Interesting Letters From Statesmnan Readers (Cn orightAN MN BY JOHN C. KIRKWOOD mn fu otoeatmtn Rreen slopes, purpled with Scotch not paid to other than permanent fact, it is very fine all through the '111neday anives w'lldeian h l efirad ourthi heather - a faithful reproduction of residents. sumnmer. "'lnvrgo l.Il i n odepomn hsd-sle mn h nmlyd the original kirk in Glencairn, Scot- I understand that your township 1 wonder how many people in first."S ar id 0tyapr.ehe who pet hefactth anthy ma hav SE . ~~~~~~~~~land, where Annie Laurie was bap- is paying the samne rate as Clarke Bowmanville remember a Mr. East- wa oseas7t hear. Hemeaon, peec eihadudutdIyveycidteei.h pr F orest LaW R ieD10ril Park tized and where shte worshipped as .a Township and we always look .to on who kent a stationery store. I am keec nun tha t hewouid g n comThecy. ougenus.-ir Jhn A Cocburn young girl. (See story of Annme Durham's three frontier toilnshiPs sure Dave Morrison. Sr. willreAsot' h dtath . eciumanehtmnyf Laurie in this issue wlùch Dr. Hutch- to lead the way. m be.AduhrMsFlr- As, tis preacher said httere us cannot hope to have continit EdiorofCaadin taesan, An saningthre h mae po-inson has also written.) You have. of course, no control ence Easton, born in Bowmanville, ahead than ads een passedbete makag paid eraployetaft er0 Bdiowmf anvie, Otario, Amistoni thefiniemhe herach The second church is called the as a, council over the general cost for many years an officer m. the Most ageing persons are young- money in our pre-50 years and BOne temOtbauif.and im-ehoe the Ipunt . hirie and Little Church of. the Flowers, comn- Of living, but you do have contrôlArmy and an accomplished piaýnst is er at their age than were those perhaps save it in the form of lf presie Oplaems whch eau isai d hvsone intouwords n Pcaledit,"e mmrteoanrpiadfte iteover the comparative prices paid fr a guest for a short timie in our home. of equal years in the generations insurance - that type of lifei-. Lo Agees asa emte. BBilder's Creed." Church at Stoke' Page's in ,England, samne work in different parts of the Florence and I went toeschool to- past. No longer is age 70 regard- surance which provides us with thisonel,' was odifeent vey B t oa Frs LwnMmia where Grey wrote hsimmra provmnce. Toronto pays 60c an hour gether mn Bowmanville, sixty years ed as representing old age. One pension beginning at age 60 or65 this ne , was e diferentin eery Elegy.oreforawa eminimumlgywageorandfoyoumiarem Ituise az.pleasureeas afterferall ttheseus must 8reache 80sitoedbesoconsidered prdAns waY fOn1 any other cemetery I had Park, of two hundred acres, bears Ec hrhi o-etra n only paying one-third that rate. 'Years, to have her with us. old, and the number of men andoi emsprdnet ever visited. It was not even called eloquent witness that The Builder• It is a dangerous position to be Th ttsa oe ihg- women of ag 80 who on s idrdel-n eiieyi a cemetery. and the whole conception kept faith with his Soul. non-denominational. Their only The- .n hef o n heSttema cme wthreu- . og ino remain as- our pre-50 years what we can an wasso iamtriall oposie t al Th Bulde's ree, wichis n- b 1is Love.ndWeddings as weillas iCn.Tyewilrsbttnized bnOy e larity and I am still keenly interest- ta. enpaa shall do after 50 is reached, shoul my fordimercce ptioadsothor- grave d a gretwringaistic- urials are conducted in each. Uonay ohn will bc rai ey f aor cdt in all that goes on in my native ay in r sng.o l-our wage-paid employment b ouy ole oei, anIdmsthogive ton sareas "I elieing artsc A great organ, centrally situated,.-nin additioundwilc itaways own. Althought I have been away Undoubtedly one explanation taken from us. Some personsde an acc wont of it he ordut iary hsa E ea L Ie einasupphies music soft and low to both l adtiondlsstrbe, s wh 4notrom Bowmanville fifty-four years o htmyb ald otfl cide to open a store of their own thou t of i ' Th raryhapf •ra Lfechurches and other buildings. - last. des rul. s hY tI was recently introduced to a large ns nye -dwmn f7 a grocery store, a restaurant o toghtofa cemetery is tht of a 1 believe• those ot us left . behind The most beautiful Italian mrl try and meet the situation by pay- crowd in St. Petersburg as beingnesi mn and women of 70 tearoom, a tobacco store. Man place for burial of the dead. The shudb ldi h cranble ttar ssra u vr the ingz a least a bonus of 10e Per hour from Bowmanville. adoeiste multiplied stimu- buy houses to rent to roomers o e lfe tiscaet1sth a iuathat those gonge before have entered grounds in profusion, each one r93.eaigyureowae We send you our love and best satimuch aret senttmes.keepho a teants;end some burcs nd plceo lfe ndsetisbeuiflinto that happier life. breathingr of Life, and not of Death. t3c wishes. ds ad w fretae hulae bsinss expanse of trritorar s called Forest I believe inost of all in a Christ Marble pedestals with open marble RYurs sncerely, Edwy White. tion facilitasine udng trenspo Fewer persons become marke who smiles and loves You and me. Bibles are frequent, each with ays . arn tor car, are greater today than 50 gardene andfarmersinasmall On New Year's Day, 1917, a weal- I therefore prayerfully resolve on Bible verse speaking of Life, àuch years ago; and transportation fa- wna. Some a e p te aleolf tycitizen stood on a hilltop over- this New Year's Day, 1917, that I as: "Inmy Father's H-ouse are many CANADIANS WELL WHO KNOWS WHERE cilities mean that all of us move rSn ust renin idlelabor lokng a small private cemietery of shall endeavor to build Forest Lawn, m:mnsion"; "I have come that you DR. G. REID LIVED ? about more and go travelling move to some small town wher o a' hnawropai 55 acres. which hadl just been placed as different, as unlike other ceme- might have life,' and many others. REPRESENTED AT- more. These repeated contacts living costs are low.yur ruldwt osiain in his charge. In that moment a vis- teries, as sunshine is unlike darkness, Beautiful fountamns play .here and " U S N IY with new places, new sights, new S ed Adcmocnsiaoninta on came to the man of what this as Eternal Life is unlike Death. 'tee n id igtersngs. 12426 Reed St.eprecsn ifern epethe u m oup, i almstapecsayeilloiitl uki tmny "God's Acre" might become. I shall try to build Forest Lawn The whole place is a dream of Monr -',P.Q stimulate us - keep us fresh- mentprotem of g0ainu epo--yuditfenassi.Fodlk a geatpar deoidof issa e tbeutylloeeada Eernl Lfeanlac 113iAe.,eneaa,.lotree,11Q•.3mndevan.frsh-pirte: w met mthepos-50yeas gows mea, beadandpottoe dono monuets ankdevother is Eh.. of spiritual solace, magnificent vis- Coral Gables, Fla., D p1 Apr5, 1939- draw in new life from what we more perplexmng and more urgen omte"uky astebwl moyuDenath bthfilled s o artas o seeing lawns, majestic April 10, 1939 Dear Mr. James: see and touch. all.the time; and because it r-ne o eua oeet.Te wering trees arklinwithfountainstaandf reat Dear George: Please receive cheque to cover my Then, too, we read more and mamns an unsolved problemr bcm ay atKlogsAL trees,, sweeping lawns, . splashmngwrssprlf ut ait h'und re o Spring is here and the old urge subscription to Dec., 1940. I wish converse more than did those of tens and hundreds of thousand RN-cipdlgtucra.I fountamns, smngmng birds, beautiful th s of drtosting(O 1- d ofto head North is working. Sorry you to know I heartily endorse the past days. We have radio pouring of persons, these persons are for-hlstsupyhe"ukyo stratuarchiee fullwrs o le loun l ars . ver a onitin1938). to have missed Bowmanville last fine things said about,• The States- in on us hourly its stimulations ofedtgonrlifadwhnne ed.Adtisepcllrchn meoilaciecue ulo igttT a seto ti summer but hope to make it this man at home and abroad, and am mind and interest. We are adver- has to go on relief, one quickl auesitsia oiVtm andcoor.usooestaw hs en ma yea -Fodrtepssthepaeron ac wek isd o b athosad dvetier, dteioate pyscalymetaly s.Tryths ensbl rutie:Ea Foere.lrst Law adod shall beorplae ha lac f iaina d easanjome Spent a day or two in St. Peters- to other interested readers. each urging us to live more abun- and morally. •AL-RNeryd.Andik whee ,lovrsnewandold shll or he ymeas ellas no eburgr recently. Found Mr. and, MrS. I wonder if on your files you have dantly. Our stores are more num- iC K pet fwtr icvrhwfn loveto trols ndratclthsusetsantuarcfo thhdeartd;segrats.aHnJ.Juryenjyinoth tlrio an reordof r. Gorg Red wo eoustha wa th cae 50yeashiefelssoeb "rgulr" gam OSHAWA glow, a Place where artists study and art centre. and a beautiful ,parksunHine. inrthe"Snshyin te gity" You rcsd omeDcine i owmanville ago, and are brighter placesta Those who live on farms ough Phone 1011 --Free Parking sapychhee chonte h sbaweplas co m as funerals know. of couble.there is Pedaily many years ao.Reis grand-daugh- prenths es o orgrand- vto oi ove hpsat tha uis read of in books; where little where a subdued peace and hope bug h pu s i n w S .e i te rGaduAlso, there is the larger inl viassure fo r farm s ntae a Friday - Saturday churches speak only words of love; comes to all.sun h istes ine sometimeduringPrindue orkbere, a McGill fa ong ence of young people on us wh' lvir ndfromthe rat to the where memorialization of loved ones The conception is that our loved the dayBecueo h nqln a her father. ho died lst1 er are growmng old: young people ray ntseeie a oor lf APRIL 28 - 29 in sculptured marble and pictorial ones are not dead. They have just *.y cueo h naln a .w e s er live more assertively, more ag-manosemtbescourl CONSTANCE BENNT windows shall be encouraed - a passed through the invisible door in- sunshine it is seldom necessary to went west to farm. Miss Reid is gressively, than did the young and as easy as is the life of town - RLAD YUN - lae wer th srrovm wil e t te lndof g an apines,"Sunshine City." Thirty years aRco ville on her way west in May. She their viewpsthei'ays teyir ms dwellers who have wage-pai in. soothe nd strengthened, because it and are stilaahve ind tha abeautiful when I hadl charge of this territory believes the old homestead is still"bitions an their activities on u work. But these town dweillr Topper I8kes a Irip' "This is the Builder's D ream; this earthly garment of the flesh, wichcometcersbur nanow it s a fi n d ingvhbu des noitknow wheany- oung peoplepour theiryoùthfl. 'loud -alwese ou oheprospect is the Builder's Creed." they need no more, bemg now clotit city of some 50,000 people. . one who ·would have any recollection ness. into us, and we who are unemployment after age 50. Far with "The Builder. ed im the garment of Immortatiy It is surnrising how many Canad. of the Reid family. A Miss Wilmot, growing old are revived and sus- mers should remember that fe - BILLIE BURKE - This beautiful lawn is spread out and Lighit' ians make St. Petersburg their hier father's cousin, died last year, tained by their wine. farmers are on relief. A town jo ALAN MOWBRAY. over hills and valleys,.and is divided And as, on that beautiful after- winter home. At the Chamber of somnewhere in Durham County or it Finally, there is this circum-_ makie look attractive to man Added - Color Cartoon by wmndmgj roadways into twenty or noon, when my wife and I stood Commerce where visitors register may have been in Cobourg, or New- stance: most of us need to work farmers,*ye.t there are multitudes "The Dog Catcher" more very artistic, sections, each of with Mrs. Wesley Hancock and therm is a book where Canadians castle. Miss Reid is not sure where harder and longer in order to earn of persons mn towrns who envy th - R VV Lwhich has a sigmificant name such Hlelen. beside, that sacred spot on the regzister. This book contains the she lived, but this lady seems to have the income required for our nec- security of the farmer class. REVVALas:-- hillside, facing the golden western names of over 600 from Toronto been the last near relative. essities. It costs more to live J C K Priday at 10.45 p.m. vale of Memiory sky, ail ablaze. where, Wesley Han- alone. Almost every town in Can- I thought it might make it easier nowadays than in olden times. I am not saying that farming i ' nTcnclrVesperland cock, our friend, formrerly of Çour- ada. Bowmanville included is re- for Miss Reid, if I coutld put hier in This is because we have learned an occupation able to give farm lu echicoorEventide, tice (near Bowmanville) and later presented. touch with someone who could give to give much of the labour which ers a good cash incomne; yet ther s is Tan =Innea-naHaven of Peace of Winnipeg, was laid away . e tsbe a wodrufitrhe h nomtonsemyb ih was once performed in the home are farmers who have an ade TheNU MU tuHLUeU Sunrise Slope weeks ago. it was with a new mnspir- for tourists - that is to say the ing to get. to factories çind to others. Thus, quatte cash income: they put mor f I S prGraelad aionandainenhoednda nenwethehhapben woderuavereYorseerytruy, tweeivethegreterparp ofourintother frmig tan ustphyrlasbyKnegiaLadoCaadajAtastrpi of Tm Sa y8f Wesley W. Hancock, native of vision of Immortality. little chilly weather and practically Josephine M. Reynolds. wsigt anre;w aescllbr Courtice section and a neighbour of One other (eature, the most beau- no rain (too, little forgovsad (Mrs. A.J. bakeries to supply us with bread AsI STar EL Yours forth nearsednecinnnipeg, tifulofasslr pr uthonwonderful stan- vetables).a st teheoteperaureh w Editor's Note:-If wi inf or won e ok hnerisste rsrv merso am tgasar at • ~~Lov.ely trees spread in every Vinci's masterpiece, "The Last SuP- been it has only cost us forty-fiYe ainmrfrnet r ereRihm;w onta milk and produce and cerealsan ---- direction. No gravestones are allow.. per.". Millions .have journied to Milan cents (45c) to heat our house all we will be pleased to forward it to as once we did m eore e osadeg.Ti sno eas efor M on. - Tues. - Wed . d.. but instead a bronze tablet (all to view that immortal painting, and winter. It was only necessary on two his grand-daughter. This transfer of labour to oth.. they are exploited by buyers; i umiform) lymng flat on. the ground, the fame of this stained glass repro- or three occasions to take the chill**** ers has compelled us to earn the'1s a consequence of several facns MAY 1 - 3 designates the place of burial. A re- duction, (15 by 30 feet mn size) made off. money needed to pay those whom tors. One of these factors is: ai- *ORMA SHEARER ceptacle for flowers is attachet1 .to in Itaþr by- Miss MorettiL the last It has been a bad year for grow-. How like some misguided peo- we employ; also, this transfer of sans in factories demand over "'LARK GABLE .. every tablet and kept filledl with survivor of a family of artists, who ers of citrus fruit. The crop was plis the rooster who crows for labour to othrhateddo high wages - meaning wage R elT TO in fresh fowers either by the company for five hundred years had been tremendous. The priceveyown otherreason than to hear his keep us from wearing ou s erl hich mndustry cannot afford t . 9, or by the mndividual. So that in look- supreme in this form of art, has al- .twelve cents a box for a while, the ' own voice- as did our grandparents - has payud r wr agewic f and hen Idi0t's Do8hght ing over the different sections one ready become world renowned. It the State raised the price to '32c tended to keep us young and padrqie.anfcuest ses loes ndtee adgren-to e i erod this greatabxwhtersut colnt The new Swedish cook, who had strong longer.Du raw materials at a low price so with' ward , everywhere., masterpiece. Before leaving for the sell any. No one makes any money cm t the hoshold drig t s ase r mistres auatrr ae chinkgthat EDWARD ARNOLD A great Mauseoleum taking 20 United States it was on exhibition unless they are in it on a large scale -tVherholianeys sedr s o ls etress: J C Kof smeanctrrs canychare on- Oneo ai Wod's CHARESL CBURNCyeas tNbuideisthetainbuilingbefoetteeKmmofntalyuMusoingan evefthyehaehthiritoubosfadIWhre bneuoursonInnoAladhweve, th newpachofeumer anyprie thy cae toask with gr eat halls and borial crypts on the Minister of Arts, the great art- disappointmients. seeing hern ,round no more." life has had .this result: it calls There is a limit to the price conciei uane siu eiter ide eah hvin a lowr itsgenral an dilomtiss. inc Th toriss h "y son?" replied the mistress, for an intensity of effort on the sumers can pay, and when th Thurs. Fri. Sat. eceptacle. eThis ih atiafo sta ts. denesaddicaio i oest.awn iTs e orth and ae msimostly gone pridefully."oh, he _has gonge back part of most workers to such a price is too high, tere i e MAY 4 -6 e ls idwec oko aehssra hogqtteweather of the year. Fromt n -estthYae umsshimdradulydre e sthat p ersonso 40 an n-duction in hesquantoit fthi r- s avice MSecu art. and scores of exquisite marble world, and thousands of people have til the end of Mayteat h ow un- ough.1 nw wa hwy nfrmar les waThiedtoay than t's purcthÙkha.Asit m is atmis All In Technicolor statuary, from great Italian masters, come from far and near to re*ceive ïshout perfect, nice sunshat er s e IMybrother, he barg n yail increasinly it s h mrer threr-i ta old t tt manuacturgn " 00sg btyldin " ad n ea" drab, unessageLof. beauty, . and its glorious breezes and cool nights. in saix times sence Thanksgiving."1 sons over 45 and 50 to. both get manufacturers have a hard time with inspiration. And as we reverently turned to ' OL OLHFL N D smThere are also two ofutheloveliest leave thts beautiful Gomi s Gardente------....... ................ ANN SHERIDAN each with a glorious setting amidst scenes. Whittier's inspiringr words A Picture with a Million Thrills trees, fobiage and flowers. One is kept ringing and singing in our called the Wee Kirk of the Heather, hearts: nestled in the side of a hill amid "I know not where His Islands liftDO Their fronded palms in air. R OUND T RIP T RAV EL BA RG AINS Beyond"°islove"a°nd cre." HITAS EE CCÀ While an answering refrain came p Fromn BOW M ANVILLE 'ila- the Resurrection and the Life. MAY 5 - 6 - 7 TO CHICAGO - $13.10 Whsnever bdievehim"hl TRADE-INS, RE-BUILlDS AND 1938 MODELS - ---- Yes, like "The Builder"- MAY 5 - 6 TO WINDSOR - eiv naHpp tra ie TO DETROIT $ . 01 -ivei hrs •osie 'à ets, Fares, Transit Limits and Information from Agents.1 eivthsofulf bin 1should be glad in the certain belief, TO 98Mdl CA NA IA N Ak fr C N A D AN tat hos Rou beore aveentred ran thatre.those $4goneINDbeforeIATIhaveL A PenteredOO into a Happier Life."-----------....SaeBETI RA G N A T IONA L ""nd P A C IFIGTC22 -J. N.H. mteQuttyWh01Bres APRelettCSALEio ofr 91nfi --7 -) 1A A af Labour in Toronto and it is quite --- agreed that for such work as you are giving these men and the short season, that 20c per hour is noQt a living wage. Z IG -Z A G I have had many years experience in business and have found that usuially you get what you pay .for. For a married man to live on $1.60M HIT a day I am quite sure is outNof th CIGARETTE TOBACCOa uesio. tefore ioutmpoy the yunger men and force the older men either on relief or to move and this........ ............................................ latter is not so easy because relief isMMMMMmmNMNV6 THURSDAY, APRIL 27THI, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE THIREE