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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Mar 1939, p. 7

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THURSDAY, MA..RCH 16TH, 1939 TuIE C.\NADl.\N STATES.MAN, BOW1M \NVILLE, ONTARIOPGES\L of Blenheim United Churchi and ed tvo baskets of flowers andi neil and 0. Jamieson were absent.1 liams, donor of the tropny, to the tors, which ,was ably responded seknwr 4hytaku formerly of Trinity U rn i t e d isome ferns which were most ap- Other uests i 'lded Reo. outstandin lyr0 h ege ob r.W.Seit omrTedyta hi hlrnwr SOCL~~L AND PERSONAL ~ Church. Bowmanvilleis retiring1 preciated by hir. The flowers Canon C, R. Spencer and Go fe se veral minutes suspense, citizen of this distridt,abetcoineshldeoth SOCU L AN PERSONA from ative minstrv to eside explainedm PhterOtherutspeakersancincluieedrP.D.Diameffectiveness: Oofr theiresfirelfightingD London. Supplies Limited and Industrial Presid(ejJ J. Brown xvas inthe par was selected. Donald! G.M. Bro. Wrn. Dyer. and D.D.eupenFe rebgdgg ______________1 Trinity C. G. I. T. is presenting Acceptance Corporation. Peter- charge 01: the meeting. Ferguson, son of Dr. and Mrs. H. G.M. I. McLean of Oshawa, and tesalaon fmnyte Phone 663 the play -Archibald" (pub.* bv bore, and the ferns from Kings- i Ferguson. was presented with the, P. G. Wm. Jeffrey and Bro. A. seda apyr oke h Mr. alterFlowerToonhop.sIncidentally,.Mrs.JcoA eeeMescup.Sauelustead Lor faFlorencehp. NightingalecovtesystemBusind fineorcondition.ale M r. W a l e r o o d . T r o n o , v a s w i h h s m t h e . I lrs J. A .nc - M s r s. 2 2 a u e l F r e n h , o n i n th e s h o w is d r a w in g c r o w d s f r o m i M e a n i n g o f N u m b e r s D u r in g th e b a n q u e t A b . C u lly L o d g e ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at home cover the weekend. Clellan. o ac 2 t8pm nTuyfar distntpont ad s hee reled inin snacopne y A ht vt o hak Suria School. Admission: Aduits stnponsadathrarsngsnacmaedy ertVteftnk ws Miss Jean McCormick visited Editor Geo. W. James is in 01- 2c cidrnrci12*ol three days left until il closes (Ccntinued from Page 1) Hubert Hooper at the piano. tendered to the visiting brothers with Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Vanstone. tawa this week attending a meet- 1 now is the time to visit Challis teen naturaîîy means the end of ChianDidem edavtfotei rkadteeenn Mis ea Bll Troto vsieding of the Canadian Week]v Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Edger and Motor Salesaitins. of thanks to the ladies for the fine, closed with the National Anthem. t-aer parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M.,Nwppr soito.fmiv r.W .Bgel r Stanley Chin*s Restaurant next In concluding bis address Mr.suer and Mrs. Kyle Squair and Mary to Harry Alun's grocery store is Cannon brought forth a verv R NOFR Bell, Horsey Street. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Jamieson Joan were in Peterboro Mona being renovated and remodelled. thought-provoking fact. He refer- ROTARY CLUB junyed 10 Peterboro on Sunda night attending the 5th wedding New fixtures and a generallyretoh al0facw0fmn____ (Continued trom Page 1 Mr InBel.AarorCllg-t atedthe 2th wedding anni- anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. e___teaefa__e f e ite, MrshiMarited Bell. versary Mrs. Upper. a. changed appearance should be the who had taken to the life-boats(CnnudrmPae1 damage 10 walls and plaster. thr r.MreC.Bl.1Ha.result. Mr. Chin believes hie will after a storm and were rowing CniudfoPae1 Students continued their school- Mr. Russell Candler and Mrs., B ~~~Mrs. Harry Cann, Vancouver,1 Young Menrs Club held an ex- have one of the finest restaurants across the v.,'îde expanse of ocean. Down the Old Pine Tree." ngfrtedyitrupdol.ý Mr. Crtserli Candle an-Mr., writes: Arn enclosing renew- ecutive meeting Tuesday night 10 in the province on completion of looking for land. The men were Geo. W. James moved the vote bny f the ud ainerrutedmn!y AK day with Mr. and Mrs. R. Candler. ing fo 1939. Hope you are enjoy- discuss several minoir problems the work.1 so thirsty that they were practi- of thanks to the guest musîciansb he sogund ab the deenis in odhat n iewahrwihconfront g ogni' o. aetaker Thos. Lewis and oth- good h ertu oono a e atnic eterwihth raizto. Four athletes, well known in cally insane, and of course would outlining the crCarf nu atit Mcmhr Trno as we are. New Toronto.d: More ftrniture, such as chairs and Bowmianville, are this year on the fot take the chance of drinking He also complieert~ehcoh r §esponsible persons beleved Mr. oronLory Ms.W.B.Pich Nw ornt.tables and floor cvrns"Sle-p of the championship Whit- the salt water as it would olonteir fine entertainment and fo the chimney. The roo wa sr M.dMrs. GnLorny. MCl writes: We are enjoying The needed in the club rooms ver Te by intermediate hockey team. Bill quicken death. On 'sighting land, congratulated Mr. Hardy for is croveedwth chmedarhiesoo ith r.a L ndonMs. ern e v McClel- Statesman's new serial ver.y much Statesman Office. Bagnell, Morley Oke, George pi-, the captain simultaneously sight- choice of program. asbeestos papeud r neath. It will ian Lndo. pen te wekndand can scarcely wait for the next' A. & P. Store clerks were sur- per and George Phillips are their ed a sailing vessel. Tbey called Comment was also made that it be repaired with fireproof roof- _____instalîment. prised and pleased recently when names. It will be recalled that for help. asking in God's name for a15yrsgotiwekht reeoa-their supervisor visited the local we ehdarn n ~ treTecpano h esl~a 5yasaoti ekta ntute ad Are you thinking of rdcrt hnwehdarn ntown, hrewater. Themanvlle Rotof tClub eceîv-' n g te atinofsvea er store and presented each with a of these lads were standbys and: replied "Drop your buckets where edwnil l hrer.Nn re Rotar br i- An agittkonbdf 1h l r ing? Phone Johnstons Bookstore bonus cheque amount to approx- George Phillips was the left hand- they are. there is a fresh water. or a ire stl ebr ftecu.cli an e s ier scoo -/ wllpperboos 1ayor huboimaksvthre wekspay Maa- d hrle fo hauryarerbaebar sreamfloingîinernathyoueias ae sillmemersof he lub r uîmnaîd erlythi witerwit Comp nlete tc ftesîerns geir id nolthree we e bonus.M eam.Fo esae eot rmteln. ht~ btw They are W. P. Corbett, G. E. a decision by the Police Trustees Complèt stockof latet pattrns. ýteam. Fom newpaper rportsbuck- teChase. J.aC.s DevittChGeo.J.W. DJamesGe10 .instasîlotheta tanke asnsoonso asaswea- A. K. Chitty, manager of Walk- and fans' comments, we learn that need 10 do to-day, drop our uk T H Knight, F. F. Morris, D. R. ther is favorable. There is little 'Miss Margaret Hutchinson, R.N.'er Stores Limited in Bowmanville, they are giving a mighly good ac- ets where we are and do Our work Morrison, C. T. Ross, F. C . Van- doubt now that the problem will Toronto General Hospital, visited bas recentl madecnsdrbecuto temevs ih the here instead of looking for some stone. R.. Ibeudranathearisop hier mwther, Mrs. M. J. Hutchin- improvements 10 the inlterior of Whitby club. paradise. lPresident Stevens was int op son. Shé was accompanied by1 the store. Paint and displays have __________ The speaker was introduced by rsdetR . tvnwsi portunity. . Miss Viola Copp, Public Health'been flying fast until the appear- George Farncombe, Hampton, and charge of the meeting,.F A second proposai for a new Nurse for Toronto. lneo h tr a encagdLO SC U h hnso h rteho a alarm system 10 replace the large anc ofIhestoe bs ben baned ION CL B te tank ofthebroheroodwasCannon, Inspector of P u b 1 1c , bell which must be rung bya Mr. Fred Neal, the Choate 'considerably. Jack Rowe bas been extended 10 the speaker and those 'Schools. Oshawa, and Chas. sten Scol WligfrCon.isvs teasItn ats.(Continued rm Page 1> providing the entertainrent by o, so, ak, nson o hand r* f fht beprhe etste itine his parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. Sparling Mission Band met in .rcaetecuc oei tI tvnadscne yWlimPitn Bowmanville. liillage. The ind wagrs fron the, ~~ ~A. Neal, and enjoying bis spring Trinity Sunday School Monday peit h huc oei lTracy Glaspell. nMrth o vacation unlil the end of the when 17 boys were present. After errmodfom uristor heeofficers and cmite usa n ayo montb. He is accompanied by Mr.[a short meeting lhey had a work a lime. were elected for the coming sea- ST. PATRICKYS TEA the citizens in the north end of W A LLPA PE R Franklin Lane Kaufiman cf the period 10 make scrap books. So Travelling in a snmall boat con-1 son: President, Wesley Yellow- oe0 r.L M- the village were unable 10 hearI samne scbool. înteresîed are tbe boy~s in this demned for carrying passengers,. lees; Vice President, Alfred A3yre;th bell ringing. JUST RECEIVED , Mr. Lewis Scot. Port Hope. uork tbev bave asked for an- the parly made their way throughSerar.AL.Pso;Hm- TeCien 0f rngnrav Shiprnent of factory special announces the engagement of his other period nexl Tuesday in or- the ice to Great Whale River iton - Program. Ed. Horn, Charlie Laughlin was the scene of a suc- papers at greatly reduced only daughter, Muriel Eva. te der te, complete their scrap books where there 'are 400 inhabitants Warren: Social, Lew Cryderman, cessful St. Patrick's Tea on Tues -______________ prices. These are Clarence W. Yeo, Hampton. scn! sooner. and a small iron church broughî Bert Stevens; Eldad - Program. day afternoon sponsored by the Sunfast and of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Yeo of i Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kinsmaout from England during the last Goro esHE.Tn ScaldsofMsFoaGlbit' Sei-timdBowmanville. The marriage 10 i'will celebrale their fifly-tb 'd cnuy. They were fortunate in Jme Smale Sr., Isaac Hardy. group of St. Andrew's W. A. T. A. PARTRIDGE dw fiding anngap in Ibenice sufficien ll Baker: Zion - Program, Alex Tea was served in the dining taketplace aroundtteenm iddle of w edding an nivrs ary nm ns a -, f r b m 0 ln d , b u t w ere forced IM cM aster, A nson B alson ; S ocial. oo r o m a tablr e be a uw t u de c- O rg ni t d rc o ri iy a s t e n w e s a t rs , a c .M r b 7 b r . K i s a s f - 1 r e m a in a I I e s p o t f o r e ig h t 1 J o h n S ta in to n , F r a n k P a s c o e . o r t d i g e n a d w i e , i hU it d h u h as 10W asCongratulations te, Miss Eileen ther seltled in Cartwright, near das _______________ n draosddin h IOc Roll Pickell, Ebenezer. and Miss Cath-I Tooley's Corners, about one hun - Tracy GlaspeIl.saroksnpaoscarn- TahrofVieClu, erine Annis, Oshawa, pupils of 'dred years ago, when ther ere During that lime the natives STL in fte srroudings.Mt . iao Ogaheher TABLE BOWLS Miss Ada L. Annis. A.T.C.M.. on1plenty of deer and bears, but no took part in several services and1 TL MUCH WORK B cutypue easse Fie ow Stpassing Grade 2 Theory of the roads.caemnmieovrceoeedb Ms.AJ.C pel, r.S. - Experienced Adjudicator rocks 10 attend. The cburcb vas trm Pge1) sCachA.forfo.hCampbellrsipnen icluesoutSf Pv olStToronto Conservatory of Music Nearly 300 men will have regu- in por cnditon, ut as snceagent 1e Stewart, Mrs. M. Christie and Cahigferstivl. n Attractive and practical bowls witb first class honors. lar employment on the C.N.R ben pirodby isonA bismst nteestng nd nfo Ma- sA deîGabfîor amadheen Rats stivrach.i.js h mdl o' be in sizes frorn 4i," ta, 8V2 in Mrs. Caroline G. Curtis from railwaY' between Bowmanvillej Fleming, Bishop of the Arctic and tv drs.Arangd fuIr og and dabenhutn fo.Aliv yo a diarneter. Whiue they last Seattle, Wasb.: Have been enjoy- and Port Hope for the next few. wllknwnfgue n owan re ls ad eli aso e-I sangd tof sehtakngsancdd- RtePiHON ea33 oneruof tailyo. pr 85c Set îing the home paper. I am now months. The group will begin ville. sadtoetkn aticue goîng 10 Tonasket, Wasb. Have work Ibis week on a project 10 lay Blc pressed the appreciation of the 'Miss Lillian Naylor, Miss ArONine1 had a very nice winter here and about 30 miles 0f new track. Un- from er Islands are 70 miles audience to Col. Chappeil for bis Nortbcutt. Miss Audrey Nortbcuîî, enjoxdbigwl y epeIepoe fromBwmniead Great Wbale River,an very enterlaining address. .wrrb.Crei ady verEyL moei Nes-u bu .ean'istriét wilî be flocking 10 obtain whe the part ws inall abl Thechaig n al d nthef$2.95 te 13.Mis5LoiseOs ____________________________the__land were nothingbu Geo. W. James. Dr. C. W. Slemon, Ter aasoaalofhm-hy'epcdfon nouce tht ev.E.F. Armstrong 1 On Mondgy evening St. Paul's i stretches of bare rock with only a W. H. Moore and J. A. Werry. mader c aokingal.o hme er, Mr. Alex McGregor who spoke tives live in a most primitive Fred Ellis. Wallace Pascoe, Arthur - latestndone hladies' wear.a on the relail business. Miss Ruth slate, existing on fish, seals and Wilson - recommended Ibat th e igh y and one undhe te e was , eue-~n Turkrndrdrkoclsoo a-rarshntdwibhoemaefolwigofier evoccdfoaolobttatteseowsalo,_________________ wars hne wt om ae olwigofiesbeeeie o cess in every way and the group e m n companied by Mrs. Reta Dudle. weapons and in boals of Ibeir own the comîng year. whicb wa un- is 10 be congratulaîed for the G O D O D O LEN TReadings were given bv Miss Jean mnufacture. There wvas cni onei animously adopted: Presidenttl Rîce and George Graham. Scrîp- bueo h sanblnigma rn mt:VcePe.-Mlo great amounit of work they did in RIST WATCHESNe IasAr le ture lesson was taken by John the Hudson Bay trader, and out Stainton: Secyv.-Treas.- Hoskin11ils peaain ,Graam . while prayers ,v re giv- of the 365 days in the yar hee ad Smith; Pianist* - Jack Smith: Ex-! Ladies'Stsy ta o gn o e Our Hot Cross Buns are as usual in great demand dur- en b\ Jean McMullen. only been able 10 go without a ecutive - Burketon, Ewart Breck. 1 ODDFELLOWS WîeGl 15 pigHt fe ogwne un tîssasn f h yar Ty he Yu'lToronto City Fathers on Wed- fire for one day. Ernest Adams; Enfield, Wilfred Whie____$1.5 in hssao fteya.-Tyte o'l nesday decîded the city would, Rev. Crissai carried with bim Bowman, Hoskin Smith: Ennsl : 'tia LoeN.6. s- Yellow Gold -- $15.75 Iwt h tes hyaedt fin tey rebeterchnge1ayAp-ligbh.t Sa ilime on 1some testaments prtnted in their len, Russel Ormiston, Harvey Mc-,aCorî nvferentinlorsnceand mterlal Dozen...........20c Sunay. April 30h. it will ast Io%,.n language, and late one nigbt r Gili. aa nae lrneNgîn Doen....... 2 cuntil Sunday. Sept. 241th. Bow- discovered an Eskimo lying beside1 President Smith expressed bis galede room, 40 slrong. on Men'Dosn ody imanville usually changes the, bis boat, reading the book by the tbanks for being re-elected and t1 Wednesdaygý nigbt, Marcb 151h, ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ sam e im e as Toronto. but coun il aid of is om em ade seal oil lam p. the artists and w aiters. and c oferred the Third D egree i W hite G old - - $9.95 I bas not rendered any decision s0 How many of us in civilization Frank Gilbert and Roy McGill in a v'ery creditable manner. YELLOW GOLD (filled)C U H 1 far Ibis year. leave our bibles laying on tables conveyed in a vote of tbanks the Following the lodge session the Stainless Back H OMEMADE HUMBUGS I b. 30C yer nrfraoya the result lie asked.g entertainment prvided byReg. served. P.D.D.GM. J. J. Mason 0 $15.75J HN T l ofa agstat'sdecision recently. These people neyer wear snow Terrett and Walter Jackson, botb presided as chairman and called Iu Mr. Sharpe is believed t be the shoes, lie said. The rocks are so0 of Oshawa. on Noble Grand C G. Morris ti 10 % Discount for D mnwbo successfully cashed a wind swept that they can usually BA M TO D NC propose the Toast 10 The King, Cs forged cheque amdunting 10 $12 walk around the deep spots, and BAD INTicDNCE J. as N rsponded 10o rb n t Bro. St. Patrick's Week-End Candies, Cookies and Novelties some weeks ago in Bowmanvle on ice the snow is packed so bard IJ .Nrwrb.Co ONE WEEK ONLY There were 49 charges against tbey can walk on top of il. Lodge. Delicious Cream Goods and Layer CakeW bim. Thein belief in religion was em-! (Continued tram Page 1) The toast 10 Oddfelloxvship was C Y ER A Three birtbdays were celebral- phasized by the story of an old proposed by N. G. L. Butler of M r' e er ed Sunday evening at the home 0f man who was asked what tbeyi above that a large green bat. clm- Corinthian Lodge and responded Mn. and Mrs. Stuart James, the did when food was not 100 plenti- 'plele witb black band and crossed t0 by' N.G. E. Stevenson of OntarioPoe43 Bw a'le hn 3 omnll bonoured being Mrs. A. W. Pick- ful. The old man replied that theyJ green and yellow pipes? The saine Lodge, Pickering. Bro. W. W. Poe43 Bwinil ard. Mr. James, and Percy Cowl- kept hunting, and after consider- moiia aredoItrubu Horn proposed a toast to theVsi ring. A St. Patrick's supper was atble questioning, bold the is the rest of the hall. Phone 890 Our wagon is on your street every day served. Guests included Mn. andi sonary Ibat "cerlainly they pray- Attendance was not quiteas____ MrMs. .' CwJ ig, amponiMr A.IHamptonouh IeMqeston.aseang"aattseFebuarudacethe____question____________large____as_______the_________________dance,___ _____________________________________________ W. Pickand, Mrs. N. James, Dr. foolisb. but everyone seemed happy and __________________________________________Doroîhv Jamnes. Mn. John James. And wben you have prayed madte oven the complete strangers Y UG TW A O A and the hunting doesn't improve, feel quite aI home. 0f course. the O E H TY U P Y F R W E O At the last meeting of the Girl acsiluefotrswtz, Guides. Miss Susie VanCamp. wbat do you think of God?" the:dncs ncu e o rt waltzes Verna McRoberîs, Yvonne Byam missionar3y asked. Paul Jones and r.N wlte A~' "' her r ice IS Tesad Wnne Book fom he y-"What God do is alright 'ith' The efresment commitee ser-P O I ES0 ~O R A LLIN S W her Price lis rone company were enrolled. Th peaker was intnoduced by night. addîng the final touch 10 Margarel and' Lorraine Someru scales, Jean Fletcher. Dorothv .Rev. W. F. Banister, chairman of: an e\vening of superb enjox ment. Befrd reeCunnga, ajthe pnogram commiîtee, and Chas. ýl HN Bedor. Ien Cunigha, ar Searle moved the vote of Ihanks. HOCKEY BANQUETR Loiv - But Q aiit H ighon Calven, Helen Summensford, Leuer of the winning Lions!___ Se u ua iy H g etyKlac nd J an ving cou hockey leam wene also (Cantiiiued tram Page 1) Special training on the accurate flln ofeepneodr pany were also enrolled. Lpresents bas \ivnlourasamanagers and'tha neferees, and were întroduced 10 cups to members of the Ieamn. Lowesta endgvnoisaf hsmen htyu eev the RIGH BAN o Ta 2 lbs. S.Pu' Sunday Scbool beld a the club by Wîlfred Canruthers. ! Coach Rice and Captain Murrav\Pie St. al ssPiins SIE anrtheRIGHTBRANsof hat ouworer--and t tn spca isinn pormlst Te er oadMcien 'rn esodd emeso Ie __________ RGT PR1. W av ae-eeypeauint eiînt Canada First Milk, tati tin . . .. 3 for 25c cburch for 23 years, resigned to 150's- 79c 10 h. Mapi'~~~~ accept the editorship of the offi- NIAGARA BRAND SPRAY CO. LTD. 30s-$.9Ri LeafLar.........2 bs.23c of Canada, "The United Church Burlington - Ontario SO Aylmer Corn, on cob ...... 5 cob tin 20c NexI Tbursday, March 23rd, the 1 5' 279I fr5 Christies' Primium Sodas . . 2-lb. box 35c th eneJ.B.ory of, il b Interesting Moving Pictures will be shown I -lb. box 19c b~~~~~~~~oss to membens and friends 0 of Sryn prtosi nai RSRPIN PCAT 1 -1b. ox 19e the Toronto Durham Club atOfSryn patosiOtroPR CITON Sherbounne House. Mn. Rhys D. Orchards last year. Ontario No. 1 Potatoes.. 90-lb. bag 1.25 Fairbainn wiii be acting for the Stop Colds Qulckly TH FNSTFES VGTALS - family and the meeting wili bave After the movies there wiII be an informai aeCBQlalt - H INS REHVGEALSas ils guest speaker, Dr. C. T. aeCBQTblt Curreily, Arcbaeologisî, Ontario discussion on Spraying.Prc------c Museum. Mn. J. T. (Bey.) George, A lex M cC re - or Port Hope, will be guest soioist.------- AM HWARRY ALLIN Teessilsnieti ui -----e Phone 367 - 368 PROCER Bownianville ness, we leurned Ibis week. When ALL FRUIT GROWERS ARE CORDIALLY INVITED UNITED C]ZGAR STORE 1W. J. Challis opened bis Boat and AGENOY Phone 792 DRUGS BwCnil -vMotor Show last week, he receiv-

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