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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Apr 1939, p. 5

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THURSDAY, APRIL 2OTH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO PAGE FIVE Observations Gleaned From OLEA Co' ention By Durham Club Pres. By Dr. L. B. Willams, Presîdent Durham County Club of Toronto It was my privilegze ta attend the' finals in the public schools oratorical contest in Convocation Hall, Toronto, sponsored by the Trustees and Rate- payers' Division of the O.E.A. Con- vention. Since everybody, pupils. parents and teachers of Durham County have manifested such interest in this province-wide educational f cature. 1 thought Statesman readers migbt be interested in a little miscellaneojs comment. There were twelve judges of thse six contestants (ail girls) on the subject "The Kind of a Scisool I Would Like My School To Be." In my opinion, two phases vir- tually macle decision: Ist - The speaker's personality. 2nd - The character of the sub- iect matter. The phraseology and general recit- atian were unîformly excellent and none of vou have beard either in delivery or substance as fine an address in a long time as every anc of these cbarming little Canadian girls graced the rostrum of spaciaus Convocation Hall in the wide em- brace of Canadian idealism in edu- cation and citizensbip of their sub- ject. The winner, little Miss Susan Jar- relI of Spencerville, near Ottawa. in, ber 'cbarming smile and suiting ex- pression ta the tbought. bgr poise, cultured gesture, cleat enuniciation of lofty sentiment and adieu was beyond anvtbingr I have ever been favored witb. Her courtesy on Con- clusion is meant for kings. Smallest of them ail, aur awn lit- tIc Miss Margaret Bennett of Port Hope, pupil of Miss Smith, was just as nonchalant, as when she won the Toronto Durham Club's shield, neyer besitated and was a real appeal ta the audience, but thse heaviness of the subi ect did not suit ber tender years as well as ber former subi ect "What Is Your Pet Phobia ?" Peculiarly. these two little girls looked enougis alike to he sisters,. and similarly sa in platform appeal if judged. from Margaret's former ad- dress. Margaret's prize was Tise Canad- ian Educator in 3 vols. Durham County and Toronto Durham Club may be very proud of these gems of oratory fora Port Hope: Doris Inch, Margaret Bennett and Barbara Tickell. Should there be a specified sub- iect in this f inalist address? I thought I saw disadvantages at Orono County Contest wben several through suggestion of subjects. chose "«Our Flag." Often 1 think sources of material are common toalal and this added to the repetition of suc- cessive speakers. Finally savors ai monotony ta the audience and judges. No doubt cbildren dif fer in tastes and suitability. ta subi ects. The old Indian said - "If everybady think same like me., tje ail want ta marry my squaw."le The addresses signified a general grouping of requirements, for the ideal school in curricula, 'enviran- ment. means of approacb and above aIl the broad foundations of future tcitizenship. The individual variation was in the aspects emphasized. Granting ithat others created the substance of ;address. it would seem to me that iwith one specific subject, the con- test might savor of debate de luxe, with others not tbe contestants shar- ing thse judges' decisions. MY readers wilI agree witb me tthat it is evident today that the poor- er and more bankrupt tise world gets and we get, the more we want and t~u bL.-~am hs SPECIALI AUSTRALIAN SULTANA RAISINSm SPECIAL! "THINSHELL" SODA cRtACKERS SPECIAL! BULKI SPECIALI ALL KINDS BULK MACARONI 2 b.23 - Lb. a35 - 7Lb..2 SPECIALI P& 0SOAP YOUR CHOICE AT PEAUL SO&p}7 CAKES a2u5 HUTTON'S DEPENDILE SOAP) VICAL Ha'.,au-oz. -10 IVORY Cake.10 MCLAREN'S NORYHERN JELLYPowders Pkg .05 TISSU E 3 Rails .25 OLD COLONY MAPLÉ 'JOLLY GOOD" PREPARED SYRUP 16-z.27 MUSTARD5;,.1O TEXAS PURE GRAPEFRUIT "JOLLY GOOD" JUICE - 3'0-0x-.25 Nut Snaick16; .9 TIGER LIFEBUOY CATSUP 1-- .10 SOAP - Cake .07 KELLOGG S RESi.SCBdo ALL WHEAT rom it wth g2 Pkg-.25 "MOMI J've gained three pounds more! [Sien Ras MiIk Did It!] This youngster la growing - faut1 Ho'. one of the most active boys iu the noighborhood. And he'. doing btter work at uchool! What wau ho lk. BEFORB ho started .ta, drink Glen Ras? Wll, the kind of youngster you'd eaU "liatiesi".. n o p.. . alwa.ys irrit- able . . . underweight. Thon Mother startod ta give him Glen Ra. ho 's different now I Start serving Glen Rae MIlk dallyl Dieticians recommeni that oilîdren drink at least a quart of milk every day. Because it la rich In Calcium and Phoaphorus, milk promotes bodily growth and builds ne- slstancet GLEN RAE DAIRY Phono 2665». Bowmanville ask that some unseen source, supply it. What those addresses. sponsored no doubt bv teachers. called for as ideal standard scbooi equipment, is the handwritinR on the wall and will f ill the book. The trustees I had when I was a scbool teacher wili turn in their graves when this ail cornes ta pass. On the agenda are consolidated schools of necessity, central room broadcastinR for aIl your imagin- ation tôys witb, swimming pools, a little lake in the setting, of spgcious parks. playing f ields, f lower gardens, no more pump handles or box stoves or doubtful dlean bands. When mot- ion picture films, especially Canad- ian films for Canadian children was listed.. I really began to agree, they were cominR down out of the cther. Yes. and diet kitchen, music and more music and if 1 keep on enum- eratiiz there won't be room to state that thev did mention that the "three R's" would only be curtailed, not eliminated. It's gainir ta cost more than the 'little red school bouse" of fond memory to you and I. It looks as though the schools as well as the children are going ta get vitamn"ins. What is the interpretation of no boys in the f inalists? Is Durham County's Raymond Gilmer. f rom Crooked Creek. last year's winner, the last of the Romans? Our Sir Wilfred Laurier of the future ta be Susan Jarrell of Spencerville, and Hon. R. B.' Bennett ta be Margaret Bennett of Port Hope, in our halls of oratory? Not a lawyer with nerve« enough to mount the political plat-1 form ? Well. we men have made a sorry mess of it aIl. - Best wishes ta the ladies. While Mr. H. Hobbs f rom North-1 umberland County, reviewed the judges' sheets, the question of estab-i lishing a minimum teacher's salaryi evoked a motion for $700 while amendmrent suggested $800. (Either one is over double my stipend as a teacher and tIhe trustees hoped my ability wauld measure up to their generosity). Others thought it ill- advised ta throw thse profession into the labor market and the question was dropped after having suggested what was thought reasonable as a basis, with further appreci4tion of evident ability. A splendid burst of applause greet- ed anc trustee's remark, that the school teacher, apart f rom school work. was in Christian and social service the most valuable person of the community. ranking ahead of either the clergy or the doctor. This was a great deserving tribute f rom a cross-section of the Trustees' Pro- vincial organizatian. SIt was vointed out that just as in business. continuity of a teacher's services if efficient, was desirable and only fair remuneratian could maintain it. It was incumbent upon the individual bath young and aIder ta encourage, befriend and swear by the teacher in their midst. Convocation Hall was neyer f illed with a better leven of the best of Ontario citizenship and national sta- bility - the ordinary, humble, eýLrn- est, dependable voter - the man who alwavs earns more than he Rets - the Trustees' sç the O.E.A. As variaus ones rase to express opinion, here and there. it was sadly evident that their early educational opportunties bad been curtailed but the tenor of the voice and the essence of the thought bore the stamp of in- tegrity and high thinking. Hamipton Miss Madeline Trull, Toronto, spent Sunday at home. Miss Barbara Reynolds and Master Jiminie Brodie, Toronto, spent Easter week with Mrs. J. R. Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Caverly, Mrs. Ken Caverly and son Bruce, Toronto, Mrs. J. Albert Cole and son Donald, Bowmanville, were Easter guests at Mr. C. W. Souch's. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. C. Flory left on Tuesday for Niagara on the Lake and take this opportunity cf thanking their friends for their many kindnesses, and regret that on account of the bad condition of the roads they were unable to cal on themn before leavmng. A number' of neighbors gaUser- ed at Use home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink on Friday evenmng to bid farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. C. Flory who left Uis week for Niagara-on-Use-Lake. Mr. Reg Weaving acted as master of cere- monies and called on Mrs. LoiZenzo TruIl who read an address. éMrs. Myrtle Taylor presented a marble table lamp and dressing table lamp. Mr. Flory thanked Usose Shaws H. & S. Association met April 4th, wiUs President Alex Prout in Use chair, Mrs. Elmen Cox, secre- GLASS WARE An exceptional opportunity to purchase tble Glassware at a most attraciepie GRAPE CUT Sherbets, Plates and Coek- tail Glanses - - Oniy 1oc n. Salai Plates and Goblets - - - - 15c es. Table Tumblers --5e eoU. Flo-Gilaze Paint Canada's Finest Produot - A Paint for every purpose, at' lower prices than luit year. A "SEIS" BRUSH will ensure good resulti. Wallpaper Thse decorating season la now at its peak. Our Waflpapor stock la complete with thse fin- est Patterns obtalnable. T"le year's patterns 10Oc roll and up Greatly Reduced Remnant Lots WALLPAPER PASTE 15elb J. W. Jewell Flo-glaze Dealer Phone 556 Bowmanvillie tary, and Miss Bernice Gilbank at the piano. It was decided to send- a delegate to convention at Royal York, Toronto, on May 9 - il. El- ection of officers will be held at May meeting. This nteresting prograin was in charge of K. Squair, Binier Cox and R. K. Bragg: An address by Dr. Howard Rundie of Bowmnan- ville; two selections on the piano accordion by Miss White of Or- ono; readings by Howard Foley,t Maple Grove. The highlight of the evenig was a spefling match between NO. 9 and Shaw's, ten members frein each association competmng. Miss Hlda Rowland from Lake Shore Club gave the words. Shaw's won « the contest. Several members from No. 9, with their president, Chas. Glenney, were present. 1Refreshinents were served un- der thse direction of Mrs. Earl Houck, Misses J. Prout and J. Clemenx&, and Mrs. W. J. S. Rick- ard. Long Sault Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, Bow- manville, visited with Mr. and iMrs. F. G. Snitis. rMr. Walter Murphy, Miss Paulý- m ie Fraser, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Murphy. 1Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kincaid and fGrace have returned home aîtqr, -visiting frienLis in Toronto dsld .Port Hope. Masters Keith and Ray Davey and Gwen are holidaying: with Mr. and Mrs. R . McCullough, Ty- rone. Mr. and Mrs. N. Foster and family have moved on to D. Day- ey's place. t Mr. and Mrs. M. Byers have moved out near town. 1Mr.. George Smniths visited with Mr. S. Smith, Salems. Man is somewhat like a sausage, Very smooth upon the skmn; But you cannot teil exactly How mucis hog there is within. SIGNS & POSTERS -AUTOS - TRUCKS - WAGONS - ETC. 1PAIINTED AND LE ~RED Abe - Baby Carniages - Bicycles Furniture - Refrigerators Wicker Work - Beis. For Better Painting Phone 441 J. H. NEEDHAM Centre Street - Bowmanville tf Order Bray Chicke Sw, and be 'lucky" when cgg prces cdimb noit FaIL. .e. e e or phone me, rlght away. Penn attention. prompt delivery. F. L. BYAM Tynone. Ont. J. E. NICHOLSON ]Pontypool, Ont. NOTICE Our Examiner will b. at Alex McGregor, Drugs Bowmanville, ont. XVERY MONDAY 11 a.M. to 2 p.M. Glaises At Prices You Can Affand. ALLIED OPTICIANS 169 Youze Street Toronto, Ont. Cadmus Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler visited at Mrs. A. E. McGill's on Friday. Miss Marjorie Pryor, Clare- mont, spent tise Easter vacation at Mrs. Mereditis Fallis'. Master Jack Fallis, Toronto, visited his cousin, Glen Gibson. Miss Leah McQtuade has secur- ed a position in Bowmanville. Miss Collette Ferguson, Bow- manville, holidayed with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. McGill. Leskard (Intended for last week) Mr. Ross Rabbins, Toronto, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. A. Robbins. Mr. and Mrs. Bell visited iser parents, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Baistw, over Use weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Borne, Toronto, visited iser parents, Mr. and Mrs. Crow. Mn. Bertram Syer spent Uset weekend at home. Miss Gray, our teaciser, spent1 tise Easter isolidays at tise home of ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gray. Miss Mildred Davey was at home Easter Monday. Owing ta Use bad weather and e roads not many were at tise Club Monday evening. CENTRAL ONTARIO LEAGUE DISBANDS AFTER 19 YEARSs Jake Solomen of Peterboro, On- ganizes League In 1919 - Cir- cuit Usei To Include Bowmanvile With tise admission cf tise Petes into T. A. B. A. comnpetition Uis year, tise 19-year-old central On- tario Basebail League is disband- ed. Organized in 1919 by Jake Solomon of Peterbora, Use circuit in various seamons included teains from Bowmanville, Port Hope, Cobourg, Lindsay, Kingston, Belle- ville, Napanee, Oshsawa, Leaside and Peterboro. Last year it dwin- dlcd to tisree clubs, and when Kingston was suspended by tise O.B.A. for use of ineligible play- ers, Oshsawa and tise Petes finish- ed out tise season. Oshsawa will not have a club tisis year. Officials feel that tise break-up of one of tise strongest senior amateur circuits in tise province was due mainly to two things, tise negleet to sponsor minor clubs in the centres concerned, and Use moving forward of tise O.B.A. residence date. This latter largely contributed to tise downfall of lakeshore clubs - who could not import players so early - and caused Usem to drop back to in- termediate company. Local Car Dealer Attends Conférence Oshawa, April l8th - Leading Ontario dealers of Cisevrolet andi Oldsmobile motor cars - including Roy Nichols of Bowmanville and Caurtice - met recently at tise Oshawa head office of General Motors Products of Canada in the third o! a series o! Company- dealer conferences arranged by tise Cisevrolet-Oldsmobile division. Explaining tise purpose of tise conferences, H. J. Carmichael, Vice-President and General Man- ager, expressed Use conviction of tise Company that Use greatest possible degree o!fisarmony and co-operation between Cdhnpany, dealer and customer was essen- tUal to tise maintenance of Gen- eral Motors present dominant pos- ition la thse Canadian automotive industry. It was to ensure Use continuance of tis isarmnony and tis co-operation, ho said, Usat tise current series of Conferences was being held. C. E. McTavish, Gen- oral Sales Manager. welcomed Use delegates and presided over Use deliberations. Cisevrolet-Oldsmobile dea I e n s were present froin Whitby, Bow- manville, Bnockville, Gaît, Co- bourg, Tillsonburg, Guelphs, Wood- steck, Lindsay, Belleville, Barrie, Sarnia, Kingston, Chsathamn, Well- and, Winchester. NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCH (Intended for last week) The flowers in Use United Cisunch on Sunday, a basket o! beautiful carnations and daffodils, were placed tisere in loving mem- ory of tise late Mrs. J. R. Fishser. At Use beginning of Use service Sunday morning, members o! Use Young Worsiippers' League who isad attended cisurcis 50% or more of tise Sundays in 1938 were ask- ed to corne to Use front by tise pastor, Rev. R. E. Morton, and formin l line before tise commun- ion rail to receive Useir recogni- tion awards. Miss Evelyn Allin, secretany o! tise Y.W.L., Mn. A. O. Parker, Mn. Tisos. A. Rodger and Mrs. J. C. Hancock also took posi- tions at Use front by request of tise pastor. Miss Allun Usen isand- ed eaci of tise otisens a number of bocks of various sizes and styles to suit tise neading tastes and capacities of tise ciildren wiso were ta receive Usem. Mn. Rodgen, S. S. Supt., pre- sented books to Francis Jose and Anne Cryderman wiso iad a 100% attendance record. Mrs. Hancock presented books te Use following wiso iad a 75% record or better: Helen Allin, Eileen Allun, Mildred Allin, Clare Allin, Norma Allun, Glenn Aluin, June Allin, Neil Bitton, Frank Hoar, Ted Hoar, Mary Toms and Mari onie Toms. Mn. Parker made tise presenta- tions to those witis a 50% record but less tisan 75%. Tisey were Ruth Allin, Barbara Bonathan and Gordon Hanna. After tise ceremony all Use ne- cipients present came back to tiseir seats looking very pleased witis tlseir gifts o! books. Miss Evelyn AiJin reports that a mucis larger number of children are enrolled in Use Y. W. L. this year Usan in 1938. Aften Use sermon tise sacra- ment of Use Lord's Supper was administered by Use pastor, assist- ed by Elders Thos. Moffat, Robt. Martin, J. E. W .Philp, Fred Gra- ham, J. W. Glenney, Norman AI- lin, W. J. S. Richard, N. L. Rick- ard and A. 0. Parker. Elder Fred Fligg is still confined to his home and Elder J. W. Bradley is flot well. There is much sickness in thse village and vicinity and not 50 many were out for communion as usual. Owing to the illness of Mrs. E. C. Fisher, Mrs. C. A. Cowan play- ed the pipe organ both morning and evening. Choir Leader W. J. S. Richard was in his place again on Sunday after an absence of tlsree weeks on account cf illness. 93-YEAR-OLD LADY US HOCKEY FANI Mns. John Rear, Lindsay, StiII Active Despite Advanced Years One of Lindsay's oldest resi- dents, Mrs. John Rear, on Sunday, April 16, celebnated her ninety- third birthday. Despite ber advanced age, Mrs. Rean is still active. She has been a resident of Lindsay for 39 years. Her husband died 16 years ago. Mrs. Rear is an ardent hockey fan, and altisougis ier views on Use gaines are now brought to her via tise radio, she can tell tise history of practically every player la tise National Hockey League. Mrs. Rear has three daugisters, Mrs. J. B. Saunders of Lindsay, Mns. J. McQuarrie and Mrs. G. Webster of Bowmanville, and two sons, George of California, and Josephs of Cleveland. ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES Fmom BOWMANVILLE April 28 - 29 and A.M. Trrains only April 30 To TORONTO, Hamilton, Brantford, London, Chathami, Sarnia St. Catharines, Niagara Falls, Ont, Buffalo, and ail Intermediato points beyond Hamilton. APRIIL 28 and 29 To Brampton, Guelph, Goderich, Owen Sound, Southamipton and al Intermediate points beyond Brampton. To Meafond, Midlani, Penetang, North Bay and ail intermediate points beyoai Bannie, Panry Sound, Burwaah, Suibury, Longlac, Geraliton, Jellicoe, Beardmone. Tickets alse soli to local stations between Beilevile-Whltby inclusive. T.110B See hanibilla for full panticulars or secure information from Agent. C AN A DIA N N A T 10NA L C A NA DIA N PACIFI C April Sliowers Brîng SpringI Clothes Though April is the month for showers, it la aise the time when sprin wardrobes should be replenished. Eu ufacturers this year have praduced soaxe of the finest spring coats w. have lever seen. Colorful material, attractive style and individuality are expressed in aur models. Priced fram $9e75 Up New Hosiery "4 Crepe chiffon and ser- .. vice weight hosiery the newest shades. Ou hase have a reputation Mpl ii Mll for smartness and long wear. 49o te $1~ Couch', Johnston & Cryderman Phone 836 LEMTED Bowmanvifle I r Courtice ROT NICHOLS. Bowmanville e',. DSOBL AE R i'SRIE LS R * ILT_ 1 - 1 PAGE FIVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, APRIL 20TH, 1939 imairl, VA 'lima

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