T' T-. - -rkmTIkCMÂV A fk'5'5ITk i, 193 Zion Recent Visitors: Mr. Clii ford Johais, Ebefezer, at Mr. Wes. Camn- eron's. .. Miss Irene Pascoe, jean, Berha mi argaret Pascoe with Miss Ada Pascoe, Toronto. . . Mrs. Wes Cameron andi Joyce at Mr. Delbert Flintff'%lCedron. . . Miss Jean McMastr, '.Harshaw and Nancy who vi*gd at Mr. J. W. MdLMaster's; have returnedti t To- reta. Mss- Nancy Harshaw has be tur sehool for a week gett- img týRChing experience... Mr. .. Isher. Miss Ethel Roy and Mr. Bob 110Y. Oshawa. at .Ar. Ray Camer- on's. Mr. andi Mrs. Geo. Roberts, Miss Joyce Edigar, Mr. Vernon Os- borne. Oshawa, at Mr. A. T. Stain- iton's. . . Mr. anti Mrs. Sam French abnd Faye, Toronto. at Mr. Russel PerkinW... Mr. John Northcatt, Oshawa, at Mr. Russell Stainton's. ..Mr. and Mrs. Russell Perkcins anti Margaret visiteti Mrs. Lucy Ben- nett at Mr. M. Graham's, Cowan- ville.. Miss Margaret Perkins with Miss Marion Johns. Solina. . . Mr. anti Mrs. Ivor Gary anti sons. To- ronto. at Mr. F. B. Glaspel's.. Messrs Tom and Fred Martin. at Toronto. .. Miss Jean Leach. Sauina, at Mr. Norman Leach's. Miss Joyce Gif ford entertaîneti the C.G.I.T. girls on Saturday. Mrs. H. Flintai f hati some ladies at a auilting on Thursday. Mrs. J. Shaçkelton, Mrs. Fred Starkville Camneron. Miss Eiteen Stainton, Miss Bernice Chapmnan and Messrs John Nearly everybody in this sec- anti Lloyd Sfainton attendeti the tion is working on the landi. Minsfrel Show at King St. Church, Everybody is over the flu cpi- Oshawa. demie andi are now catchmng the Mr. and Mrs. T. Martin and fap- sprlng fever. ily have the fît,. Sarry to, learn that Rev. E. ______________ Bccch has decideti tQ leave us andi go to Roseneath. Sympathy la extendedti tathe Cadmus IlanZl andi friends of Elijah Bifi- _____lied whose fuatoral waa lgrgely attended i n Newtonvilllc Church Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Gibson. AI- Saturday,. 'i Ian and Douglas. Toronto., aent Sun- Sympathy la extendedti te Rv. day with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gibson. Thos. Wallace and famlly of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Black anti Greenbank ini the passing of Mrs. Mr. anti Mrs. Ray Blair spent Sun- Wallace. day with Mr. and Mrs. George Visitars: Mrs. Shutka and.dau- Fowler. gliter Nellie, visited li Oshawa... Mr. andi Mrs. Leo. Bedeau called Mr. andi Mrs. Herb. Gilmer and on Mrs. W. H. Fallis. Gwen were in Port Hope... Mrs. Y.P.U. and the W.A. were bath S. G. Halloweil with-Mrs. C. Reid, Postponed last week on account of Newtonvile... Mrs. Silvcr's sister road conditions. andi daughter, Toronto, Mrs. Bert A number of aur resitients are Ti'im and son Raymond, at Mrm. laid up witb f lu. Silver's. . . Mr. Jake Hailowell i Miss Birdie Fallis. Oshawa, who Newtonville. . . Miss Hazel Falis bas been convalescing from the f lu with bIrs. Lew Hallowell. . . Mr. visited her mother. Mrs. C. H. Fallis. andi Mrs. Wilfred MeKay, New- Mrs. George Fallis is visiting tonillfe, at Mrs. John McKay's.. Mrs. W. H. Fallis. Mr. andi Mrs. Laurence Savery andi sons, Newtonville, at Mr. anti Mrs. William Savery's. .. Mr. Silas Halaweil and Mr. Richard Hallo- Two it takes ta make a quarrel; well at Mr. andi Mrs. Sid Hallo- one can always endi it.--Spanish weil's, Elizabethviile. .. Mr. Cal- proverb. vi Dunn, Orono, at Mr. Arthur Dunn's. .. Mr. Lavern Farrow at' Port Hope ... Miss Mamaon Green at Orono.. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wil- Dth O rg n i son, Perrytown, with Mrs. 'War- jren Carson. , . Mr. Claudle Henry & RVO SA*L E] has returneti home from Toronto. A. E. MoUregor & Co., Hardware Kung Street-- Phono 774 - - Bowmanvle ; .C. Bonathan Phone 4422 - - Newcatle' Solina Recent Visitors: Miss Lena Tay- lor. R.N.. of B.T.S., Bowmanville, at Mr. A. J. Balson's. .. Miss Jessi( Yellowlees. Oshawa, at home... Miss Kathleen Baker at Mr. Chas. Howsam's. Port ....y... Mr. and Mrs. John, Garwooti anti family, Toronto. at Mr. Jack Reynolds'... Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parrinder ai Mr. Glover's, NMrth Oshawa... Miss Viola Shortt, Cane, at Mr. E. Pcnescott's. .. Mr. anti Mrs. Les. Collacott, Pearl anti Lenore, Maple Grove. at 'Mr. W. H. Westlake's, who is' confinedti ta is be.. . Mr. anti Mrs. Ralp)h Davis with Mr. anti Mrs. J. Black, Wootistock. .. Miss Elaine Ornuston. Bobcaygeon, with Misses Ella anti Verna 'Ormiston.. IMiss Jean Leach at Mr. Norman ILeach's. Taunton. . . Mr. anti Mrs. IBurney Hooey, Nestleton. at Mr. B. G. Stevens'. . . Mrs. S. E. Werry with Taranto anti Oshawa frientis. with MisparentsaMr.,ant MrsW Mih sr.eoscoe r.Bakedt.MrsW T. Baker.. . Mr. anti Mrs. Allan Balson, Kingston, at Mr. A. J. BaI- sons. Mr. Haroldi BaIson returneti ta Kingston with themn. An enjoyable time was' spent onf Thursdav evening at the home ai Mr. anti Mrs. H. E. Tinlc when about 65 frientis anti neighbours gatheredti t congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Percv Dewell on their marr- iage. Mr. Jack Xoeynolis, calleti the gathering ta ortier anti Mr. Chas. Shortritige read address. *Miss Ileen Balson. Mms. Wesley Yellowlees anti Mr. Tom Baker presenteti Percy anti Evelyn with a water set anti a Dýf STILL PIONEERING EY..H A RI Good News Reduaced Prices lu WOOL, BELDINO - CORTICELL makers of canada'.liii. grade woolu nBonace a W4a derful reduetion ln iuoeio Take advantage et. thue reductiom snow. The Wallpaper and Paintm son ls at Ia hcight. Seoit selection et patterns and colt béfore yen buy. Je We Jewel Flo-glaze Dealer Phono 556 BOWrnaVilj silver cream anti sugar set with tray. The bride anti groom responE thanking aIl for the ifts. Shi congratulatory speeches were nu by several. The remainder afi eveniniz was spent in a social w anti lunch was served. Mr. anti Mrs. H. E. Tink a Mrs. J. T. Runtile attendeti the fi eral of Mrs. Grace Allin, Newto ville. Monday. Inspector C. F. Cannon, Osham anti Dr. Amas. Inspector of Nomt Schools visiteti aur school. Miss Kathleen Baker was in T ranto Suntiay evening with Bowma ville HiRh School chair when tJi Presenteti a musical vrogzram Parktiale Unitedi Church. Enniskillen Jade thé. and wa, nal re- an- .ey Recent Visitors: Miss Anne Tre- wîn, Montr'eaI, at Mr. Siti Trewin's. .-Mr. anti Mrs. Whittaker, Oshawa, Mr. anti Mrs. James Latimer, New Toronto. at Mrs. Mary Gril iin's.. Mrs. W. Gril fin anti little Dqreen Rahm visiteti Mr. anti Mrs. L. Grif- fin. Purple Hill... Mr. anti Mrs. Chas. Shaw anti Jimmy. Orono. at Mrs. Wm.I Oke's. . . Mr. anti Mrs. P. Bowman anti Phyllis, Mr., a#id Mrs. N. Welsh. Oshawa. at Mrs. Etta Page's. .. Mr. anti Mrs. Rus- selI Wright anti family, Tyrone, a Wmn. Wright's. - . Miss Nora Wery Ketiron, and* Miss Joyce McGill with friends here. .. Mr. anti Mrs.tlI Jas. Latimer. New Toronto. at-Mrs. C. Burgmastemrs. .. Mr. anti Mrs. Stanley Hotigson, Tymone, aatMr. M. Heart's... Mrs. E. C. Ashton with ber tiaugliter, Mrs. 0. Travell, Oshawa. .. Mms. C. Austin who bas« been visiting frientis.ici Kingston is home... Mr. anti Mrs. Lloyd Ash- ton anti iamily, Haytion,:Miss Verna Ormiston, Oshawa, Mr. Gardon Werry, Orono, at Mr. Russell Or- miston's.t W.M.S. met in baseinent ai church with President Mrs.' H. McGill con- ductinz the meeting. Graup leader Mrs. T. McGill took cbiarge Qf ant interesting piogram cansisting ai readinRs bv Mrs. W. Stainton, Mrs. J. A. Werry, Mrs. Roy McGilI. Rev. H. Lackev explaineti the last cha pter of the Stutiy. Book, after which a vocal duet was Riven by Mrs. E. C. Ashton anti ber daughter June. Mrs. Lackey, Mrs. H. McGill, l Mrs. Hobbs anti Miss Joan. Miss Nora Werrv, Mrs. E. C. Ashton anti1 Rev. H. Lackey attentiet W. M. S.C Presbyterial Conierence at Oshawa.I Y.P. meeting was helti Victies-J day. Miss G. Grieve presideti. Pro- gramn was in charge ai Bill JohnsonS with scriPture reatiing by Allan Wearn; Mr Hobbs gave the topic t on "Shatiows ;" Miss Annie Rowan r favoureti with a piano solo; readinz bv Mrs. J. Burr; Piano sola by Miss Blanche Preston. Everyone taok partV in two cantests. V Maple Govr Recent Visitors: Mr. anti Mrs. Sain Snowden. Oshawa, calleti at Mr. John Snowýden's an Saturday.. Mrs. J. N. Tbickson andi Kay, Osh- awa, visiteti Mr. anti Mrs. John Snowden on Sunday. .. Mrs. Edigar Plewmian, who spent nearly thirty years in West China, visiteti Mr. anti Mn. F. Swalîow. .. Mr. anti Mrs. Peter Cymbmoski, Ketiron, with Mr. anti Mms. Leslie Collacutt... Mr. anti Mrs. J. L. Rooke, Mr. anti Mrs. Hamvey Swallow, Miss Jessie Swaîlow. Mr. anti Mrs. A. La.ckey, Toronto, visiteti Mr. anti Mn. F. Swaîlow. From Sunday tilI the endi ai New Time the Suntiay School will open at 1 p.m. Standard Time; anti the church service will start at 2 p.m. Standard Time. Annual W.M.S. Sunday service was helti Suntiay with a gooti turn- out. Guest speaker was Mrs. Edigar Plewman irom West China. who gqvc a talk on ber work. Music was frihdby menibers ai W.M.S., àbeautiful de a sung by Mrs. Eti. Panke anti Mrs. Charlie Runtile, Miss Etina Swallaw presideti at the organ. Maple Grave pupils titi well at the eliminatian musical cOntest at Orano as will be seen in another ,age. Lo>cal winners were: junior Boys,i Kay Lycett, lst: Junior Girls, Lor- yne White, Ist, Doris Stevens. 3rd; Senior BoIra, Ray Munday, tieti for iirst Place: Senior Girls, Lenore Coîlacutt. lst. Elimination contestj ai the chomuses 'anti duets will be( belti on Fitiay night ici Orono liall. ut ai e a lot Mr. and Mrs. Shears, Alberta. and M4r. Rogers, Toronto, weré guiests at the Stinair homne. Mrs. Luxton and *Mrs. Halfacre. Kendal. were *londay iguests. Mr. Cain. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cator, Miss B. Cator. Toronto, were Sun- dav visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. F. Cator. Mrs. F. Cator attended the funeral f the late Rev. J. T. Howard at Newcastle, Tuesday. Mr. E. Calor was ir, Bowmanville Hosvital Friday haviîig b is. tonsils .rnoe Hamipton e Recent Visitors: Mms. Smith, ci èBeamsville, la visiting lier daugbter, Mrs. E. AnthistW,... Mr. anti Mrs. G. Etiger, Mr. anti Mrs. C. Clemens,. Oshawa, Mr. anti Mri. J. H. Mc- Keever. Bowmanville., at Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilcox's ... Mrs. L. Cry- derman visited ber son, Mr. M. Cry- dernian, Oshawa. .. Miss Dorothy Holwell visiteti irientis in Toronto. ..Miss Isobel Rogers, Bowmanville, was home. .. Miss jean Johns, Bow- nanville, with her Parents. Mr. anti Mrs. Chas. Johns'. .. Mr. anti Mrs. H. Stevens. Enniskillen, at Mrs. E. Stevens'. . . Mrs. J. Bennett, Bow- manville with'relatives here. .. Miss Jenninzs. Bowmanville, visiteti Mr. andi Mre. Elmer Trimble. .. Mr. andi Mrs. Raymond Burns anti Bar- tiara Anne, Oshawa, at Mrs. Jas. Bjurns.. . Mr. anti Mrs. Arnoldi Damnant anti chiltiren, Bowmanville, visiteti Mr. anti Mrs. Gea. Burtt on Sunday... Mrs. K. Winterbtgrn wbo bas been illi anti w4th irientis in Bowmanville bas returneti home. Mns. Bessie Rabbins bas been re- ceiving medicel attention at Bow- manville Hospital having contracteti the f lu. She is somewhat improveti. .Srnie alterations anti imprave- ments are being mratie at the Cream- eçy. :i Wood bees are the ortier of the M Pon't tell anybody - but turn ta ~ge Il anti reati how J. R. Reynoldis -Wlîî save voti 20%. iMeasles are Prevalent in the coni- miuity. A number ai W.M.S. ladies at- tentiet the rally in Oshawa. Mr. anti Mrs. Marshall, Foxboro, are visitinoe their tiaughter, Mrs: Ted Chant. Mission Banti met Montiay anti aiter routine business Isobel Vivian Rave treasurer's report iolloweti by raIl caîl bv Gladys Kersiake. A pic- ture reatii was given by Shirley Pinkle anti a story by Mrs, J. R. eynoldis iollowed by prayer by Autirev Kersiake. Donald White cal- lectet ithe ai feringr anti Michael Sher- ba matie the tiedication prayer. Sev- eral 'Écran books were matie. Recent Visitors: Mr. Robert Wil- Ian, Toronto, witb Mrs. Wm. Stgele. ..Mrs. Frank Stinson home liroin Toronto. . . Miss Marion Stinson, Oshawa. at home.. . Mr. anti Mn. Ivan Sbook. Toronto. with Mrs. John Marlow.. . Mr. Robert Snmith, Toront. with Mr. anti Mrs. Chas. Smith. Mr. Robert Steele bas returnedti t thc *cortliern lumber - camp after recaveringiz rom an iiijury. Mir. H. T. Bell, Mrs. Earl Dorrell, Mrs.. A. Jabnston andi Mrs. Jabez Wright attentiet the W.M.S. ýon- vention in Oshawa. St. John's A.Y.P.A. members en- joyeti a trip 'trough the Gineral Motors plant in Oshawa, Thursday. Mr. anti Mrs. Harry Van Camp, Gleh, snd Mr. W. A. -Van Camp at Listewel. Mrs. W. A. Van Camp, who visiteti Mr. Nortan Van Camp, returned homn1e with them. W. A.- ofSt. John's Anglican .-humch met at Mrs. A. Bailey's rhursday night. Mrs. Wmn. Van Camp was ini charge ai prograrn. Words cawjot express aur sym- Pathy ta Mr. anti Mrs. Arthur Bailey anti amantiparents for the sati loss thev have sulierei. Accident is reporteti in another column. r c p E k rg Haydon Recent Visitors: Miss Anne Tre- win. Montreal, at home. . . Miss Jiean McLean, Mr. Alvin Boyd, Mr. John Slemon. Enniskillen. at Mr. C. Crossman's. .. Mr. and Mrs. L. Ashtoei and family at Mr. R. Or- miston's, Enniskillen... Mr. and Mr& R. Richards at Mr. W. H. Larmoer's. South Monaghan. .. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ashton and Mary Loui Brockville, Mrs. McGuire, To- ronto. at Mr. H. Ashton's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Ashton and Bar- bara, Mr. andi Mrs. F. McConnley, Port Hope. at Mr. L. -Graham's. Chtarch service next Sunday at 3 p.m. Congratulations ta Jean Cross- man on winniniz the Jr. Champion- Sh tthe Hobby Show. aDP.nti School Club met Tues- day evening with Pros. Mr. A. His in charae. A short progzram wff gziven with Mrs. E. Bradley ,n charge. Chorus by the school; piano duets by Mrs .E. A. Werry andi Mrs. Sale m "Dwell Deep,', wa the subi ect of Rcv. A. W. March's timely sermon Sunday afternoon. Y.P.U. meetingz April l7th openeti with hymn anti prayer. The Presi- dent was in the chair. Program was in charge of Miss J. Newman and began with a hymn ani bible reading by the leader. bible readings were given by dii feront members; topic, taken by M, L. Squair; readingsN Miss R. POIllid and Mrs. S. But- tery; piano solo, Miss M. Collacutt; mouthorgan selection, Mr. W. Tay- lor: vocal solo. Mr. H. Barrie. A geogzraphy contest was conducted by the leader. Attentiance 17. A succ essftil carti party was stageti at thé school bhouse Friday even- inz when a oeoodly number were in attendance. Over $16 was realizeti in aid of a fundti t pay expenses, of ta accident, which occurred while the chiîdren were at play, one of the Pirîs having ber arm batily dislo- Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. J. McLaughlin with bis brother, Mr. George McLaughlin Toronto, who is very s..... . Mrs. C. Sanderson is home aiter viSiting relatives in To-. ronto. .. Mrs. C. Dean who is re- covering from a long illness is home irom Oshawa... Miss Evelyn Ste- venson. Bethany, witb ber sister, Mrs. D. Gatchell. .. Mr. anti Mrs. Frank Hoskin and Joan, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Hoskin. Our deePest aympathy is extend- eti ta Mr. anti Mrs. Arthur Bailey, Blackstock in the loss of their only son, Ross. Recent Visitors: Mr. anti Mrs. E. Ormiston anti Miss Elane anti Wal- ter. Bobcaygeon, at Mr. Hoskin Smith's. .. Mrs. Frank Gilbert in Toronto. . Mrs. G. Bowman in Osh- awa. Mr. anti Mrs. Hamoer, OshaWa, have movedti t the Scott farmn on the town ine. Congratulations, ta Mr. anti Mrs. Howardi Grass !on their marniagle. The bride. nee Elsa Bowman, was youngest tiaugliter of Mr. anti Mrs. Thos. Bowman, the groom was the Only son ai Councillor anti Mrs. A. Glass. Columbus. Tbey were marrieti by Rev. Mr. Craiz in'Ottawa, April 1Sth. The bride was very attractive in, Pale blue net iboor length, with a single rose ici ber hair. Following their marriage they dineti at the Chateau Laurier. They motorqdti t New York City ta spenti their honey- moon. They will reside near Col- umbus. The farmers bave starteti plowing here.. Mr.. anti Mrs. Geo. Ormiston are ROY Nichols Opens AID -SERVICE DEPI. H. McGill. Misses Blanche Degeer anti Freda Bradley. reading by Mrs. R. McGill. These officers were elect- ed for eomning year: Presitient-Mr. iC. Avery, Vice-Pres. - Mrs. C. Crossman: Treas.-Mrs. E. Bradley; Sec.-Miss J. Knox; Pianist-Miss F. Bradlev. Executive-Messrs L. Ashton. A. Huis, T. Mountjoy, W. Trewin. M. Siluon. Contests were enjayeti and lunch serveti. 'Loeng Sault Mr. Bert Rice bas returned home after svending most af the winter in Winnipeg, Man.' Miss Mabel *McRoberts bas ac- centeti a Position ini Oshawa. Mrs. Fred Smith bas been holiday- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. Smith. Bowmanville. Mr. Marten Varnum is in a ser- iotas condition in Toronto General Hospital. George Harvey passed away Sun- day night after ailing for sometime. Master Marshal Miller is the o)nly new beginner attending school this season. 21s~4I2s 1 B US 15- - 350 V- UU4o LIEBUOY SAVE CREAM Lb. ENGLuSE HALTH 10e LIFEUOT SOAP i.GLAiS m BLE Boti for 30c ýBot:for 3ec Ari Border Prints Cost M6 More than Ordhnary Maotures. ý .Try Our De veloping and Printing. 69 P.5R.COWLING, Phm.B.@ED "&GoIIy, tI'm putting on weight since wesev CORBETT'S GOOS" PHONE 890 Growing youngsters, esleaiy, need tic nutrition which eornes with vltarnln-fifled Corbett pro- ducts. They need food tiiat will replenishtr stock ofeteCrg. and add a surplus te helpetié vital growIng-proess. Our bakery go0d" offer mit that: they are Pure, wholcsornc, and energmlng. They're a pleasant source for vita- Ming, Bond in P.K. fGum wrappers And participate in Treauure Trail Radio Progralm Tuesday nlghts You mgy win the big prise,, - Buy then at Oorbett's. IN O WMAN VILLE Bownianviile customers will be delighted te learn that they cmii now buy their General Motors Cars in Bowmanvifle and cmii have them serviced here. Roy Nichais, this week, announced thie opening of new showrooms and service deparinnent i a re- novateti building at the. west end of the town on King Street. Here, i addition te displaying new and used caiis, a trained mechaic io prepared to -haidie ail serviohng. Bil Fairhead, Who has gained a fine reputation in tus district as a car salesman wiil b.i charge of te showrooms aàid is fuily qualified to demonstrate the excellmnce of our cars to, you. Bil Davidson, also kènown throughout the county as oie of the finest mechanhes, will b.i charge of the. service deparu- ment aid will take care of greaaing, repairing aid general service work of new aid used cars. If You are i the markeQt for a new or used car, why net cornei te Niohols' Bowinanvllo showroom and Ueo what they have te offer. At the prebent time, used car are being sold at bargain prices. Take advantage of the reductions aid buy before the. bout are picked up. 1 ROY NICHOLS.' New end Use*i Cepealer Bowmanville Courtice I * . ..... D. T. Moth Elilr -.,tc Larvex pay-534t 'vv demands constant pionering-discevering and ItJ~ ~developing the new and botter method of doing Gtise things we have te do. ime was when th 'e Introduction cf a new imploment was aI MeM- erable and historlc *ent, but these were the ëarly days in the oppli- cation ocf mechanica te farming opeoatons. Today, changes succeed sch otiser wlth greater rapidity and even tihe meat revolutionary Innovaions ore occeptod wlth litfle acclalm. M«t In any pe rlod of th. ninefy years of Massey-Harris histery has auch sMI beon employed in the designing and doveloping ef machines for the farm as tiser. la today. The Company's enginecrs, Ini thoîr extensive field exponiments, are contantly testing new ideas and develeplng, under actuel conditions, machines and attachmonts specifi. «Mly autod ta thse requiremonts of the terrltery fer which they are intonded, Thus, whether It b. a ene-handled wallng plow te ho used by a pative, and even perhaps drawn by natives, on the. South African veldt; a power-driven mower ta cope wlth thse luxuriantgrowth cf grass on on I, slh meadow, or Use One-Way Dsc Seeder developed te holp tii.. * f~aiwron the prairies of Western Canada combat soil drifting, If I ,4resulf of definite scientiflc research by the Company's field engineers. 4#nd Ini the moterlzod mochanizatien that la taklng place Ini farmîng q»,rtIons, Massey-Harrls la; Ini1he forefront, sf111 ploneerlng Ini bringing #0 fami thUe latesf developments Ini Tractera, Combines and othor Pwerequipment. 1 .. 1 - 1 COWLIt$G SELLS THE BESI And Serves You Well W. Tust Ees and Fit Tru bto Y r Entfre Satisfaction in Fit, Qualfty amd pmce,. CERESAN (P@wder), MiE Gra n&mut and trealmont cmi be done a imonth in adnace. 1 lb. - $1.00 5SIbo. -*$3.90 FORMALIN The wet treatment 1lM. - 252lbtu. -4 Vel#etta Tiumues- -9 »odr I~ils - - = 27c Tooth frAbb". - 9 100 A .s A. Tais. - -» 9 Felows SYMP -»-87c 1 -1b. Abiorbl1t Cotton 29c Thistlebloom (4-ply) B anl ................... .... i Zeplirene (3-ply> Chiffon Flous (2-ply) B ail ......................... 1. 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLK ONTARTÉ1 èrMTRRnAV APRTT- "Tl4 loin . Burketon Blackstock courtice