PAGE FIGIIT TuE C \N.\l)i \N ST.\Tl:~. \i \N.BO\VM.\NVIIII? (VÇT 'a RtCl JH L:KSVA X. \. XKLl I- 1TuI. ],; OO Inebore~s ~wO0m1 H ospi tais Have Existance ]Begar \Vîîh the Vxomen's Au\iîarx Bowmanville Hospital lîoldiîîc th annual birthdav partx next xv. March 23rd. at the Nurses' Re dence. il is an approîriate tiine dfelve into the hishorv of liospita Contrarv te the L'encrai hlieft hosioital is îîot a modemn intituiti It actuailv dates back cx-'.r 20 vears. Te find the real foreruînî r; ot zreat rcsent-dav huspitai..'. xx thit imniactiate cicanlirie...'.wxe trainet s ta fifs. li.tcîniL iirzeîi BLUE BIRD BEAUTY PARLOR Easter Special $5,00 PERMANENTS For.-$25 March 20th until April 30th MRS. F. J. COLE Ontario St. Phone 339 Bowmanvîlle THE[ 1HAN1 PORING 5POII Ptr dm iti4ouiut ln Its free-write for one NOW " Fits thes=eal top aofthe 2 lb. Uin 0 row BanLily White and Karo syrujis. " Js easatIyclanacd and oen b. uéed mesan d over slan. " Poura wthbongàdrip. ID Provide. mans of accurate zamauraman te. 10 Makas the 2 lb. tin an axcellet tabio container. 0 Tha protactive aprvd«a T.lI dha boys diat portrats o!f lous hocke stars can .ul be obtaissed for 'CROWN BRAND" labels. CORK EYRUP The Fomous Energy Food nei CAN~ADA STARCH CO, tUmled, Toronto Early Beginning n 2000 Years Ag( of and mn acle workinz apparatus :heir has te look across a deep) charý cek. cenuriies of igrnorance, filîli. ýesi- horrible rites p)ractised in thei 1te of unediciuîe te the hospital tel tais.. eor\Esctilapia. of carîx Greect the 'The science cf tliese car]%- tir on, temples xvas laro'lx' the sciec 000 one mail. 'encrated as tlicfi of uedicine." Hippocrates. born cf ll.C .i.. stili ainazitie nedical itit hosipîtal antiiorities xith the ce el- cf thenedical knoxlcdge he acc tes cd ttirouîch ii. oxn eti cits aloi - A t the hlit iaI tetii tue tut Hippcerates. as p)ricx-physiciaii, M. uouided tnedicai thecorie.. xvliclî1 a startlinL, siuuiii.ati-tx t those of plresett ax. He enîpflox et the p)rincirpies cf cu..siouî and auscultation. xxroe tcllizcntlv on fractures, p)erfor nutnereîus suroical oicratiouis. dcscribed as distiunct enities fodiiosvser ad lers. tbr ) aara onduon a ndpiles.tbrc StilI more imp)ortant, tic keput h tailed clinical records cf maurv tus patients, records sel excelleu many instances as almest toeli these foîund in the modern hos e Malcolm NiacEaclien initus - vital Organization and Managzen k'states. "Thc emptiasis that R:f crafes flaced on facts rather1 -1on faifli put the art of medicine a new basis of rationalismn with result that ttc temples assuumed i and more the real nature ef hos ais. The inflnence of se sound av Lof the healitie art as rcvealed in writinz of Hippocrates prevailed hnndred.. cf xcars. "The AEscuiap)ia srcad xith ti rapiditv throughout tte Romaun ire as xvcll as thronîih Gri% Tiîongh somne xerc simple spas.s ilar te eut ewn private hospi raduinisteritîg water cures,. et folloxvcd fle therauîx ontlined tiv leadine rphx icians effflic dax. Th tutissician'-,. il ixxyertlxv cf note. onîx' carcd for the tiatiettsitn tempvle-sbtnt athlicsamne tiuncgave 'trîtction te xoîintrmedical tîdi The unodern eîutpahicnt cliuîic.t seerns te have had its oriîi n it tiax a.. Gai,.,, atcrib(.s 'tai-r., r ncdicac' syhere onix flic ai-ntii sîck x (e trcatced." There i.. uttle douilut that. ýf iliiu xxho tlirn,,h the ceîtîtu have p) ale)itîg t thir rexe- tlotie xetld have taken creater pf i Uîre iiilt rmodlert ioh'pitals tl Hippu)icrafe.. a.. lie %voîuid have foi ihete the rnriuîciiles tic enlincia 1:x'er lxv» thcîtsand x car', azo worl mitt fr the tienefit cf înauîkintl tiexetd ut xc theflicîiitate of hi', i celitioii. We .vonder if Hitler and Mi selini xveuld have become die, tees if thcy had a sense of humi -Timmins Press. Often the yeung are foolish, b they seldom are as feelish as t eid in the fhrees of a relapse. Detroit Free Press. HE-AD OP FOUR GENERATIONS r.x Flîoyd e veîiç, T'rtnte, ah -H.DugasEhy, both of Toronto Unconditionally Gueranteed Me. S. Pethick's. and t vo danghfers, Mes. Wm _________tE Me. and Mes. 1. Travell and ilyadMsWos,%fef Beth, Oshiawa, at Me. E. C. Ash-AnOune f. een idri ay and Mes.. Woods, C.ife. of Minss ide ed]y saa Calgary'. She has aIse nine geand-TH Mis Midrd BadeyOshwa ma sve ourhelth 1chîldeen, inclnding Mes. J. 0. STERLINO TRUST at Mr. L. Bradley's. Buldu . t Plaxton, Toronto, and Mes. Don-COPATN Me. Eael Trewin iii with friends aid MacDonald, wife of BrigadierCOPRTN in Cartwright. Donald MacDonald, D.S.O., M.C.,- Il THE AIRTISMI WRAPPER Miss Ruby Vietue, Toronto, with ..ofLnoOtadsx SEU TM 10OO her mother, Mes. C. Virtue. âà â__---_-idhlrn 1 MOTI-ER KNOWS BEST When She Gives lier Children Glen Rae MiIk A sufficient quantity of milk dally is necessary for the maintenance of health and energy - particularly in children. Glen Rae Mi1k is milk in its most beneficial formn. It's tested for pur- ity, quality and flavor. It 's fresh from the farm - stili fresh when you get it. These facts make Glen Rae what it is . . . the finest milk in Bowmanville. - Phone 2665. Glen Rae Dairy Phone 2665 Bowmanville nnm- JoÀ CEN iren 's Corner DR. H. B. RUNDLE ___________ IS SPEAKER AT_ _ __ _ _ H. S C UBDear Kiddies, JOHN'S DILEIM1A A DOG'S LIFE ___ Bowmanville Home and School It was ]ovely to see sa many of Jh a nsnt e Association met in the gymnasium ohn had bec sett bed earlv Act 1 ýs. ne ý rom f cntra scoolon ed-you enjoying Winter sports this- and do you know why? He just -Whose dog is that?' ,sm of !nesday evening, March 8th, with we.Intitjlyt ospecding' ud' ernhsper. He had "Huh9- and!Mrs. Coyle's group in charge. downhill on your toboggans, or tried and tried, but the words -Whosc dog is that?" name; Miss Greta Wickett gave a con- skating on the rink? Janet tells wouldn't corne. He felt very sor- 'What dog?" iies. ýdenscd report on a paper dealing ..metashhsane pir f bt ithe jus could en't and oh dog.- e. with the entrance of Jewish re- m htse a e afaout t-h u *ulnt n O that dog!" spial uges ntoCaada Itwa moedskates, though she is only four. that was that! He dropped off to 'Yes. that dog.- [c Mrs. Symons and scconded by She loves gliding over the ice and sleep and dreamt that an old, old ".Whv. i t's my dog.» arMr. Johnston, that Bowmanville hopes some day to be a champion man stood before him with a longAcH 'terH. & S. Association go on record like Sonja Henie. Here's wishing beard and a big stick in his hand.AcH i460 as favoring the entrance of re- yogvr ucss ae!Ade He pointed right at John and "Why is that dog se skinnyv.- 1andi fugees into our country, relates how she and her brother said, "Se you are the little boy ,Htih." xtit The guest speaker for the even- made a snowman in front of the who cannot learn poetry'! Wl Whv is that dog so skinnv' Pf-ing was Dr. H. B. Rundie %who house. Her father was sure it vas sec how vyou corne ont with this. Wa dog?" n. gave a very interesting paper on a ghost xvhen he came home from Say after me quickly what an in- "That dog." Nos te sbjct"Helt."Mis Rthwork in the early morning. Jack dlignant man is supposed te have Oh that dog.- vro- James favored with a fine solo in says, "The snewman ]eoked quite said to his friend. who said he, Ys htdg have hier usual pieasing manner. spoeky. ' i'm sure you must have fiý said I say . o erthng hs Cueh ot a eh, fthe Mrs. H. B. Foster then took made a real success of him, chl- fiedsad.t sy.sHadIo chreadeeyn vsakddren! Thanks for all your letters, te ayosyIsv-Iayta .Whv don't he cat nothingl" torg aond ryn e arns aîfoftedH.Kiddics. î*îî expect a lot more. evcrything you say. Even if det e ct othng Mr.Cyeo eafo h .next wveek. se, so-and-so. and I do sav 'I sav- i&S. Association thanked ah those tGood tobogganing! ' t v rol .Àhdo* eetnti )red who took part in the program. A Go o gnn!net say I say. "I say", _ot ccxr- Th o." an i delicious lunch was served and a -MUMSEY. thing o say." "~Oh." cried Joh-n. -ht o. susocial time spent. "I caf't -the words just won't ht dog?" Mrs. J. F. Eby, Toro'nto, native of Bowmanville, who celebrated FOR THE TINY TOTS M'Il give you something much '-Oh. that dog!- casier." said the o]d, old man. Yes,usthatedog."t ed d-METHODS USED her 90th birthday on March 13th. She ils pictured here in the TOY. LOVE "Repeat af ter me q u i c k 1 y - Caue oth n t ge.h IY oKLL MO four-gencration group with her son, Mr. W. P. Eby, Toronto, "You'výe ne need to light a nih nti O KIL M T S her grand-daughter, Mrs. A. Patrick Campbell, Ottawa, and her I love my dollies great and srnall,1light on a light night like to-night. The dog dies. pîtal Rsac okhssonta great-grand-daughter, Miss Valerie Ann Campbell. From Sain, who has ne clothes at for a night light's a slight light1 ý,0tal cf-erc ok a hont al and to-night's a night that's îight. Curtain. nent' fectively kilîed by repeated ex- One thing it teaches lis that we Tosar§_ina§p-odtehe§_igts§ihik e need a vcry varied diet because Whose clothes have corne from night's night, it's really not quite posures ta sudden changes in HnsF H m bde even the saine types of food differ Paris straight. right ta ]ight night lights with AN AFRICAN STORY themet. preko nsted p oce c i nt o o ois se, in their Vitamin content. But, most of ail, I'm sure I care, their slight lights on a light night tha J fo roef rigeraino dur after Written for The Statesman SalpdPtte For darling little Teddy Bcar. ' ike to-night." "Oh," beggcd John An English doctor who settled th ylSometimes I'm frightcned when "arodmnpa fogv meon teG] Coast of Africa, en- nreclcaning, first to a temperature of by Canada has vcry few truly na- A its dark, 1 iust can't get my tangue around gaged a native boy t0 attend him. 15 o 8 egee Farehet.Af -.--.-Jesi AlenBrwn~.-. tional dishes, but I believe Scal- those words - thev are much tee !The b's yEgish was "Mis- st-ter two or three days at these loped Potatoes might be classed Adwhb îg doggîes hol a d . s Sr e s eeony ngîs - vîew temperatures, furs are exposed to Economny Never Won An Election as one. Whatever part of our fair bark, In har sJhn a h" (r) bta eah o e Hsemed anxousd the 45 te 50 degrees F. temperatures. Mr. Bennett's f areweII speech land you happen tea isit you arc Býu when I've dd on my a arm. Inbut rahe orig. Jheohn a o andoretRsadster"woul for It was found that the duplication >almost sure to be served Scalloped Oh'mseI ou ld I no cre o h rrn, but ra he srg ight. the bn'osyG o nd etur and."the ofet this process twe or three times from St. John must have made , Ptte.Teeaetoshos h oto iIko ae,,rmme i h tag ma teboywould return and the kils mths egs ad irva. popl thnk.Themai thmeothog-thoes aetwo sthceo o alingittle Teddy Bear. role he had heard in the night. mse ol a Gti? zratkil al ots egsa a sve.popetht govhrnmin teei-ofthn wi th eur adhoseh ein rda's lotesar frt1gan.The liff le old man was gone - but Soon afterward when the doc- The Thhighestreatverelativeorwa thumidityen epenfor thwhathflodo nyouos wthinka's childrrenato grforwht askedthnktheldrboytorahis henames am heh ~ecc. the storage of furs has been found turcs were made because soree don't. Personallv. 1 arn a dont'er. 'et hnou1ohert1 ad When John tried to say his poefry, recited a long. aimost unpro- sinii- to be from 55 to 65 per cent. Al- one asked for them. It rnay have ilTo me, the extra starch of the AdGlio is nice, 'cept this, he knew it ahl off! Can yen re- nounceable native word. Reading itals though well developed rnoth lar- been the people thernselvcs foutasaavfmhfaer 1He's getting otogron-ptekss member what the oid man said te dismay in his mastcr's face, he thers vae may withsfand a temperature perhaps their member - but somnelof the potatoes. Bu t if yeu cant Se, most of aIl, lim sure I care, JhI o awl o aesi Msa albyýegt the of 18 degrees F. for a long period one wanted it. The onl3' way te aae teowtothvn Frdrig'iteTdyB a Jon? Ifl yo uican ly oucrn aiMissah aîl oyGet got'-Mssh a ;eeof time, with the possibility of reduce expens-anfe mcqckMsahayg'-hn ishsy not changing from a dormant te an es is te quit mensspinl with fleur. There----§-----Setthsdyheniv bo th~e active stafe when femperatures a s k i n g f oariotingSaais c alledhetg ndatile bh in rtrnt noi g much more unappetis- Tourist (to Indian in heart of Somne go after things and don't'i aldGegt -analth i-rtrtanrathe repeated cx- things. Have ing than oozing potatees. The sec- other servants on the ceast envy ents. to5ere .tmeaueo er fposures te extremes within the 15 Yeu ever said rt0 aigtendyi o reservatien>: "White man glad ta know what; others gef the things him because of his English name. ta>0range re F t er a o h ar ita r. Seohvn okthem a 4dre s htsec red man. White man hope Big fhcy don't go after. And some toi ang ar aa o l ohlr htM. o vn okte t40dges he eltptpti onn. there are who know what fhey're. tiý',ývae endangering furs. and-So was a a nd you will have thcm dry. Anî Indian (calling) .' Hey, Jake,afe-an goferhmtn fnav _________ od mme heur should he long en eugh bui fet-'ndgoatornem te gant mebe try them with your paring knife cah here and listen f0 thîs Bezo; fail te get them after aIl.i He rocked the boat, iatbecause he get > I te be sure they are ver.v tender. e's great!" Did Arfie Frank, Burkeon alot for- his You ail know how te make fhem,---§§ §---. These bubbles mark teB r eo i t g I or but just in case there is an un- o oI ebhn svuGadCno? rd . haed i said triedrbride reading this 1 ill tell Dont let getting up get yeu "And what did yen think of the0 0 It- r Tomsn s mpovngwthutcetr-you how. Suice raw petafees thin- down, or- -lbcbhida Mrn n Mel. Gle sn i mpyeg ihotcntra ssie intoa baking dish and season were befere. "Gorges, just Gorges." Where Artie sank. Lori n g, y d ctng y uare J sseAllen p p e n s ln y o at o Mnda. Gln ok as home on teOhîp Brown every few layers with sait and Mted Sur yreiviting a cre es. The ti with butter, and butter being the Tyrone Ji h e-e infa Lnt g h te, Aisithingsa, ou d b nie mutsa habt price it is there is ne need te be _____the The ifant augher, elao nf ne hm. aestingv. When s'our dish is fulli.foeVstdlc ,,r-Mr ad rs Buc Hwedono nedthm.Wehaeand the last lave well do1ed fi rBtonMor std Mr n rs rc andthorne te de it in our personal lives and pouviemik nf ll t u te ' sister. Miss Hannali Eîinni wstnda Pr.eryhsia we should do if in public expendi- pesBwaijl.wi xiivrwstknt otPryhsia threugh. Bake uncovered unfil 1B m'-le h K E N W O O D u- Severai villagers have the finlu c. Mmesrutb upr-donc. There are these who like ahat.- *~ L A ,ta- .W okn Becd in an attitude of net what wc liffle scraped enien added te each, MNrs. Don l)avex' and fari nîl . 'I II lor. and Drty an td a gtbu t'ew nc.layer. It is all right if yen like if '1Satit. iswith lier ipareiit. in H I V I N Dooty vste f r adThere is an old pelitical adage I ynCaH RIvmaaeSeTMMrA S. lCuC LUB.\l. ~ tMrs. M. Heard's, Enniskillen. 'that ecenemy neyer wins an edcc- Ifeneuh e ave onymae teft evers. * M IIIIýig~Yrc l i a h A number of Burketen men at-1 tien. If that is truc. then it is yen thcv are better than ever the nexf waq home. ,letcnded the Brothcrhood banquet and yen and yen. x%'ho are edigfynbutrn r.lrc iav î . lxih atEnniskiilen Thrdynght and oesadtetxpyrwody rwe ihyinbtrin M.'ccreport an enoal n profit- hversmadeit trc h t a ev wo the frying pan. I arn aone for 1iîleirjsx*. Mrhwsiiad able eening.persenlîx' ging tedo ab uti?' nch todav, and there in my re- Re1 \ W.Maiw. iiali persnall, gong t do boutit9 frigerator awaits a few scallopcd ý.'et te other arppoitmeîîcits on SiiolîxVitamin A pofatees. And nettofefw. I wish oxiniz te road conditions. En iklln iI have been quite complacent if were lunch time new. M,\issionary prroLrain ut Sundax Enn~k11 ~over the vitarnin question as,. far W~alnut Souff le Selîcol was in charge cfoiiwii _____ras our family was concernoed.I n. The~~~~~~~~~~~~~ w1te a em ofv hv tde esdrb had a new dish scrvcd at alI tendent. Miss Hielen Tritan J'ro- have studied csdrbeand 1Bridge Luncheon the ether day, grain xvas as follows: talk en.fra our us on Sunday mornings when knwxewr etn i f themoeoftoe intimate affairs bv Miss Helen Trimm: reaiii, we certainly have a thriving Sun- and the required minerais. My where the hostess likes te fry eut "The Life of Robert Moffat' lix day School, and in spife of the dis-orpanyhsbenad c- a new dish on the gais. If was Miss Winnie Brooks; nialie solo lix agrecable weather on Sunday ev- tured. Scientists have been wvork- quite a success and should bc a Douglas Barr; M.\rs. F. Dudley' toldChita enings we have aiways held our ng on measuring vifamins and good Lenten dish as a meat sub- a storv to the children. Prouraîîî church service. on computing the required quan- stitute. It fastes se like a meat clesed with praver by \Irs. H. His. Juio oy S . laswee ntities, but there has been very dish that yen are surprised f0 f md Svmpahx is extcndcd te, Mr. Les- A f Junrg oys S.fS.eCssreinpo littie published that has been of if contains no meat. Here's how: lie Thsoni in the dcath cf hi.. A smai chre fafine missionary pro- dee far- 2 cups grafed bread crumbs brother. Edgamr Thompisoni. Oshiawa. Ormisona msonryn n e r'R.ily. Dr. Eddy in the Fcbruary dpu tep Oee 0 isoaycneeGood Housekeeping, published a 1 egg beaten Several from blle attended theec we openiedth program. The ece ron f* 2 cups milk hockey cgame at Orone Friday excii- buy a KENWOOD of the boys' class, Mr. M. Heard, table giving the mutovia 1salonnii gave a reading. Master Ross Ash- mins in many of our usuai foods. i smp alointsOrio Yoinig I'eople's unîioni xix- BLA NKET for Christmas ton favored with a vocal solo. I tdwa littienaditio and apr speck sait and pepper ited ou-nrUiion, Thursday. M r Readings were given by Lioyd fand f0 nara emet t headd tio ad Put walnuts and onions through L. Mortsoi welcoîned the znesis af.' Buy soft, warm, f leecy, coleuîrful Preston, Murray Sanderson and wdfiun t iy shoret Vtain A the choplper and mix al îngred- tcr which Miss K. Stark of Oroiic KENWOOD Blankets for ChrisiurENODPSBOK Kenneth Butson. ientse gtheroughlyll. Ptaourinaba-teck charge. The worshito ecriod x%,as1 mas -for yourself; for you' By Christmas, the blankets you W. M. S. met in the league roornW eegtig u ulqoao ing dish and set in a pan of water. taken hx' ilîrce y-oimng protle. The red.DitheasNv-- MachBt.Th wrl' dy fthe other Vitamins and the min- Bake for forty minutes in a med- train feainre ef the p)rogram was thie bfrien. Do h the easy wa plan ro bu1, are PAID FOR--and prayrc prgrahe wsobsrvd ando erals but net of Vifamin A. Somne erafe oven of 350 degrees. Yrcxtr d0te Rceved b onn u KN\-ODlu e nrmie the ey. cendued b orMews J.R. rmistond days we probably did but net each lit' -Freb' monbte Re yuve cnuThedb ro ramws b. ch.rge 0f and every day. The test of the r ilat a c'îft of $5000 is more valui- CHRISTMAS CLUB. Inquire ai our blanket department Mr. . . ery' gou.Mrs. fam ily were much dloser te if than able te a hox of 18 thian a colleze r ach week l'eu make a small for full der.îils uf ihis simple, M. H-obbs presented the chapter in I, because of the larger amounit of %MRS. J. F. EBY eulîieaticiî.in' Tue affiriiiatixe, Milas , the study book; sole by Master tuy milk and butter they fake. This CELEURATES HER Betty Rowc anid Mr. iii I 'werr, of veldeoi.hienrdnpisnturasnpa. rRonald Ashtn, "The Beautiful table is werth gefting and suy rI u îrtv.Nr lt >r