THURSDAY, MARCH 16TH, 1939 -. . . '-t~.A., ~ t flflIU~ PAGE THREE THE CANADI.\N STATESMAN. i.' uxv\rxs.-xrrr t l~ "'r iorc. YOU WOLD ND INEPROMOTED Durham Old Boy Relates Episodes 0f His Trip To SunnyCalifornia ~- le----.--~. By John C. Kirkwoodw ohrscodngtad A friend of mine living in Eng--stationery, envelopes, typing and iete ri r. ce Nd a thi ne"utofth lae.A land has sent me a letter - after postage. My prospects are scat - \'inn gz Nian_ who wt th Mrs.iiits after sards a shot %%-as licard baving learned that I have re- :tered ail over Canada and the Hutchisn s i ending te ic ntcr ; I e as foutid dead. I lurriedIv cently had a 70thbibrthday. MyUnited States. It is bard îndeedinsiv California. ln bis fascinat- ;' r Il of buis vas placc<l in bis friend says. Ito get the attention of persons to n %ateona otrrles-cot.bfethpliewecled Now henwha abot a ookwhomonesend hisproosal, ianv incidents "about his trip and î i dii endeavour to reinove al] oliiii on "Life Begrns at 70"? What'under 1-cent postage. maeîbsrainsadco ns i ni the rcsort. are your plans? What are your It may rnterest my readers if I liicîî grcatlv add to the intercst of \ ier watching, that vouinz girl, dreams? What feelings a re in- tell them about some of the things ýhi,, travels. - Editor. . % iitit the abovc incident in mv spired within your breast when which I selI, and try to sell. m.Iefthplcwiha or you look upon a golden sunset, Five years ago I began the pro- il t Imeftenn lasces cfth a mre or hear a thrusb sing in the duction of a small leaflet publi- LosAnels alf. d er antc inesdofsrthe5 u t O rniy n o g , t hug ch a ti n wh c b a s\hln m arch 1, 1939. n -n prevalent evil. wlatuver its Odlyenug, hethugt ad'Profitable Retailing." Its con- Erlitir of Statesmanl: iin mjgiiht bc. occurredi to me prior to the com- itents are addressed to retailers, Atn%-Our c(nifflimientarv suggestion. What of Our Children? ing of my friend's letter that 1 'and are designed to give them 1 arn daring enouidi. or foolish i o should like to write a book -. or'counseis on how to operate a re- (hilv this mornîno, I cut tic fol an article - on making a begînningi tail store for profit. This publi- Robert Niven, assistant district eiioiiLli. to scnd %-on another side- 1micimn rmteirs: 1 at age 70. ýcation is produced montbly. To passenger agent, Canadian Pacifie View 'of L05\Vegas. Nevada. The 1 o ideL' ling f rom thled ?nfrc I have no assured %vay of mak- 'dt; aepoue 7 susualaTrotsne12,~ ireat indiistrv of this state is minillg. dcldevaaid(3ifr iga living. My chief business is Thbis publication bas been bought lias been appointed general agent,.\cricuiltuirillv it semnis to c) a oreat eitn iio as ste writing. I have a few customers by over 35 publishers of daily and passenger department, for the n eet. For miles ancd miles there is for my writings, but these custom-î weekîy newspapers, for distribu- tario district af the Company, with nothine to bese u'ader x ers max' cease being buyers of my tion by them among local retail- hep.dquarters at Toronto. vanse of sage hrush and desolation. wares any time. This very day* - ers, tbis as a gesture of goodwill, 'casil oal fiîflu station. rail eo- the day when I am writing thîs and also to persuade t î with no sigu of Il f cizstto. excepîan deo contribution to The Statesman - Ii advertise in the local newspaper. man called on me at the s ugges - o raliil iiii o had a long-distance telephone calTWrt tion of bis father. Thisyoung or, ts alluglvmstimpr tawnt.ntiu from a customner wbo has been and hen Iwiethese "Your World ut et Thîs g mnIandnxî ostimortntinsit sig asevic ofmie fr Ive Mine" articles - and have qut6fetaî,ad er'pe tions arc. its easv Divorce Courts. been sentabesbadoarried few ad it's lezalizcd gambling and liquor g" years, to inform me that financial dinsofr4ya. months previously, when he had dn ohRn n o ea a neest ople i ocae I write - and have been doing wbat be felt was a steady job.dn BtReoadLsVgshv taking this service. so for over 5 years - a weekiy But be had been dropped by bis, have big waitino' lists. of those spek- My necessities require me to be article for a publication calied employers, and for weeks he had [ e Sti on of hesi mateireqioia <"" 4 continually seeking new custom- "Marketing." Beginning this year, been honestly trying to find new tic.Sxe ek'reieceipc~îe ers: also tabe creating new things at age 70, 1 began writing eacb work . But bis way was to ask for ronlki ob eue ofu to seli. I have to send out lettersi week for Financial Post. work, quoting bis past good re- This insures a great tourist trade to to business firms, including news- Since my 70th birthday 1 have cord. Yet be had flot found work. these centres. of those wives. whosea paper publishers, urging them to begun a semi-monthly service, in I suggested to bim a particular hnsbands suore too loudlv. or hus-t buy what I write. I send out: printed form, for purchase by form of work - one wbicb he could bands whose wives have f cet that arc thousands of letters in tbe aggre- sales managers. I eaul this publi- do, but be would bave to work on too cold. whcn hib back is used as9 gate. and mnay not get baick cation "Friendly Letters to Sales- Com~mission, and would have to a wvarmig pad. enough money to pay the costs of men." find bhis customers by the exercîselAds.aloe ieSac.adi ___________________ rI have a drawerful of ideas of bis initiative. Lîterally hun- Canada aiso (to Ouîr shamne) is thish 'which, in my opinion, are saleable, dreds of likely customers for wbat 1 rcat Holv Instituioiî of Niarriagea but to sell them I would require I suggested be sbould, seil are ta:1 lîino'dcsccrated anîd degraded. into i the assistance of a good salesman be found in the city of Toronto - i what. in maux' cases. is nonhing but r Lo PiedSarswho would work on commission. industrial firms, wbose names 1ievalized prostitutionî. One odrk JCK and addresses are in the telephone, what the outeome wiii he as thisU Low Priced Shores Not a few men caîl on me ta) book. I tried to assure this young 1 reat cvili crows with increasmez vel-1, D.JN.Hthsnr offer large profit possibilities inquire if I know of aiy vcn man that he could hope to make ,cit. it with risk of litie money. jobs - wbicb is a rather absurd 1 up ta $10 a day. But be listened L.ike mauiv onIîers. 1Ivas zreatlv r aifict children. as lwing 'iun<the Fotnshvebe ae expectation. Vacant jobs f ili up to my suggestion with duil ears: aîuîazcd. o readin!r soine tourist iuire,t of the licunor iiîduistrv andq Fortues hae bee made instantly. When these men caîl what be wanted was a wage-paid literature of Los \'egas. that onie of 1 ilr\%-ndrsnrd. and mneaning uothinoi'.' a following depression per- an me I try ta plant in them my job - a job whicb wauld give him the great alluremient of the cils' was j liiriii e n last two %cars iii this t% iewhicb is: Do flot ask for from $15 ta $20 a week. He lack- ils wid, opeiîndiin hrgm îuî ios ypuchsrswih worjk, but offer sometbing wbich ed the courage to try the work:r lInzdn rclubs vere lcgalized. 25.000 ktaidshavmenseen n ability to recognize bar- in acceptance and use wili make wbicb I praposed to bim. The and uite openr to the public, maie d1 f.'a hli sablsifmdonts. ont ganadcourage to u the firm approacbed richer. The chances are that be wili go on ai"'dd tîosad %. dllr wo in ties of mass fear. man who can make athers rîcher 1 lookîng for wage-paid work _-,for finaeadwhr )i cudi-slCC. kd'Iicl oebS ouJ is always wanted. wek n eks ihu i dige in u((kr. faro. Ilack iack or illîr siot machines and to tihe vice fI Arkin-Ag. sKr Adsn o I am ready ta cancede that most it; and ail the wbile he wil 1 be- routro'PlEsad PELANGIO - Adjoins Chesterville. men lack the creative mind - that came dispirited, and increasingîy 1auîv uînrfereuîce f roui police. Ili waik- The iuirist toid the commnittee thai el Not working. most men are leaners. Sa perbaps dependent. Instead of going ont monirn the main strect I uloticcd a if nendinz levisiation is adopted. teife BARBER LARDER-Under active it is rather cruel wben I suggest on bis own initiative ta seek bu'titiiober of these (clubs tiîe% eall Inveurile Court will have the power Adiseon anî.d m eRa enKer ta my caliers tbat they take ers for sametbing wbich maîiy theuri> ail brilliauti'. ightcd. %vith otl lionor lcnes MARTIN BIRD-Artively developing money-making ideas or prapasals wiil buy because of its perceived doors xidc open 10 tihe street. alidAdsnndOea a 0 uicil liceseetofs urbr- ore. Located In southern Larder ta patential users of tbem. Even value ta them, this young man %veicoiie 10 ail who carcd to enter. iikenkdotofvrrb-g JLke.T~huadar rpI~ so, the right idea for ail work- bas preferred ta go on seeking alAnd so. îlot beiug famniliar witîr aux roonis and danrce halls.where linuor sP JOinfng NToand aceport seekers is ta propose themnselves wage-paid job - a job at baif or of tire above gaines. anrd somehns ldo7g oiaifo oteunot of l northward toward Waite Amulet. as profit-makers or expense-sav- a third the money be could earn curions. I entcred one of these clubs.cnt.. as Work under arrangement. ers ta ail an whom tbey caîl seek- in commissions. wliere varions grotnos werc seated: Could auvthinz lbe more convunc- QUEBEC VIKING-Large property inw tarill ofing. da D the busr ines wof finding aot A young man known ta me Sourle maie and somne female. alim, : Tirat this habit. generaiiv so s drOUYngREAR the bavur v sinetterfthanding a bout jained a firm of furniture remnov- sceminglv greatIv interestefi. closelv associated with its even fe BOUY REARD Own favur- ývatlybeter tan oin abutrs as a repair man - to repair Yon sec I was awax f rom homne. greater twin cvii tihe Liqnor Traf fie. le( abrai evoinhlpQueer. i ot aig Haeyuavcny" urniture damaged in transit. Imn- wi ieeno one knew mie. and ail re- ks an',thine brut a devasnaning and pe LAR-ADD-Located between Barber 1 When ane asks tbis questian, on mediately be became a salesman struantsq removed. Perhaps somne of uuideriurriinz peril. i Lareran Cenio, n are , is almost certain to get a flo' as Larde Dr et. hrinInactLrery aser Ist otte eib o l as a repair man: He sug- mv readers. o'ood Christiaurs like my- Even so. we are tcldd (ver and fiT NEWRY-Owa thee ropeties faiy ta as a qeston wicb iîîgested ta firms whose office fur- self, have indugecd lur similar derelec- over. aan.ta anlu'awv e n Opeepeeaway, Ontario, and niture was being moved that îttinîs. Mienr awav froiri brnre ar a andaias iib.s two in Quebee. Active develop 'get a negative answer when one sbould be polished. Thus he made amure. the gamblinz spirit is iuîherent il, thirn ment season planned. î is seeking work? mrwok for bimself and more 1 tried 10 persurade inseif that 1 Ireart of cvcrv inu and evers- wolraur TOUICH-inative property west I am going to assume tbat most oefo i mlyr.H ad01,ivnintsuvthcniinPbbvatucttmn. ol01 ?oega, Larder Lake. 'persons s igemlyetbe- mn ORPIT - Large property thirteen ~ mlyeî t o o me that be bas nat bad a single anrd sec if zambliurg was suîch ail It wouild scenir. tîrat ail tire of)- ailles aouthwvest of Bollinger. tte a eueu 0half-day off in bis twelve years cvii as ciaiurred Ili- so rmaIls-. iOi faltemrlaeris Under development by ploneer any firm which will employ tbem. oiino l h oa znis Mines. So the ih idea is: let tbe iwark- witb bis employers. In Ibis time, Sin is eenieraliv '.0 aiIuring. Pi-cirurches anrd otirers. are about as CROW5NORE - Property adjoins igtIbs es- eas advanced himself in status (Icl.îcislred. silliire anrd teniptuno' uie 0so l swa ia fCn Albany River. Inactive. seeker ponder long on *hsqus and pay - always by the practîce gaîrîlîliure especialix- 5(. WIlrOof ail utc. the Saxonu Kinrg of oUi. '.vîo- LACOMA-.-Owns two large prop- tion: If Smith Brothers emp ioy of initiative. tu% readers hias nI rrore tiraur once ordered tihe ssa'es cofrretheairt ertie, in Quebee. Inactive, me, wbat can I do ta bc worth the A baokkeeper getting $18 a o-ttr eie ntt aeacauc-rtra r a u h eaoe EAST LAÇOMA-'Owns two large bey he will.ii pay tamechncand-irmoreli sweontk drinpererty abc.Doigana- tan mthy wge? Th e, n. mbrn Ibis wanted $20, and bis employ. en sourre ganre for cuuick urruîev? Of One Jiftie tirin'. lirowever.,wc calr drilanxroicperk-seekngcna ha y aer caîs nSmiîb Bro- ers let him go rather than pay him cour~se. rot 10 gamnbie: but i îst lor do.W'e caur trv. at least. to kecpounr din Mrie. o tcuo so rs e shouidal k abouSm th B o- z2. Thi~s m an took accountancy a littie fuir or excitemeut. or t1i add FuM«Pwichu o Rq»t hesheshul tlkabuth e xamînations. and tbree years ettosm ohrwehane.s own hands cleaur. he can be wortb while emplaying; later bis aId employers re-engag- teie r rres' Eveir Ibis wili bc lîi)strall nrder- G. FIRTH he should not ask for wark, but ed bim at $2500 a year. He badi gaurre. Tîrat desire is. I think. ui-, takiug I t1riurk evervone sviîi admrit. 200_BAYST.,_TRONTO____________ostres___s vlueK.rncreased bis values, and be sold vra:bosflvno' marbies. golf .\lrywNav I hrave fond it so in uns J C K bis values: be did not ask, "Have devotces. Card plavers. pias-iîg the o%vur explerience. Afortnigbt or s0 ago a young you a vacancy?". races. etc. Ail so simple anrd appar- J. N. Hutchisoîr. eutIv so harmîess. or an least we Irs' to convince ourselves Ihat wav. i t ' * Spring: Sleeping under But for a citv to boldv nroclainr S a y frmtbree ta five bakt every itseif a wîde Oipen gambling citv. night. Wisb you were here. __under the Protection and maiestv of Wasbington Post. the' law. vives a zood Canadiaur a Intelligent people may live ioiî. which urakes Iim aimost hold H. & S. Associato a edu longer, but dumb ones seem ta bis breath. anrd thank God. that we in, tbe scbool bouse Marcb 7tb, wîtb live oftener.- Quebec Chronicle- Caîrada r o ieohrmi.<rPeietAe Prout i r 'j ec ot iewotrd men.'ordbi re ws eided ta e nter haerg m...Tler .eets aurdsnportevdapsi. lstoai el r.Ot rg ...leus....r.t.beeM rur . Crnk ge a ,sendrey a d -dosvertosvsre looaslur ur \'c Ma s f au ie Gobnn', Leepindo. C.I-.Tuc Tlans.wiusecIrterwrible din. Iu((s(: Qu' e ciey. Mentr Cobbie- ip n acTomirono. o arWitocerai jduek MachfrihN . 9nterte wit r repec, alil ilr at ýt us scilons s o e arp m t EyesigEye.duc gio a;iteîr iff ereu. it i iur tired ru-1organ sad gi tar r.Sa SpcAds dec h te ct~inr cfrurir ri- CAslay s a rryiwong Off Fater"e mens. ndsuporeil Posilv.Il- cionded Mrs.Oto raggttoMrs. gyg <~P. P O. îaiosareîroferHofssiwe do livetias nairMiss Ia Beage CIaeence EOshawanc ,hoI15o fool (uri sl cIoErrdi iallli, ioesî Giibanormsby Ander-I. I watcercd the'bc laers fonaOrE. so nd Br spentn RikadTi seveurtecr. who . in uxos Vfae.eOy aued. hsn',Lgdo "Whyahoudn' 1? he ay Ipa sigtedess nd hortsigbtedue lie.W'iateribe. final rs(itws apesetationy taMr. C ande the irs pr miu i, - rea .d as elaing 10 be yes bu bu a ce w as I i rt wis o rsc raSie, sa Mrs anLes ie And ern an d fa ily esat o $OOO I wul tleme resoin i ote sor-sghedf si eteruetebad- tiewhoae levings o h ar 12 ears Total If I busanme member Diaàbiljt clause. te eye is ta them Ie oeing aleete fran ho I tat r esoî rdelgsi drs a readt tot lly ia a l. ~ s aJ. g e a o nt ly In efl x c ndiio s pe ii p c s lae ss io t h ud Ios. tli rf fialiv Atpe m b M r W . O ff. Cl e ce inc me ith ut ayi g ny ore sibe fr a diordr fr r mot li sake hi iat fiins. adair ire Kv es qi presented M tedr.ctan Insurance. 'diseases 'duet h ysbt ar-uit1 due ta a disturbance or a disease ~* Miss Clia Anderson, Oshawa, in some part of the body. And E D Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dilîing, Mr. and unless Ibis disturbance in the of- Mrs. C. J. Alldread and Mr. Harry j/f feuding part is properly treated ADGO Cryderman, Bowmanville, were San eye correction may only be ex- EG O invited guests. rIIuisIIiJ1rIIui lI C! pected ta be a temporary relief. G OAmsclcnetwscnut o -,twe iledevrt E! Re by Mrs. Esrl Houck, witb Mrs. S relate some facts gathercd from CRP . Bragg at the piano. gEA9 OFFICI TORONETO the examination of cycs of un-R Refresbmeuts were served un-m " civiîized nations. Look for "Sav-dethdicioofMs ih age Ees."Beunnett, Mrs. J. D. Brown, Mrs. ý;jWI:tit(ta be continued) .0. Bragg. CANADIAN GARIDEN i is sown on a day wheu there is SERVICE nlo wind. For permanent lawns ________of deep green color and fine tex- By Gordon Lindsay Smlith ture. good qulity package seed is advisable. Iu evering the gar- No Entrance Fees dener is advised 10 rake one way 1Gardeing is a universal hobby only and ten frmn the soul witb or recreation open ta botb sexes, a eavy roller or pounder. to the old or young. Weter we Hot Beds live in tbe crowded city or out in A bot bed for starting garden' the open country, in the soulb or seeds early is usually prepared in up ta the edge of the Aretie Circle, early March. It consists of a bcd gardening is always possible. Oniy of fresb manure, whicb supplies: a feu, square yards of soil are the heat, about 18 inches deep. On necesar for satîsfyrug results. Ibis twa or tbree inches of fine! Even tbe apartment dweller witb soil is placed and after the bed. a few hanging pots or window bas beated up and then cooled' boxes is nat barred. dawn again (a malter of tbree or~ There arc no entrance fees. and four days> the seed is sown in, equipmen, unlike golf or fisiug, j rows a few inches apart. The bedj cots nly a dollar or two. A _is protected by rough bording' spade or trowl or rake are all along the side and on top sud, the bools necssry. Other equip- ýslopig towards the soutb about, ment consists of a few packets of 10 ta 18 inches above the bed isr seeds, perhaps a shrub or two. As placed a window saab well glass- aur interest develops we can add cd. more plants and flowers. Rules' Lawn Hints are simple ta master, the ordinary Beneath bare spots on the lawn Canadian seed catalogue suPPly- will usualiy be found poor or sour ing ail the essentiai data. As we soil uuderneatb. Il will be neces- become more cxperienced we eau sary ta dig up, remave any grave]l add ta aur garden library auy of or stoues, fiiling up witb good' the many excellent goverument eartb and aoving thickly with a garden bulletins that are avail- good quality of Canadian grass able in any province of Canada. iseed. For this purpase sud for' ]Intensive Gardens u ew lawns it is always best ta gel Iu the mal vegetable garden, a god mixture of higb quality every foot of space sbould count. packaged grass sed beuded by Rows are narrow and as nc vege- expert seedmen. table is used another takes its 1 Next Week - Shrubs, Vines sudi Place. Oniy the moat productive 'Nursery Stock. thinga are planted, like beas, ________________ radisbes, lettuce and spiuacb, and also those wbicb bave a flavor ail their owu wbeu taken fram the garden at the door. Iu Ibis cale- gary will be pesand coru, neyer as aweet sud fresh as wheu pick- ed, cooked sud esten witbin an haur. SmaIl vegetablea lîke lettuce sud radisb require rows anly 12 inches spart. Beets, beans, car-f . rots, pesansd spinacb ueed aI les 15 inches bctweeu, wbile po- tatoes, corn sud staked tomatoes imaIt bave a couple of feet ta thirty inches. Space may be savcd .vitb the latter type if somethiug quick maturing, sncb as lettuce and spinach. arc plautcd in be- tween. The bigger thinga wiII not îeed the full raom at first sud by the lime tbey do. the early cropa Think of your fire ii wli be out of the way. Tender vegetables arc those wich are fire. Ask this agency rawn quîckiy, therefare the ex- u n a e s r h perts frce theirs along witb r n ia e s r h bhemical fertilizer, cultivation sd adequate. Why flot d( if possible w ater. T i g n y r p e e t Sow G rass EariyTli ag n y r re nt Grass makes its mot rapid Insurance Company - 'rowtb in the cool weather of has been servingeouitl spring sud faîl. On Ibis account lwu work of s new or repair so faithfully in Canada nature sbouid be carried out juat s soon as the soil is fit ta work. Afer digging, the g r o un d should be allowed 10 setîle for s fw days aI lest, sud then level-1 »JrS ld again. It is advisable to re- est Ibis procesa several limes. INSURANCE 'be top soil sbould then be rsked fne sud the grass sowu at a lib - EraI rate, once acrossansd once Phone 681 lnglbwise. This double sowiugý 'taures an even distribution. Seed Thrill to the Action of Buiclt's Straight-8 YOU'aPÎ..LA~SUIt BOLJND when you drive a '39 McLaugh- lin-Buick-when you feel the eager, surging power of its mighty Dynaflash Straigbc Eigbc engine. Through wider-vision windows you have 'visibiity uluitned-a clear view of traffic. On every trip, you'Il appecat the luxurious comfort of your new McLaugh- li-uc.The roomy interiors of its Unisteel Pisher Body! Self-banking Knee-Action! Torque-free Rear-Coil Springing! McLaughlin-Buick gives you the style-blazing beauty -the sound 'engineeing-and the fine craftsmanship- that make it The Most Advanced Car in the Worid. Rigbt now you can make sure of prompt delivery -a better trade-in allowance for your old car -and new freedomn fromn winter driving worries. And it's easy to buy a McLaughlin-Buick on convenient monthly payments tbrough the General Motors Instalnn Plan. M-9 RUcLRUGHLIfl BIICK Mussolmni tells bis peopie they are more free than anv others. A smooth talker with a few gold bricks should do well in that country.-Robert Quillen. The iaw carinot make a man honest but it is migbty apt to make him wish he had been. - Guelph Mercury. Eastrn teelD-ost P EO ON insurance before the Y to help) von check at your protection is Io s0 - today? Ls the Hartford Pire - an institution that less property owners a since 1836. )N & SON AGENTS Bownianville THE MOST AD VAN CED CAR IN THE WORLD i(DYNAPLASH VALVU-IN.HUAD STRAIGHT.B ENGINE * TORQUES. FRERUAI-COUL SPRIN@ING * GRRATUR VisIiUTLrY * TORQUE. TUBE Dli VI * ROOMIIER UNIEL BODY BT FISHER * HANDISHIPT TRANSMISION * CROWN SFRINC CLUTCH *TIPTOK-HYDRAU LIC ERAKIES * SULF41AÀKING KNMR. ACTION FRONT SPRINGING ROY NICHOLS urtice Bowmanville a e THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, m7TAPTO )urtice Bowmanville