r '5~ ~ -~ - TEX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVu.T1~ OM'VAPTO 'rmTu~flAV AP1~TT. 2~1'~ mac Chicago propcrty, have you? E cause I bad, a very gooad fferf it iast week." RW"Oh 1" said Marjorie a liti breathless. "I hadn't got that fardnt uieywwia * going ta do." "0f course," said thse lawy( thinking he knew pretty weli th Inadwouid bave te consuit certin Yungman before se ma( 1111T3[ INSTALLMENT So she was soan in his car speed- had been having a hard time himn- any decisions, but be did not voli inz toward Brentwood rapid!y. self just now. He looked at her a any sucb idea. "I just thought I synopsis After she bad gone over the hanse minute questioningly and then be mention it." Whn h wa 4b without comment, allowing the man said: "Weil, we'll go and see Mr. «Thank vau, Mr. Melbburne. Ar Whntewatyfoster parents to continue bis sales parley witbout Horgan." -fflease. Mr. Melbourne. yùouno Of Madione Wetherill bath die she interruption. she said as tbey were Mr. Horgan was an eiderly man let anybody, not anybody. I mnea, finds a letter telliig that sbe bas a about ta leave: with gray hair parted meticulously know about this matter of. my bu3 twin sister. that she was adopted "Weii. naw I may as weli tell you, in the exact muddie and tbin lips inz this bouse. I don'I' sec that it when ber own parents couldn't af- 1 arn Mr. Gay's daughter. I Fvas that seemed neyer te Rive an ad- anyone's affair but my own." fard ta support bath of tbem and away for several years duriniz the vantage ta, anyone. He had small "Certainlv not. my cbiid. You ca time my father lived here and 1 bad steei-coiored eyes that looked coldiy trust me for that." that ber real name is Dorothy Gay. neyer seen the bouse. I know ail tbrougb ber, and tried ta, put ber "And. Mr. Melbourne, there', lu Alone in the worid. but with a for- the circumstances af my fatber's tbrough a questionnaire about ber ane more tbing. Would you ha' tune of ber own. she consîders look- havinz ta give up the bousç of famiiy. n oncini hsct h inz up her own family 'wbom she bas course. and I know how tbey hated "Excuse me. Mr. Horgan," sbe wanvconnection infthusnc ti Rtba neyer seen. A neigbbour. Evanta lose it. I bave been wvondering said, "I bave no tince ta answer opening for my father somnewber Broer tie t agu br utaf if tbere is any way in wbicb my questions. I want ta know if there bere? He's very mucis discouragec and rtes t r ue veheroundoasies father can recover the bouse. Can is any way in wbicb my father can H a eyfn oiinadl bn e er amrybio.es hermid ss t you tel! me the lowest terms on now meet the obligations. Perbapsit He is a fneP tonandlo" hertomarv im Se romse t .whicb lie could recover it?" I bad better get my Chicago lawyer "itHeand e xerbt as otename tbînk it over but decides first ta see "ned htwstenm her familv. She gaes ta their ad- The man's face feli. ta attend ta the matter, since you the firm, do you know ?". dress, finds that tbey are destitute "'Oh. in that case vau bad better do not seem ta be willing to name "Hamilton, Mclvor and Coin and gradually persuades tbem ta see Mr. Horgan. He bas charge af any surn tbat would satisfy the de- pany," said Marjorie, glad that shi accept things tbey need. Wben the aIl those cases. But I arn quite sure mands." had remembered ta ask 'lIed tha doctor calis ta see ber mother she that martgzage was foreciosed. "Oh. nat at ail," said Mr. Hargan yesterday. noties hathe eemsparicuarl "Iwas nat speaking of putting a rising in protest, .«I was mnerely in-. "You don't say t" said Mr. Mel. notcestha beseeflspariiilary ~tenested to know just bow sure a bourne. "Tbey bad a fine standing~ interested in ber sister. Marjorie mortgage an the place. I was sppak- tbîniz this would be. ,budsvteeogtt esm goes to churcb in Brentwood, wbere ing af paying cash. As 1 understand "fîdcd ad hst Ing," tbing prcthergoo s o bee for- ber famiiy used ta ilve. and becomes it my father had oniy iapscd in bis saI Marie , draw i bsehing ta mnzwham ty empiaed. l e r- very much interested in tbe young payments a short time. If be were ber ful beight and trying ta, act aswat irsIcnul" minister there. She then secs thse neady now ta, pay up alh obligations, gonu spsil huhi htwrsIcnpl. nice home there that ber family bad and whatevcr other expenses you rown up heas pose - bougb inre Five minutes later Marjorie turn- owned and determined ta buv it back had been ob)liged ta, meet. isn't tliere raivse~a ey ubsa- ed f rom ber expensive telePisane cal] for tbem. She confides ber plan in some way that the matter could be "I wiIi see that you bave a certif ied weil satisfied. Mr. Meiborune bai her roter nd oestoseea ral ettld ad te popety e tkenoffcheck for the full amaunt within the been lust as kind and heipful as shE erthteandot agae t ec aeai settled andse rpet e aenofweek." bad known he wouid be. esttemanabutmakngth deai. your hands"?ai Marlarie kncw about certif led She taok another taxi ta the Fed. _______________________ "hye m yeatr yng l wady," asaidchecks. She kne* their power. erai Trust Company Building anc do you bave ta suppose that your M. Horean became suave at once. found tu ber joy tbat Mr. Bryaut father could vay hi, obligations now "Iwouid bave ta taik this matter was in and had just been talking any better than six montbs ago over witb mv p)artner. of -course. for with the Ciicago iawyer, se ber way when be finaliy surrendered the usuaiivy ou know we do not do was smootbcd for ber at once. prpety tbings in iust this way," went on Marjorie was delighted with the 3 3/4 prapety ?" alytkth po Mr. Horgan. "It wouid be. bow- kind intcmest be toek in the ncatter perty franc him, you mean," said On Gmuant..d Trust Mari orie coolly. "I understand vou cereuteIs gave him na chance ta, refinance the - mrortgage and tisat you were ver>' bard on him indeed. Hawever, tha A IegAi investasent lU bas ntbing ta do witis my question. Trust Fsuss I bave some moncy myseif and I wouid like ta dlean mry father's home UncoedItionaIIy Guaute.d and put thse decd in bis hands for a Christmas gift if I find that yaur - demands are witbin reason. I shahl T'eucail up) my Chicago lawyer, of *~* lIu m course, and have the wbole affair S £EKL8EC R M loeked inta bei are I pa>' tbe cash, CORPORATIION but if 1 do tbis I shaîl want ta d wbatever 1 do quiciel>." d Tisere was sometbing about Mar- SlEUNG Twn OONTO jarie's air of assurance. that im Pressed thse real estate mnan, wh I have no thme te answer questions," ahe sai. ever you under stand, at ieast-"2 and and pronused ta return ta bis office he named a sum sa, mucis smailer at tbree a'clock ta learn thse resuit than Marioanc had dreamed tbat she of bis interview witb thse real estate was almost afraid she showed how cempany. surprised she was.Sh wnto be wa ti3 "Verv well." saidf Marjorie taklng 1igister bieart naw, summaning,-be r a dcci, brcath and baping the man wits ta remember ail tise thinga aise couldn't sec how excitcd she was, wanted ta, buy. "I wiil get my iawyer on thse tele- phone and cansult with ic about First of aIl she bad il in mind ta this. He will know what I should get a warm iaveiy négligee for ber do about it. and I shah ceither return mother. and comfortable pretty slip- Pire mnaY cause the destruction o orsametime tbis afternoon for your pest. owt t.T~nsehr hom orplae o buines, f YUranswer, or send a représentative of titd un tta the credit departmcn, hOe rplceo bsies..Reliable insur- mv ,Chicago lawycr ta talk with apened a charge account, giving ber auce is the one sure way to protect ail your YOU. ýChicago references. and aiso Mr. Marjorie. still holding ber bead Bryant, then went and found a "«PIoPety dollars."- Gali tli agency for bigis. sailed out of tbe office cooli>',sciuirrel coat for 'Betty that was aI- I.dvice. with only an icy littie smîle for the most an exact duplicate af ber own. impressed agent. He bowed ber eut Passing the milliner>' department 1Ttà agencY represents the Hartford Pire ostentatiausi>', almost afraid ta bhave she found a t ittle soit gray felt bat ber go lest be was îasing a prospect with a bigbt dasis ai Pbeasant's Insurance OoMPaY - an institution that that perbans neyer wauld return. feather cockcd aslant ln the crawn. 1158 been Ierving counnues prOperty owners Marjarie, out on tbe pavement, She was sure it wauld be becoming 80 faithUlly in Canada ince 1836. summoningz a taxi, found berseli 50 to Betty. excited tbat she couid scarcel>' give Aiter that it didn't take mucis a direction ta, the driver. time ta select a warc bhouse coat ai ' AD ('IWT 'f'~T he bad gotten from Betty a iist bnawn for ber father. a nice leather J.of some ai tise bcst dcpartment coat for Ted. and a tbick, warm je Je A SV.FI & SO N stores. and she went stnaigbt ta one sweater for Bud with a bright Ro- cli teWetherill iawyer on long turtie coilar. Then she was off INSURANCE AGENTS distance. breatbless with anxiety ta, meet Uic Phon 681"WeIl. I certainly. amn glad ta bear iawyer. Phon 681Bowxnanville your vaice. young lady," said Mn. She found a better report than se Melbourne. "I was beginning ta, had hoped for. Mn. Bryant bad thinie yau bad eioped or been kid- iooked un tise records ai tbe trans- _________________________________________________________naicd or sometbing. A certain gentle- actions ai tise time Mr. Gay had sur- man in Chicago bas besciged me rendcred bis property, and found zzmm ý ý nigbt and day ta discoven tour ad- more thàn anc questionable trick dress. Nothing tise matter, is there, that tise perpetrators wauld not cane that van take such an expeilsive way ta bave brougbt ta ligist by such a ai communication ?" ilawver. as William Bryant, so be bad EVÉRYTHE1V4E"RoY THING tise matter" said ,a.ccedd in bnlngingtIcem to ac Marori. "'m uie al rght thnkcestquie asnbm u sMorie i ad- bouseBut Iatelused t belo n mben towidtirest ndtecrns Yon Nee Fo na o aret n I ,wntte au ft heDcoiebrd!>'wa it fr merpu F Short Cuts 3- To get startcd in a hurry one is id advised to purchase a certain lt quantity of started plants of both fg lowers and vegetables. It la in- iy portant to get the varicties want- ed and on tis account it la an iexcellent idea to consuit a good -r Canadian seed catalogue before placing the order. The gardener can look over the various var- ieties in the catalogue and should make sure that the particular ones wanted are in the boxes of plants bought. Among the flowers which can be purchascd as started plants are cosmos, zinnias, petunias, mari- golds, salpiglossis, nicotine, and a host of othera. Cabbagcs, celery, tomatocs, head lettuce, egg and peppcr plants in the vhetable Uine are ail sold as startcd plants. At transplanting moat flower buds should be pinched off and also unwanted aide stems. If a branching plant la desircd a fcw inches should also be nipped off the top stem. After sctting out, ground about should be soaked with water and kept soaked for a wcek or so. It la a good plan to add some com- mercial fertilizer dissolved in watcr and i the case of smaill things to protect fromn sun for a day or two. Pictures The informai flower garden la much to be prcferrcd for average planting. At Uic same time thla does flot mcan just throwing i plants or sccd any way. Experts advise a littie preliminary plan- ning evcn when only a smail beldi of annuals la contcmplated. The sced catalogue which lista Urne of blooming, colors, hclghts a n d other points grcatly simplifies this matter of layout. Gencrally Uic bcst plan la to have Uic larger flowers towards Uic rcar or centre of Uic bcd so 'that littie tUimgs Unke nasturtiunis alyssum, dwarf phlox and similar kinds will ot be hidden. Wherc Uic bcd la to be mixcd, it la well also to have late, mcdium and early flowcrs cvcnly balanced to insure somnething always i bloom. But Uiere are other and finer points to consider. Certain shades blend well together and often a wholc bcd will be selccted with this blending of colora in mmnd. One may have solid beds or mix- tures resulting in a riot of warm colors. At this time too one should not ovcrlook thc scason of bloom- ing and plan to have some group of flower coming on ail summer. In thc good garden there are no blanks fram July until frost. Cultivation Aside tram icheplanning and planting no early gardcning job compares in importance with cul- tivation. Authorities do not ask ofie to kccp Uic hoc going ail suin- mer, far from it. But Uiey do re- cjuest that the garden bc dug once thoroughly first thing in the spring, then cultivated, once or twice afterwards. WiUi proper tools Uic work nced be no more than hcalthy exercise. For thc purpose there la nothlng better than a littie threc or fîve fingcred mîltivator or a Dutch hoc. Either of these implements wiil make short work of a vegetable or flower garden. Cultivation serves a double purpose, it keeps down cvccds and it conserves molature. Don't Crowd Most comnion mistake of new gardeners la crowding hings too close together. In planning lay- >uts it la essential that thc mature height and wldth of Uic flower or shrub or trec be kcpt imid and sufficlent space be ailowed for full growth. Wi newly set out per- manent shrubbery space bctwecn nay be fliled i temporarily wi annuaIs until full room la rcqulred and with a slow growing trec like the maple or clii, shrubbcry may ce grown bctwecn for elght or te ycars. But when Uic time ornes for full room being necded COMBAT RHEUMATISM hmm.Nu"dICIÙ b y .alcdl h~ ~ ~~mt blo II !odl Wwl hud 1.: «dbaghd by thse Iddaqs. Ulkdaya 61ida "ous Urie d m sinaIl iaisa lise» .sdesadj ncauhnesadapab& Nu te helppomtrumadasb Mi kidi.y.lu ,-Md coadili 7,69 m ise 6sf g bu dt@ j WM ub. d. 106 >odd's KIdnoy plus Beý foi it yet am yer, Ia ade ce I'd -"'t Ly- :an lst hat an cre ed. mit of '- la ee aend Of course - ieati. Ltnetil. Ys t"rcs hat?" Marjorie looeed Federal Trust Company' Building, as if ber answer ceant a great deal. ti BlueCod'il cati him up rigbht away and asie "On cisc. maybe you bad got tired im to look aiter you. Coutd you ai us and gone bacie ta Chicaga , go ta bis office at once? Ail rigbt, sh adiihee afaetd M S E P R I LU M BE RCOU Fil Phone ic about yau." s, "he.said with c yes ail ave O ~~~~"Oh. tisank e va, Mr. Melbourne " Oh an wul LIEM D said Mariorie la a relieved vaice. cared ?" asked Manjonie beathiessiy. te Phone 715 Eowinw11 "And bv lise way, Manjonie," said "Weuidn't you have been ratisera Mr. Melbourne. "I dont supos gad ta gzel rid ai me? .yuhave an>' idea ai selling your (To Be Cantinued) HAO DIZZY SPELLS FOR 3 YEARS 'n r, Lt 1 a e e t t Uien it should be available and onc must harden his heart, take an axe and thin. Crowded flow- ers, vegetables, shrubs or trees, soon become weak and spindly. Next Weck - Sprcad out the season, unformial layouts. ]Remit or Aoid Indigestion "Before taking Kruschen," a twornan writes, «'I bad very bad -dizzy speils, and bot f lushes, bad 1spelîs of acid indigestion, and I was 50 nervous at times that the ieast tbing would upset me. I was 1about three years in that condition. "I could flot tel! you in words 1how happv and glad I arn to-day tthat 1 gave Kruschen Saits a trial. I have naw taken them for 18 months. I would flot miss tbem one day. They are a gzreat help to any- one who suf fers as I did. I feel in better healtb to-day than I have for years. After takcingz Kruschen for three weeks the dizzy faints and hot flushes left me. I now feel so brigzht and cheerful. Kruscbenj SaIts assist to keep you fit and f ine."-(Mrs.) J.M. Kýruschen Saits is an excellent recipe for maintaining a condition of internai cleaniiness. The numer- ous salts in Kruschen stimulateE your internai organs to smooth,c regular action. Your inside is thuse kept clear of those impurftiesP which, wben aliowed ta accumulate,0 lower the whole tone of the system. ] Canadian Garden P Service s *By Gordon Lindsay Smith u "Tea bad about Dick. He swal- "las he in bcd at Uic hospital?" "Yes, he can't stir." day a reputatian for honesty may he doesn't get Uic chance. He stand yau in zood stead. "Hold iti You've got something tiser." "Sure 1 have . . . i's a Sweet Cap." 1'Victoria The Great' 1 Playlng At Theatre Every citizen should cooperatE with Uic Bowmanville H i g School Athletic Society who, witi the Royal Theatre, arc sponsoring Uic magnificent film, "Victoria Uic Great," at Uic local Uieatre beginning Monday of next week. Though Uic film is a fascunating portrayal of a moat interesting portion of English history during Qucen Victoria's reign, the pur- pose of Uic Athlctic Society in raising moncy la also important tc Bowmanville. They hope to net sufficient money ta alter Uic bal grounds at Uic achool by erecting bîcachers along: Uic entire north aide of Uic field, providing. seats for over 1,000 people who were foroed ta ait on Uic ground form- erly. They will also undertake other improvements, such as 1ev- tin hUi field, erecting crash and pekproof fences and as much oUicr ramifications as money will permit. They wiil function in co- operation with Uic basebaîl as- sociation. The film "Victoria Uic Great" ia a masterful production featuring Anna Neagle as Qucen Victoria and Antan Walbrook as her con-' sort Prince Alb5ert. The acting Lias been lauded by every critic in the country as perfect without a w~eak character in Uic production. Misas Neagle's portrayal of the Queen tram youth ta old age la narvelous acting. 'This la a picture that imprisons r±ltory upon the screen. It wiil live in screen history as a great and memorable achievement, narkcd by distinguished artistry and by a sincerity Uiat swecps ail but carping criticism away, says S. Morgan Powell, Montreal Daily Star revicwer. ISec "Victoria the Great" at Uic Royal Theatre next Monday, 'uesday and Wednesday, May -2-3. You wiil sec a wonderful ilm and also hclp the Athletic Society fulfilli ts endeavour in re- .ovating Uic bail grounds. TUA. Conjurer: "Naw, ta help me with this next trick, I want Uic services et a boy-just any boy icn Uic audience - yes, yau wiil do, my little man; came, along. Now, yau'vc neyer seen me befere, have 'you?" Boy (innacently): "Na, tather!" Man at Desk: "lWhy do yau claini a trombone player ia less of a bore than a pianlat?" Man in Chair: "He la, because CHI VROLET\ 15 FIRSI IN SALES RECAUSE ITS First iD Acclration-First ln Styling First lu HiI-Clmbng--first in Economy and First in.-Value in ifs Price.Classi C HEVROLET la winnlng leadership in sales b ecause outatanding leadership in per- forawnce - due to advanced Valve-ln.Head Englue deslgu -enables it to out-accelerat. and out.dlimb. ail other low-prlced. cars! Cisevro let la winnlng leadership lu sales h.. cause ouistandigledrhpi tigmak Cerltunistakably as thse most heautiful car ln is price.range. Chev rolet la wluulug leadership lu sales because ougsaandlng leadership in qusalLs7 features identifie@ Chevrolet as thse only iow. prlced car comhlulug "ail that's b..: at lowest cost"lu priee, operaion aud upkeept Visit our showrooms todayl Sec, drive and buy today's tmsa sellng motor car and big. Seat dollar vlue-tse uew 1939 Cisevrolet!' tow fenthly payenesfn th.e ed CH EVRÔOLETC,, doeàn't find a trombone in every home he visita." A'man who was "supig" i Julius Caesar, was leaning dole- tully again&~tishe wings, smother- ing in a coat of heavy mai. Sameone came up and satd: "Are ydu Appiv.s Claudîus?"l "No," he replicd, "I'm un'appy as 'Eil." Be honest i mail th ings. Same ADVANCED KNEE-ACTION RIDING SYSTEM Frictionles. Coil Springs; Double-Acting Shock Absorbý. ers-, Ride Stabilizer;, Shockproof Duel Crois Steerlng. STERINOCOLUUMN GEAR-SHIIFi "Vacuum assist" supplie$ 80% of shifting effort. Simple. posi- tive design. OnIy.$13 extra. NW AERlSTREAU STYUNG BOIES Y PISHMS Long, Iow and roomy . . . im- prvdNo-Draft Ventilation.. a-sel Body by Fiser wltls "Observati on Car" visfbiiity. Volve-in-h.aàd engines have mode *Il world record-on land --on'water--nd ln thse air. PEIFCTED(Quadro-Aedmo> Maximum effect wtth minimum pdel ressure ... Emerienoy Irake Lever under the cowl et rh, oly ow-pricod car combaiag ALL HAr'S EST AT LWEST COSTI" ]ROT NICHOLS Courtice Bowmanvllle 'i ': * I * .0 14 ........................... . bon' )r le t. 1 %- SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTE$- "The purest form in which robacco can be snsoked." orange Pekoe Blend' THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY. APRIL 2>TH. 19.10 0 -ff a 1 ý Bowmanville