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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Apr 1939, p. 9

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T. --- r. THURSDAY, APRIL 6TH-, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Ti.ORONO N BWS News of Clarke Township I Browns Brows's Home and Scbool. Club beld a card party in bbc school room on Thursday evening. On account of the bad weather there were sot as many i attendance as usual. Pnizes for five bundned wene won by Mrs. John Hendry, Lake Shore, Mr. Fred Couch and Mr'. Bob Hendry; and fan crokin- oie by Miss Wylma Farrow, Mn. Ray -Brown .and Miss E. Simpson.i Mr'. and Mrs. J. Paedes, Wesley- ville, Thursday evening at a pro- gresve crok'nole pas'ty. Ms. RonaldBurley iToronto. Mrs. Haigb bas returned fronà an extended visit with ber son Allan, at Bracebrldge. Mrs. Normian Samis. and Mrs. Ails are witb Mn. and Mns. Reg. Woadham, Toronto. Crooked Creekr- k TAKE THE "LEAD" FEELING OUI 0F YOUR LEGS Ge More Ozge In la T lood aid Geltii" - tq tha Y eu Tn ommiigUp the Stà P o ah mother te death die because zyMs bbes complotoly -ut'Dl, froi thi.Jut Mssu-ly.auare1l17y rnzfyorblood iakarai orpugoles. g. rpuaclea are Four o=ygn.arriers. "ho= c trythe aymes tlu rathe iii ta Iv lrl pat0. ou 0.te lh stn k il- ut. t flabbr.týespipy our re WbtFOD edI Dr. Williama Pink PuIs. lhee wrld-tlanousI pllebelp Cae more 'id bitter rai =opuaes and thus incresa. thieYefylCrF hipower ofUyrblood. (lut Dr. W Il saPne Ps.. ayaet your druga"'t. Se for irseif how luicklY ths tm-prove lood.bulle Il he p give Fou ~ak Four pi . .0 . T . î-.Wford 0... Lii. Park St. Church Sixteen new members were ne- ceiver] into thc congregabion af Park St. Cburcb Sunday marnig - James Powcrs by transfer !rom Kirby, unr] thc following: Bob Coatham, Carl Flintoif, Bob Coop- er, Jim Patterson, Carmai Cor- nisb, Donald Stapies, Glen Tam- blyn, Marlo Haicock, Gien Han- cock, Ronald Patterson, Margaret Roy, Manley Litbiewood, Clifford Joncs, Roy Berry anr] Thomas Hobbs. A booklet was presenter] ta eacb by Mn. E. R. Rainey ulter cacb bar] taken thc customary vows. Cammunion was admlnisb- crer] at thç close af the service. Splendid sermons were gives ut both services. Besides thc unth- em, Ms'.unr] Mrs. Rowland] Smith favaner] with a duet "Tue Old Ruggcd Crass" at bbc evcning ser- vice. Miss Launa Allun presider] ut the angan hi bbc absence o! Mrs. O. W. Susdercock. SCOUT NEWS On Tbursday evenung 29 wcre pre- sent at the regular Scout meeting, f ive beungz away sick with f lu. Mn. Saunders continuer] instruction in,. First Aid, and eigbt boys arc now neady ta try tbc test. To-nigbt bbc group commibtee and their wives and parents af bbc cigbt boys ta be rcceived as Scouts, bbc Bowmanville Scout Master and eigbt Scouts from there will be bbc guesbs of bbc Orono traop ai bhc Investiture wben bbc boys will wcar their new uniforms un part. Wyms. Wlmon arJ row n, The delayer] flu epidemic has Wy.lnda FrrowCMas. AJ. row n finally reached aur community. Ms.dMr. s.ceBChna Aldedande Mn.Thomas Turner, beachen at MrlarchiNwsteongepeheMcLean's, bas becs borne for two playby ewcatleyoun pepieweeks witb it. Miss Lais Turner entitied "Glack Gold", Friday ev- bas also becs confined ta bcd wibb ening. Gaa adMin, the flu. Mn. Wiibun Ogdeni i- Mrs. . Tnarham ad Mr.e and disposer] wibh the flu and requîred Mrs. the attention of a docton. Miss Miss Bessie Law, nurse in trai- Dfro yOawat l waitomer ing, and friend, of Oshawa, spent fat h awen.epwito e Monday wibh Mr. and Mrs. Ge. a. We wioc aarnegb Law. ewloet u egbr Mr'. Richard Rolcy bas becs bood Mr'. and Mrs. Clarke and quite iII witb the flu. famiily of Welcomc. Thcy are tak- Don't forget the Home and jng up resi]e<ce on tbc labe H. Scboallb. Tedyecrg Miss Katie Budicky ict for To- Aprl ih.ronto wbere sbe bas acceptcd a« position. LakeShor,. Cark Mn. W. Stninger has becs dis- Lak Sh re lare posing af some fine elm logs. ______These 10gs are bbc largest ta b Mr. rnet Mrtin so ofMr.hauled i this district for some JmsE Martin, on o Mn. isycars. Jamdesartitayh-se, andbisAmong those attending tbc Rbreartithbi. nce M.Newtonvile L.O.L. A oeFl Roet ati.Tbey' will reside day evening were, ArdHoeand at Subury.Mns. T. A. Reid, Mn. and Mns. Mrs. William Jaynes bas re-- Jack'-Reid, Mn. Lloyd Clysdale, turner] ta Tweed. Mn. Clintori and Carl Farrow. Scbool was dloser] three days Miss Alouise Jackson, Dundas, last wcek on account af the illness visited witb Mn. aid Mrs. S. B.à of the teacher, Miss Rowland. Rutherford. Because. af the bar] roads and Mn. George White visiter] bis s0 much illness aur Sunday School sas Wilfrid, in Toronto. did sot re-opes tbc first Sunday Mrs. J. Clysdale visited ber fa- i April but will be heir] ncxt ther in Part Hope who has becs Sunday, Apnil 9th. very ill. dj Mr'. C.* J. Mitchell is busy re- Inspector Col. E. E. Ssider mad novatmng the bouse on the Cotton bis sprmng inspection of the. school farni, Pont Granby, wbicb be pur- here last week. cbased. ____E____ Recent Visitons: DIN AND DISTANT Mr'. John Mitchell visited fri- H PE IG ends iToronto. H P E IG Miss Annabelle Hendry, Ponty-E p ool, wlbh Mr'. and Mns. John Froux The Orono News of E Hendry. April 2, 19141 Mr. Alfred Brown, Part Gran-E by, witb Miss Betty Lake. Mn. Meredith Lintan, Toronto, Ws. Milton Brown in Toronto. was i twn Sunday. Mr. Bey. Jayses os a business Mn. M. L. Travelle is pncparing9 trip ta Uice City. tai build an addition ta bis resi- Mrs. Gardon Martin - witb bier dence. father at Oraso. Capt. Eber, tic sew owner of tbc Kelly farm, does sot take pas- sesssozi until tbela. - -- Né to vileMiss Winifred Wllliamson i Newtonville home from Normal scbool, Ta-c ronto. - George Gibbs is improving al- Mn. Oscar Rolph was bornec 'thougb stili in a citical conditios. Sunday accompanier] by bis cou- An unusually large cnowd ut- sin, Mrs. Tawnley, Fenelon Falls. tezided Mn. Cecil Jases' sale. Orono -resembles just flow anc- Friday cvcning thc members of ient Venice, wiUi its pond on main Ncwtonvillc Orange Lodgc bceld street. The police trustees may -bleir unnuai "At Home" whcs pub on gondolas as a mcans of tbey entertainer] their wivcs and appnoacb ta Grocer Williamsas's fassilies. Owing ta bad roads and and The News office. illness thc attendance was small- Mn. Frank Hall, who soir] biss en thas usual but evcryone was new bouse ta Mn. H. W. Renwick,b sociable and a pleasant evcning bas now bougbt the quarter acre0 enIoyed. The first part o! bbc ev- lot north o! bis fatbcr's residence i ening was spent at progressive and intends building a new bouseF euchre followcd by dancing. A OIt it this summer.V lavely lunch was serve. Miss Vida Taurjce spent Sun-y Wcdncsduy evcning,UMacb 29, day with ber sister in Toronto. c tic W. A. of United Çburcb met1 Miss Greta Pope, 'Éoronto, is t at the home of Mrs. John Jackson. visitisg ber uscle, Mn. Ed. Punder. m Mrs. Cecil Burley is tbc new pres- Mn. Herb Hennings, Toronto, is !dent. Tuene was no program. It with fricsds bere. was decided ta have a May 24th Miss Ethel Hoaper, wbo visibed supper and the wbole evening was ber sister, Mrs. Awde, bas rctunn- spent arrangisg for it. Lunch was cd home. server]. -Mns. Win. Cooper bas reburnedV Tue Pcswandcn farmn just va- from Perrytown, lber daughters, cated by Mn. Avery is bcing work- Mns. Dunbar and Mrs. Caldwell -ed by Mr. Frank Ovens this year. accampanying ber.V Visiors:Miss M. E. Hall accompanied Visitrs:ber guesb, Miss Gilman, home ta Mr'. D. Denaulb, Misses Mary Toronto, and visiter] ber sisten,B Denault, Margaret Denaulb and Mnfs. Moat. Betty Stapleton, in Toronto. Mr. Robb. Watson bas returned Mn. Chas. Bcbce, Orono, with ta New York. Bob bas fuil charge I Mr'. and Mrs. C. Walkey, Tucsday, o! anc o! bbc brancb stores o! and attender] Mn. Cecil Joncs' sale. Webber Bras. wholesale and ne-A Ms'. John Mitchell is in To- bail meut establishment in that ronto. City. Mn. and Mns. C. Walkey wibhE m Take dean aid Bill. now thcre's a chap. The moncy fails ight in bis Iap. He gzets bhc cash bath going, coming, That's wby bc's fat and always humming. Then tberc's others, farmer feliows, Who blusten, baller, splutcr, bellow. If some Poor cuss, who's broke by gorry, Gct's on tbc noar], and bas voter] Tory. Came up unr] sec us aIl, some lime, Wc neyer drink augbt cisc but lime, But you'Il be weîcomc ta lots of thal, 'Twill keep vour boaps f nom getng slack. My time is Up ,there goes tbc phone, It means I must nsot stay at home, But, on bbheroar] must spcnd the day. I'm glar] I'm a Gril, Hoonay 1 Haaray 1 Publisbing an up-to-date atlas is as tricky as getting out a Holly- wood fan magazine wlihal the stars marrner]ta the rigbt people. -Winnipeg Tribune. Aduitional Orono news wiil b. four n oasotiser page. SOCIAL Aý PRO: Mr. and Mrs. F. Duncan expec ta leave today for the east ta vis] Mr. and Mrs. Ransberry (Alice). Rev. and Mrs. S. Littlewood aný Misses Myrtie Smith and Elsi Rowe taak in the banquet at Col umbus Saturday afternnon ani evening. Ail the Oraonaites wer, enjoymng themiselves, and spiendig reports are hoped for from ti delegates, Misses Margaret Mill son and Myrtie Tamblyn. Mis Betty Rowe and Rev. Littlewoat have been elected ta the Presby tery executive. Mrs. Sanderson is impraving. Mr. Jim Gilfillan visited hi parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gi] f illan. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Glanvild and son have maved ta the farr farmerly occupied by Mr. Wim Neale. A number attended the banc concert at Bowmanville Sunda; night, some helping ini the pro. gram. A Gaod Friday service wifl b( held at il o'clock in Park Streel Church. i A radia braadcast of the Eastei story by Masefield will be giver Friday evening. Miilbraok Badminton Club wer( guests of Orano Club Monda3 night. Park St. Church FridayNight End, FRIENDS PRESENT PURSE 0F MONEY TO AVERY FAMULY On Wcdnesday evenig, Mardi 29, neigbbons and friends of Mn. and Mrs. Hilton Avery gathcred in Ncwtonvilic Conininty Hall ta bid tbemn adieu and wish themn weii hi their scw home. Mr. Wm. Laing acted as chairman for tis pragram: Viaihi solos, Ronald Buriey; vialin and guitar duets, Edgar Milisos and Harry Burlcy, John Scott and Harry Burlcy-vo- cal Solo, Wanda McKay; vocal duet, Marian Bruce and Laurna Pearce. Ail numbens were cnjoy- cd and werc cncared. Miss Mar- garet Denauit was a capable ac- compans. Mn. and' Mns. Avery and two cbiidrcs were invited ta bbc front and Mrs. Jus. Stark rend a sicely wôndcd addicss 'whicb expressed appreciation of their many kind- sesses and spoke a! their splendid qualities as scighbors anr] beipens even Uiough #~ meant sacrifice at home. Mamian Bruce presented bbem wibh a purse of maney. Mr. Avery tbankcd ail for their gllt and invibed thcm ta their new home at R. R. 6, Cobourg. Mrs. Avery also expresser] thanks. Al sang "For they arc joily goor] feliows." A deiigbbful lunch was server] and bbe remainder o! thc evesing spent in dancing ta Charliè Cow- un's Orchestra. Tue committee wbo arranger] for this successful evcsing includer] Ruymond Bruce, Ceci Robinson, Bill Reid. TRENTON COUPLE WED 35 YEARS Mrn. un]&Mo~. Lewis Parnellot Trenton, formerly o! Newcastle, cdlebrated their 35th wcdding an- nivensary-Marcb 31st, authbbchorne o! their son, Ms'. Charles Parnell, 366 Front St., Trenton, whcn Mrs. Parnell Jr. enterbainer] severul o! their friends and ncigbbouns at dinner and a vcry enjoyabie time was spent. Mr. Parnell bas becs employer] by bbc C.P.R. for many ycars. He was foneman on Newcastle section for bcn/ycars, and in 1931 he accepter] a position as foremus on bbc Trenton section whcre be is stili employer]. Mn. and Mns. Purncll have bath been blesser] witb bbc best o! beaith ail these ycans, and their many Durham County fricnds jain in wishing lbem many mare years o! happy weddcd 111e. Heos' To Hlghway No. 35 Well. goor]ncss me anr] sakes alive I lave aIr] Higbway 35. When f unds are low and kiisd of short. I neyer rave and rnt aid sisrt, But sit content in my wee hive, Kxsowing tbcy'll wanl me an 35. It's brear] and meat aisd aIl besides, If you gzet a job an 35. Ai mais may be a bore, a bum, But he's welcame on 35 by gum. He docsn'î neer] ta fume or fret, Juil tell the Chairman be voler] Grit. Who is bbc Chairman? Well may you ask. Wby he's bbc chap that gzives .the tasks, -He neyer smiles an cracks a joke. In f act 1 be is a touchy bloke. rben bhere's bbc resî of the cammittce, They'vc gzaîll naugh ta rnsa cily. THE TOURNAMENT 0F ROSES AT iD PESONALPASADENA, CALIF. RE 4orl6Article No. 2 et Mr, Sandy Watson has been By C. E. Brown, Maple Creek, it working at Mr. W. H. Rawe ,S. Sask., Native of Hampton Ms'.A. J Tablynand iss Fifty years ago, same of the ne- d MrlAe J Tamblyn nad a tp sidents of Pasadena, as it was then, e thraugh the east and narth States. conceived the idea of making use of ýi_ their mild climate even in the deptb id A number f rom here attended the of winter ta form a parade and use re convention of Oshawa Presbytery of rases chiefly ta decorate bath borses id Younkg People at Columbus, Satur- and canniages. It was not widely e day and Sunday. known through the town s0 the 1- The sflow faîl Tbursday seemed greater number of the people were 98 like a Premature "April Fool"? joke. cailed ta the streets by the blaring id A citizen was heard ta resnark, 0of.trumpets and the general noise of y- 5~f if spring is around the cor- vaîces and hanses' f eet. From this nei. I'd like ta know what corner." smaîl beRinning, the fete grew in size Mr. nd rs. . Prter Coesand famne through the years that fol- Mr. nd Ms. . Poter Cans- owed. Special effort was made this ,S togo, are expected today for a vistjuieyaramkeit woth*ol with Mr. and Mrs. W. Davey. haîf c ean to r y of accumuofain Teachers and pupils of O.C.S. are triumphs. e now enjoyîng thei t r vaton Basically. the idea of old-time a. wbiîcb îhev will spend aIthemoie r var-roinnti l ous homes. Oronoites teaching in meîrorîs wa.someadepiet in other places are also home for their made ta Shw ate rattempt sedi dholidays, or more correctly stated, a the eryeshw the caostumsdoi Y breathinz spell before the bectic fin- toe ay veas wand tOe cst uef ais, bats and voluminous dresses on the Tony Mcllveen is back on cluty ladies and side-bars and mutton-cbop ýe at the Canadian Bank of Cmec whiskers on the men. These features Safter substituting at Minden. marked the beginning of the parade. T Miss Flora Cobbledick is expected Then, toa. in the flbats we had n oe today f rom Toronto. "The Old Swimming Hale", "The Miss Mary Tamblyn bas redecor- Old Log Scbool," "Pioneer Days," eated her beauty parloun. etc. y Mr. C. Froste is making imprave- The parade was annaunced as ments to his store. extending f ive miles, but I doubt that it was stretched out quite that fan. It was in five divisions that Illg were similar in formation and size. Social Evening h diviyionrhai and aisa n Eoadviin a marsb ieal an Daeited on ve.ybandiome hanses 8s axves fli eries and with icb saddlesad rces These naturaliy came f nom the ranch- înLy areas of the early days witb -Mn. C. J. Hughson stand up ta ne- their own particulan history and tceive bbe applause of the crowd. tastes. Most of the hanses were of ýr The pflav opens with Matt Brooks the type we used ta sce years ago trying ta make up a gove-rnmenk in circuses - Arajians. Quite 'a il report and bcing inbernupted by bis number were of a distinctive breed, sisten Polly, wbo keeps bouse for Palamino, that must belang ta this d him. bis two daugbters wbo are ex- negion; they were cream in colon )pectinz their fricnds, and finally by wibh ligbter-coloned manes and tails. hthe friends tbemselves, nat ta uxen- of black, white. sanrel, palmino, in * i anotber visitor. eacb division. i ft is Ruth's birtbday and ber aunt Tbe iparade took mare than two Polly bas invited Rutb's f riend (ai- bouns to pass a given point but there E tbough the twa loyers have bad a wcrc long' spaces bcbween divisions etiff) Frank Crawford. and also Lu- 50 that crowding wauld be avoided. ,cille's f iend, a sby Romea, Tubby Tben whcn the flbats did appear. ,)ne SBàscom, wbo is urged inta dîcting bad too little time ta neally take in and inta asking for Luciîle's band. their plan, meaning and beauty. It aA Mn. Radgens is also asked. The was made up of eigbteen bands. the -father daes nal want the girls to a rahals and aides spoken af. and -marny their sjiors and urges Rthitbsxty-four flbats. At tbe bead as ta gzet intenested in the son of bis zrand marahal was Shirley Temple ald. friend, Mn. Rodgers. Rutb agrees on a huge bbrone of gardennas sur- becéause sbe bas bad a tiff with roonded by a platform of roses. The F'g*. $Both suitors ask Dad for on- nounded bv a platfarm of rases. The -sent ta marry the girls, but are ne- roses were mast abundant ini Ibis 0f used. A travellingz salesman cames flbat. Shirley was clothed in white )aloniz and is finally asked ta be Mn. and bad the advanta£re af looking SRadgens fon tbe evening, a pbane quite comfarbable. Trutb ta tell, it cal avingr been neceived saying tbe was the chilliest day we bad spent real anc is in jail. Only a few know in Califonnia and Shirley had a fIill the secret, not including Ruth, and coat ta bier chin and a muf f as well the pseudo-millionaire disgusts Ruth as a sheaf af red roses in ber ams.1 rand bier Dad so much tbc planined Before eacb band marched a f Iag; math is nipped in the bud. The twa carrier, and generally three or mare1 couples, Tubby and Lucille and Ruth drum majors. Most of these were( and Frank nun off ta get married, girls and they carried and swung1 the bonsof tbe car tooting merriîy and calling attention ta the f act aften it is tao late ta catch them. As the father is bemoaning tbe fact, the slow. sîeepy maid comes in and im- *mediately falîs inta tbe arms of lier lover. Oscar Crump, the pacudo- mîllionaire. Wben the news is spilled ta tbem and tbe fatber is infonmed ~:r~ that Cruma bas been offered $10 ta pose as Rodgcrs il neminds the suit sabesman tbat be didn't get the $10. Immediately Pansy and Oscar chase after the couples ta get it, wbîîe the father coîlapses. Lewis Wood took tbe part of Matt Brooks, the farmer, whose bark i worse than bis bite and wbo is easily '. . mianager] by Polly Brooks, (whose noie was ably taken by Mrs. Neil Rainey) wko sticks up for bis two - daughtens - Ruth (Mns. Ralpb Tliompson) and Lucilie (Enid Cob- bliedick) and is anxiaus ta have them Fran Crawford (Jim Pawers) and Tuibby Bascam (Clffond Jones), the- former a nice loaking but nat toa ieav modern yaung man, and the lat- ten a sbv and bash fui Romea wbo dares lions more casily than Lucilie's fathen. She samebow manages ta get along wibb the services of the, slow and nather cxaspcrting maid Pînsv Scnoggs (Mrs. Harold Dean) but we feel that when Pansy marries lier suitor. Oscar Cnump (Mervvnii Kt-ane) a Ioud and familiar-acting breezy salesman, thal PaIiy will be ifý ta bave a new maid. The acting of ail tbe charactens !g was superb and tbe play most en- joyable. Folîowing the play and tbe Lie -eo"ýiii m ROT NICHOLS' Courtice Bowmanvllle su e it b e e] _I_-M l_____ A____Mi______l___il l T - - The last social evening of the ser- ies in connection with Park St. Church was held Friday night under the leadership of Mrs. M. J. Tamn- blyn and Mrs. M. H. Staples,-anc was a most enjoyable event. Programn opened with two splendid choruses by members of the group, who wore regalias of white with green leaves on them, the second be- ing the well-known "Alouette" lec by Mrs. A. A. Drummond. Mrs. Staples Rave a few words ai welcome. after which C. F. Awde was called on ta act as chairman, and surprised the Rathering with his ability along this lune. This program was presented: piano duet. Enid Cobblediclç and Jim Pow- ers: vialin solo, Jim Patterson; re- citation, Mont Richardson; piano solo. Donald Staples; Piano accordian solo, Doris Whyte; reading, Mar- garet Flintof f "A Higher Educa- tion"; vocal duet, Mrs. A. A. Drum- mond and Mr. M. H. StapLes; piano solo, Glen Tamblyn; vocal solo, "Your Dad Gave His Life foa His Caunitry," Mn. 0. A. Gamsby; cornei solo, "The Rosary," Carlas Tamn- blyn; violin solo, Mn. A. A. Drum- mond. who nesponded to an encore; a most enloyable play "Rooting for Ruth." and a chorus by the group who WOre fancy caps. Mr. Gamnsby gqve a humorous speech. sayiniz he was glad Sa miany people were out ta wçlcopie hlm and congratulated the members on the pragress the church is making. ai- thouRh lhe said, he certainly missed his own church (the Preshyterian). Iù. Awde asked him if that church ai onc time vaid dividends, and Mr. Garnsby said that Charles should have belonged as it paid bigger div- idends than the cemetery. He then went on ta say he'd like more comn- fortable seats and iirged the people ta at least Pay the iireacher. Mrs. Tamblyn thanked aIl for their attendance. and had the two oldest members. Mrs. J. Powers, Sr., and Don'tBeMisaen AboutConsipation! A great mzxYeapl..when thej cine cioset, tae a purgative, and try ta forgt--untUi atiment raturas. And generally it comea back -mare and more ates- until y~ou lied the caume If iemont peaple, yau est bread, meat, potatoe-the osuas of your alment la pro)4ably laole o) #bulk.e" And '"bulk" doea not mess quantity of food. but thie letud of food that in uncomplet.Iy "saimflated and leavea a 10ft muInse iithe bawelà that halpe the bowel movement. If that la the reseon for your aliment, eat a ¶oad for ofrek- "but]%", and containa Vitausus Ei. the saturaIi ntestinal taste. Bst nome Ail-Bran every day, drink lots of water, and become "rogular." Made.ii Landau, Canada, by Kellogg. At &U1 gro- Cars 1 PAGE NINE thein truncheons often in a mqsterIy bide and a very elastic and wobbiy manner. Tbeir costumes affered no bail. bindrance ta action and tbey stepped Treasure Island was drawn by four ouI in what I would bave called buLe sea-horses and sbowed John back in Ontario truc Hackney style. Si.lver witb bis wooden leg, clothed (I believe the trainers drilled their witb flowers beside an enormous borses on long leashes in peastraw za cbest. The whole front of tbe float lead tbem ta tbnow their kisees high was cavered wîtb large pieces of on the trot). The drum majors had eight flawing ouI of the chest ta- a Lgoo Part for a cbilly day, but ff wand the margin, of course, tbese tbcy kepî up that style of action fon were made witb yeîlow mums. f ive miles, I fean bbey ipust bave Old Fishing Memonies were repre- been exbausted before tbc end of sented by means of the bark of a the journey. The second band va huLge redwood. The ends were f illed the l6th Scottisb f r-m Toronto but in with buff-coîored bîossoms, and, most of the othe.5 were f nom col- an the log there were sixty large leges and higb scbaols. Tbe Pasadena azaleas in full bloom. Above was a High Scbool, 150 stnanig, led. flowen f ish twenty feet long and Along Colorado B'vd, the main caugbî by a real boy in suitable business street of Pasadena, wbene fis b ut sle pulled on bis rod, tbc parade passcd, there are severai the moutb of the f isb was made ta vacant spaces. Extensive stands lîad open and shut. been built on these and funnisbed Tbese lcnd theinselves most readily witb folding chairs. The privileue (,f ta descriptions such as I am tnying using these cost fram $1.50 to $3.00, ta niake. according ta location. Nccdless ta I tbauLrht: the crawning piece of say, thbchcairs were ail occupied. fine wark was a nepresentation of Scats had been placcd in store win- the noted picture, "The Last Sup- dows and I saw a few people carry- per," by De Vinci. It was twenty- ing step-laddcns which tbcy could four feet long and more than twclve use veny wclI aI bbc back af the feet higb, making the figures more cnowd. A boy was tnying ta seli a than life-size; it was beîr] un a gold- periscope wbichbcb had made. en brawn f rame. Mare tban twenty Many flowcns other than rases kinds of flowers were used in mak- were uscd ta caver bbc platforms ing the faces and figures and tbey and figures on the floats. I think wene distinctive and recogiizable. The cbysanthcmums were used ta the pictune stood on a white drape that Lyreatest extent, but many others bore a cross made of roses. The back were ta bie seen such as we have in oI bbc picture was also covered with summer in nonbbenchimes. Their f lowers. Profusion i5 astounding. Those wbo Now a few words as ta tbe mech- do the decorabing must work day and anial end of Ibis af fair. As the f boats nigbt up ta bbc zero bour of stant- moved alang, no wheeis were ta be ing. I sec bbecost of indîvidual floats seen and no guiding hands were in i estimated at f nom $800 ta $2000. evidence exccpt in a few cases. Tbey lb woubd be interesbing ta knaw ju'î wcre mounbcd on truck f rames but how the flowers arc Iastcned ini bow were they rni? On anc f bat place; same of tbem are in pots on bbc hcad of tbc driver appeared with- in soil wbcn bbc surface i5 levcl out a cavering of f bowers and it cnough ta allaw this; only bbc hlos- dîd not fit mb bbch picture aI ail. somns can bc user] on vertical and Genenaîly thene was nothingy but tbc siopino, areas. When you knaw that scene pictured befare tbc observer, some af tbc exhibits werc fifby ta yet tbey mover] scdately along. sixby f cet long and tbirty feet wide, An item in bbc morning paper you will nealize tbc quantities of explained that the trucks were run f lowcns require]. Prizes and awards in reverse and that it to6k mucis de- are given in several classes. vation on bbc part af tbc driver ta The sweepstakes pnize was won by stick ta bis job. Long hases were Burbank with a bally-ha coach andi attached ta bbc exbaust 50 that tbe four borses on a wbite roar]. The driver would not be smobbened; gen- coach and wheebs were real ini form erally there were two ta guard and size, ail covcred with pink and aLrainst any misfortune that might red f lowcrs. The hanses wcrc made come to anc alaise. A beavy white in becoming form and ail iin wbif c line or lînes dawn tbc centre of the cbrysanthcmums wibh bouches of street would serve as a guide on the yelbow in manes and tails. Real people stnaight-way, but bow about turning in aId-lime costumes occupied the the corners? seats. The reins and barness were At the end, tbc exhibits wore -alI covered wilh fiowcns of danktn unloaler in an empty sport ground colon. lb won much applause. whcne tbcy wcre open ta examinatias Another exhîbit sbowed the Taj bcbind substantial barniers. We mian- Mahal with its white towers and azer] ta reacb this park, but could arcbed domes. Shah jean, fon wbom scarcely get close cnaugb ta, sec just it was constructed, sat in bbe en- wbat kinds of flawers bad been used trance. On bbc front end af bbc space an how they werc put in place. We werc scenes from India, 200,000 blos- taok same close-up pictures of them - sams werc used in building it by under difficulties for hundrcds of Santa Barbara. other people wcre bent on bbc samne The girls and bbc boys would bie mission. intereste] in "The Wizard of Cz." The journcy back ta Las Angeles Hene. Dorathy and lier friends wc-re ivas very slow at fimat on tbc croýwd- camîng out of a very lovely uiay- cd streets but cvcntually we reacbed house wiîh damed roofs ta play un open driving and were back in time a carpet of f bowens. The coward!ly ta bean tbc last few minutes of tbe lion, tbc lin woodman, and bhc scare- annauncement af bbc big Lyaie in crow ivere there but not made with bbc Rose BowI. And so ended Jans- blooms. The lion bad a vcry funry uary 2iid in Pasadena.

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