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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Mar 1939, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CAN.\DI.\N STATESMAN. I3cIWN1ANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MARCH 301H, 1939 Miss Doris Grooms and Mr.____ bers of the Board of Management îHome and School Club met Jordan Sharp, Turuntu. spent The sun is pîaying its part a.d NARV O~îw tteh~ , f h onyHm fOtro Mrs. HaydY- hoposition with Eattnes.oBurketonfMthe Paunty HomenofeOntheio Tuesday witb Mr. C. Avery pre- Sunday with Miss Mildred Snow- these days by clearing away the FIT r0 A KING! z \ Joîa Gav. who was also in charge two pure bred rnilking Shortborn siding. Programn committee, Mr. den. sno-w ,frorn the black furrows and iilcig osi eidoee os ehsas ucae w and Mrs. Wm. Trewin and Mr.: Miss Hilda Richards visited in lthe brovvn mreadows. but stii ithgque omship erîoporene cows. Hoa lsoeinurchyase dw and Ms A. Read, with Mr. Tre- 'the city. there is to be seen six or seven \uI lit n paedb r.E i uere ad Hostrein to-ye. ay win in charge, presented a very Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wilkins and fet of s * inplce. Ô teeCmortice; scripture rcading bv -\1111 heifers an sirColm Mrand itrsigprogram. Piano solos Miss Greta Wilkns. Courtice, vis-bighxvay lis. .adavol "nteGr cow from Mr. Peel of Port Perry were given by Mrs. C. Crossman ited with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. A number of the young men of duii b% Eicen Pickell. Those assist- to furtber improve bis herd. ing on1 the prograrn werc: rcadings. Mr. Roscoe Baker is engaged in andsb Miss aFr ed rdlead M.Mun arkBaknyrn. Burketon and vicinity are trying NARVOMîeiî Tooley' and Mrs. Clarence helping to lay steel on the C.N.R. Mrs.C. arrrd;vocl slo y vsitd br mthe, Ms. altr teirhand at railroading this Mr. . arar; ocl ol b 1viitd ermohe, rs Wltrweek by helping re-îay steel on Conada's Smaiest Finish Io-t skî: piano solos. jean Ga\ and between Port Hope and Oshawa. Miss Alice Ashton: guitar selec-, Foley. the C.N.R. between Bow,,manville COVERS IN ONE COAT ' Mr,. XVill Wadc: t!znest sekr tions by Mr. Fred Stannard and A number in this community and Port Hope. BRS PRFNLYal trc S. D avisn. on îanville. gA Mr. Alan Wearn; Mrs. L. T. Mc- bave had or have the f lu. Breo redUofrter DIES NPORIECTLoiail ji tce ostiig tlon Prax 1 er. M oA Laughlin, Bowmanville, gave a Mr. J. D. Stevens and Mr. A.corktlon fis ofer. ther DISI OTMFsoiltneia niydwt 9p very descriptive and interesting Laird Sr. are stili under the doc- coratulDains to Mr and Mrso talk on the "Coronation." Comn- tors care. thi (Uae e ihtenCGI.T. met Satulrdav afternio4n M r. Ivor Gary and Alan, To- munity singing was led by Mrs.; Miss Bessie Simpson, who bas theiar i ucesae. We ins he. in tlhe S. S. rooni. The devotional ronto, visited at Mr. F. B. Glas- L. Ashton, and refresbrnents1 been witb Mrs. W. J. Snowden evrtucesan apnesb *g g~i in chiarge of~ Elsie Oke. Scrip- pelî's. served. for the past two years. bas re- We are sorry to bear of the t, __dn ivnb1Gri ett issPal n enLah Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Larmer, turned home. death of Mrs. Russell Cochrane - uu edn ivnoGriePtt isses PeraNd a Leach South Monaghan, visited at Mr. Miss Helen Snow.den. Toronto.1 (nece Mabel Abbott). and the vclsl yVlaPac;"aln A. Beech's. is visiting bier grandiparents. Mr.1 heartfelt syrnpathy of the corn- al! (aniada' given by Wilma Down Mr. Ralph Ormiston at Mc. Ed- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thornpson and Mrs. R. R. Stevens. Imunity is extended to the bereav- A. E. MeGREGOR & COMPANY and i une Xalters: vocal solo, Lucilla win Ormiston's, Bobcaygeon. Mis Adry honpon Bw- Mrs W Paronan tvosos.ed fanilies. Hardware - Phone 774 Wld ;recading I)v I3etty HenrV. Little George Fisher and Grace manvllevisted t bone. Donald and Harry, Lakefield. are There Itli some sick in the King Street, Bowmanville, Ont. uiîgeoel itTasSanonbvbenscwthfu Yun Laise at h home visiting bier parents. 'Mr. and Mrs. village. Miss baby Hanthorne is H. C. BONATHAN S\nipijthv is extended to Mi ý. W. Mr. Albert Balson and Aileen. ouMr.H.aistMatevoe-A. Laird Sr. lhome from the hospital, irnprov- Phone 4422 - Newcastle, Ont. Il. larslial i i the loss oi lier Solina, at Mc. J. W. Balson's. ing. Program xvas in charge Of Mildred vvere hostesses roccentlvIthorne is'in Port Perrv Hospital _____________________m in To ~ron t~at~îopsel C I . gihlrls men the Sun- Miss Meta Degeer. Bible reading to a few girl friends of Miss Bessie with double pneuimonia. We wish _________________ was given by Mrs. R. Richards. ipon.' bride-to-e h 4Nu-h hlre peyrcoey j. Bill Higgins is sufficiently Our Young People visited Eb- and the devotional by Mrs. H. Simps o-be. Thpy fae girls therchiodrenpspaedonrecovery The î cl in 1lis 1lnes :o be rî enezer Young People Monday j A~t~n dut MsssgtoteradpnedBesseTrnoHoptlo una.Ten,ueîl home f romn Oshawa Hospîital. night and report a ceal good time. j Aiheen; Cocln adeWinnisTret- taogtîer aof cîseul ad loe- WT1funeral was beld on Wednesday yîn epe ocietv entertain- Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton win; organ solo by Miss Blanche l1,, si esit nt HmtnCmeey i teMpeGrovg and Ziom S(oc- bave returned from Florida. Degeer; and guitar selection by ____________ I_____ It was quite a shock to the fam - jilte. on Monda; rveninz wli'eîî tii Mrs. T. Martin visited bier sis- Miss Eileen Cowling. Embroidery Neteo îe' nttt ly and the neigborbood to hear gitsekrwsfoiTrno eMs rn rneTrno work was done, after which ce- ivestlmeton Wheome f nstîut of the deatb of Geo. Moore. He ît4faervafom oon. trrsFakGanrToto sered.H a intn wll ee atthebore o Mr. ad a stroke on Tbursday and Mr. Chas. Stainton, Blackwater, freshments were sreiHa p o Hugh Taylor. April 5th, at 2.30 . . n- stock hs 9t yar at Mr. Reford Cameron's. A number of young people wece io'cîock. AIl ladies xelcome. didoFraymnbs9tye.B a k entertained to a very enjoyable MssR ntsteBamtn M.adMr..W. aro The funeral was on Monday and B a k t c time aturdy eveing1a the spetRhe Aend isthBr aon Mr.a d M George.Mac- waltbough the roads were neacly ____ tieSauda veigatte'pnttewekndwthhrpar visited M.adMs ereMr impassable a goodly number were M\,iss Florence McLaugblin, To- L home of Mc. and Mrs. E. Bradley,, ents Mc. and Mrs. E. Anthistle. ioW presenit to show their last re- rotoviitdhespretslc.len__ it being their daughtec Violas ,Mr. and Ms. H. Peters and oMc .David MeLean, Toronto, set. ewsbihyrspce nd Mvs J. hR Mcaghents, ndMsM.rab.y n 4birtbday. Ralph, Mc. and Mrs. T. Salter, pcs ewshgIýrsetdadMs .R eagln viie eaiesi oot. 'spent the weekend at borne. in tbis cornrunity, being one of Ms uhMroTrno r n r.H abr n Y' _____visiMc. radiMes.iW.Toiobuo. Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wonna- our oîdest. residents. Rev. Mcr.uh alw Trno farnîly have moved to Port Hope. Cowi and Mrs. B. Felb rgu-r cott are moving to the bouse on Honey of Myctle coniducted the witb bier mother, Mrs. Jas. Mac- Miss Muriel Moore was bostess Maple Grove Jno. CwigadMr.B eg-Mc. Jas. Ginn's facm west Of funeral service. Interment was loy.. at a pacty in bonor of bier S. S. son visited friends in Osbawa. Cadmus. made at Pîne Grove Cemetery, Miss Lulu Wright, Toronto, class Marcb 22nd. Qurtr srvc nxtSuda. Mr. and Mcs. Bert Stevens and Congratulations to Mc. Victor Prince Albert. Bearers were four with bier parents, Mc. and Mrs. 0. Mc. and Mcs. S. Trewin enter- Miss elsie nwen Sugogy Mrs. E. Stevens visited Mc. and Williams and Miss Veca Morton, sons, John, James, Clayton and Wright. tie e egbr odne Island, spent the weekend atl Ms. R. urgess atnTyr one. rnemeo.hi eetmr Ivison, and two nephews, R. Miss Muriel Fallis and Mr. Don- Tbucsday evening. Mrs Go. arcorb nd on nae... Coates and L. Moore. Those left ald Thompson at Mc. and Mrs. Congratulations to Mc. and Mrs. home. nie spent the weekend in Toronto. Mrs. Jas. Willamson visted to moucn are bis wife (Maria Chas. Venning's on Sunday. T. M. Slemon on reacbing their Mr. White and Mc. and Mcs.1 A pleasant social evening was ber sister, Mrs. Byers, Janetville. Bray) four sons and one daugh- Mc. and Mrs. Gordon Sbunk 30tb milestone in wedded life. Howell, Elizabetbville, visited the enjoyed March 2lst in the cbucch Congratulations to Mc. and Mrs. ter (Luella), Mrs. Roy Webbec (nee MsFlrnce Wells) wbo Mcs. A. E. Billett will addcess former's son, Mc. L. White, on basernent wben the young rnen's John Bellingol on tbe acrival Of Bowrnanviîîe; also two brothers, ' eMaissFeda cg IlntemsiarpormonS - Friday. M c. W hite remained Bible Class of the S. S. entectan- a y u g s n.Dwems of W ib ,an l et M re r22ar iied t Scu og s. ln d the rniinary pg r o un a visit. ~ed two young ladies' classes,. Mrs. Rae Malcolmn and son Vic-inhibadAerMac2,vstdwthMsFo-dymoig.Whpefraod Miss Margaret Stewart bas ac- W.Mi.ldennetie h ocvstdbrmteMs ee Reacb. One son paid the sup- ence Thornson. Mrs. Sbunk*s fri- attendance. ______________________members of tbe Mission Band and Wright cresciiei h a 11. ends in this village met at Mcs. Sunday services wece faicly their mothers Monday evening. I1 aro iitdMsTbomson's Wednesday evening to well attended. A special feature Trustee Board of the cbucch Mst R. W. Maco iiedMs present the bride and groomn with of the evening service was a quar- met Tuesday evening wben sev- Mc. William Porteous Mc. and 'Cad3us a "Pantry Shelf Shower" and to tette by Messrs. H. Stevens, T. M. I ~~~~~~eral items of business wece transMs.HodNebtadGcyvs- enjoy an evening of cards. We Slernon, R. Preston and G. Stev- ace.ited Mc. and Mrs. C. H. Pocteous. wîsl thern health and prospecity. . ens. M Te lustil ees t b qite Mesc. Rlp Eneron Tc- Nlf... George Fowler cnîtertained Young People*s Union presenit-i Social convener Miss Alice Ash- ~prevalent here. onoan dgcEersonfValen- nienlirofic y's Association ed onie act fromn their three-act ton xvas mn charge of the Y. P. U. been Bruce Ferguson, wbo basi tia, spent the weekend with their "riTîîcsdaî-i. 'Fiîl wathec %vs. fille play n the Drarna Contest atlprogram Macch 22nd. Mc. J. A. benin Bowmanville Hospital, prets, Mc. and Mrs. M. Emer- uiîd the ir ,ail cindition., fav-orahll- Brooklin Frîday night. Brougham, Wercv opened the worsbip sec- was able to return borne Fridav son. si îîcaclv ail tliein;emhecrs ivereC lie- Brooklin and Shiloh presented 'vice with an appropriate vocal, GREETING CARDS and is cecovecmng nicely. wil n The snoxv plow is busy these 'ciii. Mc.. Cecil 1-ergius(,n îreiîkd Short plays. Shiloh. last vear's solo- -Master Allani Wercy gave al Young Pecople's Union ývI n davs opening the roads. and E'. . IcMGilI gave tbe wioner, %von the cup again. AÀI ecitation on -Daddy's Radio";a Attractive designs and col- tertain the Ebenezer voung peo- .ccilîiîîrc rcuiîî ul cî v..r-v profitable and enjov able ex- group of young men favoced ,vith pIe Fcidav evening. I .pu ifled it,)lb\ a ver.pc 'fi crilutuire. ening was spent. ;a chorus M Wild Irish Rose'11 orings with a real Easter armn evc ilb edu~îl sc~'iîîîclfîe îr W. A. of St. John*s Anglican and wcre encoced: a ceading on message. on SndM. vein . T j ta ins oirc the la semii t. i uc was sel,-Cburccb met at the borne of iMrg.Poubn by Mc. Keitb Ormi-! W Ms. S. met at tne nome Mm.Hmf atedd theceicul landl M'.\ s.Elliott ,îîthî iceil, iFlorecnce Cravvford, Mlarccb23rc. ston; giîitac selections wece gîven 5c to 25c rs A. Blanchard, witb Mrs. A.' r inîuuy tedd h ýircliuc ani'L. \Mr. la \fo , M-with a goocl attendanco. Mru. by Messrs. Allani Wearn and Fred1 Don mssths opotuit ~ E. Billet n the chair. After the fnrl fbssitri-lwc-. c 1.( hrg lW r sood. presicdent.%vasu in charge. Stannard; Rex'.If. Lackey gave a business, Mrs. W'. Raekbam read Elota ettooonTeda'leîciciiitilîfaMiss Eva Parc read the scîiptuire. vecy interesting reviexv of the i th Bile esso. Ovin toMrs.ý M. W . LttleandDiane.Bulletin reports wero given. Mrs. Winter School beld at Lindsay i remmbr"omone. HeBiles sonenc oght s. c W.Litead ine liiNcQmiiHiWvi. .t Wood reporter that the vestients Januacy: short ceading on -Good GIFTS rthess.Mr.Ber ftthbe eÈn mLttet M. .Meul i~c of tie Sulîhich wa, ml- tbat Mc. and Mrs. Fred WiIlan as pcogram 'came to a close ith a dv Book,!lough's l')weliv a solo bol.Mc'r. Ceci] IeCI-ian Easter offering are giving theichorus by the ýyoung men. Althoý Bibles, Hymnaries, Prayer "Missionary in Stocm C(entres.-jWedding belîs are inging. i. îîîî il)iî,l a Ciceisrîcs h flovn cgaG enlmnpeetdtepo Books, Mottoes, Pictures assisted by Mcs. C. Warren who The sacrament of the Locd*s Îcl c. .1. eg.ui ae sriejocd wTh Mrs. w m. Vroan- hgetleen erea numb tero l- annd ovlNoveavltiestretigaveout ante interestingbseve intaccount Frguofi avece Supper \ c, itillr. mbe obse:grmrved wreinnubthofla work carcied on in the Hungarman ehucch next Sunday mocning at ccadini on -St. P'atrick Rliythmns Camp convener: Chapter Seven ,dies in attendanee. A social time A large assortment of Cburcc at Montreal. Mrs. Billett 1 1030 arn. Officials of the quarter- \in inierestiiig Contest themi follow cdl fcom the study book. "The Begn1 was spent in contests. suitable gifts. gave a talk on the wock of the, ly board will meet Monday even- whlen tlîe ladlies uvece cîuired tlning of Wisdlom- by Mrs. Fred' Recent Visitors: ______________________Fred Victor Mission under the'ing rccogîic the baby liture., of tio*';- Hamilton: ceading by Mrs. J. Me- Mc. and Mrs. S. Trexvin visited supervision of Rev. Mc. Hunni- The convention of the Y. P. U. îrcseîîm. îcize fuir gc.sîgthe lai g- Arthur "Easter Eggs and hov to friends in Blaekstoek. WALLPAPER seth. Miss L. Reynolds explained will be hield at Columbus, Satur- c..t iiiiimhcc vent tii Mc'. Ceci] 1bei - color them": commnunity singing: cadMsrG ec n the work carried on by the AilI aArllt pnn a r.iusul lu lde vr îstc eading by Mrs. Robt. HamilItony. and Mrs. J. D. Brown, Or- Ths i eoaîg tm.People's Mission in Winnipeg. Thýe inter-Pcesbytecy debate will thue dininz rîom uvliece a "llcîuî Our Page*': reading by Mcrs. F ced 101,wt r.H .Wry We invite you to visit our 'be given at Il o'clock, -Rescolved siiumuc wa., preîiareul. ihicli iv;i. Harnilton,."The Telephone Girl.', Mc. nd Mrs. Frank Hoskin and wallaperdepatmen. Ne Total exports of baN' and straw 'that it is in the best interest of lîc.actilv emîliyeil. The ilhaîik. if tuic nEse To1tî,lb h Joan, Oshawa, xvitb Mc. and Mrs. paters t owe picr:Canada to encourage Immigra- incetiîig iere tendercil Wrs. iwc answec for the roll caîl next meet paters t owr rie~ fcom Canada ducing the peciod ing. Lunch and a social time con - M. Heard. July 1, 1938 to January 31, 193911tion." The affirmative will be up- uuîîr cemîal hostess and \Ir..Nauou lddtemeig Messrs. Herbert and Arthur were 50.168 tons of bay, valued at bedb c .Mrso n c 'lKcas lheu u44 the lîiieli and: A few of the ladies (rom the igh ihterprns c S37177, and 2,217 tons of stcaw, H. Packin. îrugraîn cormiittee. fuir a verv' ie vlagn-tndd1h cokn and Mrs. N. E. Wright. J.:viWageaJE Wd te ELkigL il. . JE ELL with a value of $9,127, compaced The W. *M. S. will meet in the jus alhe and profitable afîerîioon. sehool in Port Peccy Marcb 28tb, Miss Verna, Messrs. Oswaîd Phne55 -- owanlle witb 34,272 tons of bay, valued at 'vestcy on Tbursday, April 6th. Y'.I'ijU. met Thucsdav evenimtg suil under the direction of Mcs. Aitken and Flovd Pethick, Toronto, Sun- Phne55 owanile $2383, nd325 tn o srw, Leader, Mrs. Floyd Dudley. Presiîlcnî (issald .\miîerscui iinihtP of the Canada Starch Co. ýdayed with their parents, Mc. and, valued at $13,228. Youg_______ninne__cai.____JE____ntred he Mrs. S. R. Pethick. and celebrated Thurdayevenng.Mis E dn as ýtheir brother Cifords bictbday. Cameron and Mc. Gordon Brent scriture lcsscuîîamnd gave a talk i uu Mr. Clarke Stevens s visiting wece in charge of the pcograrn. The Challenge te, Youmith,' hasiîug Solina at Mc. H. Stevens'. Mc. Gordon Brent ltook charge of hiec remark., un Joash the boy king'. Misses Gladys Page, Oshawa, the worsbip period. Scripture was I'cogram ii charge of Mc.. MeMNil- read by Mc. J. Cook, and the lan. ccînsistcd of impuromnptu spieeches i Home and Sehool Club a and Clara Page, Toronto. witb Lords Prayer was sung, followed tii ivbich cach member presemît rce- 1eld. in the sehool last Tuesday Mrs. rs. EttHaydPage.t by a poem by Mc. Gordon Brent. spuunded bv a minutte speech ou the c evening x'i'thover sixty presenit. Mr. and Mrs. H. Annis. Girl Guides were encolled, with suihicet assigmmed. ýPresident Walter Pacrinder xvasý Misses Mycile Page and Alice Miss Susie VanCamp and Mrs. Over a score of men l e hmmsy ibis îci chag. nd tto itNowasce-Ashton visîted Mrs. S. May To- Donald Purdy, Bowrnanviîle, in wcock riggimmg out the coad betwoeuClakeived and.aClued on vith ronto. charge. Piano accordion sellections lhackstock and Cadmsms and over tu Plans were made forc our ana- were cendered by Mc. L. Mortson; tîil,,iouiiîarv. TIhis coad bas beeîî l eur nigbt April lBth. Mcs. John topie, Miss Susie VanCamp; cead- lîlîîcked fuir' motor traffie for t oiBaefvod itavclslObt ing, Mc. Robert Camecon; cead- ing, Mc. Lorne Annis. d mis. accompanied by Miss Ileen Bal-,y - Cuîmmigrattlaticimi. to \Victoir \Villi a i, 1 son. Miss Annie Potter and Mr. Frederick William Allun BP amI luide (îc era oîo Lloyd Ayre gave a dialogue. The 'r" lowrs mboy te fli pîrî ofEaser.EnfeldOmeeet vb~rctcne f îum tlcîiseool children gave vase el- After three days' illness, there Ploer emod te fllspritofEatebruneies r niuuî iiStimcmav. Nfc. 5,'illii an ections which were much enjoyed. passed to rest at bis home on .1 he acm ceentv vcatil i.A bumorous dialogue was given Macch lu, 1939, one of Bowman- IAnd what more delightful and expressive git. so h ai ecn1 aae r by Mcs. Roy Langmaid and Mc. villes, most higbly cespected citi- You will find in our large selection of flowers and 1l \lfclHulcii.iilii-hri îImc.B. G. Stevens entitled 'Winning 'zens in the persomi of Frederick latîse., lure I)efie ceuîmîiriîig t.Iii,. \Ic. aitdl .,. \Wamiiiactt his the Widow.- Harold Potier and William Allin. plants the appropriate choice, within a reasonable e ai Tcchccmue, Nlaii. nosed imto james Gimins hî. Francis Wotten gave mouthorgan Ho was born in Darlington price range. i N ~I ., lias bLemi \Ir.uig Mcandîl\Irs. AliniîNIeGihI v.uî land piano music. Lunch\vas sec- township and ovas caised on the prie i Raminul<nd ai at Gco. Foilsc. i ved by the ladies. old homesteaci nosv oecupied by îumi~ îîemuuuuu.Nîr.. X. Caîmi s ii Torumîîu s iî Msses H-elen and Muriel Baker, thers amnd omie, haîf-brother. icciiigilu ii s Nc, .-î l irsn. .mis.nToretoerbli oro, witb tbeic parents, Mc. Palîeaer wceMessrs. F. a11i 1-t' ai alieuuu uîuiJhi N G A. stueuIet, li., iii! Mr. and Mrs. Weslev Yellow- Howvard Gauch, Herh. Gaud amid AND lIl Ii',Ii .uufacc ouil as te suýicuýis 5 ltimiInc i iiite haileamu1hiciritlees, Mrs. Jack YeIlow'Iees and J. ColwilI. A large number of gui ii ,î fi Iete meustec.,se or ii imier sumîmglte wiiuer Witltl ier' Miss Gladys, and Mc. and Mrs. beautiful floral tributes were ce- FLOW ER SHOP s ~~~i iI uucit igît t srail- teil mi-li.i.î;Mmguur. s. Scihlsi-n mi Sumliu ii Ralph Davis wece in Toronto ceived from meighbors and fci- Sexecal teams delivered stock Car'hilia. Monday. ends. Relatives attending t hoe FLOW10 aOPtr tuck ast xveek which could \fr. anîd Nrs. Coonîlues and lfamîil rc.A L. Pascoe made a busi- funeral included severa] (rom Phons 77 - 232 -2633Bowxnanville get witbin two and a haîf miles itilinve acui-ult lîcir nus'- iinu ness tnip to Port Hope Monday. Brooklin, Clacemoni, L in d s a y, Phons 77 - 632 26Mne f hee.t iethesila, are ltav-imm a Siuze ilii one of our progressive stock Toronto, Oshawa and Bowman- ýýj Mcs. Russell Cochrane died in te fîsu. and daicy farmers, Mc. C. A. ville. l Union Takes Service , so they would flot lose the influ- ence of the church. t Other numbers on the program St. Paul's Young People took included a quartet, 0. FIean.W. icharge of the evening church ser- Brown, J. Graham and IM son, vice Sunday evening and are to! sing ing "I Want My Lift to Tell be congratulated for their splen- ! for Jesus*" unaccompanied. Sam did efforts. President G e o r g e! Castie, in bis rich baritone voice, Graham conducted the service rendered "I Corne to Thee." The and read the scripture lesson. The choijr under the leadership of Alex address by Rev. W. F. Banister McGregor sang "Rejoice the Lord on 'Christianity and Democracy- is King." Miss Helen Williams was the highlight of the evening. capably presided at the organ. He stated that without Christian- ity there would be no democracy and that it wvas up to the young 11 fortune is like muddy water, people of this generation to main-,1 be11patient, don't stir it, and it will tain their demnocracy as in doing -cIear.-Trotty Veck Message. COWLING SELLS THE BESI And Serves You Wel We Test Eyes and Fit Trusses to Your Entire Satisfaction ini Quality, Style and Price. THIS WEEK Thursday - Friday - Saturday March 30 - 31 - April 1 Nyal 2 for 1 Sale - See the Nyal Bill for Unusual Values - NOVA - KELP TABLETS 150 - - - - .79 300 - - - - $1.39 750 - - - - $2.79 ALKA SELTZER TABLETS 29c - 57c HEINZ JUNIOR FOODS 2 large tins - - 23e Reinz Soups 3 for 25e LSCOTTS EMLIO DIGEST "I. DI5S98' TREAT YOUR SEED GRAIN NOW WITH CERESAN 1 lb. --$1.00 - 5 ibs.-- $3.90 695 P.R. YOLIIIU, UiII.D. DELIER, LET US DO YOUR EASTER BAKING~ Got a taste for something extra good- something tasty for Easter? We thought you wou]d and are fea- turing a varîety of special Easter baked goods which you will enjoy. Our windows are also full of fine choco- late novelties and chocolates. - See them to-day. Hiomemade HIUM BUGS lb. - - - 30c Buy HlOT CROSS BUNS Prom The Girl Guides Our wagon is on your street every day with bread and other baked goods nmade in Bowmanvîlle by local workmen. - Buy fromn your Bow&manville baker. CORBETT'S BAKERY Phone 890 Bowmanville "Crease Resisting" LYSTAV F9 rom England cornes this v$jncrease resisting fabric that .~you will want to make up ~' ~ into gay Spring Suits and Dresses. Ask us to show you the bright Printed patterns Sand the lovely plain colors. PLAIN COLORS 'j, _ 9 PRINTED COLORS - - - - 89C .* POINTS TO REMEMBER WREN BUYING LYSTAV 1l- -LY STAV bas a pover to resist and recover frol:(N creasing similar f.o that pos- sessed naturally by wool. »2. - LYSTAV Nvasbes perfectly if mwashed as silk. 3. - LI STAV carrnes the Tootal guarantee against any de- fect ini material w hatsoev'er. <WALKER STORES, LJMITED Phone 451 Bow-nanville PAGE SIX TIJE CANADIAN STATES'MAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, NIARCH 30TH, 1939

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