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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Apr 1939, p. 7

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THURSDAY, APRIL 6TH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Ostrom, who died March 24th. Hayd bers and new members. The pos- ian Ese eroet.If1Uhv Miss Doris Hare and Miss Mar-LJI~A sible formation of a town Solftball no chrhomcneadjilU _______S 93 T Xe League was left over tili a later at thsftieEsrsaon SO~I L AN PER ONALgaret Warner, St. Catharines, vis- daItePERAsi JIttr rganibm ax s 1 3 as other teams have flot _____________ S Ç A AN E S N Lited their uncle, Mr. G. A. Ed- A L A E alE nrporani en ee omd POE63Mrs. W. G. Robbins has return- Your choice of over 1,000 Mr. and Nrs. Gordon Wcrry and Town o wm nile o a Quiz contest. Several easy -----ed home from spending the win- patterns. We carry a stock of Boyd,1<, visitc(î at MIr. j .sh o Bwmchî fars Lye beergedsennoter ter with her brother, Mr. Chas. L. about 300 of the Most POPU- ton's. chubairs h ee prtresaete omth Haddy. A Haddy and Miss Lena Goodyear plant at Akron, Ohio. Brown, in Detroit, Mich. lar nUmbers in attractive Mr. (<ordo<î1CowliI1gDixevsi- Frt InstlmetDue cl n d h qu artrsar bcom- aale Mradys. ntTuesday with Mrs. Mrs. M. H. Minore returned to Dayight Saving in Bowmanviîîe f adeproof colors, ed at l onie19Theing cu ti e rahle eto seec se S e il H. W. Poster, Welllngton Street. Hamilton with lier son Jack on will go into eff ect at the same 1oc roll and uP A11 1 29 1939 the lreecutivereofpYuna e n IMr. and Mrs. R. Richards visited the larenumbher fyouenngs men Councillor John A. Gunn, who Thursday and spent the weekend Atim'WeHas in Toronto, Aprîl 3Oth torblem an in has been ill for several days, is there. Sept. 23rd, inclusive. STICK-FAST P.STEand re. E.L.Bcchm, nwtnjleoussngtoda'sproles ndin fat his office once more. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Miller were Miss Jean McCormick, Gait, W. 1e oA.ghda . Pga tehme Ia.mexts of Suoceding dlgion good spb ort nd eca Messrs. A. 4~ Colwell and W. G. in Toronto recently attending the visited with Mr. and Mrs. F. C. qitn ttehm Pascoe are on a business trip to funeral of his sister, Mrs. Geo. Vanstone and family over the' URATW o . I. h ton a Instfer-alnnts fPh. y to a h lbros _____________________________weekend. UAATE ED ER no ft rs H has t ucsdayaierThe Apnral2xRte lb ECATEY .U Miss Mary Birks, MacDonald WALPPE RMOER njote d haPt ukspe Hall, Guelph, spent the weekend Bottie - 25c Mrs. T. Cowling. Miss Elleen further reduced one-haif mlii by wit he paens, r. ndMrs W. Boh Sve im an Laor Coiin ai M. PulCymrosireason of Provincial Subsidy to . . U. of the United Church H. itlirprnsDran r.W ohSv madLbrks. a tt nidrd Mr. KePadylCymbroski Mncplte.was held on Monday evening, H. Brks atendd th Kened - ymboskiMunciplites.March 27. Mr. Wilbur Blackburn Mrs. F. M. Tamblyn went to PAINT weddinz at Kinz St. United Church, Kindly bring your bill and have look the chair in place of the pre- Midland on Monday to attend the Oshaw'a, Thursday. Mliss Eilecn acted this adjustment made. sident, Mr. Garnet Rickard who funeral of lher sister-in-law, Mrs. OnIy 3 Days Left as brirIe-smaid and afterward attend- Hours: had a speci'ally pleasant duty to Thomas McMurtry. Special Flo-glaze Paint Sale d a r cerptioni and -h~e a h 10 am. to 12 noon; 2 te 1 P.m. peffomheAfring ie rssea Flin The engagement is announced ends Saturday night, home of N[r. and] Nrs. Leslie Colla-titohefnteadrsdhe of Iva Mabel, eldest daughter of April Sth. cutt, -Mapfle Grove, which was given FRED PATTINSON, verbally expressing his and the Mr. Howard R. Foley, to Ernest SvnSO 30% iin honmr of thje \oung nuïile. Tax Collector. i tUnion p ritio fher workf Twist, son of Mrs. L. Twist, all of SvnsO _________i h no uigteps e Mapl Grve. he arrage o Tlephne ourorde Ifyouyears and their regrets at losing take ple G que. Temaca o Teeh nge t nrorerIf yu her valued services as a member Mr. G.plac ue. al ha reurnd in.___________________and officer in the future. Mrs. MrGLal____eure David Gray presented Reta, the M apl , L af P re ard e atened te fnera ofhisMiss a Brown, NMiss ferga John Proutt xvho celebrated their bride-to-be, with an end table.FL Hoshataimesdo n ch2. Novelties Roy Ilihgartner, Rex'. H. J. Bell and cxeninz wxhen a few f riends camne in her thanks and said that anything withgasfoehodrlv- 20 lb Pail . . . $ i .90 -Oshiawa imodoensch2. Milton attended the Young Peoplc's tosurprise themn and spend the cv- she had done to help on the work ly pecdadebse e 20 lb Pa l 1. () Announcement -Din g m a n & I I Rally iii Columbus, oïer the xveek- ening.1ofteyugppl aawys sr ~ L Mrs.Foster erguson Ottawa been a pleasure and she had en- fancyhn],rg 5O Butte.................32-o. ja 25e model hats and take orders for We arc ,,orry to hear that '.\r. An- anid Miss Genevieve Ferguson, To- joyeu kng eite. ht.H.Newcasle al rie$39 Buter.............32-z.ja ?Sc new mflinery. Headquarters in Phone 556-- Bowmanville son Tas or. teacher of the Egy'pt ronto. are visiting Mý\r. and Mrs. P. lyaonrewtsopl . Ms .M li Ayhner ~~~rear of Edmondstone's Meat Mar- 1________________ school. is leaving at Easter to teach Philo.- Aymrket. Phone 376. 14-2 at Ro)blin, svhich is near Napance. Miss Jean .\lloway spent the week- Rev. W. P. Rogers, B.A., Bow-- Pork & Beans ............. 3 tins 25C Dr. and Mrs. P. E. Ireland and We wish himn every success. end with ber parents in Ohawanvîle, gavTe a teressting ad- s. JHanrono, aMi.tnd Mn. Joe Labelle was in the post Master Glenn Van Camp bas been Mliss Ellen Emerson accompanyîng the address Rev. R. E. Morton P remium Sodas .... lb. 19c - 2 Ibs. 35e were weekend guests of Mn. and office Tuesday afternoon on thecnindt th hos wth heerepese teUnnsapei- Mn. . . esawy.sanie mission as the editor to ne- mieasles. Wc hope he will soon bc onit The W.A. and W.M.S. bave.,plan- tion of Mr. Rogers' presence and Kent.H Wsawy nwhi aiored e haduMissstIiîdrcd leha Mapfle Syrup Social frArladdness in a vote of thanks. This 60 Watt Bulbs.............. 3 for 25e Firernen received their second M i ai iene u ot gissNlide Archer spent the Mr. i Easter week. fowa seoddb Mn Stny MaleLef r wit' moedModa mnnn none as yet. In the conversation weekend with ber parents at M A Mr. Charlie Henry bas gone to Riekard. 2 to a chimney fine at Walter Pin- Mn Labelle said hie celebnated a Dever's..Efedt iewt r n rs tne n rno ik PincS oler.........l. 2c gle's on the Manvers Road. NO birthday on Sunday but would Mrs. Frank Stinson is in a lios- Enilcoliewtor.adMs tanlue andinBruentn ikar daae a oneles not divulge his age although he pital in Toronto, where she under- Nra ct o h umr ber, a violin and claninet duet, BoneessIn the long list of names pub- did say he was 25 years old when went a-n operation. We hope sbe will Mr. and Mrs. Dan Black enter- accompanied by Mns. H. M. Allin Shoulder ..................... lb. 27C lished last week who attended he came to Bowmanville from bave a speedy recovery. tained their f riends anid neigbbours at the piano.SAIaEPRSHESb.d flue Ribbonand bnought gifts to the Hospital Montreal in 1872 to accept the The Young People of this village to a Party on Friday night. mk ndi lto le Bu bbnBithday Party the names of Mns. position of foreman in the Uppen enjoyed a fine skate at the ink on Miss Ellen Emerson and Miss Jean The sawdust nesulting from the r.$.5Sl rc 8 Tea, back..................'/2-b 28c M. A. Neal and Mgrs. H. Fenguson Canada Funniture factony. Two Mondav and Tuesday nigbts. Alloway attended the Young People's sawing of a diamond is black. We ______________ Tea blck ............. . 2-b. 8C were inadvertently omitted. yeans laten he said hie was mar- Mns. Robt. Parr and Miss Eva Conference at Columbus on Satur- just thought we'd let you knowý in Orange Pekoe A neception will be held in ried which makes Mn. and Mns. Parr are visiting in Toronto. day. case you were thinking of sawing Te..............'2-b 3c Trinity United Church Tuesday Labelle about the oldest mared- Mrn .\ rs. N. S. Ml\cNally and Nfrs. John Dickey entertained ber any diamonds on the dlean table- Tea ...................Ap.. 1/211 p.i, for Rev. and Mns. Mennill couple living in Bowmanville, un- Venna suent the weekend in Toronto. fricnds tu a Cquiting býee hast week. cloth.-Tononto Star. Cut Wax Ferguson who are home on fur- less they be Mn. and Mns. Wm. W.A. of the United Churcb met at__________ lc lough froni West Africa. A fine Tnewin on Queen Street. Mn. La- tehm f'Ms ot alro Bens ................ tn 0c progrnm has been annanged, and belle handed the editon a news- thebore f Ms.EobVISdIeEo a general invitation has been ex- papen clipping and what do you Tuesday afternoon, Marcb 28tb, with TRINITY W.M.S. ATRSRIE Ontario No. 1 tended to the public. think it was about? Is Maniage a good attendance. Mrs. Sadler's ____ AT TRIINITY CHURCH < Potatoes .. .. .. .. .. .. . .90_lb. bag 1.25 Mn. and Mns. F. C. Vanstone, a Success? was the heading with group svas iii charge of the follow- Trinity United Church W.M.S. Byron and Monley, attended the a sub-line-Is it wnong for a wife ing program: Mrs. EarI Dorrell, two met Tuesday aftennoon with Pre- Union service will be held in Toiet isue.........10rois 5c eding0fMn.Ecwar Vnstneto continue to be a flappen? The humorous readings; 'Mrs. H. J. Bell, sident Mrs. S. Davison in the Trinity Church on Good Friday - Toiland Missue....... 0rol 5 ed fMr.erd anst n To editon of whateven paper this was readinz "Beautiful Hands"; Miss chair. W.M.S. have been holding morning at 10.30, to which the RESDSHOTAYi ronto on Manch 25. The groom is dlipped fnom offered a newand of Vivian Sadler sang "I Hear a Thrush Lenten services in the Sunday public are invited. . iuib sdsSnwc IE Buy Your Easter Groceries At son of Mn. L. N. Vanstone. $5.00 for the best answen. As we at 'Esc: Miss Ruth Bell fflayed a Sehool roomn every Friday aften- Special Easten Sunday Services , . Mn.J.J. asn clenatd ispanted Mn. Labelle warned the piano instrumental. Lunch and a noon. begin with a sunnise meeting at deg. MrthJbiJthda Tuea withia editorn fot to say a word in the social half hour were enjoy cd. Pnesbyterial Conference will be 7 a.m. At Il a.m. Easter themere.S50 alPrsSU 79birthday anty a i hm witha paper about oun conversation, so A speccial Good Friday service is held in King St. Chunch, Oshawa, will be in the sermon and music. bitdypryathshm ihif you hean a distunhance Thurs- beiniz hcld at botb cburches. Rev. W. on April 20th. There will be a neception service. ]RA R Y A L INMrand Mrs. C. H. ao Tor day aftennoon anound The States- C. Smith of Courtice, wil give the Mrs. W. P. Rogers gave a splen- The evening service wil com- Phoe 37 -ouaBow anvle attnded t C.H pay sfweoroastsem- noffice you'Ilîkn~ow that our address at the United Cburcb. Spec- did taîk on Christian Stewandship. mence at 6.45 with special organ a rs Jr _____________________________________________enal Bowmanville relatives. givng the editon a piece of his Mn. and Mrs. W. A. VanCamp of Mrs. S. R. James and hen gnoup. will include excenpts from Gaul's h _______________________________________ Mn. E. P. Conke or Brighton, mind and a friendly calsetSna thM.nd .H. Mrs. Cook read the acriptune les- "Holy City"', as well as other sel- Phe43 Bo anll Enlnsils on the "Duchess of __________ ~ tSîdywt î n son. Mns. T. G. Mason led in pray-, ections, interspensed with appro-1 Ynk n apnl9h o omn VanCamp. rn. An Easter pageant was well priate organ and piano duos. R ________________ ville, Ont., for a prolonged visit Ie d 1pnesented by the following: Music, S. Davison, B.A., will contribute with George O. Corke, his bro- KeT Lii1 Dr. T. A.Paridge; Singing, Mrs. _____________________________ ther, who have not met for 21 N___j5estleLon Pnitchard; Evangel, Mns. P. R. years. Mn. E. P. Conke has just Recent Visitors: _____Cowling; Disciples, Mns. D. Hodg- G OO O 1H IN GS T O E A T completed 46 years with G. P. O. Mor. n r. George Swarbnick, Mlrs. Cecil Wilson and ber father, son, Mrs. C. A Batlett, MrsS. SAD P O at BriSt.oans . . hld Thei n to i Mr. Gregg. Mr. Wmn. Lamb visited friends isulakeIndM.1'llaS meeting on Monday night, each Ms ngta e oe eeo aî.Cak n .Blmn un s mernber being asked to bring a Mrs. T. Woodyard, Orpno, and Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Proutt Youg M n' Clb Autos - Trucks - W gos - tc Corbett's H ot Cross Buns fiend. A very enjoyable anden- Mr .and Mrs. H. Linton and daugb- friends in Lindsay. 1r ila on e' lbP itdadL - - ~~~~~~tertaining eveniisg was spent in ter with her mother, Mrs. E. Under- Congratulations to M.WlimPitdadLtee BuyThm Fom Gir G ide cntetaandgaeswhle d- wood. Porteous who cchebrated bis 9th The Young Men's Club met onr, Aiso - lightful lunch bnought the even- Mrs. Cecil Glass and son, Lloyd birthday last week.d Tuesday enigad oeed with Barags Bicycle ing to a close. anid rs. Milton Robinson at Mn. and Mn. and Mlrs. Roy Taylor and aeveing-san open by Cabnaes -- FurThue The engagement is announced Mrs. George Smith's, Starkville. ' family visited Mn. and Mrs. Stanley alb ssngong e y b ulThe dRfieaos-W c of I II DWednaughte EfMn.abeh n - Mrsac ndMugtrs rea\alcolm.. of its musical ability. The boss- For Better Painting - Ph e44 0f dnaLotie liah n - Mrs. Necin agbes rt rs. Anson Taylor is visiting ber ness meeting was rathier long as HEE T Y U S N Weret aenonfTyonMro.l and Pearl Harbottle of Montana, daugbter. Mrs. 'Marvin Nesbitt. there were several important J. H. N EE DHAM We aveaave defalselcton f Zste Noeltes. bet Ewar ofd, hir sn o vtb he onmr'spaenteM.rad M. ad Ms.TaWagedeny ad iem tobsoiscssf. Awng CetreStretStreaetll the late Mn. and Mns. F. Wood of Mns. Georze Quantnil. family visited Mn. and Mrs. William thern the forming of an advisory Southbonough, Kent, E n g 1 a n d. Miss jean Mercen, Onono, witb 1 Samielis'. council to look after unruly meni- Themaniaga totaeapacetheMn anaMr. Wpleacce tMnhRbt.Cam.eandsitdMM.s___Win__________________N__r_____________Campbell____________________r__ Fora uik ast Dssrtlatter part of Apnil. Our scbool is open agaîn folhowing and Mrs. L. Joblin. For aQuic Tasy DesertThe Alice Jackson Mission Band an absence of our teachen, Mn. T. Nr. and Mn\Is. Wilbert Reynolds Silverwood 's Ice Oream-----------Brick 25c met in Trinity Church. The meet- Turner. wbo bas bad fihu. and Donothv visiteel Mn. and Mns. ________ ing opened with quiet music. Miss Mn. and Mns. A. Bell with Mn. Frank Wilson. Pickard led the prayer.- Miàs and Mns. L. D. Bell. Mn. John Nesbitt visited friends Clark told the study stony. The Mrs. Ina Thompson with Mns. in Blackstock f Easter thank-offering was taken. Arnott, Newtonvihle. Sonny to report Mrs. K. Burton was taken. grandparents, Mn. and Mrs. L. D. rhcumatism. Phone 890 Bowmanville Mn. Joseph Kennedy, Uxbridge, Bell. The farmers are busy with wood£ was fined $10.00 and costs in Osh- Messrs Jack Carscadden and Clan- becs and opening roads these days. EASTER NOVELTIES . lep 3 for 1OC, c O aawa police court Wednesday for ence Bell were in Buckborn Wed- Sonry to report Mn. Dan Black Bunnies, Chicks, Roosters, Decorated Eggs FledEg selling potatoes below require- nesday. lost one of bis best borses. A T RB X DC N Y . ... _________________________________________________ments for No. 1 grade. Farmers Mn. 1. Little is spoting a new Congratulations t0 Mn. and M.\rs.EA T RB X DC N Y. 2Ct $20 are warned that inspectons are car. E S E E F M S...... checking grades closely and the Mr LowestEA T R ER M S. ......2 ct $50 shud oen heslvsaco~-M.Jack Bryson at Mn. Arthur ~ EASTER CARDS........3,5,1e ~ Mrsl. ad Mn. J'encv Bunley's m____of______A TIC ES_........... Mr.L . cagln n r.Newtonvlle is sick witb pncumonia. N OTICE______________ Geo. W. James were in Toronto- Mancb 3lst Mn. and «irs. George Thursday afternoon attending the Qtantril celcbrated their 64th wedd- SE'SMARawL IfflV MA Bargains DESU Prcpon in the n CErd tel ing ann. ersary. On the following ________L_______ Roongive Kng . .F epbrad eveisea-ntmber of the familv mUlm Castile Soap 10 for 25c ives of otheM.F. cabine mnîserand rdt eert ibtemDd' ul 7 solemnizeNetataning St. PansonagewePnave so39- ----- fin ha il utyorbde t.ckIf tewrntains, Gh roe d Jen enny, I Teoaellthe ause 0 new in crtais yeu can be sure that we have it. a queen blue celanese pebble line at the following cash OT IPR S ITON A The bride was attended by Miss aAil Colons and White s o" 0fAl idsElnCowlingmih adon, et an Mn Gallonsa Spin ccsone Cali Sih ceda bs mnQuarts 85e w O-b1%5OW8 The wedding march was played Pinta ________45e__ le cC e o by Mn. Leslie Collacutt.1 This is a hlgh grade paint. A After the wedding ceremony Coch Jhntn Cydrm n they journeyed to the home of J. H. ABERNETHY e cuh ontn Cyem n Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Collacutt, Concession St., Bowmanville UNITED CIGAR STORE Phone 836 LIMITED Bowmanvile Maple Grove, where about 50 of Phn 3MGNY hn 9 RG their fiends sunprised theni with a miscellaneous shower. 'i t

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