* ,.-.~', - - su.- -»'¶r. 4' Il * ~ -. OV P'AGlE OUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO * s THURSDAY, APRIL 2OTH, 1939 EIGHTH INSTALLMENT Synopsis Wben the weathy. foster parents of Marjorie Wctherili bath die she f inds a letter telling that she bas a twin sister. that she was adopted wben ber awn parents couldn't af- ford ta support both of them and tbat ber real naine is Doratby Gay. Alane in the warid. but witb a for- tuie of ber own. she considers look- ing up ber own f amily wvbom she bas neyer seen. A nieighbour, Evan Bower. tries ta argue ber out of it and tells ber be loves ber and asks ber taeniarry hum. She promises ta tbink it aver. but decides first ta see ber fa mily. Sile goes ta their address finds that tbey are destitute and graduallv Persuades thein ta accept tbings tbley need. Wben tIhe dactor calis ta sec lier mother she nsotices that be seins particuiarly intcrested in ber sister. On Sunday Marjarie gocs ta churcb with ber brother, Ted, being unable ta persuade ber sister ta go. She mneets the minister wbom ber brother raves abouit and wbose churcb is located near Brent- woad. the aid estate ini which ber family lived before thcy last their monev. Meantime back in Aster Street Betty was baving a tiune of ber own.5 A united bowl arase.à Betty caine fiung down staurs, ber The wMie praperty 0Wf pendable fire insurano way to uafoguard the perty. la youru insure Thisag8<0107represent Insurance Company - hmu been serving coumm so faitbfully in Oanad je Je MAS( INSURANCI 1Phone 681 __________________________________________________die and leave Yeou a million dollars, mruglt ien whlch they ivcd I wonder wbat is the first thing you weaîithgain wplcn.ty lv YDRO " A RD N F EL DYw.l *buy? I wisb You would tell At ct odine Ucty oen mec that, Ted. I'd like ta know wbat things were about at their worst. R T N C I IS Carl Lua n i ix*i rhsr it ils." The land was suffcring tram aC Ted iookcd up and without besita- prolanged dnought and the head Courtice o m nil - * , . : i *tien repiied: af Uic uriprofitable iarm,GereB winle "I'd buy tihe bouse back and give Busbee, taken by Chas. Glenney, C R K W -C C it ta Dad 1" was laid up wlth a broken leg. "Thanks.t" said Marjorie witbhMe ila much attachcd ta Uic aid YU * * , , LF'SDFIR S 1 EV s PRAETL idWI starry cycs. "Tbat's the way I feel. farmn. But bis wie, Sarah Busbec 'i ofThen came Ted with bis shy smile B IE ET E WT (Gertrude Sallows) is ted up with ors, each having 100% of is*pu- sentlng the Christian virtues coe- adori1 on. rn o everything and longs to go back pils maldng regular deposits. tumed in bright colora and carry- "IwihI oudru yuhome in fff 'flIjU ta her native Massachusetts. Their lng bouquets 'of flowers. my car, Ted," said the young prea- ULU CRUCESL daughter Texas, a lovely and mast thrUsPrhao e Crossas Chris- cher wistfully, "but 1 have a funeral ___ desirable young wowan, (Marg- WILL PRESENT CHALLENGE Mrthry aeaperdna M M in hall an hour. and just barely time neUe mBcue aret Sanderson) Iteledn CU NE ASTLE BANQUET eian sh onlliCross aemotis. to Ret to it. Sorry. I'd enjoy takingofhemtm lady of the play. Their son, Chet Thn, one by onc, Mrs.e rryons you11ý o RoumtiinBusbee,taenby Ross Allin, is a St. Geore's Anglican Meule Club Bron, Mrs. Tho.Cemne, Mrs. r He incuded Marjorie in is stnile, He was fot wron -ebe 'rel boy, full o ife and likes fish- Win Dennery Carpet Ban Bo.wne Mrs. ho. S Rc k-Mm "Oh, tat's al right, Mr. Reaver.'ma woRolu etht h oiding af course. Johnny Sloane, the Leatue - St. Petr Sù OnearW ;r. Hrl T±'MS. ri- said Ted shiningly. "I'm going t treepe' son, is a sound bou1rE, Ranik Seond maoRck a erd Mtiss Loub seHan- taemy sister over to see Our old not need is cruthes again. Writ- hearted chap and in love with maock represen gDubt eHan, ing of bis experiences, he says Txs onyws mesntd TeDenr aptBi La olfnsàoraIddrne eves flashing f ire! She beheld a drip- tdr's face at that moment she would iplace. She's neyer seen it, you know." "-FOr f ive years I suffered terribly byexas. o wa The vilan a e halleaneyCupewiBaUles- Wo'Prdle, Dat S om o th ée prox Ping crowd of cildren. have been surprised. The comicai And then as the minister looked from rheumatic pains, and I began the play, sleek and polshed Steve sented. ta St. George's Anglican - Î, iiraint the Cros ndcas bac "Buddie Gay!1 Wbat are N'ou do- io faueetvnse utry tbricurniTde and to thinîc my case hopeiess. alo Hamilton, knows there la ail and Cuc e' lb ec stle, s over a t ifull vlew of ' ou b aubt h' ad oo o ute tndrnssan You know sbe's been away a had a bad stomach and I rareiy badl wealth on the farm and nearly this year's lege winners, at a Christian. in. autyt sympathy came into is eyes. In long time. She's neyer seen it' a meal without my food repeating succeeds in chiselling the Busbees banquet ta be hI at Newcastle, 'Then castn a different atmos- ,ety seized Bud's arm and jerked one motion hie set down bis inedi- "Oh," said the minister laoking at on me. One day an aid f riend told out of their property and winning April 25, it was announced today peeoe h lo aeMs him back f rom the sink, but *some cine case on a chair in te al be- Marorie quickly azain, "then you're me to try Kruschen SaIts. So 1 Texas. The part was taken by byH G. Ballard, secretary of the pHawaor A lam Mrs.Jse suboncîus eatin cmplid hm in bm aidstodeovr o Btt. otthe sister I saw befare? I thaugbt bought a bottle and gave it a triai. y Hiead r. d oeh cge During the season New- Miss E. M. Blackburn, Mrs. Gea. to keep bis hoid on the dishpan which "Poor cbild 1" be said. "You've there was somnetbing different about "After some turne I was able to kiss, a former Broadway girl, in<w castie 'abtained 80 points. *Aln isTn egsn n e ad been trying ta rigt, and been workiniz toa ard. Weli have vu. You're fot twins are you?" noyagdmelndtwak or sella ieauty lotions as a business. St. Peter's, Cobourg, took sec- HA rd Cook Tnae, rsGon Mr- whe Betv emoed im romtheyoudown in bed the next thîng if "Yes," smiled Marjorie, "and 1 reely. One morning I got up and She and Jahnny Sloane (Bill ond place with 77 points; St. tin, delineatinï Fai, Hope, Hu- sink the dishpan witb its remaining yon don't look out. Here " be said guess we're dluite alike in iooks at lit tefr.dm thhert Rug owUcla)chnono th ne crooked Joh's, owmintStlo', asrt h y ispledUcth oe; and e- dirty water came aiong, and deiuged seizinz upon a tawel that bung on ieast." . ws rz ecaeIandw mted my aidHt hahinatLonseof hcc ooked wiHpf76 ,wh5 points; St.Jn',mov yi led the aows ramd the Betty w~ho had just changed ber kit- the rack above the sink. Well. isn't that interesting. l'Il crutcltes up and boiied the kettie sndIated Luie part. t. Mrk'skPor Hope, fbufth, with Crossnts andmv d therstowsod vadte chen redre orshefor ttthe tte rettyTe littiewetbousen ofhee doctortak wet otbeomendy ndf otheffbavethtaemtaketwatindeatef hf sainet. day'sanortHfor fcoffeeh Crsitad them.sooThateaewas dress Mariorie had given ber that towel and came over to Betty, lift- caine and cali and Ret acdiuainted six years ago, and I am naw back Other important cxaractcrs are 30 points. St. Peter's, Cobourg, Christian once more, The Un- morning. She had been upstairs get- inz ber face very gently and wipiùig witb you bath. But yau IOIow, I at my aid job as a chef."-H.A.B. Dell Slattcry, big eyed, tall, gaw- was hast year's winncr ai Uic cup. shadowed Cross. ting into array ta inget the doctor off the tears witb the wet towel. realiy tbougbt you were - different Do you realize wbat caussa k igof an herse r uh enjy s a i S xet Maia's AnglicH.Anpst atpoio t idn the cor ondb wvhen she heard the tumuit down- "There " he said cbeerfuiiy. "Yov - somebow - wben I didn't know good deai of rbeumnatism usebsa ttcryn, Uid ver psitetaDcli hurh o r ot o who dongtlicnMrs. E . onteorta ,wha ireed stairs. wiII feel better naw. Natbing like yau weren't 1" but sbarp-edged uric acid crystais in cverything, looks, dress and cup ta Uic league in 1932 when he the pageant, sang, Whcn I Sur- Betty looked down at herseif in cool water ta brace one up.", They ail laugbed and tben tbe wbich fartn as the result of slug- actions. Dell was impersonatcd was rector ai St. George's Church, vcy the Wondraus Cross, Stand horror and gasped, the more so as Suddenlv Betty looked up and minister looked at bis watch and gish climinatimg organs. Kruschen by Evehyn Allin, and Duhcey by Newcastle, will be present at thc Up Stand Up for Jesus; Love Di- the nature of the element that %vas laugbed. Laugbed witb the tears said: Saits can always be counted upçn Marjorie Lycctt. Thcy wcrc neigh- banquet and make thc formai pre- vine, Ail Laves Excelling, and that doused over ber was gradualiy re- streaming down ber cheeks. "Wel, l'Il have ta bie of f. Hope ta clear those painful crystals f rom bars ai thc Busbces and activcly sentatian ta thîs ycar's winncrs. grand aid hymn by Sir John "ealed bv' the dregs of dirt in the The doctar came over ta ber yau came aRain. Miss Gay."' the systein. intcrcstcd in ail their doings and Word has been received tram Bowring, In the Cross ai Christ I dishpan. again, taking a dlean bandkerchief "'Oh. I wiii " said Marjorie, a bit circumatances. Lastly there was Mr. Mason that he will be prcsen~t Glary. Then suddenly Betty iooked up Now. brother. do I beiong ta the the Mexican farm hand, Jose, at thc banquet providing nothing, As thé sccne concluded, alpar- and saw the doctor standing in the aiyont? undersized, well lntcntioned and in thc meantime, preventa him ticipating in thc pageant, hait n doorwav with the most comicai look "«alniost anc ai Uic ianiily." ,Hc from attending. anc aide and hall on the other,, of amusement and pity on his face"You beiong " said Ted soiemnly. had amorous feelings for Dcn. akdsol dwnte ie that a man cauid wear. and ail at 'Ail rigbt 1" said Marjorie, "I ap- Ernest Gilbank was ta have takcn NWATEW M . ILSaisîca ai the church ta Uic back Once Betty knew that sbe toa was preciate that. And now, suppose we the part ai Jase, but behng taken NWATEW .S OD and proceeded ujp the centre aisle crying! The utmast humiliation that keep this ta ourselves for awhilie. 11wlihUtceilu, it fell upon Dir- EASTER SERVICE and thenaut into the achool room. life cauid bring bad descended tupon . shail we ?" ector Emerson W. Fisher ta do Uic At Uic bcginning ai the service bier. Tbe handsome young doctar "Okay 1" said the boy solemniy, Mexican iarmn handlng. And Em- Pieseiit Pageant là-United Cburch 1Mrs. George Haney sang a so- had seen ber like this, wet and dirty, as tbey went up the steps of the erson could do this ahl right hav- prano sala, Openl Uic Gates ai Uic and angry 1home. and oniy a quick smniie passed mng long ago graduated witihan- For ycars, the Easter Sunday Temple. And alm angrylyasse a between tbemn to ratif y the contract, ors i dramatics. Much ai Uic cvcnmng service atteUnicted lre A. 0. Parker and Mr. Jas. And il umpanddiry a sb W5 butbat knw tat omehin fi eitio ifor tUic successtui produc- Church has been dedicatcd ta Uie Hockin aperatcd the lanterri in she ankdow int a itcen hairbutbot kne tht smeting inetio ofthis hcavy play aiso goes cause ai the Women's Missionary thc galery. she~~~v sakdwnit kthnchi n setoagbappnoed. ty ta Mrs. Percy Hare -Who devotcd Socicty. Iýast Sunday cvening Uic Rcv. R. E. Morton, pastar, was Ind bst inoreai epn.ve gosteg it the citcan her talents ta Uic costumes and service took Uie torm ai a pag- at Clarke Church canducting a If hecoidhae senth dc-do a littie shopping," said Marjorie make-ups. cant, "The Unshadowcd Cross." special Eastcr Sunday evcnlng ______________________the next marning. Betore thc risc ai Uic curtain There was no.scrmon or address. service. Marjarie went f irst ta the reai Rev. R. E. Morton led in same Mrs. Normnan Allun, president aiof ______________ estate firm whose naine badl been community singing with Miss~ the W.M.S., conductcd Uic ser- on the siguboard yesterday at Brent- Reita Cooke at the piano, and be- vice, rcad Uie scripttire lessan, ai- wood. twcen Uic tirst and second acts tercd prayer, and made Uic an- MurphyPainte "I've came ta ask about a house John Buckley ai His Majcsty's nauncements. MdN V Y'ou have for sale in Brentwood." Customa centcrtamned with piano A choir ai nincteen vaices, with wIlI me aeyeup home she said and the man iooked ber solos. Members ai Uic Y.P.U. not Mrs. E. C. Fisher at the argan, POT F0 & IN*i over keenly. noted bier handsome at- in Uic cast servcd reircshments ta led in thc singing. Ladies in Uic "JE ealy toutt yu wee dfféent-l'tire and said "Yes ?" in an eager Uic players, helpers and assisting chair werc: Mesdames Gea. A. "I caly tougt yu wre iffrea-" 0 1 artists. Walton,, J. M. Cobbhcdick, E. C. out of bis pocket, and lifting ber breatbless f ram bearing herseif call- He gal~e ber a gaad sales talk. HaJ. . uHer .ny, P. Crcy -l chin witb one band gentiy wiped tbe cd a new naine. "That's a bargain." lhe said, Ji'.NECAA. PPISB utlen , .W.GHcnney, W.rJ. *tasaa.Tben the brother and sister walked just been thorougbiy done aver and SAVING THEIR PENNIES Malhey, R. T. Rutherford, C. R. A V Betty stopped iaughing and ber on in silence. Finally as tbey turned modernîzed. and because the awner AND PRACTISING THRIFT Carvcth, J. H. Jase, Herb. Toms, ~ é.ste Rl, face heid sometbing almost like awe. tbe corner and the minister -went wvas caugbt in the depressian we can J. E. Rinch, J. A. Awde, sopranos, mosS bdFnh The doctor smiled indulgently as driving by in bis car, bowing ta tbem sei it for à mere trifle." The Penny Bank repart for Jan- and Mrs. H. R. Pearce and'. Mises COSIERS IN ONE COAT he burried. upstairs. Betty siied and smiliig as be passed, MarjorieM Mariorie let im taik for a f ew uary and February shows that the Jean Clemence and Beagle Black- ORMJSES PERFECltY ta berseif and wondered if ail doc- followed bini with bier eycs until hecminutes and then she said: pupils ai Newcastle achool con- buim, altos. OISI oT tors were s0 cheerful and comfort- turned another corner and was ýOut "Couid I see the bouse ?" tinue ta stand well up ini the front The. pulpit had been removcd DUSUNN IE I ing t was probably just because of sigbt and tben sbe said slowiy, (To Be Continued) a akr imny 6 iUcada i otu a rce he as dotortha h ha ben gavey:pupils bcing depasitors duning the large, gilt cavcred cross. Whcn ' bewaBado tor that be hadben rav rttomnh iteya. the Ucpresentatian af the pageant 50 nice ta ber. Bti biidbr "He's rather wondcrful. isn't lbe?" U L Ilanl aco o n Uicist ercTthaega i ihswr undof ---~.L--~.i-.-- ta think of bis wiping ber tears, of ..OUIo n heditrc tatbeantemigtsweetune of . the taucb af bis smootb fingers lift- "You'rc teiling nme?" said Ted in Nmwcastle NeIws exceeda Uiis is Cobourg with 74% and a spatlight was focussed an inkherchinso entl. I wastha a rverntia toea f its pupils depositars. Campar- Uic cross; causlng a brlghtness ta ieng ofbercinsg entl.for a that a rh Teerent oe. _____made'acd with these arc Bowmanville emanate irasa it. Those ta appear seebof egh cred or ttto ucbeed Threa Bmresnton bouse.Ade* a e fr at eeand vicinity 35%, Toronto and in Uic pageant came inrntm hUicA. E. MoGREGOR & COMPANT "Fodidn' t ol b erseif bittcrly. tbey approached it Ted watcbed bier vcnt 1,Bleil n ii-S .hl n oksas afo tbn IH wswitb lealous eycs. She bad likeWh is BUFFALO PEOPLE itY 40%, Whitby 27%, Part Hope cither aide ai Uic chuirch, below Hardware - Phone 774 «'I ddW men ipenaî He's ninister. now wouid she like the REVERE MEMORY 23 %, Brighton 19 %. On the other Uic chair lait, those rcprescnting King Street, Dowmanville, Ont ininre rmyemarried t ntotsshe 0F e o i ewtnshosaetidfrfrthn clothed in black and those repre- Phone 4422 - Newcastle, Ont. donejustwha he id ad tink ealze tat h wa tnot gtor ai The Statesman B H. Mort- dothn ofust wHa e idandtikralz htblwstsiber at a4» hlock, now Associate *ditor *ai The Unotb» jstbing wa'Why. isn't it occupied ?" she ask- Fort Erie Times-Review, makes ' u1 47t7 &kind and helping me out of a mess." ed as tbey came in sight af tbe 'For this comment which wihl be ai -She stared after im wistfully as he Sale" sign. particuhar interest ta Newcastle Fwent out ta bis car and drove away, "No," said Ted witb a bcavy sigh. readers: P K O B A C and then she hurried upstairs to take "I've been expccting cvcry time 1 "Last Sunday night Trinity of f the nretty dress. came this way ta find thatsign gone, Episcopal Church in Buffalo, Uic 7.'~Marorie sitting in the pretty litte but it stays."1 largest nglican church in the oldstoe curc ofa hndrd yars "Its lvell" aidMarori, tk-citywas jammcd ta capacity for ai toecbrh fa udrdyer"4ts aei ad ajrie ak-memiorial service ta thc latei [tmeD ago an litenng o te yungini inthetal eln tees. tat Bishap Charles Brent ai Western preacher making salvation plainer piaced Iust rigbt ta make a pcture New York, wbo was barri and MAL-11GHT POUCH - 15 than she bad ever heard it before, of the bouse. The long siape Of brought up in Newcastle. Three LOK-TO" TINwas happier than she had ever been snawy lawn. the sbrubbery and hemn- bishops took part in the service, iced in PoktTn t was as if a strong sca breeze of snow snaking a delightfui screen were reprcsentcd in tnibute t aa r cJ were blowing thraugb the littie aud- f rom the street. ail addcd ta the great man. A local lady, who E h A ~ I I ience roomn. wakingc up and refresh- Picturé. nwBsoBrtwelbuwh inR every mnd ta keener intelligence. Ted led bier around ta the back la, a Presbyterian, tohd me she ~. .- _ te place. She heard Ibne woman ber look into the long îow living churchman ai any church in Uic explaining ta another: "Wby, The room with its great firepiace, f lank- paat fitty ycars. Thcy sure do oly Spirit s here 1" d on ither side by bookcases reacb ___________ Thn too, the singing here seemcd ing ta the ceiling. and bier nhsai ita have a different sound -f ram that for the bouse mounted.tili it equaled MAJOR DUNCAN DEAD inardinary churches. The people the boys awn. b a c sang the words as if they meant As they turned away f ram the Newcastle frienda and acquaint- thei. and the music rose like in- gate at iast M~arjorie took note of suces earncd with deep regret ai dense f romn an atar and scecned ta the sign board and made a mental the dcath in Uic Private Patients' mingie with the heavenly chairs memorandum of the naine of the Pavilion ai Uic Toronto General abov. ral stat agntHospital ai Major Erskine Dun- Bu ove real estate agent.hacan on Easter Monday. Major and Butnowsudenl itseeed hat Could she nossibly makc sanie ar- Mrs. Duncan and son Erskine the Bible was the guide baok for rangement with the peaple wbo had have long been summer residents the Cbristian's way, the indispens- taken it over wherebv tbey would at Newcastle-on-thc-Lake wherc able source of ail knawledge. the transfer it back ta ber father's naine, Uicy have a fine beach praperty *deep bidden trcasury of a Christian's clear. sa that she could band bimn with a personalhy buiit cottage. wealth. the decd of it without any obliga- Erskine Jr. who is now in bis first Sa she sat and listened wide-eyed tions for hum ta pay whatever? How year engineering course at the -,M a bta the cager young preacber witb she would lave ta, give it ta humi University ai Toronto, once at- -~ ~ ,the wanderful holv cyes wbo seemed for Christinas I Couid a thiîîg îikç teiidcd achool in Ncwcasthc, a pu- w . as lie talked ta be looking inta an- that bc donc so quickiy? There was pil ai Miss Hattie Mason. The hate ther world. stili almost a weck ta Christinasl Major Duncan went overseas in HI ig C 1 v (ý: i .,Y, T Il U 11 J DA Pli