at Mfr. Eý. Chan- lantie Cite foir or fiee vcar.. ai nman's. Piekerinir. ii t isiinan anîd )otiilas I iert,, Mef. Sain Gales and Tolînnv. Osli- tvlo is now hecad of flic l'eîrasîîs awa. ait Nr. Han; Geisîerger'. j Chili. t0 ride iii wliat liad beeîî pdan- Qnit0 a titumber attended tiehocb- lied as a six-day pony-express race. i -e ame ait 'Oshawa. Ibetiveen Osh ii-1hrtz liad hirecl a izroup c f ccxv- awa Generals. and St. Ntike's. )vannirhsdeeallmrd e. aî Ne.LeIeî-o n Wnestern liorses with the idea of famiît'. Thornton's Corners. ai Nrie.lriiiiig tue licoîtfiî 10 NMadisonî Semar 1. W. Balson's. 'MissIlia I-oski 11(,arenîs as a rivai cf the rcxda staved tihle ricîaeisfor a flicelerace. The shoew mever eut few dav;. i eviiid Atlanitic Cite, buit itl gav' Me. Ali f .vre lias reîîîrncd home I'hiîllips. tlîe oîilv amateur iithie race (rom his holidav iii Flexriula. al chanîcb t roveel)x the cowhovs MisMarîlia Ilansen. Trentoni 1 ra lekîe îin or two abolitî Nie. John Criîickshank's. riii,li ridiic,. A fter several of tleîf Me. XW.(Cockrain. XVocxd(sock, at lîad dc-Il eratele biinwed hini. lie ut Nie. A. T. Sta iutoiis. iset t' ii r ilainîsmn îinia aid 1 H ryAlv'e OaneP ke Miiss Emnaa imeinuteio N; îîîîcsprinît worîlîe of \\'eils-Har AlnTa( ageP o) \finie Killeîî, Oshiawa. ut N .RltIarLos . xiluhe.t clavs. CUP AND SAUCER FREE Killeiî ,~ i e sus and 5hil lai 'ce ais,,Ica riid Me. IavvBalsoi at Nies. Lesliv 10 ridie xxlien tîiev wxc revoiw. lotli Every Pound guaranteed - -ib. 650 Sîiotden's. Naîe C ';c.ilise ilîx le o%%îIluxrses. Shillaîx)ers icst Coc~aiiaios IisRîtl ~ox ; ;uk.suî"xl-îîviîg ilak BuIk Japan Tea ( Green ) - - lb. 39C Iis on rassilie lie GradIe 1II pial(,ici lise,îî siuîL a l'aeraquîe. XXe Iîiiil. c'xamination antI cet tic hIitiirs. I ci îiî" ' Btrail; .. lavt. i.. thle to Miss jeanî Caîîîeex,îîis ('xiithe .ick !11"r,. on ilthe tx,îuui. llipît..rides. O eB x K IogsRc rsisFe lîst. is,,]]; a nd,îîl Fixe L'. a t'aieril O eB xK logsRc r pi F e xxI-icl'ilie. uixcligîî " tIiitxiith every Purchase of one box Kellogg's AIl Wheat and Siiisii ix S Ix ic,. six (ce-talil one box Kellogg's Pop Bran Flakes - Regular Value 38e xx'cx. 185 po îîl s. lic. lia:i l it' Courtice 'eaeeflfil v .;î hii; im"inets soxiîîîaî All Three For Only »- - 25C t]';l x' u it - la u n t w1 xlicuî lue 0 This week's special feature of c' i!..îlîîdivinîî'..t. -T(1 th outc Sunday Sshiol as ln Chc xhbtLux Soap ................ as 3 charge of Mes. Clarence Pe Pa hc xii found's class of senior girls. Th At Quinte Seed Fair 3 A S2 A O P FOR -5c theme was World Broiberhood.'B RS"LA OAc The president, Miss Ella Baldwin, .Anî eîîîielheîexî featîîee isto lie with every purchase of one Package of Chipso présided wbile suitable hymns iiitroeî,e at thie tav of Qiuiit, wero sung. Readings weee given 'setA'i Vain hti e i'c elîiat 23caîe by Misses Pauline Antil and Aud- 1f.ri'fi, NMarcl 15 to 17 iuclîixii At - - - 23 rey Trevail, and Miss Ruîtb Pen- ;ýi to 1w a haut chirk ;lc .vîîiiee found contrihuted a piano solo. Ihix allst'ice; <'f the Onîtario, I latchi- A Mn'sClu wa frme ai th ev Asocatin.Aylmer Corn on Cob ............ tin 20C home of Mes. Ralph Toouey, with wuIiile tire chnres of baixy clîicks, Peanut Butter............. 32-oz. for 25c the purpose of helping alengtvith ro'îîîîeîî,n , te(jiari, u î:t- the Sunday Scbool's building ceev .'\iixnval A'ssociationl i tîic Dr. Phillips Grapefruit Juice .. tin loc fîînd. The foîlowing officers were îi.titu ur itsîîv <i]ii'i ýPn~~ 'ulected: Peesideni, Melvin Wot-1 utit%,le( h hwswl 1( ole iep lJuc.7/or, ton; Vice Peesrident, TaîbeeGe- a e'ii'tte a..i.. tire ieitc u,î SHOWS APPRECIATION ed te the roll caîl with a Bible verse and one was chosen from those as a Clasa Verse. The sleigh- ride came to an end when ahl the girls were s0e safely te their homes. Miss Gladys Welsb, Toronto, spent a fe'< days at ber berne ro- cently. Mes. S. Paternoster, Oshawa, was borne for a few days Jast weok. On Satueday evening, March 4, a number of friendsanad relatives cf Me. and Mes. Albert Wilkins met aI their homo on the higbway to, join them in celebeating their twenty-fiftb wedding aeniveesary. We jein ie wishing thern many more yoars of happy life. EDITORS NEPHEW OUTSTANDING N.Y. COWLING SELIS THE BEST And Serves You Well oc When We Test Your Eyes You Are Assured Entire Satisfaction in Fit, Quality, Style and Price. For Coughs and 01 D SCOTTIESA yJ Coldss Laxacolds - - - - 25e C T I Groves L.B.Q. - 24e - 44c Creophos - - - - $1.0 E U S O Buckley's Capsules - 35e s Buekley's Mixture 40e-75c IET Nyal Nose Drops - - 25c -o IMSFSE Vieks Rub or Drops - 43e TA LI THE CAý;ADIAN STATES.MAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ,rT-ITTPrrl.%V 'VARCII QTM 1020

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