v c THURSDAY, APRIL 27TH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L.0est PrlCeS Dodd's Kidney Plis 50ecSite - - - - 27e $1.40 FeIIow9is Syrup, - 87e Bronehial Mixture Acts Uke MCu~UAL llghtalng te N~YII relleve tlght and chesty colds. r bottie to-day 35c Corega - - - 24e M,5c Noxze ma - 15 sal Hepatica Tbree ý 30C -.59C 1 5c Nail Brushes Coloured Handie.- 9c 25c Nail Brushes - 17C Prompt ln Upset stemaeh condition&L 75C SPEÇI.AL 29c Lit ebuoy Shave Creami & 7e Lltebuoy Soap Seth for- 30C ) M PHONE, 192y BM I ~1 F Announces His Second I I I _______________ WASH CLOTHS 25e GOGOLES 2 fer- - -25c I130 FOR THE FULL WEEK, MAY 1 st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and Bth We were astounded at your response to our last sale to repeat the sale offerlng you still greater values. Again we one gigantie sale. We list them helow:- le and this has prompted us combine three teatures ln 16TUREE FOR ONE" SALE Three articles for the price of one. We do not lnsist that You buY three of each item. You May buy one, two, or three. You will find many produets that you re- quire listed among these bargain Items. Every produet is guaranteed. 2.CLEANoUP SALE Discontinued lunes at a traction of their regular value. 3« ROYAL* VISIT SALE .Flags and Souvenir Items to mark the visit of our King and Queen to Canada. In addition to the above we are offa'ing other bargains, deep-out prices, and special sale items, as well as minimum price on ail price protected merchandin. * * AIL SALE ITEMS STRICTLY CASH *l* 3 fer ILal 25e Corn Remover ...... 9c, 3 for 50e Milk of Magnesia Tablets, 50's.......... 17e,*3.for 25e Kîcenor Tooth Paste .... 9c, 3 for 35e Lavender Shave Cream 12c, 3 for 5Oc Milk of Magnesia, 16 -oz., 17c, 3 for 50c Lavender Shaving Lotion 17c, 3 for 25e A.B.S.&C. Tablets, 1 00"s. 9c, 3 for 25e Epsom Salt, 1 lb ......S, 3 for 25e~ Tooth Brushes'...*..... 9c, 3 for $1 .00 Beet, Iron & Wlne, 16 oz.,................ 34c, 3for 5Oc A.S.A. Tablets, 100%s.. 17c, 3 for 15e BoracicÂelcd .........Se, 3 for 5)c plate ]Brushes3 for 500 150 Ohild'. Tooth Erushes.-. 5c, 3 for 15o 50e Tooth Brushu - - 17, 8for 590 250 Pooket GOcm . - -9g, 3for gu 350 Pooket Combe - - 120,3 for S M0 Barber Combe - 170, 8 for 50e 500 IDrslng Combo, Lad iIvory or PALMOLIVE AM.SOHCK Injoctor Razor $1.00 Value - 49e = FREE 25C. ergen's Al-Purpose Cream with 50oc Jergen's Lotion B.th for - - 43e 25c soc 2se n5e Sft 25e 25ec 25C 1.00 50e 15ec 350 Brm"iatime. Bolid - - 12c, 8 for 3Ue WCe Borace Acid - - 170, 3 for 50e 25o lazsed - 9e, 3 for 25e 250 icoed ]Mes! -. 8efor 25o m0 castor OÙ 170, 8 for 500 soc 0o" Liver 0n, le oz. -- M30 for 9o 790 Minerai on, 1os. - 27e, 3 for 790 Blck - ..10,U or mIA $1u .50 UElmoeàl W 50o Kid2lOy PMl 40 02. . - SOc, 3 for $1.50 .D.A. - - - -, 3 for 5Oc 35e Eleenor Tooth 15o Seidiets odr--1,3fr35 Powdes - - 5Se. 3 for 15e c Thowder - 12e, o 15o Bobby ScTopo' hv Comba - - 5, 3forl15o Cremn -7cS3for 500 75o Milk of UMaguesia 600 Cocoanut Oil Tablets - - 25c, 3 for 75e Shampoo - - 200, 3 for 600 50c ma f l ! ageuia 350 Brillautime, Tooth Patte - 17c, 3 for 50o Liquid --12c, 3 for 35o TREAT SUD GRAIN FOR SMUT Coresan....... 1 b. 51.00 - 5 lb. $3.90 Ceresam la a mew impoeoved dust disinfectant recoimeuded for an types o! graim. sued may be treated and sown amytime withlu 60 days. Formaldehyde (Fermalin) Nqot recommelel for wheat 16 OLe 25C - 32 0E. 40e Australien Drug Co. Eucalyptus Produets G. - G. 0OLBP. (for flowers snd- Xxtract 25 - 400 - 750- $1.15 ;ibuiu)--------- ' ECmu]MUedEuclyptus Ssp 2 cakes 15o ik Eucalyptus 70e-$1.25-$2.25 1 oals Loens - - 100 Cart4 - ALL PRODUCT I Ni STCK Chui ýOWMANVILLE =1 VACUUM BOTTLES 39e Value - - 24e =m 25e SOAP Box AssortelClours 2 for - - - - 25e 13e = 1 i UNIVERBAL TOILET TISSUE Large Rol 5 mlls . . . 23e 1idoz. - - - 39c 2 fertic1 NAIL SCRUS doz. - - - 30e 40 .3090 CAR SPONGE & CHAMOIS 51.00 Value 490_ Clean-aUp Sale Ail items listed below are discontinued Unmes. Stock of eaceh fa limited and no more are available. You must shop early te have the best seleetion. $8.50 Packard Lektro-Shavers ...53.98 $5.00 Kemor Electrie Shavers......5$1.98 $1 .50 Fountain Pen Sets............ 79e 39e Storm Iàghters - 19e 50c Cigarette Cases - 19c 5oc Lipsticks - - - 13c 25o Key Cases - - - 9c 25e Lipitioks - - - 9c $1.00 Biff Y"d - - 39o 50e Rouges - - -- 1 $1.75 Bf]! Poids - - 69C Peck, Frean Engflsh Biscuits Complete Stock- Hait Price Boxed Chocolates............. Hait Price 5c Chocolate Bars .... .. 3c, 2 for 5c 1o Eider Flower Boap - 3o Bush Comb and Mirror 15e nvelpes- - - bc~ $4 Ses31.99 - $6 Sets $2.99 35 -d-------- $8 St 39 $10 Sets $4.99 XnsTraveUing Cam. 60c Bulk Paper, lb. - 29c tu leather with ipper 1o Padu - - - - 3c $10 cues - - - - $499 25ecPads- -- ---13 $5 cases - - - - $249 50c Correspondence Carde........... 19e 25c Boxes Stationery................ 9c $ 1.00 Boxes Statlonery............. 39e Space does not permit inclusion of mauy other bamgans ]Royal Visit Sale FIjse Welcoine Pennants, Enslgns, Etc. e -lo -15C - 25e - 39C - 69C Special Souvenir Box Cigarettes. ..-...soc Sweet Caporal Players Md, Players Medium 50's - Buy them in sets of tbree Specli StatIonery .................. 50e Picture o! King and Queeu ou caver suitable for franiing 25c Cadbury Chocolate with silver medal 25e Palmolive Soap & souvenir button 4 for, 23c FREEZIFiGHT MOTHS WITH Fancy Tumbler Moth Killer Crystals 16 oz. 39e - 2 for 7à with ~Moth Blockettes ..............Oc -V Certified SALIS 25e Moth Baga .......... 13e - 2 for VI H ealth Salta ENGUSH sTr% BOTE FORLarvex Outtits with Pump .......... $1 . BOE O ~ ..~Larvex Refuls .... 16 oz. 83e - 32 oz. $ 1.1 3C75e Moth Bags ......... 39e - 2 for 79 ________________________Whiz Inseet Killer......... 29e - 49e - 8 ,-Slter- 2c 5e lat r chen ata -09 Moth Ballas......... lb. 7c - 3 Ibs. 29 Me's Liver Pilla -Se - WC (0re ir - Pg.220-390 - 98 m'à Nerve Food - - - 490= '1s trct - -- $.00 Moth Flakes ........ lb. 7c - 3 lbs. 29 PROMPT OEIVERY '-.--- PAGE FIVE 35e MOTH BACS IL.r -9),90 5 Prescriptions Our Spocialty . Rý:- Prompt Servie. NOTICE Our Examiner wifl b. at Alex Mecregor, Drugs E3ownianvlie, Ont. il a.m. t. 2 pa. Glanes At PrimesTon Cm Afford. ALLIE»OMTCIANU 189 Tonte Street Toronto, Ont. Infaites Dellght Soap - - - 2 for fc Lux Soap 3 for lIf FREE NEW WOODBUIY witl, 3 caket Woodbury SoaP A23c Vinolia Castile Soap-- 10 cakes 25c *Cashmere Boquet Soap --2 cakes lc AILL FOR 3,04 Dye Sut. TUMtX, Rit and Diamod 2 Pkgs.-25c Dyola Dye % Oc Mum Two aises Uc- 5sc 60e Robinson's BrleY - -- -U33 $ 1.25 Plnkhamgs Compe. . .- -. 8. A tfle .j rl" m nm- mmmmm-mj Rý woubmenum 1*