PAGE EIGT THiE C.XNADI XX ST.XTI .-Ni XX. BOXVMANXILLE, ONTAR\îIO .TI-WRSDAYý. M.-RCH 23RD, 19.39 ------- -------- ------to 10 years of age hie successfu ly___________________ 0treated acute dyspepsia, cdysentrxtpod hox yppiaa-d Hns__________________ 1 hoi cyppi ad HnsFor Homebodies c_______________ "1*mucus enteritis. In the majorit WIritten for The Statesman O fInterest To0 dirrhea to e maelwtB 0 Other investigators have forid JESSIE ALLEN BROWN 00 I o~ the raw appie diet successfui %with Cid e 0. infants of less than six months of Agnes McPhail, M.P.o r e 0 age for disturbances of various ~~~~~~~lkinds such as acute and subacute. Agnes McPhail is another of the____________________________________ WMN1 01nutritional disorders. The diet lias interesting people I have met inI f~~~~~~~~ also been successfully used for Ottawa. I was surprised to find /.________________ ----1aduits. A European physician ro- lher such a good-looking womnan 1 'A stt ntehm scnoagsthat the apple diet was valuable Her photos do flot do hier justice BETTY'S BIRTHDAY PARTY l UTN U 'IVhy Do Wie Not Eat MoreA Ipe?' 0 scninfections. adace rewai a s ~eofen esaspecill t- Hurrah- exclairmed the ice-WeI o r e ~O nIy in four p o inpin a - r e e e r h s c n o h r~ ,ci lisSt e p ro ne s in Cabe n- For hundreds of years apples tr ci e They are large, dark cr ea fr o m the freezing unit in *M y litti il m s o t e rier rren Artile aa ha theappl indstrybeenhave been known as a health brow n eyes the refrigerator, "ThisisiteI hutofgmshaI SSndeveloped to any great extent. fruit. It is said that in regions randi ltl ea ides hu ______ ________________In__ Tes ae:BrtistClubirtiwhreaple ae ate ad hee lie hev a-Betty's birthday. and I arn feeling Da These are British olumbia, n- where pplveryrestiff andwhquitelreadyhetoc-get'yHeref andaretestiliytwithtthis greatr Toilhileh thestimet away. tario, Nova Scotia ad Quebec. cider is drunk kidney stones ae cent her grey- ou fhr.Iko h h le igMrc io oain t s ad- Why are we not eating more know ledge, for example, that one From the standpoint of total vol- l cu.Setcdrhs aree - inguhai oofthwlave e1whenthey Isede nmeg I tired of scraps andiarhi wools ands. pa n appls? aks W E. dwar Hîl anlarge orange producing and ship- umne.produced, the last mentioned f icial reactiononithe living mmern- ibeco mi ngmi Ystser ve ttael wih feh ecatgoutihorskpng bd, pîls ssW . fiadHl ng cooperative spends a Mil- province is the Iltimportant o nof h rnrytatshehsdvl rui t aftiers" ops n arbies. So many Of And stor( ok ha rte a lcurrent article. It is very dif- lion or more dollars each year the four. Climate is more import- Orne rfteaso n hy wedac ti se la e p ri n wfr. oped intodth ficuit to answer this question be tellîng consumers in the Uniited ant than soil in the production of more of our own national fruit is very s m a rt, "Hold on," complained the p o ur atn o telti ab reads cause we have so few facts on States and Canada the value of apples but soul and adequate because we do flot realize its value well - groomed sicle, "You are not the onîy at- that is just around the corner. Ai-d game n consumers' demands and trends in oranges as a food product. drainage is also very important. a odcmae ihohrtp.Ihavetato.Ihv ogeous peach Alan lhas a new bal. Betty a peep- anoudntpa tal conumpio ofaplesan oter Another factor which Drobablyv oto h aite fape competing fruits a number of listened to hier color, and I am full of flavors that show. and Syd a nice bicycle. But Products. Probably we are influ- grown in Canada were imported which are not produced in Can- olver the radio, . children like. I'm sure they wiiîwa'a he oteedys hnTe pIrs i natik enced by the publicity given to affects the consumption or apples from other countries, but three of ada. No other fruit equals the ap- 'have read hier prefer me." "Not a bit of itIhtcnthyd hsedy'hn hnu other cornpeting fruits and most iS the desire of consumers for var- ý Canaa' native apple children pie* in variety of uses nri ie etr ohe chimed in the Eskimo pie frigidly, streets are either frozen or f lood- IidsmectngutIthk" advertised are flot produced in time, not so long ago, that apples, world for productiveness, quality gives mechanical stimulation to and have fol- Brown after 1 am; Im'iay s popular on ceru.'hirn- txotb To ring m usr el Canada. Many persons. I believe, were about the only fruit avail- and frost resistance. the gums and teeth as well as add- lowed hier speeches in Hansard, 50 occasions such as this." "Dearie long now! Wilrt e aain oo.MyNnaumla coddce are of the opinion that imported able in any consideie quantty The Macintosh, which fruit ex- ing to the palatability. The applo she did not seem like a stranger. me," subbed the creami nervously, ogr rt eaanso.M a fruits have a higher nutritive for consumption in the home. 'perts have declared to be supreme can be eaten at any meal or any Her conversation showed the "I arn 50 excited. Candies and Margaret, I was delighted to hear 1 shouidnthvbenu.yus, value than our home-grown fruits Oranges. pineapples, peaches and in the apple xorld, was discovered tm nayf yalnra hnswihitrs irms.lgt lasgv eatr.Wota o a ere n fry looR. because well-trained advertising , grapes were really amongst the i in 1796 by a man named John tiesn.anyefo r b onailntorml hingds ifchneesithe rnost. lghtal wys gie?"me turn. ho that yo h-had lre one o 1P0aeNaa0arig;wl men have been employed to pro-, luxury fruits at that time. Macintosh in the woods in the organic acids and minerai consti- tem of rural education, hier con- trembled the two jeilies, YoCir n eitdi ttep rty. or- - - duce attractive and convincing Another factor which undoubt- ' Coun 'of Dundas in the Province tunteapis eantdpodcea crninth uemloedan iatetwlthemuh mpov or laor advetiseentstoe elithetillinsldlytffetsmtelciountionoflfyOnarifeThtoffprig ofthedesiableaiklinereatianinoireTenewo hve ben n prson.xteshaheasly b mot inde- oveto yu al. AdiaiodbingAnpodof lue ofcosmesinCaaa o e-apples is the cost of apples and Macntoh re numberless. An- tissues of the body. She feels that most of those who man. ut stîli the creamn whimp- 1MUAnd. few sential for their diet are these the fact that they cannot usuaîîy other outstanding Canadian var- __________ corne Out of prison want to go ered. "Oh, stop this whiniin- U-MS§--$ Te ev wi frgaot competing fruits. It is common be preserved as easîly an a fresh iety is the Melba, a seedling of the straight but they havenrl nuc terjected the sugar stick, "or l'l osoecutigouW ______________________________________________Macintosh, planted by the lateMU I ED C T N chance. Their difficulties in find- you'll have to be whipped." Arthur: "I saw by tirelpaper -Dominion Horticulturist of Ot-MU I D C IO n aso aignhnetlveteppr tawa, Dr. W. T. Macoun, which WILL BE KEYNOTE igwyIfmknga oetlv Make way, ordered the Choco- that a man ate six dozen pan- n owt hs ih tm first fuited i are too great. If she had the l'ate Soldier bombastically, "Here cakes." Ads The third variety of Canad's OF ANNUAL MEET money she would like to provide cre h ue. Ys"ehe John: "Oh! How waffle- I andt atjs gad ______ tate of_____a half-way house, where those the Birthday Cake, swinging into luscious national fruit, which who would not find work, could the picture, "I arn Queen of s'ou To cut thepee n yoe ion rans mon te campon, i te Otaro usi TachrsAssocia- corne and live and work until they ailleverybody knows that!" She I had suc ioyfn Esteiie eauty SaFameuse or Snow wlhihas made tion Convenes in Toronto onl fudsed okotie a nedlvl osea h Betty: "What is the tactful way-- Easter Special cranapepouigrgoscfArllt found that we were both students glistened on hier silver stand. "I for a girl's father to let the boy- I took a si aln h an the French-Canadian Province fa- of Emerson. His Essay on Com- arn the centre crf attraction and friend know it's time to Ile" And placitomycnera, March 24 to April 7 mous. This variety, like Ontario's Toronto. March 22 - The impor- pensation lias had a definite influ- take rny place in a circle crf lights." Marion: "He could pass by thei Then flowcn abae n REVTATT NG IL ER ANET C) internationally acclaimed c h il1 d, tane of music in education wilI ibe ence on ry life; whereas Miss M- Now ail knew that the Birthday pair with a box cf breakfast food."' Kings $5.0 VFrTA --------------------P--RMANENT--49 the Macntosh, is unharmed by stressed at the third annual thre-day Phail pins hier faith to Sef-Re- Cake was sweet and good through- And dols n arywns For . .. ~L.I 1 the frost even when the rnercury cneto of the Ontario Music liance. Somehow one would ex_ and through, but they refused to ~- c1.0LAE FAL EM NNSraches very low levels. One Teachers Association in the King pect Miss McPhail to believe in give way to bier, and continucd Gog:Icn xrs n-Btatrpaigfrady F o r --------------------------- 5 0 i h urp i ect s at ehis ar w s o c e rg " a A ndpr ss w hispaf e rc , " q ce j - ---EwadHte iresetArl13t el eiac.the kigcmenanflout tr enouIl"serthydo'IyuryPa-Antmcurfmsiecaetm. Ail Permanents guaranteed for ail types of hair. Frost, being a fellow countryman, 15. Membership in the association set nheBack To Natural Foods commanded the bread from his cPar-PostI" Leaves lovely glossy deep waves. Enjoy your Easter not to harm these proud native- hias mi.ade rapid strides durinLp thre icePi Permanent tIhe quick, cool, safe way. born fruits, but we know too wl past \ear, according te, Presiderrt We require 6,000 units orf vita- crock, "Stop this hullabaloo at Ti odi MAKE APPOINTMENTS EARLY that Jack Frost is no resetro George Lambert, and 17 chaptcrs Min a day and the dairy foods are once. I arn King. Why fot be Thiis"seasIl Phoo ( RS) S EL A IC LEpersons, plants or animais. trfh ave beco formed covering cvery a great help ini getting them. A peaceable like me instad of argu- Pop: "Something's wrong with say, P oe - ( R I S E L IK EThe narne of the Canadian who section orf Ontario. glass crf milk gives us 500 units: ing with one another. You look my razor; it doles'cut at al. " Corne on~ c' iyaohrwy Liberty Street North - Bowmanville was responsible for the birth crf Dr. Join Thompson, celebrated an inch square 0f butter 360 units; ail alike tel me - just fancies - and Mom: "You can't tell me that Let's mix hiicsu n hn I ~~~and an ounce orf cheese 750. Eggs plain I May be, but 1 arn whoale- a blade that will cut a strip of Make fun ithte gi the Fameuse apple, like the his- Amnerican pianist, teacher and autirur are another valuable source crf some and people must hav me linoleum won't cut." _____________________________________________tory of so nin other human orf music instruction books, will ire a vitamin A as each egg hias a So 1 corne first, understand? --§§-- ndont stase-1rese benefactors, hias been lost to re- featnrcd speaker at the converrrl'rri thousand units. There is no better Just at that moment who should Th orecuitnc fteA os, Dr.deW'. E. Blaeiis, direcun-oresoons. xvay of contributing to the health walk into the kitchen but littie bridegroorn disturbed the best And then r hmazc known soldier in the fight against DrW.E ltdecooiý- of our families than to use plenty Betty. Gently she opened the re- man. Tiptoeing up the aislieh--- hunger and in the campaign for George's Scliool for Child Studv rin of milk, butter, cheese and eggs. frigerator door and peeped in. whispered: I got a trinaseofri, vital, healthful food. Toronto. and consultant te, Dr. So often you hear some one say"OMmythjeisarst."Wt'temttJokHveAalgrae-asipvthai. - -- a ~~~~~~~the most highly civilized countries quintuplets, xill explain cerainr foolishness. People neer heard dear," said hier mother, "Every- " o" but d ot te u h p y A Cel r m te S uh a t e a c h 2 ~ ~~here hlas been a graduai trend tphases, if te relatiorship cof nmu-h c f the rn but they grew up to b h n s c d"a d h hl r NJ ok." b th e ring's sa e eno'. But.eo Duinthe patfcad c deh b\lan Dfo, hsiia o ir irîr ha ti vtann usnss is al he s oueddTa ethe c rut e i tte ig ?" A rocoile ith penuouth Stowrsmran more refine- and(1 crati,, to tire delegates 'il strong and heaithy. They neyer are seated at the table." "Loo)k."' mon, I've lost ma enthusiasm." 1 And theseI md noasee ment in human foods. This tend- il,, loSirre day of the conrveir heard of them but- they got them whispered the jeilies, "the cream ________________ Surroundedb oetgen Your Choice Of Rogers, King, Majestic, Westinghouse ency hias been accentuated bY Thre irmportarnce of tIre festirsnl just the samie. When our popula- is ail fluffy adsif h a oTeaias h ri nris thoso who have had refined :foods mvtrr ii a n an~ ,À io a o 0ubn.mrfa be hpp d sfter ail. "oThe sa-sre-hite hpta and Victor Console and Mantle Models. t d.I eyrcn erhw ~ ic'.dh Cana phe iuic;l ' tionrues ept a ow, a an nyreas e Olie a etty's moth orWatsais Ail ni good conditionlever, the trend is slowly turnr*nglnrres. leai< Caiadian mnlsknani dairy foods were cheap and there wrl o lk ihyor cke bac tonatralvitl fod and ai leturer aitirhe Uriivers-iti ,.> was no stint on butter and eggs. Jelly and cream, ice-cream. pop- Tune*Thn crocdile, - Tise reason for this clearance cof Radios selling regularly students crf human nutrition are T Toraontoii ami \ - o:hveoiytoradsoecr te1ileorEkio i?" "IheeAI painr i heDec fi dig tattheelrniaton n he'î< .I î:. enwiek, provinici ai sller - recipes in the oid-fashioned cook them aiIl 50 ruch," iaughed Oie n vra h h r~ne frm$1,0 o$1.O atatw ne tespc.human diet crf the more refined *ii sii -bcrst ko'ta.Pepeusd" dn ko ha osa.Pes foid and the substitution there-bost ok w htPepeud n cir OterB rgis nluefore orf the raw and lesa refined plaira tie imuportanrce ofi tiTal, ratireoeantuafodad10hi may I have some orf cacir?" "Cer- etrn CaolLus Inclue coked fods rf or gradfaters circol curriculum wiren lire ;]Iress- geo cf refinernent we are iearn- tainly, said Betty's mte e Brand ew CarRadioscrof oieaoth. Emphasssbcng ic raf't(lsudc rrpmc- eksSpî arnhseal adasmuc e aa i oa rhescrf1 Anden y adycaeat1at is essential to the highest degree us tirhc rverntiona on tire clIrîdaN. img to go back to them. lightediy. Ail the childron said As O nrhv nw uhfn 1938 Model, 5 tube, G. E. $23.50 cd on more fruits and vegetables, rngs wiIll ie laeid on tire sr-c'ud daý In days gone by, women bought everything as they couId eat. I Ho looked at meAaghast! prefcrably in the uncooked state,' cf tire convention on singirrg îpianoc, in larger quantities, thon as hous- "This hias been a wonderfui par- 8 * I3 pm G. E. Mantel Radios ~4f f as a means cf reducing disease strinced irstrurments, pranon clisseq, os became smalier and there were ty, Betty," said hier fricnds de- ' 'Why. alngb, Dadd ad 4 Tbe----------------- -------- - --- --I -- 1 950 and lengthening the span crflilfe. choral nausic. orgai aand krrr klrgair- more apartment dwellers womerr parting. "Everything was IiovCy." LCFC CLW CK "Whoeverputht1yurea" Tube i ~any persons are finding new telrmtusic. got into the habit of buying day The children returned home hap- I ,a igh hnsepn tm 1 ie elhadvgrb nra-by day. There is a swing back to, puy for Betty's birthday had been i'lcase. 5-Tube AiI-Wave Console P ifgteueoandhvigor by increas- less frequent buying. Houses and a complote success. Idem bu i hs. 1939 Model -------- - . ...$49....5.. alkaline rcacting foods and the W. M. S. RALLY apartments have botter soaeIdem -------$ 95 elimination from their diet crf the T E H L space and there are so many eiec- degis Try these with their first irr place Ibutithe lanet.. îraartir (-iirrrar SudxfocaonsHw over-refined indigestibie and acid- * B E D IN trical rofrigerators in use that it Cousin, the Irish Stew. jr.aencodri cu,'eSn e'rdxi ietniik n rn form ingt e lio foods ppe hsani e ryw O S H A W A , A P R IL 2 0 is possible to buy bin arger quan- cia)a' c i nu mi lir I s t r ln- are Ce k highin he lst rf fodswhic wetities. I used to buy day by day Try si _______________________________the__l'lait-__'.\faille______ fl cali natural and vital. .\n înu..aradiirg e'.erîira \i ruira*11b ut iateiy I have adoptedà the plan MM Al cf or cmmo fruts nd irewor cr tir XXom'rl \i',socf buying most orf my Iveek's sup- Chopped pickled olon with vegetabIes, even those that appear arv SoItv wilI iretire Oxlia%îs ri lres- ply at the one time, and it saves pimofintcemcheefr ad i:io n Il ii l i s ~t i a n acid to the taste, have an aikaline h I veilConrference "r the w\\ both timo and Ierv.I keep a wichntetsse fth oy mnspdintektce n afniihWieing. hes n ine IFID1,WE9FOR LOSS rek s lacti n b the tisu scfthe bo . l is.,nrarv S'cetvi fe r tlias United ply gets low I ist it and MI. îst marmalade spread between slces EASY AND CON VENIENT. 1 SPREAD A uLC R Clne reacting fcrods. lci o aa-.wihi]b is almost read3' when tire - lime of brown bread for afterncron tea. J LTL NM IOEM N Phone 84 OSHAWA 38 Simcoe St., N. *Much bias been witten on vita eir reSt- Claîrcia . on c ornes 1cr do the buying. I try Serve scrambied eggs on toast PANTDFOR1ADTE R N tns and tireir value in the humnai- pilnI20tOtia3ai.3Prainover to cm crut of a necessity as spread Ilhanchovy paste. GLAIN 20 MIOS N TEIT DSYSELF ____________________________________________________ diet. Fieor six vitamins have Ta atrror "ssion îîil l'e per Iist it before it is actuaiiy fin- OL ISH INUTSTI EF been lsolated by scientists. They t 1craImrem.. cf 'tire Soeie.hi'. se.Ity1rbya xr a O N l acVtan A, thre lack of whicir exçpectd ala,'; menaiers fr"rt ýl1lire or two cacir week and so .keep up ST. PA L' W.M.S. ___________________________________________ case ce rol adaretendency .ften-o^a îilianiesaffiliated Soc- tire suppiy for emergencies. Some ____ Sto infections; Vitarnins Bl and B2,rtr.Exeiring .-uxiliarie... \fissiona women have nothing but scorn for tire last cf which result 10nfleuri- Crls reprcsentatives cf \Iissiori those who purcirase by telephone. Wornen's Missicrnary Society of tis and constipation; Vitarnin C, B3aids rad 1Bab Bands arad arfiliatetl I have tricd both methods and St. Paul's Church met at the home NE PR N C R AI s tire lack crf which causes scurvy; C-Gi-T. wvorkers wviilueIl--resent 00w do Mnost crf ry buying clver of Mrs. George Chase on Tuesday. NEW SPR NG URT INS Vitamin D, the lack of which f romn Oshawa Presiavienial istjrict. the .'phone. Airnost everything I "Tire Churcir Reaches Out" was causs rikct b crlidensoftStîper iil re ,e-red ia tn ra(tet use in my kitchen I buy by brand tire chapter taken from tirestudy bonies and defective tectir; Vita- hall cf Kirng St. Cilaircîr. 50 I know exactly wirat I arn get- book and was road by Mrs. A. L. min E, the reproductive vitamin. Tire eear session liegira.. î,mîrt- ting. Most reputabie grocers pay Nicholîs. The study book always Now whiie we are on tire subject iv ai 8 j.m. - itla tIre folliuci pro- speciai attention to 'phono orders proves interesting and tire readi- r..let us define vitarnins. They are grian: î)e-eutioriaI .sricr- hb- and pick crut tire vegetabies and ings are aîways listened to Ilh distinct chemicai usacsitc)1(tcejbvte1'lia). onag fuits more carefuliy than 1 ran a great deal of pleasure. Program related to one another in any way, Nlis',iortI'i-cie ("r Sirance ,!Si. ('iurca myseif. If thcy do nut, I do not aisu inciuded a prayer by Mrs. R. MOTIIER KNOWS BEST cxcept tirat they are ail essential Osî1aawa: \Iris. H. T. Tl 'i buy from them. It savos a greal Hetirington. Tire meeting ciosedi to life. In most cases tire arnounts rcrtr fCrsinS iapson. dca] crf timo. For one thing. tlb- wîtir prayer by tire president, af- required are extremeiy minute. Serar "fCrsiii iaadlî> phono orders have a favored ter which refresirments were serv-i Frisas a cîass are not highi n i îa onjiir uad, 'rrt place. Havent you often gone ed and a social haif hour was on- ImVitamin A value iren- -cadChsiarScwrîip n. . îw ortrelmswrnc o- shul-d bteeo..ake.appels E 3 tablspolouttr th__________iu_ ar__________________inhidre- len flsrad rfore ire ool r2 cus afloutfar - -.. .p- niits most beneficial form. It's testdfrpr Warmer weathe means coole, morencolorfldSprpng 34tespoons bkugtt wer ity, quality and flavor. It's fresh froi hefr Wame eahe eascolemo-eclofl prn ri-da tirir vilarin C content but 4__________________wde Coats and Dresses. We have just the model for you applesauce iras very littie. E 1 cup ricod poîatoes - stili fresh when you get it. Thesefcsmk _______________________________________ It iras rocently becorne recog- 1ND1,L teaspoon saît Glen Rae what it is . . . the fiesmlki jnized tirat appies have a specific N G O about i/i cup milk W Bowmanviile. - Phone 2665. Couch, ohnsto & Cryd rma fl orders arnong bothir nfants and DBand slt. Ru in tire butter and ~ ~ fruzm e U aduits. A Europea physician re- CROP str in tire potaîcres îigirîîy. Add ReUeb thnqiky hrlh el ý portsthat b feedig ripemellowenougir milk to make a sof t IOsd arose cktuoiLl reateYrleta G e__R te D Phone 834 LTD. Bowmanville appies whicir had been fineiy! dougir. Turn out on a fioured ldthoeikinuouble& AreeordofsOyears. Phone 2665 omnxl grated as tire soie article of diet i' board, rolu out and cut. Bake on a1P.C ad it et -M -om for two days to 52 chilîdren crf I1 buttered pan in a bot oven crf sO n m n ___400_________________________