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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1939, p. 7

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THURSDAY, MARCH 28TH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN SOCIAL AND PERSONAL I Phone6683I Dr. Harold Slemaip, Taranto was home for Easter. Reserve Friday, April 19, 1940ý far Badminton Club Dance. Mrs. John Broderick, Banc Head, was Easter guest af Mrs, Kate Wight. Mr. and Mrs. George Bail, To- ýronto, spent the long weekend with thé Misses Allen, Beech Ave. Miss Doris Wright, Toronto, spent Easter with ber parents, Mr. a~Ms. T. Wright, Churcb St. "~i.Kenneth Harmer, Oshawa, is spending the Easter holidays with bis aunt, Mrs. C. C. MacNair. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Strike, Ot- tawa, were Easter guests of h mother, Mrs. Ella Strike. Miss Harriet Bartlett, Toronto, was Easter guest o! Mr. John and Miss Eva Hellyar. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Widdis and son, Toronto, visited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Ames. MisÉ Helen Stacey, Toronto, visited at ber father's, Mr. Alvin Stacey. Mr. Alec Birks, Toronto, spent the wveekend witb bis parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Birks. Mr. Arthur Living spent the %veekend with friends and rela- tives in Toronto. Miss Marie Thonipson, Tyrone, is spending Easter hoiidays with ber sister, Mrs. Geo. Graham, Jr. Mr. Edward Nickerson, Uni- versity of Toronto, spent the weekend witb bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Nîckerson. Specials In Silveri at $1300 *Sait and Pepr *Pie Plates *Cake Plates *Candlesticks *Brea4d 1'ays *Butter DU~es * Bon Bon Dishes * Cheese and Cracker Dishes MARR'$ý JEWELRY ]Phono 463 Bowmanvlfe 1, I Mr. Markus Roenigk, Stratiord, was holiday guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Knigbt. Miss Dorothy Richards, Toron- ta, spent the weekend with ber parents, Mr. and Mns. W. J. Rich- ards. Miss Helen Pritchard spent the weekend with ber father, Mr. George Pritchard, at Christie St. Hospital, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. George Graham and Barbara spent the woekend with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Thompson, Tyrane. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. P. Graham, Oshawa, spent the weekend witb his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Graham, Sr. Mss Marion Warder, a! Tam- worth, is halidaying witb ber parents, Mr. and Mns. R. H. War- der. Mrs. Bradley and Mr. Gardon Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Suth- erland and baby, Bond Head, visited Mrs. Mina Colwell. Mr. and Mrs. W. Kelvin Bun- ner and familý~, St. Catharines, were Easter visitors with bis par- ents, Rev. W. A. and Mrs. Bunner. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Staples and daughters, Toronto, spent Easter with ber motber, Mrs. W. H. Spargo. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Corbett, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Corbett and Nool, spent Sunday in Newmar- ket. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. H. Jury bave returned from spending the winter - well, part o! tbe wînter - at St. Petersburg, Fia. Mr. Grant Norris returned ta Cornwall where hee bas a positian, aiter spending Eaiter weokend witb bis famufly la Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Gauld, North Bay, are visiting their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. V. Gauld and Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Bonny- castle. Mrs. Adolph Henry, Orono, wboj bas been in California for some time, is now visiting Mns. E. L. Taylor at Winnipeg on ber return trip. Due ta considerable difficulty in obtaining a cast for the I.O.O.F. Minstrel Show, those in chargei have decided ta pastpone it in- definitely. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Hall and Dr. and Mrs. F. L. Henry are mo- toring ta Huntsville to attend tbe birtbday party a! Mr. E. W. Tap- lin wbo will be 92 on Saturday.E The Rotary Club Ladies' Nigbt1 bas been postponed due ta the1 death o! C. T. Ross, a past presi-1 dent of the club. It will be beld Friday, April 26tb. Miss Thora Davison and MissE Jean Grieve, Aima Ladies' Cal- lege, St. Thomas, are spending bolidays with Rev. and Mrs. S. Davison. .Miss Mamian Rickard, Ontario Ladies' College, Wbitby, is spend- ing Easter bolidays with ber par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. S. Rick- ard, Sbaw's. Remember the Wartime Service af Intercession every Friday from 5 ta 5.30 p-rn. This week it wil be beld in St. Paul's Cburcb. You are invited. Miss Vivian Martin, Toronto, Mrs. John Martin, Noranda, Que., and Miss Martha Serrels, Hamil-E tan, were Easter visîtars ai Mr.1 and Mrs. A. W. Pickard. Mrs. Thomas Whale, 946 Dan-i fortb Ave., Toronto, mother ai Mrs. Ted Marris and a former1 resident af Bowmanvillo, is con-( fined ta ber bed with an acuteE heart condition. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Werry, Eb- enezer, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Wer- ry, Salem, were guests af Mr. and t Mrs. H. B. Faster, March 23rd, in1z It' s Nicor To Deal At ALIN 'S .à«. Rain or Shine Our Delivery Goes Through And that 's just one of the nice things about Ailin 's Qrocery. You 'il find it a real convenience on these damp, chilly spring days to be able to phono your grocery order and get things just. as nice as if you had picked themn yourself. 'You'fl onjoy shopping at Alliln's iii person, too,' thore are so many fine thingi b o hooso from ... that helps you to serve va'ied delicious meals every day, Shop in porion, or by phono,. at Aiin's to-day 1 Another Thing You'I Like. . . Ailin's Reasonabie Prices! HARRY ALUIN Phone 367 GROCER Phono 367 -368 Phono 368 BOwmAnývrne M 1 . 1 aon Hall, Saturday, April 27th. A.rrangements have been miade ta nake it bigger and better than last year. There are classes for a11 ages, even adults, and there ia no hobby however unusual, that willflot b weicomed as anex hibit. Generous prizes are belng >iiered 90 don't ho baekward; put yaur spare-time talents an display April 27th. A new classi- fication this year, photography, wlf b. one especafly lnteresting to adults. For information or ilze iat phonoeClea. Davidge. 1 honor of Mrs. John Foster's birth day. Dr. and Mrs. A. E. R. Westmai and daughters, Joan, Barbara anc Sheila, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs Jack Minore, Hamilton, wîth Mr and Mrs. M. H. Minore, Centrt Street. Mrs. G. L. Hall, Mrs. F. L Henry and Mrs. P. G. Cherry, To. ronta, on Wednesday attended z bridge at the Embassy Hotel, To. ronto, for the Silver Chapter ai the I.O.D.E. Due ta, the death of C. T. Rosç who was actively interested in the plans for building a new rink little bas been done this week -but a meeting o! those interested is planned for next Monday even- ing, April lst. Miss Greta Pollard, Macdonald College, Guelph, wbo is spending Easter bolidays witb her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Pollard, sang a solo sweetly and impressively at Trinity Cburch Sunday maril- ing. Closing the Easter termn at the B.H.S. the Literary Society were guests at an informal dance beld on Tbursday evening in the audi- torium. Dance music was sup- plied by Walter Goode's amplifier and a good time was enjoyed by ail. Don't forget that Friday, March 29tb, the Trinity Church Girls' Marning Haur Class are putting an their concert in the Sunday school room. The girls bave an entertaining variety pragran that yau will want ta leé. Silver col- lection at the door. "New World," Canada's newest illustrated magazine, in ifs April issue publishes a photo of Bob Painton, hockey player, grandson of Wm. Painton of this tawn and son of Chas. Paînton of Eston, Sask. The picture appears'along witb a write-up o! Notre Dame University af Wiicox, Sask. Misses Louise and Eva Skute- sky, Ontario Ladies' Callege, Wbitby, spent the we'ekend with Miss Ruth James. These young guests, 11 and 16 years af age, are Czecbaslovakian refugees wbo are attending O.L.C. Their fa- ther and brother arer also in Canada but their mother is still at Prague. Owinè ta the illness of Rev. S. Davisan on Sunday Rev. H. W. Foley bad charge of the Easter iSunrise service at Trinity United Churcb, whfle Rev. W. P. Rogers gave the address and also at the regular morning service. The ev- ening service was witbdrawn ta permit those wbo wisbed ta at- tend Rev. W. F. Banister's fare- well service at St. Paul's Churcb. Now that the elections are over the next big Durham County event is the Musical Festival at Bowmanville on May 7-8-9. But bear in mind, you wbo are plan- ning ta be contestants, that en- tries close two weeks from ta- morraw, April 12. If you baven't entry fornis get them rigbt away fram Miss Helen G. Morris, Sec- retary, Bowmanville. Phone 626. According ta, the Part Hope Guide Alderman Sid Little spent part af the Easter weekend in bis native town which samebody named "The Prettiest Town in Canada." Sid was praposing that a Lakeshore Softball League bo organized this summer ta include teamns fromn Bowmanville, New- castle, Part Hope, Cobourg and other nearby centres. It wasn't stated whether it is a girls' or boys' league. A.Y.P.A. met Manday evening in the Parish Hall. Meeting apen- ed with singing of a hynin with Lillian Naylar at theoargan. It was decided ta hald a Carporate Com- munion for A; Y. an Sunday, April l4th, and it is haped. that Tom Dustan wMll h guost speaker at our breakfast. The rost af the evoning was spent i gamos and practising the play. Rofreshmonts were served. Tho Balmoral, Hatel will soan takeoan a now appearance due ta a campleto ronovatian af tho main lobby. Prapriotor W. H. F'laherty is confident that ho will have one of the finest lobbies bo- Lween Toronto and Montreal, complotely modernized ta fit in with the other improvoments he rias made in the building. H. P. Doner, proprietor af General Wood Producta, is supervising >peratians and is the man who designed the changes. A reunion of members and for- mer members af the Mathors Club of the Fifth Oshawa Scout Troap was'beld at the home of Mrs. M. rerrett, Oshawa, ta honor Mr. Reginald Terrett wha is loavmng Oshawa ta take the position af !ield ciretary for the Bay Scaut GOODYEAR MEN CONTRIBUTE $450 RED SHIELD FUND Goodyear employees bave ne- sponded genenously ta the Salva- tian Anmy Red Sbield War and Home Service Campaign, if was nevealed this week. They have cantnibuted $450 ta the cause and the Conipany, thnougb Mn. R. C. Benkinshaw, Genenal Manager, bai added anotben $ 125.00 ta that contribution ta bning the amaunt ta $575.00. Volunteer canvassers are carry- lag on bouse ta bouse canvas througbout the nost o! the town witb !air success, but citizens are asked ta remember that these cailectors are giving freoly af their time. They are trying ta do their part on bebaif ai an organi.. zation which oniy asks your belp ta make it possible ta assist the man wbo is giving up tho cam- forts and security ai home ta pro- tect you and the country ta whicb you belang. Not ail af the districts in Baw- manville bave been campletely canvassed, but wîtbin a lew days every home in the town will bave been cantacted. If you should ho aut wben the canvasser cails, but dosire ta sharo in the work, your donation may be leit with F. O. Mcîlveen, treasuner af the Citi- zens Committee, at the Bank af Montreal, or witb Adjutant Hart at the Salvatian Army Hall. Objective for BowmanVille and district is $2,000, ai wbicb $700 bai beon received. Your donation, large or small, EDIT-ORIAL A Tribut. Bowmanville is galag ta miss Tommy Ross in mare ways thaný one, for ho ranked high in the list o! aur autstanding public spirited citizens. He took a wenu- mne pride in the town, ifs welfaro and ifs pragress, and witb bis characteristic aggrossiveness and initiative was ai ton found the prime maver in undertakings for the botterment a! the cammunity. Cammunity endeavours dîd not begin ta caver bis good works, for many times was ho knawn ta, have givon aid and assistance ta, uni ortunates and organizations which needed a belping band. This was not an accasional act of kindness and generasity on bis part, but week la and Week aut ho was doing samething in bis quiet and unostontatiaus way ta bring cheer and aiten it meant a new bease af lii e to a discauraged soul.1 The coluns o! this papor have9 aiten recarded the work Tommy9 bad done in a public way ta make Bawmanville a botter place in whicb ta live and work. Tbrougb the Business Men's Association and Cbamber af Commerce bis ambition was ta interoat business1 mon ta co-aporato for the good ai the whole coninunity and bury their petty diffonences and solfisb motiveos. As President ai the Base- bail Club ho was nesponsiblo tbro' bis untiring effort in reodol- ling the B.H.S. grounds intoaa first class basobail field. Baw- manville Beach Association awes much afitis success la recent years ta bis leadership la wolding the different factions into one unitod effart in making the beach one af the best summor resorts an the north shore of Lake Ontario. As President and a memben ai the Rotary Club hoe was nover satis- lied unless the club was moasur- ing up ta ifs full capacity la ifs variaus caminunity endeavours. Since a mavoment bas beon on foat ta build a rink there again Tammy was faund giving bis full support ta this much neoded pra- joct, althaugb a rlnk would ho a direct competitar ta bis awn lino o! ontortainiment. The writer's last chat wi& Tammy was an Good Friday afternaon and ho was thon autlining ways and means ai financing the erectian af the rink. Ho was a gaod-will ambassador in engendening iri- endly relations between rural and urban citizens by the cbildren's free matinees ho gave at variaus times o! the year under Rotary and welfare auspices. We have the satisfaction we did not wait for Tommy's passing ta express ta hini these words ai tri- bute for the "service abave self" ho had rendered luimanlty and bis community. But we recal bis gaad deeds ai an example ta others ai a public spirited citizen wha wont about daing good. Mr*. Julla Grieve Ceobrates Blrthday Mr. and Mrs. W. J. E. Opmis- ton, Church, Street, sprung:a sur- prise an bis aunt, Mrs. Julia Grieve, Marcb 26th (Electian Day), by holding a party la hanar af ber 87th birthday. A number of fionda were lavited, including Miss Ann Cannors with whom Mrs. Grieve makes bier home. The table was decarated wltb an ela- borate blrthday cake on wblcb was inscribed .greetings. Numer- oua carda and lettons were recoiv- ed fram frienda la varlous parts ai Canada and United States af- feriag congratulations and good1 wlshes ta "'Aunt Julia." She is nemarkably bight and active Pfr ber advanced years and is the lire ai the' party wlth bier wlt and youthiul spirit. When the editor called ta offer greetingi Mn,. Grieve was cbatting wlth nelgb- barsO and lspnloylng rne-ai# ber 'r wil help. No one person can win this war, but every individual can be of assistance. There are many ways ta aid and one of the best Is through the Salvat ion Army with its complete organization which does its belt to uphold flot anly the physicaf welfare af the troaps, but in maintaining their morale and spirit. Your a Marked Man Co-operation of Statesman Subscribers Is Requested for Paid- In*Advance List The Canadian Statesman is working toward the goal of having ail its subscribers paid in advance. For years this has been tfie plan followed by daily newspapers and magazines, and most of the larger weeklies in Canada are novr adopting it. This is the businesslike way, and is best bath for the subscriber and the newspaper. Last July, The Statesman entered inta a contract ta havé ifs circulation audited by the largest campany of circulation auditors in North Anierica. Advertising rates are based upon circulation, and the largest advertisers are ta-day demnanding POSITIVE PROOF as ta the quantity, quality and distribution of circulation. %Ani audit by the company above referred ta is accepted without question by the national adver- tisers. And one of the canditians of this audit is that subscriptions must be paid in, advance. Subscriptions sa paid are what the national advertiser gives first atten- tion ta in determining the value of a newspaper ta him. The Statesman appreciates the fine response already made, with the result that a large percentage of aur subscribers have the satisfaction of feeling that their newspaper is paid up for anather year. We hope ta make it one hundred per cent. The kind co-aperatian of aur subscribers ta this end will be greatly appreciated. Next week the maillng llst w~ilI be carrected ta end of March. ][f in arrears pay now. Weekly Publishers Meet in Windsor Announcement is ta band that the annual convention af the On- taria-Quebec Division ai tbe Ca- nadian Weekly Newspapers Asso- ciation will be held in the Prince Edward Hotel, Windsor, on Fni- day and Saturday, April 26th and 27tb. R. A. Giles ai Lachute, Que- bec, is the president, and a fine prognam is being arranged for the visit af the weekly publishers ta this impartant border city, which will include a number af side trips. An invitation bas been extend- ed ta the newspapermen by the Canadian Iford Company ta be their guests for a whole day-tbe plans are ta pick up the dolegates at Windsor hotels in Fard buses- take them for an inspection tour af tbe Fard plant-aon ta Dearbarn Inn for lunch, tbrough Mr. Ford's Gneenfield Village, then back ta Windsor. It is expected that Mr. Sixnmons, bead af the village, will be the guest speaker at the lun- cheon. Ho bas been in Hollywood giving histonic information fan the making ai the motian pictures abaut the lheofa the late Thomas A. Edison. YOUR CHANCE FOR A HAPPY MARRIAGE A remarkablo faun-sided dis- cussian af JUST what it is that makes marniago successful and ai some of the causes that drive it off the tracks inta the divorce courts or wanso, will be found la The American Woekly, the great weekly magazine with. the Marcb 31 issue ai The Detroit Sunday Tmes. 13-1 Sa. rice get To the Electors of Durham: I would like to express my uiiicere appreciation to ail the workers and support- ers which made possible my election on March 26th. It was only tbrough the untining ef- forts and loyal co-operation of ail that we wero able ta attain such splendid resulta. On behalf of my family I would like ta thank the ladies and ail who assisted on Tuesday evening. FRANK RIOKARD, M.P. or Mr. Reg. Rackham, son of Rev. ing attended the local high school .e"Walter Rackham, Hampton, bas adas aigabohr og car jie the staff of F. F. Morris Ca. adas aigabohr og ise. Reg. is well known in tawn hav- with the Chailis Motor Sales. the BRANDRAM - HENDERSON Chi-Namel Sale SAVE UP TO $4.oo Two Weeks OnIy - March 30 - April 15 B.- H. "Chi-Namel" nmsy b. used Inside or outside. It ls fast-drylnt, easy ta apply and dries with a besutiful hiIgh glosa.' SALE PRICES GALLON Regular $6.40 For - - $&.40 HALF GALLON Regular $3.35 (S*T oRVINO) For - - $2.35 QUARTEIR GALLON 636Regula $1.'75 GLOSS BLACK For --$1.20 Rtegular $1.00 NAm.HENDE S~ For --70e HALF PMN Regular 60e For - - 45e Buy Your Supply ai "'Chi-Namel" To-day From MASON & D ALE Phono 408 TON-ICS AND SYSTEM CLEANSERS SDon 't wait Ibis year 1111 that sprng sluggishness "gete you down. " Start now to cleanse your "ystem and purify your blood by taking a recommondod spriing tonio and system regulator. IDR. CHASE'S ConimviB149c I1SC AND 59C If your teeth look duli and dinty nuite them brlght as pearis wi Tartaroif - - - - 25e BLISTERINE the Sf. eAuu»tl.ic the GuiicI c .dont 259 , 499 e 71M WAMPOLE 'S TONEKA - Blauda fron Tableta -1 Suiphur, Molasseanad Cream of Tartar, lb.-: 25e 23e Med"Ic Disoovery 89e - 1.19 BURDOCK Extract ef Cod Liver OU Prom Herba, Root a nd Barks 1.00 1.00 Wampoil's Phospho-Leclihin $1.0 LD.A. Blood Purifier, 16-o. -19o LD.A. Syrup et Hypephosphitis, 16-o.. 89e Blood Bitters and Tonie BEEF, IRON & WINE IDAPHOS Nerve Fooà and Tonie 98c 6èc 1.00 mron and Yeaat Tableta 49e Parke's Livertone-- 50e - 1.00 Feliow's Syrup ----69o -1.09 Ena'. Fruit Sait . 47eo- 79o Eng. Health Salta, 39e Pasmoresa Chfft Rub For Instant Relief 39e Pasmore's S-Minute BIONCH1TS 4 PMITURE 4e Bowmanville NEW tGW PRICEl- ~O~294' Stops Coldi Qiyickiy Take C.B.Q. Tablets Price- - 23e 'FREE 2 Pinoohia dILSs with 5 GMette Blue Blades 25c Phone 792 'Prescription$ a Spcalty Welior I. v Là SPRINO Mpi mmm@»mý- tte E s That is if your car is still car. ing a 1939 motar license pia after noxt Saturday. Don't be fool an April lst by thinklag y( can get away with last year's1 cense. Yau can't pload ignorai, for every paper you picki there's a reminder ta get yci 1940 license. Chie! af Police S. Venton, wl much prefers ta warn citizei rather than issue them with "warrant", bas asked us ta arg again advise the people ta g thoir liconse plates to-day. M aiter Saturday there is na alte: native but ta give you a "tickei ta appear in court if your ci it carrying a 1940 licens Mind I'm telling you - and t, police told us! Lowest Prices HAND cREA THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN J -- Il 1. ý - -

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