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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Mar 1939, p. 7

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Qu. endreespenranuktPethick. WELCOME HOME! A bank lends money against ap- swindlers, check-kiters, s h o r t-Wshudpedmronrvid- C N N L N OCI L ND PER ONLSjoyable weekend with t h e i r proved secuirity; not invariable change men, bill snatchers, im- mng the best possible teachersin guests including their two sons, against stocks, bonds or mer- postors and beggars, ready to stead of the best possible build- N H N E I Bud frm Braebride. an Teclchabit but frequently on the pounce if an opportumity is given. ings, and we should give the peo-SU D Y L W Bfrom Derit, ie and h Strke pro bt and fmnancial standing of The money is there - and they ple in rural areas similar oppor- Phn 6 n TasFxfrom Terin oon to ~e the borrower or his guarantors. want it." tunities to those in the urban The A & P St D d M ~~~~~~In oui.r loan records there are The speaker was introduced by centres, especially ncneto udrosrac aswl o e A. Pitn. Sore hias been clos- her Grade 3 Piano examinations D ande rofRN a.Tu kr, Dicki only tw.o classes of promissory F. O. McIlveen, local manager of with technical and secondary ed- b lee b h naroLgsa with Pichonors.Bvery o igar al, •- ots.nmey"demand" and the Bank of Monreal R. L. Mit- lucation.tuedrn1 . Ms. . T Gekie Frt illam, Mr.E. . ummrs griultr- e guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas.i "time." A bank cannot and will chell, manager of the local branch; Consolidation of schools inruaHebnGoemntcisnth s.AsiTinge iseFr- i la , s Ma r Esentative, ha been off B si, Snay, returning to not make long termi or quasi- of the Bank of Commerce, moved areas is long overdue and techni- E. V. Scobglel- duty fo, r alRereatew d as with theffu. owmanville guests of Mr. and permanent loans. The money it the vote of thanks.1 cal schools should be distributedanreesttishvebn snt a few ray with asher daughan b er Jr.wholas en.-Pr ope Gie. directly or indirectly of the de- land made an appeal on behalf of populated area could have the e0sa1ntopri oe erain t, Mr. Noran Pwingler I s- etn n a Toronto hospital since Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morton ofI posits of the public and as these the Young Men's Club, for furni- opportunity of attending one onSnaFo rhiie ne h Mr. an Mrs McG e owlptembr is rogresmg Netonvile anouncethe egage-are payable on demand or short ture for their new clubrooms. He within a radius of 50 miles.FdrlLr' a c, tony braeetofMr. ard Mrs. .MGe, bst y M and hopes to come home ment of their eldest daughter, notice, our assets must be kept also stated that a committee had Hihsolpulswucat-.rnalCatfrmlynoned M. om r sts o ·.ad r.by1y. Muriel Gertrude, to Russell Alex- reasonably liquid. been set up to supply young un- matically be divided into three neterqet o uhlgs M.Cob •sk Mr. and Mrs. A. E. McTaggart ander, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Some of the security banks will employed men for any jobs- avail-1 groups: Those going on to thelaonreuteectadthehs b 1ourg tax rate for 1939 will and Don, Mr. and Mrs. C. Arm. John L. Low, Port Hope. Thetaegintonsncueitd able in the town. Rotarians were university or those selected fornotbeufcettm oflecn b41mill - 3 mills less than last strong, Toronto, were weekend marriage will take place the fat- stocks and bonds, security re-_ asked to contact members of the1 schools of government: those for sidrtevrosersnainsub year. visitors of Mr. and Mrs. George ter part of March. ceipts of raw materials and finish- committee if they had any odd, technical or business education. mittdn cinwl etknb Mothers, don't forget to read McTaggart. Local radio fans were rather ed products from manufacturers jb rapsiiiy fapra-adtosCo prniehp Ith oemntatisesono the stories mn the "Children's Cor- Mr. and Mrs. Gus Bounsall, Mr. excited recently when George, assigniment of cash surrendeï' ent occupation. industry or business or in agri- cag rsn udylw. ner" to the little tots. and Mrs. Herbert Goddard and Rowe, well known cornetist with value of life insurance policies, cutugre.Thtuets in theelst hAtrnyGnea'sanone Special bargain prices at Cart- Barbara Ann, spent the weekend the Canadian Legion Band, ap-I hypothecation of drafts against, CANADIAN CLUB cafteoymhe asilberlexcsd et a md a hecncuio er's this weekend feature Princess mn London and attendedi the peared on Ken Soble's amateur gossipe.Tebn wl o fthey havnt egal joerle ta1n6l-dyConi oCheHp WieLyrCk30.Crone-Addinall wedding. hour from Toronto. As Most of Rev. F. Merrill Ferguson take mortgages or land agree-i C . the por Pge1)Oresetl ega es sabd of .Caine.drn hc hur Miss Nell Brown, A.T.C.M., of' Cobourg town counicil passed a them had no idea that Mr. Rowte Who with Mrs. Ferguson, hias met r ed, en bre icntudfrmPge1 u ishtanecesy is aCbodyr of lgsaiv rra wsr n hier aunt, Mrs. T. G. Mason. $50,00toComangcleithnew addi th e we q uitsrpied we yasin missionary work in An- Included in the bank's custom- ated. Reforestation and housing awh ouwi tm ead Iiers nd en-ofhuscnidrtnrered aisgue st OMr ean Ms.Leoard atute. Plan to take in the Mammoth 1turned to Bowmanville March know if \we know anything about'present unemployed. hhsage a grea t rain colefobahbsrncisu Martin. Try Carter's delicious Tea Bis_- Amateur Night in the Opera: 2nd and were welcomed at the that salesmnwoidcdhe twudasIsecesbetag coltahrs u yte T Miss Ruh J , . cuits this weekend. Two dozen House, Bowmanville, T ua e s di a y, station by Manly of their friends. to drawv out hier savings and buy l have some department of the Peroiil rFeal govhaacern- ieei odfmt dcto o Foester, Cam belcroftMiss Helen adraIymlti1ormuh to enter the contest send in your dial wvelcome to the Fergusons at shares to double in value in ten covering what opportunities for, providiyn two yrtaingfr1wsu sequetl rmoed metha Fotr apelrf.Your famri will demand more. entries to MUcGregors Drug Store the Sunday morning service atI days. Then there is the man who'employment are available ari n'd areful nd rllgdyselecteod nav ei to o rvdn Mrs. Adolph Koldofsky, Toron- TiiyC .T speetnby March 11 th. All seats reserved Trinity United Church. Rev. Mr. hias lost his safety deposit kev will be available for boys and hand wome; legsfeysowihwudm.etrmasrefSbbt era . tospen theweeknd vth hr theplay"Arcibal" (pb. bat 25e and be sure to keep your'Ferguson graciously acknowý.ledg- and lhas to pay for drilling the girls of high school age, and pass haveto bstaffised uby some rof ou yr to o h ori e fti mostthe%MrseA. M. iiams. Mhessrs. SAhiamu l rnc, ononu tckt.tu frhelukynuber. ed the greetings of pastor and steel door. And there is Mrs. Jen- along this information to themotdsguheuniyersity ovcewldaetotndvr Hep o ak Te taesanoMrch2.atm8ep.m.ench Trnity) Don't look now --but on Tuesday congregation and read the scrip-|kins who wants to know how schools concernied. men. atleastutilrthesessionofr1940 newsier by sending in your list of Sunday School. Admission: Adult look for the Stuart Photographer. ture lesson. They are home on a! much is in her husband's account.- The real solution for this prob- teah fous utr iin frte vistor an an oter nteestng 5cchidre 10. 1-2*We*11 be seemng you. y-ear's furlough and spent the, He hasn't been telling hier all hie lem of unemployment and many taeso u uuectznw items. Phone 663.DranMsVHSt t "Boys Towýn", now playing at weekend with his parents. Mr.' andiknows. There was the tough of our other ills, rests, in the final tha ecyo proaby cn nue doexat Bowanile ctien ingodl t nd the V.CHudlegh-rev t-the Royal Theatre, brought the Mrs. W. C. Ferguson. and are now !character ,who wanted to leave aaayion the schools. To a te mercof lperopana.aDex- numers hae beien atenin gotenwedintieSt hn's Cgh e AadmnAar o pncr r-i itnher parents at Stayner. Iglass eye as security for a S2.00 large extent we have been put- mo acy needs t er sip n e SEOR D W spumecrsatibeng anival t Dixie, MarchnS. Jhe's br cyfr hs fine acting. He is co- --- ---,loan, and the slick sharper who ting the cart before the horse in ad ta ut i it selfpine Mpe eaGardetns, Toront. aughtxeMr of Col. Th. enried starfrd ith Mce ooe.sae:fo ikt Se.wtileft50 1 2500 ring as security for tackling the problems at the othercplnamutbgnwhsefd-Fo Guess Spring can't be far away, formerly Minister of Agriculture. j Tose who ave alreadyon seenfthismahnfvin- ied th a c- k. era s lang anidler ruefend. doo t this nkditirs la e-fatheinchimsefd icount as for we got ourcoy f the Brook-"Tit-pic... tdnsmo s fturecart.s netof kthe n nte 5 uta h aae geaint a httemjr on Mondagsway Nursery catalogue tored to Toronto March 1st to picture which wvon the Academy roses. ,,r e .e left ia second ring as security high school with only a smatter igtecus o omro' o ody. witness the Shakespearian play1 Award as 1938's finest. "You Cani't Mrs. Crone. mo(ther of tebi o the second S50. The manager ing of book learning. They uit- socieyconclued Mr. etchm.n Seeing the syllabus on page 4 "Macbeth* presented by the boys Take It With You" appears at the gom chose a French crepe !(%wn did not take time to have the sec- often are deficient irn the funda ad o entinee the best ofe n makes one realize the Durham Of the Umiversity of Toronto same theatre. Il black with mnulti-colored virdIle ond ringý appraised immeditely mentals of arithmetic, writing and and woenli in the, wo ae t u County Musical Festival will soon Schools mn the U.T.S. auditorium.,Rtpyr fHmlo on and a corsagec of orchidls. Her ifiguring the other ring more than reading and are certainly not .teaspecialistsim nersubet, buti be er. Etrescloe pri 1th Mr JmesMcouall Tronoshp ersedf amylwnFriday odIish hat was of black straw. covered both loans, but before hie equipped for any skilled Occupa- tachernsisin i nrpretinlf How are you liking the States- spent the weekend with Mr. and for a fixed assessment for the Mr. and '\Irs. Crone levttfor a ireturned from lunch the smooth tion, continued Mr. Ketchum. tangd iiigealn at man new serial story "Brent- Mrs. John McIntyre. Mr. Mcn1lmiu opnyo aaahnr n mIthe NwE adone had paid off the first loan If our system of government is igo ie wood"'? Second installment is on tyre celebrated his 81st birthdlay wopooeeetn a plant near States. the bride traveline in a and departed with his expensive being seriously challenged, thend weaentobeevld-.- page 9 of this issue. on Monday and Mrs. McIntyre Cobourg, by a vote of 528 to 3. orinitedl silk eowni in lue and Sulez ring, leaving the manager holding surely we should give the ideals wlnvfntoa on wheredemocracy Mr. Charlie Spencer, Trini celebrated hier birthday on Wed- Although there is more than 1.000 tonies: seifttdbac ot with the bag with a S7.00 ring. That is of democracy more attention in il n evermuntioseatdisfcoily, College School, Port Hope, spenýt nesday- ratepayýers in the township many ceneholes-n cp c ivr what happens when a manager the schools andtyoprp r u dnw us eec n id the weekend with his parents, Mr. Wreford Souch, 356 MUain w iere hampered from getting to fox.·Her black vill-hox hat and bilue, strays from sound precepts. best youngsters forsriet'h n ie oetm n teto Rev. and Mrs. C. R. Spencer. St., Winnipeg, in renewing his the polls due to impassable road and Suez accessories were in mnatch- Banking is spice and danger in state. It might be an excellent airls hinanngrofithfoe b.oysn It s eprtd cai gocrvsubscription to the end of 1941 conditions. inesude banking which tends to give it a idea to have several schools Of tr sw can pesrofthm tuOnl comanis lokg orea hirrieswrites: Have been having sm h lc ako iso ad The bride and zrnoom will take tur)certain amiount of zest, stated the government scattered across the ofua democratie stateofteftr in Bowmanville to open a self- real weather here - only above met in Trinity S. S. room March residenice if St. Johnt. \'B.spae On AmrcnbkrDomnunrtymchnte The speaker was introdu d by serving store. zero for twonarti e s in Feb- 6th. Quiet music was played by Farewell Receptionos sUrorfithte haldeeside ar ollege, btasit thehRoya ilitar Rev. W.Cnn. S penCortcer nd ABEUTFU HM St. Paul's C. G. I. T. met in the feel it. Guess imstill a Martimer. lo a ajerison. Telan oeN rz. Wilfred Addinail centertain- toan mdobyers o, a mgvmetisted f iltay e vo.C.omitha Cretice mv-Ned primary room. After the usual was taen, Inz Bickel and oyce ma namedJob wh t hav 1 tter.Theed the vote ofrappreciation opening and planning for affilia- Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cairns, Miss Wood held the collection. Fees e tasattrwl üeto been the local banker. Joboave m r. sioldb orpc-President A. R. Virgin wa n BATIU ALAE tion, the time was spent in doinig Margaret Affin, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. 'were taken. Minutes were read. M'\arch 1st at hier homne (,nlBriscoe took a nice fresh slab of wet Clay. choools andtgrso the high charge oft the meetingad, which dues needlework. Brown and Mr. and ,Mrs. Ken. ýThe roll call was taken. Miss St.. Lnohonorinz her daughdter· inscribedi it in neat cuneiforin about twoan langtey oud b gientoate poor oads a o a sLwAs1caR Carte's rgularbake good Sch o tfftendedytheTrainng! larke told th e sudy story. WeI \iss I orol-er dù 11 whose nmar characters and sent it to the bak- ness ofwovears ea ing hebsilageasusal include a full fime of rich, whipped Carnival in Toronto on Wednes. St. Tohin, New' Brunswick, will t e akeey ,eto b a te maepr nentaTo-mightobtan thelnecessary num-Hudesopatrso crem god. Ty ur clirs In addition to the results report- day, weread amogethe-metal berof youngpeopl thth d M puffs and cream ylouhnutstis ay- ed in our last issue the following 1pflace lhere Saturdar. .About a lhunl- treasures of the Book of Job -the'sire to enter publieswrvece-d rs.Chaie Pn hs aitn, Etncr.efrm weekend. Funeral services were held in 'have been successful in teddte tartrwiholdest literature \we know -this 1some e e nt forIeadrie and S askis tngChris fateM.Cnultsfrt DdDetroit, Mich., March 4th, for Dr. iConservatory of Music Piano Airs. Addinall chose a floor 1length ,wisdom- " Where the met i.1The qiprnen or ershpla p. Wm. Pastinto91 ndChariew5 entwst kno o hedgepice f uri hoasP. cCllug wo iasexams held recently in Bowman- IIIOwof black Nvelvet. Her daughter there are the vultures gathered, be thate re i ootmhis pe n ud isin 1911 and ist ism15 earsl you could spare for the Young County, Ont. He attended Queen's !Grade fashioned with a hio-h shlirred \waist- "The Íbank i herethe o e cation r. eadyh Im y opreimon , siMhs iter, bMfr. F. A. ich e n'etCtlub et t e k o not too U nive'rsity, K ingston, O nt., and ! IX - G lenn Tam blyn, 1st class ile and Duffed sleeves and trim mred is, and the m is w r the ern oe stach s e t i netthhe r eg s to d e st aMn trel , befor he.retur ing BO TR lat yt t lt hemk •w. Trmnity Medical College. Toronto. lhonors. with velvet hows. .irs. F. E. Crone, desire. So above everybank nt 1 g y st sen t fnd a nyprsdwil mtorhoe. av Mgh-5 To-night the finals of the Bad- The St. Patrick's Dance of Bow.. VIII - Helen Stephenson, pass. mnother of the zroomi-elect, also re- hover bandits, burglars,rforgers, ad train the eo entytohfidtare ayrchsdaGnrlMo.nomnil minton CI* tournament will ble manville Badminton Club will be VII - Lawrence Morton, honors. ceived wecarinz a becominz zown of oryuh oscr staged. TIhe public is mnvited to held to-morrow night (Friday) at VI - Betty Linton, pass. i lumr crelle. Ai\rs. A. P. Tocdd ush - attend the games at the local club the local club house. The largest IV - Beatrice A. Greenham, pass ered to the tearoom where the table begmmnng at. 8 o'clock- crowd of the year is expected due I - Billy Dudley, pass. lwas arranged with a lace cloth, silver Congratulations to Miss Ruth to the return engagement of Jack candelabra. pink tavers and a low Robbmns, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Evans and his excellent orchestra. bowl of slirinz flowers. Presidino- ussell Robbins, Zion, on passing from Toronto. Weddmng over the tea iurns were: M.\rs. . IiD. Fluiker. of B3rockville. auint of the Croe-Adinll rid-tobeand M.\rs. Ross MNc- Crone-Adinall aughlton,. sister of the zroomn-elect. (Fromn The London Free Press) Servinz the ziuests were:Aise Car- M M THAt a charmnintr spring weddme ' oline Goodwin., of St. Thomnas, who on Saturday afternoon at Knox Willbemai oThoor Mis oa Church. d n. Ont. DorFlukler. dof r ioil. 'wh s o al bn This week we are featurinz Soaps. After a thorough check-up we find that we hv 2 vreis1nsok forme rly of Bow avlle, became Rone si. r ant(iths gr nsLowes from Italy, soaps from France, etc. etc. Every variety is on sale this week at the loetpic viabei h A A T E GU R IN ~ ~~ ~~~T thv rs. l ed :\diteall L .nd l f tri. 1Miss Marion Kidner, emcdlsas ietie opcre opbaysas ehnc'sas op rmEgad op the ride of Fredeick Erniest Cronle- elect. Aissrnes r on tewhoowll -LweDominion of Canada. Some varieties will be sacrificed at less than cost to clear out tcs pca agi Ar..AT ES.RJhn. .B. son Of 'Mr. be a bridesmiaid, showed the <rifts. Pie ahdy and Mlrs. F. E. trone., London Rev. ANUFACTURERS SPECIALOFFER• JOin The Evl n Shon And benefit by receiving Free One Pair of 75c Hose with Every Dozen Pairs you pur- chase. Corticelli or Penman 75c Hose. Drop hi to-day. Have the detaiLs explained and receive your card. You'll save mioney. Oxydol - - - - - 27c Cashere Boquet -3fr1c Baby's Own Soap - 3 for 25e Cuticura Soap - - - - 23c Ivory Snow - - - - - 14c Lemon Soap--- 3 for 14e Chamois - - - 19c to $2.00 Sponges - - - 15c to $1.00 Wash Cloths- - - 6 for 25c BUBBLE BATH 15C - 25C - 50C IRIS BATH CRYSTALS 50c Value - - - . - 23c UNITED CIGAR STORE AGENCY THURSDAY, MARCH 9TH, 1939 THE' CANADIAN STATESMAN, Bo,ýMANVILLE. ONTARIO EA.Earchmlan officiated, assi>tedl hv' Rev. R. 13. Ferris. of Grimishv. a ROTARY CLUB formner mninister of the church. Pale i)ink exclamen ne aainst a deci) (continued from Page 1) baickgeroundi( of fernls Imad(e eiflective, away in some eastern community decorations in the church whrvinkl there is a branch with $500,000) in roses. spriin! flowers and candel- deposits while it vainly looks for abra with softtv burninz tai)ers Isome worthy borrower who could cmltda gracious picture. B1ill !use some of it. The western bank Younc at the organ plaved the:borrows it from the eastern and bridal mnusic. 'the transaction goes through head The bride. eiven in marriaze hby office clearing account. Naturally, her f ather. was her lonzr there is much routine checking, white zown of shimnmesiniz satin withl rechecking, and overhead which voke of emibroided net buttoned to must be paid for in the transac- the waist at the back and finished tion, so the w estern bank is charg- with a becomning Peter Pan collar ed ijnterest and the eastern bank and mnodified lez o' mutton sleeves wil receive interest on the loan. with tarlerine- cuffs. The gown. jWhatever spread remains left molded on vrincess lines. was de- over goes to Head Office to take sizned with the new high, bointed care of the hundred and one over- waist line and slight train. The head expenses and by-and-by the bride's shoulder-lengrth veil was of shareholders,rteeearnonFund a'indr hereif h ite bsso. a su u Wendeposits come in, and shoer wee f wit sain acenedwithout them the bank would be boua i er and se carried a clna out of business, all cash is sorted bade friase.canaiosand notes of other banks cleared MissreeCarin Go<nofS. to them the same day either local- '0is CarlineGoowin.of S. y or if there is no local branch, Thomas. as mnak 0f1 10m.r,1v. they are sent by mail. Local 210wled mn shell Pink chit ton m I cheques are also cleared daily and iacket style. with movped-in waiý1st- those of outside Points are made hine and chenille shirringzs. the samet up into cash lists, mailed and mnotif adorninz the puffed. shirred charged to the branches concern. sleeves. the bouffant skirt tallinz in ed, again through the Branch lon(r sweepinz lines. Pale blue suede Clearing Account. There is no de- L'loves and sandals of 1)ale blue bro- lay and nothing is held over ex- caded satin wvere worn. cept working cash, because inter- The bridesmnaids. Mliss Frances est never sleeps and one day's in- Crone, sister of the groom,. and Ms terest on a large city bank's clear- loan Fluker, of Birockville, cousin ing alone, would run into import- of the bride. wore zraceful nale blue ant figures. net frocks miounttedl on turnuoise Exchange charges, a common taffeta. with bouffant skirts. shirred source of complaint from custom- wvaistiines and] square necks. adornled ers, is based on interest and other wvith rowvsof luale ivink groszrain overhead mnvolved when funds are ribbon. w1hich were also repcated as transferred from one point to an- borders on 1.the skirts. Their slioners other. A heque on a Vancouver 1-wre ýsi erand] i a intink aebank forat$00chmmediatly bu- an tIs caý,rried voonial houquetsenof account, but before the bank can vink sweet pcas. blue forget-mie-notsrelzthtaonwlvdys and~~~~~ roebdte ihm Iinterest has elapsed and the streamiers in contrastinýy 1,nkandlce a e hc eer Neand e a of $1.25 takes care of 99e interest veis i crcuarstve atili %vthand the other services mentioned. lc-Addiqall, twin brother of the ofOthe athe inci ledfuctons . bride. was best mian and the ul.hers, William Shakespeare said "Nei- were nneth 0 (rel-ne, of Or-ilhia, and ther a borrower nor a lender be, Ross, McNauighiton, brother-mn-law of for loan oft loses itself and friend thev Lrooml. and borrowing dulls the edge of 'lhle recerption to 50 enests wvas husbandry." William's deductions hield at the Hlighland Club %where were quite faulty, continued Mr. .Nirs. Adnl received in a delft James. As a matter of fact, the blule cret)e srrown with shirred three- fortunes, large or small, of to- (juar ter sleeves and accented should- morrow are quite often bulilt up ers and smnall flowered turban in on the borrowed capital of to-day. TusdyMach1h4th OPERA HOUSE- BOWMVANVILL E Tickets may be procured at MdlGregor's Drug Store Anybody wishing to enter this contest write particulars and address to E. G. McGregor, Gen- eral Delivery, Bowmanville, Ont., or McGregor's Drug Store not later than Saturday, March 11th. Amateurs must live in Bowmanville or district. Save your ticket stub as you may have a Lucky Number' Get your seats early to be assured of good seats. FOR WA$NING Spec al 3 Cakes Yardley's Lavender Soap and 50c Bath Salts $1.50 Value - - $1.00 We are agents for BRONNLEY'S Fine English Soaps and carry complete stocks. Giant Bath Soap 1 lb, Cake --. 9 - - 25c LOOK FOR THE STUART PHOTOGRAPHER - Dated Snaps -- Stock Up - Phone 792 To-day CATIL E SOAP . .. .. . .. 10 cakes 25c LUX SOAP . .. .. .. ... 6c - 3 for 16c INFANT'S DELIGHT SOAP . 2 for 9C LIFEBUOY SOAP...... cake 7c Prancess Flakes le Sale PKG S..29¢ 1 PKG.. .0.0.a.014 Germicidai Soaps . - Neko Soap, P.D 2% 25c -1% 25C ..----Koala-Eucalyptus Soap 2 for 15c SA.&H. Medicated Soaps - - 35c Lysol Soap - - 10c'- 3 for 25c Floating Carbolic oapi 3 for 14c ----..._--- Ne IATPLMLV New Mildness, New Perfume, Harder, Longer-Lasting! Admission (Ail Seagts Reserved) PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX MCGREGOR .Agents For Gossard Corsets Phone 594 Mrs. Clifford Caverly Phone 792 DRUGS Bowmianville

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