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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Apr 1939, p. 7

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THURSDAY, APRIL 2OTH, 1939 TT-TU~ CAMATTAM RTÂT1D'?ayiA £YIf--% TX7TV Tr L5,t'T'AN us ini past years they had patron-À Wright with Mr. and Mrs. N. E. 1 the Newycastle Drug Store and i sulvthe best indication of the- ized B w manvlle nu serieaaids re omvl le nrele n Wright. Roy Rahm, Union, with Wagstaff's Grocery. In the fail of hatscpct.I is oftn abete ~f l I A J A M U f P f l ~ f ~ Y * w e e w ll p l e s e d a n t h y w r eK e n n e th R a h m . . . M rs . M a ry G rif- 1 1 9 2 2 s h e w e n t w e s t a n d w a s u n it- _ _ __t ZiL~U ~LII~UI AL again infor pa n their sprmng 3 L fin. Bownanville, is home with the e nmriage to Mr. Hancock szna h ondition of the heart 7 Ms.H.G.HOpeNaE onBu6o flu.. Mliss Nora Werry, Kedron, who had served three years over- that can be gained from physical MrsEwadGPoarO aa Mr.H .Roe n o u fwith relatives. seas in the Great War and was examination. Tedaho lzbt ad vis ted her da ght r, rs J. Gif Ja - A l a Mr N i-m n W igh aten ed he In the spring of 1924, M r. an d C ronic bronchitis and tuberculosis fen,. M ohntonico.nCo She also attended firneral of Mr. E. Phiîp., Prince Mrs. Hancock returned ta New- yitreng itthnomlfncSot. ieofE adG.Plad Mr.J. H.Jo nson wa i C l-Duncan is proprietor of Empire the reception -held for hier sister R @ck-Spar Albert. csi whr tey av c nt ed tion af the lungs, will cause short- occurepi 7h 99.a h Uingwood guest of Mr. George Silversmiths who do plating on and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. atewr hyhvecniudbitrfigwt heomlfn'Sc Lunney UP adrphe. Perey Finly, on the occasion of VARNISH W.M.S. Thank-Offering service to reside. Mrs. Hancock had fot ness of breath. The blood in such famiyrsdne17OhaaBl- ______ _ w as eld Su day ev nzng. R ev. H . b een i ro b u st h ealth for sev eral condition s s un b e t ga n a uf rd O s a , fo o in a le th Mrs. . H. owan, Vivia and upi a d tro hies.thear 25th eddmg annavrsaryLackev conducting the service. Guest years, but she always endeavored iint suply ai oxygen for an ade- illnes. Se hd nt be n g o H. erry. brviitdM . Open stroand Afora kltrout, wil find uefulreedmnts. at speaker was Mrs. H. Argue. Bow- ta attend church service with her quate lunz supply. In the Young, H.Der. o. Ptr, oot, a r omneronce A ril t uskrùfat end isit rst. ad For OnIy I10 Days manville. one ai aur former church husband when ait al possible. Seacsolae note ai breatls-healthfrtreyasbthrcn 4weekend visitor at Madame Cal- season has been extended until Mrs John Snowden's, Maple April 20 to 29 workers, who Rave a most impressive had been less well than usual this ness. It is aften associated with heart ditionddntbcmcein ia lu!.April 30, 1939, in this coufty. Grove, icluded Mr~. and Mrs. address ta an attentive audience. Her winter and an alarming heart con- or luniz disease. The best time ta Satnra hnsesufrdasrk Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Charters Ladies - Beglnnig next week, Lawrence Staples Bethany, Mr. For each can purcbased at words were in keepinz with the dto eeoe hc eutdtetsc odto sbfrehfrm hchseaidtaaly Brampton, were Sunday guesta <of Johnston's Book Store will carry and Mrs. Ted FoÏey, Mrs. R. D. retail price you are entltled Easter seasan tellinff haw God has in her death on April 8th. cause has urogressed very far.Oe shi wsbr n atWib Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James. a complete stock of the famous Trimble and Vernon, Mr. Sam te one extra eau for only revealed Himself dawn thraugh the canse equ ean s o ig f the vaios gec adButterick Patterns. They are sole Snowden and Mr. R. D. Snowden, One Cent. s ndftheCuiiion ofd Reesus. alsaPrrGib, sawseeking ta hevaiusagn- e Mar. Ohand isi tedtheir agetsfor Bowmanvle. Oshawa. We are pleased ta re- aurecta? ion th esCucifixoseion dRe n.Eiz ar obs lhw es Productive of breathlessness is by hr5t er h eîe nO Mrs. John McIntyre. aut Statesman mailing lsts have port Mr. Snowden is improvig. Rock-Spar lis an endurlng leave no doubt in the minds of her Following a lengthy illness, Mrs. regular Physical examinatian. This awa patclyalhrle h carrctedup a Anil 1th. Mrs.Wm. obets, ilvr St, vanhs forfloos, urniure listeners af the cominiz af the Holy George Gibbs, 316 Ritson Raad N., advice pertains' ta bath yaung and was amme iS.Ade Mrs. David Davis and Miss Leooka h ylo aeladseha enviiigM. n rSpirit. Our auxiliary was very foar- Oshawa, passed away ait the fa- aid. If universally follawed, it wauld UnitedCnc n.we ngo MriBehAeetrandaidat e yrello. laban d m ses en vnToritoindMr. andedMrhe and woodwork. tunate in securing Mrs. Argue. Miss ily residence April 16th. She was prevent mnch severe illness and many healthi a ciei h oka few friends at dinner i the Eas- please advise us at once. operetta "The Magie Tea" given iGL$.0 as$6,51 Moita Dinniwell. Bawmanville, sang in lier 67th year. ______________ Se i suvied y hr nsbnd ter holidays. Mr. Ralph VanCamp, who has by children at Margaret Eaton 1 a. 650 G]verY sweetly "Alone"' in keeping with Born in Devonshire, England, ansai teMs ale us Mrs. E. C. Southey, Mr5. J. been employed with an undertak- Hall n Frlday, the St. Johns P as- %sGa. $3.40 - 2 - 1/Gal. $.41 the address. The chair rendered an on May 19, 1872, Eliza Parr wason Mr.Joh Knt otredtaKhis-ed his connection there and is urday i which Mrs. Long is a 1 Pint 95e - -- 2 Pints 96e birth about frty years aga ta F. burn, destroying more than $1,- ne sse.Ms .F .Hnesn ton for the weekend. o oianghr.mmeoftecoranPak Pn55-2-YPIS56 R. G. Gibbs. They came directly 000,000 worth of catton. That's ai Cobug Mrs. Wilbur Oke and son Eric, Rev. and Mrs. A. S. Kerr, Ellen dale Church where Mr. F. Sutton SCO Tder.-Cleveshwafrm.Enland abu uta fetv sPlînalr.t ery.In Montreal, are staying with Mrs. and Stewart, called on Mr.J. A. 's organist and, choir leader, and Take advantage of this____ sixteen years ago and Mr. Gibbs dr-lvln li-elr ey Gr onativeshre. *sitngther McClellan and Rev. and Mrs. w. asitd the choir in the Sunday generous offer to-day. (By Donald Ventais) has been an employe of the city______________________________ reardonesht . andvstn F. Banister an their return ta assit service. We had the privilege last week practically ail that time. Miss Ella Mcntyre visited fri- Collingwood from Belleville. Trinity United Church Brother- ofiiiê VINr ibeang present ait the Boy Scauts Besides hier husband and one ends i Torornto Easter week. Due ta an errar, Knight's Cart- hood has been fortunate in secur- MI UI - " iaugu.r.i "Cyclorama" in To- son, William, Oshawa, the late Miss Mamaon McDougall returnedagPanNubr48wsmî ing the services of Rabbi Maurice - S N D LE ronto. It was presented by' 3,000 Mrs. Gibbs is survîved by twa with hier for a few days. ted from the Bell Telephane dir- N. Eisendrath, Haly Blossom Syn- HARDWAREofte1,0TonoScusInitrsnEnad, nd aur Mrs. E. S. Ferguson, Miss Doro- ectary this year. Ail persans in- agague;' Toronto, ta canduct the the Coliseum there wcre 102 grandchildren, Oshawa. She at- thy M. Edger and Miss Ada Annas terestcd are asked ta make evcning church service on Sun- Phone 408-- Bowmanvllle booths with displays in thern ai tended the Church ai England. attended the Music Teachers Con- memo ai this number. 16-4day, April 30. Rabbi Eisendrath néarly ail Scaut and Cub tests Interment was made at the. venionhi oroto astwee. s an intcrnationaîîy f a in a u s with mast of the prof iciency Hampton Ccmctery.- vniniToot atwe. Miss Moira Diniwell entertain- preacher and one of the autstand- ________________ badges illustratcd. Those fram out ai tawn wha Mrs. Clark, Oakvllle, Mrs. W. ed a number ai lier young friends ngmnaauti.Sevce will There wcre some outstanding attcnded the funeral includcd Mr. Burns, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. A. Friday evcning in honar ai lier begin at 7 p.m. Everyane wcl- organizatian. In his many sug- ones including an Accident Pre- and Mrs. A. Chapman, Hampton, a %À C. Hord, Ruth, John, Hughi and cousins, Audrey, Eilecn and Jahn came. gestions was anc that a legislation vention exhibit showing a dam- Mr. and Mrs. W. Gibbs, Crystal Weston's Marilyn, Toronto, were guests ai McCullough, ai Taranto, who wcre Mr. Clarke Marnisan, Toronto, should be passed ta, contrai the aged car with a skcletan at the Beach, Mr. and Mrs. S. Nash, De- Rainbow Mallows ...........b 0 Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McTaggart. visiting lier. bohritclaeawncMr- clcan-cuttig ai timber lands. He wheel; stapsgsadtafcsgs rat r n r.Toa ib Lions District Governar J. J. If it's fine varnish yau are loak- risan ai Milwaukee, Wis., whose akdta h ersnaie n as well as a film on accident pre- Tyrone, Wellington Neal, Ridge- 2 z.1a Brown and District Secretary E. ing for, 'sec the One Cent Sale ai obituary appeared in last week's terview their county cauncils ask- vextion. way. Peanut Butter . ......... .... 5 'W. Crawford attended an execu- Jap-A-Lac Varnish at Mason. & Statesmnan, informis us that his fa- ing their support ai this legisia- The Cubs lad a space with their Pure tive meeting ai Lions at thc King Dale's Hardware Store opening tier heard fram Lawrie several tian. If you are unable 'ta have a lýair whcre thcy prcsented a meet- Edward Hotel, Toronto, last week. this weck. For anly anc cent you times ater hie leit home, îirst field day, Mr. Porter said, a tour igadtl o hypse esn o ai yu Mr. Duncan, Toronto, visited receive an extra can ai Rack-Spar froin Detroit and the last time ai the county plats would be the tgsas. Teld hSoutshyasscd e asons F or M pe yu.. . .ai 1,5-qt Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Dinniwell. Mr. Varnish. Sec ad~t.,,on page 7. when lie was employedi a gen- nex*t est tig. Hep frsc fine displays also ____ ________________ Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Tennant eral store and post office in wyord t could easily be obtained Cowan'sShor the ngaemet a thir min. o lae yarsno y- ro ari local organizations. The Scaut and Cub HbySo Death ~~daughter, Elizabeth Florence, ta had.been received from han. His report showed that the pro- ih130etisldsm vr yJh .S culuh D ahJack Brough, son ai Mr., and Mrs. St. Paul's W. M. S. held the Eas- vhicial work was coaing aîong fie wark in it, icluding anodel M.D., D.P.H.Bae' Co a BULLIED - In Bowmanville Hos- marriage ta take place (uitly the l8th. Mrs. C. M. Crruthers pre- and patient work. planes and ther Scout land- A persn wha breathes cofot Danil B ougi Ba ma~ille Th te tha k-oferng srvie Apil ple didl, a ti resit i h r brid e knot bad, ean o d e I camfort- * i siIbutlb. iout of pital on Wednesday, April l9th, latter part af May. sided. Miss Hutchison readA-he Representatives r ep or t e d onar Ti Frcntanbdge Sboots rably when atre st, ut ges - ,1939, Elijah R. Bullied, beloved The engagement is announced scripturc, also giving a very i- cunty activities durig 1938. reeipenanthScusratwensm pyialxrcs husband'of the late Frances Ami ai Elizabeth Eileen (Betty), dau- spiing reading on "Transfonming A. Sumniers, Agicultural Repre- enacted a rescue. is taken. naturally wants ta knaw Langstaf f. aged 71, years. Late gîter of Mrs. Lake ai Newcastle Friendships." Mrs. Squair and sentative for Durham, related Ini tic arena i the evening, tbe reasan. -gd n 1 Mr. Bnllied is resting at North- and the late Wm. C. Lake, ta Mrs. Gillespie offered prayer. Mrs. what had been donc amongschool Cubs prcsented their iowls, dan- In Uic Young and middle-aacged b.28 cutt & Smith's (Fneral Chapel Alfred John Brown, only sonai Hull sang a very pleasing Easter children in this county in arder ces and games and tumbling. usual shortness of breath on exrt lck--½ b 8c 0< until noon, Saturday, thence ta Mr. and Mrs. Haanmond Brown ai solo, accomparlied by Miss Lux- to create interest i thc rforestry Scouts~ shawed thc building ai a in the absence ai lung or heart dis- Orange chi s . b 5 United Chnrch, Newtonvillc, where Newcastle, tic marriage ta, take tan. Mrs. W. F. Banister as guest work. Each child in thc rural camp-ian thir show, "A Day in ease, is due ta bcing "ont ai con- service will be held at 2.30- p.m. place very quictly in May. speaker based lier address on the schools has been given six trees Camp." It was anudl like the one dition." The causes ai being "aut Pekoe - ½/ lb. 35e ItretOrano Cemetery.M.R .Dcisn Culver l2th chap. af Corithians, "Chris- frec ai charge, along wlth direc- seen by us when Lord Baden- of conditian" are: ntmetY City, Calif., is visiting his mther tian Fellwship," whih was much tions as ta how ta plant and care Powell, ur Chief, visitd Toronto 1. Want ai regular exercise, SPECIAL - Christes who is with her daughter, Mrs enjayed. Junior Mission Band for thean. Tic response has been i 1935. The Scouts signalled a which makes the heart as well as Sultana or Fig Bar Biscuts. .lb 2c Ross Grant, Concession St. M~'r. gave a pleasing Easter dialogue. surprising, hie said, and applica- welcome froan a signal tawcr. One ather muscles f labby and unequal ta aleLa Dickinsn is emloyed wth thetions for trees have doubled this tent was erccted in 37 seconds for extra cf fart. MpeLa UTIUnn noa well known Metro-G old Wy n- year as compared with 1938, with a recor.Scouts rom arpia 2. Qbesity. tiat is, being over-fat. Pure Lard............. ai IVRUiD REPAIKING Mayer picture coanpany at Holly- ROTARY-CLUI3 thc scason flot concluded. Otier Corners, New York, sliowcd a rav- This is always duc ta the taking ai wood.reports sliowed sinilar activities mng camp with tîcir tents. Thcy L DE -The Carter Family invites you <contlnued from Page 1) lad been carnicd on in other caun- tien cxciangcd national îîags taa much f ood, as well as ta tic in- tapatiiat i ter eclybk-yilda Mrqis as yaratics. wlth a Taronto troap. variable lack af exercise taken by Foti oob Ry s Eo os oto Have you donc- youn spring1 ing specials. This week-end, Hon- ilofMrusLatyra Due ta thc youthfulness ai thc Among those wlio attendcd ticea 3. nviduls.n in tabacca or wt ae eduysSa cleaning yet? 'At this busy ey Macaroon Cake, made froan a few bushels of the ncw wheat organization, and tic splendid Scout Cyclorama as well as thec 1.h 3eraindnlWence time you are apt te fenget ich old-iashioned Sautiern re- were distributed and brougit suci wark that the officers af tic past author af tic above article, wcre achl that your watdh shouid aise cipe, will seli fan 30c, and Leanaon favorable returns that cvcry ycar have donc, the naminating Mr. and Mrs. S. Venton and Aud- 4. Tic absorption ai paîsanaus Ail for----23 bc lveragid oce yer. hifon iea nw ad dlicousmember ai thc*grnain club will cammittee recammended the re- rcy, and Mark Lambourne. B.H. substances f ram teeth, tansils, baw- Why net byàg Ilis and have pie, wiil be an sale ait 30c. probably gnaw soane ai it tliis appaintanent af thc officers, whicl Mortlock, former Scoutanaster of els. etc. us check lit aven. Maybe lit ls Thc Alice Jackson Mission Band ycar. was donc. Tley are: Cliairmani, Bowananvillc Traop No. 1, Fart 5. AIl conditians ai general de- Ontario No. 1 ln geod condition but If ne- meeting in Trinity Sunday Schoal burc~hase ai thc seed fan distri- W. A. Anderson, Peterborough; Erie Nati, was also present. bilîty as irom illness, under-naurisi- Potatoes..............90 l..a.12 pairs are necessary we shaîl Tucsday was of special- intcrest bto sfnne by Junior Fa- Vice Chairanan, A. E. James, Ux- meotor o ogcninmn n en bc glad ta do any service due ta the mathers attending. Rail mers Field Days held in varions bridge; Sccrctary, Ian MqcLeod, dos work ait a veny amall cast. cail was taken. Miss Clark told parts ai tic county. Last ycar, ait Brighton. Nestleton 6. In ucias t i o blood . Our wrk i guarntee for thc study stary. Lola Marjerrison Bethany aven 1,000 attended, 27Insccae.tebodlk oor Oui wrkisgnrated orplayed a piano sala, Lillian Wyles softball tcams taok part, and the tic heart is undernaurished and the Seed Corn - Field and adn ed one year. rcad a poem about April. Joan organization netted considerable BRIDGE GRAFTING Recent Vasitors: Mr. and IMrs. W. oxygen supply ta tic lungs is at a RdCaeSetCaeAfla adnBe i ui Greenfied pIaye a pianosolo. mney to ake careof thisyear's cintry. Miss Sn'owy and Miss low level.Re lvr w t oeAfaa Mismcadredapeponecta otakeandaitonhi ycar SAVE TREES M~~arie Marlow, Oshawa, with Mr. Tic mst important ai il causes and Grant Brs. Famous Sl o' ed Mis Pckad ea a ocn. grants also assist tic finances. and NIrs. R.W. Marlow ... Mr. ai shortness af breati is in tic case J A REditor and Mrs. Frank D. Mac- Tic' agricultural progran for Prusslng and Graftlng Demonstra- Edgar Emerson wti f ricnds in Ta- ai disorder and disease ai tic heart Fui-O-Pep Chick Starter. ..c t 27 Jeweller Phone 463 intyne, Dundalk, werc in towTi thc year also caîls for greater co- tien at irwln Bragg's Apnil 28 ronto... Mr. and Mrs. L. jablin and diseases. af tic lungs suci as 1Saturday and gave thc Statesman aperation with tic Farcstry De- with M2\r. and Mrs. Wm. Samelîs... cironic bronchitis and tuberculosis. 1office a cail. Mn. Macintyre tald partanent wîicî will include a Reports oi sevene girdling ai Mr. and Mrs. S. Malcolm and jean Disorder and disease ai tic ieart 5 5 5 ~ aA program of conservation and ne- apple trees by mice during tic visited iriends in Port Pcrry. . . may accur early in lii e but tiese, forestatian working tiroung i winter have been rcceived by thc Miss Darothy Porteaus in Toronto. particularlv actual heart disease. are Phone 367 - 368 GROCERBoWfl.Vil sdiaals. Every student in rural Depatment af Agriculture, Bow- - . Mrs. Jas. Samelîs and Mr. Nor- cammaner inl adult life. Siortness ai sections will be cncauragcd ta ananville. On young trees mast man Samelîs visited Mr. and Mrs. breati in adult life and in Uic aged - U~S plant and care for trees ai lis or ai thc damnage lias been donc for Wmn. Samelîs. .. Mrs. L. Jablin R liM er owvn.. a few indhes above thc gnound, with Mrs. K. Burton. . . Mers. S. A Crop Improvement Associa- whilc on sanie aid trees the gird- Malcolm and Jean in Toronto.. S r ~ ' N u S ~» I ition las alsobe organized ta ling las been donc just at thc Miss Marian Taylor. Toronto, visitcd T I E K W N R D C S P R -IN G SIT S expeiment wit new vareties Ofsurface and in many cases below Mr. and' Mrs. S. Malcolm. .. -Mr. T I E K W N R grain, potatoes and otier crops. A thc ground. Muci ai the girdling Gea. Playfoot visîted at Mr. Henry or fewyears slould be ai great value an aid trees will not be'discovcred Thompson's.. Miss Ruth Prantt miinthis wrcniudtesek exccpt under carefifi inspection ha gn t gincouet for the sum- Purpose ai thc wark inlt . iw tIcth use ai a shovel. Have mer Miss Bettv Bcacock and ous epatmens fom te vn- you looked aven your orchard for Miss 'Sara Marlow visitcd Mr. and bous adp rslentsfonthe unor damage? t ae- Mrs. Albert Beacock.. Mrs. Gea. boyseanng incubtae t Sirt Tic only method t aegindled Proutt who spent tic winter an To- t a c r e a t e a n d s u s t a i n i t e r e s t i o t a e u n d h m . . r O A faran Work and ta dcvelap efficient girdled trees should also be bridge Mountjoy and Miss Rose Mountjo3ý A new scientific soap of French mnuatuenid fo farmers who are traincd in sci- graitcd. Bridge graiting is most witi Mlr. Wm. Sameils. M Iisses ik Itwln ar th mo entiflc methods, who know tIeir succcssfully donc when thc bark Joyce and Loi McMuIIen, Janetville, Lowestmik Itwlfothmth motdiat kn Utsaha-mle Fo iss adjob and arc intcrested in pro- sni lps nd nay bmedonct cast witi Mel. and Mrs. R. Dickey soap, lastg well. and lathers freely. grea. utilblaoingtiae, i tI sconsPrices Women! Other activities ai thc agricuit- are dormant. Sucker growth if Crolinole Party under auspices ai ural representative were autlineci fairly mature, anakes excellent Ladies' Aid had a successful cvening Price - - - - 15e per cake -3cae 39 Hene's your chance te get aus but iTost ai tic atier matenial scions. Dormant wood lor grait- at Me. and Mrs. R. McCall's.TetSe at Lions Club and was reported Just bc±orc the buds burst in thc Syrup Social report a pîcasant cv- for Smuà Thse Arçade. Coats are boxy, at tIat tinie.1 sprmg. If thc grafting is donc be- eîinz. fitted on reefen, dresamiaken, J. F. Heyland introduccd Mn fore thc buds burst thc scions may ~TOM TOS talndan aulsport Sumaners and F. C. Hoar movcci be cnt from thc trees and uscd TW IlDS typsli ed n as ofwl o I oe itak.iazndiatcly. If one lias- consid- wooî and couen fabnica. Co~~~the ngratultin s i tc cu ra l rd e gati g t a a-'JU L a l *1 ry M t o s p ets ëîiandti cndtin f lie ou aoores. .. Misses Irene Sharpe and Many-beautifuil îwers attcst-' ruor PRESCRIPTIONS'A SPà%LT Ralpi Carman, ai tic Forestry Hilda, Kay. Toronto Jessie and Jean cd ta tic higi estecan and fond 'w-Branci, discussed Prince Edward Hogarth, H-ampton, at Mr. A. regard in wiich dcccascd was GCases dont oandectimp a een ares. dv an. Mar. y anders o brokhl.Te-ll aew rv.W. o.uHn-I gest tic present time, sand-lots have visited Mrs. Wm. Oke. . . Mr. and cock, Kingston, Edgcrton Hancock, been overcome, trees have been Mes. H. Monntjoy, Gladys and Onono, J. C. Hancock and H. E.B So o planted ta retain moisture and tic Laurence, Kedron, wee tic guests Hancock, Newcastle, and two cou- B S D gra xetfo h okthat John Grif fin. Westoas, is- home... and R. C'ovekin, Toronto. a cPhn 79 DR SBomnfl A R A U E as beenand isbeing donc. Misses Marguerite Wright, St. Cath- Reference was mnade last weck hn 92 'R Q C W. H. Porter gave a report ai arines, and Hazel Wright, Oshawa, ta Miss Minnie Lovekin's work as teprovincial activities of tic Messrs Fred, Arturn and Herbert a clerk and telegrapli operatar in_____________________________________________ li". THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVII-TV.- nmrAnTn i

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