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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Mar 1939, p. 2

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PAGE TWC THE CAN.\DI.\N STATESM.iu\. BOWNIANVILLE, ONTARLO THURSDAY. MARCH 301H, 1930 Established 1854 A Weekly News paper devoted to the interests of the tov.n of Bowma n vll e and surrounding country, issued at Kin g St reet, Bowmanvllle, every Thursday, by M. A. James & Sons, owners and pubilshers. The Canadian Statesman is a member of the Canadian Wee1l Newspapers Association, also the Class "A" Wekloes of Canada. GEO. W. JAMES. EDITOR SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada $2.00 a year when paid In ad- vance; 50e extra in United States to cover postage. Single copies, 5c. THURSDAY, MARCH 301H, 1939 Annual Spring Clean-Up Day It inav secmi a bit early to talk of a gen- cral eleanîng,,-tup of var(ls. streets andi lanes. vacant lor.s and other places whlere debris colecets. But it is nid ton seuil f0 sta rt coîîsideving plans for the sitvcesstul carry- ing out of a Bow-nîaiîville idca ni-uip(day* . in flic past Tonnimy Ross gviicrall starts thle bail a rollinng or a toînvi sprlng edca n-iup withIbis "Till'il(ash~ow- at thieRoyal Thbea tre. InIi in totvîîs a da-, is deci(led on zthte publiei are askcdl to vo-operate: andi thus in mie day <of cotilîiietiefforts as iunucli is accotnî)lishcd as wonild otllerwvîse l)e(donc over a î)criod of wecks and mucli better donecia,,wcll. If is truc that tuost citizens wvi1l give thieir own yards and -eneral stirrouiinîns a fhorough spring dÎean-up. The-, rake up a nyt bing that is loose. andti hu wlatever can bc dcstmoyed ini this manner; the t'est ms edisposed ofindividuallv.orjs left ini a heap where more wvi11 accumulate. Others there are who -ive littie thoughit f0 matters of ftis kind, unless if be that be- cause everyl)ody is doing it they feel iu duty bound f0 fali in line and do likewise. nmore ont of shamne than pride. But the psy chological cffecf is there. and flic result is wvbat couints. Thie tltty of flic Town Coutîcil and Board of Hcaltb. wvould bc, first fo set asi(le tfli day and oufline what is asked of flic citi- zetis on that particular day, and whiv. Thli facilities of flic towtî iu meni and frncks should be availall for flic renioval of sueli rubbisli as ma '- have been raked uip hi- te cifizetîs and ii lchslould be dîsposcd of in sitita bIc nianner. If the fowtî las tnt sufficient cqniiipmcnit. tlie engagîng ot a few extra trucks for a day or fwo Siloiîld 1w comsidred iu order. Thet' own vould tfitis sfarf off flic sum- mer scason with dlean skirts. It woulil prove auniiecutive to cifizens toecontumiie to keep their surrouundiuîgs ini"0ond order. Work of this nature is bcst donc just as soon as flic snow lias gone. and flic feeling of spring is in the air. If inis insnres tîtat fhis J0o) is eonîplefed before spig garden- in- anîd out-door sports comnmence. 'Flîns in a week or two ordiiiarv conditions pre- vailii'. if sliould be in order fo plan such a dlean-up dlay.% for Bowmanville. Improving the Mining Laws of * Ontario Sevut-al importantm iineit tîî'îltut-tI lu.ti' O)i- tarit> Miiiting Au. .arc beloîg iiitrî'udtt'iu t this î-ean"s sessionoth( it- Legi.sîutttuu'e. Tlîey arceî'îferred te in a recent issue et The Fiuaiajul PostouiTo'Fnolu. The- restrictionsliîetfuîoîc-placeul (inic i. prospecter. ini stakiitr elajîmîs. Ihuve beeui moditied andît o lie vii ceertîtbe pet'- miffeul te stak' .muire cla ituts on lus cuxxî liemisi. Odler fn uitf eiuiuragm.nt an'e beitîg gix-cutthis futîdatiet til lv i pcil'îant brait.- h uof tt-(,iiîîg iudtust ix. 'Felicietsinîg ot refiiîeties.auu titI fleil-- cisientu t>rc-w'uite flie large Iîedyof epet'- afimîg u'gnlatious. ihi uuudcrte uiAu>ucrnizu' them. and cuittributuf' uig'eutcr sufetyi-ni mi otc pertaioiîs, ua'rcittu'tlil îlou -Pauml Leduc, Mituist' tuf MIineîuslia s felîowed a I t iri- denîicri't't u îrst'. iitfle redraftiîg ofrîtugulafiuîs. uand cîhî'î fr M s of amuîîuîîîîî-ît.Tlere lias Iu'iunoii uriit'au'î actiontilii-the DJeparit-înîîi. huit t'îpreset- ativecs iffîtmteutiug ii't',ssandl fith -ai empln'.-uci lai-e bet-ti uahl li. atitheii'w-uitk of rmu-cmfinthe flc lause-s itftthe Ai-t lias ri- sîltilfu fr'uuîî tItis uirn fet r'cotuie-i Th'iis utpiuat'-,t. u e uasoîtiuliuthli tu.u u îhut'tt-.fuitiitrtn zttlutu gc li-ou.atuiîg lu'- fîveuthIe v'aa nos lemnits onîhrising the inuîstrt', uand hiasiutn, lie lutu-,gouv'u-î uutu ueli. miutatnlitu-Iligi-utîxy-onciedi-lf<nd- He-les A Real Canadian <fîue-locaul aud iienî--cuti o n iîaî-bitheflc pîcastîre andclpiieo uilstcttintt ad- dresses by fliat geiatl pu-rsonalu I it- tussp'lI 'T. ICr'l of'i- ut itîtontu.wbo is tue lresidfeut offlihe titivurt isuug agee- beut i"ig h is naine. Mrt. Ru-l u-î is u a i i îtu>utnds hii god w-uruks. g-ii'u's hiiuî tuisetittedlî- te public su-i'v's- tus ItIiis t uett'«pre)'tsses itself i Iiii iîttîît-atut idlineîtss. Mr'. Kvi-Ihu bashis la t mi-tturkutble- uaî'eîr, hi fuirt. xv i eudlî îl lu- las istatlislu-ul t reeouirulioqtu-ulîcîId furit'uuiscîfishulitublitc ser- vice. lI uîîlii ti-,lus acfiv-e life we helieve if ýilil îcu 1yrit niitrsI t iu-uîuiî-î's iutt iill te goutiiand i hitdo su lii itululo i. tisi iii'u-t jsut Mrt . Ittel- iu'us lîtuît (i a tri i l the îu tit x t of 'tuu izeii hi puîtht". al - ttIlltfiietusîhl tit feul'liî. re t a luZeiîut titI l ii- utiîtîli oif ut su- i-Ii-I fI eik otitd utsur- js uit' aulîc-t ii- ley 's Eggs FrH"uithIteltiîug Iiu ui,--, tit iven'e stubî i r fity cnts a ulizeui .utntuliii sftly of mulsic, auttiantoler piuanou pluîye-r dcvelopcd. Ruissell [(eh ley's pritteipal liohîY is Wîîuk. lie takes a keeil interesf in the Chamber et Comimerce, hiaviing been a Director fer 13 years serviii-g as President for tîvo terits. He is also au ardet Rofariait. lic was flic first Pre-sident etfflie Hamilton Rotari-v4Club aîîid District Gox-erumor of flic Fourt i)Dis- tricf. For sevei -cars liceivas oiitfeie xc- cufive of flic Catiadiati GooJ Roads Assoc- iafion anid iii 1923 ivas Presiiemt. ofti hiat orgaîîizafioîî. For two ycars liceivas Pre- si(TIniifofflic Ontfario 'Fourisf. Associationi Pasf Prcsidciit of flicOntario Associateti Boards of Trade aud Chiambers of Coiii- merdce; Direefor ofthfec Hamilton Autit- obile Club. serving eue year as Prcsidcîit: President. of fle'Otîtario Motot' Leagni': Pasf Presideuit of flicNationtal (uutieiî il, the D....':lireefor Youmî Mi i' ChristialîtAssociation ;Mentfotr. Pt'uuu. '1111) The (liiCli v ofthflicAscensitun;Pait Pei tdetCauiatiaîi Club rft laiiiltoni tPi-e-iletiit fia miltonu SviiipltniîvOrchestra :Iltîiii tiienibet' St. heot'ge Y ('ticket Cilu. I foiil- ftn: ieuiciet oft licExectitive (uiiiiiittec iii Ontfario. ('aiadiat Clamnber ot Coi- iiierce t Fii-st Presideui f ethtle Au i-ctI isii2- lit et 1Izia-îiiltoi Dit-ector 'FlicBoy ýScoit s \ssoeit ot , liii îîîitcîuî ('uuticiu ;Pli-îsjîlî'iIî Big- Brol lîi' Association t meniber outhfli Exectutiveo e liHIamiltonTi'iger Club. Sport lias aI s e dciiu cti 0iuer'aleof lîis fimie. lie iiauiaged tiio 'iger FootballI eliinptuislipteamus. lie is Presîiceuttof flic Ontar'io Lacî'osse Associatioi t tut'tîhe I)ast 13 yea i-s lie is becît Presitietothtf eli llarntiltoii Lacrosse feam anti is Hatiltoit \ý greatest supporter etf('aiada's tiatinitiil gaine. lu order of Ituve Russell 's lite is -aai- ilîx- businecss attt Catiada. Notwitlîstaiingl- ail eft tlîse actix-ities. Mi'. Kellcy gIveus iieat'l.% neuic liîîcrerl addreses amatiilla 1. 'tl o grreatest compliment you can pay him is te say - "lic is a real C'auadiati. - Served Hils Community Weil Onutariou btfoneîîo'it is eutstantuitig wu'u Iv cdii oîlisast xeek ini flicpassi tug tif .1. Iýemiiil ii- citor ofthebuFct'git',Ncîs-Re-uu Lilce uaiiv tii cuittît'f tufeflic ulluîdavs IM l'Tîipliî imldpiteviotis]yvluecîta suiItol tfi cllic i' b-Ilt ltladg'ivunl't iiautspl utulciid lit' nîatîîurt uhiisu-iattrî-, andt tî t ter !u.fui hiiislf foru'the iittltit'l-titits lîîiî' ui tul fit- etf il hualI ueispapi-r. Fo i,ti'ti seveiî-vears 2Mrt. 'T'tutliit las it 00' 1 'u .sfu'tuu'ftve (attdl fa'li't-s leilet'sltiîî thitrutil Ili, papu'r to tIt i tproimnit ut bis von tumîtît iti- andtîlfui t it-liettet'nuentout ls fi litii't-Il.' %vSas u1soekeut lv iliitet'estedci i'utî'aîutttlandtî .lttuuiuiî lite. Iieitut.a u utuc- luet' uitthei'Boiardi tf Edîteatiota fou-:',0 vear xeat's he%ii' ,,anstiieIderuot Mu'lviil le lresl i t-ruaitandil l;titUittiedl 'litrli tutd ('li ofuth flcSessiont. Well doIe Weret-aIl uonîiavisi fui Fei'gts wiill ivat iîîîu-îesîtîndpidiu'I sliowu-tl ts tlîuuuîîglu lichelîctfîfill Melvii andîn-lituu all iv-itit ahIif itînmodetn al IPol)t futiits. Il- was a Iscuaa gredtt love'i'ro thoîvîrs andiestldihîda Iiagilificectfrui gutdei1(liitittlu"hs homîie oandutfîu-u'wjlivi ww a-t us f oîîuîî ir if.-.huatut'.-antd at'i'litî'tr-t tltrougintît vestet'uiOnttat-iou. 'Xlilu' Peti Itus luisltitinuuitstaihitigandilbelcuvedi <itizi tri thte'Jirru-ss and tl 'tiii's uitoftîl' tuiwt wc'l-pîlublisliu'îs luî- Is.. lust a sitii'u- anIt o* l u frl iietdinii tt'e passitug ut .Jcuhî Clt t empi l'îtîuitt. in lus (i9fli var. Absentee Relief Administration Too Costly eu' loti 'r'. tiiuuil v IliîïîIli tui pti1Iiit iu's li -u sý '-tittlu iti r sIii iliai'pîig ,away thuot fltc entfîtu u-st tut tiet'c'frelief. TItis tnuv seitii liku' attî'-îîuuîiuullîîîîu ulut biuîîîutiî titi stii'tit'u- tiî-m-is uîuî cuîuî-iîs iaig-ini îi uiîl tîiittist ta t uit M IS i n' it iîi-ttî iis e i f i l s a iîuîu- I u - i-tu -t teiis ins tItil i-tha- itlein tilistîiui Wlui tlillie hui lui'seit hiaitihu-ul ii>t.xl vîuuilWlu' fareituuttglIiflieiili-iiiîîu'anviri ii'tW' lit'i-vil1)ariIti' îuîuîîtî tu i'earv tiril(tu-uii it' i i.- u-ttlii'tandîttîl sîtuctilî ittlia u il titis 4uititiui-i i'i.- d-îiut-Itiutît. flhiuviviu. il' lit ii - iftiîi i', tîk iiî-îî Ituit l iit iiiîiti-îjîl i lt, v wtihluise îuutîoul uft te-- lief oîîu'î-ahiîî. .Jîîst s.. lonug uts -îîmîiîî i liatitgi-u Ilut h li îittîliiuig tuif urelie'f Ii-ip t lis iliu it'd."iîftt i Nioneti iu l .il. t'. lhute Iii tiglit tuto ti truutiltitei' jîit pursi- .S~-ut of it -tses iai-c wiueî'îî uîtglit te liglif uî'uoss ( aumffaafet n u etit"ui-inîg uu- Il-tt'.whtiuareî'u- t(i-îthil fuiif. .lsî scu Iolii, uts ef t--fi.., va l d'Ilî uuhi ilistcî'î-î.titis t'luu-w ivilhlI'(. voilrolhlî. If' if Shouldc nlîuuie titi i-ut itulv tu-ile<ruil isuu iltfic-t'.- is uitii îiuîit ftmt uilsu-itfue admnmistraution w-iII prîut' reîu--ttunu it t lt-f espouugci-s. Evutnifi tl lipltoviliu-i-shîcîticib.- îeiievd-(i tf'ils 'tl- ofitf titit-iloit, file iluiuitiptiit v . riitIu otu Ititai i otluuit Ii' the ust. siii tl ii tiil lînlu l ui uiiitfrisî- tiol i l utu lutiiu 1lIl- it lvisaihi' ulisu'o, uit tturel-iefsul'ti Observations and Opinions T[lii- spuirii lf* ' v i lî(t - l ve o' f uî'u-ulititt iii itti , lis aifli ut -.uiliii ftii l IIi- ut. is t'iiittt htus lu-it l 111 Illeiii ti-ililui I Iof ivtutu icîl hi(duuhîth fi( iBoi.-tiuii -t's uit it- Iu-iu'ît. tltuus- tu ii- 111) ilitîuîuI-lhle ittiuli i-tiuhu-mall Itil 1s (uit, ftluv i 11 ) 1 y11-'Ii l u1 î 11 m»- 1iiil tuis ssîtu- T'Il vu-vetuit1s tutu- uu-tîîdxv luO)It t.- us ta t1tu11-lute u (. tr l )1 ieiti'litugerIlle itiut uand Mt0111 41j 1. 1If give i- le tn ililllîî-uîirg tifido- vou totu 'k - t~ul - fi-. ~it- tiI- il il 'il) titi i. - 'ut - .rlt lui - -l - iii il- t-s i. -k uit i - lu- lu- t i f 'le A COMMUNITY IS A GARDEN A community can be likened unfo a garden- a garden very wiliing fa grow whafever is planted in if. Viliing f0 grow weeds if neglected. But whaf would you think off a man wbo wants somefhing from the garden. which is our communify, yef who plants nofhing in if? Imagine a farmer standing in a ffield willing f0 grow a lot for bim, yef who sows nofhing in thaf ffield, nor prepares if for sowing. The field will grow some- fhing. but notbing very good or valuabie. Ifs poten- fialifies are not' drawn ffrom if. Like the inactive fautner some retailers stand in a field more than willing f0 give tbem wbat fbey wanf - a crop off customers: but they quife ffaiî f0 gef aIl the customers possible. Customers are the fruit off plant ings and cuttivafion. The refailer in a coinmunity who plants bis mmnd and desires in the garden îvhicb is a communify, wili surely bai-e the crop desired. The seeder is the advcufisement columns off newspapers. There may be other seedeus. but none s0 cheap as a newspaper. none xî-icb scaffers the seed so ividely and swxiftly in soul îvhicb is productive. Tbink if ouf for yoursclf. How can any refailer gef the pofenfialifies off the garden. wbiýh is a comn- munity. if be plants liiffe or nofbing in if? - Renfreîv Mercury - NEWS FKUPM BY SCF Dowin iiaikato. New Zealand,_ a genut named Harold Ri-der got fed un on Ivinz i bcd. so he Dut an eizz under ii to see if bu could batch it. Sue enougît, atter 25 days. thc chick came ott. . . four days later tItan if it had beeti under a hen. uI n avvle Kenîtucky. tbev hold a tebacco sDittitig cotîtest. Thiere were 2000 spectators at tbis yuar's evetît. It uvas wvon bv Peter WVeaver. He cast a scuirt of iiuice 27 feet. The bovs tiscd te shoot ai a spfitoon '.heii we ivere a voîtor fellow. The sport seenst'.t have (roue otît lateli-. Itn'.v wYork Citv 400,000 younke me,, aîîd won et bta-ut the ares nf 16 aîîd 24 arc ont of a-ork. This 1'. about hal f thie pttptlatioîi i tlîe 16 te 24 vear gnoîîp. They are rcamjtte ttte streuis. Moue ilian 24%r cf tîte aruu.,t- made bv the New York Doic n 1937 wuue bIuît ttder 17 i veau., rt arýe . . e. ot ivere finît cf fettîlr-.. The itotal aniouitited te 50 arres s D eu plicenittîîtfou everv of- ficer ntt uîtî TîeetsIlu of tneinrplovment de- liîîuîîîc 1aidvauitîtorrattization us tîte bicre.,t prablein ie liavei-ci Catnada. It is catîsitir grave concerui. XVe catîti'tttder.,taid îvly ouir Go'.-- ernuticuît ulcusîtt aut. Cîtîzetîs un- dj'.-jduall'. are lieîtles. The probleni i, ton rîrantic- Cattadiati Batik., are roir 10 ocom- Dte vti a% nn -iccot tenu t IN THE DIM AND FROM THE STAT FIFTY YEARS AGO From The Canadian Statesmaut. M1arch 27. 1889 lis. t Srîliia Thomiîas l'aligiltaitl is a - Eîj.khn ilh: failli\ oiXX. Il. Iiflîi tliihl a largu lbarri.. Mi )r r, tti ad l tai r a ec,epu 1 rnit Ricliard f laiekiins îîuarl ' ý >v uruil ifatal ru ,iilt., fronitu .capilng craI rLas of Ili., toc., a Itili liifg a ia. Suiliii tuila. Thiti r little <augli- Ili il ýii: Tliii ia., B nniacomnbe i tu ild t h ac 1 ict ruatt,,n lanice. il lnldin >i. a"- Iltil auyiîi. Soiiîa: C ituiillir 1'. l'akcr fbas Maffle rovîe:NMiss A.\ira ll i- jýtakenti urîîîilîtireart iiithe Ty lui liet Cen i Il wî th ptiri.v... );tI au lretv ai id ii, rectinîg a iliani înoth iot ouir chii nstr., ,e îtr i i lia C a hucti barti onIrii his ouvi tarni... 1 att raction i~n Boa -iani i -le. (x)(<l hec alii il iItilîg at J. lxix vl' Cot rtice: Oie îf uitr 'ier, Ica ilast I idiai. dents liastinade a ci >11 ctioi o if icai,' FHat iti ii: \\'e weîco iC NI r.aind I îiiie., foir the dec Iiop inrt f Ili, M rs. J)iiia Id V'liI w lues atand fauil vI gîtiii.,. \% ili ti i'.cl ititi i tte li ne late T rnuii T. C tîrti. wi Il lie fi rile v iii rcîiasedl fioiin I rs. j olîi Jiii oi. il ai B uiiîksidu aii)tlur tii-ti. lii [il Do NItMrit ai a.,li\ecd a dt Il la ru. Il ailit. ii lias taku-il ii. ýc- R bert Bliti., aîîdl fartiilv fo r niatix rioi f i jos.Noure-> i ~ I avear. .fuil a: lui rkelier thiigli. S5he lireu liatiljii ice frotuna.tlu. . T\ rittu:Nr. iaiîl Nîr . MNltoil Thle t art v ai _Johnî lrî Bnglnlt% î. -j Wtrri utit tu taitlit>cl a i iitilier ioif fi n- ( laiuiit\ g a.iagiranid affair« endîs. Lii~Sailit I fiitri fliair aliîrî X. B'%vitat i1îl- 1oinaNia. ciru-. hile. 1lr. are ipoie froit lPi "! 1 t plaîide lit a.,k., jif t1lij.,tua îii, t,, haiI i l,,îî Iic liah tî u ri. ait%- [laird ciicut.t tIti.,s iiiiur,.or i l ii ila' iiiiiiiL, fjîl-(- J rl..i u1l t te to\ii'.. ti -) i liaidil 11) tii affordI l ltei ji ttuh:auof (jiiîk &ti gCo t. bus.iness., -ti. ii Nîtlîîr., ~ It ttt i Xlutiiiti a trmllu%% i )lii.t a ruliltur Iitt lilrrek i tiii.ii, aîîtrid t * (litiirte Iîîj,,lîî f i lie guu,ît îji.trîFII il 'I', l t -.ifJ, tIri lij tl j"., iillU;,catI iii Nîcr .Nl rcad% . ilaiu- i I l îll cc ,IId a itl id ii k ir, iiia.,-'ii*î 1 ,irit. 1l. li riii\%iill Ili, I)islî Xlus( tut( Bt, tar.trt i i f i a ii' trcki, Iîlmr, ilii i. Iaie . it IiIIIIiid S50.0 11, \j(,(t1111,Nlj Tlill\ju lia: i. Nîn il Htijit., & trr. ilîlli, jiis., a. ar, itr i i Iitt . ivl îilirttl i .tir 1 chu-flI triiiijj it tiiuî-itiitil. iii li ri _ îuîit cariîî. ue ti IIt r Io t fa ig 1 K .Ig il(.ai a i. F aiu , ýýt Srui i I.-.- M fir u l i rl i - 1 'i iiga i a i- il tîtF. pfîjlar tta llrina1o. i u.l 'uîii g tbit ail ijuf 1ilifli,( r o licei-. I h-r .îuîîlîî a'v i . d, lai ifc î f . liruio P l ttion l iiii'. îî îa h a upirti ilnr,îi ilî- I tiali tlitl tîn t ttu r l îl Farî Iu itjoij.,l le iu ho) The -lorlu rI' rrf. C ils fRii.,u Kia -, a Irhc. ti NIr. (it, Ni e vlu Iseîrlt('1 i i si.,i. ue adiijiujia' lîrtuil It 1 i- 2 i iI i i.!ar., au îf tliuîu -1iek rttIiu n, dliul o I xeitIl%-Dr hi NI.i ril'. uvupici le uf aj Iclait. I,,. ijliajui, a .,tof i yi;i.pîr il t il ffit-utaI, l a l al -- uv a a~ i îe îî i-il lit re lîtnh ir îlit it .thetu t a liasi s pi.,."lr, î Ia' l lîai-.t iea -i H vII l i. , Ll rad it ltuiirti alliuatl l,( Pt rota s -i ' su ru. , iii-se il i N lr. ;itt [ I r,.glu tîusittI ti l - tîrîrîr tut.tii n a'l'.l tri I r lcite i. a tia aivr sif litai ti irk alci., i iarl(! atîli asfc.v li., 1) cai., liaiil it, 1ai iciiiî-l i ,Sit Xiii.ý un e fiied n eaiu %%-as Nr.Ilvi,'i'îikiie u Ilia ;i t en a l1aal upie f,.F u ir btit i l d îr t tore. if tIti liiijihjiii, f. uprecrie(] lle ont.r ilo f %t a, l ii(- ttuti ( i u i IIi1i ear o rge,-wti ai fqu rurýa I iw taiel tIti-rt'a ifait%% tit iir orîin. clia wsitmsasth rîtit.,iihriee îîîî Ii- IiijSlirA., ill o e ig ng tttth -ih S lo l t'.,-i ukila, it i. lir'itl. tiitaryInlub. EitoCruhs'Malt iiîvturr. Allin's threshingiouffit ieieIlf C"iltivery igreat intele viflle, On. Mounlain uide t(,Be Crfl aepblsiga eyiteefn Built if'lyu o fa(il, remember'i "f0cess cotine.-Mrh2,13 de trfu aiew onith ii, oein gt the sde. . J.Morison. FLOWERS AND SPRING ME11MEN'S WORDS thereffore the infirmnifies incident Thsieae ____ad ra fd:0 our race wili no longer appear, Theskis re ul an gay nd ARE UNPOPULAR'but wiIl be something only of drab, memory. No leaves are on the frees, (From a Hansard Report off Rt. The public accept thaf, I ad- The fields ail look so cold and Hon. Arthur Meighen's Recent mit, and does nof fear the cost. chill, Speech in the Dominion In faut, I arn afraid 'týave fa And frost is in each breeze; Senafe) confess thaf the public );Rsfa see At t imes it's damp and wet and! Honorable members, I do not governmenfs spend money. The drear,1 No wild birds sweety sing, iexpecf that what I say will meetmore governments spend, the koo ý-th he ppova oftheHouemore fhey strangle business by But nei'er mind, cheer upgod ifthaprvlofteHuetaain adtegetrth folks, !exen, and I have no confidence ý numiberoff poor,hwellrinttenfioned V/e'Il soon have flowers and. that if will meet with the approv-: andu hard-working people conse- spring. ai off the country. lquenfly fhrown ouf off employ- lim qucki fies th weks I f ind myself tofally at vani- ment, the more likely fhey are f0 Timequiklyflie, te weks ance wifb ail this drift off things. be returned fa power provided, spd ie by, V/b lst,ý enever we have a Royal Com- off course, fhey falk long enough Coi witerwins wn'fias, mission there is always somefhing and loud enough about human If's dreary ail around to-day, more extravagant s n g g e s f e d, rights, the larger liberties, and ail But soon such days are past: which it is said will bring in the: those other fhings thaf fickle the Look forward f0 the sunny time, millennium. We are always going ear off the groundiings. And wbat it then wiiî bring, f0 have an altogether differeuif: So I arn not hopeful off geffing So neyer mmnd, cheer up good dlay in our officiais from thaf time anyxvhere on this, but if I cannof friends, on. The neîv men are f0 be en- express wbat is in my mmnd I had V/usooing bie liv :adtirely different fuom the old, and better nof be here. Anud 5 '.itb. life. dark days will cone, Onurbopes be ox-eruast. We somet imes ivonder jusf boîv r long Tbis dark drab fime ixili lasi: But fime still flies. the %veeks speed by, And brigbfness soon tbey'Il hring. So neyer mmnd. cheer up good folks, V/ell soon have floîvers and spring. -RALPH GORDON. 628 Crawford St., Toronto. aitl a different basis commenciîîgBo Nlaucli lst. 1939. Hitherto you hav-e Bv The OIdBo tv been paid l1 % interesi oit your Min- jnîîîm monthlv balance. Hereatter it BY HIIRAM ill be f igured on your quarterhv Back on the 7th Concession minimum balance. This meatîs tîtat jf voit have $2,000.00 iin vour saviîgsI I wonder what all these folks accuti fom heIstof arh tllare going fa say now who have. tie 24t1î of Nf av. and then i-on draw b i out ... Ou Eet no interest for the been felling us that we don'f have t1îuee înontbs . .. even tho i-ou miît winters like fhey used f0 have in tl aIl back tbree or four days later. fhe days back when - -. Ve have Soientotabîle Persons vassed awav heard over and over again how ast výear. Tobnnv Webb of Wasbiomz- they used f0 put the whecls away trîti. aze 32...cwie-lied 747 pouînds %hntefrtso aead ...the blea%-iest inan iii tîe vorld. whntefrt nwcm n Nu., A.P. ortte- o So Ieille cutters and sleighs would be in NI..,.ias 106 v-ears old . . . said use until spring. How tbey usedi iii he thte oldest ArnericaitN other. f0 kili a pig and a beast and bang Iast inetitht 'ueuietinle. a couplle ofj the meat up iin the v.-oodshed and chiircl in mui leld a tea in tîte toîtle it kept frozen till it was all gone. uit ite of tîtein to raîse iîissioiiari How deep the snow used fo be. tirî' for tîhe Ieatîteit Cîiiee. 'and a lot off other things. 'Well. Xlii it 100( othier chîtrcb totiteti caille if this last winter hasnt been old î'.itht ilv-er collectiont. XXleiîce fashioned enough I guess there is ta, are beld the wcmnei leîîd dislles no stopping theso olcI timers. a'il cuttcrv tri anc another. Tlîev V1/eve had snow nearIly every da-, -ilîvavis ban Qld kivs forkt, aitîil Jnd if's been piled up 50 bigb Semetijnes îbcv're froua that tn some places they have ~tii)ii5.been able to step over the tele- XV îulaorth's. Otie of the churclil phone ivires, cities bave run ont îî ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . tî!ttl i ritl îa oe off money for sboî-elling and ev- theî cu.,toiners cabhagtt the cutlerv it ervbody- has been so sick off the it i., valuable . . . slip it in thtejr sigh a so sov l tte- .,atchcls or downtî îeir dickie.. Ve sîhav of a now shovein th a t thotibave beenshiddenhenwtretdarkest thctgbtthiswastît wort w ba corner off the cellar. To the most ii ard ...CliristiAiiitv catiti i . of us wve have lîad too much of' aMIt Cliildretî. a good thing. I know bow %-.e farmers say 'it«s the £erandest i thing for the land and faîl crops. but just the same we are not as beehnkfou uch esonw ths winte 1DISTANT riSu thankfo uî a w sond. swit and if if's a sample of an old TESMAN FILES fashioned winter Imn glad I arn ------- i living in the present era. e"I could just see inysef.. "'Slowing Up . .worried . .. gtting behind in my work at the office ... hoping it wouldn't be notied ... couldn't afford to letup ... afraid some one would be ptut in mv place ... yet, what could I do?" "eNeier gave a tlîought to planning . until a friend told me hîow the Canada Life had lîelped solve ber flutancial worries . .. anîd helieve me tlîere's a loaci off iîv îiiitd mow-. M\ost woîiîen with uîoderate salaries can have a life iîîconie of S50 a mîontît or mmore at 55 or 60 or even earlier. Yott'll bc sturprised lîow littie it costs 110w 10 be finarîcialv in dependent later on. The Canada Lite .'ssuutuute Comany,'3:10 tUniveusity Ave., Toronto, Ont. Without obligation on nîypart please tell me bow Ican get a gguaranteetl Cantada lite Ittuoite $50 E $100 W .MOE $100 E a nionti. at age 55EU 60 [ 650 \V / Born ..............Dayof........................I ...... Canada's Oldest Life Assurance Company Ri(UI-TNO%% i (U t-arlt I>airiprompt deliv-ri of y our nti%%- Nllatgllir-Biiek - -a betier trade-jît allo't.arîee for i our Prescrit car- and< granud îcw freedoun front drivingworrics. So îchyi- rait and ucish you had,'t? Know te satisfaction of ownirîg a ncw àMcLauiglilitî-Buick that is staunch an(l deperîdable tlîrough and throughi. Know the IlurilI of driving a Dvuîaflasli Straiglît Figlut -ali-c w ith quick, cager power. Kn11w thlicre t fia I oin fort of '<1 Laîmhli -Bic'srooniv inrteriors - sfier, stecl coil sjriigirg- aud Knec Action th.ît hjîîkr tht.eturves for you. Kîo-w. too. te (oiieniet<e of Ilandi- Sluift Transmtaissionî on the stet'ring p)ost, otut of knee-wav-arîd Flash.Wav Direction to sgînai your turus. Courtice .Xîoidth Ie sprmng rushi-ue iiioîuey alead --yhtmyi ug vîtur ýNhla-ýugluiii.Bîick riglît no-t.. umi-van owilt tIis miv car oui con. -cnicntttîtoîihlilv pai-ruerîtsIhrougli flhc General M.%otors Instalitt'nît Plan. Sec vour dealer toilai-. THE MOST ADVANCED CAR IN THE WORLD *DYNAFLASH VALVE-IN -HEAD STRAIGHT-8 ENGINE * GREATER VISIBILITY * ROOMIER UNiSTEEL BODY EV FISHER * TORQUE.TUBE DRIVE -W TORQUE-FREE REAR.COIL SPRINGING * HANDISHIFT TRANSMISSION * FLASH.WAY DIRECTION SIGNAL * TIPTOE HYDRAULIC BRAKES * SELF.BANKING KNEE.ACTION FRONT SPRINGING * CROWN SPRING CLUTCH "CATWALK-COOLING'. M-698 4 THE BACK TIBE G A ddress .................................... TWENTY-FII'E VEARS AGO From The Canadian Statesman. M1arch 26. 1914 Better Buiq Your IIIàcLRUGHLIIlBUICK 9*d#/ ROY NICHOLS * À . -1 --l - Bowmanville v PAGE TWC THURSDAY, NIARCH 30TH, 193Q THE CANADI.-\N STATESNIA\*, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1 ,

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