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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1939, p. 6

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PAGE SIXTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MARCH 28TH, 1939 Woodbridge, at Orono on Friday. the church's centenary celebra-M Enniskillen W .hl hi nulMrhSolina Lake Shore, iClarke insvrlya go tea in the basement of the church,Mr.W.Jyehabencl-tosvrayasao Fe AnEate rora aspr-a large crowd being in attendance. RcrtVstr:Ms ee Keenly interested in sports, Mr.D sented Sunday morning at Sun- The tea was followed by a pro- Baker, Peterboro, at Mr. Jack T H A N K S I~o ed from Tweed to Richmond Hill- the Intermediate Basebali Club «vF e e day School. An Fàaster musical gram in the body of the church. Baker's. .. Mr. George Werry, to be withhedagtrMr.ndPsintfteLaeSoeav IOc nE nwxbe wa gve byth Jnios r. m.FlheryBomanileToronto Dental College, at Mr. S. Frank Harris who has been seri- League for a year. He was main- We rys . clas s;ane . r eEstr nieWid amis";gitrdetby E. Werry's. . . Mr. and Mrs. P. To the many people who ously ill. ly responsible for Bowmanville You can alo get ColOu by the girls in Mis. E. Wright's Allan Wearn and Fred Stannard; Dewll Whtb, a . H. E. have contratulated us on Impassable roads pr e ven t ed having a basebaîl club, and if no ______________ class was enjoyed. Rev. A. E. Miss Betty Smale who won theTiks.. Misses Pearl and Jean bghqalyo <»i many Easter visitors from reach- other monument is erected to his*d' ie Harding gave a fine address on gold medal on pubilc speaking for Leach at Mr. Norman Leach's, th i qat o ou ing their destination. meoy h ihsho rud s Comp. the "Resurrection." Mr. w. H. Eastern Ontario, gave hier talk onTano...MsMurcBke baked goods we wish to Visitors: Mr. and Mis. Les. AI- which he'was responsible for con-32 Moore, Supt., spoke on the spiit 'aer Making" which was ver and Janice with frîends in To- say thanks and remind dred and Doreen, Maple Grove, verting into an ideal baIl park3332 of Easter. interesting; more pictures were ronto and St. Marys and attended you that we always have a at Mr. Leslie Allin's. .. Mis. Chas. will forever be a syrnbol of his -____------______ We av a trngRedCrssshon n he akngof toe;Miss Jean Milson's we.dding Sat- ulyotebe lbad Bedwin and Arthur, Brown's, at value to this town. Socetyhe are, hîcRisd Cossgpian on uet b i L.fLamb ndurday...Miss Lena Ta ylor, Bow- spl ftebs nbkd Mr. Fred Pprker's. .. Mr. Leonard He was also a past president Kills Moths Splet enddwr, wiehol din heir Miss Elsie Moore was enjoyed. manfville, at Mr. Et R. Taylor's. lunso ai talUns. Bclra i.Jh Patton',adcatrmme fBwa meeing onTusda an ~ To music supplied by A. Wearn Mr. Thomas Baker celebrated____ Kendal. . . Miss Maurice Powell ville Rotary Club, a member o dayetrnon usday n th ern and F. Stannard on their electric his 85th birthday Saturday and at Mi. and Mrs. Eric Wicks', To- Jerusalem Lodge A. F. & ADT. Mohile bdiafngs i h er gramaphone, the pictures on the was host at a party in his honour.y ronto,. MisA edyPot-ad altneC perR.M., alb 39e bulig."Royal Tour" were shown. Mis.D lae DIgr pool, at Mi. John Hendry's.. director of the Chamber of Comn - _ __________ Skiing seems to be the favorite E. Page, president of the W. A., Presentation to Mr. and Mns. Pioole's BakerU Mi. Robt. Martin at Mi. A. A. merce, President of Bowmanville sport on the hilis here. In fact, it moved, a vote of thanks to all Chas. Johns Martin's, Brighton. .. Private Wm Beach Association, and held other I15C Glass Bowl and snow-shoeing was the only those taking part and especially Home and School Club met at Phone 654 Bowrnanville Manser, Toronto, formerly em- offices of a mînor nature so far way we had of travelliuig for a to Mi. Flaherty who so kindly the school with Mr. Jack Reynolds ployed by Robt. Martin, called on as position was concerned but ofFREE d________________ friends in the section. . . Mis. great importance because to hlmFREE day or so, as the snow plow fail- came and gave his interesting and presiding. After a short business Wallace Holmes in Toronto. wadegtdmuhotewokwth5 aesSa ed to get through and horses and educational moving pictures. Pro- session hie called Mr. andi Mis. ______________fhe____ it 5 aks oa cars were at a standstill. ceeds $25.70. Chas. Johns to the front and Mrs. He was one of the sponsors for The Brotherhood held thei an- Visitors: Miss Clara Page, To- Potter read the following ad- judged the winner. .. Feb. 2nd the BoScoutandGilGuid_____fr_-_2_ nual banquet in the church base- ronto, Miss Gladys Page, R.N., dress: O o oN w Movement here. ment where about 80 men were Oshawa, with Mis. Etta Pdge. .. Mi. and Mrs. Johns: the groundhog saw his shadow. _________ present. See report in another Mis. Bruce Wood and Mr. Oswald We, your friends and fellow He went back to sleep and for Mi---i. ihrMnin eodr Sho O I column. Pethick, Toronto, at Mi. S. Peth- mmeso oiaHm n once hie was right aboutMrewh.lave Msorthufr ardeng W. M. S.annual Easter tak c'...M.adMs .MGilSho lb ah hr ongtweatheroforwne hae hd six more were feted duiing the Easter Tea Choir in TorontoNY AL 2 F offering service wiil be held Sun- and Donnie, Toronto, wihM. otak o oryu in - wes fwitr.a S.Sai2 sAnlcaFars day evening, March 3lst, whenan terest and help in our club. We By Stanley Hall, Grade 5 Hall last night. Rev. D. R. Dewd -____________ Mus. Grey, President o! W.M.S. Mrs. F. Billett, Toronto, with Mirs. all know that unless we are ail March 26th being election day ney presented them with a Cole- Twenty-seven pupils from the of'-the Cobourg Presbytery, wiîî T. McGill. .. Miss G. Sanders at willing to work together these we have been discussing it in cur- man lamp and spoke of the sevr schools of Bowmanville will re- Fertilit Tabs.---- Mia. adMs .SanonadEseOe orno i n i.hings do not prove successful and rent events. Someone suggested loss the churcli and the communi- present the town at the Ontario family, Mi. and Mis. L. Ashton S. Turner, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. you both have done your utmost thgt we have an election of our ty was suffering in their depar- Educational Association conven- RubrGos --- and fmily Mis L. amb nd F.Dorlnd wth M. an Mis in helping. We all sincerely regret own at school to help us learn ture. Mr. and Mrs. Manning gra- ton school choirs to be held in a-etBgs--1c3c and amil, Mr. L.LambandF. Drlan wit Mr.and see you leave our neiglibour- more about how elections are run. ciously accepted the gift and re- Massey Hall, Toronto, on Friday, GretBg 5-5- Mr. and Mis. R. Ormiston attend- Wesley Oke. hood- but wish you every success Billie Dudley volunteered ta speak plied appropriately. March 29th. ed the 40th wedding anniversary There was a real good attend- in your new locaîity. There is for the Conservatives and Douglas A large crowd attended the The high school is honoured in of 34r. and Mis. Chas. Tamblyn, ance at church on Sunday even- nothing truer than the saying Barr for the Liberals'. Voter lists Easter Dance at the Town Hall sending 18 pupils to sing in the BR INGS INSTANT EAS fin evEaster se r. iwa a 'New pais may come and new were made and corrected at a last night, staged by the I.0.O.F. secondary school choir which is jjj4 fine Eater seron. It as. a pls may o but mmorie' ilChaoutloe RTommyn Cinnamon's Tommr cnnhme's otcrsarathe llargestumnumber t that vehas everà y g e ecvd lways remain," and so wewould Camnpbell as revising officer. Bal- from Oshawa supplied music for been sent to represent the school. yongpepl wrereeiedinolike you to accept these gifts re- lots were made using thee jmes round and square dancing. The choir will be composed o! %)% PbgC 0 techrh h corassted msin membering, as you use them, the o! Mr. Rickard and Mr i . about two hundied voices from ahl mui.pleasant hours we had tagether 0f course only the senior pupils parts of tee province and will be in tee little red school at Solina. got a vote in tee samne way as ROSS FUNERAL directed by Mi. Don Wright, Sup- inAt the proper time Mi. and only people over 21 get a vote. ervisor of Music in London, On- Zw Mrs. Johns weîe presented with a Result was Mr. Rickard 6, Mi. (Continued from page 1) tario. The secondary school sing- ________rbskt slvrbra Strike 7.. . Lloyd Skinner saw Day o! Toronto who haa rought ers from B.H.S. are: Sopranos - OS.HAWA Visitoîs: Mis. Delbeit Flintoff tuay and a crystal saît and pepper a bluebird on March 16th and a with Mi. Ross in France in tee oMa rDude,Kahelen Wiliaso FePakg Phn101 and sons, Keduon, .at Mi. Wes. set to which they îeplied fittingly. robin on Maîch 20th. . Red Cross 1 l6th Battalion. Mra uly ahenSso Camroee . PMarndMisnR-gi.HPreonWigt,1hoisac meeting opened with O Canada. The service was o! an imper- and Kathleen Baker; altos - Betty Frida - Saturday lord Carneron, Kathleen and Jean, companying - teem to their new Arnold MacKenzie gave some in- sonal nature wlth Canon SpencerEm ttBeyBttsPtia FrdY ai.Td hn'sSamtn ..hoeuasasopeene wt teiesting riddles; Marie Thompson being assisteçi by his choir. Mis . Wilson, Laura Wilson; tenorsDo Man, oal Mcven MARCH Mg - 30 Mr. and Mis. George Sonîey and military brush set. played the piano followed by a Jno. Gunn firesided at tee organ. Trevor Davison, Allan Ferguson _____________ Teddie, Toronto, at Mr. Fred Termidro h vnn stoiy from Gregor Freund; piano Jeîusalem Lodge Chaplain F. C._____________ They're aek wit a Bang Camerons... Mr HarveyBalson he rsolodebyofBil eeeDud soy bShirley DuHoar conrluctedr theucMasonicMa bur- bassessse-- BillBrBrown, itKeith -S-e- Thy ad t a Ba ng aMrCa.ruon's. .M. The ion was spent in playing Progressive Park and Douglas Barr uead ial ritual at the cemeteiy.. mon, Blain Elliott, Brenton Rick- - W etEe WayneaMBabysat Mi. Chas. Ferguson'sCrnrTho.ins W Ga- Lost Heir. Prizes for tee highest stories. Palîbearers weîe all Masonic aid, Owen Fagan. W etEe Wa>ne orin prIcîl a ellOnsCes.a, . Mis. W. . Glas- scores were awarded ta Mis. W. _________ brethien, J. R. Stutt, W. L. El- B.H.S. will aiso be repîesentedPhe 'ua. lupeU, shw.aMssearli.F and Jean Lunch and Mis. Roy Langmaid. liott, Geo. E. Chase, M. W. Com- in the secondary school symphonyPhn RateachS . isses PeMr. omn uc was served. No miracle o! economny can cut stock, R. R. Stevens, and W. H. orchestra with teree delegates: 69ArCO U WL11 "Brother Rat and £each',solina, m. at M i. oman __________ taxes in hall. Too much o! teFlaherty. William Hutchinson, 'cello; Pu LrOhwa ess no tax bill is for extravagance of Floral tributes were beautiful Symons and Kelvin Symons, vio- BayadJ .Blo'.H m tnthe past. and numerous, including tee fol- lins. The symphony orchestra Jane B d DSi., Oshawa t esi. on the rpton lowingf Royal Theatre staff, Comn- plays separate selections and aiso roads are V~~sitors: Miss rades o the ll6th Battalion, Staff with the combined secondaiy andtahecismvero onlc- JaeBryan - Jane Wyman again these days. Some rasae Vstr:Ms Nancy Johns, To-- o! Randolph Motors Ltd., Toronto, elementaîy school choirs.inthcie o fmonlca Ale oorCron too full o! snow even for hlm and ronto, with hier mother, Mis. C. Bowmanville Beach Association, The elementary school choir, to to another, 50 that if proper ____________ te Brd" Mr. and Mis. R. Peikins and comb, Toronto, with Mi. and Mis. and Palestine Chapter, R.A.M., Supervisor of Music in Brantford, would have to be a fuither re- Margaret at Mr. Chas. Johns' f are- Geo. Farncomb. .. Mi. and Mis. Canadian Legion Band, Columbia will have in its ranks the follow- vision o! ists at that time. If you REVIVAL well party given by Hampton Russell Reynolds and childien, Pictures o! Canada, Ross and ing pupils' from Bowmanville go past teat time, it takes you into 104 .. young people. Toronto, with Miss Lulu Rey- Green Ltd., Oshawa, Rotary Club Public School: Arline Northcutt, the month o! June. For many Fia 104 ..nolds. . . Master Jimmie Brodie A Lo! Port Hope, Lake Shore Inter- Collette Ferguson, Robert Stev- reasons, I do not think it is ad- and Miss Barbara Reynolds, To- R THEATRE mediate Basebaîl League, Hollo- ens, Betty Stevens, Ruth Aber- visable that we should wait until £DdeCt"C u tc ronto, at J. R. Reynolds'. . . Miss BOWMANVI LLE way S.Cuc .ABleilntyadMrae ihl. Jn o eea lcin 1_.______ Batfr, ih r Bowmanville Rotary Club, Bow- This program, which is to be ______________ Dih ero l. lnd om- OAsoiaiovat ora Ptt nd is lE nthie...Raymond Home of Regal Entertalument' manville Basebaîl Players, Dis- presented at tee convention, is a De avilan Woen' Asocitio me fo a eti, Enisilln, ithhissîsertrict Chamber o! Commerce, Bow- demonstration o! provincial mu- quilting at Mis. George Lowe's on Miss Cecile Petit.. Miss Eisie Thr.-F .-St manville Lions Club, The Carter sic being carried out in Secondary March 2lst. Hadden at hier home in Uxbridge. T us r.-St Family, Eaton Noon Hour Boys, and Elementary schools. Besides Mon. - Tues. - Wed. Sympathy is extended to Mis. . . Miss Doreen Perrett, Kendal, MARCH 28 - 29 - 30 F. 2 Dept. T. Eaton Co., Empire the Elementaiy choir o! two hun- APRIL 1 - 3 Clarence Penfound in tee passing at home. . . Miss Jessie Knox, Universal Film, Newcastle Baîl dred voices, there is to be a large Enlad' Lveiet oug o! hier father, Rev. W. S. Boyce o! Haydon, at home... Mr. and Mis . Club, Bowmanville Branch Cana- Symphony Orchestra, composed FmldsLvletYug Brighton. Haruy Cowling and baby, Lon- IO U~ dian Legion, Bowrnanville Boy o! 100 high school students, and Stars ln a gay and human Sunbeam Mission Band met don, with Mr. and Mis. Jno. Cowl- Scouts Association,. eodr hiro w ude Comedy7 Friday, with Mis. Lloyd Courtice ing. . . Mi. and Mis. Geo. Fan- v oes, ho l ing sefto ns nvvrn vdI ad Miss Anri Wilkins, leaders, in comb, Mis. E. Anthistle and dau- full , harmçny. sciselro Fort then M oT ne' charge. ghter Jean, with !iiends ta To- fulrancis to Ottawa r eprentth oors.' "A Girl Must Live _nn__RSS _ EFrnist Otwaarngpeene Mi erePdukhsrti-ronto on Good Friday. TO isi h he nts oto !Ra1 . wlhMrae okwo.d ed home fromn GaJlt. Gertuude Petit and friends, To- <Continued from page 1) i the prram is. t or todcos Rennee Houston - LI Palmer Mi. George Reynolds has re- ronto, at Wm. Chapman's... Mov te ro networ ove rg m st o George Robey turned from Peterboro where hie Myrtle Taylor and friend, Toron- go t&W iAuS#1.FsI, cetril t e rnoom. He therovne. Sk o tuein Fosday was emiployed.tospnEstrwthemoe, was only 10 feet fromn the front night if you are unable to be pie- Y u eu? isitors: Mr. Sic1. Found with Mis. A. C. Truli.. Mr. and Mis. 0' door and safety. From the relax- sent at Massey Hall. Wed. - Thurs. - F&, fried tPikva and other Kyle Squair and Mis. J. Runçile, appaent eat e haebee un APRXL 4 - 6 points west.. . Mi. H. Gone, Osh- Bowmanvîlle, with Mi. and is. V awa, at Mr. G. Reynolds'. .. Mis Joe Chapman. coppnsciusbefrtelie eaed ISun-P AI Then by ail means a Garto2l SuGolu ehloo . Paternoster, Mis. G. Reynolds, Mr. E. L. Williamson is under him. MISM CP ALi you're going to make a1 Shirley Temple ln Misses Gladys and Frances and tee doctor'. care. Several theories have been ad- GOOD PROPH ET tefclte o Master Glenn Reynolds, visited Mr. T. Wray is attending thee vanced for thelire and for thete cliisfrdoing thei ti Toronto... Mr. Wm. Romhanyi, O.E.A. Convention in Toronto. . . atta emd oatmtt olPrlmn nJnay2 toa "TeBluebird'l Frankford, visited his parents... W.MS. entertained the Mission Ann UA save himself. Mus. Ross was o!f htWahrWudB nG R O ' E wltIi Mis. Ralph Tooley and son e Band ebr and their moteers *IWflh.OTSN h piinththems hv ahrh 26th e o Sprint Bylngton - Nigel Bruce at Mr. Lye's, Coldwater. . . Miss in the basement o! tee church on mN-MSiihaled coal gas from tee fuinace____ Fay Tooley is visiting hier grand- Monday afternoon. - 8EL I CES. AENE D and had teen diopped either a A T N mteer, Mis. A. S. Tooley, Toron- Sorry to lose Mr. and Mis. Chas. RUME ICK jtS- otGI c aIMM îa rciaet hihsat Ini tee memorable session o! Phone 2666 tee fNBO COI ire. igrte hchs tete House o! Communs on Janu -_______________ 'Gene With The Wind' to while recuperating frornlier Johns and family frorn ourin a** 2»******r****** *****e* the*ireme. eentln agt r 5 90 awihPieMn-____________ APRIL 15TH______________ place o! residence at Lake!ield ting theelire under ,control, but ister King sprung a surprise by. SetsRsevd e A hi ee.Selected Shorts - News the interior o! the house, especial- suddenly announcing a wa time . . . Sea. esrve fr ilFor Sale Th igeek stoîm during tee Matinee Saturday 2.30 p.m. l the living room and the dining election it is interesting to note - .. Peroranesweekend made the roads lxnpass- room was ruined along with valu- the debate between tee Prime' ~ ~ Seats on Sale FRSL RYGNE befratm n idu rfi able furnishings it contained. Minisler and Canada's !irst wo-........*~ for sale, reasonable, or ex- considerably - the "joys o! mo- Several brigade members su!- man M.-P., Miss Agnes MacPhaîl. Monday, April lst at 10 a.m. change for a goose. Phone 2302. toring" being fully realized, be- Mon. - Tues. - Wed. feied cuts on their hands and The following from Hansard, the 13-1* fore tee snow plow came to the ARL1-2-3wuists from window glass. Wm. officiaI report o! parliament, _________________________________________rescue on the Scugog road.ARI i-2- Slaght received two nasty gashes shows that Miss MacPhail was an on his left arm when in attempt- accurate weather prophet when f ing to break a window, hie slipped she predicted 4'They (roads) will n te ldde an fel oto hebe piled up, fence high."1 And ____ , onteladr n el nt h Tyon e jagged edge o! a piece o! glass wasnt it too true? We quote !rom Reen istos M.and Mis. Mi. Ross is survived by his wi- Mi. MACKENZIE KING: May Large 10-oz. Pkg. for lec l W'm. Cochrane and baby Reed, dow and three childien, Junior I again ask hon. members this 1 Reg Pkg. for ------ Krby, at Mi. Wmn. Virtue's.. 12, Danny 4, and Jemima Louisa question: If an election is to take À Mi qqW Nina Hdsn , oot, t3mnhs i oheMs ho.Raei tnt iet av tjs veloplng Each Roll of Film )ured Pictiires at ic extra 100 A.S.A.1 100 »Iaud Tablets PUIS 19C 25c G SOON OR 1 SALE 15C Vitamin B-1I 25e for Plantg 49c 25c pkg. 25e Noxzema ------- eà Almond & Cueumber Cream -------------- 39c 25e Velvetta Balm - 25c 15c Size Free $1.00 Wildroot Hair Tone ----------- 59e Scholls Corn Pads- 25c Chase's Nerve Food 49c 4 Cakes Woodbury Soap ---- 24c 10 Cakes Castile Soap------19ec 50Sc Tek Brushes-- 29e Cue ----- -- ý 5e -29e Woodbury Face Cr. 25e Face Powd. Free and Fit Trusses - ING, Phm.B. We Deliver In last week's Statesman it was incorrectly reported teat Noble Metcal!, Maple Grove, was driv- ing a team o! horses involved in an accident east o! Bowmanville. Mi. Metcalf's brother-in-law, Al- Ian Snowden, was actually diiv- ing the team, which was owned by Mn. Metcalf. in otor tulle-up is necésiary hit! What 's more, we have work satisfactorily. Do it RVICE STATION Ring St. G.od Supply o! Bec!, Lamb, Pork and Veal is on hand igTeTunpHegCott"-Lclylebemene!te the roads begin to break up in the - discssio begn ovr whthertown's most valued public-spiit- month o! Mach, and if you are to met ourreqlreent. adisusson bganverwheh~ orn tetheRoyl w ere e citlzens. He was one wh could considering in the matter the tome orrqieet.tee country is abte place o Cm oteylwee always b depended onfo sup- physical condition oftee country, JhlOlSGOG A live than the city. We- decided You watch excellent pic- port o! any worthwhile endeavor. April will not be a month for an '.Ro vead thate the ou et turcs, InormatIve news reels He was generous wite monetary election, non will May - May, JhsnsGOCA C a w Kr s a hve adeatte on te sject nd5s cie sa o-moeprtclrlfo hcr Çw k r sbetter place ta live than tee city." and humorous cartoons or nzr and promoter. that if you stant tee election be- srz Billie Dudley, Lloyd Skinner and comedles lu absolute g He was a member o! St. John's fore May. you will have to have Tin1 9 Stanley Hall took tee affirmative comfoit. Anglican Church and on the day tee lists prepared before test1 PHOE 32 OWMNVLLE an Maie hopso, ougaso! his deate presented tee churdi month; and as everyone knows, Chase & Samlborn Bar and Chale Campbell tee wlte a beautiful Union Jack. He the first o! May is tee time when COFFEE - 1/2-1b. 25c negative. -The affirmative side was ' lso played a prominent part ta a large percentage o! tee people il _________ -j--- -,; ________________________- I - - . - . MM6ý 14 1 PAGÈ SIX N

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