PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, APRIL 27TH, i~39 Mu IPMRN Car Radios Repaired and lnstalled Oui) Genulne Parts Used -Tubes Teste" Free- Estimate. Free. R. QUINNt King Street - BowmanvMle. Phono 575 1 Junior Farmers enjoyed a trip ta O.A.C., Guelphi, Thursday and Fni- day. Mr. James Rickaby, Toronto Normal Schaol student, speat lest week observing and prectice teaching et aur echool. Hle stayed with Mr. and Mrs. John H-endry and went ta spend the weekend with Mr. and Mns. H. Souch, Clarke Union. Mrs. McEvoy bouglit the Doug- las buildings 'and they are bcing tamn down. Lake Shore boys and girls won il prizes in 12 entnies et Lions ClbHobby Show. Lake Shore Home and Scboah met April 20t1?. Vice President PROCLAMATION DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME Change to Summer TMrne April fflt t Septeinher 23rd, 1939 By authorfty of the Town Counoil of the Town of Bowrniile 1 amn intruoted t isue a proclamation requusting oitlzens of Bowman- ville to observe &- period of Dayliht Saving Tirne for the current year oominenoing ait i aan.. Bunday, April 3tb. and contlnuing until mid- nlght, Saturday, September 23rd. -The Town Council requests the co-operation of aUl oitiUDBs in 'observing Daylight Saving Tirne. Prooliued pursuant to the. instructions of the Town Council ths 27th day of April, 1939. REGINALD 0. JONES, Mayor. GOD SA.VE THE KING The Newcastle Independent PRONE CLARKE 1114 Miss Aresta Martin spent the. Seakins, aged five, wbo is, like weekend at home. his father, a regular hockey play- Misslis Williams, Toronto, er, for they begin young in the visited ber siter, Mrs. Larue Mar- west. tin. The mice damage ta old un- ,United-'Church Y. P. U. visited protected apple trees has been .Ë1dad Y.P.U., Solina, an Tuesday very considerable this Pest win- evening. ter, due most likely tô the long MF. Ralph. Gibson bas returned period the ground was blanketed ta his position with Beeton Dairy, witli snow. But the Toronto Star Oshawa. reportmng lest week an interview Sergeant end Mrs.Wilas with Georgian Bey growers seld Torono, caled n frinliaemNew that there appeared to be ittie corsto ald ohaws. a Nw-demage done by "mice or other caste ad Shws.insects" toaepple trees in thet Work on the land is getting un- locality. The orcherdists were der way this week, e couple Of talkjng about Jack rabbits wbich weeks later then usuel. are in another class. Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Stowe, Wor. Bro. H. J. Toms, D.D.G.M., Toronto, peid their first visit of pi noRilvstt aoi the seson ta their Newcastle-on- pea ooffce visit ta , e-x the-Lake property lest week-end. Lodgedet Coieriland, ec- Mred byMorH.knso accompen- bers of Durham Lodge. The. New- jedby ajo H.J.Dudley motor- castle bretbren took with themf ed ta Toronto where the latter has Ontario District's T raevell i n gr been reoeiving medical treatment. Square which wes formelly pre-t Mr. Carl Selby and his sister, sented to Coiborne Lodge by Wor. Mrs. Sam Powell, bring back re- Bro. Percy Hare. In the course of ports that their father, Mr. Isaac two months time the Coîborne Selby, bas been in a critical con- brethren are supposed ta pay à dition.. fraternel visit toaenother lodge in Mr. George Ferguson, proprie- Ontaria District and teke the tor of "Sunnybree" wes in T o- Square with them. ronto attending a convention and _________ ti banquet sponsored by the "Sup- n ertest" company. fida Durham Lodge A. F. & A. M. K n lti will meet May 2nd, when mem- ____el bers of Jerusalem Lodge will be entVstr: r n r their guests. Visiting officers will r. exempllfy degree work. George Clark, Toronto, et homne... t Large quentities of young trees Mr. and Mrs. J. Elliott, Bowman- S( for planting are being sent out ville, et Mr. and Mrs. J. Car.sqad- di from the Forestry Station, Orono, den's. .. Mr. and Mrs. R. EUiott,ai dally and shipped from the C.N.R. Ross and Annýette and Miss M. Seene G station by exÈpress and freigbt. in Orono. .. Mrs. G. Thompson and Mr. N. L. Rickard secured a daughter. Gwynne at Mr. and Mrs. t new farm assistant from England C. K. Philips' of Port Hope. .. Mr. SI in the persan of Mr. Steve White- and Mrs. L. D. Bell, Clarence and hand who sucoeeds Mr. George Hilda with Mr. and Mrs. A. Bell, Milton who now has a position Bowmianville... Mr. Milton Rob- D near Whitby but is much mîssed insan with Mrs. Ephriam Evans, '% in young people's circles bere. Orono, who is under a nurse's care. ai Mr. Jas. T. Brown, Shaws, has. . Mr. and Mrs. E. Quantril with a] commenced work on his new Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Cooper. farin, 170 acres of the former D. J. Miss Jean Mercer has had ton- t Galbraith farm, by cutting downsitiS one large tree east of the big barn Msiarcedenbasbrncit foundatian on which he is making Mr. J. . cade a bocia l plans for the erection of a new pneumonia. Mrs. L. Pattersan is inC barn. attendance. S Golden Rule Mission Band are Sympathv is extended ta Rev. F holding their thank-offering meet- Thos. Wallace and f amily. Green- ni ing an Saturday, April 29, et 3 benk, in the passing of Mrs. Wal- ai o'clock in the United ChWucb S. S. lace..ti Hall. Good prograni by the chul- Y.P.U. Thursday evening was in dren; Mrs. S. Littlewood, Orono, charge of Citizensbip) convener. The Cý guest speaker. Ahl ladies wel- scrioture was read bv Clarence Bell *.a came. Rev. E. Beech gave bis- talke; read- Mr. Carl Hall, who took a farm ings were teken by Jennie Wright il: near Coîborne lest spring, is again and Helen Mercer; Agnes White working in Newcastle with the J. favoured witb a mouth argan sel- M~ Anderson Smith Ca. He eccam- ectian. An interesting topic wàsV panied War. Bro. H. J. Tôms, D.D. teken by F. Cornisb.h G.M., of Durham Lodge, on bis Mr. Wmi. Patton and Mr. RK Wina officiel visit ta Coîborne Friday are an the sick list. The latter being evening. His family are remamn- in NichaIs' Hospital. Peterbara. ing on tbe farm et Coiborne. _________ Mr. Jas. Broad and sister, Miss Hattie, braught several gallons of their awn make of maple syrup -t-.-U h r ,C ak B day and sald it et $2.00 e gallon. - Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. S: They vlsited bis sister, Mrs. Merk- Ken Neale and son with Mr. and A ley Clark, and their cousins5, Mr. Mrs. W. Lake. . . Mr. Al. Gra- C and Mrs. J. H. Jase. Mr. Harold hamn, Newcastle, et Mr. H. Row- C Clark, Napanee, bas also been up land's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Howard R a couple of times with maple Chalfls, Bowmanville, with Mr. C syrup and isited bis relatives, and Mrs. Bev. Jaynes. .. Mrs. M. ei Mrs. Merkley Clark and family. MacKenzie, Toronto, with Miss Mr. and Mrs. Gea. H. Joll and Lucy Graham... Mr. Frank Park- ff Mrs. Gea. P. Rickard received er, Cowanville, with Mr. and Mrs. S( word of the birth of a daughter Fred Parker... Mrs. Sam Pawell 01 ta Mr. and Ifrs. Harvey Seakins, with Mr. and Mrs. Normnan Gart- cg nee Miss Eunice Joll, of Macklln, shore, Pickering.a Sask., on April 15th.' The young The cornxunlty was deeply t lady is Mr. and m. Joll's f irst sbocked when news was received A grand-daughter :and Mrs. Rick- af the sudden death af Mrs. Graoe ard's first great grand-daughter. A]lln at her daughter's, Mrs. Nor- P She has an eider brother, Mervyn man Semis. She had been a resi- t] dent in this section for many ti DRATH years and wes well known and t FLIOG-In Newcastle, Tbursday, highly esteemned. f April 27th, Fred Pligg. Service Mr. Wallace HaIlmes attended, wlflbe heMld i United Church, Orange Grand Lodge et Lnd ye. $btàrday, April 29, et 3.S0 p.m. as a delegate fram Cowanvwle Ci u ~Masamc-auspices. Ladge. en Lockhart's School No. 9 Scbool was closed for the week following the Easter vaca- tion beceuse of the prevehence af neasles. The medical health of- ficer ordered the school closed for the Week ta check any possible èpidemic. No mare familles lied reparted cases up ta Monday and the children bave returned ta chool this week. Mrs. Bernard Mitchell a n d augliter Nancy, St. Catharines, are visiting Mn. and Mns. D. J. Gibson. Congratulations ta Patsy Fen- tn and Gwen Gibson on their success in the music festival pre- irninaries et Orono. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Gibson were Mr. and Mrs. W. Nelles and family, Grimsby, nd Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stewart End Catherine, Bowmanville. Miss Bessie Blackburn taok la te convention af the Home and School Federetian in Toronto Eas- tr week as delegate framn No. 9 Club. Also attending snme of the ;essions af the O.E.A. were Mrs. P. W. Bowen and Mr. Austin Tun- er. Mrs. Ed. Dean is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dean, Burhing- ton. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Charles Glanville on the binth af ason. Mrs. Annis, Scarborougli, is vis-1 ting Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gibsan.q Weekend visitors of Mn. and Mrs. L. Martin were Mr. and Mrs.1 Williams and Miss Phyllib Wil-i ams, Toronto. CROP MEETING <Contin u d tram Page 1) Brown and Gardon Staples; Man- vers - George Neels and Alex Sinclair; South Monaglian - Jay Whittington and W. C. Dawson; Cartwright - J. H. Farder and Carl Wright; Darlington - Garnet ickard and Maurice B akeor; Clarke - Wm. Rowland and Ev- erett Brown. It is necessany ta have a large membership af farmers in the As- sociation, et 25e per year. With- out et least fil ty members the 'ounty dôce not qualify for the aforementioned grant. It is haped bhat several hundred will jain the Association and thus back tbis mnPortant mavement. It is aiea ex- Pected that ail the Fair Boards in the County will join tbe Associe- ton. The directars wil epproacb tho variaus boards in the near future. April 18th the directors met ta elect their executive and ta dis- cuss projocts for this year. The executive for 1939 is: President - WValter B. Reynolds, Part Hope; .st Vioe - J. H. Farder Bhack- stock; 2nd Vice - Jey '*bitting- ton, South Moaglian; Secnetary- ['reasurer - E .A. Suminers, Bow- nanville. The experiments decided on ta date are: (1) Four variety tests with twelve venieties af oats a a d twelve af barley la four different townships. (2)- Two hay and pasture ex- >eriments af five maixtuees witb ech plot ta be anc acre. (3) One variety fertilizer ex- >erimnent with four varieties af oets with sacli variety in four plots of one-sixteeînth af an acre eadi and balf afi cdplot fertil- ized. (4) Five boys in a competitive iE' st ta tv ta t Ei iz Hlarvey. age 74 years. Intemnit Onono Cemetery on Tuelay. MUTTON - In Bowmanville. on Friday April 21. 1939, William B. Mutton, agze 62 years. Internient Bownianvillc tcemetery. - - TELLER - In Bowman'ville. on Wednesday, April 26, 1939. Rboda Varcoe Maynard Teller, bcloved wiie ai Milton J. Teller, age 52 vears. Funenal irom the nesidence ai lier sister. Mrs. O. L. Mere- ditb, Maple Grave. Danlington, on Satunday, Apnil 29tli et 2.30 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. WALLACE - At Grecnbanh, Ont., April 21, 1939, Annie Jones, wvif e ai Rev. Thomas Wallace, in ber 6Otb vean. Interment et Newton- ville Cemetery. IN MEMOIAM GRAHAM - In lovinir memony ai a dean husband and fathen, David Grahami. wbo passed away May 2nd. 1938: One vear bas passed since tbat sed day, Wben one we lovcd was celled away; God took bum home, it was His will. Wîtbin aur bearts lie livetb ' stillk ;t '-Sadlv missed by wiic and familv. fertilizer test on patato and grain craps. They may aiso bave a few cx- periments witb the use of chemi- cal weed killer on field bindweed and other seriaus weeds. A special effort will be made ta bave four up ta date commercial seed cheening plants established in the county. Ahreedy there are prospects for two in the sauth end of the caunty. In arder that farmers 'm foi- low same af these experiMents evening meetings will be arrang- ed et opportune times during the summer. Members wfll also be forwarded the tabulatedl results of the experiments each year. CHURCHES EXOHANGE CHOIRS AND PASTORO Sunday eveniag the chairs and ministers af Trinity United Cburch, Bowmanville, and Trinity United Cburcb, Port Hope, ex- changed. The service in Trinity Cburch, Port Hope, included special music by the choir.- Two anthems, "Tahe My Hand" and "O How Loveiy Are Thy Dwellings'l and e male chorus "I Want Mylife ta, Tell." Messrs. Melville Dale and Owen Nichalas sang a beautiful duet, "The Crucifix.? Rev. S. Davison preached a fitting sermon. Likewise, the service in Trinity Cburch, Bowmanville, featured special music by the guest choir, while tbe minister, Rev. J.. W. Gardon, preecbed an enlightening sermon. BIDS ARE HIGH FOR COBOURG BONDS Cobourg disposed of a $50,125 debenture issue Friday. Price ob- teined was $102.74. Bids af thir- teen firms ranged from $100.86 to $102-74, and the size of the ac- cepted bld reflects mast favorabiy an the town's financial condition. Cost ta the town is an a 3.20 per cent basis, whicb is less than the cost of the short-term debentijres of the Province of Ontario i soue. Bob Hendry taok the chair. Mrs BIRTH C. J. Mitchell lied charge of the______________ progrem wbich consisted af mu- THOMPSON - On Sundae, AiA sical selections by Arthur Red- 23rd. et Bowmanville Hospîtal. 'ta knapp, also Mrs. Mitchell, Mn. P M. n ns le ..Tapq Hawthorne and John Mitchell,- M.adMs llnETonei piano solos, Olive Brown, Edith (nec Winona Cavenly, R.N.) the Hendry, Joyce Martin; dialogue, git of a daughten, Winona Dianne. "Entertaining the Minister" by Mildred and Jean Brown, Audrey DEATHS Adamis, Miss Rowland and Donald Powell; skit, Ernest Gilbenk and ALLIN - In Clarke, on Friday, Chas. Cemence; readings, Jean Ap)ril 21, 1939. Grae Allia, widoiv Wade, 1b1?. Wallace Holmeés; sang af the late Thomas Allin, in lier by the scbool cbildren. Mrs. M. 9tb vear. Interment BdWt&anville Dickinson, president af Part Bni- Cemeterv. tain Home and Schoah Club, spoke. Mr. J. Rickaby, Toronto, gave a BAILEY - Suddenly in Cartwright. few interestîng remarks on bis on. Monday, Apnîl 24, 1939, Ross visite ta aur scbool. Rev. R. E. Arthur Bailey, only son ai Mn. Morton spoke on "Citizenship." and Mrs. Arthur L. Bailcy, Black- Lunch wes served. stock. in bis l8th ycar. Internent John Mitchell is in Part Bitain St. John's Anglican Cemetery, essisting Mn. Darcb in the green- Blackstock. bouse. BRUNT - In Clarke. on Tucsday, Miss Margaret Sandersan, Mr April 25. 1939, William Biunt. in J. D. Coombs and tbree af the higb bis 87th vear. Funeral . frm Mon- schooh girls, Jean Bonethan, e en Coucb and Kathleen Toms, calle ris Ca. Funeral Chariel, Bownian- on Maurice Powell who, on ac- ville, on Friday, Ap)ril 28th, et count of illess, bas been absent 2.30 p.m. Interment Onono Cern- fromn schaal for sorne time, an etery. presented ber witb a beautiful HIARVEY - In Darlingta n, on box of fruit. Sunday, Apnil 23, 1939,, George FOR SALE - WHITE LEG- haras and Barred Plymnouth Rock Baby Chioks from Government culled and blood-tested stock Write for rice list H. J. Brooks. R.R. 3. Bowmanville, Plion 2636. 8-tf Wanted WANTED - GIRL'S BICYCLE Write Box 420, Bowmanvlle. WANTED-OLD HORSES AND cattle for fox meat. Norby Fur Fan,. Tyrane. Phone 2415. 6-tf Seed For Sale FOR SALE - SOYA ,BEANS, $1.50 bushel; also bey. John Jacks, Lat 22. Con. 4, Darlington, R.R. 1, Hampton. Phouie 2360.. 17-3" FARMERS. GARDENERS - Don't fail ta. see aur fine stock of bigzhest quality seeds. We have wbet you want in f ield, gerden and flower seeds, fertilizers, etc., and aur Prices are rigbt. Stewart's Seed Store. Bowmanville, Pbone 577. 17-1 FOR SALE - 2-ROWED BAR- ley and oats. Lot 20. Con. 2, Dan- lington. Nick Hasiuk, Mea p l e Grave. 16-2* AuctIon Sales I have received instructions f rom Mrs. F. A. Foster. Menvers Roed, Bowmanville. ta selI by public euc- tian Wednesday, May 3rd, the fol- lowing live stock, implenients, funn- iture. etc.;: Live Stock - Teani ai good work borses:. choice sbortborn beifer. just fresbencd, voungf Holstein cow. 2nd caif due Tune 1th; Holstein cow, farrow: 'caîf. six weeks aId, 2 bozs. four months aId. Implements and Tools - Messey- Harris spneyer with base and gun; set beavy double harness; set good sïng'e herness; saddle with bridle and idinz crop; double cutter witb robe; trailen, wagon, set sleighs, plationm sprinz wagon-, bey knife; mowing machine, seed drill. bey rake: emaîl circuler saw on plat- form fanning mnilI; 2 lawn mawens; well pumiri: cistern pump: cutting box: large drill, several cultivetors and disk hannow; ledders. saws, Pruners: several canpenter's f ancy planes. coopenage tools. forks and bacs: 2 fuýrow plougb: turnip pulp- er: sanie wooden pulîcys and augers.. Housebold El fets - Electric Premier. Sp)ic-Span Vacuette cerpet cleaner: Settee and 2 large chairs ta match: quertened oek bell seat with storingz space: drap leai table: lditcben cupboend, quertered oak wasbstand: several odd chairs: ight oak washstand; foldinR cot; expand- ingz steel cat: iran sink; 3 ail lamps; De LavaI Separator; small stave; Daniels incubator; watcr power washen: pocket Poco camera;,honey extractor and honey knife. Mns. £.osten bas rented the land and thenefore wisbes ta dispose ai the above stock and articles. Ternis cash. Sale 1 p.m. sharp. W. J. Challis, Auctioneen. 17-h Auctioneer Lleensed Anettoneer ELMER WILBUR Hamlpton, Ont. Speclallzlng hn Farm, Livestock, Implements and Furulture Sales TERMS MODERATE Phone for Terms and Date te: BowmanvMle 2428. __Liveâstçk For Sale FOR SALE - -eQOD JER.é cow. 3 vears aId;,, 4ue.ta renew in Mey, alsa trailf. giood as new, and Daisy churn used very little. Mrs. Jesse Hunt, Scugag St., Bawmanville. 17-l* FOR SALE - 18 YORKSHIRE. white vies; also anc Ayrsbire bull, 2 years aId. Apply F. Aldswortb, near Saline Station, Phone, Osb- awa 1652r5. 17-l* FOR SALE - YOUR CflOICE 0F several yaungz horses, any1 size, any age. Isaac Hardy, Hampton, Phane 2184. 17-l* FLOIVUSTS* Kingsway FL.OWER SHOP PA L O0fR A L 'CREATIONS - Bakets Wreaths and Sprays, artîstically ana Individus. . arranfect by expert de- signera. Frowers ~or ai! occasions. Phones: 772, 2632 or 2633 Bowmanvllle Ciceks For Sale FOR SALE - BABY CHICKS. white, leghorns and "barred rocks, sexed or mixed, blood-tested flock, sired by pedigreed R.O.P. Cockerels. Average eggs set oeer 26-ounce ta the dozen. Started pullets and cockerels. A. H. CIe- mens, Phone 2433, Bowmanville. lI-tf HORSES FOR SALE - TEAM af heavv draft hanses, prie $165. Phone Oshawa 666 or 'write A. F. Cox & Sans, King St.,, West, Osh- awa. 17-1 FOR SALE - A GOOD JERSEY cow; due April 28tb. Apply Artbur Tones. Bowmanville, Phone 536. 17-1 For Sale FOR SALE - THREE GRADES of Cedar Shingles. Apply 17 Rowe Street, Oshawa. 17-1* FOR SALE - PIANO, LOUIS, wltlnut. witb bencb, lovely tone, ivory keys, fbeautiful instrument. For quick sale anc sixth cost price. Box 353. Bowmenville. 17-1* FOR SALE - FIVE GOOD uscd coal burning brooder staves, $5.00 up: alsa Jamesway Poultny Equipment. Albin Clemens, Phone 2433. 15-tf FOR SALE - BICYCLES, ALL kinds fnom $10.00 un. Trade-in!i accepted. Repeins. welding, keys made. Oven, evenings. 'Victor'% 34 King Street, West, Osbawa. 16-4 FOR SALE - AWNINGS FOR - store or residence; Venetian blinds, wood or metal slots; largest selec- tion et lowest prices. Estimates, given without obligation. Apply Nortbcutt & Smith, Bowmanviîîe. 14-8 FOR SALE - NATURAL ICE, tcsted Grade A, for eny use; 15C for 25 lbs. 25c for 50 lbs. Prompt deliveny. C. Raby, Phone 310. 14-8* Real Estate For Sale HOUSES FOR SALE - ONE bouse on Qucen St., 6-roomed witli 3-piece bath, gzarage, smaîl gerden. solid brick cottage in South Ward on Ontario St. Bath will be sold cheap as estgte must be settled; also brick bouse an Wellington St. T. H. Knight, Phones: Office 565, Res. 768. Bowmanville. 16-tf FOR SALE - BRICK HOUSE, 7 roanis. one-hali acre land. smell barn, fruit trees, 2 miles nortbi ai Bowmanville, bn middle road. Apply B'. McDonald, Menvers Rd., Bowmenville. 1 6-2* PROPERTY FOR SALE-HOUSE and lot, Queen St., nesidence of tbe late Wm. Bnock. * Arply Wal- ter Hetely, Queen St.. or R. L. Mitchell. Canadien. Bank ai. Com- merce. Bowmanyille. 5-tf FARM FOR SALE - THIRTEEN atid e ahl acres garden land, Bow- manville. Solid brick dwelling with tawn water bydroaevailable. Barn and othen buildings needing ne- p)airs. Consider ai fers or would exchangc for Bowmenville dwell- iniz. Lew V. Disney. Osbawa. 17-1 FOR SALE - BUNGALOW brick veneer, 5 roams, hardwood i baors, furnace, gas, clectric, 3- piece bath, ideal location. Owner, Farrest Dilling, Queen St., Baw- manville. 17-1* Oa& cLM&9nýi4z im -a To Rent APARTMENT TO RENT - PIVE raoms. Apply Statesman Office. 49-tf FOR RENT - HOUSE ON Brown Street, next ta Carrutbers' Garage. 6 roomns. Apply T. Ly- nmer, Bax 51, Bawmianville, Pbone 379. 17-1* APARTMENT FOR RIENT - 3 rooms. hardwood floors., large pantry and' store rorn, 3-piece batb. $15 per mantb, which in- cludes water and Rarbage collec- tion. Apply H. V. Batemnan, Victor Manar Apartments_ . 17-tf Plants For Sale ) FOR SALE - STRAWBERRYI *plante, 10 best varicties ta choose J froni. Pnice $4,00 per 1,000 and up. Ivan M. Law, Whitby, Ontario, Phone 911l. 17-4* FOR SALE-BARBERRY BUSH- . ce, for bedges, a good size, 20c eêàch. C. Bradley, Jackman Rd., Bowmanville. 17-2* FOR SALE - COLUMBIA BER- ry nmots. Appîy F. W. Ayling, R.R. 2. Bowmanville, Phone 2209. 17-1* FOR SALE - STRAWBERRY plints, Mary Washington (extra early), Brandy Wine, Senator Dunlop, O.A.C., Kellogg's Beauty, Glen Mejy. 75c foar 100, of $5 a, 1000; alào Raspberry bushes, Vik- ing and Latheni, 2c per cein. Apply Mrs. Ivan Farrow, Clarke 3921. 17-3 FOR SALIE - PREMIER AND Dorsett.,Strawberry plants, $1_.00 per 100.', A. Laird, Maple Grave, Phone'2109. .17-3 Feed Special WEEKLY FEED SPECIAL - Wheat Chopi. $1.15 pr cwt. 0f fer good until May 4th. F. C. Van- stone. Phone 777. 17-1 Found FOUND - GLOVE FOUND AT corner of Temperance and Well- ingtan Sts.. Sundey..evening.' Cal et Statesmen Officç. 17-1 FOUND -- KEY ON KING ST. on Monday evening. Enquire et Statesman Of fice. 17-1 Landacape Work LANDSCAPING AND MAIN- teinance wonk. Pricgs reasonable. Chas. Hilderley, Honsey Block, Phone 465. 17-1* Mowers Sharpened WEST END GARAGE A N D Machine Shori - Lawn Mawens sherp)ened. J. L. Demenling, Bow- manville. p)roprietor, Phone 781 17-tf Palntlng & Decorating PAINTING & DECORATING - AIlidnde af painting and deconat- iniz dans, prices nixht.esetimates given. Clianlie Greeaa, Maple Grave..171 Phone 596 For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT - IJOUSE with barn. lien bouse an., rage; hydro: two and a Quarter 'âcres aifs ]and; possession et once. Apply.f J. Cowling, Hampton. 17-2* FARM FOR SALE OR RENT - possession et once;* also 15 carde ai cord wood. beecli and* maple, and 200 pine logs. Mns. E. Stnutt, Tyrone.. 17-1 Agents Wanted ALL YEAR INCOME SELLING large line spices, extreots., toilet requisites stock and other farta products. Our combinetion off ens open-every door. ,Ne expenience nceded. Pleasant wonk.. Steady repeat ordens f nom aId and new customens., A smal mount pute Yau in business, for yoeîrself. No risk.> Excellent' opportunity ta rigbt panty. For frce details and catalogue, Familex Ca.. 970 St. Clement. Montreal., 17-1 Notice To Road Foremen ai the Town- ship ai Darllngtoii. Sprnig wifl bc on us in a rush so be sure ta get your road dragginiz dons thonoîjglly and env bales around /culverts filled and leveled belons tht time cornes. If you can't get a junior greden, hook on vour dnalr and make surs this job is donc. It is important. Thos. H. Richards, Road Superintendent. 16-2 Carpenter Work. CARPENTER WORK -'HAVE those elterations donc inow; thet» roof re-shingled; that floan laid; screcns built ta orden. Estimetes f ree. prompit guananteed labon. Chas. L. Warren. Hamirton. 14-4* Alterations HAVE YOUR LAST YEAR'S "~ot rdresses altered ta bring tthetn up-to-date. Evlyn Shop AI- tenetions Dept. will do your work for you et reasonable prices. Phone 594. 16-tf M ortgages MORTGAGES - FIRST AND second mortgages, agreements for sale on f an, city and lakeshore properties purchased. North Shorc Realty Company, Limited, Algen Buiding, Oshawa, Phone 3130. il-tf Mune r' FUR STORAGE. For sale etorage, store your coats wlth HUDSON FUR Mfanufacturing Comnpany Tour coat wlf be storedlnl Caaadas fiest eold storage plant for only 2%ty of your own valuation. Leave your coat at the EVLYN SHOP 1PHONE 594 17-5 andi It wil be takea caue of. -M i e LUNN GROCR Bowmanville ~z~La«tg~E~?nqM-1684 R E XA LI. O RUC0S T OR ES I N C AN A DA 1004,-9 r Pou thé regular prise forone arile andi gel anodier ont iuoi 11*.. filfor only ONE CENT $1.00 Botti. NEXrALL 000 LIVER SIL EMULSIOI 2for $1,01 SPRING AT THL Z iDRUG, STORE~ THREE MORE DAYS THURSDAY* FRIDAY* SATURDAY J uryY Lvei SVMMER Pay, tu re gui., priae for ont covude and jet anoiher dise ;I id Ilfor onI4 ne. TIn mi 31 TOOTH POWDER mb*mSFuu nhIu 2fo36c . APRIL 27y 289 '29 ti 1 - 'I Phono 778 for Speedy Delivory BOWiiianvlIIe Lin'. Specll Llbby's Pork & Beans 2. 2 2 oz. tins lSC Hlandy Ammonia..... 2 pkgs. 9C Pineapples.............. 2 for 25C Grapefruit .............8for 25C - Oranges .,......... .. per doz. -10e 13e 23c OXYDOL le SALE A Fruit Bowl for only le when you purchaae a large package at 24c. 3Both _,U oth for - - - - - - 25c tlieWANTuADSI 57 - 1 bqqmmmm% ,ou PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLF, ONTARIO THURSDAY, APRIL 27TH, 1939 FOR SALE - GOOD WORK hanse, would excbengc for young cattle or p)ige. Appl$',orne Lamb, Enniskillen.17* FOR SALE - YOUNGrF,ý YORK- sbire p)ige: elso pune bîied Short- born bull caîf and two rowed berley. S. Hockaday, Hampton, Phone -2182. - - 1- -In, .!, m ', -:- ý17i içý ý 1 0" Phone 778 for Speedy Dehvery Bowmanffle