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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Mar 1939, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT ------------------------- --------- --------------- 0f Interest To 0W 0 WM EN of Labor, who has been given full] Fifteen cents is a small price fi Hints For Homebodies attention. Somuchtine iswasted such a cneine Written for The Statesman sasoehgbuthipotn Thrisaratvuefrc By part of their speech could be boil- rots at present. As well as cooke JESSIE ALLEN BROWN eddw toesthnivmnus carrots, people are eating ther _____________________fiveminute raw in sticks, like celery; they ar and the rest could be omitted with grating them in salads and i ParlmentSitsn o boss to anyone, except perhaps; sandwiches, and they are puttir If you have neyer been in the the self-esteem of the speaker. them in juice extractors and u: House of ComMons, vou probably mng the juice. Carrot juice is b< think of iA as a place of dignity The Squeaking Wheel ing sold commercially in soin and decorum. To attend a session Sometimes I wonder whether places. Probably, most people re is quite a shock. A member is, it pays to be pleasant and agree- quire more vitamin A than the: speaking but apparently very few able. The people who make the'are getting and one cup of cookei pay attention. Some are reading, most fuss seem to get the most carrots contains slightly ove usually a newspaper. others may attention. There is a saying, 'the 6,000 units of this vitamin aný be writing letters, and many of squeaky wheel gets the mos t this is the amount required in on, them chat with the other memn- grease'. The wife who deniands day. To use more carrots is cer bers. At o ne the most gets the most. The mo- tainly an easy and a cheap wa: time during the ther who considers herseif first of increasing our quantity of vit Bren Gun de Igets the most consideration. Teai .Rwcrosaese bate the mem-on who always looks out for her and nutty and the children liki bers on the side husband and children first is apt them. Perhaps you can persuadi opposite to the 4 to be a door-mat spelling Wel- the older ones to eat them bc speaker w e r e corne. The man in business xvho cause they are good for them making abou insists on having things done his Who knows but they might evei as much noise way usually gets it although make your hair curi! talking a nd there may be several others of1 Dried Apricots I a ug h ing as the saine status who give in ra- Fruit jars are getting empt3 was the speak- ther than raise a fuss. The really iand dried apricots are a happ3 er. Pages are pleasant child is apt to be put way of filling them. There ar darting hither upon by its mates. The one who those who turn up their noses a and yon, carry- threatens to pick up his toys and dried fruits but maybe they d( ing messages, Jessie Allen go home should be let do that not know the apricot. There ar( bringing in pa- Brown very thing. Unfortunately he isn't. two grades and the one callec pers, and carrying endless glasses Sections of the country act in the1 'special' is larger and nicer and i! of water. No matter how bard saine way. If you don't play our; worth the extra few cents in cosi they may be working, listening, way we won't play. And the rest Pick over and separate a pounc or perhaps I should say sitting' of the country gives in. How can of apricots. Cover generous1: seems to be thirsty work. Motherý! we teach our children to be with water and let stand ovei appear to be able to cultivate the pleasant though f irm! night. Add 4 cups of sugar, covei faculty of hearing their chilcren,. The Rubber Scraper- and cook slowly until sof t bui rnembers of Parliament seemn toi Most kitchen gadgets are a con- not broken. A friend enjoyed oui develop the samne ability. They venience because they save time apricots, asked for the recipe an< can occupy themselves in a var- and effort but the rubber scraper then threw up her hands in hor- iety of ways and yet hear what is 'does better than that - it savesrr.'o furcp ofugr being said. They frequently make money. It doesn't take it ion g to Tart. makes thern rich, sweet bui an interjection and yet to ail ap- work its passage. ît serapes out at If you know what I mean pearances they have been paying every last bit of batter, whipped Anyway that is the way we likE no attention. We have not hap-, cream or egg white when cook- them. pened to hear the Prime Minister ing. A mayonnaise bottle can be Apricot Ice Creani speak but so far we have only scraped as dlean as a whistle and 1 cup apricot pulp heard one speaker, the Minister .even the last bit of jam is saved. 1 cup apricot juice ___________________________________________________ juice of a half lemon 1 teaspoon plain gelatine 14 cup cold water 1 cup cream Soak gelatine in cold water anc dissolve in the heated apricot jice. Put pulp through a sieve f or beat with a Dover or electric beater. Add the pulp to the juice, sir in the lemon juice and chîll. C W hip te cledapricti tre n -, sistency of thick custard and folci Poureinto ef rirtr ture.n freeze until f irrn but not stiff. If is wise to at before freezing for sweetness. MOTiIER KNOWS BEST When She Gives Fier Children Gien Rae Milk A sufficient quantity of milk daily is necessary for the maintenance of health and energy particularly in children. Glen Rae MiI.k is milk in its most beneficial form. It's tested for pur- ity, quality and flavor. It 's fresh from the farm - stiil fresh when you get it. These facts niake Glen Rae what it is. . . the finest milk in Bowmanville. - Phone 2665. Glosa Rae Dalry Phone 2665 Bowmanville NEWCASTLE MANY ATTEND COOKING SCHOOL Mes. Henry M. Aitken, whose voice is 50 well known in every home where there is a radio and whose cooking dernonstrations at' the C.N.E. bave drawn thousands eacb year te the Women's Build- ing, was in Newcastle Maecb 24, and conducted a cooking scbool in the United Church S. S. hall. Sh e brougbt a truck load of kit- chen equipment and appliancesr with bier and two lady assistants. one 10 help ho the kitchen and, the other on the platfonm. A largeý number of ladies, present t0 learn aIl tbey could and acquire further1 knowledge of the culinary art listened intently 10 aIl that Mrs. Aitken said and watcbed witb equal intentness ail that she did. Mrs. Aitken represents the Can- ada Starch Company and used thei company's products ho ber dem- onstrations. Among some of the delichous tbings she turned out duning tbe aflernoon were: bran muffins, rolls, buttermilk cake, meat loaf, f ish loaf, potato salad, lernon pie. Everything she made was given away t0 the holders of lucky tickets. Others won prizes of sorne of the Canada Starch Co's products. Probably a couple of dozen ladies shared in these gifts. A special prize of a birth- lkday cake, made previous to the dernonstration, went to Mrs. S. Bragg, the oldest lady present, age 87. Mrs. Aitken deprecated the use of expensive ingredients in bier cooking. It iso't necessary. Sher uses for instance cbeap butter and cheap shortening. Because of bier- vîsit here and the inter-est she aeoused many froni Ibis localityI wîll want 10 visit bier Cooking Sehool at the C.N.E. next faîl, es- pecialiy as she bas rocently been made a Director of the C.N.E. inr charge of women's activities. Mes. Aitken appeared bore under the' auspices of Mrs. Menkley Carks' group of the W. A. Mes. J. H., Jose, president, welcomed the la - dies and the one maIe student. Rev. R. E. Morton, b Ibhe scbhool and introdeîced the instructresa. INSTITUTE MAKES CHANGES TO WARD r Wecst Durbami District \Vonens Institutes, cnniprising branches at ýNestleton, Blackstock. S ol1i na, Hampton, Bownianville, Tyrone,- Oroho, Nowtonville and Kendai,1 have made extensiv-e repaies and alteratioîîs te tbe Institute Warcl in Bowmanx-ille Hospital at a total cosb 0f $60.<00. rThe foliowing articles bave been puecbascd] for use ho Ibis Ward,' making il one of tbe mest up-to- date ho bbe bospital: 1 somnole, 2 Windsor chairs, 1 paie pillows, I pr. white wool blankets, 1 green wool blanket, I table lamp, I cusb- r ion, 6 sbeets, 6 piilow cases, 2 bled- speeads, 2 dresser cevees, 4 smaI! stand cevers, 3 towels, 3 face cloths, i pair curtains, 1 towel bolden; the dresser was also ne- furnisbed. Mes. Johnson Thickson, BO%&- Imanville, President; Mes. O. W. - Rolph, Orono, Sccretary.14 THE CANADIAN STATESM.\N, BOW3,ANVILLE, ONTARIO CONFINED ABED BY Hospital Donations Are Plentifu'l Enniskillen Couple LUMBGO uThirty Years Wed * LU BAGOAbout forty neighbors and fri- O __At 26th iAnnual Birthday Party ed upie r n r.Te o Letter Prom a Man of 90 ___________________ed upie r n r.Te O V' Slemon Friday evening, March IThe Hospital Birthday Party i 24th, on the occasion of their He asks ustoxcs his writing. which was held at the Nurses'!titehwdiganvray PWe do more tian that - we cn- Residence on Thursday, March 23,' West Indies and i Mr. Howard Stevens, acting as 1 gratulate bum on beinig able to was quite well attended, and the: South America ýchairman in the absence of Rev. 0 wVrite at ala i ~,epcai members of the WomnsAx as hc has been suffering f rom rheiu- iliary are grateful to the citizens BY iH. Lacky wo o wanl, d thed inatisni. This is what he says il,0f Bowmanville and vicinity who Miss Elsie Carruthers cmayt re n h rd and groom were escorted to seats Or his letter- visited the Residence and brought which had been placed for them. "Three years ago I was in bed; with themn generous donations IM.Jh lmnte rsne for six weeks with, inflarnmatorv- which help so much in the work Letter No. 2 his mohne withbeautifulbou- rhematsni Sice îla tune~ ~theAuxliay uderake IS. S. New York quet of carnations. Mr. J. A. Wer- ir- been taking Kruschen Saîts, andi The foilowing is a list of those ac14199 rredsmspyvresob- d have not had another attack. l liwho either attended the Birthday Tee s M rchin 14, 1939 v ry ea som h esicy ersesnd oindbe in the coniplaint left me with inflainied Party or sent their donation: MissnThereonsboarethind igvry aîf of tMhe nigb r and afried ýe feet. nidght onrbomrd.oMonday nightCaandAMrs.,M.isHobbsFreadlanverr n anithr et ak lraAln isM .Aln r was the Pirates Dinner and Bah - nicely worded address from Mr. hands were also sonicwhat sti f f. 1 Harry Allin, Miss Margaret Allin, and what a lot of bold, bad men1 and Mrs. Slemon's immediate re- ig9 took Kruschien every niorning bel re Mrs. E. H. Brown, Mrs. H. M. hrwemaeu wi frc ltvs.M .HgiAns itr s- rekfst ad sahcotiueto Bell, Mrs. O. Boe, Mrs. Baird,,tee eemdeuowtffeceltves.grs. HughAnnisesisero Mrs.brJ.kJ.t.BrodnhlMrsonJ.nH.toBaIe-imoustaches and scars, by the bar-'ftegomrada esgef Mre Jo. beasJ.i sr hyhv k aMs Bean, Mrs .H aE- 1 ber! There were some really gor- congratulations froni Dr. and AMrs. le-ie in good shape for three v rd Mrs ousî geous costumes, and practicaîîy C. W. Siemon who regretted they y Excuse this writing, as 1 arn nnî tBrkMssM orad everyone wore a kerchief andwreuaetobpesnthug i W H.BiksMis M Brladsash. The dining room was dec- illness, also cards from others at ve-'ars nid. and use both hands tl' Mrs. P. Corbett, Mrs. P. Cowling. orated with pirate flags and skull a distance who could not be pres- r write.'-J.R.G. Mrs. Chambers, Mrs. S. G. Chart- and cross bones, and the menu ent. Mrs. Annis then presented id The main and stiffncess of rheil- ran, Mrs. C. Cattran, Mrs. Cairns, was in keeping, with a marvelous-i the bride and groom with a purse .e mtîsi ac olen ausd b,' ric rs.CarerMrs.G. . Case ly executed Captain Kidd dessert Of rnoney. Mr. Slernon madea racicl in the musîcles and joints.- Kriîý- Mrs. Crawford, Mrs. W. F. Dale, t iihu ih.Dnigx's'vr prpit1rpy iy chen helps to dissolve and remncxe Mrs. Dingman, Mrs. J. C. Ditî, articularly hilarious. Costumes speeches were made by Mr. M. t- xee. ue aiclni iCiile ax rs.W. . udly, rs.L. . Dp-seem to do things to othcrwisc 'Hobbs. Mr. S. Pethick. Mrs. J. A. t throuph the nlatulral chainnels. Renc pelI, Mrs. G. Davidge, Mrs. M. S. staid people. Werry, Mrs. T. MeGhl. Mrs. E. C. ze, c(ic bealtît ail(]vigour is the resit . Dale, Mrs. Doner, Mrs. J. Davis., Ashto,,,,ter. . p vervhnihý le Mrs. G. A. Edmondstone, Mrs. Tuesday atnoon .,e arrived aht oeisn, fter Foithe r e- Harry Foster. Mrs. Bruce Fergu- Port-au Prince, Haiti, where there jie nsnîg Frte r n. son, Mrs. P. refld Miss B. J. are two and a haîf million blacks jlygo elw, n locm vvea ing aîbrith Grenfied, jlly gfls, coanid a h ne dn alrih Miss F. MI. Galbraith, and only about three thousand rnunitv og.acrnaida h Mrs.H. oopr. rs. . J Huch-whites. The natives speak French. piano by Mrs. R. Gordon. Low-Morton. inson, Mrs. T. S. Holgate, Mrs. E. a hang-over from old days when The rernainder of the evening Y Aver pett wedig tokV. Hoar, Mrs. J. F. Heyland, Mrs. France governed Haiti and the was spent in cards and crokinole, ýy Aver prtty eddng ookN. S. B. James, Mrs. Geo. W.! blacks were slaves. The French and last but not least a veriy yplace Thursday af ternoon, March James, Mrs. S. R. James, Mrs. C. were rich planters who imported dainty and tasty lunch was served ,e 23rd, at the Presbyterian Manse, A. Johnston, Mrs. F. Knox, Mrs.: only the biggest and best blacks by Mrs. H. Stevens and Mrs. Etta t Port Hope, when Muriel Gertrude, F. R. Kerslake, Mrs. LaBelle, as slaves from Africa. This high Page. A beautifully decorated eo daMortn eto rnllwsunibert Miss C. Lathrope, Mrs. George type was their undoing, however, wedding cake had been made for d inmrrig oRsei lxne aon, Mrs. J. A. McClellan, Mrs.1 for with the outbreak of the the occasion. in ariae t Rssll leanerJ. L Morden, Mrs. M. H. Minore, French Revolution in Paris. the: Mr. and Mrs. Slemon were iLow, son of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Mrs.* L. Mitchell, Misses E. and H. blacks rose in rebellion and de- married in Tyrone at the home of Lt Low, Port Hope. Rev. John W. Morris, Mrs. D. R. Morrison, Miss manded their freedom. The rich the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ýFoote officiated.i A. Morton, Mrs. F. F. Morris, Mrs I planters who bad lived in greater J. A. Sanders, thirty years ago by y The bride was charming. in a C. H. Mason, Mrs. F. O. McIlveen,nagicee than their country- Rev. Mr. Spence. They have one rtravelling costume of depinu men in Versailles, were wiped out son John who assists his parents r bluepe drsFephinirn Mrs.T. McLaughîin, Mrs. J. and an illiterate black, who was i in running a general store and coat, anpd eksan Frecgev 2A.W. Plkar, r Pat nson, s.nevertheless a great man, Henri post office in Enniskillen. ir sories with a corsage of roses and Mrs. W. Pascoe, Miss Lulu Rey- !Christophe, became Emperor of Everyone was glad that Mrs. d1lily of the valley. Eiieen Morton nolds, Mrs. C. E. Rehder, Mr.W 1 Haiti. The famous fortress which Slemon's mother, Mrs. Sanders, - i n green ensemble with rust ac- F Rickard, Mr. and Mrs R. R',hle built on a mountain top, who makes bier home with her . cessories, attended bier sister. Her Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stev- against a feared invasion by Na- daughter, was so well and able to 't flowers were forget-me-nots and ens, Mrs. C. W. Slemon, Mrs. poleon's troops, is on the other enjoy the evening. lily of the valley. John L. Lo\'. Samiis, Mrs. E. Southey, Mrs. C.side of the island from Port-aui- brother of the groom, acted as R. Spencer, Mrs. E. Strike, Mrs. Prince and whicb we did not' best man. J. . Sutt Mrs. V. H Storey Mrs therefore see. The north side 0 with a beautiful piano solo, and rThe groorn's present to the E. W. Sisson. Mrs. John Spencer.' the island is the only place where Ju fne ndShil de C halirne bridesmaid was a yellow gold Mrs. W. R. Strike. Mrs. T. Tod, there is any arable soil, where the tofn oa ut stercn signet ring, and to the best mari Mrs. W. Tennant, Mrs. A. R. Vir-' French planters lived in the oldi tribution to a splendid prograrn. a Ronson cigarette lighter. gin, Mrs. Wylie. Mrs. Wrenn. days. r igs Suiean amp condued an Immediately following the cere- Miss Florence2 Werry. Mrs. James Boats filled with chocolate, sheng-sng and fw gamte s nd mony the young couple were en- Werry, Mrs. Wheeler, Mrs. G. brown and black boys came out1 ing of Taps. tertained at the home osf the: Weekes, Mrs. G. L. Wagar. to meet the ship and dive for Next week's meeting xvas an- hgroom's parents, after which theV Teewr lo oain rn money. They neyer miss, and nounced as being open to the lt left by motor for Montreal andi The Evlyn Shop. Carter's Bakeny. they stow it in their mouths when community and will take the eOttawa. On their return they xýViii and a friend of the Hospital. The they retrieve it. Port-au-Prince is form of a special Passion Week- creside in Port Hope. branches of the West Durham a. city full of many strange (to us) srie l, Prior to ber marriage the bride Women's Instittite supplied the sights and smells. From young -__service._____ was made the recipient of many, Institute Room wxith linens and sters up, they all carry enonmous, beautiful gifts, showers being other articles. loads on their heads nonchalantly. . A man looking at neckties toss- 1held at the home of Miss Dorot1hv We saw a great number of the ed a few aside contemptuously. Wakely, Port Hope, and Mrs. little burros (a kind of donkey> After he'd made bis purchase he Harry May, near Bethesda, where plodding along loaded to the gun- noticed the clerk put those hie had the bide esidd prir 10movlg NOR AL SHOOL wales, and often a wornan riding;so positively rejected in aspr to ewtnvlle .besides. Everybody begs. fro)m aeb9x. "Wbat becomes of thos? STU DENTS STUDY two year olds with a devastating hie inquired. I HEALTH DIETS, grin and outstretched hand, to the "We sell theni to the oe "It is a triumph for democracy __ very old.r who corne in here to buy ties for that tbe bon. member for Daven- eto h eua rv i h e. port (John R. MacNicol. AM.PJ loi \fl*s.. Thlli-sFreecînan, latiiter aWeytook thde rguarrivund , heaen. of Nr iand \r. H. G. Freeni eygo og a)rudad_______________ andeement.l' Agne se acpbin,, Mat le ,n '.%eanti a er-du-ite r ound, up the mounitain to Ken-; agrement"-Ages . Maphai, -scoif, an American and English M.P. Iloinan',tlle 1lhigb Schbotl, i.. nona 'settlement. Part of tbe road is; ________________________ istifdent atltctrbonit Normal Scbn<il. under construction and there are BLUE BIRD BEAUTY \\* atîrreciax1 Theiia's tbiouigbtiti- . bairpin bends. but we had an ex- P R O ntNiii-Citii s the llliing vcrx trernely good driver. The bouses P R O I Iiittirstiiiearticle oit ail iiitiquie ex- of the foreigners are quite elab- Irtn(iîctv bave been cnniducting orate and lovely, and everywhere Easter p ca "btoiEnt toiti- e-ti. is beautiful bougainvillea. In Pet-S eca T ricehe, ionville, a village part way uip $5.00 PERMANENTS \at tr cat lo u lilcaîtliv lias vury where there are a number of Il cf fcci bee ),t irrîrdvu 1,, bh-,Amercans, there are asolordly o 025 This extiriniviit. thc lin-t (4itis kiil The scenery îs of the most rug- e> t', br li ttrntîted in a Normal Selinil.I ged. rocky kind ancd one wonders, MRS. F. J. COLE -1 > -cr ted ii('11 ticalslx ut ow on eartb the inhabitants liveOtaoS. sttilit. ijdu tu gidan..r ttira all. We stopped at an open, nai t liiatî iiistriictiir,\fr. U'. Il. -rer, market where there were all Phone 339 Bownmanville NIA.kinds of vegetables. funny-looking 011F(ruav th 12ýgiiiui1)gýbread, and meat that crawled. OitFelrîanv(ui. 2 giin.î The xvbole tbing was a picture of ind 24 Miltct rat. anrix cil tithe most abject povertv. The cbild-1 chliifn îsta\ oi livýç .vekren. sorne of them verv pretty, ROUND TRIP ,.-~Thein dieu. uvere fixed lui nelihanîl run along beside the car and ofler ) iii -îad >rictlv ,rb.cnvedi b)lie. tîidîît one (or I should say press upon~L7~R I A t A~ ',vhiî atteiîded 10to eir iecding. one) everything from fiowers 10 IIA L B R A N The fiinea pigs wene ptit jIno.. gourds. We went tbrougb covened March 31 - April 1 - 2 cages, six ini cach. Oîne grnîîiî vas markets in the city also, such l baked skiîn ilk ipo\den, lbnan, sights, and oh sucb srnells! OneAN LE noiied nats, butter, table sait andticîrd practically bas to fight off the 1O M N IL r liuve-r-il. l'le nther gnoli.n was, itd people who want a penny or five CHIOAIGO ---$13.10 the sanie with the addiio of orange1 cents, or who want to seli you al DTOT ---$67 juice on vitaniin C. By daiiv wecigh- I kinds of things for which you wiîî DTOI $67 ings il uvas recondecl that those ne- bave no use when you get borne. WINDSOR - - - $ 6.70 W ceiviný torange juice zained i vih We are holding out until we reach Simular Iow fares from nearby but tîtose witliout 'itatnii C Io st inamaica to-morrow, March 15, points. weight. It was aiso s-env toticealîle where there are really beautiful that thîse onuthe deficicncy diet wvere Itbings to buy. on -Fistrn4.1pm Due to an overstock of hats, ner'.our, and irritable whiic theise gel- foaineweaeod oday, 1Frensay March 31. we are clearing them ail tîlg a pronnîte diet wiŽne vcrv liveic f Au revoir, 1 Return - Last train froni Detroit aîî atie.. i Elsie Carruthers. 3.05 a.m. - and froin Chicago out for The rats wvcne divided i ito lotri' _____________ 11.59 April 4. 1cages, six i cadi. fil (r icîge theilC1T P W fla ~rats wenc fleda , lnei t.: Aà ETN MB RPOLTAN EVC ROYAL THEATRE BOWMANVI LLE Wednes. - Thursday Friday - Saturday MAR. 29-30-31-APRIL 1 '~TEGHTRESr MUSICAL SINCE THE THRILLS 0F "1ZIEGFELD"I doe. - En ur oda lvvatea( vcqivitamtijit. ilanti C andtîl îî in ilite LD T D-IE O L iTulis < rnin w wclt-t. i Uts a Overcoats - Dresses I ýSeit ii -.. i w t- k l e-îî iv iliitýe e tcl in ht- rleklîojixvh-dre gailicil inii lti tii75e EACH It. 1cit-iti fie r)ieit n-ît ' îîîîîeî lire e t&PL Shvp- convi itinlit och liet il tait iif t lie-v liai] cr J0 Mrs. Clifford Caverly nead it f nrîn iibks. Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co. Ltd. Phone 594 A grudge is sornetbing we carry out of the past t0 belp spoil the Phone - Bowmanville 419 future. ________________________________ i t I HOT CROSS BUNS Buy Them from the Girl Guides THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL Orange FilIed Layer Cake Each .......................30 See our windows for the finest Easter goods we have ever carrned - chocolates, eggs, rabbits. - Every- thing to make Easter a success. THE CARTER FAMILY Bakers For Two Generations PHONE 855 BOWMANVILLE Matinee Wednesday 2.30 p.m. Saturday 2.30 p.m. Mon. - Tues. - Wed. APRIL 3 - 4 - 5 - Also Playing Nhile New York Sleeps Matinee Monday 4 p.m. Wednesday 2.30 p.m. Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. APRIL 6 - 7 - 8 Darryl F. Zanuk' irasSE ON -ricoNicolloR IERYFONDAà 1 A14ey KELLY RANDOLPN SCOT' a I ecest 01 many Kn Mdatinee Good Friday and Saturday at 2.30 p.m. THURSDAY, NIARCH 30TH, 19,39

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