PAGGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO I II The Newcastle Independent j -PHONE CLARKE 1114 Mn. and Mrs. Saxon Grabam week-end bere witb their son have returned from their winter Bruce and daughter Ruth. Bruce holiday in thc south. is staying for the week. Miss Helen Smith, Hamilton, is A local truck went to Oillia visiting ber grandparents, Mr. Easter Monda>' afternogn to bring and Mrs. John Robinson. back wbat household effects Mrs. Mn. end Mrs. Geo. A. Coyne, R. W. Gitêon had taken with her James iand Isobel, Toronto, visited from her Newcastle home lest Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hancock. fall. Her Newcastle friends wel- Mr. ud ,ay Toont, sentcome Mrs. Gibson home. thc Eesten week-end et his par- Mr. Edwin Beman, son of Mn. ents' cottage, Newcastle-on-Uie- and Mrs. Arthur Bemen, Cupar, Lake. Sask., came down fromn New Lis- Mrs. A. M. Pnîce, Genesco, N.Y., keard wbere he has a position as isviitngbe sstrMrs. Jh a surve>'or and mining enineer Robinson, also other friends in end visited his uncle and aunt, Port Hope. Mn. and Mrs. W. E. Bemen. Mrs. Miss Annie Drummond, who Beman was quite i11 at Uic time spent the winter in Toronto with end Mn. Bemen was also unden her friend, Miss Jessie McNaugh- the weatber. ton, returned home for Easter. Mn. Ross Dickinson has been in Mn. J. E. W. Pbilp installed a Toronto this week attcnding ses- modern Fess où beeting systcm sions of thc O.E.A. as delegete1 in bis home rccently. Work wes fnom the Ncwcéstle Board of Ed-i donc b>' W. L. Eiiiott, Bowman- ucation. Mrs. Dickinson an d ville. young son arc leving the gencrel1 Newcastle Basebali Club are hospîtal this Thursdey and will1 planning to go to Toronto in a ste>' for a whiie with ber mother,j body on Thursday and take in the Mrs. Fred Cowan, in Toronto be-i Boston-Toronto series et Meple fore returning to Newcastle. t Leef Gerdens. Mr. Jarrell of Oshawa is leasingr Some parties have been looking and menaging Mrs. Frank Gib-s over "Belmont" and Uic unsold son's orchards near the C. P. R.1 portion of Uic Galbraitb farms station this year. He is bus>' prun-1 with the vicw of purchasing Uic ing at present. He and Mrs. Jar-s rcmaining property. reil are again occupying IlBark-, W. A. of Uic United Churcbhem Hall", the largest of the sum-1 meets this Thursdey aftcrnoon, mer residences on Uic Newcastlec April 13, in the S. S. hall. Mrs. estate of their uncle and aunt, Dr.r R. T. Ruthcrford's. group hes and Mrs. W. H. Wlton-Ball. ? charge of Uic pnogrema and menu. Owiag to Uic prevalence of Uic Miss Margaret Sanderson, BA., flu which still hangs on, Uice t- of Uic Newcastle High Sehool tendance at St. George's Church staff is a speaker on Uic O. E. A. on Easter Sunde>' wes not 50 program and will eddress Uic Sec- -large as usuel. Mrs. D. R. Dcwd- ondar>' Teachers' section et theI ne>', wife of the rector, bas been Kng Edward Hotel on Physicai quite ill for a month past but is Training. Inow much improved. Among the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Branton choir members who have been ill and femil>' have egain moved andI unable to take their part werc from J"Po. 9 S. Section into Mrs. T. Mrs. M. Brown and Miss Dora M. Gibson's house on Uic farm at Martin. Uic cast of the village. Mn. Wm. Newcastle fiends read with Stapleton, Ncwtonville, has a keen tatereit a faini>' lengtby ac- lease of Uic fanii. count in the Toronto Star of Mon-9 Mn. and Mrs. E. E. Overend day, Apil 10, of the cvening ser-1 have leascd 0Tintagle"l, Mrs. F. vice in St. Monica's Anglican Cuttcll's east cottage at Uic leke, Church on Ea9ter Sunde>' andI ther for the summer end spent Eastcr sermon b>' the Rector, Rev. F. H.E ________________________Mason, M.A., B.D., formeni>' of St. George's Church, Newcastle. Bar-1 ~on Byng Branch of Uic Canadienf Legion ettcndcd Uie service ina a BIue Bird Beauty Parler body' and Uic church was filled.1 We arc sorry te record this is still featuring- Its speelal week the death of Mrs. Fred Han-1 Permanentcock, formeni>' Miss Minnie Love- n;î ilPèM net kta, a direct descendant of the pioncer settlcr Richard Lovekin who came to Clarke Tp. ta 1795. for 2.50She was Uic daughtcr of the late au Mn. and Mrs. James Lovekin, until Apil 3Oth Newcastle, end before her mer-9 niage ,to Mr. Hancock was a tele- Phono 3M grph operator in thc drug store wlth or wthout appolntment. for Uic G.N.W. Co. and leter for Open veninsUic C.P.R. in Wagstaff's grocer>' OpenEvonngsStore. r-Among the man>' beautiful ,b SEEDS and SEED GRAIN We are offering a choice of AlasikaiSeed OatS bushel 5 Red Clover - - - per bushel $8.00 Alfalfa --- upwards from $14.50 Ahso Offer A Coniplete Line of Farm Seeds, Including Banner and Victory Beed Oats and Feeder's Supplies. As W. GLIENNIEY Newcastle Phone Clarke 2612 ENTIRE WEEK COMM. APRIL 17 Presented Three Times DaIIy EXCLUSIVE SHOWING IN DISTRICT LRKS- BATRE. fflawa 9 1 COMING EVENTS Hîgh School Oratonical Contest wilI be held Wednesday. Apnil 19, at 8 p.m. in the auditorium. Selcc- tions will be gziven b>' the school or- chestra and choir. No admission charge. Regulan meeting of the Home and1 Scbool Club in the Central Schoolj Wednesday, Apnil 19, at 8 p.m. Dick,j The Amateur Gandenen will be the speaker and show slides. Six special doon prizes. Everyone welcome. For Sale or Rent HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT- Easy tenms, Possession Ma>' 1. Ap- pI>' B. Furber, Bowmanvillc. 15-1 Board and Rooin BOARD AND ROOM-CENTRAL location. AppI>' F. McIndoo. Phone 894. Kingz St., Bowmanville. 1-1* Real Estate For Sale HOUSÊ FOR SALE - 5-ROOM- cd bouse, pantry, summen ldtcben, water, lirhts. Hunt St. (Hambl>' place) Price $550. Easy terms. Apply T. Lymer, Box 51, Bow- manvîie. Phone 379. 14-3* PROPERTY FOR SALE-HOUSE and lot. Queen St.. residence of the late Wm. Brock. Apply Wal- ter Hatel>', Qucen St., or R. L. Mitchell. Canadian Banik of Com- merce. Bowmanville. 5-tf FLORISTS Kingsway FL.OWER SHOP FLORAL IREkTIONS - Baskets Wneatbs and Sprays artisticaliy anâ lndivtduatiy arrangeâ b>' expert de- signers. iFlowers for ail ocasions. Phonos: 772, 2632 or 2633 1Dowmanvlil SCOTT - In loving memor>' of oun dean f ather and mother, James Scott and Elizabeth Orr Scott wbo passéd away at the Eastcrtide of 1919 and 1922. Card of Thanks Mrs. Donald McDonald wisbes to thank the neigbbors and f riends for the beautiful floral tributes and the kind expressions of sympatby extend- ed to ber during hem recent sad ber- eavement. We wish to express our apprecia- tion for the man>' acts of kindness and expressions of synipathy and condolence extended b>' our friends and neighbours durinR the long ili- ness and ecent death of our beloved husband and father. Mrs. Wm. H. B. Chaplin and Mary Mn. and Mrs. B. Furber wish to extend thein thanks and appreciation to f iends and neighbours who have been so kind to them duning. their recent illness. 0 -1 flowers that adorned St. George's Church on Eastcr was a bouquet of carnations and snapdragons on the Litan>' table procured b>' Mn. M. Brown and placcd there on be- half of Mrs. Chas. Gomme, To- ronto. Flowers on thic altar were in memoriam from Mrs. D. J. Gal- braith and Miss B. McIntosh. There werc also lovel>' flowers from members of the famil>' in memor>' of the late Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Farncomb. Newcastle school children have been workmng hard at their hob- bics and have made quite a large number of entries ini thc Hobby Show to be held in Bowmanville Apnil 22nd, under the auspices of the Lions Club. Maxi> Newcastle citizens are planning to attend as Principal Rodger of the public school made special mention of the projeet at Uic Board of Edu- cation meeting on April 3. The twenty-seconds of this and next month are standout dates, Hobby Show on Apnil 22, Royal visit on Ma>' 22. There was a large attendance of communicants and visitors at Uic United Church on Easter morn- ing. Rev. R -.E. Morton delivered an Easter message based on Acta 1 : 1-3, part of verse 3 being, To whom also he sbowed himself alive- after his passion, b>' man>' infallible' proofs, being seen of them fort>' days. Miss Isobel Cle- mence and Mrs. C. R. Carveth sang solos in Uic anthems. Maxi> lovel>' Easter lilies glorified Uic place of worship on Uiis anniver- sar>' of the resurrection day. The>' were donated b>' Mrs. Wallace Holmes, Mrs. Percy Brown, Mr. T. W. Jackson, Mrs. C. R. Carveth, Mrs. J. A. Butler, Mrs. Ed. Powell, Miss Hattie Mason, and arranged b>' Mrs. Butler. The>' were re- arranged for Uic evening pageant. EASTER VISITORS Mr. Edwin Hancock, Lorraine Valley', with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hancock. Miss Jean Rickard, Oakville, and Miss Evelyn Riekard, Port Hope,. with Mn. W. F. Rickard, M.P., and Mrs. Rickard at "The Grange." Mr. A. E. Mellow and sons Rod- ger and Keith spent Easter with bis people at Napanee. Mr. W. G. Wells, Bank of Com- merce staff, spent Easter week- end with his people in Belleville. Miss Marion Rickard, B.A., of Whitby, Miss Helen Rickard and friend Miss Ethel McKenzie, To- ronto, at Mr. and Mns. W. J. S. Rickard's. Miss Etta Holmes, Oshawa, at Mr. and Mrs. Howell Rowland's. Mr. Jack Hure, Queen's Uni- versity', Kingston, wiUi Mr. and Mrs. Perey' Hare. Miss Clara Caswell, Toronto, wîth Mr. and Mrs. John Caswell. Mr. Wm. Toms and Miss Mar- garet Toms, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Toms. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Williams, Gaît, with Mrs. W. H. Peai'ce. Miss Aresta Martin, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. P. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Eilbeck and Bill at their summer cottage, Newcastle-on-the-Lake. Mr. Kenneth Pearce, Oakville, and Miss Minnie Pearce, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. H. R. Pearce. Mr. Geo. Gaines, Brooklin, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gaines, Sr. Miss Marion Allin, Bolton, with Mn. and Mrs. Norman Allin. Miss Phyllis Clemence, Belle- ville, with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Clemence. Master Tom Walker, Belleville, with bis aunt, Miss Ethel Wade. Mn. Geo. Bonathan, Toronto, with bis mother, Mrs. S. R. Bons- than. Mn. Richard Lovekin, Toronto, with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Coulson. Mr. Richard Pooley, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Poole>'. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Ragen, To- ronto, and Mr. Walter Douglas, New York, with Mesdames Jno. Douglas and Ed. Bnitton who came home for Easter after a week's visit in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Lovelcin, Mr. and Mx-s. W. P. Coulson and Mas- ter Donald Mint>', Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Coulson, also on the previous weekend, Mrs. W. G. Ha>' and daughter Beveni>', To- ronto, with Mn. and Mrs. Coulson. Additional Newcastle news on page 6. FOR SALE - HOME GROWN 1938 Sweet Ciover Secd $2,75 bushel; Victor>' Oats, Two Row Banle>'; also Timotby Sced, $3.00 bushel, seed deîivered. W. Leask, Taunton. Phone 163r13, Oshawa. 13-4 SEEDS - ALFALFA, THOSE of you who were too late to get in. on my two previous good value sbipments have stilI a chance to save. Another sbipment <onî>' 50 bushels) Government Standard No. 1 bas anrived. Act quickly. Sec my other seed specials also. Head- quarters of higb quaiity ganden, f ield and lawn nequirements. Ste- wart's Seed Store, Bowmanviile, Phone 577. 15-1 SEED OATS FOR SALE-LATE Spring so sow carl>' grain. So sow cari>' Cartier Oats, 44 lbs. to the bushel. AppI>' W. J. S. Rickard & Sons. Bowmanville. Phone 2218. 15-1 EARLY POTATOES FOR SALE Warba, Cobbler and Rose Bliss, frnee of rot, pice $1.00 and $1.75 a bag. Phone 2647, F. W. Battle, R. R. 6. Bownxanville. 15.1 FOR SALE - FIVE GOOD used coai bunningz brooder stoves, $5.00 up; also Jamesway Poultry Equipment. Albin Clemens. Phone 2433. 15-tf FOR SALE - TWO - ROWED Secd Barle>' on contract. netunn crop and seed in faîl at a premium of 4c bushel over market pnice. Phone ordens at once. Bowmanviile 2332; Port Penny 193r51, Arthur Wilson. Bunketon. 14-2* FOR SALE - HOME GROWN 1938 Sweet Clove'r Seed. Victor>' Oats, Two Row Barley, also Tim- othy seed, get Iow prices, secd delivered. W. Leask, Taunton, Phone 163rl3, Oshawa, 13-4 BIRTH BOTHWELL- At BO*imanivile Hospital. on Thursday, à4rch 30, 1939. to Mr. and Mrs, D, W. Both- well Jr. (nee Bernice Adamns) a daughter. BROWN - At Bowmanville Hos- pital, on Wednesday, April 5, 1939, to Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Brown, (nee Sarah Grabam) a daughter, Doreen Elizabeth. MARRIAGEL WELSH - SIMPSON - At Cour- tice Parsonage, on Saturday, April 8. 1939, b9, Rev. W. C. Smith, Bessie Edith, younger daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. William Simpson, Hampton, to Leslie Chapman, son of Mr. Arthur W. Welsb, Salem, and the late Mrs. Arthur Welsh. HALL.-LUXON - On Tuesday April 11. 1939, in Toronto, by the Rev. Dr. 15. W. Best, Kezia Luxon, daugbter of William Luxon and the late Mrs. Luxon of Orono. to Allin Haàll, son of William joseph Hall and the late Mrs. Hall, of Orono. DEATHS BINGHAM - On April 4, 1939, at 728 Ashburn St., W'innipeg, Eliza- beth Sophia Channon, widow of the late David Bingham. age 88 years. Interment at Woodville, Ontario. HANCOCK-In Newcastle. on Sat- urday, April 8, 1939, Mary Mili- cent Hancock, beloved wife of Mr. William ;Frederick Hancock, age 66 vears. Interment Bond Head Cemetery. KEMPTHORN - In Bowmanvilie, on Monday. April 10, 1939, Pauline Melvina Kemptborn,. in ber Slst year. Interment Bowmanville cemeterv. MORRISON - In Milwaukee, Wis.. Marcb 26, 1939, Lawrence (Lawrie) W. Morrison, age 56 ycars, son of the late William Morrison, Bowmanville. PATTERSON - In Orono, on Wednesday, April 12, 1939, Rebec- ca Patterson. beloved wife of the late William F. Patterson, in ber 87tb year. Funeral f rom tbe resi- dence. Victoria Street. on Friday, April 14. Service at -n22 p.m. In- terment Orono Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM CORY - In ever loving memory of William James Cory, beîoved hus- band of Maude Cory, who -passed to rest at Osbawa, at the Easter- tide of 1927. on April 14: Dear is the spot wbere you are laid, Many a visit in silence is paid; To lay down a f lower in remem- brance of tbe, Neyer forgotten and neyer shall be. Fondly rcmnembered by bis wife. KING - In loving memnory of Pte. A. F. King, No. 745409 2nd Bat- tailion, formerly 1l6th Buugion, killed in action at Vimy Ridge' on April 12, 1917,, aged 21 ;years and 2 months: Your last faint wbisper we sbould like to bave heard. To breathe in your car j ust one loy- ing word, Onlv those wbo bave suffered are able te tell The pain *of the heart in flot saying farewell. Ever remembered bv' Mother, Father. Sisters and Brothers. KILPATRICK- In lolving memnorY of ourN\dear son and brother Er- nest Joseph (Joe) Kiipatrick wbo passed away April 18, 1936: It seems se strange that you sbould go, And leave us lonely bere, From wbence you neyer can retturn Our lonely hearts to cheer; If you could corne but for a day We'd thrill witb love - rejoice Could we i ust toucb your hand once more, And bear vour gentle voice. Sadlv missed by Mum, Dad, Bro- thers Will, Art, Harry and Sisters Garland and Sylvia. FOR SALE - MATCHED TEAM of Belgians, rising 3 and 5 years, or wili selI separately. Buckeye Brooder Stove, 200 chîck capacity, Victory seed oats grown from reg- istered seed. Milton J. Stainton, Enniskillen, Phone 2354. 15-ix FOR SALE-TWO YEAR OLD Clydesdale c'olt, well schooled, quiet on road, easily bandled' sound in ail ways; also full brothes one year old. will make fine team, well matched for color; also young bred sows, John Milîs, Hampton, Ont. 15-1 FOR SýALE - SEVEN YORK- sbire White Pigs, Apply F. Alds- Worth, near Solina Station, Phone Oshawa 1652r5. 15-Ix FOR SALE - EIGHT HORSES, tbree-year-olds and older. Norman Down. 1649r21, Oshawa, Base Line West. 15-lw* HORSE FOR SALE - GOOD young horse. Apply Clarence Brad- ley, dlo H. G. Macklin, R. R. 6, Bowmanville, Phone 2412. 15-1 FOR SALE - QUANTITY 0F new milkers and springers. F. J. Clemens. Oshawa, Phone 1567 W. 15-2 FOR SALE - FOUR GOOD young cows, two due to f reshen soon, two milking good, one extra good wagon horse, 6 years old. Ap- ply C. E. Horn. Hampton, Pbone 2f44. 15-1* FOR SALE - TWO YEAR OLD grey Precheron colt, two year old Guernsev bull, pure bred but not registered; 2 ton good sweet clover hay, disc barrow, Buckeye incuba- tor, 350 eggs; Daniel incubator, 400, eggs; brood stove, Quebec stove, witb oven. Apply Olesen Stephen's MiltI. R: R. 4, Bowman- ville. 15-ix FOR SALE - A GOOD JERSEY cow, due April 26. Apply Arthur Joncs, Bowmanville, Phone 536. 15-1 For Sale FOR SALE - GOOSE EGGS 15C each. Phone 2368, Bowmahville. 15-1 FOR SALE - 7 MONTH'S OLD Pekinese Puppy, child's pet. Ap- ply Mrs. J. G. Jackson, Newton- ville, Ont. 15-ix FOR SALE - BUCKEYE INCU- bator, nearly new, rubber tired buggy, Massey 13-tooth cultivator, Fore-carrnage f or cultivator or disc. set of wagon springs, nearly new circular saw, 30 incb; buck- wbeat straw. Apply R. Wright, R. R. 5, Bowmanville. Phone 2271. IS-lx Agents Wanted MEN I HERE IS GOOD PAYING work with a large manufactuning concern of 200 daiy necessities us- cd in ever>' home. Sure and quick repeaters. No experience needed. Good pay ever>' day if active, and permanent business certain in per- severing. Investigate our Platn at once. Catalogue free: Familex Co., 570 St. Clement, Montreal. 15-1 ATTENTIONI1 - MEN *A ND women for retailing large line. Household products, medicine, tea, cof fee, etc. Persons chosen must be thorougbly reliable, and capable of takingz charge of exclusive ter- ritory. Establisbed dealers retail ut) to six thousand ycarly. Write Mr. Jordan, 1536E Dundas Street, West. Toronto. 14-3 HeIp Wanted WANTED - EXPERIENCED girl for housework. Apply Mrs. Southey'. Elgin Street, Bowman- ville, Phone 731.' 15-1 WANTED - GIRL OR WOMAN- fo on ight bouse work. Write par- tîculars to Box S. M., Dnawem B., Bowmanville. 15-1 WANTED - GIRL TO HELP with genenal bouse womk. App>' Mns. Lloyd Crago. B. R. 2, Bow- manville. Phone 2317. 15-1 FARM WORK WANTED - BY single, male, 22 years old, iifelong expenience on large farm in wes- tern Canada. Capable of taking complete charge if necessar>'. Re- pI>' to H. Moyse, Box 479, Bow- manville. 15-1* WANTED - A CAPABLE GIRL for general housework. Salary equai to equal services .rendemed. App>' McMullen. 112 Simcoc St., N.. Oshawa. 14-2* WANTED-A MAID FOR DOM- estic work in the city. Phone 701. 15-1* Feed Special WEEKLY FEED SPECIAL - Hen Scratch (whcat, buckwbeat, cnacked dorn) $1.40 per cwt, 0f fer good until April 20. F. C. Van- stone. Phone 777. 15-1 Carpenter Work CARPENTER WORK - HAVE those alterations donc now. that roof re-shingîed; that floor laid; screens buiit to order. Estimates frnee, promplt, guaranteed labon. Chas. L. Warren, Hampton. 14-4* Painting & Decoratîng PAI14T 'ER & DECORATOR - 400 satuples of paper to choose f nom, and frce estimates cheerf ull>' given, b>' caliing Jens Jensen, i Phone 310. 13-.3* Livestock For Sale 25c - 69e *Cjf~% RRY HAIR KOU" lai Ius two ea Seldltz Powdens - 2 for 25e Freshi and full strength Annela Tablots - - 22o - 69e Relleves headeches and pain Moth Fume Crystals - - 39e Elkays, 1 lb. tin Kolynos T. Faste - 23o - 39o For dlean, white teethi Listerine Antiseptie, 25c-49c Mouthwash and gargie Larvex Spray - - - 83o Protects clothing against moths. '-Auctioneer Lice sdAuctioneer ELMER WXLDUR Hfafflton, ont. Speclallzing iu Fan, Llvestookà Implements and Funiture Sales TERMS MODERATE phone for Ternis and Date te: Dowmanville 2428. FOR SALE - BABY CHICKS, white legborns and barred rocks, sexed or mhixed, blood-testcd f lock, sired by pedigreed R.O.P. Cockerels. Averalge eggs set over 26,ounce to the do)zen. Started pullets and cockerels. A. H. CIe- mens, Phone 24j3, Bowmanville. il-tf FOR SALE - WHITE LEG- borns and I3arred Plymouth Rock Baby Chicks f romn Goverwent culled and blood-tested stock. Write for onice list H. J. Brooks, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. Phone 2636. 8-tf To Rent___ TO RENT - HOUSE IN VIL- lage of Hampton, in good repair, hydro, good garden, large garage. Apply C. Edgar Horn, Hampton. Phone 2144. 15-1* ro RENT-7-ROOMED HOUSE witb batbroom and pantry, bard- wood f loors good garden and gar- age. Available f irst part of May'. Albert Gilders. Phone 363. 15-1 HOUSE TO RENT - THREE roomed bouse to rent, near Central Scbool. $10.00 per montb. Pbone 742. 15-tf HOUSE TO RENT -6 ROOMED brick bouse, hardwood f loors, well decorated, wired for electric stove; aiso gas service lnstalled, bath, fur- nace, possession April 25tb. Ap-, pI>' W. A. Clarke, Love's Lane,, Bowmanville. 15-tf1 HOUSE TO RENT - 5-ROOM- ed bouse, one block f rom Public Scbool. corner of Elgin and Con- cession Sts., Pbone 742, Bowman- ville. l4tf HOUSE FOR RENT - 6 ROOMS and sun-noom, on one floon; gar- den; two miles from Scugog Rd.; possession May lst, Phone 2360, John. jacks, Hampton. 13-3 FOR RENT - THREE-ROOMED apartment and bath. Appi>' Victor Manor Apartments, Bowmanville. 13-tf APARTMENT TO RENT - FIVE roonis. Apply Statesman Office. 49-tf FOR RENT - FIVE - ROOMED Avartments. modern conveniences. beated witb Fess Oit Burner. gar- aze. possession April lIst . moderate rent .Furtber p)articulars. Mr. H. Coucb. Jr.. Newcastle. Mrs. A. Tait, Bowtuanviile. 9-tf FOR RENT - ABOUT 4 ACRES garden land on Scugog Street, N., includiniz 1-4 acre of strawbcrry1 plants,. and 1-4 acre of raspberry1 bushes; also several good apple trees. Apply G. Alex Edmond- stone. Pbone 375 or 821. 14-tf . 1 - 1 But You CAN"TSE wlth a Glass Eyc! So guard Uic onu>' cyca yqu wll ever have. Care- fulness marks our oye examination, thet is why, we believe, our number of setisficd patients are constanti>' tacreastag. Lyon's Tooth Powder i 2 sizes, - 24o - 39o Dreno -Shampoo - 59o - 99o Keepa thc bain young Bromo-Seltzer - - 25o - 49o Relieves headaches quickl>' Diamond Dyos 15o - 2 for 25a For wool or cotton Absorbine, Junior - - 980 Regular $1,25 size Horlick's Malted Milk 490 - 980 HOUSEHOLD SPECIAL fis genorous-sized package of STEEL WOOL for cleaultat and scouring and a Pound titn of FOUR SQUARE FLOOR WAý,~ tse kind that makeors bnaig Bothfoer . . . . . 39e JURY 0 &LOVEL L Phono "8 for fSp»dy DeliveryBomnil APRIL SHOWERS 0F REXALL DRUG VALUES The Original Rexall On. Cent Sale April 26-27-28-29 You Can Chew wlth SFalse Teeth! To Can Walk wlth a I Wooden Leg! SPECIAL MOTH OFFER Handy 25e Sprayer with Attachable Glas Botilo and a 16 oz. bottle of Elkay's Moth Control Liquid Both for 79c Use It now te protect your clothos. r THIUSDAY, APRIL 13, 1939 Chicks For Sale KILPATRICK-In loving memory of a loving bhusband and father, Mn. Ernest Joseph (Joe) il- patrick, who passed awa>' Apnil 18, 1936: Since you have gone I arn aIl alone, 'Mongst thousands aIl around, So like a stem without a flower Fbr no one can be f ound. No one to f ili your place for me. No one who's just like you; And so the tirne is lone, my dean And sad eacb long day tbrougb. My f iends are just as kind to me And lovingl>' sinceme; The>' tmy to bing me happincss, Just like when you Weme here. But joyfulntss is oh, so bard. So bard for me, to sec The whole world seerns so chaxiged. m>' love Since vou have gone f rom me. Ever emembemed b>' loving wife andI daugbter Helen. Mortgages MORTGAGES - FIRST ANýD second mortgaoees, agreements for sale on farm, city and lakeshore properties purcbased. North Sbore Realty Company, Limited, Alger Building, Osbawa, Pbone 3130. il-tf Wanted WANTED-OLD HORSES AND cattle for fox meat. Norby Fur Farm. Tyrone. Phone 2415. 6-tf M Iscellaneous WEST END GARAGE AND MA- chine Shop - We specializ.e in macbinery repairs. general gare renairs, welding, towing service. J. L. Demerling,. Proorieton. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the Estate of JOHN BROWN MARTYN, de- ceased. NOTICE is bencby given that al pensons having any dlaim or demand against the late John Brown Mar- tyn, wbo dieçi on or about tbe 8tb of Marcb 1939. at tbe Town of Bow- manville, in tbe Cqunty of Durham, Province of Ontario, are required to send by post prepaid or to- deliver to the undersigned solicitors berein for Carnie Martyn, executrix., of the es- tate, thein names and addresses and. f ull particulars !in writiniz of their dcaims and statements of tbeir ac- counts and tbe nature of the securi- tics, if an>', held biy thcm and that after the 27tb day of April, 1939, the said executrix will distribute the assets of tbe said estate among the persons entitlcd thereto haying regard only to tbe cdaims of wbich she shall tben bave bad notice. Dated:at Oshawa tbis llth day of April, 1939. CONANT & ANNIS, Barristers. &c., Oshawa. Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix. 15-2 Notice to Creditors In the Estate of MARY JANE WESTAWAY, Deceased. AIl pereons baving dlaims against the estate of tbe above mentioned, who died at the Town of Bowman- ville, in the County of Durbam, on or about the 9tb day of Marcb, 1939. are nequired to file' proof of saine with the Solicitor for the un- dersigned on or before the 7tb day of May, 1939. After that date the Estate wili be distributed, baving re- gzard only to the dlaims of ebich the undersigned will then bave bad notice. Dated at Bowmanville this 6tb day of April, 1939. Harold T. Howe, 1220 King St., West. Hamilton, Ontario, b>' bis Solicitor. Lawrence C. Mason, Bow- manville. Ont. 14-3 FOR SALE - AWNINGS FOR store or residence; Venetian blinds, wood or metal slots; largest selec- tien at lowcst prices. Estimates given without obligation. App1y~ Northcutt & Smith, Bowmanville. 14-8 FOR SALE - NATURAL ICE, tested Grade A, for any use; lSC for 25 lbs. 25c for 50 lbs. Prompt delivery. C. Rab>', Phone 310. 14-8* FOR SALE - CHESTERFIELD suite. 2 extension tables, 3 double beds, buffet, china cabinet, numer- ous other household articles to be sold privatel>'; also bouse for sale. Inquire R. H Westaway, Phone 621. 13-tf FOR SALE - A LARGE QUAN- tity of pine stumps suitable for wood. also a gravel pit. and a large quantity of 'stone good for construction work. AppI>' to Mes- srs Samuel and Edward Webb, Pontypool, R.R. 3. 13-3 Seed For Sale OSHAWA Free Parking-- Phone 1011 Friday & Saturday APRIL 14-15 Tailspin Starnlng Afice Faye - Constance Bennett Nancy Kelly wlth Joan Davis » Charles Farrell. Added Color Cartoon "The Three Deans" REVIVAL Friday at 10.30 p.m. "The Perfect Specimen o Starrlng Errol Flynn - Joan Blondeill Monday & Tuesday APRIL17-18 They Made Me A Criminal Starring Ann Sheridan- John Garfield Claude Ralnf - May Robson Tie Dead End Kils. N Ta Aý,,D EA Da "'d U S, E WA s AJPRZL 19-20 "Cafe Society Starnlng Madeleine Carruiý- Fred MaeMurray -Shirley Rois Added -Comedy "Swing Your Swlngers"