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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Mar 1939, p. 8

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s of Interest To Rural Readers The wisest words are those a fellow doesn't say when he's an- gry.-Kitchener Record. In Germany it is safe t0 laugh only by special permission or or- der of Der Fuehrer.-Detroit Free Press. It doesn't matter how much you educate or civilize a dog he al- ways means what he says when he wags his tail.-Quebec Chron- icle-Telegraph. ROY AL JTHEATRE BOWMANVU LLE Last Three Days Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. MAROH 9 - 10 - 11 DRAMA YOU'LL SUE Spencer Tracy won tIhe Aca- demy Award for his superb acting ini this picture. Matinee Saturday 2.30 p.m. Mon. - Tues. - Wed. MARCH 13 - 14 - 15 The show tIat won the Academy Award Y1IMEIIT TaUIT UT's Y"l JEAN ARTHUR ~dfisu Sycamoro BARRYMORE1 asi ovabte Grandpa Vandrhof JAMES STEWART ai dahn Toy Kirry EDWARD ARNOLD ai ipai Si. Tycoon K& MISCHA AUER ANN MILLER SPRIMO BYINGTON SAMUEL S. HINOS DONALD MEK H. B. WARNER Sand onm Iii. Pllzer Prize Pary by George & Kaufmon end Mats Hart Satan ptoy by Rbbul fis&Is - irected by FRANKC CAPR.A * A COLUMBIA PICTURI Matinees Monday 4 p.m. Wednesday 2.30 p.m. Selected Short Subjects - News Present Day Troubles Will Banish When Farm And Industry Unite Rural Residents Are Lauded snirituai values. and te this fact. he By O.A.C. Professor At believed. could bc attrihutcd manv Farmers' f our rresent-dav juls. True, when Junior Fres one iooked out upon the world. with Banquet its race for armaments. threats of war. neopfle out of work and ieoinz hunL-rv. there was mnch te cause Expressing tIhe view that nitiv O discouragement. particularlv amontz our ttresent-dav nrobiems xiii bc vounz rpeornle who fouind doors of solved when agriculture and indlustr rrtunitv, closed te thcm when thev are linked tozether for mutual bene- wanted te becof service. fit. and the common gcod. and Yet. cri the other hand. it %vas oci of the greatest steads inir lu-coualle truc that at this time xv,' iluences in these davs cf stress and edtecuae nprto n lunir frmes' rganzatuns amifortitude cf our forefathers - theiç- anxietv was the work beinz donce bx hiLh conception of siritual values iunicr and senior womens înstttes,; and tlîeir lov-altv te the churchi- Professer G. N. Ruhnke.B.A.. cf ti nisiuto cc.hedcaei Department cf Ciiemistrv. 1naj even in oui- day. ik contribiuitr aetimluranti inspiratiepiai roieac much to the onward imarch cf pro- a timel and isniratonalgressau rs ni tîngs social and siritual. te a large gatherinsz asscrîîbled eliWC 11neet todav te stress more than Brooklin United Churcîr. Narcli 3"'1er sl.tit vle v ne o- for the second birthdav rartv of th(- - 1 1 à iience. courage and somte more South Ontario Junior 1 artiers 11-<0 miuSkm to pflace less stres s on stitute. ristakes Of the past and look more Not W\iriiout HOne te the future. Professer Ruhnke. one ut vounger members of the Col staff. declared that. xshile entr ities todlav seemed verv few arelbitieus voutlî. the situatioli not without hop)e - far f roty "Al we need todav. I believe.i buIle down te it. with con fidenc the future. ini our cwvnabilit\s- in erre felloxv-rnen, ant iif wveir, we xviii birrnakiriz, a woeth) contribution tri the soluntionci oil problems in eue dav." he decli "Orre cf the best contributions can make." he adeled. 'is for arîd ail of trs te deoete r esi. tevino' te do eut pereserît ierb jr littie better thari it has, ever1 donc in the past; bv inîtrovinL or past performnrces. anti bxQ irîg a ihee goal. eriablitcilr titres like thiese trr make a wo xvlti contribution te socretv.' Sirtrituial Values Lott Pro fessor Rthrike ext)rssetl cnt niori that intiis idaxv whiî e, wee so arîxîtus aboutt t1iiiigs n' iai. thexliîad irtst thir ese- FERTILITY 0F SOII MUST BE KEPT UI tSAYS DR. CHRISI 1Sp)eakirîg, to the runiibers rof Expeririental Un rion anti 750 vx men attentirî a I Oniav Short Ct at the Onîtario A\çrricultrtiral1 Cet De. G. I. Christie. PeesitIernt t, inîstiturtion. statcd : t?)nu iîtrr vears of cronpirîg has se eedrced fertilitx etf the soit of Onîtario. pecialiv in these areas xvhere and cats had ireeri scid off the te sutotivý the city market. that r farîns are îîew in a vers or ductive condition." He urgced eider farmner ttr adent farin i tices that xonid keep opt the fert of the land se that tire farin xt br' a stepprngz sturie andi rî stumbiing block trr srrcceedirîgi eratrens. Undetibtedlx', a stil fertiiitx is destined te bc aniiportatt tre non cveev vehi-rrrn farni. readv mani\ farniers have aeit the procedure cf bavirîr, the cf a fexv ficids samtitldecd This svstem dees flot tulace heavv a hurden cri the sout c] tst. vet gives the farmner the inft ation as hecrncst urgentix' reet JFrtinamnertailx . farrîiiîcon of trîlinth te sui anru se.iiri rotnucts created from its feeti Succcss denrends in ne smnall dei on rnaintairinry'titat fcrtiiitx ueveu which permits cf the proc iton cf crocs cf a etualitv that create profitable markets. UNITED COUNTIES FOREST FIELD DJ The Farmer's AdvocatE London, Canad March 7, 193 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Ont. Dear Me. James:- I have been told that some hl polificai matter bas siowed do reforestation in the Unîited Coi ties cf Northumberland and D hani, arnd 1 coricluded that se as I was ccrîcenred ncthrng co be donc about if. Hcwever, il obvieus that rne large sectior the Province cITera greater opp. tonifies for referestatiori than those ridges that start norti' Toronte and ruri eastward throl four Ceunties. It is net the gec ing cf tumber eon the ridirest I amn thinking about but streanis rurnring cwn te the la wasbrng eut bridges tn the spr and thon drying up iri the su nier. Me. G. M. Linten, in charge the Forestry Statieon at Oro bas becn trytng te create ss interest iri a foi-est field day h by the United Couettes this su mer. He finds the' Ageicuitu Societies interested sirîce itp vds theri an cpportunîty te strie work in addition te irold a fait fate and thus qualify grants. The tbought oceurrer me that if a foresf field day et be hr'id tintire United Cotrir might croate the neeessary put opiniori te overcomo the politi stalemate anîd get tbrngs star again. A forest fieldi day vas beid1 verein York anrd Ontaîrio Coi tie nd rilthe everît vas bigbiys f c s il Yrrrrrs veorv rtiiv. The William Weid Co.L W. Il. Porter, Managig Ed.l GOING TRÀ I shahl start to-day te waid( Wifh a fraveiler, 'way off yr Where the tropic heat b( And I'm sure I shah not bu Chasing tbrough the wildsz Af fer counfiess savage b Next, Pli board some norihe Wifh some old fime sait sea And M'I travel where thi l'il go paddling in a kyack, Ride a wairus, maybe wbal Then l'il shoot some me. Then l'il share in deadly da Maybe with thre Texas Rani Chasing bandits bold whi Then with vent'rous aviater I may fly o'er burning crate And believe me, I shal But about me do not worry, For ail danger from me'Il sr And l'il ceme back wear For this secret l'il unravel. Ail these places I shail teav( I shaîl find them in my1 628 Crawford Sf., Toronto. Hampton 'AVELLING ler onder cats down on Afric's shore; ngle, and jungle, easts that ramp and roar. ten whaler, sailor, ie Arctic tempests tear; .e-back, inster, big white polar bear. angers,t gers, e're quick to pull the gun, -s, crs, have a heap-a fun. ;curry, ing just the same old looks; -el home in travel books. -RALPH GORDON. SPORT NEWS it ding for ci to ouid rs it buec tical ýrted las t muin- sue- Ltd. itor. Whvls writc letters and scnd monev erders ' Order votre Irav Chicks throuzlh me - Personal attention. rompint deliverv. F. L. BYAM Tyrone, Ont. J. E. NICHOLSON Pontypool, Ont. Senior Boys Bowmanville Seniors w e r e lucky te surevive the last minute rally of Cobourg Senior beys and pull ouf a 44 te 42 vicfory. The county towners weee baduy eut- played in the first bal! with Bow- manville's rnighfy forward line composed cf Mason, Brown and Fagan really xorking together. John Lucas was Cobourg's only star but be was enough te keep the rubbertowners woreied. Tihe score ai the end of bai! time was 28 f0 14 le favor of Bowmanville. The last haîf stili had the local fans shivering, caused by the mighty effort put forward by the lads from the county town. Right up until the last minute the C.C.I. were wading through B.H.S.'s de- fense and sinking the bail in the basket. During the course of the last haîf Bill Brown started argu- ing and causing a little rumpus with one of the Cobourg boys and both were promptly put off for the remainder of the game. "Chubby" MeIlveen watt aise rp- quired to leave the floor having acquired four fouIs. George Dufton of Cobourg was the referee and was the best one this town has seen in quite a while. It might be a good idea if the local lads could scare up a referee of their own. Bowmanville is still tied with Peterboro for top place 1in this grouping, the winner of 1which plays the winnier of Whit- by, Uxbridge and Port Ferry. Cobourg 42 - Lucas 15, Rav- ensdale 7, Guy 10, Phillips, Thom-. as 3, McLaren 1, Leetham 2, Mal-I lory 1, Bennett 3. Bowmanville 44 - Mason 6,1 Brown 13, Fagan 14, D. Mcllveenî '5, Colville 2, C. Mcllveen 2, Cas- ,boumn, Graham, James. Exhibition Game On Saturday afternoon Trinity, 'College Schools brought up their basketball team and defeated a B.H.S. team by 62 to 54. The local* team composed mainly of Juniors after playing strenuously the pre- vious night gave forth a very good game of bail against an older but less experienced team. Charlie Spencer, formerly of Boxvman- ville, was one of the stars for' Trinity. Trinity College 62 - Wood 10, Stokes, Gripton 10, Thomson 1, Spencer 12, Thomson 15, Jemmett 8, Langden 1, Roberts 6, Vallance. Bowmanville 54 - Jackman 10, Slemon 22, G. Mcllveen 8, Craw- ford 7, Morden. Graham 2. Tam- blyn. Allin 2, James 4. The composers o! some swing mnusic ought to swing for it-Ot-t tawa Journal. Young James Roosevelt's quali- fications for work in Hollywood seem te be that he flunked lang- rages at Harvard. - Hamilton Spectator. A womnan novelisi says that wo- nen genera]ly have cleaner mindsi than men. Maybe that's becausei they change them more often. London Sundav Express.t A Paris proposai that France .eclaim Canada on the grounds of original possession will amuse the Endians, and Indians are not eas- ily amused.-Chicago Daily News. Suggestions Sent To Department 0f Game and Fisheries Dutrrhamrî.Northmbrierlanti Filt arrnu (;antie Xssociatixrî Ht itis Nic.trrîc an t yi. k i dt streg titis w er..rtmx îeit to t t Ir Ont aritot )etra rtinieit rtf Ca mie anrd Fishierics li tire Durhamandrru Nttetrt nîîberi anti Grni.. and 1Fi s i rr tcct ix e . st eCat t n c x n a nicinirrc th ie tranirati tntu hI it Heldaxvx s Httei Brxx nilu.. rartirlent wrcr: I1. ()n IIs s r rîîask-i)iîrtrcr tor enirte-imt tin 19-38: 2. Drr..n s(tastxtr tn triekenI t, reitintir tsatie a- ini11.383. 0tteri sensoni rimirskratststeti rtl chance ;4. Sireen)irrL car ti tr tircks satistatrx.niecrao Srge te etiinltcninîg union ettn i iccrîses t tein enii ilv. .i rt mitait r clii <I- reri shoetingr .22 rifles; 6. OwinÉr te tire larze nrrmber c f out-board mrrrtts beirîg stoien the association stregesteni a computlseex' liccrîsinie of titese nrotor5 xiti a smnaii fee of 2,5c or 50c. Titis. tiîev clairîr. xotrid -~i ve tire ceverirnient cunsiderabie revcrire arnd xverrd bc a satisfactorx' xvav cf lecatirre stoien motors. The sevcrrth strgestiorî xas tirat the assotciatiern feit it xvrtld be wise trr ntseextra fisb and gante xardeîîs drrrirîg ttvstraxyrirre,- seasori. The astsrrrtgcstierr xas fcr a suptuiy of riaskiiriLg. fiekerel a ntI speckled trrrt tttr 1939. "The xvay te preserve the peace cf the church is te preserve the purity cf it."-Matthew Henry. XI iurranr xisdemn. todivinie. is t iv'Se1. Denihani. \'iittn s Onlxv forînd ini teuth." t, crue. tic Fer the iunior farmers' organîza- Recent Visitors -1 ollerze truc. wumen's institutes and kindred rtun- raiaon carrving on a rcreat Mis Drejert. Tre B. H. S. HOSTSt for xork in the rural sections, the pro- Normal Sehool. spent the weekr.rrdt O T A S F M as f, ss r lhad a goed word.* He feit at homte. tu i-. that without them much gcod wouild Mr. and Mrs. Ravmond Burns and PT. HOPE, COBOURG is t. bc lest. and the urge te leave the babv. Oshawa. visited MIrs. J. Buirti- et tn farmîs Ieruater than it ik tdav.- un Sundav.Th loahghsolbskt anid Praises Rural Vouthi Miss Greta Wickett and Mr. A. >. bahelal weehost e orbat-p tlîis tBaker. Boemanville.esisitediNlrB.and Cobourg in the B.H.S. gym-1 whaiviltes inti a n ve and nsatb Bessie Rohbins. nasiumn on Friday. The two Bow- .redoortunitics inr eshap)ing or ccii- Mr. andi Nrs. W. Burnett. -NI 1 manville girls' teams were de- S W omie s;vstem." Professer Ruihnkc le- arîd Mrs. Isaac Bulmes accemp)arii, feated in close tilts with the Port cai cbrd eepcsdteve îa v NMr. and Nirs. 1. Hewson. 0>11- Hope lassies. The junior boys won clarted i Hoeanexpof vcuthe atîd t a-%aa. Were Sunidav visitors at '\Ir an easy victory from the hillsidec .s a tom v f eier wee leranad NMrs. W. \\ilbuers. town, while the local seniors just ittremponsi)ewforvef e udr epieesent- Me. NV. E. Stevens accompiatrii.i got over the margin by the skin1 g nday Coni ion. I at epvalv Me. Blake Stevens. Solina. vi--of their teeth, snubbing ouf the -1 eht erua ot o their cotn- cd friends in Catwrizht on Fride i. mighty Cobourg stalwarts. ~~~~~i trbsiroelu ution orf in Nie, and Nies. Lamb arîd childr, rJunior Girls orî-social problerîts. fer i helievc tiîat Toronto. were guests cf Mr. and The Junior Girls had their r thev. have treen a stearlvinz influience N.irst G. Burtt. hopes for a cossa victory some-t ntintes like these. iti the lareeI Miss G. Pettit. Ebcrîezer, si),ç r whaf dimmed when tiaey lest urban centres. wvlere opportetttitlt1 Sunidav at \Vm. Clîanîat's. their first game cf the season by f tIr.. Cvre f M ait(] leadership uftinîc'1 29-15. The easterners teek an s Wor lakn.xuh aiheimsit r is. XVm. Clîapniian lias heen à lacktiL \olthhad eenin"ed ti'nz at tue hume cf 'Me. arîdN. early lead whieh they kept u ClL!tlx.T rte. hreughout the gamne. Dot Diekin-E * o n i ther<iho .arîc son was the chief scorer fer the f tte aiîhov.tîtere lias iree i dines'.. hillsiders. while the honers were r Nuis5 Yvonîrr Williams. ' . fairly evenly divided between the t L SANITATION US visitet i te r (raieandrects. Nie. î' local forwards. The first haif t P NEGLECTED AT Nies*. S. William,. ended 18-6 fer P.H.H.S. The sud- 1 Corîgeatultitors teilss Fiet, den spurt put on by the B.H.S. r lE COUNTRY FAIRS sittins trio lie eccert rîarriae i teamn was short lived and only r _____ ie. G. Gorddardi cf Couetice. served te strengthen the defensreC NIe, artelNies. Claude DtrI- . of the opposition. The locals still I itho Dr. .\. E. Berev. (t the ~Ontario CoIdxsatee. visiteti at Nie. 1T. Sait,- have a chance of tying with Port i olurC Halth Derroartiierîtf. tuEritt rai ,NMes. i. R. Revucîtis atnd l Hope if they can pull out ve ttt~setare .ssciaton f .\gectrtrtalstîcrt a few tiavs witlt liere par t-ýi tory Friday in the hilîside town. llege, Sucicties nicetin£, at Torentu last in Toronto. Bowmanville Forwards, K. f thte week. -Fali faie sarrtatirri s not Yerrng Peetrie's SocietV xvas 1-11- Storey 5, M. McDonald 3, K. ndreti ail il shmuld becrin sonire fair tertairîed hv Enr'ni'.killet inzut i- Spencer 5, P. Dustan 2, D. Harn- ýd the ve<,uids.- arnd lie stecýssd the ii-t)ie Iarch lst. wherî att eiioxab 2 den; Guards, P. Emmett, M. Gib- es- rortarice of providiriz eveev facil- everinre as sirert. son, J. Rice, R. Hilderly, G. Coul- hav itv for saritatien andi pubrlic healtir. There was a 200(1 attentiance at fer. lanid He said that three or feue-s cars the W\omnen's Institute. ther, Ihein,-, eio1Grl mai, aLe 16 cases cf tvphii fever weee fifty-five ladies presecit. at the meet- Sno il tprc,- traced directlv te watee pellrrted bxv ing crn Tlursdav wherî five Bo l The Senior Girls seemed unable 1the scwage. This illustrater tire recess- marîville W.I. ladies presertted an te break the jrnx that has been t)rene- itv cf trretectimi, the water suppîxl. interestirîg program as repo(rtv.d o0lhanging over them aIl seasen and tilit'. He admitted it xvas difficuit te pro- the Wemcrnn*s IaeLe. icome through with a victory. The vorrld vidle sanitarx cenvenrences witliout1 Chuerch Thanik-OffeeinL, '%rvicw Igame featured a strenucus first t a toclunirucexpense siiicei~hrv v wee ;iiibc heid Sundav. Narchi l0th. haif with the second haîf giving ? ri-tsd cnlv two or threce davs a %,car. 'when Rcv. W. C. Smith of GrtCc forth nothing but a drab exhrbr- Dr er ad tw. o ietitwl rral nte feno n Retev. tien cf basketball. Ruth Trctf lo ) ,ct erv sini A s ud irti iltîecrn h fcrirr ar e.scored 15 of the castemners' 22 rmal) ete wl tpic te G. Tel ford of St. Anrexvs Urijtcd ' orf 1.000 Wells sliowed 991 weee u l- h ci saa r u x onts, while Grace Mitchell did fea- Cuc.Ohw.ite'the honors for B.H.S. scoring 7 Xî ltred itî surface watee eor tiier . XN..ccnbirîed tire XVrrld* Da% eut cf the 1l. The score at haîf rtetî eatrsesI. l)eiliedi Wells c tti he e r- fPeaver service with titeir t W!rlar time was 13 te 8, with the final s"is tecteni frnt surface erritaitîiati r) me1tinrr Feh. 24t1î.Nis..XiSaa- score being 22 te 1l fer P.H.H.S. cear. ' tîrto tu tîrel di fficultv. IDr., chard had orn distriav a rtruilree cof Derothy Nichols, the star cf toc 3. Prev as(!rtcd the couîmrti dririkirre picices , of farîcv xvek iraviirxr heu many a basketball game iri othor hem u iert ixe tiiîiati doncie v srortti e ore riexsrer,!1Erhrtrvears. xvas referee for beth girls' rrm-srge~e i îk rrrtatr- rrfrenti rrlie ecottres. Tlii eiap. ixtures. luires rPater crrtrs itisteati. take rfomntirhe StuvRîte rrk Ti Port Hope 22 - Forwards, B. ____________Stoev rt the (..lurclr rtVl ýtiiP Cetter 3, R. Trott 15, G. Brand- nsists %rvas treeserîtet I v Nis. .\. itîdrîriarn. wood 4, Margaret Doney; Gerards, tire PRICES HIGHER Nies. H. Colr. \Irs. XV-\V. loeri. F. Hodgson. W. Halford, C. Stal- tiltv AT: Mrs. C. WXarrn. Nies. F Rrrrzees arîd 1er, A. Smith. VICTO IA Srrs. A.Aluin Doe oh neet Bowmanville Il - Forwards, G. at a SHORTHORN SALE mg ard instrucetive. The '\ýrdsMitchell 7, B. Emmett 3, H. Glan- duc- _____DycPeersriewstrieriville 1, M. Spencer; Guards, D. vOll Lrrrdsav, Niaech 3. The 29th ýas "Izve"in iithe Nissicnrv Nienthlv Wheeler, G. Wagar, D. Tapsen, arntral sale ef Shortherrn cattie 1 wth the President. Ns.. \- E. Bil- D. Smaîe. sI-errserred bv the Victori.a Ccuintv l ltt in chargze. Whiie the collectionJuirBy Sherthorn Breeders' Associatien as i!%as beink, takeri Mrs. 1H. PetrsJuirBy held iii Lindsav on Thursdav aftee- fax'eured with a solo 'Be Sulent."' B.H.S. Juniors won a decisive rangedvictory over the P.H.H.S. boys Pie azdfrom $55 te $150. io rn !bI a ipaed Tire igiest iid canme fromt Jorn There is something te be said' orby the oc al throughout th e, NMiller erf Ashburi. whe irrîtirlit frtebih colo h nwhole game. SlemonMr ve da "lBrtrîhae.' a rean twù vear oit] %- his examination paper opined that and Jackman weee the high scor-f 39 isteeed hlîl for $150. Titisaria a m sut s hunfem en by ers, with Brown starring for the oxvrted irx Niltrrrr lerkins cf 1,-Littie 'a Policeman. - Stratford Beacon- losers. For fhe firsf few minutes ilritai n. brirrtzcht t he liigli e st rrtcrc rtf Herald. cf play if looked as if it would be the sale. Twcrtv-twoccattie weree a close game but the local beys i tte s 11 at artet i ri ant i hri ht nui ________________________*rgot into their stride and made own avernte ececf $853. ()f ibs 1r1rrrr- circles around the opposition for ton- be ir ixtuei htlls -Id axeraztnri the remainder cf the game. The Dur- a, .rrcrarrl \witir an rrar score at haîf time was 30 to 13 in ,far terice of $S8< ast xiar. faver cf the victers. The smooth ru id %v it rc as Imcvantritire rtc . co-operatien and toam spirit cf t t i trre cr wa> a - ii lresedn at t tiw these B.H.S. boys shcuud ho set as lt oft t rît rre tîrarr ttitt.otetwtt ifr . r O Jtan exanîpue for some of the other 0cr- Tit>le x%%ail> reiantteriirl i ýWHEN vou CHOOSE 1teams arcurid tire sebel. The i de farrirer> tf thiisdistrict \%Ii.,xsru OURHALTMHy C CK gamo xvas marked with vory few ti cf crxr r arritrortiitv rtf butx r focrîs but .vith a veey poor aver- ugh rr inrtrricattîe ronrttri i-tueri Irr r I age ef feetl shets scred. The row- ât r tri, swhiin ir.trrstrir cas.x rfPI-.,S rys started a short rally tht rertir cf fer i xrix tu i rrxinthe third quarter but their hope the (-rs ýt riret,xvwt(rier s tarti. cf vttory \vas short liveci after [ake. NiiXirtetjtie îrcttr. 1600 - 1600 the mereiless attack ef Siemn ring 11. \itre'istrc z-c irand MeIlixeen. cmig -t f ti-ýiiirLro 1,lir r COCKEREL CHICKS Port Hope 29 - Br o wn 14, Xs.tteiaiither. xttrsse(- rl Gould, Thempson 3, Roew dene, tnrr intiatr îtherrs - ers ir There's good money te be made Daymnan 9, Geary 2, Smith, Cot- ru of s t %rt viîtirte restits cf tire sait. this year ralslng coekerels for fe3,Asi, odsnNwtn ;orne Broilers. Roasters, et.. with Washington. hre feed at its Iowest level in three Bwavle6 .MIve * Coears a t G boarain Rock 14, K. Slemon 15, D. Jackman 10, 'J i 119 on' dî.erelsa are i prtces. G. Morden 8. B. Crawford 2, D. pro- o' ab ela.leeaeteaa Allie 2, A. Tamblyn 6, G. Mc- t. do al dates subject tai prier sale: Feeters 4. Frank Williamns, Manager. REPAIR HARNESS NOW! Have your Harness repaired now at John Lenz Harness and Shoe Repair Shop. As this is not a busy season, we can handie your necessary repairs more easily than later wvhen everyone needs bis harness ready at the same time. Pricýes are Iower now and service better. Corne in and see our new line of fine harness made rlght in our own shop. Every piece is hand made from finest materlal. Shoe Repairs A Specialty JOHN LIENZ King Street WVest - Opposite Silver Street - Bowmanviiie 150 -Feb. 24 (1 wk old) 1 Oc 400 - Mar. 3rd- 8 cents ca. 350 - Mar. lOth- 8 cents ea. 200 - Mar. l7th- 8 cents ea. 150 - Mar. 24th- 8 cents ea. 350 - Apr. l4th- 7 cents ca. Many more each Friday ini May at 61,/ cents. Gibson Farms Bowmanviiie, Ontario Phones: Clarke 3811 Bawmanville 2482. ernergencies, wiliing and aile on ail occasions to serve thse Public, our operators give tlsought- fusl performance to every minute of their responsibie jobs. Like the police forces, younr telephone company stands guard, constantly striving to improve a service now famed for its efficiency. PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWNIANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, 'MARCH 9TH, 1939 W'IJIJIQt uebe(c more titan 3.000 operators are at work atBell s-witehiboards aiong with other guard- Iui-E ans of the service. itl)ay and niglit, they direct tihe growing traffie There are 9,762 of us on the voice-ways of thc nation, so that you îiiîiuepropi î'con-tatily workin cntak atdtoamns kcep tise senr ci ut iigis't ps'ak of eff- cntl asiiy and uickIy t lns anyone- ci,',rc. You'Ii notice aîssrng us a strong aiîywlierc-anytinie. sî'nsce of Ioyalty to our romspany anrd a ,.lncere friesnifiiss, nsaking thei'"Voire' 'Flese are trained operators. They like their with a slllis"' sosucthirsg mosre than a nuire phirase! Nçork and understand it lhoroutfhly. C41 in L--

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